Genshin Impact Viki
Genshin Impact Viki


Başlık ve GereksinimlerAyrıntılar
MerhabaAdım Ningguang, Yedi Yıldız'ın Tianquan'ı. Bazı şeyleri takas yapmak ister misin? Benim şahsi korumam ol, ben de Liyue'de nasıl ilerleyeceğini göstereyim.
Sohbet: AntikalarBir antika değersiz olsa da, getirdiği mutluluk sadece onu elde edene kadar sürer.
Sohbet: Ticaret SavaşlarıMükemmel bir avcı, ticaret savaşlarında hiç iz bırakmaz.
Sohbet: YatırımlarYeni bir yatırım bulmalıyız. Mora dediğin ağaçta yetişmiyor.
Yağmur Yağdığı ZamanHah, yağmur yağıyor. Bana bir şemsiye bulabilir misin?
Kar Yağdığı ZamanSıradan bir kar yağışından başka bir şey değil. Bir gün seni Liyue'ye götüreceğim ki orada yağan "kar"ı görebilesin.
Güneş Battığı ZamanHava düzeldi mi? Gözlerine inanma. Gözlerin seni aldatabilir.
Rüzgâr Estiği ZamanBu tarz fırtınalar balıkçıların başına bela olabilir. Şeyden bahsetmiyorum bile... Heh, boşver.
GünaydınGünaydın. Yapacağın işleri önem sırasına göre bildir.
TünaydınLiuli Konağı mı? Xinyue Köşkü mü? Öğle yemeği için nereye gitmek istersin?
İyi akşamlar
UI Quest Elveda Kadim Hükümdar
Çayevinde yer yok mu? O zaman Yeşim Konak'a gel... Tabii ücretini karşılayabilirsen...
İyi GecelerElbette. Git ve dinlen. Önemli bir durum olursa, sana haber vermek için birini gönderirim.
About Ningguang: WorldviewBe it simple price negotiation or a full-blown trade war, momentum and bargaining chips are but minor factors. To win, you need to be first to find out what cards your opponent is holding.
About Ningguang: Impression
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
UI Quest A New Star Approaches
Your impressions of me have changed? Haha, well, at first I required your strength, so naturally I had to be as cordial as possible. But now that we are partners bound by contract, we may do away with such pretentious formalities.
About Us: RumorsI suppose you've heard enough rumors about me. Hehe... What kind of person am I? I shall leave that for you to decide... Of course, your judgement will become a part of the rumor.
About Us: Observing
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 6
You've been with me for some time now. Have you learned to observe? Then observe me. Observe me right down to my very core.
About Us: Jade Chamber
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 6
UI Quest Farewell, Archaic Lord
Come forward, stand beside me. Do you see the Jade Chamber? At first it was just a room, and now it clouds Liyue. When the time comes that it hangs above all of the seven nations, you shall stand by my side on that day too.
About the Vision
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
There's no need to use a Vision in affairs that Mora can solve. As far as affairs only a Vision can solve go, I know of only one...
Something to Share: BankerGamblers always place their bets on the next dice roll... But the bankers always have the last laugh, and they never touch a single die.
Something to Share: Goal
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 6
UI Quest A New Star Approaches
The departure of Rex Lapis will be no small test for both the Qixing and the city of Liyue. Seldom has any matter kept me tossing and turning at night like recent events.
Nevertheless, I shall not lose sight of my goal. There will come a day when the shadow cast by the Jade Chamber reaches every end of Teyvat.
Interesting ThingsIn Liyue's ancient texts, there's no shortage of mentioning the beauty of the glaze lily, but in the modern era, the flower is on the brink of extinction. Now they can only be found in Yujing Terrace, and as such to come with a hefty price tag.
About Beidou: Fines
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
That... captain. She clearly receives the adoration of many, but will always be the first to disregard the rules. The fines she has paid would be enough to buy her a whole new ship...
About Beidou: Attitude
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
Perhaps you've never heard me speak like this. All that can be said has been said — both the good and the bad — but she still does as she pleases. Forget it. Keep Beidou out of my sight.
About Zhongli
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
Zhongli... Of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. He's very versed in a great deal of affairs. Although... such excellent pawns are of no use to me until I know their weaknesses.
About Xingqiu
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
The second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. People like him can't stand the sight of me, which is only to be expected. I have no intention of troubling him either. Those who have different beliefs should not work together.
About Xiangling
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
That girl from Wanmin Restaurant... Her suspicion towards me is always written all over her face... Hehe, I wonder what face she would make if only she knew how much I helped finance that restaurant...
About Ganyu
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
One cannot afford to be overly reliant on others — even when it comes to Ganyu. There is a Liyue saying which goes, "Even the most meticulous can fall prey to happenstance." When there are important affairs to deal with, it is always safer to investigate and resolve it personally.
About Yaoyao
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
I presume you mean the girl whom Ganyu has taken under her wing. Do not worry, I have no plans to make this matter public. I am content to extend some leniency to the odd bit of mischievous maneuvering by that boat captain. One thing, though — Yaoyao seems to have become somewhat enamored with seafood lately. You should try to convince her to include some more fruits and vegetables in her diet.
About Keqing
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
UI Quest A New Star Approaches
Yuheng... She has changed a lot recently. But is Liyue better off with the Yuheng we have now, or the Yuheng we used to know? Only time will tell.
(Actual Voice-Over: The Yuheng... She has changed a lot recently. But is Liyue better off with the Yuheng we have now, or the Yuheng we used to know? Only time will tell.)
About Jean
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
The Acting Grand Master of Mondstadt, a strict and impeccable woman. Her flawless etiquette knows no fault, even her letters are meticulously written and creased according to the prescribed rules. It is such easily overlooked details that offer a glimpse into the true qualities of one's character.
About Yanfei
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
Yanfei? I suppose you could say she's a dear rival of mine... Were she not so deft at explaining the meanders of the law and providing her clients with all sorts of cunning suggestions, it would take me many more months to identify existing loopholes in the legal codices and tighten them one by one.
About Shenhe
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
UI Quest The Crane Returns on the Wind
How is Miss Shenhe doing as of late? Please, look out for her whenever you can. I am most grateful to both of you for your assistance with rebuilding the Jade Chamber. Ahem, and on a more personal note — please know that if you are ever free, a cup of the finest tea will always be waiting for you here.
About Yun Jin
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
Yun Jin... Are you able to appreciate her performances? It might be difficult at first, but I would encourage you to give it a chance. The reason why I decided to invest into her opera troupe is quite simple: Elegant art forms like these deserve to be passed down to future generations.
About Yelan
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
She's a very interesting character. I can say with the utmost confidence that she is someone I trust unreservedly. She handles herself impeccably, which means she stays beyond reproach. Hehe, since you both have high intelligence in common, hopefully you will get along very well.
More About Ningguang: ISeeing as it's you, there's no need to keep up the formalities. You can be a little more casual. But I still ask that you respect my time. If you have something to say, be concise — I have no time to waste.
More About Ningguang: II
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 3
I've always believed that children are the most naive and innocent. The reports they give me are of the most value. So what about you? What will you have for me?
More About Ningguang: III
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 4
I've been thinking about something lately. If I were to keep you in Liyue, perhaps... at the right time, I might be able to leverage this city to... For now, it's mere conjecture. I should really consider whether the investment is worth it some more.
More About Ningguang: IV
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 5
You can learn from me, and use Mora to make things a little easier for yourself. But remember, relationships built on Mora can only be relied on for a time. Hehe... and that is why I have never brought Mora into our relationship.
More About Ningguang: V
Item Companionship EXP Arkadaşlık Sv. 6
This is truly a great investment. Sure, no Mora has been made from it, but the time I've spent with you is already a solid return. Haha, seems I win again — I put my money on the right person.
Ningguang's HobbiesCare for a game of Liyue Millennial? It'll give me an opportunity to see exactly how good you are as a player.
Ningguang's TroublesConcerns? If I told you the concerns of the Liyue Qixing, do you think your shoulders could bear the burden? And, if you ever make the mistake of mentioning them to others...
Favorite FoodA slow-boiled soup of leftover chicken and pork bones drenched over some cabbage leaves. I have few culinary requirements. Having a few staple dishes like this is enough.
Least Favorite FoodI've come across those who demand golden crab for every meal. Though it all seems so grandiose, I really have no desire for such frivolousness. If you're ever thinking of taking me out for such a dinner, you'd be better off just giving the Mora to me directly.
Receiving a Gift: IMmm... You have surpassed my expectations, again.
Receiving a Gift: IIWith some things, if you haven't grasped the essentials, all the hard work in the world can go to waste... Know what I mean?
Receiving a Gift: IIIUgh... It's the thought that counts.
Birthday (Aether Version)These are some of Liyue's finest brocades, woven from silk flowers. This one is for you, and this one... I hope that someday soon, you will be able to give it to your sister and I hope that she'll like it. I wish you both a happy birthday.
Birthday (Lumine Version)This is one of Liyue's finest brocades, woven from Silk Flower's. You can use it to have some clothing made, and have a happy birthday.
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Yükseltme Aşaması 1
There's no style in resorting to violence. It's simply the worst of all the bad decisions you could make.
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Yükseltme Aşaması 2
Cashing in time and Mora for power... Interesting. This shows their true value.
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Yükseltme Aşaması 4
What is it that you hold so dear that is making you so persistent...? No, don't tell me. Give me more time to understand you myself.
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Yükseltme Aşaması 6
I'm usually not so quick to place my trust in others, but it seems I will no longer be able to make such claims. You've done splendidly. If only I had more like you... No, perhaps you... alone are enough.


Element BecerisiIt's nothing.
Don't waste my time.
Hmph! Give up.
Element PatlamasıYour life is mine.
Depar Başlangıcı
Depar SonuNingguang repliklerinde Depar Sonu bulunmamaktadır.
Kanadı Açma
Hazine Sandığı AçmaA keen eye.
We can't have treasure unaccounted for.
Wealth... why settle for less than more?
Düşük CanYou dare to hit me?
I'll remember that.
Düşük Canlı Takım ArkadaşıYou're out of moves.
Given the circumstances, I'm happy to help.
Yere SerilmeWe are all but pawns...
The victor has been decided...
Is this the end of Tianquan?
Hafif Darbe AlmaUgh... rude.
Ağır Darbe AlmaUgh! You wait!
Ugh! Blood repays blood!
Gruba KatılmaUnderstood.
Let's make haste.
Don't disappoint me.
Karakter Boşta
(Not: Sohbet & Hava Durumu replikleri boştayken duyulabilir.)
Ningguang repliklerinde Karakter Boşta bulunmamaktadır.
Hafif Saldırı
Ara Saldırı
Ağır Saldırı
Tırmanma NefesiNingguang repliklerinde Tırmanma Nefesi bulunmamaktadır.

