Who provides the voice for the character Disgust in Inside Out?
In the original Inside Out film, Disgust was brought to life by the voice of Mindy Kaling. For video games and attractions, Ashley Adler took over the role. In the sequel, the character was voiced by Liza Lapira.
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How does the character Disgust contribute to Riley Andersen's decision making in Inside Out?
In Inside Out, Disgust is one of the five emotions within Riley Andersen's mind, influencing her decisions. When Joy and Sadness are lost, Disgust helps maintain Riley's mental stability. She is introduced as Riley's father feeds her broccoli, signifying her influence on Riley's preferences. Disgust also shapes Riley's responses in different scenarios.
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What is the main role of Disgust in protecting Riley Andersen in Inside Out?
In the Disney•Pixar film Inside Out, Disgust is one of five emotions in Riley Andersen's mind. Her role is to protect Riley by influencing her reactions and decisions. When Joy and Sadness are lost, Disgust collaborates with the remaining emotions to maintain Riley's mental stability. Her main function is to shield Riley from physical and social harm.
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What are some of the things that Disgust keeps a careful eye on for Riley in Inside Out?
In the animated film Inside Out, Disgust is a key emotion in Riley Andersen's mind. She plays a crucial role in maintaining Riley's mental equilibrium, particularly when Joy and Sadness are absent. Disgust, along with other emotions, strives to keep Riley balanced. She also influences Riley's preferences, as seen when she reacts to Riley being fed broccoli.
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In what ways does Disgust show her honesty and high opinions in Inside Out?
In Inside Out, Disgust, one of the five emotions in Riley Andersen's mind, is characterized by her honesty and high standards. She is stubborn, easily upset, and often disgusted. Despite her sarcasm, superficiality, cynicism, vanity, and impatience, Disgust always has the best intentions and refuses to compromise her standards. She is also mindful of the people, places, and objects that interact with Riley.
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Official Description[]
Disgust is highly opinionated, extremely honest, and prevents Riley from getting poisoned — both physically and socially. She keeps a careful eye on the people, places, and things that Riley comes into contact with — whether that's broccoli or last year's fashion trend. Disgust always has the best of intentions and refuses to lower her standards.
Disgust, as her name suggests, is the literal embodiment of any and all feelings of disdain, judgement and revolt. She keeps a watchful eye and is highly skeptical, honest and opinionated of the people Riley finds herself around with, and the things and situations she finds herself in or around, since her main job is to keep Riley from being poisoned, both physically and socially. She is very stubborn of her values and refuses to betray or lower her standards, unless doing so ends up causing harm to Riley at which point, all bets are off.
She is by far the vainest out of the other emotions, being very concerned about her appearance and how Riley is presented, and because of this has an affinity for fashion and the latest trends. She's also full of herself in the sense that she's very certain and confident in her decisions and opinions, but she ultimately does have a softer side that she never wants to admit to. She tends to be sarcastic, insensitive and easily upset, she often leaves the room when a situation or idea greatly offends her and is prone to nausea when she finds something utterly repulsive. She absolutely abhors broccoli more than any of the other emotions.
Physical appearance[]
Disgust is a green-skinned female emotion who's appearance is based of broccoli, with a rather slender yet curvaceous and petite built, being roughly the same height as Sadness. She has shoulder-length, sparkling forest-green hair and thin eyebrows, emerald-green eyes with exactly four green lengthy eyelashes, and wears makeup which consists of faint pink eyeshadow and blush, and orchid lipstick on her lips. In the sequel, however, she changes her eyeshadow to a forest-green color.
Her outfit includes a sparkling orchid-colored tulle ascot-scarf around her neck, a sleeveless parakeet-green dress with a floral-like pattern colored in sky-blue and pale green, with a pair of latex forest-green capri leggings underneath, a mint-green belt with both darker-colored trim and a darker-colored buckle that vaguely resembles the letter "D", and orchid ballet flats.
In the sequel, Disgust is seen wearing her sleepwear which consists of a dark blue bonnet, a silk purple nightgown with white scalloped-trimming on the short puffed sleeves and hem and a loose white bow on the front collar, and a pair of slippers which matches her bonnet.
Disgust is one of the five emotions controlling Riley's mind and helping her. She is first seen when Bill Andersen starts to feed broccoli to his daughter. Disgust is the fourth emotion to be introduced.
When their leader, Joy and another emotion, Sadness, literally get lost in Riley's mind, she and the other emotions have to keep Riley's head on straight until Joy and Sadness get home. However, things go wrong sooner or later, they even decide to make Riley run away, even though Fear tells them how wrong that idea is. She belittles Sadness to a neutral degree due to her superficial teen attitude.
When Joy and Sadness reach headquarters, Anger tries to break the glass with a chair, but to no avail. Getting an idea, Disgust gets Anger to ignite his fire, and then, after putting on a welding mask, she uses him as a blowtorch to burn a hole in the glass for Joy and Sadness to climb through.
Disgust begs Joy to stop Riley and fix the problem but is shocked when Joy lets Sadness take control of Riley instead. Disgust is worried at first but is amazed when Sadness is able to pull the idea out of the console. Disgust, along with Anger and Fear, continue to watch in awe as Riley returns home where Sadness helps her admit to her parents that she misses Minnesota and how she hates the changes in living in San Francisco. As Riley's parents comfort her, Disgust, Anger, and Fear are moved by the scene as they watch Joy give Sadness the blue core memory (which she recovered from the Memory Dump) back and Sadness has Joy make Riley happy as she's being comforted by her parents. Their teamwork creates a new core memory consisting of the colors of both blue and yellow, creating a new Family Island, leaving Disgust, Anger, and Fear even more astounded.
Disgust returns along with the other emotions for the sequel, having a more important role and continues its role in keeping Riley away from what could poison her, both physically (as seen when she made Riley spit out another player's mouthguard) as well as socially (as seen in a flashback when she tried to stop Riley from helping Grace). Disgust along with the other Core Emotions continued to exist peacefully, each respecting the other's role in Riley's life. They maintained this peace until one day, they woke up to the puberty alarm flashing. Joy pulled the alarm and sent it to the Back of the Mind, but then Mind Workers came in and did some work updating the Console. After this, they discovered that the console was much more sensitive, with only a light touch causing Riley to have an extreme emotional response.
As Riley headed to Coach Roberts' hockey camp, the emotions remembered that Val Ortiz, whom Riley idolized, had gotten onto Roberts' team, the Firehawks, as a freshman. On their way to camp, Riley learned that her best friends, Grace Hsieh and Bree Young, weren't going to be going to the same high school with her. When they got dropped off and Grace and Bree walked away, Sadness finally had Riley cry. Once she was done crying, she started walking toward the building and ran into Val. Riley started rambling about Val and it was during this exchange that the emotions noticed the console was orange. They wondered who did that and met Anxiety, who introduced herself and Riley's other new emotions: Envy, Embarrassment, and Ennui. Joy happily welcomed them, saying she'd learned that all emotions were important for Riley.
Anxiety quickly took control of Riley, saying Riley needed to focus on making new friends who would come to her new school to secure her future. The emotions initially respected Anxiety's plan and actions, but eventually started to question her actions. When they tried to fight back, Anxiety had Embarrassment put the five original emotions in a jar and send them to the Vault. There, they found Lance Slashblade, Bloofy, and the Deep Dark Secret, who were asked for their help by Joy and Emotions, however, Bloofy would only agree to help them if they gave him something in return, while Lance said it was his own journey. However, once Disgust flattered Lance, he agreed to help them. Unfortunately, he was unable to get them out of the jar, but the Deep Dark Secret was able to break the glass and release them. Once they were out, Bloofy summoned Pouchy, who gave them the dynamite they needed to get out of the vault. While Bloofy and Lance left with them, Deep Dark Secret decided to stay in the vault.
Upon leaving the Vault, Joy led the group, saying they needed to get Riley's Sense of Self before they could return to Headquarters. She decided they could follow the Stream of Consciousness to the Back of the Mind. Joy thought she knew how to get there, but since Riley's mind had changed, she no longer did. Sadness started to cry over everything changing. When they finally go to the stream, Sadness reminded them that there would be no one in Headquarters to call them back, so Joy decided that Sadness would climb a Recall tube back to Headquarters while the rest of them went to find the Sense of Self.
They rode through the Stream of Consciousness until Ennui, by making Riley sarcastic, caused a Sar-Chasm to open, splitting the stream into two parts. This left the Emotions to have to go the long way around. This led them through Imagination Land, which had changed a lot since the last time Joy was there. Among the changes was Fort Pillowton, which had grown and was orange. They went inside and found several mind workers, on order from Anxiety, drawing potential negative scenarios that could happen at Riley's camp so she could prepare for all of them. Joy took an empty station and drew a positive scenario, then led the others to do the same. This led the mind workers to rebel and draw positive scenarios as well, then they started a pillow fight. They left when some mental cops arrived and used a Future Careers Parade balloon to escape. They held it until they were caught in a Brainstorm that forced them to let it go. Using a big idea to get out of the storm, Fear told his companions to hold on to them and then he pulled his bow tie and activated his parachute, and they landed on safe ground.
Finally, the emotions got to the Back of the Mind and retrieved the Sense of Self, but when Sadness tried to bring them back, Anxiety broke the Riley Protection System, stopping her and stranding them in the back of the mind. Anger had the idea to call Pouchy and see if he had anything that could help them. Anger pulled dynamite out of Pouchy, which gave Joy the idea to use it to cause an avalanche of memories they could ride back to Headquarters. This worked and they ended up back in the belief system, along with all the memories. As new beliefs formed from them, they went back to Headquarters, where they tried with the other emotions to remove the new, anxious sense of self. They were unable to as Anxiety had taken over and was flying across the console, trying to fix the problems she'd created. Joy stepped in and got Anxiety to relinquish control. This allowed them to remove the anxious sense of self and replace it with the old one. Then Joy realized it was keeping a new, more complex sense of self from developing, so she removed it and let the new sense of self replace it. This resolved Riley's problems and after reconciling with Bree and Grace, Riley voluntarily called Joy and helped her reintegrate into the hockey game.
Later, when Riley had returned to school, the emotions had learned to co-exist peacefully, with each respecting the others' roles. On the day that Riley was supposed to receive an email to learn whether or not she'd made the Firehawks, Anxiety started to panic until Joy got her to focus on things Riley could control. Disgust and the rest of Emotions agreed that they loved Riley and would celebrate for her either way. When Riley finally got the email, she smiled.
Disgust appears in Disney Infinity's third installment as a playable character. However, just like Amy Poehler, Mindy Kaling did not reprise the role, as John Vignocchi explained that her agent said she was too busy.[2] Therefore, Ashley Adler took over her part to perform the voice of Disgust in that game.
Disgust was added in the 1.5.0 update and is unlocked after reaching level 126. Her ability is to cause memories of the same color to disappear when hit.
Disgust is a playable character in Disney Heroes: Battle Mode. Disgust is a Mid-Line Control role hero. Disgust attacks enemies by making faces and scoffing at enemies. Disgust attacks silence enemies and she takes advantage of silenced enemies as she can steal their buffs. Disgust has unique buff 'Distaste' which increases her damage dealt by her White Skill and increase number of projectiles created by that skill.
According to Pete Docter, her appearance is based on that of broccoli, which, ironically, is what she, Riley, and the other emotions hate and what Pete Docter himself loves.
As shown in concept art, as well as in the first clips shown at the 2013D23 Expo, Disgust was first designed with a purple dress, had longer hair, and did not wear lipstick or have long eyelashes. Interestingly, while Riley's Disgust ended up having a green dress in the final film, Riley's mom's Disgust has retained a purple dress.
Before this, Disgust was supposed to look ugly. This was changed most likely to show that Disgust represents being disgusted instead of being disgusting.
In one of the first concept drawings, Disgust was, in the planning stages, portrayed as a male character during production, but was later switched to a female character.
Disgust is the only one of Riley's emotions who has visible eyelashes.
She is the only emotion who did not present an ability of her own within the film.
In Disney Crossy Road, when Disgust is used as a playable character, the Mind Workers will show great interest in her at all times throughout the game.
Disgust's belt buckle is shaped like a capital "D" to represent the first letter in her name.
Disgust is the dominant Emotion of the Yeast of Eden Server.
Like the emotions introduced in the sequel, Disgust has no involvement with Bing Bong, nor does she mention him.
Before Envy's arrival, Disgust did not have any emotion that were her polar opposite, unlike Joy & Sadness and Anger & Fear.
During a stage where the Emotions all had human names, Disgust was going to be called Nadia or Gretchen.
In early versions of the first film, Disgust didn't exist, and her place was taken by Pride (which was originally named Preston), which was, along with Hope, one of Riley's main Emotions. But when the number of emotions was reduced to five, Pride was scrapped and replaced by Disgust in the final version.
Curiously, the color green (represented in her) was originally going to be used for Hope, and then for Fear, in early versions of the first film.
During the events of the first film, Disgust is shown to be the least stringent around Anger's prolific outbursts as he takes control of Riley. This is likely to be out of the acceptance that this is beyond prevention and that any attempt to do so is null, as demonstrated when Fear attempts to discipline him only to be violently rebutted by Anger in retaliation, rather than simple apathy.
Unlike the rest of the Emotions, Disgust is consistently seen casually smiling towards certain matters centered around the ideal of making improvements to Riley. This is in contrast to Joy, who is seen enthusiastically smiling regularly around matters revolving around Riley, or otherwise seen with generally smug expressions when making a point or plan under the assumption she is entirely correct.
Additionally, Disgust is one of the more vocal Emotions about the more practical issues surrounding Riley, also contrasting Joy, who focuses more on the ideal of Riley being generally positive under baseless conjecture.
Like Taffyta Muttonfudge, who was also originally voiced by Mindy Kaling, Disgust was voiced by a different actress in the sequel.
In Inside Out 2, when Joy asks who turned the console orange, Disgust reveals her dislike for the color orange. This is quite ironic, since originally, she was going to be orange instead of green.
Apparently, Disgust, like Riley when she was younger, has a crush on Lance Slashblade, as revealed by both concept art of the character and trailers for the second film.
Disgust is left-handed.
In the first film, Disgust told Joy that they should wait for the cool kids to like them, so that they could become their friends. In the sequel, Disgust told Joy that they shouldn't help Grace pick up the coins that she dropped. After that, Riley's Sense Of Self convinced her to help.
Disgust was voiced by a different actor in the sequel because Mindy Kaling didn’t want to deal with significant salary disagreements.