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Fuli is the tritagonist (later tetartagonist) of the Disney Jr. series The Lion Guard. She is one of Kion's friends and a former member of the Lion Guard. As a cheetah, her position on the team is the Fastest in the Pride Lands.



Fuli is extremely confident in her great running abilities and shows extreme delight for being able to outpace a pursuer of any species. She is a valuable member of the Lion Guard, being both brave and clever. However, she is also haughty and slightly arrogant, and isn't afraid to tease or snap at her friends but has a good sense of logic and is proven to be a loyal friend.

Fuli uses her gift of speed to assist animals in need and doesn't always wait for the rest of the guard before rushing into action. Fuli is harsh and fierce to transgressors when confronting those who do not respect the Circle of Life. She is very independent and likes to hunt and be by herself, but she likes to hang out with the guard.

Despite the brash and rather tough exterior Fuli puts out she possesses a softer side. She's willing to participate in a group hug with her friends (just once) and reconsidered her dislike towards baboons after growing to care for a baby baboon. She gleefully plays in the snow much like a happy kitten, something she tried to hide from everyone until eventually joining along on the fun with them.

In Season 3, as a teenager, as the guard journeys near the Tree of Life, Fuli begins to display major concern for Kion when Ushari's venom is acting up. Fuli will not hesitate to call Kion if he makes a bad decision under the venom's influence, and she is notably the only member of the guard who can calm him when he does not have his dose of Tuliza. As Kion begins to give command of the guard to her if he is unable to make the right decisions, Fuli is proven to have capable leadership skills despite occasionally doubting herself.

Physical appearance[]

Fuli is a king cheetah cub with smooth features and an agile build. Her coat is a soft golden-yellow, broken only by patches of tan around her eyes and on her chest and muzzle. Dark, rounded spots dot her back, head, and legs. Her muzzle, paws, and underbelly are a pale creamy yellow color, as is the fur encircling her eyes. Her eye color is strong forest green. Her nose is a similar brown to that found in her ear, with a tawny brown bridge.

In "Battle for the Pride Lands", as a teenager, Fuli has grown taller, all her markings have noticeably change from light brown to a darker shade of brown; to the point of almost appearing black, also, the number of markings around her legs has increased by one spot, while the markings around her body have changed in shape to the point of having spots within previously blank markings.


  • ​High-Level Intellect/Expert Leader:​ Fuli is very intelligent because she can use her cleverness and cunning to outmatch and defeat her opponents. She isn't afraid to point her friends' faults when necessary and recognizes where they've gone wrong. She isn't so gullible or naive that she could be manipulated or taken advantage of easily. Out of all the members of the Lion Guard, Fuli is most likely to call her friends on mistakes they're making. As shown in "The Kupatana Celebration", Fuli is the most logical and suspicious member of the Lion Guard, because she was very slow to allow the jackals to stay in the Pride Lands. When the jackals' true colours are revealed, Fuli was the most distrustful towards them all along. Like her friend, Kion, Fuli is a skilled leader and tactician, capable of analyzing situations and figuring out what the best course of action is. She's very observant and recognizes the signs of potential danger. She recognizes what to do if something doesn't go according to plan. Because of this, she often acts as a second-in-command for Kion whenever he's absent, such as in "Never Judge a Hyena By Its Spots", "Never Roar Again", "The Trail to Udugu", to name a few. In "The Wisdom of Kongwe", after taking advice from Kongwe, Fuli intelligently observes Mackucha's zigzagging strategy and is then outsmarts the leopard in the process. In Season 3, as a teenager, Fuli is even more intelligent. Whenever Kion is unable to lead the Lion Guard due to Ushari's venom flaring up, he's forced to give Fuli the command in those situations. Like in "The Accidental Avalanche", when Kion's inability to think clearly destroys the snow monkeys' home and puts everyone in danger, Fuli is able to come up with solutions to correct it. In "Dragon Island", Kion gives her the command again after making another error. Fuli intelligently gives instructions to the rest of the Guard and figures how to get Lumba-Lumba, a dolphin, back into the water. Among other things. Throughout the Season, when Kion's scar flares up and he gets angry, or makes a terrible mistake, Fuli is always the one to call him out on it and helps him the error of his ways. She's the one who acts as the voice of reason for him and steps in to calm him down.
  • ​Expert Combatant: As a Member of the Lion Guard (and later the Night Pride), Fuli is a capable fighter like all of her friends. Due to her being a cheetah, she mostly uses her speed, agility, stealth, upper body strength, intellect, and stamina, to outsmart and defeat her opponents. As shown in "The Kupatana Celebration", where she uses her speed to corner Goi-goi. In "Babysitter Bunga", when the jackals are chasing down the zebras, Fuli runs into Goi-goi, startling him and knocking him off his feet.
  • Skilled Hunter: Like all female cheetahs, Fuli enjoys hunting all alone and is very skilled at as long she's on her own and there are no interruptions.
  • Skilled Tracker: As an apex predator, Fuli is the second best tracker in the entire Lion Guard. As seen in, "The Imaginary Okapi", she automatically knew that the mysterious animal tracks were not Kion's tracks. But, she did not automatically know that they were leopard tracks without Kion saying they were.
  • ​Stealth:​ As an apex predator, Fuli has proven to be very stealthy. In "Follow That Hippo", she was stealthy enough to sneak up on Kion without being seen or heard. This also gives her an advantage when hunting for food.
  • Singing: As demonstrated throughout the series, Fuli is an excellent singer.
  • Animal Strength: Fuli is the third strongest member of the entire Lion Guard. She is only surpassed by Kion and Beshte, respectively, in terms of physical strength. In "Bunga the Wise", she is shown to be able to hold two adult baboons on her back without any difficulty. Throughout the series, Fuli was shown to be able to tackle and hold down opponents that are her size or bigger with little difficulty. In "Lions of the Outlands", she was able to tackle and pin Vitani down with ease, despite the latter being a lioness. In "Never Roar Again", she stands a chance against Makuu, an adult male crocodile. She is strong enough to hold his mouth wide open for a brief period. In "Janja's New Crew", she easily headbutting Nne, a teenaged spotted, out of way to save the oryxes. On numerous occasions, Fuli has easily defeated Mackucha and his Leap, despite them being a group of adult male leopards.
  • Animal Speed: Being a cheetah, Fuli is the fastest member of the entire Lion Guard. She is able to run over 75 miles per hour at full speed. Because of this, she will often use her speed to outwit vicious predators, like, Cheezi in "The Scorpion's Sting". She can also use her speed to quickly round up Pride Landers who are stamdeping uncontrollably, as demonstrated in numerous episodes. However, like all cheetahs, she can only run in short bursts and has to slow down and take a rest, otherwise she will tire out and have no energy, also seen in "The Search for Utamu".
  • Animal Agility: Like all cheetahs, Fuli is very agile and can make quick turns without any difficulty. She is the fastest and most agile member of the entire Lion Guard.
  • Animal Leaping: Like all cheetahs, Fuli is very good at leaping. When running at top speed, she is able to leap very high over long distances.
  • Animal Eyesight: Fuli has the third best eyesight in the entire Lion Guard. Her eyesight is not as Kion's, Ono's (before Season 3, at least) and Anga's, respectively.
  • Animal Hearing: Fuli has the second best hearing in the entire Lion Guard. Her hearing is not as good as Kion's.
  • Animal Smelling: Fuli has the second best sense of smell in the entire Lion Guard. Her sense of smell is not as good as Kion's.
  • Animal Stamina: Fuli has the best stamina in the entire Lion Guard. Being a cheetah, she is able to run over long distances for long periods of time without before needing to slow down. Her stamina is shown to be greater than most cheetahs. But, just like real cheetahs, she has her limits too and has to make sure she doesn't overexert herself. If so, she will become exhausted and defenseless against predators, like in "The Search for Utamu". She also, like Kion, Bunga and Beshte, is able to run and fight for long periods of time.
  • Animal Endurance: As a cheetah, Fuli is able to hold her own against opponents that her her size or larger, like Janja, a teenaged hyena, Reirei and Goi-goi, full grown jackals, Makuu, an adult crocodile, and more.

Role in the series[]

The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar[]

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Fuli looking at Bunga riding his back

Fuli makes her debut during the series premiere. She is seen running throughout the Pride Lands as Kion and Bunga are playing a game of Baobab Ball. During the game, Bunga jumps on Fuli's back; however, she knocks Bunga off right away. Later, when Kion is assembling his team, he locates Fuli, who's being chased by baboons. Kion comes up with a plan to stop the baboons. After stopping them, Fuli apologizes to the baboons for her remark and that she meant no ill by saying that they looked funny when they scratched their heads. The baboons soon accept her apology. Fuli joins her friends as Kion explains that he wants them all to join the new Lion Guard.

Fuli was specifically chosen for her speed. She is curious enough to ask Kion who the fiercest is and becomes annoyed at his role as fiercest based solely on his roar. Kion attempts to demonstrate his power but can only let out a squeak instead of the Roar he was supposed to show them. Suddenly Simba soon turns up but scolds his son for not choosing a group of lions like his predecessors and treating his role more like a play date with his friends, which causes Kion to leave Fuli and everyone else for some soul searching.

Not long after, the hyenas being attacking the gazelles, and Kion calls the group back. He places his paw over their shoulders to mark them as official members, and the group rushes into action. Fuli stops the hyenas dead in their tracks with her speed, as the other members also do their part to help stop them. Soon it is revealed that Kion's sister, Kiara is in danger, and Fuli rushes in to save her with Bunga on her back. Bunga leaps over to Kiara once close enough and lets loose a fart which ultimately clears the gazelles and secures her safety. After clearing the mission, everyone returns to Simba, who witnessed the whole event. After seeing them use their skills, Simba decides that Kion made the right decision in his choices, and he happily accepts the new Lion Guard.

The Lion Guard[]

Season One[]

Fuli continues being the fastest member of the Lion Guard. In "Fuli's New Family" Fuli tries to go on a hunt but the members of the guard keeps stopping her. They keep inviting her to join in on their activities. Kion asks Fuli to go on a hunt with his family. However Fuli tells Kion that she likes hunting and being alone. Fuli sings a song "My Own Way" while running through the Pride Lands. Suddenly, Fuli hears Bunga in the Outlands and goes to save him. Kion, Beshte and Ono also go to save Bunga and Fuli. In the end Fuli thanks her friends for saving them. Fuli admits that she likes being alone and being with the guard. She calls the guard "her family" and gives them a hug.

In "The Search for Utamu" Fuli starts going ahead of the guard using her speed a little too much. Kion suggests that Fuli should take a break. While hunting Fuli runs into a female duck who says that oryxes are fighting near their nest. Fuli goes to stop them and loses her breath. Fuli goes to lie down for a while not noticing Mzingo's Parliament above her. Mzingo and his vultures try to attack Fuli however, the guard comes to save her.

In "Baboons!" Fuli takes a baby baboon back to his home after he was being chased by vultures.

In "Lions of the Outlands" Fuli races with Ono in the Lair of the Lion Guard. She also learns about Zira and the Outsiders.

Season Two[]

In "The Rise of Scar", Fuli meets Rafiki's apprentice Makini who admires her for being the first female member on the guard.

In "The Ukumbusho Tradition", Fuli and the rest of the guard join the elephants in a performance.

In "Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas", Fuli helps Bunga give Timon and Pumbaa a Christmas that they will never forget.

In "The Scorpion's Sting", Fuli meets Scar and Scar's army for the first time while helping Simba.

In "The Wisdom of Kongwe", Fuli and Makini meet Kongwe the tortoise and brings her to Pride Rock.

In "Cave of Secrets", Fuli and the guard goes deep under the lair and tries to find a way to defeat Scar.

In "Pride Landers Unite!", Fuli and the rest of the guard gather Pride Landers to help fight Scar's Army.

In "The Queen's Visit", Fuli becomes Dhahabus's temporary guard for the day.

Season Three[]

Fuli and the Lion Guard are now teenagers as seen in "Battle for the Pride Lands." After their final battle agaisnt Sca's Army was successful, Kion and Ono receive injuries, forcing the guard Guard to travel to the Tree of Life since the events of "The Harmattan". During their journey, new enemies known as Makucha's Army starts to follow the guard to the Tree of Life.

In "The Race to Tuliza", Fuli encounters a male cheetah named Azaad in his territory while helping Kion get some Tuliza. There, Azaad only agrees to help Fuli if she wins the race against him. After a tough competition between the two cheetahs, Azaad allows Fuli to get the Tuliza. Fortunately, she and Azaad prevent Kion from roaring at a group of noisy flamingos by giving him Tuliza.

In "The Tree of Life", the Lion Guard meets a group of lions called the Night Pride which is led by a lioness named Rani. The two groups were at odds until Rani informs her grandmother and the Queen of the Tree of Life, Janna, about Kion's Roar of the Elders. Janna insists that the Lion Guard to be allowed into the Tree of Life, allowing Kion to clear up the misunderstanding. After a while, Ono is able to regain his sight, but Kion needs more time to recover from Ushari's venom.

During their time at the Tree, Fuli takes charge of the guard while Kion gets his scar healed. Furthermore in "The Lake of Reflection", Fuli and Anga sing to Kion "Remember What Makes You You" so that Kion can believe in himself so that he can reflect himself.

In "Journey to the Pride Lands", Fuli and guard travel back home to the Pride Lands, only to find out that in "Return to the Pride Lands" that Kion's Guard finds out that they have been replaced by a new group led by Vitani. The two groups have a battle to see which team is better. During competition, Fuli competes with a contender lioness named "Kasi" during the first position as the Fastest during the Battle of the Lion Guards to which the competition is tied after four tough events. After Kion masters the Roar, he and his friends decide to join the Night Pride and become protectors of the Tree of Life, which grants them the Mark of Night Pride. Back at the Tree of Life, Kion marries Rani and is crowned King of the Tree of Life and Fuli cheers for him along with his family and friends, including the Pride Landers, Jasiri and her Clan, and all the animals of the Tree of Life.


The Disney Wiki has an article focusing on the relationships of Fuli.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Fuli.


  • Diamond White, Fuli's voice actress, is best known for providing the voice of Ruby Hanshaw in Sofia the First and Moon Girl in Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur.
  • Fuli is the fastest and first female of the Lion Guard before Anga and Vitani's Lion Guard.
    • According to Rafiki, Fuli is the first female to ever be in the Lion Guard.
    • This also means that Fuli is the first female to lead the Lion Guard, given how often she would take command when Kion was unable to make rational decisions.
  • Fuli is said to be a loner, which makes sense because, in real life, female cheetahs prefer being without anyone.
  • Despite being identified as a cheetah, Fuli's design is closer to that of a leopard or a jaguar. Her design could also have been based on the "king cheetah" pattern, a rare cheetah phenotype in which the spots fuse into thick rosettes.
  • Fuli is the only one of the Lion Guard who (probably) does not have a family.
  • She bears similar resemblance to Sabor, the secondary antagonist of Tarzan.
  • Fuli really cannot stand baboons at all. However, she does like them a little more after the events of the episode "Baboons!" But, she does still seem to get a bit annoyed by them in future episodes.
    • Though it seems reasonable that she dislikes baboons because of their annoyance as she clearly shown to have a good relationship with Rafiki (probably because he's a different monkey).
  • Her catchphrase "Huwezi" means "You cannot (catch me)" in Swahili.
  • According to Timon, Pumbaa, and the other members of the Lion Guard, her fur is unbelievably soft.
  • Fuli has revealed that she is unable to climb trees, despite a clumsy climb on a branch in Paintings and Predictions.
  • Fuli can run as fast as an adult cheetah, even when she was a younger cub.
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The Lion King - Logo
Films: The Lion King (video) • The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (video) • The Lion King 1½ (video) • The Lion Guard: Return of the RoarThe Lion King (2019) (video) • Mufasa: The Lion King (video)

Television: Find Out WhyTimon & Pumbaa (videography) • Timon and Pumbaa's Wild About SafetyThe Lion Guard (videography) • It's UnBungalievable!
Soundtracks: The Lion KingRhythm of the Pride LandsThe Legacy CollectionThe Lion King CollectionReturn to Pride Rock: Songs Inspired by Disney's The Lion King II: Simba's PrideBest of the Lion KingThe Lion King 1½: Songs from Timon and Pumbaa's Hilarious AdventureOriginal Broadway Cast RecordingFestival of the Lion KingThe Legend of the Lion KingThe Lion GuardThe Lion King (2019 film)The Lion King & Jungle Festival: Rhythms of the Pride LandsMufasa: The Lion King
Video games: The Lion KingTimon and Pumbaa's Jungle GamesThe Lion King: Simba's Mighty AdventureKingdom Hearts IIAnimated Storybook: The Lion KingDisney UniverseDisney Infinity: 2.0 EditionAdventures in Typing with Timon and PumbaaActivity CenterThe Lion King 2: Simba's Pride: Active PlayThe Lion King 2: Simba's Pride GameBreakThe Lion King 1½Disney Crossy RoadDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle ModeKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion KingDisney Classic Games CollectionThe Lion King: Operation PridelandsDisney Dreamlight Valley
Books: The Art and Making of The Lion KingThe Lion King: The Full Film Script
Cancelled projects: King of the JungleThe Lion Guard: Hear Me Roar!The Lion King Family Tree

Disney Parks
Rafiki's Planet WatchDisney's Art of Animation ResortDisney's Explorers LodgeThe AnnexCircle of Life: An Environmental FableDisney Animation BuildingEsperanza Character CarouselIt's a Small WorldMickey's PhilharMagicRhythm of the JungleSorcerers of the Magic KingdomThe Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management)The Lion Guard AdventureThe Lion King: Pride Land (Un Land Dédié au Roi Lion)

Entertainment: AnimagiqueDisney's BelieveDisney's WishesDisney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicDisney Junior Dance Party!Disney Junior Play and Dance!Disney Junior Dream FactoryDisney KiteTailsDreams Take FlightFantasmic!Feel the MagicFestival of Family & FriendsFestival of the Lion KingHakuna Matata Time Dance PartyIt's Party Time... with Mickey and FriendsMickey and the MagicianMickey and the Wondrous BookMickey's Gift of DreamsMickey's Magical Music WorldMinnie's Musical MomentOnce Upon a MouseRivers of Light: We Are OneThe Adventure of RhythmThe Golden MickeysThe Legend of the Lion KingVillains Tonight!
Restaurants: Restaurant Hakuna Matata
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Fireworks: Celebrate the MagicCelebrate! Tokyo DisneylandDisney Dreams!Disneyland ForeverDisney Tales of MagicHappily Ever AfterHarmoniousIgnite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and LightIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationThe Magic, the Memories and YouMomentousOnce Upon a TimeTree of Life AwakensWonderful World of AnimationWorld of ColorWondrous Journeys
Summer: Stitch and Friends Summer Surprise
Halloween: Happy HallowishesVillains Grove

The Lion King: SimbaNalaMufasaScarRafikiTimonPumbaaZazuShenzi, Banzai, and EdSarabiSarafinaThe PridelandersPride AnimalsHyena ClanWildebeestsMoleVulturesGrubs

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride: KiaraKovuZiraVitaniNukaOutsidersCrocodiles
The Lion King 1½: MaUncle MaxMeerkat Colony
Timon & Pumbaa: The Native ChiefThe Three NativesMother GorillaFronk FegnugenMontiBaampuNobiFredQuintThe WoodpeckerBruceStinkyRalph and EddieTedsSavage LionBartholomewThe TarsierToucan DanVulture PoliceNedNefuRabbitUncle BoarisUncle ErnieBoss BeaverBoy BeaverLester the WhaleThe TigressJackalThe CobraSpeedy the SnailSmolder the BearLittle JimmyIrwinEl ToroCount DownMr. PigWolverineJumbo Jumbo the ElephantCheetato and CheetataMartin PartinRita BookChef ClaudeCaptain BloodbeardCisco PigCisco Pig's GangDr. CagliostroTorgoThe Meerkat AngelWonderful Rhino of LawsPumbaa Jr.Dr. HappyLeslie LambeauMr. ButtonsSharlaWarthog SounderHermanLaraMelClaudiusBahukaTutan PharaohGenieMadame CredenzaDuke MeerkatTatianaMother EagleBaby EarlKing LeopoldPrincess ClaudiaSigmund and LloydHeimlich and SchnitzelMad Dog McGraw, Billy the Goat, and Three-fingered JackelopeDr. ExeterSal ManderJungle InspectorBigfootPimon and Tumbaa
The Lion Guard: KionBungaFuliBeshteOnoTiifuZuriJanjaCheeziChunguJanja's ClanMzingoMzingo's ParliamentMwogaMakuuMakuu's FloatPuaBasiBasi's PodUshariJasiriMadoaTunu and WemaJasiri's ClanThurstonMbeyaPorcupine BrothersMa TemboZitoAminifuReireiGoigoiDogoDogo's BrothersKijanaReirei's PackTwigaJuhudiShingoMuhanga and MuhangusTamaaNala's FatherSwalaMuhimuHamuAjabuMakuchaMakucha's LeapMakucha's ArmyFahariJionaMjombaOgpoaHayaLainiBadiliMbuniMapiganoMtotoGumbaKambuniKwatoShaukuNneTanoVuruga VurugaYoung RhinoLionessMajinuni and HafifuKing SokweHadithiBig BaboonBupuBobokaChuraKifaruMwenziUrohoMwiziKulindaOnaMpishiMakiniShupavuWazaNjanoKiburiTamkaNduliKiburi's FloatChamaKengeDhahabuHodariStareheRahaNyuniSumuKongweKinyongaKuchimbaShujaaAngaStrange LionStrange CobraThe FastestThe StrongestThe BravestThe Keenest of SightYukiHitashiKimyo and NabasuDomogDughiBoginoChuluunPãgalaKrud'dhaLumba-LumbaOld CivetOraKomodo DragonFikiriKitendoTuppAzaadFlamingo GirlsFlamingo Girls' FlamboyanceTenukTompokSeisouBambunMouse DeerMama BinturongSmunYun MibuNirmalaRaniBaliyoSurakJannaUlluSãhasíÃnandaBingaTangaagimPinguinoCek and RamaTsah and SasemAstutoVaryaFeliks, Pasha, and PolinaHeng HengKelyKely's TroopAskariShabahaKasiImaraTazama
Printed Media: UruAhadiKopaBomaZuzuJokaLulu
Deleted: DikuBaashoIggyHerr RhinoKwashiBhatiMheetuBanagiDaabiDwalaNaanda
Remake: SimbaNalaMufasaScarRafikiTimonPumbaaZazuShenzi, Kamari, and AziziSarabiSarafinaKiaraDembe
Mufasa: The Lion King: KirosOutsidersEsheObasiMasegoAfiaJuniaAmaraAkuaAjarryChigaruMosiInakiAziboMoboShajuObasi's PrideZala
Miscellaneous: ZawadiKiumeKibibiNakawa

Timon & PumbaaThe Lion Guard
The Lion King Trilogy: AfricaMount KilimanjaroPride RockThe Pride LandsThe Water HoleThe Elephant GraveyardThe GorgeJungleRafiki's Ancient TreeThe Outlands

Timon & Pumbaa: Zazu's TreeMadame Credenza's PlaceSavage RockBoss Beaver's Log LandThe Tree of TruthDismal Swamp
The Lion Guard: Lair of the Lion GuardJanja's DenTree of Life
Live-action movies: Milele

The Lion King: Circle of LifeThe Morning ReportI Just Can't Wait to Be KingBe PreparedHakuna MatataCan You Feel the Love TonightHawaiian War Chant

Instrumental Scores: This LandHyenas...To Die ForUnder the StarsKing of Pride RockDidn't Your Mother Tell You Not to Play with Your FoodWe are All ConnectedHyenas in the Pride LandsElephant GraveyardI Was Just Trying to Be BraveStampedeMufasa DiesIf You Ever Come Back We'll Kill YouBowling for BuzzardsWe Gotta Bone to Pick With YouKings of the PastNala, Is It Really You?Remember Who You AreThis Is My HomeThe Rightful King
Rhythm of the Pride Lands: The Lion Sleeps TonightKubeLea HalalelaIt's TimeLalaBusaNoyana
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride: He Lives in YouWe Are OneMy LullabyUpendiOne of UsLove Will Find a Way
The Lion King 1½: Digga TunnahThat's All I NeedSunrise, SunsetGrazing in the Grass
Musical: Lioness HuntRafiki MournsOne by OneGrasslands ChantChow DownThe Madness of King ScarShadowlandEndless NightSimba Confronts Scar
Timon & Pumbaa: The Lion Sleeps TonightAlone TogetherStand by MeYummy Yummy Yummy
The Lion Guard: Call of the GuardA Beautiful Day (Ni Siku Nzuri)Zuka ZamaTonight We StrikeKion's LamentIt is TimeHere Comes the Lion GuardWe're the Same (Sisi Ni Sawa)Don't Make a StinkBunga the WiseDuties of the KingOutta the WayJackal StyleOur Kupatana CommunityMy Own WayUtamuAll Hail The VulturesHero InsideBird of a Thousand VoicesPanic and RunTrail to HopeLife in the Pride LandsWe'll Make You a MealFind Your RoarChungu's LamentBaboonsBeware of the ZimwiLions Over AllStand Up, Stand OutKuishi Ni KuchekaRunning with the KingHadithi the HeroMakin' Hippo LanesTickbirds and RhinosTeke Ruka TelezaEveryone is WelcomeThe Traveling Baboon ShowA Real MealFujoThe Path of HonorBring Back a LegendToday is my DayI Have A PlanGotta Look on the Bright SideThe Worst Hyena We KnowMay There Be PeaceBig Bad KengeChristmas in the Pride LandsThe Twelve Ways of ChristmasI Do Have a Great Deal to SayFabulous DhahabuGive a Little Guy a ChanceWe're the SmartestGood King SimbaThe Faster I GoI'm Gonna Run This DumpNow You See Me, Now You Don'tWisdom on the WallsHe's The Zebra MastermindKwetu Ni KwetuNothin' to Fear Down HereShujaa PondaPride Landers Unite!Prance With MeTujiinueHeight and SightWe Will DefendA New Way to GoOn the Last NightWhen I Led the GuardThe Tree of LifeHome of a Snow Monkey's DreamsGhost of the MountainAnythingThat's the Dolphin WayAs You Move ForwardFlamingo Dance PartyYou Best Not Mess With MamaFriends to the EndKion's ReckoningWelcome to the Tree of LifeWho is Better Than WhoPoa the DestroyerLong Live the QueenRemember What Makes You YouThe Power of the RoarOf the Same PrideAs You Move On
Remake: Life's Not FairRafiki's FirefliesScar Takes the ThroneSimba is Alive!Reflections of MufasaSpiritBattle for Pride RockRememberNever Too LateMbube
Mufasa: The Lion King: NgomsoMileleI Always Wanted a BrotherBye ByeWe Go TogetherTell Me It's YouBrother Betrayed
Deleted: To Be KingWarthog RhapsodyThe Lion of the MoonOld Fearless BuzzThe Madness of King ScarThanks to MeWhere Do I Belong
Miscellaneous: Safety Smart

See Also
Rafiki's Bakora StaffGreat Lions of the PastMusicalLion GuardRoar of the EldersNight PrideMark of the GuardMark of the Night PrideMoja Kwa Moja StoneTulizaThe Disney AfternoonFind Out WhyHouse of MouseOne by OneTimon & Pumbaa's Vacation SafariAs Told by Emoji

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The Three Caballeros: GauchitoBurrito
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: Mr. Toad
Cinderella: CinderellaJaq and GusPrince CharmingFairy GodmotherLady TremaineLuciferSuzyPerlaBruno
Alice in Wonderland: AliceMad HatterMarch HareDormouseWhite RabbitCheshire CatTweedle Dum and Tweedle DeeQueen of HeartsKing of HeartsCaterpillarDinahOysters
Peter Pan: Peter PanTinker BellWendy DarlingJohn DarlingMichael DarlingCaptain HookMr SmeeNanaTick TockTiger Lily
Lady and the Tramp: LadyTrampSi and AmJockTrustyPeg
Sleeping Beauty: AuroraPhillipMaleficentFloraFaunaMerryweatherDiabloSamsonKing StefanGoonOwlRabbit
Mary Poppins: Mary PoppinsBertPenguin Waiter • Carousel Horse
One Hundred and One Dalmatians: Cruella De VilLuckyPatchRolly
The Jungle Book: MowgliBalooBagheeraShere KhanKaaKing LouieHathi, Jr.Raksha
Pete's Dragon: Elliott
The Fox and the Hound: TodCopper
The Aristocats: MarieBerliozToulouseDuchessThomas O'Malley
The Rescuers: BernardBianca
Oliver & Company: OliverDodgerTitoRitaFrancisEinstein
The Little Mermaid: ArielFlounderSebastianEricUrsulaTritonMaxScuttle
Beauty and the Beast: BelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChipMauricePhilippeGastonLeFou
Aladdin: AladdinAbuGenieJasmineJafarSultanIagoRajah
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyZeroLock, Shock, and BarrelOogie BoogieDr. FinkelsteinMayor of Halloween TownSanta Claus
The Lion King: SimbaNalaTimonPumbaaZazuRafikiScarEd
Pocahontas: PocahontasJohn SmithMeekoFlitPercy
Hercules: HerculesMegaraHades
Mulan: MulanLi ShangMushuFa ZhouKhan
The Emperor's New Groove: KuzcoYzmaKronk
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckGoofy
Chicken Little: Chicken Little
The Princess and the Frog: TianaDr. Facilier
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderPascalMaximusMother GothelQueen AriannaKing FredericCassandra • Fidella • Pub Thug
Wreck-It Ralph: Wreck-It RalphFix-It Felix Jr.
Frozen: AnnaElsaOlafKristoffSvenHansSnowgiesBruni
Big Hero 6: HiroBaymaxFredWasabiHoney LemonGo Go TomagoTadashi HamadaYokaiMochi
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeMayor LionheartFlashYaxGazelleChief BogoClawhauserFinnickMr. BigBellwetherJerry Jumbeaux Jr.
Moana: MoanaMauiPuaHeiheiTamatoaKakamora
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: ChipDaleGadgetMonterey Jack
Phineas and Ferb: Perry
The Lion Guard: KionOnoBungaBeshteFuli
DuckTales (2017): Scrooge McDuckHuey, Dewey, and LouieWebby Vanderquack
Kingdom Hearts: SoraRikuKairiAquaXemnasAnsem, Seeker of DarknessVentusTerra • Chirithy • LeaYoung XehanortRoxas • Dark Riku • Naminé
Sofia the First: SofiaMinimusSkye
Elena of Avalor: Elena
Enchanted: Giselle
Disney Fairies: PeriwinkleRosettaSilvermist
The Sword in the Stone: WartMerlin
Oliver & Company: Oliver
Raya and the Last Dragon: RayaSisu
Twisted Wonderland: Grim
Encanto: MirabelIsabela
Wish: AshaKing Magnifico

Toy Story: WoodyBuzz LightyearBo PeepHammAlienJessieRexBullseyeStinky PeteLotsoForkyDucky and Bunny

A Bug's Life: FlikDotHeimlich
Monsters, Inc.: SulleyMikeBooRandallCeliaRozFungusGeorge Sanderson
Cars: Lightning McQueenMaterSallyDoc HudsonJackson StormCruz RamirezMackMiss Fritter
Finding Nemo: NemoDoryMarlinCrushBruceDestinyBaileyHankSquirtNigelGillSheldonPearlDarlaCharlieJenny
Ratatouille: RemyLinguini
Up: Carl FredricksenDugKevinRussell
Brave: Merida
Inside Out: JoySadnessAngerDisgustFearBing Bong
The Good Dinosaur: Arlo
Coco: MiguelHéctorImelda
Onward: Ian LightfootBarley Lightfoot
Soul: Joe22
Luca: Luca
Turning Red: Mei
Lightyear: Captain LightyearSox
Elemental: EmberWade
Luxo, Jr.: Luxo, Jr.

Disney Parks
MonorailWalter E. DisneyDumboMad Tea PartySplash MountainAstro OrbiterMatterhorn BobsledsThe Haunted MansionAlbertEnchanted Tiki RoomOrange BirdPirates of the CaribbeanJungle CruiseBig AlBonnie BearTower of Terror
The Avengers: Iron ManCaptain AmericaThorThe HulkBlack WidowHawkeyeFalconWar MachineWinter SoldierAnt-ManBlack PantherVisionSharon Carter

Ultimate Spider-Man: Spider-ManVenomGreen GoblinMiles MoralesLizardRhinoDoctor OctopusIron SpiderSpider-GwenKraven the HunterHobgoblin
Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonGrootDrax
Marvel's Women of Power: WaspElektraCaptain MarvelShe-HulkSpider-Woman
Marvel Icons: DaredevilDoctor StrangeGhost RiderMs. MarvelThanos

Star Wars
Luke SkywalkerHan SoloPrincess LeiaC-3POR2-D2Moff TarkinYodaChewbaccaStormtrooperSandtrooperAT-AT DriverRed GuardTusken RaiderJawaWicketJabba the HuttGreedoObi-Wan KenobiQui-Gon JinnQueen AmidalaClone TrooperJar Jar BinksDarth MaulJango FettGeneral GrievousAayla SecuraAnakin Skywalker/Darth VaderMace WinduCount DookuPlo KoonReyFinnBB-8Kylo RenPoe DameronCaptain PhasmaFirst Order StormtrooperMaz KanataThe MandalorianThe Child
The Muppets
KermitMiss PiggyFozzie BearRowlfGonzoAnimalThe Swedish Chef