Vivian Garcia-Shapiro[3] is a recurring character in Phineas and Ferb, voiced by Eileen Galindo. She is Isabella's mom. She enjoys playing in a jazz band with Linda and Jeremy's moms. She lives across the street with Isabella as well as Pinky, and has a rapid way of speaking.
Vivian has only spoken in 12 episodes in the entire show. She has made cameo appearances in a few more episodes.
Oddly, Vivian seems to embody both of her last names: She appears to be Hispanic, yet speaks with a Yiddish accent.
She revealed that she is a descendant from Mexican-Jewish roots ("Picture This").
Based on the mixture of her appearance and speech patterns, she may have been raised in a Mexican-Jewish household. It is also possible that she adopted some mannerisms from Isabella's yet-unnamed father, whom many speculate to be of Jewish descent.
In "The Fast and the Phineas", Vivian reveals that Candace, at some point in her life, was wearing braces. She also thinks Candace is too thin, and encourages her to eat by offering her a matzo-burrito ("Picture This"). She may enjoy the burritos herself, which is a marriage of staple foods in both Mexican and Jewish cultures.
Vivian calls her daughter "Isa" ("Hide and Seek"), which is a common shortening of her name in Spanish-speaking countries.
Vivian is shown to most likely be married since she has a wedding ring ("No More Bunny Business") although she is never seen wearing it.
She has an aunt who in turn has a sister. ("Agent Doof")
She can be seen at the Love Handel reunion concert, so she is probably a fan.
She was seen walking with a man at the neighborhood party, presumably her husband. ("Love at First Byte") She was also dancing with him in "Happy New Year!".
Nothing is known about her early life. We could assume she was born either in Mexico or Danville.
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