Commando Gregor (birth number CC-5576-39 or simply CC-5576) is a Clone Trooper who appeared in the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, its spin-off Star Wars: The Bad Batch, and its predecessor Star Wars Rebels. He was a Clone Commando who fought during the Clone Wars and was assumed dead while assisting a squad of droids escape from the planet Abafar. He survived and eventually became part of a group of deserter clones led by Captain Rex.
When Meebur Gascon discovered Gregor, he was naïve, soft-spoken, cowardly, and not very confident.
As D-Squad began to reassemble, Gregor's personality changed, he becomes confident, outspoken, brave, proud, selfless, moral, and honorable, he then realized Borkus was treating him like a slave, and became a proud soldier for the Republic once again.
After the explosion on Abafar, Gregor slowly went insane and became rickety.
Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant: As a former Clone Commando, Gregor is extremely skilled in armed/unarmed combat.
Expert Marksman: As a former Clone Commando, Gregor is extremely skilled in utilizing blaster rifles and rocket launchers.
Expert Tactician/Leader: As a former Clone Commando, Gregor is an extremely skilled tactician and a capable leader.
Weapons and equipment[]
Katarn-class commando armor: Gregor utilizes Katarn-class commando armor to protect himself from his enemies in battle.
DC-15 blaster rifle: Gregor utilizes a DC-15 blaster rifle as his weapon of choice.