Poe Dameron is the tritagonist of the Star Warssequel trilogy. Poe is an X-wing pilot (later General) of the Resistance, and the owner of BB-8. Known for his outstanding skill in starfighter combat, Kylo Ren addresses Poe as "the best pilot of the Resistance" while holding him captive.
Poe Dameron is the son of Kes Dameron and Shara Bey, a married couple of Rebel Alliance fighters who fought in the Battle of Endor to destroy the Galactic Empire's second Death Star, introduced in the 2015Marvel Comics mini-series, Star Wars: Shattered Empire. Kes Dameron was a Rebel Trooper who took part in the destruction of the shield generator on Endor, while Shara Bey was a Rebel pilot who flew an A-wing in the space battle as a member of Green Squadron. Sometime after Shara's death, Poe became involved with the Spice Runners of Kijimi, but he eventually left the group.
Upon joining the New Republic Fleet, he was trained by a pilot called Wedge Antilles. He was given the command of a Squadron of X-Wings and met BB-8, who assisted him on flights. Later, he and BB-8 both joined the Resistance.
Poe is exceedingly brave and daring, capable of being able to fly anything. Despite this, he is a very friendly and caring person. He can sometimes be brash and reckless as well, to Leia Organa's dismay. Poe's personality changed after his mistakes during The Last Jedi, as due to miscommunications between him and Vice Admiral Holdo, the First Order almost wiped out the Resistance army. Poe became more cautious, serious, but he did forgive himself before the Resistance members did.
Although Poe is not interested in the the Force, he starts to admire the Force powers displayed by Luke Skywalker and Rey, and he also understands the importance of the Force to his friends Rey and Finn.
Expert Marksman: As a member of the Resistance, Poe is extremely skilled in utilizing blaster pistols and blaster rifles.
Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant: As a member of the Resistance, Poe is extremely skilled in unarmed combat.
Expert Pilot: Poe is extremely skilled in piloting every type of flying craft.
Expert Mechanic: Poe has knowledge about mechanics. Although not at the level like Rey or Rose, Poe manage to hotwire several transport skimmers on Pasaana to escape from First Order forces.
Quadnoculars: Poe utilized two models of quadnoculars, a TE4.4 and TG4.4. Similar to macrobinoculars and electrobinoculars, quadnoculars are used to enhancing the user's ability to see distant objects clearly, which is important for reconnaissance, navigation, and targeting. However, quadnoculars feature an advanced, multi-lens optical system that could provide enhanced vision modes, especially for military applications.
Holographic disguise matrix: While planning to escape the Spice Runners of Kijimi, Babu Frik allowed Poe to steal a holographic disguise matrix, a holoprojector that changes the appearance of anyone and fool both observers and electronic sensors.
He was first seen with Lor San Tekka, who gave him the map to Luke Skywalker. Poe subsequently gave it to BB-8, claiming it was safer with the droid, before being captured by Kylo Ren. Kylo learned of this by assaulting him with the dark side of the Force, and then left Poe temporarily. Fortunately, he escaped with help from a renegade who he named Finn, but they were separated on Jakku when the First Order tracked them down. Unable to locate Finn, Poe finally returned to D'Qar on his own, where the two were happily reunited. Poe fought in the Battle of Starkiller Base, descending into the superstructure with BB-8, and he personally destroyed the weapon.
“We are the spark that will light the fire that will burn the First Order down!”
―Poe Dameron
Poe assists Finn and Rose in defeating the First Order while Rey is off training with Luke Skywalker. During the evacuation on D'Qar, he was demoted to captain by Leia Organa for disobeying her direct orders not to engage the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix, leading their bombers including Paige Tico to be wiped out. He also staged a mutiny against Admiral Amilyn Holdo, but is stunned by a recovered Leia who was injured from getting pulled into space when the bridge of the MC85 Star Cruiser Raddus was blown up by Poldin LeHuse, resulting in Admiral Ackbar's demise.
After Darth Sidious' broadcast of revenge announcing the Final Order, General Organa sent out agents to uncover information. Dameron, Chewbacca, Finn, Klaud, and R2-D2 took the Millennium Falcon to Sinta Glacier Colony. Dameron had to lightspeed-skip the Falcon to return to the base on Ajan Kloss, where he chastised Rey for remaining behind.
Although he was not yet born in this period, his voice can be heard when Ezra Bridger is wondering in the Word Between Worlds. It is possible to hear Poe defying Kylo Ren during the interrogation scene in the beginning of The Force Awakens.
Poe appears in Season 1 when he is getting spy reports from one of the Resistance's recruits, Kazuda Xiono. Poe was on a mission when Xiono reported to the Resistance about Kylo Ren. Before Poe and BB-8 went to Jakku to get the map to Luke Skywalker, they both joined Xiono and CB-23 to investigate a space sector called Epsilon 51-3, after Xiono found suspecting activity of the First Order in the location. They ended up discovering several cored out planets that were used during experiments to build the Starkiller Base.
Printed Media
Poe Dameron comic
Poe appears as the main protagonist of the comic. The comics takes place between the Sequel trilogy and the Resistance tv series.
Poe Dameron: Free Fall
Poe appears in the novel where it details his life after his mother died and relationship with his father becomes strain. Trying to find a meaning in his life, Poe runs away and joins the Spice Runners of Kijimi, going on a journey of self-discovery that will eventually lead him to the Resistance.