"Mickey and the Culture Clash" is the fifty-second and the final episode of House of Mouse, it originally aired on Toon Disney's New For You Show! on October 24, 2003.
Due to one of Clarabelle Cow's rumors, Mickey thinks that Minnie is looking for a more sophisticated boyfriend, and Mortimer offers to "help." At the end of the episode, they find out it was Mortimer Mouse looking for a new pal.
- This was the final episode of the series to be released before the late Rod Roddy's death a few days after it was aired.
- This is Mortimer's final appearance in the House of Mouse, as well as the final appearances of everyone else in the series.
- Donald and Daisy do not appear in this episode.
- This doesn't end with a sponsor.
- Two appearances of Ariel appeared in the background of this episode when Minnie sees Mickey painting.