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"It's About Time!" is the seventh episode of Phineas and Ferb. It first aired on March 1, 2008 on Disney Channel.


Phineas and Ferb repair a broken time machine from the museum, and they then travel back in time, accidentally taking Candace with them. The Fireside Girls build a replacement machine to rescue them. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz replaces Perry with a new nemesis named Peter the Panda, making Perry depressed.


Phineas and Ferb visit the Danville Museum. Dad finds a dog skeleton, that was found in their neighborhood. Phineas notices the collar saying "Bucky" and comments "Didn't we have a dog named Bucky who got sick and went to live on Kindly Old Man Simmons's farm?" Dad continues on and finds a human skeleton. "And this here is Kindly Old Man Simmons- Hey, who's up for milkshakes?"

Ferb taps Phineas on the shoulder and points to an exhibit. Phineas' eyes immediately fall on a sign that says "Gadgets Through the Ages." They enter the exhibit and find a tour guide talking to several people about a time machine that was never finished. Phineas realizes that he wants to fix the time machine, and exclaims that he knows what they're going to do today. He then asks where Perry went. Agent P enters his HQ through a photo booth. He sees Major Monogram frozen on the screen (from being shot by the Freeze-Inator). Carl than comes on and tells Perry to stop Doofenshmirtz. Candace sees Phineas and Ferb fixing the time machine and takes a part from the time machine that plays a major role in going back in time. Phineas puts two wires together and Candace runs off with the piece for the second time.

Candace meets a boy outside the museum that stole a Pterodactyl. He decides to help her and creates a diversion by yelling. All the security guards are attracted to him and Candace sneaks inside the museum. She sees Jeremy and goes to talk to him. He tells her that he is so bored that by the time his job finishes, he'll be part of the fossil exhibit. Candace laughs and spots a security guard entering the hall, she then runs off. Meanwhile, Perry meets Doofenshmirtz at his building but sees Doofenshmirtz's silhouette in the window. His silhouette shows that he is fighting with an evil ray gun. Perry enters and Doofenshmirtz seems to be trying to hide something. Perry then goes over to a closet that's shaken and see Peter the Panda in it. Doofenshmirtz then tries to deny knowing Peter.

Phineas and Ferb are testing their time machine. Phineas tests number 1. Candace is just calling for her mom and she gets teleported back to when she laughed at Jeremy's joke. Jeremy asks Candace where she ran off to, but Phineas tests number 2. Candace says, "That's a good one!" as she rewinds back in time. Jeremy laughs in a kind of confused way as Phineas tries out number three. Candace laughs and says, "Hi Jeremy!" Jeremy starts to get freaked out. The security guard then asks if Phineas and Ferb need anything after finding them fixing the time machine. Phineas asks for the piece Candace ran off with, and the security guard says he'll keep his eye out for it. Back at Doof's place, Doofenshmirtz states that they met at an evil convention and they immediately disliked each other. He says that he just wants a clean break, and Perry exits the building to "When We Didn't Get Along", feeling heartbroken because his only nemesis has left him for another one.

Phineas test number 4 and Candace gets transported right in front of the security guard. The security guard takes the piece away just as Phineas test Number 5. The security guard asks if the boys need anything again. Phineas, a little confused, asks for the piece again. The security guard comes over holding the piece in his hand and hands them it. The boys then complete the time machine. Lawrence asks for money for the audio tour and Candace tries to drag Linda over to the exhibit where Phineas and Ferb are fixing the time machine. When Linda steps through the hall, Candace strays over to Phineas and Ferb right when they are testing the time machine. They go back in time to 300 million B.C. where a T-rex steps directly on the time machine, smashing it.

Phineas, Ferb, and Candace encounter the T-Rex, and Phineas and Ferb do not make any sudden movements. Candace, on the other hand, makes many arm movements and screams, causing the T-Rex to chase after her. Phineas and Ferb use a scooter and chase after Candace (while wearing turtle helmets). Candace falls in the mud right where the footprint from the museum ends up being. Lawrence tries to show Linda, but the boys' fun over the Candace print with their scooter. The three then escapes the T-Rex from hanging onto leaves and vines in an herbivores mouth. They then walk back to the mud puddle and they realize the T-Rex footprint is the same footprint in the museum that Isabella and the Fireside Girls are currently looking at today. They write a message to Isabella, saying that they are stuck in 300 million BC and for them to build another Time Machine to save them. Isabella does what they ask but Phineas misspells Time Machine, making it say "Tie Machine" (but the real reason the machine didn't work was that they didn't have the piece that kept teleporting Candace everywhere. Isabella takes matters into her own hands and constructs a real Time Machine and they are saved.

Back at Doofenshmirtz's place, Peter and Doof are fighting and rip a picture of Doof. Doofenshmirtz than has a flashback to "My Nemesis". Peter takes his chance and dismantles the Freeze-Inator. Perry and Doofenshmirtz attend Dr. Feelbetter's show, where all the secret agents are gathered in one room. Doof than feels guilty and asks for Perry to be his nemesis again and Perry accepts. He then traps all the agents in their chairs and says he'll use his real Freeze-Inator to freeze the agents for his giant chess set. Perry, however, gets the remote for the chairs and the agents take down all the evil scientists.

Isabella travels back and saves the trio, but the Time Machine needs to be plugged in. A bolt of lightning hots Candace while she's holding the plug. Everyone comes back to the present, but the T-Rex comes too and starts to chase Candace again. The Freeze-Inator blasts out the ceiling of the building and hits the T-Rex in the museum right when Candace is about to show her parents the dinosaur. Phineas and Ferb were happy with what they did today in the museum. As they leave, Candace was blushing when Jeremy pointed out that his favorite was the "C + J heart" sign that she drew back in time. Then Jeremy wonders why cavemen were wearing turtles as safety helmets.

That night, Linda is asleep in bed until Lawrence wakes her by replaying Fossils...da da da over and over again on the recorded tape. Linda gives him a little grin.




  • The motor scooter's track disappears while Phineas and Candace talk about the footprint.
  • Peter the Panda threw all the chairs in the left entrance, but when Doofenshmirtz made some guys enter with the Freeze-inator, they entered from the left entrance and the chairs were gone.
  • When Dr. Doofenshmirtz is showing Agent P to the door, Agent P's height is just under the doorknob, but when Dr. Doofenshmirtz is closing the door, Agent P grows to be half the height of the door.
  • As Perry leaves Dr. Doofenshmirtz's room, he hears him say "Curse you, Peter the Panda!" which most likely means that Peter the Panda had destroyed the Freeze-inator Ray, however, later in the episode Peter the Panda is seen disassembling the Freeze-inator. Doofenshmirtz may have said this to make Perry sad.
  • The T-Rex smashes Phineas' motor scooter along with the time-machine, yet the boys ride on it in perfect condition to save Candace. Later they drop it in the water, but Ferb is seen wheeling it along soon after.
  • During the Doctor Feelbetter show, Doofenshmirtz recognizes Perry, although he is not wearing his hat.
  • When Isabella and the Fireside Girls read the message in the fossilized footprint, Holly doesn't wear a beret, and then after Isabella finishes reading it, Holly is now wearing her beret. Also, Gretchen's skin color continues into the bottom half of her glasses frame in this same scene.
  • Carl doesn't have the '3' inside his ear when he first appears.
  • After Dr. Doofenshmirtz finishes singing he sees Peter the Panda taking apart the Freeze-inator Ray. There are some parts of the Ray sitting on the ground, but when the next scene comes the parts are gone.
  • When Peter the Panda breaks Dr. Doofenshmirtz's picture, Doofenshmirtz is holding it upside down, but in the next scene, it is shown right side up.
  • While Katie was hammering the time machine, her collar is orange instead of red.
  • When the T-Rex is shown in the rain if you look closely Candace's drawing is gone.
  • Right before she gets stuck, when Candace is complaining over the fact that there is no electricity, her lips are out of sync from what she's saying.
  • When Candace gets struck by lighting there's a space between Katie and Adyson in the time machine, but when they travel back to the Danville Museum there's no space.
  • When Isabella was telling Phineas that there is an 'm' in 'time machine', the whites of Gretchen's eyes can be seen.
  • T-Rex's have two fingers, but the one in the episode is seen with three, which is a very common mistake in many shows.
  • When Isabella first read the message on the stone, there was an 'm' in the word 'time machine' when she read it. Although, she may have made a mistake or she didn't read it well.
  • During the song "When We Didn't Get Along", Perry puts his hat into the nook in the wall, but on Doctor Feelbetter's show when Doofenshmirtz begs to be forgiven, he pulls it out of nowhere.
  • When Phineas says, "It occurs", Phineas' shirt only has two stripes. Usually, it has three stripes.
  • In reality, there were no cavemen during the day when the dinosaurs lived. However, in the end before the ending credits, Jeremy said, "Hmmm. I never knew cavemen wear helmets before." when actually there is still no cavemen before.
  • The Closed Captions spelled Doofenshmirtz's name as "Doofashmirtz".
  • Dinosaurs did not live in 300 million BC, which was during the Carboniferous Era. In fact, the first dinosaurs appeared 50 million years later.
  • When Monogram first appears, his shirt sleeve is missing its dark green stripe and only appears after Carl knocks him over.
  • During "My Nemesis," at one point the tambourine becomes transparent.


  • The end credits has Lawrence in bed, listening over and over the ending of the audio tour.
  • This is the first two-part episode in the series.
  • Major Monogram did not speak in this episode, possibly due to him being frozen by the Freeze-inator. However, he does grumble when Carl attempts to make a conversation with him.
  • The Time machine was invented by Professor Onassis, as seen in the episode "Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo".
  • On the talk-show, Doofenshmirtz breaks the fourth wall by saying, "cartoonish physical violence".
  • Agents D, F, R, C, O, K, H, and the unnamed kangaroo from "Traffic Cam Caper", can be seen in Dr. Feelbetter's studio.
  • The time machine is based on H. G. Wells' famous novel The Time Machine.
  • During the "My Nemesis" musical number, caricatures of The Archies, a fictional garage band in the animated television series The Archie Show, are shown and begin to sing and play instruments during the course of the sequence. The song itself parodies the style of musician Elvis Costello.
  • The Dr. Feelbetter show is a parody of confrontational talk shows Dr. Phil and The Jerry Springer Show.
  • The episode has several references to Jurassic Park, particularly the role of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and destroying the time machine being similar to the scene when the T-Rex destroys the jeep. Also, when Phineas tells everyone not to move, Candace flips out, like a scene from Jurassic Park III. Finally, when Candace is trying to stop her parents from going into the exhibit, we see the T-Rex blinking its eye as from the movie.
  • When the message appears on the dinosaur footprint, it fades into existence just like when the future changes in each of the Back to the Future movies.


This page uses content from the English Wikipedia page It's About Time!. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. Text from Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.
Phineas and Ferb Wiki-wordmark This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Phineas and Ferb Wiki. The list of authors can be seen in the page revision history (view authors). As with Disney Wiki, the text of The Phineas and Ferb Wiki is available under the CC-by-SA Free Documentation License.

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Phineas and ferb logo
Animated Productions: Phineas and Ferb (soundtrack/videography) Take Two with Phineas and FerbPhineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension (soundtrack) • Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the UniverseChibi Tiny Tales

Video Games: Phineas and FerbPhineas and Ferb Ride AgainDisney Channel All Star PartyPhineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd DimensionAgent P Strikes BackPhineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool StuffDisney UniverseJust Dance: Disney PartyWhere's My Perry?Disney Infinity/2.0/3.0Phineas and Ferb: Day of DoofenshmirtzDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Albums: Phineas and Ferb Holiday FavoritesPhineas and Ferb: Star Wars soundtrack
Stage shows: Phineas and Ferb: The Best LIVE Tour Ever!

Disney Parks
Agent P's World Showcase Adventure

Entertainment: Phineas and Ferb's Rockin' Rollin' Dance Party
Fireworks: Celebrate the Magic
Parade: Move It! Shake It! MousekeDance It! Street Party
Halloween: Treat Trails

Major Characters: Phineas FlynnFerb FletcherCandace FlynnPerryDr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

Secondary Characters: Linda Flynn-FletcherLawrence FletcherIsabella Garcia-ShapiroBaljeet TjinderBuford Van StommMajor Francis MonogramJeremy JohnsonCarl KarlStacy HiranoGinger HiranoMillyKatieHollyAdyson SweetwaterGretchenVanessa Doofenshmirtz
Recurring characters: Giant Floating Baby HeadDjango BrownColtraneCharlene DoofenshmirtzRoger DoofenshmirtzVivian Garcia-ShapiroIrvingJenny BrownSuzy JohnsonDannyBobbi FabulousShermanMeapMitchNormClyde FlynnBetty Jo FlynnPinkyAlbertPeterKlimpaloonTalking ZebraMonty MonogramHildegard JohnsonReginald FletcherWinifred FletcherAloyse von Roddenstein
Minor Characters: JerryBigfootYetiKhaka Peu PeuThe RegurgitatorBob WebberPrincess BaldegundeMelissaUnnamed Fireside GirlsAgent EBrobotsDrill SergeantBuck BuckersonTiana WebberJack JohnsonMrs. JohnsonWendyEliza FletcherNicoletteMandyThaddeus and ThorMindyAmanda JohnsonLucy FletcherAdrian FletcherBeppo BrownDr. HiranoAnnabelle JohnsonSaraBrigitte, Josette, and ColletteMishti PatelLiam McCrackenRodrigoMorgGlenda WilkinsDr. GevaarlijkHeinz Doofenshmirtz's motherBlanca DishonProfessor PoofenplotzEliza M. FeyersiedEl ChupacabraNapoleon, Wendell, and FloydLyla LolliberryBalloony • Corn Colossus • Professor Parenthesis
Guest Characters: Santa ClausKim Possible PinocchioBaby BaboonThor OdinsonSpider-ManHulkIron ManRed SkullNick FuryVenomWhiplashM.O.D.O.K.

Season One: "Rollercoaster" • "Candace Loses Her Head" • "The Fast and the Phineas" • "Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror" • "The Magnificent Few" • "S'Winter" • "Are You My Mummy?" • "Flop Starz" • "Raging Bully" • "Lights, Candace, Action!" • "Get That Bigfoot Outta My Face!" • "Tree to Get Ready" • "It's About Time!" • "Jerk De Soleil" • "Toy to the World" • "One Good Scare Ought to Do It!" • "A Hard Day's Knight" • "I, Brobot" • "Mom's Birthday" • "Journey to the Center of Candace" • "Run Away Runway" • "I Scream, You Scream" • "It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World" • "The Ballad of Badbeard" • "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together" • "Ready for the Bettys" • "The Flying Fishmonger" • "Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!" • "Greece Lightning" • "Leave the Busting to Us!" • "Crack That Whip" • "The Best Lazy Day Ever" • "Boyfriend From 27,000 B.C." • "Voyage to the Bottom of Buford" • "Put That Putter Away" • "Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?" • "Traffic Cam Caper" • "Bowl-R-Ama Drama" • "The Monster of Phineas-n-Ferbenstein" • "Oil on Candace" • "Unfair Science Fair" • "Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story)" • "Out to Launch" • "Got Game?" • "Comet Kermillian" • "Out of Toon" • "Hail Doofania!"

Season Two: "The Lake Nose Monster" • "Interview With a Platypus" • "Tip of the Day" • "Attack of the 50 Foot Sister" • "Backyard Aquarium" • "Day of the Living Gelatin" • "Elementary My Dear Stacy" • "Don't Even Blink" • "Chez Platypus" • "Perry Lays an Egg" • "Gaming the System" • "The Chronicles of Meap" • "Thaddeus and Thor" • "De Plane! De Plane!" • "Let's Take a Quiz" • "At the Car Wash" • "Oh, There You Are, Perry" • "Swiss Family Phineas" • "Hide and Seek" • "That Sinking Feeling" • "The Baljeatles" • "Vanessassary Roughness" • "No More Bunny Business" • "Spa Day" • "Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo" • "Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown" • "Bubble Boys" • "Isabella and the Temple of Sap" • "Cheer Up Candace" • "Fireside Girl Jamboree" • "The Bully Code" • "Finding Mary McGuffin" • "Picture This" • "Nerdy Dancin'" • "What Do It Do?" • "Atlantis" • "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!" • "Just Passing Through" • "Candace's Big Day" • "I Was a Middle Aged Robot" • "Suddenly Suzy" • "Undercover Carl" • "Hip Hip Parade" • "Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers" • "Ain't No Kiddie Ride" • "Not Phineas and Ferb" • "Phineas and Ferb-Busters!" • "The Lizard Whisperer" • "Robot Rodeo" • "The Beak" • "She's the Mayor" • "The Lemonade Stand" • "Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation" • "Summer Belongs to You!" • "Nerds of a Feather" • "Wizard of Odd" • "We Call it Maze" • "Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem!" • "The Secret of Success" • "The Doof Side of the Moon" • "Split Personality" • "Brain Drain" • "Rollercoaster: The Musical!" • "Make Play" • "Candace Gets Busted"
Season Three: "The Great Indoors" • "Canderemy" • "Run, Candace, Run" • "Last Train to Bustville" • "Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!" • "The Belly of the Beast" • "Moon Farm" • "Ask a Foolish Question" • "Misperceived Monotreme" • "Candace Disconnected" • "Magic Carpet Ride" • "Bad Hair Day" • "Meatloaf Surprise" • "Phineas and Ferb Interrupted" • "A Real Boy" • "Mommy Can You Hear Me?" • "Road Trip" • "Tour de Ferb" • "Skiddley Whiffers" • "My Fair Goalie" • "Bullseye!" • "That's the Spirit" • "The Curse of Candace" • "Escape from Phineas Tower" • "Lotsa Latkes" • "Ferb Latin" • "A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas" • "Tri-Stone Area" • "Doof Dynasty" • "Excaliferb" • "Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon" • "Monster from the Id" • "Gi-Ants" • "The Remains of the Platypus" • "Mom's in the House" • "Perry the Actorpus" • "Let's Bounce" • "Bully Bromance Break Up" • "Quietest Day Ever" • "Doonkleberry Imperative" • "Meapless in Seattle" • "Delivery of Destiny" • "Buford Confidential" • "The Mom Attractor" • "Cranius Maximus" • "Agent Doof" • "Minor Monogram" • "What a Croc!" • "Sleepwalk Surprise" • "Sci-Fi Pie Fly" • "Sipping with the Enemy" • "Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets" • "Doofapus" • "Norm Unleashed" • "Where's Perry?" • "Ferb TV" • "When Worlds Collide" • "What'd I Miss?" • "Road to Danville" • "This is Your Backstory" • "Blackout!"
Season Four: "For Your Ice Only " • "Happy New Year!" • "Fly On the Wall" • "Bully Bust" • "My Sweet Ride" • "Der Kinderlumper" • "Sidetracked" • "Primal Perry" • "Mind Share" • "Backyard Hodge Podge" • "Bee Day" • "Bee Story" • "Great Balls of Water" • "Where's Pinky?" • "Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown Hosted by Kelly Osbourne" • "Knot My Problem" • "Just Desserts" • "La Candace-Cabra" • "Happy Birthday, Isabella" • "Love at First Byte" • "One Good Turn" • "Mission Marvel" • "Thanks But No Thanks" • "Troy Story" • "Druselsteinoween" • "Terrifying Tri-State Trilogy of Terror" • "Face Your Fear" • "Cheers for Fears" • "Steampunx" • "Just Our Luck" • "Return Policy" • "Live and Let Drive" • "Phineas and Ferb Save Summer" • "Father's Day" • "Imperfect Storm" • "The Return of the Rogue Rabbit" • "It's No Picnic" • "The Klimpaloon Ultimatum" • "Operation Crumb Cake" • "Mandace" • "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars" • "Lost in Danville" • "The Inator Method" • "Night of the Living Pharmacists" • "Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension" • "Doof 101" • "Act Your Age" • "Last Day of Summer" • "O.W.C.A. Files"

Locations at or near Danville: DanvilleSeattleMr. Slushy FranchiseDoofenshmirtz Evil IncorporatedFlynn-Fletcher HouseAtlantisGoogolplex MallOld Abandoned Amusement Park

Other: AfricaEnglandNew York CityBig BenMarsTokyoLondonChinaIndiaCanadaChileHawaii

Today is Gonna Be a Great DaySummer Belongs to YouCity of LovePerry the Platypus ThemePerry Saves ChristmasLet it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it SnowGitchee Gitchee GooWhere Did We Go Wrong?BustedLittle BrothersWhat'cha Doin?Carpe DiemS.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants)I'm MeRollercoasterCouldn't Kick My Way Into Her HeartThe Ballad of KlimpaloonEvil for Extra CreditBackyard BeachHappy New YearGreat to Be a BabyWhat Might Have BeenSerious FunCurtain Call/Time Spent TogetherFollow the SunSilhouettes