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This article is about the character from the Star Wars franchise. For the character from 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure, see Lars.

Owen Lars is the son of moisture farmer Cliegg Lars and the step-brother of Anakin Skywalker. He married Beru Whitesun, and after his father's death, he inherited his job as a moisture farmer. In 19 BBY, Beru convinced Owen to adopt Anakin's son, Luke Skywalker, as Anakin had turned to the dark side and become the infamous Darth Vader.

Many years later, he bought R2-D2 and C-3PO from Jawas. He met his demise along with Beru, being killed by the Empire's Stormtroopers who were led to their home, before Luke could save them.



Owen was a kind and caring individual, but he was also gruff and strict, which often created tension between him and his step-nephew, Luke Skywalker, and which often forced his wife, Beru Whitesun to mediate between the two, Owen bore great disdain towards the Jedi Order, as he believed that Obi-Wan Kenobi had warped his step-brother, Anakin Skywalker's mind into leaving Shmi alone on Tatooine, an act he considered to be unimaginable. Owen felt that Obi-Wan was personally responsible for the deaths of Shmi and Anakin and, that the Jedi Master's actions had ripped his family apart.

Despite Owen's dislike towards the Jedi, particularly Obi-Wan, Owen did have honor, refusing to turn Obi-Wan in when several Sith Inquisitors came looking for him. Despite this, he stressed that he did it for his family, not for Obi-Wan.

When Obi-Wan left Luke under Owen's reluctant protection as an infant, he told the Jedi Master to stay away from them, fearing that Obi-Wan would create similar consequences with his step-nephew in the future. To keep Luke from following in Anakin's footsteps, Owen lied to the latter about his Jedi heritage, claiming that his father was simply a navigator on a spice freighter. When Luke desired to leave Tatooine, Owen found it difficult to ignore his gruff, protective nature, which had become habitual over the years and tried to come up with excuses to keep Luke from leaving Tatooine. Owen failed to realize that he was running out of excuses and, that it was inevitable that Luke would discover the truth about his Jedi heritage.


  • Expert Marksman: Owen is highly skilled in utilizing blaster, whether it is blaster rifles or blaster pistols.
  • Expert Mechanic: Owen is a skilled mechanic. Although he is not on the level like his stepbrother, Owen manage to teach his nephew Luke.

Film Appearances[]

Attack of the Clones[]

Owen meets his step-brother, Anakin Skywalker, and his girlfriend, Padme Amidala.

Revenge of the Sith[]

In the final act, an infant Luke is sent to live with his step-uncle Owen and his wife, Beru on Tatooine. After they received their infant nephew from Anakin's former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Owen and Beru looked at the binary sunset together with the Luke in their arms, vowing to keep him safe from the newly formed Galactic Empire.

A New Hope[]

Nineteen years after adopting Luke, Owen bought R2-D2 and C-3PO from Jawas. Along with Beru, he met his demise from the Empire's Stormtroopers who were led to their home and, was killed before Luke could return home and save them.


Obi-Wan Kenobi[]

In the first episode, Owen and his wife Beru were raising Anakin's son Luke. One day, he discovers that Obi-Wan had left a toy T-16 Skyhopper for Luke, only to return it to Obi-Wan and told him to stay away from Luke. The two got into an argument until the Third Sister arrived to demand to know the location of any Jedi, Reva threatens Owen, but Owen refused to say anything. After the Inquisitorius took off, Obi-Wan thank him for not giving him away, only to tell him, he wasn't doing it for him.


  • In the original scripts for Return of the Jedi, Owen was revealed to be Obi-Wan's brother. This is also mentioned in the Return of the Jedi novelization. This was later retconned in Attack of the Clones and in all other media that he is Anakin's step-brother.


External links[]

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Obi-Wan Kenobi
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See Also
The ForceLightsaberBlasterT-47 airspeederTIE FighterTatooineMustafarCoruscant