Matt Murdock: "You see, the way I see it, Jen Walters can use the law to help people when society fails them. And She-Hulk can help people when the law fails them. So, you can, if you choose..."
She-Hulk (real name Jennifer Sue Walters) is a superheroine from Marvel Comics. The cousin of Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk, Jennifer was a district defense attorney who upon getting injured in an accident was given a blood transfusion by Bruce. However, due to his highly gamma-irradiated blood, Jennifer's DNA was mutated and she in turn transformed into a tall, incredibly strong, green skinned, yet still beautiful monster of a woman. However, unlike her cousin, who as the Hulk varied in intelligence and was naturally aggressive, Jennifer fully retained her full consciousness, and thus used her newfound powers to become a superheroine.
She-Hulk was created by Stan Lee and John Buscema. She is the final major character created by Stan Lee.
Physical Transformation: As a result of a blood transfusion from her cousin Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk, Jennifer is able to alter her physical form into a female version of the Hulk, known as She-Hulk. In this form, Jennifer's skin, hair, and eyes all turn green. Her frame also gains another 9 inches in height and 560 lbs of muscle and bone tissue. Unlike her cousin, the Hulk, much of Jennifer's gained muscle and bone mass is condensed and several times as dense as that of a human. As a result, though she is noticeably much larger than she is in her normal form, she looks much lighter than she actually is. Also unlike the Hulk, or rather certain Hulk incarnations, Jennifer retains her full intelligence and personality in her She-Hulk form. Most of the time, Jennifer is able to control her transformation, enabling her to change back and forth at will. This is because she did not suffer as much psychological trauma as a child as her cousin did, and while it augments her abilities, she retains greater control than her cousin.
Superhuman Strength: As She-Hulk, she is proportionally stronger than her human form. This means that any extra strength gains as Jennifer through intense physical training will be amplified, making her She-Hulk form that much stronger. As a result of her intense training, In the mainstream comic verse, She-Hulk's calm strength currently surpasses the base strength levels of the Gray, Savage, and Professor incarnations of the Hulk, at least while they're in a calm emotional state. Originally, She-Hulk was listed as only "class 50" (this is only a comparison scale regarding which character is stronger than whom, and should not be taken literally. For example: Thor was listed as "class 95" at the time, and Hercules at exactly 100). Right after she came back from the first Secret Wars as Thing's replacement in the Fantastic Four she began to workout with Thing's weights and got her strength up to at least class 75, but through her career, she continued to lift even greater weights, and the uppermost limit of her potential remains unknown. After prolonged weight-lifting training, she was able to easily defeat the Champion of the Universe, effortlessly supported the Thing's maximum weight with a single arm, threw an arm-wrestling competition with Hercules to spare his feelings, and effortlessly manhandled a Thanos clone. She is currently listed as above "class 100" (Listed equal or stronger than Thor and Hercules). It has been stated and shown that like her cousin, her strength increases with her emotions, such as fear and rage, though it seems that she does have limits to how strong she can get.
Superhuman Leap: She-Hulk's strength has extended into her highly developed leg muscles, enabling her to leap great distances or heights.
Superhuman Speed: Due, at least partially, to the great muscular strength and development of her leg muscles, She-Hulk is capable of running and moving at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Stamina: She-Hulk's highly advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. She can exert herself at peak capacity for about 48 hours before fatigue begins to impair her performance.
Superhuman Durability: She-Hulk's body is highly resistant to all forms of conventional injury. Her skin is capable of withstanding tremendous pressures and temperatures, falls from great heights, field-artillery canon shells, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining any injury.
Superhuman Agility: She-Hulk's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite her body's extremely high resistance to injury, it is possible to injure her. However, She-Hulk is capable of rapidly regenerating injuries that result in great tissue damage and blood loss within a matter of minutes. She-Hulk's highly efficient metabolism renders her immune to all drugs and toxins as well as total immunity to all known Earthly diseases.
Unlike Bruce, Jennifer doesn't have an alter-ego that takes over inside.
In the comics, Jennifer was very accepting of her Hulk form while in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, she did not like the fact she was a Hulk before she grew to embrace and accept it.