"Hercules and the Odyssey Experience" is the 48th episode of Hercules: The Animated Series that aired on February 19, 1999.
Upon visiting Odysseus' traveling museum, Hercules meets Odysseus' shy and awkward son, Telemachus. Odysseus takes Hercules aside out of Telemachus' hearing range and asks him to be with Telemachus, "He's a little...how shall I say? Uh...timid." Hercules thanks Odysseus for signing his scroll as Odysseus jerks his head towards Telemachus as a reminder. Hercules then invites Telemachus to come check out the ship with him where they meet three spare ex-crew members of the Argo: Vic, Bootes, and Lynceus. The bag of wind from King Aeolus is accidentally opened, and Hercules finds himself with Telemachus and the ex-crew members out at sea trying to get home.
The group encounter a number of threats, including the dangerous and beautiful Sirens, cyclopes, and the Passage between Scylla and Charybdis. Throughout the journey, Telemachus learns to be confident in himself. At the Passage, when it's revealed to him that his parents are in danger as they had ironically came to rescue him, Telemachus shouts to Hercules that, "My parents are being sucked into Charybdis!" Hercules encouraged him to rescue them with, "It's up to you to save them, Telemachus. You can do it!" And it helps Telemachus find the self-confidence to rescue them. Hercules takes on Scylla and manages to trap it in a cave.
After Telemachus rescues everyone, Hercules pulls them all to safety. Odysseus goes on to tell Telemachus how proud he is, "You'll have to tell me all about your odyssey." Zeus then appears revealing he'd been looking for Hercules for some time, "Can I give you a lift?" He then recognizes Odysseus and compliments him on his scroll, "It's the hot read on Olympus." Odysseus thanks him and introduces Telemachus to him. Zeus replies, "You must be very proud." Odysseus, gazing at Telemachus, answers in the affirmative.
The episode ends with Zeus asking Odysseus, "Doesn't he just give you fits sometimes?" Odysseus tells him, "Don't even get me started." as Zeus takes them back home.
Hercules - Tate Donovan
Odysseus - Steven Weber
Telemachus - Justin Shenkarow
Vic - Fred Willard
Lynceus - Larry Miller
Bootes - Steven Wright