Adyson Sweetwater is one of the characters in the animated television series Phineas and Ferb. She is a member of Fireside Girls in Danville Troop 46231.
Adyson has straight dark brown hair with large bangs and a curve at the bottom. She has green eyes, rosy pink skin, and a red headband (which sometimes isn't seen in a few episodes). She wears a sleeveless uniform with a split in the collar and sides at the bottom, and high-top shoes, and in winter, a red shirt with a dent at the neck and long, bunchy sleeves, a longer brown skirt with an orange belt with yellow bow, black slip on shoes, and has an orange and red kerchief on her head in place of her hairband.
Adyson is really good friends with Isabella. She sang with Isabella in the song S'Winter, along with Gretchen. She willingly took Isabella's place as the one in charge when she left with Phineas and Ferb to circumnavigate the world and helped her up on a plane when Clay Aiken sang ("Phineas and Ferb Summer Belongs to You!"). Later that summer, she was saved by Isabella when she was caught in a river and forced downstream. Also, Isabella helped her heal from her concussion. ("The Great Indoors")
The Other Fireside Girls[]
Along with the other Fireside Girls, Adyson is often involved with Phineas and Ferb's Big Ideas. In "The Great Indoors", Adyson was shown to be accident prone; getting heat/sun stroke in the desert biome, getting swept away by a raging river in the rainforest biome, and getting hit on the head with a rock in the mountain biome. In "Isabella and the Temple of Sap", Adyson was tethered to Gretchen as the latter was reading a book and calling out directions to the other girls.
Not too much is known about the relationship because both of them rarely speak. Also, in "The Great Indoors", Ferb said to Adyson, "Sorry, Adyson." when she received a concussion.
Adyson is one of the characters to be an ambidextrous sprite. When she turns her head, her bangs swoop to the other side. Sometimes, the other side of her head can be seen in a few episodes.
Her first cameo speaking line was in "Tree to Get Ready", while her first true speaking line occurred within "Isabella and the Temple of Sap", where she made a sarcastic comment on the "Help Thy Neighbor" patch.
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