Jafar is one of the two primary antagonists of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland and an antagonist in the sixth season of Once Upon a Time.
He is based on both the Wicked Sorcerer from the Arabian Nights tales and the character of the same name from Disney's 1992 animated film Aladdin.
Powers and abilities[]
- Magic: Jafar is one of the most powerful sorcerers from both Agrabah and Wonderland. He has great knowledge about dark and forbidden magic and has a large arsenal of spells, curses and magical traps.
- Transfiguration/Shapeshifting: Jafar is able to turn human beings into animals or changing the physical aspect of himself or others.
- Summoning: Jafar is able to summon objects or beings through the magic, often materializing it in one hand via a red smoke.
- Teleportation: Jafar can move from one place to another at will, disappearing into what looks like a red smoke formation.
- Weather Manipulation: He's shown the ability to control and conjure weather.
- Telekinesis: As a sorcerer, Jafar is capable of manipulating objects or people without physically touching them.
- Energy Blasts: He's shown the ability to create magical blasts to harm the enemies and the objects in his way.
- Magical Immobilization: Jafar can freeze people with just a thought.
- Flight: Jafar can use the Magic Carpet to fly.
- Genie Powers: After becoming a genie, Jafar became a being capable of rewrite reality itself. However, in the same way as Genie, he was still bound by the rules of being a genie, meaning that he was unable to physically kill anyone, make people fall in love with each other or bring people back from the dead. He also was unable to travel outside the close proximity of his lamp.
- Laws of Magic: Like any magician or sorcerer, Jafar is subject to the laws of magic, as a result he is unable to raise the dead, create love and time travel.
- Enchanted Cuffs: As shown (on-screen) cuffs that are enchanted to block magic have the same effect on him as anyone else.
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland[]
In his early life, he was the "bastard child" of the Sultan that was abandoned by him. Jafar's mother Ulima (who worked as a Healer) died when Jafar was young, and he is sent to a palace to meet his father. Jafar attempts to steal a guard's dagger, though he is caught and brought before the Sultan. The Sultan learns from Jafar that Ulima is dead, and thus allows Jafar to stay at the palace as a servant to the Royal Family, though he must not call him father. Jafar later accidentally breaks this rule, causing the Sultan to almost drown him and leave him in a garbage dump. He is then taken in by a blacksmith, who constantly punishes him. One day, Jafar encounters a sorceress named Amara (colloquially known as "the Serpent") with whom he trains to take revenge on the Sultan. As his training progresses, he lets a man named Alik die from a poisoned wine in order to learn spells. Amara and Jafar plan to obtain genie magic to become the most powerful sorcerers in the world. Jafar and Amara successfully obtain a genie bottle each, though Jafar learns of a third in Agrabah. He then tricks Amara, transforming her into a snake and converting it into his staff. Jafar later confronts the Sultan where he kills the Sultan's heir Mirza.
Ten years later, Jafar forms an alliance with the Red Queen, though he only uses her as a pawn to bring Alice to Wonderland. He then attempts to kill the Red Queen until she reminds him that she is the only one who knows of Alice's location. In a flashback, it is shown that Alice's lover Cyrus was saved from being thrown into the Boiling Sea by Jafar (who had his magic carpet appear beneath Cyrus), who is now keeping him, prisoner, in his home. Following Cyrus' escape and the plot to use Edwin to have Alice use her second wish, it is revealed that the Old Prisoner also in Jafar's home is the Sultan. Jafar keeps him from falling to his doom, keeping him alive long enough to witness his final move on Alice. The Red Queen's servant is shown to have an allegiance with Jafar, stealing Cyrus' genie bottle from her palace and giving it to Jafar. However, Jafar soon realizes this to be a fake and casts a storm to kill the Red Queen, who captures Cyrus and orders him to locate the pair to Alice.
There, they meet the Knave and White Rabbit, and the Red Queen pleads for Alice to order the White Rabbit to create a portal to escape, though Alice demands to know why she formed an allegiance with Jafar to begin with. She reveals the reason to be because she wants Jafar to change the Laws of Magic in order to go back in time and stay with Will. Alice reluctantly orders White Rabbit to dig, though a lightning bolt rebounds from the Red Queen's genie bottle and injures the Knave. Because of Alice's first wish, she temporarily dies in Cyrus' arms, until the Knave makes Alice's final wish by wishing for her suffering to stop. Alice awakens and learns that the Knave has freed Cyrus from his genie status, though the Knave trades his place within the bottle.
Jafar later claims the bottle from the Red Queen and prepares to use his magic to tap into the genie magic. When he is unable to, Jafar finds out that the Knave of Hearts doesn't have his heart in him after it was removed by Cora and plans to claim it. Even though Jafar manages to claim the Knave of Hearts' heart, his staff suddenly works against him causing Jafar to retreat. Upon placing the Knave of Hearts' heart back into his body, Jafar then stabs the Red Queen.
When Jafar invokes the ritual with the three bottles, he gains the ability to change the laws of magic. His first act was to make his father love him like he should've been loved before making the water appear in his father's lungs. After pinning the Jabberwocky to the wall with the Vorpal Blade, Jafar raises an army of previously dead soldiers to help in his conquest of Wonderland. When it came to the fight at the Well of Wishes, Jafar dissolved Amara into the water she planned to return to Nyx. When Alice makes her attempt to return the water in order to break Nyx's genie curse, Jafar steals the water from Alice. This results in Nyx evoking the genie curse on Jafar and sending his bottle to another location. Once that was done, Jafar's change on the laws of magic was undone.
Once Upon a Time[]
- Naveen Andrews was unable to reprise his role in the sixth season of Once Upon a time, and was instead portrayed by Oded Fehr.