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So, the chip in the back of Doc's neck was designed to protect his brain from the A.I. system that's controlling these tentacles. But if you look here... The chip is fried. So rather than him being in control of the tentacles, the tentacles are now in control of him. Which, I guess explains why... he is so miserable all the time.
Peter Parker to Norman Osborn[src]

Doctor Octopus (real name Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius), or simply Doc Ock, is a fictional supervillain in Marvel Comics. He appears in Spider-Man: No Way Home, portrayed by Alfred Molina, reprising the role from the 2004 film Spider-Man 2.

Dr. Octavius is a brilliant Oscorp scientist that created mechanical, intelligent tentacle-like arms, but suffered a lab accident. He survived his injuries and became a villain equipped with the arms, who is confronted by Spider-Man from his universe.

Doctor Octopus was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.


A couple of years later, you, Doc Ock, drowned in the river with your machine.

Doctor Otto Octavius was a talented Oscorp scientist in his world. He created mechanical, intelligent tentacle-like arms to handle radioactive material, designed to help people. However, his invention got corrupted. Upon trying to create a fusion generator in a public demonstration, he was gravely injured in a lab accident and the arms became melted onto his spine. The explosion damaged the lab Peter Parker and Harry Osborn were visiting, killed Octavius' wife, Rosie and injured many other people. Dr. Octavius survived his injuries, though the inhibitor chip blocking the arms from controlling him was fried, turning him evil.

Having lost the support to his project and his wife, Doctor Octopus became rageful and started to commit crimes to continue funding his experiments. He confronted and stopped by Spider-Man. Their fight caused Doc Ock to see the mistakes he made. Doctor Octopus drowned in the river with his machine, after his Spider-Man convinced him to save New York City, so to Otto sacrificed himself to destroy his experiment at the cost of the scientist's life.

Physical appearance[]

Octavius' wears a black, long coat and glasses with frizzy hair and a turtleneck. Alfred Molina was digitally de-aged for this role so it would tie-in with the timeline of the character's original appearance back in 2002.


When Doc Ock arrives in the new universe, he is cold hearted towards Spider-Man since he believes he needs his machine and this Peter has destroyed it, confusing him for the Spider-Man from his world. Doc Ock's personality is purely because his tentacles are in charge and making him angry all the time. Once 616 Peter is able to fix the device on Doc's neck, it allows him to feel free and not be so angry. His personality changes positively and he becomes a hot happier and grateful for Parker's help. Doc Ock spends the film willing to help Parker cure the other villains as he is happier and not so depressed. He even has a tearful, happy reunion from his Spider-Man and they ask each other how they've been. Otto even becomes emotional upon seeing his Peter having grown into a man and they bond.


When Doc Ock is introduced, he is unable to properly control his tentacles since the chip at the back of his head is fried, meaning that the tentacles now control him rather than the other way around.


Marvel Cinematic Universe[]

Spider-Man: No Way Home[]

Spider-Man No Way Home - Doctor Octopus (1)

Doc Ock in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

The power of the sun, in the palm of my hand.
―Doc Ock[src]

Dr. Octavius is an Oscorp scientist who, in the universe of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, created mechanical, intelligent tentacle-like arms to handle radioactive material. However, upon trying to create a fusion generator in a public demonstration, he was gravely injured in a lab accident and the arms became melted onto his spine. He survived his injuries, though the inhibitor chip blocking the arms from controlling him was fried, turning him evil. Having lost the support to his project, Doctor Octopus started to commit crimes to continue funding his experiments, but was stopped by Spider-Man, who was able to convince him to sacrifice himself to destroy his experiment to save New York.

Due to 616 Spider-Man asking Doctor Strange to cast a spell to make people forget Peter Parker was Spider-Man after his secret identity was exposed by Mysterio, it caused Doc Ock and other villains to arrive at this universe since they knew who Peter Parker was in their world. Doc Ock first encounters this universe's Spider-Man on the Charles Hamilton bridge, where Doc Ock asks Peter where his machine is, which confuses Parker since Doc Ock is mistaking him for an alterate version, from his universe. The two fight on the bridge, which angers Parker after Doc Ock mentions he should have killed his "little girlfriend when he had the chance". Believing the villain is speaking about his girlfriend, Peter battles him further until Doc Ock (seeing Parker's face behind his mask) realizes this isn't the same Peter Parker he knows. Taking control of Doc Ock's tentacles, Parker brings him back to the New York Sanctum after noticing the Green Goblin on his way to attack them.

While trapped in the undercroft, Doc Ock introduces himself as Doctor Otto Octavius, much to the amusement of Parker, MJ, and Ned Leeds. When Parker mentions a "flying green elf", he concludes that Otto knew that man, to which Octavius mentions that this "elf's" name is Norman Osborn who died in 2002, after being impaled by his own glider which he flew around on. Octavius is shocked to see Osborn alive and here, who asks him what happened to him due to his tentacles. Otto, taken back with Osborn's question, informs his former friend that he died years ago. Osborn says that Otto is insane, but Sandman confirms this as they both died fighting their Spider-Man and it was all over the news. After reflecting on having his universe's Parker "by the throat" before being transported to Earth-616, Octavius learns more about it when Strange arrives, telling Parker that the displaced villains were extracted from their universes moments before their deaths.

After Peter locates every villain who knew Peter Parker is Spider-Man, he takes them, including Otto, to Happy Hogan's condo where he and his Aunt May are staying. Parker starts to make cures for the villains so that they can return to their own universes and not die fighting their Spider-Men. Doc Ock is the first one who is cured by Parker and is very grateful for him removing the voices in his head. As a thank you, Otto offers his help with curing the other visitors and upgrades Parker's Spider-Man suit. Octavius speaks with Osborn briefly about being cured before his Green Goblin persona takes over his mind. Otto is horrified to see the drastic personality change, to which the Goblin says that "Norman is unfanatical". As soon as the Goblin starts to attack Parker, Doc Ock flees out of the apartment complex, along with Sandman, Lizard, and Electro, where J. Jonah Jameson spots him descending the building.

No Way Home - Peter-Two & Dr

Otto reunites with the Peter Parker from his world.

A few days later, Doc Ock travels to the Statue of Liberty with the other villains after Spider-Man and his alternate counterparts decide to cure them where it is safe for civilians. Seeing Electro attack, Otto is able to restrain him from hurting anyone, after tricking them into believing the cure hasn't worked. Shortly afterward, Otto meets Spider-Man from his world and becomes emotional upon being reunited with the Peter he knew and seeing that he is now a grown man. Otto asks Parker how he is to which the superhero mentions he is trying to do better, referencing their conversation over 20 years earlier. Once Doctor Strange arrives, after being trapped at the Grand Canyon for 12 hours, Otto saves him from Green Goblin's razor bats. Doc Ock tries to stop the Goblin from escaping by fighting him and notices the scaffolding around the Statue of Liberty staring to fall. Octavius brings Dillon to safety with his remaining tentacles - which one had been destroyed by the Green Goblin earlier - and Doc Ock watches - along with The Amazing Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Doctor Strange, Electro, and Sandman - Peter Parker brutally fight the Green Goblin, to near death in severe rage, until the oldest Parker stops his youngest self make the fatal mistake he would later regret. Doctor Strange casts a spell which sends everybody back to their rightful universes, and make the people in this world forget who Peter Parker is. Otto returns to his rightful universe with Sandman, that universe's Spider-Man, and the newly cured Norman Osborn, with their fates changed, without the chance of their demises. Otto also keeps the Arc Reactor which was in Dillon's possession.

Marvel Animation[]

Marvel's Spider-Man[]

Doctor Octopus appears in the subsequent 2017 cartoon Spider-Man, voiced by Scott Menville. In this, he is far younger, being a student-teacher at Horizon High, not that much older than Peter Parker, who he butts heads with. Growing up, Octavius had a hard life between being picked on by a jock named Steve and having problems with his own father Torbert. In Season 1, during a science fair hosted by Tony Stark, Octavius showcases his own innovative invention: a mechanical harness with robotic arms which would help complete more complex experiments. However, thanks to an attack by Crimson Dynamo attempting to rob them, the resulting disaster and Otto's failed attempt to stop her causes his harness to be fused to his body.

Peter convinces Otto to make the best out of his situation and suggests he work together with Spider-Man, attempting to help him be a superhero. However, thanks to manipulation by Norman Osborn, Octavius becomes vengeful and villainous, turning the Osborn Commandos into the Sinister Six and christening himself as the supervillain Doctor Octopus. yet his plans are foiled by Spider-Man and Hobgoblin. In Season 2, Octavius' body falls into a coma and his consciousness ends up in cyberspace to remain alive before relocating himself into Spider-Man's body, adopting the Superior Spider-Man alias. Despite his original agenda, Octavius restores himself and Peter to their former selves after seeing the errors of his ways. Octavius dies by fading away into light particles after stopping the Goblin King using the Neuro Cortex leaving his tentacles behind. He is honored as a hero by the rest of the Spider Team, who attend his funeral, along with Anna Maria Marconi and Max.


  • Alfred Molina, who plays Doc Ock in Spider-Man: No Way Home, originally played the character in the Spider-Man trilogy staring Tobey Maguire. It was also confirmed that he is actually the same version, appearing in the MCU immediately after his last scene in Spider-Man 2.
    • Molina was digitally de-aged to match his appearance in Spider-Man 2.
  • Tom Holland was terrified of the character in the original film.[1]
  • While Doc Ock’s tentacles were created using practical effects in Spider-Man 2, they are entirely digital in No Way Home.
  • Doctor Octopus says "The power of the sun, in the palm of my hand" in Spider-Man: No Way Home, the same line he says in Spider-Man 2.
  • A female variant of Doctor Octopus appeared in the 2018 computer-animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, named Dr. Olivia "Liv" Octavius, who was voiced by Kathryn Hahn. However, this is unassociated with Disney in any way, purely a Sony Pictures Animation project.
  • In Penguins of Madagascar, one character was named Dr. Octavius who was an actual octopus.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Doctor Octopus.

See also[]


External links[]

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Other characters: Flash ThompsonAunt MayBen ParkerMax ModellAnna Maria MarconiHarry Osborn/HobgoblinMary Jane WatsonBetty BrantMaria Corazon

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Season Three: "Web of Venom" • "Amazing Friends" • "Vengeance of Venom" • "Spider-Man Unmasked" • "Generations" • "Maximum Venom"

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