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Weeteef Cybuee is a member of the Partisans, the black ops group of the Rebel Alliance that engages in activities too brutal or violent for the regular Rebel Alliance. His superior officer was Saw Gerrera. He is an ally of Jyn Erso, helping her and her friends fight the Galactic Empire. His fate after the plans to the Death Star are successfully stolen is unknown.


  • Weeteef is the third Star Wars character played by Warwick Davis, the first being Wicket W. Warrick, and the second being Wollivan. Wicket, Wollivan, and Weeteef are all heroic alien beings whose names start with the letter W and who fight the Galactic Empire.

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Rogue One (video/soundtrack) • The Art of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Jyn ErsoCassian AndorK-2SOBodhi RookChirrut ÎmweBaze MalbusGalen ErsoLyra ErsoSaw GerreraBenthicEdrioWeeteef CyubeeMon MothmaBail OrganaLeia OrganaR2-D2C-3POWilhuff TarkinStormtroopersDeath TroopersTIE PilotsOrson KrennicDarth VaderRebel PilotsAntoc MerrickJan DodonnaAdmiral Raddus
Death StarYavin 4EaduJedhaMustafar
Zeta-Class Cargo ShuttleBlockade RunnerEF76 Nebulon-B escort frigateHammerhead CorvetteImperial Star DestroyerU-WingX-WingY-WingTIE FighterTIE StrikerAT-STAT-ACT
See Also
SoloThe ForceRebel AllianceGalactic EmpireLightsaberKyber crystal