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This article is about the character from the Star Wars franchise. For Remy's father from Ratatouille or the Phineas and Ferb character, see Django or Django Brown, respectively.

I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.
―Jango Fett

Jango Fett is a character in the Star Wars universe and the father of Boba Fett. He first appeared in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.

Jango is a Mandalorian assassin and mercenary who was hailed far and wide as the galaxy's most ruthless and efficient bounty hunter. Coming under the employment of Count Dooku, actually the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, Jango relocated himself to distant world of Kamino where his DNA was used in the production of the Clone Troopers. During the Battle of Geonosis, Jango met his end at the hands of the Jedi Master Mace Windu. Jango's son, Boba, would go on to carry on his legacy by succeeding his father as the galaxy's greatest bounty hunter.


Jango Fett was born on Concord Dawn, a planet in the Outer Rim that was settled upon by Mandalorian colonists. Orphaned at a young age, who was eventually discovered by a group of Mandalorian warriors. Obeying the creed of Mandalore, which states that orphaned or lost children found by Mandalorians must be taken in and trained as foundlings, the warriors took Jango in and raised him as one of their own. His mentor, Jaster Mareel, the previous owner of his soon to be acquired armor, trained him. After coming of age and swearing the creed, Jango was officially excepted as a Mandalorian warrior. He would eventually journey to Mandalore itself, in order to fight in the Mandalorian Civil Wars, a series of conflicts on the planet waged between the rival Mandalorian houses and clans, in which Jaster was killed. After the wars however, the New Mandalorians came to power, led by the new Ducthess Satine Kryze. Seeking to reform Mandalore into a pacifist society, the New Mandalorians exiled the planet's warriors, Jango being among them. This caused Jango to become a member of the Old Mandalorians, Mandalorian warriors who excepted their exile (unlike Death Watch who sought revenge against the New Mandalorians) and preserved their militaristic heritage by traveling the galaxy as bounty hunters and mercenaries. Though Jango was one of the Old Mandalorians, he did not associate himself with any of their different factions.

Becoming a gun for hire, Jango Fett built himself a fearsome reputation throughout the galaxy as the best bounty hunter in the universe, due to the sheer level of his ruthlessness, cunning, and effectiveness. This eventually caught the attention of the Sith Order who considered him to be a fine specimen for their plans to build a clone army for the upcoming Clone Wars. After being contacted and hired by Darth Tyrannus, the Sith identity of the former Jedi Count Dooku, Jango agreed to being the Clone Army's donor. Beside his payment however, Jango also wanted one unaltered clone for himself, intending to raise it as a son. His request was granted and he named his "son" Boba Fett. Not only did he raise Boba but also taught him the combat skills he learned from the Mandalorians, though with no intention of making his son a Mandalorian.


Owning up to his reputation as the galaxy's most lethal bounty hunter, Jango Fett was a ruthless, cold, determined, cunning, amoral, and calculating mercenary. Befitting of a soldier and assassin for hire, his loyalty often lied with those who offered the greatest reward, staying in their service so long as they payed his demanded fee. Known and feared throughout space for his efficiency in hunting down targets, Fett was a cunning and extremely calculating hunter. Rather than simply rushing into battle, Jango would gather sufficient intel on his targets, studying them in order to ascertain their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the perfect time to make his move. When on assignments, Jango would maintain and calm and cool demeanor, preferring to eliminate or capture his targets as quickly and effectively as possible. Due to his profession, Jango was loner, possessing few civil associations with others and next to no friendships. Though he was a member of the Old Mandalorians, Jango never affiliated himself with any of their clans or houses, preferring to work alone as a mercenary, further showing his independence. Despite this loner life-style, Jango was willing to work with other bounty hunters when he felt he needed too. Despite showing some camaraderie and concern for the safety of these partners however, Jango was not above turning on them, as he executed his partner Zam Wesell in order to ensure that she wouldn't sell him out to the Jedi. This further shows Jango's ruthless form of pragmatism and caution when on assignments. He did however, feel some remorse for having to go to such lengths, showing that he was not completely devoid of emotion or empathy.

Contrary of his loner attitude, deep down Jango longed for a familial connection, possibly implying a hidden sense of loneliness in his life. When providing his DNA to the Kaminoans for their clone army, Jango saw this as a chance to finally obtain the family bond he sought. This is what caused him to demand the production of an unaltered clone, as he wanted to raise the clone as his son. As Boba's father, Jango was kind and loving but also strict parent. He held high expectations for Boba, teaching him martial arts, how to use a blaster, various alien languages, and Mandalorian fighting techniques, all in order to toughen his son and instill in him a sense of ruthlessness as well, seeing the universe as a dangerous place that he had to be ready for. Despite his parental feelings towards Boba, Jango held no affections for his other, genetically modified, clones, seeing their production as no different from any other job he had been given. This caused him to be somewhat uncaring to his other clones, not truly caring of what would happen to them or what they would be truly used for.

Despite his ruthlessness and accepting jobs that offered the greatest rewards, Jango was not devoid of ethics. Possessing his own code of honor, he usually accepted jobs that he felt were morally acceptable; justifying his work for crime syndicates and gangsters as most of the targets they assigned him to assassinate were criminals from rival gangs. He also felt justified in his attempts to assassinate Padme Amidala, feeling that she and most politicians were merely corrupt officials who were only interested in furthering their own interests rather than helping the people they swore to represent. He also preferred working for the Separatists, not only because of Count Dooku's substantial payments, but also because he saw them as the more legitimate faction; seeing the Galactic Republic as a decadent, ineffective, and overly corrupt government. Despite being ruthless mercenary, Jango never took pleasure in hurting or killing, preferring to kill his targets as quickly often so that they would not have to suffer unnecessary. In addition to his lack of sadism, Jango was not a believer in vengeance. Typical of an Old Mandalorian, Jango bore no grudge against the New Mandalorians for exiling from Mandalore instead accepting it and making the best of exile through his bounty hunting career. It is also implied by Hondo Ohnaka, a former associate of Jango's, that Jango would have disappointed in Boba for the actions he took in trying to avenge him; disapproving of Boba hurting others who had nothing to do with his death. This shows that overall, Jango Fett was a highly amoral but very honorable man.


Attack of the Clones[]

Jango was a bounty hunter who worked for Separatist leader Count Dooku, who had hired him to kill Senator Padmè Amidala. He hired another bounty hunter, Zam Wesell, to kill her. After failed attempts on Coruscant, Jango reluctantly shot her with a poison dart, killing her and preventing her from selling him out. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi tracked him to Kamino, where he found that he had a son named Boba Fett and was a genetic template for a clone army. After trying to arrest Jango, Obi-Wan was knocked down by Boba, who was piloting their ship the Slave I. They were followed by Kenobi through an asteroid field, where Boba realized the two were being tracked. After a fight, Obi-Wan faked his death and eventually landed on Geonosis, where Count Dooku was. Kenobi was captured and a failed rescue attempt by his padawan, Anakin Skywalker, and Amidala, resulted in all three being sentenced to death.

At the execution arena, the three broke free and killed the beasts that were supposed to kill them. A Jedi strike team, led by Mace Windu, arrived to rescue them. Eventually, Jango rocketed down and attacked the Jedi, resulting in Windu decapitating him, leaving Boba Fett orphaned.

The Clone Wars[]

Jango is mentioned posthumously several times in the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

In the episode "The Mandalore Plot", Obi-Wan Kenobi mentions his encounter with Jango to Prime Minister Almec of Mandalore, who dismisses Fett's ties to the Mandalorian culture. In the episode "Clone Cadets", Prime Minister Lama Su of Kamino laments that Fett's death has resulted in the Kaminoan cloners' supply of his DNA being stretched thin. A hologram of Fett appears in the following episode, "ARC Troopers".

In a three-episode story arc comprising "Death Trap", "R2 Come Home", and "Lethal Trackdown", Boba Fett works with fellow bounty hunters to exact revenge against Mace Windu for the latter killing his father. The boy sacrifices Jango's helmet to bait Windu toward an explosive device hidden inside it, though Windu senses the trap and survives. After Boba is apprehended by the Republic, he vows to never forgive the Jedi for his father's death

The Bad Batch[]

The episode "Bounty Lost" reveals that Omega, an enhanced female clone who joined Clone Force 99 after the rise of the Galactic Empire, is a second unaltered replication of Fett's template, technically making her his daughter. The episode "Plan 99" reveals that Emerie Karr is another female clone of Fett, and therefore another daughter of his.

The Mandalorian[]

Jango is mentioned several times in the second-season episode "Chapter 14: The Tragedy" of The Mandalorian streaming television series. Boba reveals that his armor (which he reclaims from the title character) is the very suit once worn by his father and thus his birthright. Between Boba's dialog and the holographic "chain code" he shows the protagonist, it is established that Jango was adopted into the Mandalorian culture by his mentor, Jaster; that he hailed from Concord Dawn; and that he fought in the Mandalorian Civil Wars—elements all broadly reflective of the character's backstory in the Legends comic Jango Fett: Open Seasons.

The Book of Boba Fett[]

Jango is mentioned several times in The Book of Boba Fett, a spin-off of The Mandalorian. In the episode "Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor", Cad Bane Taunts Boba about being a killer like his father causing Boba to retaliate and kill Bane.

Video games[]

Angry Birds Star Wars II[]

In the non-canon video game Angry Birds Star Wars II, Fett's role differs from that in the films. He is present during the events of The Phantom Menace and assists Darth Sidious as his main ally. During the events of Attack of the Clones, his death was changed being accidentally shot apparently by a stormtrooper, rather than beheaded by Mace Windu.

Disney Parks[]

Star Wars Weekends[]

Jango is an occasional character at the Jedi Training Academy show. He was also a seeable and meetable character during Star Wars Weekends at Walt Disney World in 2003, 2006, and 2010.


Boba Fett[]

When serving as the clone template for the Kaminoans, Jango asked for an unaltered clone in addition to his fee whom he named Boba and raised as his son. Jango also stated that he is an apprentice and is also "Jaster's Legacy", but he firmly believed that Boba was worth far more than the five million credits he was rewarded for defeating Vosa. During Boba's upbringing, he taught him how to use a blaster.

Zam Wesell[]

Zam and Jango had a friendly professional relationship but were often arguing about strategies due to Jango feeling that she was reckless and should learn how to be subtle. The two had great respect for each other and Zam was an important person in young Boba's life before he was forced to kill her. She often teased Jango.


Jango Fett's (and to an extension, Boba's) is a topic that used to be an ongoing debate amongst the Star Wars community. Prior to Disney buying Star Wars and retconning Jango Fett's origin, George Lucas always felt that Jango was never a true Mandalorian and was instead a common man that became a bounty hunter. Dave Filoni responded to this by adding a scene in the episode, The Mandalore Plot, of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, where Obi-Wan speaks with Minister Almec regarding Jango, in which Almec responds to him that Jango was nothing more than a bounty hunter that stole Mandalorian armor. Even within Disney's current canon, there are several hints to Jango Fett's relation with the Mandalorians, most notably his claim that he was born on Concord Dawn, which is a Mandalorian planet.

Despite this, Jango Fett was established as being a true Manadalorian that was raised by Jaster Mereel and led his own Mandalorian soldiers against Vizsla's Death Watch. These events are currently retconned as Legends material, however and thus have no connection with Disney's canon.

As revealed in The Mandalorian, Jango Fett is revealed to be a Mandalorian foundling that participated in the Mandalorian Civil War, officially establishing him to be a Mandalorian in Disney's canon.


Promotional images[]



External links[]

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