First Order AT-AT (also known as First Order All Terrain Armored Transport) is a heavily armored land vehicle used by the First Order in the 2017 film of the Star Wars sequel trilogy, The Last Jedi.
Physical description[]
The First Order AT-AT has its design based on the old AT-AT of the Galactic Empire. Despite having a similar design to that of its antecesor, this model has a lighter and stronger armor, and is equipped with weapons that recharge more quickly than the ones of the Imperial AT-AT besides improved targeting sensors. Another difference is that its primary cannons are mounted on the sides of its head instead of under its chin, which has a boarding ramp in place of the heavy laser cannons.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi[]
During the Battle of Crait, where the Supreme Leader Kylo Ren led the attack against the Resistance base on the planet, two First Order AT-ATs are present along with several larger AT-M6s and the Supreme Leader's command shuttle.
See also[]
External links[]
First Order AT-AT on Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki
First Order AT-AT Walker on (backup link on