Yoda's hut was both the second home and final resting place of Yoda, Grand Master of the Old Jedi Order. It was built from an escape pod, though Yoda had to use the Force to keep it sturdy.
Yoda's hut was a dwelling made by Yoda himself during his self-imposed exile on Dagobah. The hut was simple and constructed of mud, but Yoda utilized his E3-standard starship lifeboat model escape pod energy source. Despite this, Yoda had to draw upon the Force at all times just to hold it together.
Yoda salvaged most of the parts from his escape pod to build this hut. He utilized deck grating for a solid foundation, illumination panels for lighting, and thrust nozzles for shaping his windows and doorway. He then packed mud from around the area to form the outer "shell" of his home. Then, the only matter that remained to be built was the interior.
Yoda tempered leftover scrap metal to form crude household wares such as his metal pot and sink. Another use of the excess metal was to train Luke Skywalker in the use of his Lightsaber. Yoda had numerous metal bars constructed, which he flung at Luke to enhance the boy's reflexes and speed. It's possible that these poles were leftover means of support used in the construction of his hut.
Yoda also carved an intricate series of ducts through the tree which provided his sink with sluice water from Dagobah's torrential rainstorms. Hollowing out a niche near the tip of his hut, Yoda fashioned a small sleeping room complete with a light source salvaged, again, from the remains of the escape pod.
Inside, there were many Jedi relics that Yoda scavenged from the smoking ruins of the Jedi Temple, such as ancient Jedi manuscripts, at least two lightsabers and at least four Marksman-H training remotes. He also had more mundane items made from Dagobah's natural resources that he stored on his walls, such as various poles crafted of wood (for varying purposes) and a handcrafted fireplace. Inventively, Yoda also carved out storage niches for the diverse amount of seeds, nuts, and plants that he found strewn around his swampy adopted homeworld.
Yoda also used glowing crystals to illuminate his home.
Yoda's hut was constructed inside the base of a tree, though it's never been confirmed if it was a gnarltree or some other species. It is evident that it probably wasn't the former as there was no visible root system, a trait commonly associated with the tree phase of the knobby white spider. He lived there from 19 BBY to 4 ABY. After the wise Grand Master of the Old Jedi Order's death, his hut deteriorated almost to the point of being unrecognizable from any other feature on Dagobah within days. However, when Luke revisited the remains of the dwelling, it was still prominent enough to be noticed. It appears that without Yoda's Force influence to keep the building from falling down around him, the cobbled-together structure's overtaxed escape pod parts failed in their support duties quickly.