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It feels good to be appreciated.

Assistant Mayor Dawn Bellwether is the main antagonist of Disney's 2016 animated feature film Zootopia. A scorned sheep, her ultimate goal is to supplant the position held by Mayor Lionheart and create a new order where prey animals dominate the predators.


Bellwether was the assistant mayor to the mighty Mayor Lionheart, whose impatience and intolerance toward even the slightest amount of incompetence often resulted in the former's humiliation. Like Judy Hopps, Bellwether had endured a life of neglect, implied to have repeatedly been at the hands of predator mammals. Over time, she would develop a disdain toward them, and their treatment toward prey mammals, setting a goal to someday make Zootopia a place where prey reign supreme and predators are labeled as nothing more than worthless, bloodthirsty "savages". To do so, she allied herself with rams who shared her sentiments and used flowers known as "night howlers" to create a chemical drug capable of turning civilized mammals savage. Once predators were deemed too dangerous for society, Lionheart, as the plan would go, would be removed from office out of fear, while Bellwether would be promoted, thus granting her control over the city, and the satisfaction of establishing prey as the dominant species.

Official Description[]

Assistant Mayor Bellwether is a sweet sheep with a little voice and a lot of wool, who constantly finds herself under foot of the larger-than-life Mayor Lionheart.[2]


We're on the same team, Judy! Underestimated, underappreciated. Aren't you sick of it? Predators—they may be strong and loud, but prey outnumber predators ten to one. Think of it; 90% of the population, united against a common enemy. We'll be unstoppable.
―Bellwether explaining her true motives

Bellwether epitomizes the term "a wolf in sheep's clothing": on the surface, she appears to be a sweet and finicky, albeit overworked, sheep doing all she can to help the city, though inside hides a ruthless and embittered mind. Years of discrimination and lack of consideration from her predator coworkers engineered an utterly vengeful, dishonest, and diabolical personality that was devoted against all predators, hidden behind her seemingly meek disposition.

Bellwether's perception of predator mammals is that they are an irredeemable breed with an unjustified superiority complex over prey. To Bellwether, majority rules, and in Zootopia, it is a fact that the prey population drastically outnumbers that of predators. Bellwether uses this information as a means to justify a hostile revision of the city's social structure—one in which she feels entitled to rule. Clinging on to her beliefs that acceptance cannot be earned, Bellwether resorts to manipulating and fearing to enact her ideology. She ultimately cares little for the prey population as individuals, instead of viewing them as a collective capable of heightening her placement on the political ladder to power, evident by how her schemes endangered the lives of prey who were hurt by the predators targeted by Bellwether's minions. Even so, she is sympathetic toward the prey citizens who go through tribulations from predators in a similar manner to her past (she initially considered Judy an acquaintance because of their similarities in this regard). Anyone who sees predators beyond Bellwether's views, however, immediately loses her sympathy.

Aside from obtaining control over the city, Bellwether's plot is primarily driven by her resentment toward Lionheart. Rather than subjecting Lionheart to becoming savage, Bellwether instead develops her plot to end so that it impacts Lionheart personally: the latter's title as mayor is stripped, and his positive reputation amongst the citizens is tarnished, thus destroying his most cherished assets while also ensuring her accession.

Though Bellwether appears harried, and by extension, bumbling, most of the time she is presented, she is secretly a master organizer, operating with lethal cunning. Thanks to her occupation and access to city resources, she was able to create the predator panic without any attention drawn to herself, as well as orchestrating Judy's entire investigation on the mammal cases behind the scenes, leading to Lionheart getting arrested instead; due to her harmless appearance and seemingly friendly demeanor, Bellwether was less likely to be suspected for her crimes. However, she is subject to her overconfidence, which became her downfall: when she believed she had the upper hand, Bellwether admitted her entire plot to Judy and Nick out of pride, unaware that her confession had been recorded by the duo. Furthermore, her notion that predators are irredeemable creatures caused her to underestimate Lionheart's character when planning her scheme; although she successfully stripped him of his political status, Lionheart seemed content in the end and was accepting of his fate so long as the city was safe, thus invalidating Bellwether's supposed success in emotionally damaging him.

Physical appearance[]

Bellwether is a miniature sheep. She has fluffy white wool and has the wool of her head styled up in a pom-pom shape. Bellwether has big, floppy ears, green eyes, and hooves for hands and feet.

Bellwether has numerous outfits and is seen wearing different attire; her formal wear seems to consist of glasses, a shirt, a coat that's opened up with a golden button on the left, and a skirt.

During Judy's police graduation ceremony, Bellwether had an open blue coat over a pink shirt, a gray skirt with a green and red leaf pattern, and a pair of glasses with a red-and-orange frame pattern.

At the Zootopia Police Department about Mrs. Otterton's missing husband, Bellwether's coat and glasses are the color and a gray shirt and skirt with black lines that form a plaid pattern.

At city hall, Bellwether retains the coat and glasses; she's wearing a white shirt with black spots and an orange skirt with white markings on it.

When Bellwether became mayor after Lionheart's arrest, her coat was deep blue with red markings on the edges and the coat's pockets, purple glasses, an indigo shirt, and a dark red skirt with twinkling red stars on it.

At the Natural History Museum, Bellwether's clothing was different shades of blue; her coat and skirt are dark blues with both having the same blue twinkling star pattern, her shirt is blue with dark blue strips doing diagonally, and blue glasses.

When she is arrested, Bellwether sports an orange prison uniform. Also, she goes back to wearing her red-and-orange glasses.

Bellwether wears a few accessories to her clothing as she wore a golden bracelet and a golden necklace with a bell attached to it. At the Zootopia Police Department, her bracelet is orange. When she becomes mayor, it is red. At the Natural History Museum, it is blue. Also, when Bellwether becomes mayor, she wears a button pin on her coat with the initial "Z" on it.


  • Sheep Physiology: Bellwether is an anthropomorphic sheep.
  • Anthropomorphism: Along with all animals in a world without humans, Bellwether evolved to the point she walks on her back legs, uses human resources like technology, and partakes in human-related activities.
  • Genius Intellect: While Bellwether doesn't have much in physical strength, Bellwether's most recognizable trait is her extremely high IQ. Also, given she used to be both the assistant mayor and the mayor of Zootopia, Bellwether has a high degree in politics.
    • Master Strategist: Bellwether is a master organizer, as she was able to manipulate prey to turn against predators by making every predatory animal savage. She arranged Judy's investigation into leading Lionheart that he was illegally imprisoning the savage predators, thus resulting in him getting arrested and making Bellwether the new mayor.
    • Manipulation: Bellwether is an expert at manipulating others.



Bellwether congratulating Judy

Bellwether meeting Judy at the latter's graduation ceremony.

Bellwether is first seen during Judy's induction into the Zootopia Police Department, where she stands alongside Mayor Lionheart and is tasked with badging Hopps. Bellwether shows great pride in Zootopia's first rabbit officer, proclaiming that it is a momentous day for "little guys", referring to prey. Before her words can run further, Lionheart rudely removes Bellwether from Judy and subsequently blocks her from the flashing cameras of the press.

Before Judy's first day as an officer, Mr. Otterton goes missing for days, forcing his distraught wife to seek help at the ZPD. Bellwether is present when Judy volunteers to find Emmitt, and sends Lionheart a knowing text to congratulate him on the growing success of the Mammal Inclusion Initiative, referring to Judy's newfound role as a detective to a major case. Bellwether then speaks to Judy, telling her that she always has an ally at City Hall, should she need any important favors.

This is so exciting

Bellwether assisting Judy and Nick in her office.

Later at City Hall, Bellwether is seen struggling for Lionheart's attention, needing him to discuss various matters regarding the city. Lionheart, seeming more aggressive than usual, coldly orders Bellwether to take care of the matters herself, and to cancel his afternoon, as he needs to run out for confidential matters. Feeling defeated and exhausted, Bellwether sadly gathers the paperwork to begin her assignments, before receiving a surprise visit from Judy and her accomplice, Nick Wilde. Judy explains that she needs access to the city's traffic cameras, which Bellwether obliges to in her "office", which is the boiler room. While doing so, Bellwether laments to Judy and Nick, expressing her excitement in doing something of importance, to which Judy replies with confusion, as she believes the title of "assistant mayor" to be rather significant. Bellwether merely sees it as being a "glorified secretary", and voices her suspicion that Lionheart may have selected her simply for the sake of winning the sheep vote. Just then, Lionheart pages Bellwether, aggressively scolding her for failing to cancel his afternoon. Bellwether hurriedly rushes to finish this assignment, leaving Judy and Nick with her computer.

Using the traffic cameras, Judy and Nick can find asylum with over a dozen predator mammals imprisoned, and all of which have mysteriously gone savage. The imprisonment was at the hands of Mayor Lionheart, who was desperately searching for the cause behind the mysterious outbreak, but to no avail; keeping it confidential to prevent a citywide panic, and by extension, the loss of his position. Judy alerts Chief Bogo, and Lionheart is arrested and removed from office. Bellwether, as a result, becomes the new official mayor of Zootopia.

Mayor Bellwether

Bellwether as the mayor of Zootopia.

Judy, meanwhile, is hailed a hero, and a press conference on the savage predators is held. Bellwether is present, and to her advantage, Judy accidentally calls out predators as naturally savage, with the potential to revert to their original, bloodthirsty natures, disturbing the press and causing a citywide panic. Following these events, Bellwether summons Judy to her office and, alongside Chief Bogo, offers her to be the public face of the Zootopia Police Department, as prey mammals look to her as a hero for uncovering the "truth" about predators. Judy declines, feeling she's failed the city, having torn it apart instead of making it a better place, and officially resigns from her position as a police officer, much to Bellwether's shock and confusion.

Sometime later, Judy discovers that toxic flowers are known as "night howlers" are the cause of the strange behavior infecting predators—not instinct—and rushes back to the city to reveal the truth. After she and Nick interrogate Duke Weaselton, they discover that a ram named Doug has been going around purchasing night howlers, and using them to create a serum that turns civilized mammals savage. After she calls Doug to instruct him to dart a leopard in Sahara Square with the serum, Judy and Nick infiltrate Doug's laboratory, steal his equipment as evidence to show to the ZPD, and a chase ensues. Additional ram minions alert Bellwether about the situation, prompting her to take matters into her own hands. Nick successfully retrieves the evidence (a case containing a gun used to shoot predators with paintball-like pellets containing the night howler serum) to show Bogo, but before he and Judy can make it to him by cutting through the natural history museum, Bellwether arrives.

Evil Bellwether

"Fear always works! And I'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way."

She asks for the evidence, presenting herself as being proud of Judy's success, but when Judy questions how Bellwether knew of their whereabouts, the ploy is broken, and Bellwether reveals her true colors by ordering her rams to capture the pair. Judy is injured while trying to escape, and she and Nick are eventually thrown into a pit exhibit, trapped. Though Bellwether attempts to have Judy join her side, she instead resorts to turning Nick savage so that he will kill Judy, and the entire situation will look like another savage outbreak demonizing predators. Bellwether shoots Nick with the night howler dart gun and "alerts" the ZPD that a savage fox is in the museum and attacking Judy. While Nick becomes feral and stalks Judy, Judy asks if Bellwether is doing this to the predators to ostracize them from her envisioned prey-dominated society, to which Bellwether confirms and adds that she will dart all predators in Zootopia to ensure her plot will continue on. Just as Nick appears to have bitten Judy, the two reveal that they were merely and deliberately acting out the scene to deceive Bellwether and make her spill the beans. They also reveal that the serum pellet of Bellwether's gun had been replaced with harmless blueberries, meaning Nick had never turned savage. Angered at this failure, Bellwether, having framed Lionheart, threatens to frame Nick and Judy as well, claiming that it's "her word against theirs". However, Judy responds by revealing that she had recorded Bellwether's confession with her carrot pen and plays the recorded monologue and tells her it's "her word against hers", just as Bogo and the ZPD arrive.

Bellwether is arrested along with her accomplices and is sent to prison. During the credits, she is last seen in jail angrily watching a live stream of Gazelle's concert performance with prey and predator united again, which the prison inmates around her seem to enjoy, much to her annoyance while two of them patting on their lap. Later, one of them messes with her wool, much to further annoyance of hers and proceeds to swat him away.

Other appearances[]

An emoticon version of Bellwether appeared in the Zootopia entry of the As Told by Emoji short series.

In the dark ride Zootopia: Hot Pursuit, Bellwether is the main antagonist of the ride. Seeking to avenge her previous defeat from the film, Bellwether and her sheep flunkies break out of prison and abduct Gazelle leading Nick Wilde and Judy, as well as the riders on a wild goose chase through the city. After Nick and Judy perform a helicopter rescue of Gazelle, the pursuit ends with Bellwether trapped in a Big Donut display much like how her pawn Weaselton was beaten previously. Clawhauser dances at Gazelle's concert in celebration as he takes the radical sheep back to prison.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Bellwether.


  • Bellwether is the first female character to be a surprise villain for the Disney Animated Canon.
  • Unlike the other sheep in the movie or real-life sheep, Bellwether's pupils aren't rectangular.
  • The term "bellwether" refers to a sheep that leads a herd. This fits with Bellwether because she is the leader of a team of sheep; Doug, Woolter, Jesse, and three other unnamed rams assisting her with her scheme.
  • Strangely, "wether" is used for a castrated male sheep, bred only for meat.
  • When designing the look of Bellwether, artists looked to the lambs featured in Make Mine Music, Melody Time, and Lambert the Sheepish Lion for inspiration.[1][3]
  • The relationship between Lionheart and Bellwether was inspired by the old phrase "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb".[4]
  • Bellwether's connection to the night howler operation was foreshadowed earlier in the film; when Nick and Judy were using her computer, she left a post-it note with Doug's name and phone number stuck to her desk. Doug is the sniper that drugged Mr. Otterton and Mr. Manchas.
  • Bellwether being a villain may be a nod to the idiom "wolf in sheep's clothing". Also, at the end of the movie, Officer Wolford, a wolf, is shown to have a sheep disguise, which may be a reference to the same idiom.
  • She is mistakenly named "Bellweather" in Disney Crossy Road.
  • Her first name, "Dawn", is only mentioned once in the film, by the snow leopard newscaster when announced that Bellwether was the one behind the night howlers and was arrested for her crimes. However, in the ending credits, she's credited as just "Bellwether".
    • Her first name is pretty ironic, given her overall dark personality as Zootopia's main antagonist.
  • It is unknown what breed of sheep Dawn is, but due to her appearance, she might be a Merino sheep.
  • Despite being the main antagonist of the film, an increasing group of fans sympathises with the character, mainly because of her initial shy nature and the feeling that Mayor Lionheart undervalued her. Despite this, her sadism, using racism to target predators and how she planned to hold Zootopia under fear, all outweigh Lionheart's horrendous treatment of her.
  • Bellwether can serve as a dark reflection of Judy Hopps. Both are prey animals that were looked down, mistreated and bullied by other animals (mostly predator animals) because of their diminutive size and species. Both of them have jobs used to protect Zootopia and strive to climb up to the higher rank. However unlike Hopps who truly wanted to protect the city and managed to put aside her fear of predators for the greater good, Bellwether used her job position to secretly operate the night howler operation to give predators a bad reputation and attempts to kill anyone who either exposes her plan or she sees as no use to her. Bellwether can be an example of what Judy would've become, if the latter allowed her fear and resentment to get the best of her.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Julius, J., Lasseter, J., Howard, B., & Moore, R. (2016). The Art of Zootopia. Chronicle Books, page 79. 
  2. Berman, Rachel (October 25, 2016). "Meet the Characters in Zootopia". Oh My Disney. Disney. Retrieved on October 25, 2015.
  3. "Disney 'Zootopia' Fun Facts, Part One". Stitch Kingdom (January 29, 2016).
  4. Moore, Rich (May 8, 2016). "Hey Jacob ― it's a bit of a reference to the old saying, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb."" (Tweet). Twitter.

External links[]

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Zootopia logo
Films and Television: Zootopia (video/soundtrack) • Zootopia+Zootopia 2 (video/soundtrack)

Video games: Disney Infinity: 3.0 EditionDisney Crossy RoadZootopia: Crime FilesDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: Zootopia Junior NovelizationThe Art of ZootopiaZootopia: Friends to the Rescue

Disney Parks
The AnnexCountry Bear Musical JamboreeDisney Animation BuildingGarden of the Twelve FriendsHappy CirclePLAY!Zootopia (Zootopia: Hot PursuitDisney Zootopia Comes Alive) • Zootopia: Better Zoogether!

Entertainment: "A Whole New World" A Magical Disney SongbookFollow Your DreamsMax LIVE: Gettin’ Goofy with ItMickey's Magical Music WorldMickey’s Storybook Adventure
Parades: A Million Splashes of ColourDisney Adventure Friends CavalcadeDisney Harmony in Color! ParadeDreams.... And Shine Brighter!Move It! Shake It! Dance and Play It! Street PartyMickey's Storybook ExpressUsatama on the Run!
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Spring: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party!Disney Friends Springtime Processional
Summer: Club Mouse BeatSummer Blast
Christmas: Disney Winter Magic CavalcadeMickey's Once Upon a Christmastime Parade

Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeFinnickChief BogoBenjamin ClawhauserMayor LionheartDawn BellwetherYaxFlashMr. BigKoslovFru FruEmmitt OttertonMrs. OttertonDuke WeaseltonBonnie and Stu HoppsRenato ManchasGazellePeter MoosebridgeFabienne GrowleyJerry Jumbeaux Jr.Gideon GreyNangiDougWoolter and JesseDr. BadgerPriscillaBucky and Pronk Oryx-AntlersonZootopia Police OfficersSwintonQuildaStephanie StalkinewDharma ArmadilloPop-PopCottonGerbil JerksGary and LarryGram-mamaLemmingsTiger Dancers

Zootopia 2: GaryNibbles
Zootopia+: Molly HoppsTimmy HoppsBriancaChristineMandyCharismaTru TruRhino BossDJ Stripes, Kitty Claws, and Sir WhiskersSamGerald
Deleted: Jack SavageMr. WildeOfficer MabelRazorbacksBat Eyewitness

ZootopiaSahara SquareSavanna CentralTundratownBunnyburrowLittle RodentiaRainforest DistrictMystic Springs OasisZootopia Police DepartmentDepartment of Mammal VehiclesJumbeaux's CaféZootopia Police AcademyGrand Pangolin ArmsCliffside AsylumWild TimesLemming Brothers Bank
Try EverythingBig Time
PawpsicleJumbo-popNight howlersCarrot Pen
See Also
As Told by Emoji

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A Bug's Life: FlikDotHeimlich
Monsters, Inc.: SulleyMikeBooRandallCeliaRozFungusGeorge Sanderson
Cars: Lightning McQueenMaterSallyDoc HudsonJackson StormCruz RamirezMackMiss Fritter
Finding Nemo: NemoDoryMarlinCrushBruceDestinyBaileyHankSquirtNigelGillSheldonPearlDarlaCharlieJenny
Ratatouille: RemyLinguini
Up: Carl FredricksenDugKevinRussell
Brave: Merida
Inside Out: JoySadnessAngerDisgustFearBing Bong
The Good Dinosaur: Arlo
Coco: MiguelHéctorImelda
Onward: Ian LightfootBarley Lightfoot
Soul: Joe22
Luca: Luca
Turning Red: Mei
Lightyear: Captain LightyearSox
Elemental: EmberWade
Luxo, Jr.: Luxo, Jr.

Disney Parks
MonorailWalter E. DisneyDumboMad Tea PartySplash MountainAstro OrbiterMatterhorn BobsledsThe Haunted MansionAlbertEnchanted Tiki RoomOrange BirdPirates of the CaribbeanJungle CruiseBig AlBonnie BearTower of Terror
The Avengers: Iron ManCaptain AmericaThorThe HulkBlack WidowHawkeyeFalconWar MachineWinter SoldierAnt-ManBlack PantherVisionSharon Carter

Ultimate Spider-Man: Spider-ManVenomGreen GoblinMiles MoralesLizardRhinoDoctor OctopusIron SpiderSpider-GwenKraven the HunterHobgoblin
Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonGrootDrax
Marvel's Women of Power: WaspElektraCaptain MarvelShe-HulkSpider-Woman
Marvel Icons: DaredevilDoctor StrangeGhost RiderMs. MarvelThanos

Star Wars
Luke SkywalkerHan SoloPrincess LeiaC-3POR2-D2Moff TarkinYodaChewbaccaStormtrooperSandtrooperAT-AT DriverRed GuardTusken RaiderJawaWicketJabba the HuttGreedoObi-Wan KenobiQui-Gon JinnQueen AmidalaClone TrooperJar Jar BinksDarth MaulJango FettGeneral GrievousAayla SecuraAnakin Skywalker/Darth VaderMace WinduCount DookuPlo KoonReyFinnBB-8Kylo RenPoe DameronCaptain PhasmaFirst Order StormtrooperMaz KanataThe MandalorianThe Child
The Muppets
KermitMiss PiggyFozzie BearRowlfGonzoAnimalThe Swedish Chef

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Disney Villains Logo
The Evil QueenChernabogQueen of HeartsCaptain HookMaleficentCruella De VilUrsulaJafarScarHadesDr. Facilier

Other Disney Animation Villains: PeteBig Bad WolfWillie the GiantLonesome GhostsMortimer MouseMagic MirrorHonest JohnGideonStromboliMonstroPink ElephantsRingmasterThe Headless HorsemanLady TremaineAnastasia TremaineDrizella TremaineLuciferCheshire CatCard SoldiersMr. SmeeSi and AmAunt SarahDiabloJasper and HoraceMadam MimKaaShere KhanEdgarPrince JohnSir HissSheriff of NottinghamHeffalumpsWoozlesMadame MedusaBrutus and NeroAmos SladeHorned KingProfessor RatiganFeliciaSykesFlotsam and JetsamPercival C. McLeachGastonIagoShenzi, Banzai, and EdGovernor RatcliffeClaude FrolloPain and PanicFatesShan YuClaytonSaborYzmaLyle Tiberius RourkeCaptain GantuDr. Jumba JookibaJohn SilverScroopBowler Hat GuyDorisLawrenceDr. Facilier's ShadowMother GothelStabbington BrothersKing CandySour BillHansDuke of WeseltonYokaiBellwetherTamatoaKing Magnifico
Pixar Villains: Sid PhillipsScudHopperMoltZurgStinky PeteRandall BoggsHenry J. Waternoose IIISyndromeChick HicksChef SkinnerAUTOCharles F. MuntzLotsoMiles AxlerodProfessor ZMor'duThunderclapErnesto de la CruzEvelyn DeavorDragon the Cat
Other Villains: Br'er FoxBr'er BearOogie BoogieWinifred SandersonMary SandersonSarah SandersonDr. HämstervielQueen NarissaWicked Witch of the WestRipslingerHitchhiking Ghosts

Disney Parks
Celebrate A Dreams Come True ParadeCelebrate the MagicCinderella Castle Mystery TourClub VillainDisney's FantillusionDisney's Maleficious Halloween PartyDisney's Not-So-Scary Halloween ShowDisney's Once Upon a Dream ParadeDisney Dreams!Disney's Stars 'n' Cars... As Never Seen BeforeFantasmic!Feel the MagicFrightfully Fun ParadeGlow in the Park Halloween ParadeHappy HallowishesHocus Pocus Villain SpelltacularInferno Dance PartyIt's Good To Be Bad With The Disney VillainsIt's Good to Be Bad Villainous CelebrationIt's Party Time... with Mickey and Friends... and the Disney VillainsMickey's Boo-to-You Halloween ParadeMickey and his Magic Halloween NightMomentousRe-Villains! Halloween ParadeSorcerers of the Magic KingdomThe Disney Villains Halloween ShowtimeThe Nightmare ExperimentThe Villains WorldUnleash the VillainsVillains GardensVillainy in the SkyVillains Mix and MingleVillains Night Out!Villains Tonight!WishesWorld of Color
Mickey's House of VillainsOnce Upon a HalloweenDisney Villains: Simply Sinister SongsDisney Villains Songbook

Video Games: Disney Villains ChallengeDisney's Villains' Revenge

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Disney Heroes Battle Mode logo 2
Disney feature films
A Goofy Movie: PowerlineMax Goof

Aladdin: AladdinGenieJafarJasmineRajahAbu
Alice in Wonderland: Alice Mad HatterQueen of HeartsCheshire Cat
Atlantis: The Lost Empire: Kida NedakhVincenzo SantoriniHelga SinclairMilo ThatchAudrey Ramirez
Beauty and the Beast: GastonBeastBelleLumiereCogsworth
Big Hero 6: Hiro HamadaBaymaxHoney LemonWasabiGo Go TomagoFred
Bolt: Bolt
Chicken Little: Chicken Little
Cinderella: Fairy GodmotherCinderella
Encanto: Mirabel MadrigalBruno MadrigalIsabela MadrigalLuisa Madrigal
Fantasia: Chernabog
Frozen: ElsaOlafKristoffSvenAnna
Hercules: HadesHerculesMegaraZeusPhiloctetesPegasus
Lady and the Tramp: LadyTramp
Lilo & Stitch: StitchPleakleyJumbaAngelLilo Pelekai
Meet the Robinsons Bowler Hat GuyDOR-15Franny Robinson
Mickey Mouse & Friends Mickey MouseGoofyMinnie MousePlutoPeteDaisy Duck
Moana: MoanaMauiGramma Tala
Mulan: Fa MulanLi ShangShan YuMushu
One Hundred and One Dalmatians: Cruella De VilJasper and Horace
Peter Pan: Peter PanCaptain HookTinker Bell
Pocahontas: PocahontasMeekoFlit
Raya and the Last Dragon: RayaSisuNamaari
Robin Hood: Robin HoodSheriff of NottinghamLittle John
Sleeping Beauty: MaleficentAuroraPrince PhillipFlora, Fauna, and Merryweather
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: The Evil QueenMagic MirrorSnow WhiteHuntsman
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderMaximusMother GothelStabbington Brothers
The Aristocats: Thomas O'Malley
The Black Cauldron: The Horned King
The Emperor's New Groove: YzmaKronkPachaKuzco
The Great Mouse Detective: Basil of Baker StreetRatigan
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: EsmeraldaQuasimodoPhoebusDjali
The Jungle Book: King LouieBalooBagheeraKaaShere Khan
The Lion King: ScarRafikiTimonPumbaaSimbaNalaMufasa
The Little Mermaid: ArielUrsulaKing Triton
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyOogie BoogieLock, Shock, and BarrelMayor of Halloween Town
The Princess and the Frog: Dr. FacilierTianaLouisRayMama OdieJuju
The Rescuers Down Under: Percival C. McLeachJoanna
The Sword in the Stone: MerlinMadam Mim
Treasure Planet: Captain AmeliaJim HawkinsJohn SilverMorph
Wreck-It Ralph: Wreck-It RalphVanellope von SchweetzFix-It Felix Jr.Sergeant CalhounShank
Winnie the Pooh: Winnie the PoohTiggerEeyore
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeYax FinnickChief BogoClawhauserKoslovMr. BigBellwetherFlash

Disney animated shows
Amercian Dragon: Jake Long: Jake LongRose

Amphibia: Anne Boonchuy
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: Chip and DaleGadget HackwrenchZipper
Darkwing Duck: Darkwing DuckMegavoltQuackerjackNegaduck
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckDonald DuckHuey, Dewey, and LouieFenton CrackshellLaunchpad McQuackMagica De Spell
Gargoyles: GoliathDemona
Kim Possible: Kim PossibleDr. DrakkenShegoRon StoppableRufusDuff KilliganMonkey Fist
Phineas and Ferb: Agent PHeinz DoofenshmirtzFerb Fletcher
The Proud Family: Penny ProudSuga Mama
The Owl House: Eda ClawthorneLuz Noceda

A Bug's Life: FlikHopperHeimlich

Brave: Merida
Coco: Miguel RiveraDante
Elemental: Ember LumenWade Ripple
Finding Nemo: GeraldMarlinNemoHankDory
Inside Out: AngerJoySadnessDisgustFearAnxiety
Luca: Luca PaguroAlberto Scorfano
Monsters, Inc.: James P. SullivanBooMike WazowskiRandall Boggs
Onward: Ian LightfootCorey the ManticoreBarley Lightfoot
Ratatouille: Alfredo LinguiniRemyColette TatouChef Skinner
Soul: 22Joe Gardner
The Incredibles: Mr. IncredibleElastigirlDash ParrViolet ParrJack-Jack ParrFrozoneSyndromeThe UnderminerVoyd
Toy Story: WoodyBuzz LightyearJessieRexEmperor ZurgBo PeepBilly, Goat, and GruffDuke CaboomDucky and BunnySlinky DogHamm
Turning Red: Mei Lee
Up: Carl FredricksenDugRussellKevin

Disney live-action films
Hocus Pocus: Winifred SandersonSarah SandersonMary SandersonThackery BinxBilly Butcherson

Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack SparrowHector BarbossaTia DalmaDavy JonesElizabeth Swann
The Rocketeer: Cliff Secord
Tron: Kevin FlynnQuorraTron

The Muppets
AnimalMiss PiggyGonzoDr. Bunsen HoneydewBeakerKermit the FrogThe Swedish ChefFozzie BearStatler and WaldorfSweetums