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Not to be confused with Balloon, a "character" in the Winnie the Pooh franchise.

Balloony is a recurring "character" of the animated series Phineas and Ferb. It/he is a balloon that Doofenshmirtz acquired as a child. He drew a realistic face on it and made it his companion. (To make it last so long, he put sealant on Balloony.)


Balloony was Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz's best friend back in Gimmelschtump. It was lost one night when Doofenshmirtz was posing as a lawn gnome and it floated away. He attempted to grab it but was thwarted by his father telling him not to move.

Return of Ballooney

Balloony in "Meapless in Seattle"

Balloony was then found years later aboard Mitch's poaching ship as one of the creatures he captured illegally. Mitch had renamed it "Colin" and called it his best friend. Heinz argues that Balloony was his best friend. Doofenshmirtz tells Balloony to come out of the ship with him, but Balloony didn't budge. This upsets the evil scientist and he says that Balloony has changed. He then realizes that his real best friend is Perry the Platypus. Just as he starts to say this aloud, Agent P jumps up and punches him backwards into the hole in the floor, causing him to fall to his doom. Perry then jumps out after Doofenshmirtz to save his nemesis. ("The Chronicles of Meap").

Balloony was later referenced when Doofenshmirtz won the Inator contest. His prize was a small red balloon (the original prize was trashed earlier in the fight with the O.W.C.A agents), which he named Balloony 2, which attracted a herd of robot rodeo bulls ("Robot Rodeo"). Later, Mitch and Doofenshmirtz find Balloony now equipped with a self-controlled robot suit. Balloony at first tries to defeat Doofenshmirtz, but when Doofenshmirtz (along with Perry the Platypus and Peter the Panda) is taken down by robots, he pleads with Balloony who has a change of heart and defeats the robots. Doofenshmirtz is very happy, and begins to tell Balloony about all the good times they can have together again, until Balloony gets hit by a shot from one of the fallen robots and dies (or pops) to Doofenshmirtz's extreme dismay. Sometime later, Perry enters Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated where a miserable Doofenshmirtz tells him that he's got no scheme to be foiled as he was still down, only to realize that Perry had brought him Balloony newly inflated (with a band-aid) back to him, finally resolving the backstory. Doofenshmirtz and Balloony then have a really good time together making up for all the time they were apart. ("Meapless in Seattle").

While hosting the clip-show about Doofenshmirtz's life, Norm brings up Balloony. Doofenshmirtz was glad to see Balloony but it soon pops. Doofenshmirtz shouts in terror until Norm tells him that it was not the real Balloony and the real one "popped 3 weeks ago", causing Doofenshmirtz to cry loudly. ("This is Your Backstory").

Other appearances[]

Balloony made a cameo appearance in the Hamster & Gretel episode "Strawberry Fest Forever" as one of the balloons in a festival booth.


Phineas and Ferb[]

Hamster & Gretel[]




External links[]

Phineas and Ferb Wiki-wordmark This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Phineas and Ferb Wiki. The list of authors can be seen in the page revision history (view authors). As with Disney Wiki, the text of The Phineas and Ferb Wiki is available under the CC-by-SA Free Documentation License.

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Phineas and ferb logo
Animated Productions: Phineas and Ferb (soundtrack/videography) Take Two with Phineas and FerbPhineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension (soundtrack) • Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the UniverseChibi Tiny Tales

Video Games: Phineas and FerbPhineas and Ferb Ride AgainDisney Channel All Star PartyPhineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd DimensionAgent P Strikes BackPhineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool StuffDisney UniverseJust Dance: Disney PartyWhere's My Perry?Disney Infinity/2.0/3.0Phineas and Ferb: Day of DoofenshmirtzDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Albums: Phineas and Ferb Holiday FavoritesPhineas and Ferb: Star Wars soundtrack
Stage shows: Phineas and Ferb: The Best LIVE Tour Ever!

Disney Parks
Agent P's World Showcase Adventure

Entertainment: Phineas and Ferb's Rockin' Rollin' Dance Party
Fireworks: Celebrate the Magic
Parade: Move It! Shake It! MousekeDance It! Street Party
Halloween: Treat Trails

Major Characters: Phineas FlynnFerb FletcherCandace FlynnPerryDr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

Secondary Characters: Linda Flynn-FletcherLawrence FletcherIsabella Garcia-ShapiroBaljeet TjinderBuford Van StommMajor Francis MonogramJeremy JohnsonCarl KarlStacy HiranoGinger HiranoMillyKatieHollyAdyson SweetwaterGretchenVanessa Doofenshmirtz
Recurring characters: Giant Floating Baby HeadDjango BrownColtraneCharlene DoofenshmirtzRoger DoofenshmirtzVivian Garcia-ShapiroIrvingJenny BrownSuzy JohnsonDannyBobbi FabulousShermanMeapMitchNormClyde FlynnBetty Jo FlynnPinkyAlbertPeterKlimpaloonTalking ZebraMonty MonogramHildegard JohnsonReginald FletcherWinifred FletcherAloyse von Roddenstein
Minor Characters: JerryBigfootYetiKhaka Peu PeuThe RegurgitatorBob WebberPrincess BaldegundeMelissaUnnamed Fireside GirlsAgent EBrobotsDrill SergeantBuck BuckersonTiana WebberJack JohnsonMrs. JohnsonWendyEliza FletcherNicoletteMandyThaddeus and ThorMindyAmanda JohnsonLucy FletcherAdrian FletcherBeppo BrownDr. HiranoAnnabelle JohnsonSaraBrigitte, Josette, and ColletteMishti PatelLiam McCrackenRodrigoMorgGlenda WilkinsDr. GevaarlijkHeinz Doofenshmirtz's motherBlanca DishonProfessor PoofenplotzEliza M. FeyersiedEl ChupacabraNapoleon, Wendell, and FloydLyla LolliberryBalloony • Corn Colossus • Professor Parenthesis
Guest Characters: Santa ClausKim Possible PinocchioBaby BaboonThor OdinsonSpider-ManHulkIron ManRed SkullNick FuryVenomWhiplashMODOK

Season One: "Rollercoaster" • "Candace Loses Her Head" • "The Fast and the Phineas" • "Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror" • "The Magnificent Few" • "S'Winter" • "Are You My Mummy?" • "Flop Starz" • "Raging Bully" • "Lights, Candace, Action!" • "Get That Bigfoot Outta My Face!" • "Tree to Get Ready" • "It's About Time!" • "Jerk De Soleil" • "Toy to the World" • "One Good Scare Ought to Do It!" • "A Hard Day's Knight" • "I, Brobot" • "Mom's Birthday" • "Journey to the Center of Candace" • "Run Away Runway" • "I Scream, You Scream" • "It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World" • "The Ballad of Badbeard" • "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together" • "Ready for the Bettys" • "The Flying Fishmonger" • "Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!" • "Greece Lightning" • "Leave the Busting to Us!" • "Crack That Whip" • "The Best Lazy Day Ever" • "Boyfriend From 27,000 B.C." • "Voyage to the Bottom of Buford" • "Put That Putter Away" • "Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?" • "Traffic Cam Caper" • "Bowl-R-Ama Drama" • "The Monster of Phineas-n-Ferbenstein" • "Oil on Candace" • "Unfair Science Fair" • "Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story)" • "Out to Launch" • "Got Game?" • "Comet Kermillian" • "Out of Toon" • "Hail Doofania!"

Season Two: "The Lake Nose Monster" • "Interview With a Platypus" • "Tip of the Day" • "Attack of the 50 Foot Sister" • "Backyard Aquarium" • "Day of the Living Gelatin" • "Elementary My Dear Stacy" • "Don't Even Blink" • "Chez Platypus" • "Perry Lays an Egg" • "Gaming the System" • "The Chronicles of Meap" • "Thaddeus and Thor" • "De Plane! De Plane!" • "Let's Take a Quiz" • "At the Car Wash" • "Oh, There You Are, Perry" • "Swiss Family Phineas" • "Hide and Seek" • "That Sinking Feeling" • "The Baljeatles" • "Vanessassary Roughness" • "No More Bunny Business" • "Spa Day" • "Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo" • "Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown" • "Bubble Boys" • "Isabella and the Temple of Sap" • "Cheer Up Candace" • "Fireside Girl Jamboree" • "The Bully Code" • "Finding Mary McGuffin" • "Picture This" • "Nerdy Dancin'" • "What Do It Do?" • "Atlantis" • "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!" • "Just Passing Through" • "Candace's Big Day" • "I Was a Middle Aged Robot" • "Suddenly Suzy" • "Undercover Carl" • "Hip Hip Parade" • "Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers" • "Ain't No Kiddie Ride" • "Not Phineas and Ferb" • "Phineas and Ferb-Busters!" • "The Lizard Whisperer" • "Robot Rodeo" • "The Beak" • "She's the Mayor" • "The Lemonade Stand" • "Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation" • "Summer Belongs to You!" • "Nerds of a Feather" • "Wizard of Odd" • "We Call it Maze" • "Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem!" • "The Secret of Success" • "The Doof Side of the Moon" • "Split Personality" • "Brain Drain" • "Rollercoaster: The Musical!" • "Make Play" • "Candace Gets Busted"
Season Three: "The Great Indoors" • "Canderemy" • "Run, Candace, Run" • "Last Train to Bustville" • "Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!" • "The Belly of the Beast" • "Moon Farm" • "Ask a Foolish Question" • "Misperceived Monotreme" • "Candace Disconnected" • "Magic Carpet Ride" • "Bad Hair Day" • "Meatloaf Surprise" • "Phineas and Ferb Interrupted" • "A Real Boy" • "Mommy Can You Hear Me?" • "Road Trip" • "Tour de Ferb" • "Skiddley Whiffers" • "My Fair Goalie" • "Bullseye!" • "That's the Spirit" • "The Curse of Candace" • "Escape from Phineas Tower" • "Lotsa Latkes" • "Ferb Latin" • "A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas" • "Tri-Stone Area" • "Doof Dynasty" • "Excaliferb" • "Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon" • "Monster from the Id" • "Gi-Ants" • "The Remains of the Platypus" • "Mom's in the House" • "Perry the Actorpus" • "Let's Bounce" • "Bully Bromance Break Up" • "Quietest Day Ever" • "Doonkleberry Imperative" • "Meapless in Seattle" • "Delivery of Destiny" • "Buford Confidential" • "The Mom Attractor" • "Cranius Maximus" • "Agent Doof" • "Minor Monogram" • "What a Croc!" • "Sleepwalk Surprise" • "Sci-Fi Pie Fly" • "Sipping with the Enemy" • "Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets" • "Doofapus" • "Norm Unleashed" • "Where's Perry?" • "Ferb TV" • "When Worlds Collide" • "What'd I Miss?" • "Road to Danville" • "This is Your Backstory" • "Blackout!"
Season Four: "For Your Ice Only " • "Happy New Year!" • "Fly On the Wall" • "Bully Bust" • "My Sweet Ride" • "Der Kinderlumper" • "Sidetracked" • "Primal Perry" • "Mind Share" • "Backyard Hodge Podge" • "Bee Day" • "Bee Story" • "Great Balls of Water" • "Where's Pinky?" • "Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown Hosted by Kelly Osbourne" • "Knot My Problem" • "Just Desserts" • "La Candace-Cabra" • "Happy Birthday, Isabella" • "Love at First Byte" • "One Good Turn" • "Mission Marvel" • "Thanks But No Thanks" • "Troy Story" • "Druselsteinoween" • "Terrifying Tri-State Trilogy of Terror" • "Face Your Fear" • "Cheers for Fears" • "Steampunx" • "Just Our Luck" • "Return Policy" • "Live and Let Drive" • "Phineas and Ferb Save Summer" • "Father's Day" • "Imperfect Storm" • "The Return of the Rogue Rabbit" • "It's No Picnic" • "The Klimpaloon Ultimatum" • "Operation Crumb Cake" • "Mandace" • "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars" • "Lost in Danville" • "The Inator Method" • "Night of the Living Pharmacists" • "Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension" • "Doof 101" • "Act Your Age" • "Last Day of Summer" • "O.W.C.A. Files"

Locations at or near Danville: DanvilleSeattleMr. Slushy FranchiseDoofenshmirtz Evil IncorporatedFlynn-Fletcher HouseAtlantisGoogolplex MallOld Abandoned Amusement Park

Other: AfricaEnglandNew York CityBig BenMarsTokyoLondonChinaIndiaCanadaChileHawaii

Today is Gonna Be a Great DaySummer Belongs to YouCity of LovePerry the Platypus ThemePerry Saves ChristmasLet it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it SnowGitchee Gitchee GooWhere Did We Go Wrong?BustedLittle BrothersWhat'cha Doin?Carpe DiemS.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants)I'm MeRollercoasterCouldn't Kick My Way Into Her HeartThe Ballad of KlimpaloonEvil for Extra CreditBackyard BeachHappy New YearGreat to Be a BabyWhat Might Have BeenSerious FunCurtain Call/Time Spent TogetherFollow the SunSilhouettes

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Disney Hamster and Gretel logo
Hamster & Gretel (soundtrack one/two) • Chibi Tiny TalesChibiverse
Gretel Grant-GomezKevin Grant-GomezHamsterFred GrantCarolina Grant-GomezDave Grant-GomezBailey CarterHiromi TanakaVeronica HillAnthonyChurroNayaNordleToborPrincipal FunderberkMrs. JamanpourIngaMayor MeyerGeneral HuxleyGeneral HuxleyFrederickColleenSam SlickmanElizabeth KnightLorraine

Villains: Professor ExclamationLyle/FistPuncherRodney ThunderpantsAnimus MachinaVan DykeCoach HaggertyLa CebollaCopy CatNed Slater/NeighslayerDr. EelgoodKathy/The Dog NapperBouncy CastleX-TerminatorCyborg RatsPi-RatThe AmplifierThe NightmarionetteBob Enfantiberg/Big BabySloppy Joe MonsterE.V.I.L. S.C.H.E.M.E. RobotsThe EarwormRecord ScratchThe ImposterToborErnieBelleArthouseTchotchke JonesJoe/MicromanagerHelen/Rat BurglarCrimson HasteBob Cashwell/UnknownzyPendulum PeteInga the Ice QueenLa SombreronaItsy BitsyLibrarianMary MitosisThe FlakeClem ClamThe Demo BrosFootkickerACEStress Ball MonsterConnie McBurlapMordros the AnnihilatorDr. HawthorneMr. LargeDust MightSlamonade StanHank FranklinCarlFelix Van SchurzMud SingerBone DecimatorSkull Pulverizer
Former villains:Lauren/The DestructressEl LuchadorTinaGerbilEastside Bantam/Christine DePouletCharlie/Father GooseSimonJulie Jennings/Dr. MedusaSaurusBayou Barb
Cameos: Sally • Farmer and Farmer's WifeBrigette MurphyBalloonyHeinz DoofenshmirtzCandace FlynnStacy HiranoLove Händel

Season One: "Empower Failure/Oakey Dokey" • "Recipe for Disaster/Math Punch" • "Superhero Sibling Rivalry/Close Shave" • "Cheer Cheer Bang Bang/La Ballad of La Cebolla" • "Comic Shop Copycat/Neigh, It Ain't So!" • "Saturday Homecoming Fever/Dr. Eelgood" • "The Opposite of Smart/Birthday Besties" • "I'm Bored/Cutie and the Beast" • "The Nightmarionette/Abuelita's World" • "U.F. UH-OH!" • "Grounded/Sleepover with the Enemy" • "Friday Night Fright/The Earworm" • "A Mammoth Problem/The Bantam of the Elementary School Light Opera" • "Hamnesia/Romancing the Scone" • "For Whom the Belle Trolls/An Arthouse Divided" • "The Litigator vs. The Luchador/Strawberry Fest Forever" • "The Bottle Episode/Micromanager" • "When Life Gives You Lemons/Self-HEELP!" • "My Invisible Friend/The Bitter Sitter" • "Let's Sea What You've Got"/"Churro's Day Out" • "Crimson Haste Makes Waste"/"The Break-Stuff Club" • "Over the Hill"/"The Ice Queen Cometh" • "La Sombrerona"/"Two Girls, A Guy, and the Council of Düm" • "Nano a Nano"/"The Unnatural History of Dr. MedusaSaurus Ph.D." • "No Sprain, No Gain"/"Finding Professor Ex" • "Bayou Barb"/"The Great Pillow War" • "Shush Hour"/"I Was a Teenage Mad Scientist" • "Too Many Crooks"/"President Fred" • "Flake It Til You Make It"/"Game Changer" • "Exclamation Strikes Back"

Season Two: "Hakuna Ma Kevin/The Great American Telenovela" • "Lair Necessities/Tobor or Not Tobor" • "Evil Upheaval/Ay, Ay, A.I." • "Stress Brawl/I Love Luchie" • "The More The Meteor/My Hammie Vice" • "Last Fred Standing/From Dust Till Dawn" • "I Think Therefore I Slam/Thanks, But No Pranks" • "The Silence of the Tchotchkes/A Car is Born" • "Who's in Charge?/Fools of Engagement" • "The New Adventures of Super Kevin" • "The Search for Super Guy/Lorraine, Rattle, and Roll"

Theme song

Season One: Almost Almost ThereOverload the GridRopa ViejaRace Against TimeHow Much Can You Lift?Fighting Facial HairWe Take What We WantYuko Cheerleading Warrior Attack SevenDon't Steal From the BanksLa CebollaPinky PromiseNeighslayer Rap BattleDance BattleGonna Clean Up the BeachI Want Your AttentionMy Best Friend Bailey's BirthdayStompsGet Ready for a RumbleEngland But with DragonsToo Cute to ClobberImmersion TherapyAbuelita's RulesTiny White TuxLeave It at ThatShe's an Only ChildThe Power to AnnoyI Got BeefThird WheelJust Another Friday NightTaco CrunchiesIt's a Big Big WorldEarworm JingleFrank's Discounted Discount CostumesA Hamster and His BoyTearing You DownHow You Feel About MeProfessional League of Wrestling JingleDaveStrawberry FestivalAlso He's a GenieI Think We'll Break For LunchWe're Working OutThe Lemon's Getting BiggerPositivity Equals PositivenessFather Goose JinglesDon't Do ItYou Can't See MePeople PopsI'm the BombLet's See What You've GotFix That FaucetOut On The Town TogetherMustanchupI'm in a HurryI Can Be BadVan DykeFighting Facial Hair AgainIce QueenHora LocaThe Council of DümTo the BathroomSimon SaysBone to PickKevin's Got a PlanCreepy Doll FactoryThe Ballad of Bayou BarbTrouble in the BayouThe Great Pillow WarGive Me Your VoiceJuggling JackMary, MaryIf You Wanna Be PresidentBig JenWe're Staking OutBoglyvanian ForceKey To The CityThimblesGotta Get Away
Season Two:Don't Sweat ItFresas de AmorA Fort Out Here In The WoodsDemo Bros Theme SongMaking Breakfast For My BoyA Foe We Don't KnowNice And NormalI'm in JailThe GOAT Herder of GoatsBolgylvanian PizzaMove Out!Game FaceFred vs. FredA Dust Mite MightWe Don't CareThat's a PrankBetter Than Being BigA Car is a Car is a Car in a ChaseLive WireFist Foot TimeCheck Me OutGive Me That BookBad Bad Heart

Tri-State AreaGrant-Gomez HouseEastside Elementary SchoolEastside High School