- “The Sultan does not tolerate thieves in Agrabah. And more importantly, neither do I. Our city has become overrun. You vermin, nothing more than street rats.”
- ―Jafar
"Street Rats" is the fifth episode of the sixth season of ABC's Once Upon a Time and the one hundred and sixteenth episode of the series overall. It premiered on October 23, 2016. It was written by show creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and directed by Norman Buckley.
In a flashback to Agrabah, Princess Jasmine recruits Aladdin to help her recover a secret weapon capable of breaking Jafar's hold on the Sultan and saving the city from ruin. Their quest takes them to the Cave of Wonders, where Aladdin's fate is revealed. In Storybrooke, the Evil Queen tricks Hook and the Charmings and forces Emma to reveal her secret in an effort to divide the family. While the Evil Queen pampers Zelena, elsewhere in town, Regina and our heroes scramble to learn what became of Aladdin.
Opening sequence[]
The hourglass is featured in the forest.
In the Character's Past[]
"Many years ago" in the capital of Agrabah, Jafar is lecturing the common people about their theft, and proves to them that it will not be tolerated by turning the ones he suspects into street rats. At the same time, Aladdin, who has managed to outsmart Jafar so far but is reluctant to fight against him, is recruited by Jasmine to help steal a powerful and magical weapon in the world called "the Diamond in the Rough" While en route to the Cave of Wonders, which is where the weapon is located based on the books Jasmine had with her, both Jasmine and Aladdin are bickering over the claims until they reach the location, where upon their arrival, Aladdin yells "open sesame," and opens the cave. As the two enter, they discover the gem balancing on a sword. Taking no chances as they believe the item to be cursed, Aladdin replaces the gem’s weight with another object, when a crumbling column falls on them. Suddenly, Aladdin conjured magic to save them both, and Jasmine soon discovered that Aladdin was the Diamond in the Rough all along.
Later on, after Jasmine gives Aladdin a gift, which is a scarab that represents heroism, Jafar appears to show Aladdin his future by using the red bird, revealed to be the "Oracle" to show Aladdin that he will face an untimely death, and there is one way to alter his destiny, with a pair of golden shears that once belonged to the Fates and go back to living a normal life as a rich man. However, it turns out that Jafar had deceived Aladdin. When Jasmine returned to seek help from her father, he was already under Jafar's command, as Jafar arrived and places Jasmine in his hourglass prison. Out of nowhere, Aladdin save the day by flying into the castle on a Magic Carpet, as he begins his new destiny as The Savior. However, when Aladdin later asks Jasmine to run away with her and help him fight Jafar, she turns him down, saying she wants to defend her kingdom.
In Storybrooke[]
In the present day, Emma and Archie followed the red bird that leads to the Oracle, but they're too late and they find her dead body, and when they see Shirin escape the two catches her, and is taken to the Sheriffs station, where during a interrogation Shirin reveals herself to be Jasmine, and Emma, Snow, and David immediately believe in her innocence, until Jasmine shocked them, and especially Emma, when she refers to Aladdin as "the Savior". When Archie gets back to his office, the Evil Queen is waiting, ready to take advantage of The Oracle's death to manipulate Emma. When Archie refuses to help her, she ties up Archie and transforms into a lookalike Archie, sending the real one to Zelena's house. The "Fake" Archie (evil queen in disguise) then chats with Emma, who believes there is hope for her yet. As The Evil Queen continued her role as Archie, she confronts Emma in front of her family and implores her to tell them about her secret visions, before "he" leaves and turns back into the Evil Queen, as Emma's family are angry with her for not telling the truth to them, and now has Regina concerned that she might be the hooded killer.
While the family started wondering where the real Archie went, he was at Zelena's, watching the baby while she and The Evil Queen went to the spa and catch up on the bonding with the Evil Queen convincing Zelena that she can embrace her wickedness without losing her daughter, as she admits to having lied to Henry about caring for him as a son. When they return home, Zelena turns Archie into a cricket once again, putting him in a cage that hangs above her baby's crib.
Later on, Regina makes a potion that links the magic of two Saviors, and once Emma drinks it, she'll be able to track Aladdin. They follow his traces to a crypt in a cemetery, where Jasmine is devastated to find the scarab, believing Aladdin had died and Emma worried about her fate. When Emma and Henry have a conversation about what the future holds for them, Aladdin appears out of hiding, admitting that he used the scarab to throw them off, but changed his mind after he heard them talk. Aladdin explains that he ended up using the shears that ultimately doomed Agrabah. He gives the shears to Emma, letting her choose if she wants to use them someday. Emma and Henry then convince Aladdin to go back to Jasmine, but the reunion is cut short when Jasmine explains that she needs his help to defend Agrabah again, only to have Aladdin try to explain his reason why he might not. As for the fate shears, Emma gives them to Hook, who plans to bury them "Leagues under the sea." Unfortunately, after Emma kissed him as she about to order dinner, Hook lied to her as he kept the fate shears inside his jacket.
Guest Starring[]
- The episode's title is a reference to Aladdin, as well as a lyric from the song "One Jump Ahead", from the film.
- The Evil Queen convinces Zelena to not repress her wickedness and to instead use it with raising Robin to avoid the same trouble Regina had with Henry about hiding her true self (though Zelena ultimately moves on from her wickedness, she did raise Robin to be fully aware of her mother's past).
- Killian, Snow, David, and Henry find out about Emma's visions.