Drax is a warrior whose family was murdered by Ronan the Accuser, Drax seeks vengeance on all those responsible or involved in his family's deaths, but comes to find a new one in his teammates.
Drax the Destroyer was created by Jim Starlin and Mike Friedrich.
Drax has a personal vendetta against Ronan, who killed his family. Now fueled by pure rage, Drax will stop at nothing to take his revenge on the most dangerous being in the galaxy. Eventually, Drax was sent to the Kyln after killing dozens of soldiers and followers of Ronan. When Gamora was sent to the Kyln; Drax believed that killing Gamora, he finally has revenge that he craved.
That same night, Moloka Dar and other prisoners took Gamora to the showers to murder her. When Moloka Dar was about to kill Gamora, he interrupts and asks if he knows who he is. Moloka Dar recognizes and gives him a knife to murder Gamora. However, Star-Lord stopped him when he made him realize this would accomplish nothing (and also tells him that Gamora can help since she betrayed Ronan). Soon he became part of Star-Lord's group and were soon figuring out a way to escape the prison.
Before the meeting with the Collector, Drax, with Rocket and Groot, got along pleasantly until he and Rocket got drunk and started arguing. While the others discovered that inside the Orb was a Infinity Stone, Drax informed to Ronan where they were. Drax says why who wanted to kill him but Ronan said not to remember them. After the talk followed by a brief fight, Ronan wins easily and decides to throw Drax in a tank filled with a yellow liquid. However, he is later rescued by Groot.
During the battle to save Xandar, Drax and his teammates were introduced to Ronan's ship to attack in the way defeated Korath and many soldiers Sakaarans. When they were about to be killed by Ronan, Rocket came and crashed the Milano. About to explode the Dark Aster, in a heroic act, Groot sacrificed to save Rocket and their new friends. They survived the explosion as Ronan, but luckily it, Drax, and Rocket destroyed the Universal Weapon revealing the Infinity Stone.
Quill immediately grabs the Orb, who was nearly killed by the power of the Stone. Then, Gamora gives her hand to Quill, followed by Drax, and later Rocket, and so direct the power of the Orb to kill Ronan. After the battle, he says that Ronan was a puppet of Thanos and Thanos would to be the next. Once in the Milano, Groot is seen dancing with the music "I Want You Back" by "The Jackson 5", freezing whenever Drax looked his way.
Drax followed the Guardians as they encountered Ego, the long-lost father of Star-Lord. Along the way, he developed a close bond with Mantis, who soon revealed that Ego's true plan was to destroy and rebuild the entire universe. Drax and his fellow Guardians defeated Ego, saving the galaxy once more but at the cost of Yondu Udonta's self-sacrifice.
Four years later in 2018, the Guardians find Thor in space, eventually meeting up with the Avengers to defeat Thanos upon his mission to gain all six Infinity Stones to erase 50% of the universe. Drax joins Star-Lord, Mantis, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man and Iron Man on Titan to battle the mad titan. However, Thanos is able to snap his fingers and erase half of the universe, including Drax and the Guardians, minus Nebula and Rocket.
Five years after Thanos's victory, the remaining Avengers traveled back in time to retrieve the Infinity Stones and revive everyone that was decimated by Thanos's finger snap. After they successfully collected all the Infinity Stones, the Hulk snapped his fingers through the use of a new Infinity Gauntlet, thus bringing everyone back to life, Drax included.
When Thanos from another timeline appeared in the present, threatening to destroy the universe by recollecting the Stones, Drax and the rest of his fellow Guardians and Spider-Man arrived to Earth through a portal created by Doctor Strange to help the Avengers fight Thanos and his army. During the battle, Drax saved Korg from Cull Obsidian by repeatedly stabbing him the back which gave Korg a chance to strike back. The battle soon ended when Iron Man sacrificed himself when he snapped his own fingers with the Infinity Stones to decimate Thanos and his army.
In the aftermath, Drax and his fellow Guardians (minus Gamora) attended Tony Stark's funeral where Drax showed his respect to Stark for his noble sacrifice to kill Thanos and save the universe, even avenging his family's death despite vowing to be the one to kill Thanos in order to avenge his family.
After the funeral, the Guardians decided to depart from Earth, taking on a new member, Thor. Once they were all onboard, there was a light interaction between Peter Quill and Thor in regard to who was in charge. Soon, the rest of the Guardians joined in, with Drax suggesting that they should fight to decide who should be the leader of group, which the two shut down, but still left who was the leader unanswered.
Drax appeared in the What If...? episode "What If... T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?". In this universe both his wife and his daughter are still alive, and he works as a bartender in a club. He recognizes T'Challa as the hero of his world and asks to take a photo with him to send to his family.
He is also seen in What If... Thor Were an Only Child?, joining Thor's party on Earth. He is seen laughing about Volstagg falling in a fountain when attempting hydroflight. Later, when Thor tries stopping the party, upon learning that his mother is coming, Drax is shown leaning on Thor to throw up from too much alcohol, and then proceeds to call Thor a party-pooper.
He makes a cameo in What If... Ultron Won?, where Ultron invades Sovereign as he destroyed that planet and killed the Guardians.
Season 2
Another alternate Drax is seen in What if... Nebula Joined the Nova Corps? where he was a visitor to Howard the Duck's casino in Xandar, but has a destructive tantrum after failing to get a jackpot from the slot machine.
Drax helps the Guardians find the cure that could save Rocket's life after he is attacked by Adam Warlock. After the death of the High Evolutionary, the guardians disassemble and Drax decided to raise the Star Children on Knowhere, having reignited his passion for parenting upon encountering them.
Drax the Destroyer is a leading member of the Guardians of the Galaxy alongside Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Nova. The Guardians battle the Chitauri an alien race led by Korvac. When Rocket Raccoon's ship is pulled into the Chitauri ship, Rocket fakes surrender so that they can free the captive Guardians of the Galaxy members. Afterwards, Spider-Man discovers that the Chitauri are planning to destroy the Earth. The Guardians plan to run the Chitauri ship into the sun while fighting the Chitauri forces. When their tactic does not work, the Guardians end up making their way towards the Dark Matter Cannon. While Nova and Spider-Man head to the Dark Matter Cannon, the Guardians fight the Chitauri and Korvac. After Korvac is defeated by Groot, Nova destroys the Dark Matter Cannon, and the Chitauri ship is destroyed.
Jason Momoa auditioned and was offered the role of Drax the Destroyer, but turned it down, because he didn't want to be pigeonholed as a brute by the audience (having played several action roles) and to free himself up to direct Road to Paloma (2014).
Isaiah Mustafa, Brian Patrick Wade, and Djimon Hounsou were all considered for the role of Drax; Djimon Hounsou was ultimately cast as Korath the Pursuer.
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