Leia Skywalker Organa Solo, simply known as Leia Organa, is a main character in the Star Wars original trilogy. She later returns in the sequel trilogy and multiple Star Wars-related TV series. In Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, it is revealed that she is the twin sister of Luke Skywalker and thus the daughter of Darth Vader, formerly known as Anakin Skywalker. In the prequel films, her birth mother is identified as Padmé Amidala. Her adoptive father is Bail Organa, who is the head of Alderaan's Royal Family.
In the sequel trilogy, Leia leads the Resistance and is married to Han Solo. She and Han have a son named Ben Solo, who turned to the dark side and became Kylo Ren. However, in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Leia sacrifices the remaining of her strength to reach her son through the Force, and Kylo Ren's love for Rey and his parents turns him back to the light side.
As a child, Leia was an extremely outspoken tomboy, who hated being called by her title of princess. She was not fond of her role as the princess of Alderaan, she was often seen by many, especially her adopted family, as she was sometimes mistaken for a domestic girl instead of a princess. However, as she got older and matured, her outspoken nature lessened over time.
As an adult, Leia is considered highly intelligent, wise, calm, level-headed, and a responsible tactician. She has a sense of justice, honor, and good morals, also having compassion for her friends and for the victims of the Galactic Empire. Despite growing up on the peaceful world of Alderaan, Leia never became soft.
Leia is known to be rebellious, kind, and caring, traits that she had developed from both of her parents, Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala. Like her mother, Padmé, Leia is clever and a leader. But she is sometimes short-tempered, hot-headed, headstrong, emotionally insecure, and impatient, like her father Anakin and her older twin brother Luke Skywalker, but to a far less extent.
Despite Leia's commitment to Alderaan's values of pacifism, she believes in self-defense and in fiercely fighting for the galaxy's freedom, with remarkable leadership qualities, Leia is also known for being able to keep her composure even in humiliating situations to perform daring feats, like diving into a garbage chute or strangling the infamous Jabba the Hutt. A woman of action, Leia is eager to get things done and making positive differences in the galaxy.
By the events of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Leia had become quite wise and had for many years served as a senator for the New Republic. However, when Leia was revealed by the traitorous senator, Carise Sindian, to be Darth Vader's daughter, Leia was publicly humiliated, despite his father being one of the reasons why the galaxy was freed from the Galactic Empire as well as the fact that Anakin became a hero during the Galactic Civil War. Because of this, she became no longer as trusting as she once had been, only confiding in a few close friends, such as Admiral Ackbar.
The loss of her son, Ben Solo, to Snoke also caused her great grief as did Han Solo leaving her when he was unable to cope with the loss. Thus, she became extremely dedicated in her fight against the First Order and to finding her brother Luke, who had disappeared after Ben fell to the dark side and became Kylo Ren. By finding Luke, Leia would attempt to bring hope back to the galaxy.
Powers and Abilities[]
The Force: Leia has an amazingly strong connection to the Force. As a member of the Skywalker bloodline, she is a Force-user born with a powerful family lineage. The full potential of Leia's Force powers were never truly demonstrated because she decided to abandon her Jedi training, and spent her life dedicated to her career as the general of the Resistance.
Force Vision: Leia can see visions of the past, present, and future. However, like all Force-users, her visions are not always clear or sometimes they happen without warning.
Force Sense: Leia can sense another sentient being's emotions, the future, ripples in the Force caused by momentous or traumatic events, impending danger, and the presence of other light or dark side Force-users. Her senses were so powerful that she was able to sense that Luke was in danger on Cloud City and locate him. Many years later, she is able to sense all the death that happened when Hosnian Prime and all the other planets of the Hosnian system were destroyed by Starkiller Base. Afterwards, she could even sense when her son Ben Solo murdered his father Han Solo, also sensing her son's immediate regret, on Starkiller Base.
Telekinesis: Leia can telekinetically move objects or other individuals without physically touching them, and she utilized it for offensive or defensive purposes. She could propel herself back towards the Raddus after a hit from a First Order TIE fighter sent her careening into deep space.
Telepathy: Leia can telepathically communicate with other individuals over small or vast distances, especially with Luke and Ben.
Force Spirit: Due to Leia's immensely powerful connection to the Force, and the ancient knowledge of the Jedi at her disposal, she was able to transcend physical death and preserve her identity through the Force. This allowed her to become one with the Force after trying to telepathically communicate across the galaxy with Ben in an attempt to reach out to his inner light, but as she was in an extremely weakened state, this act drained all of her life-force energy.
Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant: Although rarely seen, Leia is a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant.
Expert Markswoman: Leia is extremely skilled in utilizing blaster pistols and blaster rifles.
Expert Mechanic: Like her brother and father, Leia is a skilled mechanic.
Expert Pilot: Much like her father, Anakin, Leia is extremely skilled in piloting various speeders and every type of flying crafts.
Expert Lightsaber Duelist: Leia acquired lightsaber combat skills during her Jedi training. She is able to fight on par against her brother, Luke Skywalker, and even best him in one duel when they were practicing together. Since Luke is known to have exceptional lightsaber combat skills, this proves that Leia was also a highly skilled lightsaber duelist. However, Leia abandoned her lightsaber combat skills when she decided to stop her Jedi training.
Genius-Level Intellect/Master Tactician/Leader/Negotiation: Leia is amazingly intelligent and wise. As a formal member of the Rebel Alliance, and the leader of the Resistance, Leia is a highly skilled tactician and very a capable leader. She is also highly skilled in diplomacy, and negotiation.
Weapons and Equipment[]
Leia's valued weapon and possession is her blue-bladed lightsaber.
Lightsaber: Sometime after the Battle of Endor, Leia had built a blue-bladed lightsaber which she used throughout her Jedi career. The weapon's hilt had a design with spaced out curved metal grips around it, and with a ringed emitter at its end that was similar to the one of Luke's second lightsaber. Leia abandoned the weapon after she decided to stop her Jedi training, and gave it to Luke Skywalker, due to the fact that Leia had sensed that her son, Ben Solo, would die if she continued her path as a Jedi. It was later used by Rey during the Battle of Exegol. Rey uses this lightsaber, along with Luke's lightsaber, to finally kill the resurrected Palpatine by deflecting his Force lightning back at him. After Palpatine's death, Rey buried both lightsabers at the Lars homestead on Tatooine, retiring the weapons as well as honoring the Skywalker family where their legacy began.
EC-17 hold-out blaster: Leia kept an EC-17 hold-out blaster in her boot. She used this when she first meet Sana Starro. Later she sued this pistol to take out a Acolyte of the Beyond member Saycos Hawn, a Dowutin.
Glie-44 blaster pistol: According to The Force Awakens visual dictionary, Leia owned a Glie-44 as she preferred compact weapons.
Film Appearances[]
Revenge of the Sith[]
By the film's chronology, Leia first appears as an infant in Revenge of the Sith, when Padmé Amidala gives birth to her and her twin brother Luke, naming them at the asteroid Polis Massa. Strangely, she remembers her mother's death.
After Padmé dies in childbirth, Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda decide that they must hide the Skywalker children from their father, former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who has recently turned to the dark side of the Force and become the Sith Lord Darth Vader, right hand to Emperor Sheev Palpatine, also known as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Leia is sent to Alderaan with R2-D2 and C-3PO and her adoptive parents, Bail Organa and Breha Organa, where the Jedi believe she will be safe from the newly-declared Galactic Empire.
Leia makes a cameo appearance at the very end of the Star Wars Anthology film, Rogue One. She is portrayed by Ingvild Deila with a computer-generated face of a younger Carrie Fisher and archive audio of Fisher's voice. She receives the Death Star plans stolen by Jyn Erso and the Rebel Alliance, setting up the events of A New Hope.
A New Hope[]
Leia is introduced as the princess of Alderaan and a member of the Imperial Senate. Darth Vader captures her on board the ship Tantive IV, where she is acting as a spy for the Rebel Alliance. He accuses her of being a traitor and demands to know the location of the secret technical plans of the Death Star, the Galactic Empire's newest and most powerful weapon. Unknown to Vader, the young senator has hidden the plans inside the Astromech droid R2-D2 and has sent it to find Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on the nearby planet of Tatooine. Leia tries to deny any knowledge of the plans, even warning Vader of what would happen should word of her capture by him reach the Imperial Senate back on Coruscant, but Vader knows better and has her taken away by his elite 501st Legion to be incarcerated back on the Death Star in Detention Block AA-23 in cell 2187.
"Ain't you a bit short for a Stormtrooper?"
Later on, Vader has her tortured, but she resists telling him anything. Still believing she could be useful, the Death Star's commander, Grand Moff Tarkin, Governor of the Outer Rim Territories, threatens to destroy Alderaan with the superweapon unless she reveals the location of the hidden Rebel base, with the Emperor having already dissolved the Senate so the Rebellion could not garner any more support and sympathy from them. Horrified, she pleads with him not to use the superlaser on her home planet, but Tarkin makes it clear he will unless she tells them what they want. After he asks one final time for the Rebellion's whereabouts, faced with no other alternative for the sake of her planet, she lies to them, saying the Rebellion is on Dantooine (which was partially right since there was an abandoned Rebel base there), and Tarkin orders Alderaan to be destroyed anyway, with Leia being restrained by Darth Vader to watch helplessly as Bail and millions of lives are wiped out instantly to show the fear the Empire poses to the galaxy with the battle station. She is finally rescued by Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, the WookieeChewbacca, and the two droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO. They finally escape, at the expense of Obi-Wan's life, which was sacrificed in a duel with Vader.
They take part in the Battle of Yavin, in which Luke destroys the Death Star in his X-wing. Leia remained at the command center in the ancient Massassi Temple on Yavin 4 to watch the battle from there and listen to the radio communications between the fighters sent to take out the Death Star, being relieved when she hears Wedge save Luke from a TIE fighter that was hot on Luke's tail before Wedge destroyed it in a head-on attack. However, she becomes more and more worried as the Death Star looms closer into firing position as she hears the attack runs on the exhaust port fail as Gold Squadron's Y-wings are taken out by Darth Vader, Red Leader Garven Dreis and his squadron fail after he got his torpedoes off, but they failed to enter the exhaust port, and soon Luke is in Vader's targeting sights after Wedge is forced to pull out and Biggs is shot down, leaving the Death Star in position to fire on Yavin 4.
As all hope seems lost, Han and Chewie return in the Falcon to take out Vader and his wingmen, surprising Leia when she hears Han's voice on the communicator telling Luke he's all clear to take the shot, and Luke succeeds in destroying the Death Star. Leia meets up with him back in the hangar, overjoyed at his triumph, but is deeply worried once she sees the damage Vader caused to R2 as Rebel mechanics assure 3PO they will start repairs on R2 immediately, before heading off with Han, Luke, and Chewie to celebrate their victory.
Later, back at the Massassi Temple at the hidden Rebel base on Yavin 4, the radiant Princess Leia Organa presents the Alderaanian Medal of Freedom to her rescuers and the heroes of the battle.
The Empire Strikes Back[]
“Transport, this is Solo. Better take off, I can't get to you. I'll get her out on the Falcon.”
―Han to the Bright Hope as the Rebels evacuate Hoth
Set three years later, Leia is at the Rebel base on Hoth after the Rebellion was forced to flee Yavin 4 and find a new base of operations due to the Empire. She later helps with the evacuation of Hoth during an Imperial attack, remaining at her station until Han forces her to leave with him. She flees with C-3PO, Han, and Chewbacca on Han's ship, the Millennium Falcon after a cave-in prevents her from reaching one of the Rebel GR-75 Medium Transports evacuating the Rebels from Hoth. Although they are pursued by Imperial TIE fighters, they dodge their fire by flying into an asteroid field when the Falcon's hyperdrive breaks down. Romance blossoms between Leia and Han during their flight from the Empire; while hiding in the stomach of an Exogorth, she finally shares a kiss with the smuggler.
Han and Leia's first kiss.
After leaving the asteroid belt, they are pursued by the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Avenger, but manage to escape it by latching on to the back of the conning tower until the Star Destroyer dumps its garbage before jumping into hyperspace to search for them. Later, when they stop at Bespin for repairs, Han's friend Lando Calrissian turns them over to Vader, who uses them as bait for Luke. Han is also used as a test subject for the carbon freezing chamber meant for Luke, and it is there that Leia finally confesses her love for Han. Vader then gives the frozen Han to bounty hunter Boba Fett to give to the Hutt crime lord Jabba the Hutt, to whom Han owes a very large debt. Eventually, Lando helps Leia, Chewbacca, and the two droids escape. Before they escape, Chewbacca chokes Lando for giving Solo to Darth Vader and Boba Fett and Leia angrily tells him that they do not need of his help. However, she changes her mind when he pleads that they can still try to stop Fett from leaving, and orders Chewie to let him go. Though they fail to stop Fett from escaping with Han on the Slave I, they are able to regroup with R2 and reach the Falcon to flee themselves after Lando gave orders to have Cloud City evacuated before the residents fell under the Imperial jackboot due to Vader threatening to leave a garrison in the city. While escaping, she senses that Luke is in trouble and makes them go back for him. They save Luke, who has fallen into the trap and has lost a hand after a near-fatal duel against Vader. They are nearly captured by Vader's personal flagship of the Imperial Navy, the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Executor, but R2 reactivates the hyperdrive, allowing them to escape and rejoin the Alliance Navy. While on a Rebel Medical Frigate, both Luke and Leia, along with R2-D2 and C-3PO watch on as Lando and Chewbacca set off in the Falcon to rescue Han from Jabba the Hutt, which Lando promised Leia.
Return of the Jedi[]
Leia during her enslavement to Jabba the Hutt
Set a year after its previous film, Leia, Chewbacca, Lando, Luke (now nearly a Jedi Knight), and the droids go to Tatooine to try to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. Leia's part of the plan consists of posing as the Ubese bounty hunter Boushh, who will turn Chewbacca over to Jabba. Her ruthless bargaining, negotiating the price for Chewbacca while holding an armed thermal detonator grenade, impresses Jabba enough to allow her quarters in the palace for the night, along with paying her a bounty of 35,000 for Chewie. Later that night, Leia frees Han from his carbonite sleep only for Jabba to ambush them (as he was suspicious because Boushh was already dead). Han is sent to the dungeons, while Jabba orders Leia to be brought before him. Despite trying to threaten the Hutt, Leia recoils in disgust as Jabba licks her face. Leia then becomes Jabba's new slave girl, now forced to wear a dancing-girl outfit while being chained to Jabba's throne as a trophy.
The next morning, Leia is asleep alongside Jabba when Luke appears at the palace. After being awoken by his arrival, Leia watches as Luke tries to bargain with her new master, but Jabba refused and tries to feed Luke to his pet rancor. When Luke kills the beast, Jabba sentences Luke, Han, and Chewbacca to be fed to the Sarlacc, while Leia was to remain enslaved to Jabba. Just as all seems lost, Luke reclaims his lightsaber, and Lando (who had been disguised as one of Jabba's guards the whole time) helps Luke, Han, and Chewbacca overpower their captors. Leia seizes the moment to kill Jabba by plunging the interior of the Khetanna into darkness (thus making it so that Jabba wouldn't be able to stop her), and then strangles him with the very chain he used to keep her at his side.After Jabba dies, R2-D2 cuts her loose with an electric shock to sever her chain, and after Luke boards the sail barge, he rescues Leia. With Leia's help, Luke uses a deck cannon to blow up Jabba's barge as they swing to safety, and ride on one of his Skiffs. A deleted scene shows Leia helping Luke fight off Jabba's men with one of their own polearms before he tells her to man the deck cannon to turn it on the Khetanna.
Leia joins the others on Endor, where she loses to a group of scout troopers on speeder bikes. Afterwards, Leia meets Wicket W. Warrick, one of the local Ewoks that live on Endor, who takes her back to his home in the Bright Tree Village, and with help from C-3PO, they help reunite the Rebels. While preparing for a last battle with the Empire, Luke reveals to a stunned Leia that she is, in fact, his twin sister, and that Vader is their father. Initially reluctant to believe him, Leia realizes that Luke is right, and joins Han Solo in leading the Rebels in battle on Endor as the Rebel fleet battle the second Death Star. Leia is slightly injured in the battle when a stormtrooper shoots her and wounds her in the arm, but nevertheless she still helps the Rebels, allied with the Ewoks, to defeat the Empire and win.
Afterwards, Leia reveals to Han that Luke is her brother. When the Rebels and Ewoks celebrate their victory, Leia guides Luke away from three Force spirits of Obi-Wan, Yoda, and their redeemed father, Anakin Skywalker.
After the Battle of Endor, Han and Leia have a son named Ben, who studies the Force under his uncle, Luke Skywalker. However, Ben turns to the dark side, becoming Kylo Ren, and Luke decides to go into hiding out of shame for his failure. In the years following Ben's fall and Luke's disappearance, Han and Leia separate, and Leia becomes the general of the Resistance, actively seeking her brother's location.
When the Resistance is called to Takodana, where BB-8 has been located, Leia encounters her estranged husband Han with Chewbacca and Finn. She and Han have a bittersweet reunion, and Han informs Leia that their son had been on Takodana just moments before she'd arrived. Before Han leaves to bring down Starkiller Base, Leia encourages him to bring their son home.
However, when Han attempts to persuade their son to return to the light side, Kylo Ren stabs him with his lightsaber. Leia senses her husband passing through the Force and mourns his loss. After the Resistance is victorious against the First Order, R2-D2 reawakens to reveal a map to Luke's location. Rey decides to search for Luke, while Leia continues on with the Resistance. Leia says farewell to Rey as she leaves with Chewbacca and R2-D2 to find Luke on Ahch-To.
Leia continues leading the Resistance. She demotes Poe Dameron from commander to captain for sacrificing Resistance pilots in reckless assaults against the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix. Poe tries to defend his actions by saying that there were heroes on the mission, only for Leia to reply, "Dead heroes, no leaders" and walks away.
Aboard the MC85 Star Cruiser Raddus, she senses Kylo Ren hesitating to fire the ship, but then she is blasted into space when Poldin LeHuse, her son's wing mate, fires on it instead. While floating in space, she miraculously uses the Force to return to the Raddus.
Unfortunately for her, the Resistance is ultimately devastated following Luke's death during the Battle of Crait and she informs they have everything in order to rebuild the Resistance.
Leia trains Rey in the use of the Force as Rey prepares to face Kylo Ren and Emperor Palpatine in combat. As Rey and Kylo Ren duel on the ruins of the second Death Star, her health declined due to not fully recovered from getting pulled into space when the Raddus was fired. Eventually, Leia dies using the last of her strength to reach out to her son and becomes one with the Force.
Later, it's revealed that Leia trained in the ways of the Force being instructed by Luke, but upon sensing that her son would die if she continued her Jedi path, she decided to quit. She gave her lightsaber to Luke, who gives it to Rey. Rey uses Leia's saber (along with the Skywalker saber) to destroy the Sith Lord for good. After Palpatine's death, Leia appears as a Force spirit with Luke proudly watching Rey, who decides to honor and continue their family legacy.
Leia appears in the Star Wars Rebels episode "A Princess on Lothal", voiced by Julie Dolan. At the time of the series she is around 15 years of age.
After the Battle on Garel, Leia devised a plan to give the rebels three Hammerhead corvettes, ostensibly by going on a relief mission on Lothal where the rebels would apparently steal the ships. She was greeted by Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger, who were respectively disguised as a stormtrooper and an Imperial cadet, as well as Lieutenant Yogar Lyste, who unwittingly foiled her plan by placing gravity locks on the ships, and ordered two AT-ATs to guard them. Requesting Lyste's shuttle, Leia flew with Kanan and Ezra to former governor Ryder Azadi's hideout. However, they found Stormtroopers had apprehended Ryder. The Ghost appeared and opened fire: Kanan, Ezra, and Leia feigned being taken hostage by Ryder and the crew. On board, Leia bonded with Ezra after learning he had recently lost his parents, assuaging his fears the rebellion might not be worth fighting. They then resolved to find a way to steal the corvettes.
Still disguised, Kanan and Ezra used the Phantom to escort Leia back to the depot, distracting a surprised Lyste while Ryder, Sabine Wren, and Chopper disabled the gravity locks and commandeered the ships. During the ensuing firefight, she saw Kanan use his Lightsaber to down an AT-AT, and Ezra use telekinesis to disarm a pair of stormtroopers, which gave her the opportunity to grab one of the rifles and use it against the troopers. When Ezra boarded the last corvette, she ordered him to make it appear they were struggling and stun her. When Lyste came to her aid, she berated him for his failure, and requested a shuttle home.
In the episode "A World Between Worlds", Leia makes a vocal appearance. As Ezra Bridger is wondering in the Word Between Worlds, it is possible to hear Leia's recorded message to Obi-Wan asking for his help in A New Hope, although this is an event set in the future.
Leia was in the animated mini-series, Star Wars: Forces of Destiny, voiced by Shelby Young.
The first short she appears in, "Ewok Escape", takes place during the events of Return of the Jedi after Leia meets the Ewok known as Wicket. While on their way to the village, she helps Wicket rescue two other Ewoks from Stormtroopers. By the end of the short, they arrive at the village, and Leia is gifted with a dress. Her second short was "Beasts of Echo Base", which is literally inspired by a deleted scene from The Empire Strikes Back. Leia and R2-D2 are looking for Chewbacca, who they find with a ferocious Wampa trapped inside the Rebel ice base. She appears in "Bounty of Trouble" alongside Sabine Wren. She allows Sabine to kidnap her so she can deliver data tape on Imperial base locations. At the same time, the two Rebels are confronted by the bounty hunter droid known as IG-88.
Leia is mention by Carson Teva in "Part Five: Shadow Warrior", who was covering for Hera Syndulla for her unarotize mission to prevent Grand Admiral Thrawn. In "Part Seven: Dreams and Madness", Leia later sends C-3PO to represent her in the trial and defend her friend.
Princess Leia is a playable character in Star Wars: Force Arena as a Legendary squad leader card.
Printed media[]
Star Wars: Princess Leia[]
Set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, Leia teams up with Pilot Evaan Verlaine, when she learns that people survived the destruction on Alderaan and the Galactic Empire hunting them down across the Galaxy. The both begin a journey across the galaxy to save every survivor before the Empire finds them.
Star Wars: Bloodline[]
In the years after defeating the Empire, it is revealed that Leia became a galactic senator, and had a son, Ben Solo with Han a year after the Battle of Endor. However, problems arose between them due to Han's inability to stay in one place for long, as well as with Ben's struggle with the dark side of the Force. Ben's problem became exacerbated by the fact Leia feared to tell him that Darth Vader was his grandfather as well as her being called away often by political affairs.
Hoping to help Ben, Leia sent her son to train with Luke and his new Jedi students. However, Snoke, watching from the shadows, began influencing Ben. Eventually, the Jedi Order that Luke had worked so hard to build was destroyed and Ben, corrupted by Snoke, discarded his identity and became Kylo Ren. Han also left out of shame, unable to cope with the loss of Ben. Things further came to a head when she was asked to become "First Senator" (a position similar to that of Supreme Chancellor) of the New Republic, and was then betrayed by fellow senators Ransolm Casterfo and Lady Carise Sindian (a spy for the First Order) who publicly revealed that Darth Vader was Leia's father.
Disgraced and humiliated, Leia resigned from the Senate and with the few people she knew she could trust, including her old friend, Admiral Ackbar, into forming the Resistance to fight the growing threat of the First Order. With her brother having disappeared after death of his apprentices, Leia began searching for him to help restore hope to the galaxy. To that end, ordered Poe Dameron to find Lor San Tekka for her, knowing that the old member of the Church of the Force held the key to finding Luke.
This book also hints at how, when Leia strangled Jabba to death in Return of the Jedi, she may have tapped into the dark side of the Force to give her the additional strength to kill him.
Leia appears as a meetable character during the Star Wars Weekends at Disney's Hollywood Studios, dressed in her "cell bay" outfit from A New Hope (specifically the scene where Luke and Han have to rescue her in the cell bay of the Death Star). Her hair is styled in the same way as the movie too, commonly referred to as the "doughnut/cinnamon bun hairstyle" by fans). Minnie Mouse also dresses up as her. During the Hyperspace Hoopla show, she wore her slave outfit from Return of the Jedi, albeit only slightly modified.
In the original script from The Empire Strikes Back, during the scene Han Solo is frozen in carbonite, Leia would say "I love you. I couldn't tell you before, but it's true.", and Han would reply "Just remember that, 'cause I'll be back." However, before filming, the quotes were changed to "I love you." and "I know." because Harrison Ford discussed the scene with the director, and felt that this reply was more beautiful and funny. Carrie Fisher was initially distressed with the last minute alterations, but she later accepted them and played along.[1][2]
The quotes of this love declaration scene between Han and Leia had such positive response[1][2] that they were used again in Return of the Jedi with their roles reversed, and many years later, the lines were used again during the scene between Han and Ben in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
Miss Piggy parodied her several times. Most notably on the Muppet Show where several Star Wars characters appeared, sporting her iconic hairdo.
Her line "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope." was parodied in the Phineas and Ferb episode "Unfair Science Fair" when Baljeet sent out a holographic message, ending with "Help me, Phineas and Ferb. You're my only hope.", the message even had Baljeet turn off the holographic recorder as Leia did.
Also in the episode, her line "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?" is parodied when Candace Flynn goes to try out to be the next Flawless Girl, "Aren't you a little short to be the next Flawless Girl?"
A version of the lovers tarot card was created showcasing the relationship between Han and Leia. Unlike typical 70s films, theirs was a relationship of equality rather than subservience.
In Star Wars Legends, Leia had 3 children (2 sons and 1 daughter) Jacen Solo, Anakin Solo, and Jaina Solo. The older children, Jacen and Jaina, are twins while Anakin is the youngest.
Leia named her second son after learning of Anakin's tragic past in the novel "Tatooine Ghost".
In Star Wars Legends, Leia had 4 lightsabers. Her first one was green, her second one was pale blue, her third one was ruby red, and her fourth one was blue.
During an interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, when asked about what type of lightsaber she would like, Carrie Fisher replied she liked the color purple.