They are shown in collective groups of varying organizational sizes ranging from squads to legions and, in some cases, their armor and training are modified for special operations and environments.
With the falling of the Old Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Clone Troopers were rechristened as Imperial Stormtroopers or were replaced by them. Without the guidance of their Jedi officers, Stormtroopers were "cut loose" to brutally enforce the new Imperial doctrine, to which they quickly built a reputation as merciless, uncompromising soldiers indoctrinated with unconditional loyalty to Emperor Palpatine. As the Empire went on, many races feared these troopers, and were threatened to be arrested or killed on sight if anyone dared tried to mess with them or fight back. Alternatively, these troopers where noticeably less combat efficient than their counterparts from the Clone Wars, and relied more on weaponry and masses to achieve victory. They were also similarly disposable and expendable as the Clone Troopers.
The Stormtroopers are loyal and obedient, and they never question orders from high-ranking officials. They are also very merciless in battle.
Though many Stormtroopers are quite inaccurate at shooting their targets (mostly new recruits or inexperienced individuals), certain divisions, such as the Death Troopers and the Special Commando Advanced Recon (SCAR) troopers were exceedingly formidable, being able to gun down almost any opponent in combat. Some like Sergeant Kreel and his SCAR trooper squad (introduced in Marvel Comics' Star Wars series) were even capable of and specialized in using lightsabers, sniper rifles, melee weapons, martial arts, demolition equipment, and heavy artillery. However, the most feared Stormtroopers were the unit known as the 501st Legion, commonly sporting the moniker of "Vader's Fist". They served directly under Darth Vader himself, and often accompanied the Sith Lord on his most important missions, including the Battle of Hoth.
Marksmanship: Stormtroopers are trained at very young ages to be skilled in utilizing blaster pistols and blaster rifles. Despite this, many stormtroopers are terrible at shooting their targets, as they miss every single one of them, even at point-blank range.
Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Stormtroopers are trained at very young ages to be skilled hand-to-hand combatants. Despite this, many stormtroopers are not very effective in unarmed combat, as they rely more on weaponry to achieve victory.
Weapons and Equipment[]
E-11 medium blaster rifle: Stormtroopers utilizes the E-11 medium blaster rifle as their weapon of choice.
DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle: Stormtroopers utilizes the DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle as their second weapon of choice.
DLT-20A laser rifle: Stormtroopers utilizes the DLT-20A laser rifle as their third weapon of choice.
RT-97C heavy blaster rifle: Stormtroopers utilizes the RT-97C heavy blaster rifle as their fourth weapon of choice
T-21 light repeating blaster: Stormtroopers utilizes the DLT-20A laser rifle as their fifth weapon of choice.
Stormtrooper armor: Stormtroopers utilize armor to protect them from enemies in battle. However, the armor is largely ineffective, and a blaster shot to the chest is still almost always fatal.
Stormtrooper helmet: Standard-issue stormtrooper helmets incorporate various specialized components to help the wearer on the battlefield. All helmets include a multi-frequency targeting and acquisitions system that creates an in-lens display, providing tactical information, shielding the eye from excessive brightness, and offering vision through many barriers such as smoke, darkness, and fire. However, these features can also limit the wearer's vision.
XX-23 S-thread tracker: A special homing beacon that, when attached to ships can track them through hyperspace. Various vessels, like the TIE Advanced v1, could fire homing beacons on to enemy starships with projectile launchers.
Macrobinoculars/Electrobinoculars: Stormtroopers carry binoculars for reconnaissance and surveillance. tThey have advanced features such as night vision or enhanced targeting capabilities. Some have a combination of optical and electronic technology that allow them to detect heat signatures, making them ideal for military reconnaissance, surveillance, and navigation in difficult environments.
Model TD2.3 electrobinoculars: A type of electrobinoculars that is used for detailed surveillance, targeting, and reconnaissance. They include features like night vision, electronic targeting, and heat sensors. These were commonly used by the Stormtroopers.
QD4.4 Electroquadnoculars: A type of quadnoculars produced by Neuro-Saav. They were used by stormtroopers on the moon Jedha. The outer lenses could collect data from spectrums outside of those visible to the naked eye.
Q4-E quadnoculars: A model of quadnoculars manufactured by Fabritech. They were equipped with an imaging screen surface that captured the approach of Imperials.
EnhanceScan general purpose scanner: A portable scanner that included an included an antenna, motion sensor, metal scanner, comm scanner, power cells, data port, power indicator, and life-form scanner. The sensors it included were motion sensor, comm scanner, metal scanner, and life-form scanners, and the unit was small enough to be carried around the neck. The EnhanceScan could detect life forms 1,500 meters away, the comm scanner had an effective range of three kilometers, the motion sensor had a 500 meter range, but the metal scanner only had a maximum range of one hundred meters. The computer built into the scanner controlled all four sensors and displayed the data on a readout screen.
Age of the Empire[]
Replacing the Clone Troopers[]
TK troopers in The Bad Batch.
After the Empire rose to power, the Clone Troopers were phased out and replaced by the Stormtroopers. The production of Clone Troopers was discontinued, and replaced by recruits, who at the time went under the designation "TK Troopers". Unlike the Clones, these recruits came from all over galaxy and swore loyalty to the Empire. While not as skilled as their predecessors, they came in endless numbers. The first four of these recruits were introduced in "Replacements", and they proved successful on their first mission. The Empire continued to use Clone Troopers to enforce the Emperor's rule, but it was later discovered that there was already a large recruit of TK Troopers under the trainings of Clone Commandos with new armor.[1]
The Rebellion[]
Stormtroopers in Star Wars Rebels.
Five years before the Battle of Yavin, the Stormtroopers would find themselves up against the growing Rebellion, led by Jedi-Cowboy Kanan Jarrus. Even in greater numbers, they always get outwitted and defeated by the elusive Rebels.[2]
The Death Star[]
The Stormtroopers were involved in search of the plans for the Death Star which were stolen by Rebel spies, when it was assumed that the princess hidden them in a escape pod that crashed landed on the planet Tatooine, a group of troopers were sent down to search for them and soon realized they were also looking for two droids known as R2-D2 and C-3PO. The Stormtroopers tracked down the same Jawas that sold off the two droids and traced where they sold too, Owen Lars. They slaughtered both the Jawas, Owen Lars, and Beru Lars after they were unable to find the droids, but they would later spread their search to Mos Eisley where they found and attempted to stop Luke, Ben, and the two droids from escaping aboard a ship known as the Millennium Falcon, piloted by Han Solo and Chewbacca.
Stormtroopers marching through corridors.
When the Millennium Falcon was captured by the Death Star, Stormtroopers aboard the station were put on patrol and two of them were taken out by Luke and Han and stripped of their uniforms. When Luke, Han, and Chewbacca made an attempt to rescue Princess Leia, the Stormtroopers ambushed them in Detention Block AA23, until they escaped down the garbage chute.
The Stormtroopers would soon catch up with Han, Luke, Leia, and Chewbacca and attempted to capture or kill them. Han chased a few Stormtroopers down a corridor but soon ran away after he became face-to-face with millions of Stormtroopers. The Stormtroopers chasing Leia and Luke were trapped and unable to extend a bridge to get to the other side of the endless drop below them. However, they were able to jam the door behind them for a while and swing across to the other side. Their attempt to capture both the intruders would be in vain as they managed. The troopers who were stationed on the Death Star were later all killed along with the station's destruction.[3]
Galactic Civil War[]
The Stormtroopers fought in the Battle of Hoth, and later accompanied Darth Vader in capturing the Rebels Han, Leia, and Chewbacca at Cloud City on Bespin. For unknown reasons, they tortured Han and later had him put in place for carbon freezing. After giving Han to the bounty hunter Boba Fett, the Stormtroopers escorted Leia and Chewbacca to Vader's ship but thanks to Lando Calrissian, they were captured, stripped of their weapons and sent to the security area quietly.
As everyone began to evacuate the Cloud City before more Imperials arrive, few Stormtroopers chased after Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO as they made their way back to the Millennium Falcon. Again their attempts to capture them were in vain as they were able to successfully escape.
The Battle of Endor[]
Stormtroopers assembled for the arrival of Emperor Palpatine.
The Stormtroopers are first seen in this film when they flank Darth Vader's arrival on the second Death Star, and later the Emperor himself. The Emperor had his best Troops stationed on the forest moon of Endor guarding the shield generator that was protecting the second Death Star. As part of the Emperor's plan to rid of the Rebellion, he allowed a small group of Rebels to find the shield generator where a squadron of Stormtroopers ambushed them and were captured. However they were not expecting to face the Ewoks that inhabited the planet and engaged them in a battle throughout the forest. Even though the Troopers had the upper hand in weaponry, they were easily defeated and the Rebels succeeded in destroying the shield generator allowing Lando Calrissian and his fighter squadron to enter the second Death Star and destroy it.
In the early production of the original Star Wars film, the Stormtroopers were to wield lightsabers and hand-held shields instead of blasters. Some of the First Order stormtroopers do use energy baton and hand-held shields, most notably FN-2199.
The initial stormtrooper armor, seen in Star Wars: The Bad Batch prior to the Empire switching to the more familiar armor, is based on the aforementioned concept art.
Curiously, the stormtroopers are completely silent in The Empire Strikes Back except for the single offscreen trooper who questions and subsequently shoots C-3PO.
No Imperial stormtrooper's face has ever been shown on-screen. The original trilogy, Rogue One, Solo, The Mandalorian, and Star Wars Rebels have all carefully avoided showing their faces even in instances where their helmets are removed, usually cutting away or obscuring their faces via camera tricks. However, a few First Order stormtroopers have been shown helmetless, notably Finn and CS-515 from Star Wars Resistance, while various others (both Imperial and First Order) have had their faces shown in illustrations.
This is done to dehumanize them and solidify the fact that they are evil, hence why exceptions are made for sympathetic characters like Finn and CS-515.
It is shown in The Mandalorian episode "The Believer" that they do not even remove their helmets to eat.
Despite what many people think, only the initial batch and a few, specialized legions of Stormtroopers were clones. Soon after the Clone Wars, most clones were decommissioned and replaced with recruits.
Despite their fierce reputation, the Stormtroopers have usually been depicted as being rather slow, dim, and incompetent; they have been easily outwitted many times, and their skills in firearms is rather poor despite being described at one point as being 'so precise'. First Order Stormtroopers have none of these weaknesses.
The armor of the Stormtroopers is much weaker than that of a Clone Trooper. According to Rex (one of the only people to have worn both), it is also more uncomfortable.