Tiana and Linda are sisters as they are very similar in appearance and are very close. They are seen going to a spa together, and Linda helps Tiana when preparing for her wedding. Linda even asked Tiana if she and Bob were planning on eventually having children, after Linda receives a phone call from Candace. ("Candace's Big Day")
Bob Webber[]
Tiana and Bob have traveled across the world together and get married ("Candace's Big Day") before continuing on to the Galapagos Islands.
Candace Flynn[]
Tiana and Candace are very close, as Tiana promised that Candace could be Tiana's bridesmaid when Candace was 10. Tiana seems to trust Candace, as she lets her plan out Tiana's wedding. Tiana is also very calm and patient towards Candace whenever she starts to freak out. ("Candace's Big Day")
Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher[]
Tiana appears to be very fond of both boys and even entrusts them with helping to plan out her wedding. They also seem to care a great deal for her, as Phineas seems very determined to give Tiana an amazing wedding. She is one of the few adults who knows about Phineas and Ferb's extraordinary abilities, as she was able to see their extraordinary ice sculptor of her and Bob before it was melted down. ("Candace's Big Day")
Tiana was named after one of Dan Povenmire's sisters. His other sister is the namesake and inspiration for Linda, so he decided to make a new character so the real-life Tiana "wouldn't feel left out." She is not, however, named after Tiana in the 2009Disney movie The Princess and the Frog. Dan Povenmire claims this is only a coincidence, more so since the film came only out 7 weeks before the episode premiered.
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