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Kashyyyk (occasionally spelled Kashyk) is a jungle planet and the home of the Wookiee race and Chewbacca. It is a planet of the Republic but the Confederacy of Independent Systems launched an attack on the planet. The Republic sent Grand Master and Jedi General Yoda and Commander Gree with the 41st Elite Corps to liberate the planet. After Order 66 was executed, the clone troopers then turned on Yoda but he managed to escape and after the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, it became an Imperial planet.

After the fall of the Empire, Kashyyyk became a New Republic planet.


Kashyyyk is a temperate jungle planet orbiting around a single star located in the Mid Rim. The planet had a complement of three moons, one of which was orange. The center of the planet was covered with a tropical ocean belt, which contained a number of islands and large coral reefs.

Covered in trees, Kashyyyk served as homeworld to the Wookiee species, while the planet shared a star system with a planet inhabited by the Trandoshan species who were the Wookiees' deadly enemies.


At some point prior to the Invasion of Naboo, Jedi Master Yoda faced a terentatek on Kashyyyk, accompanied by his then Padawan Dooku. At another point, Jedi Master Eno Cordova was researching Zeffoculture on Kashyyyk, and befriended Wookiee chieftain Tarfful.

For twenty years, Kashyyyk's Wookiees, as well as the Wookiee population of its colony planets, needed to repeatedly repel the Trade Federation.

During the Clone Wars, Kashyyyk was of prime strategic importance to the Galactic Republic, which led the Confederacy of Independent Systems to attack the planet toward the end of the Clone Wars. During the battle for their homeworld, hundreds of the Wookiee's catamarans were deployed. Eventually, the Confederacy's invasion fleet was driven off by Jedi General Master Yoda's taskforce, but a massive force of LM-432 crab droids, droid tanks, and gunships remained.


  • The Clone Wars had an unfinished arc where the Bad Batch went to the planet during the Clone Wars with Yoda.

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BraccaDathomirIlum (Ilum Jedi Temple) • Kashyyyk
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See Also
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch
HunterWreckerTechCrosshairEchoOmegaRexWolffeGregorGreyCodyTK TroopersClone TroopersWilhuff TarkinOrson KrennicEmperor's Royal GuardDepa BillabaCaleb DumePalpatineClone X TroopersCham SyndullaHera SyndullaC1-10PFennec ShandAsajj VentressRiyo ChuchiEmerie KarrRoyce HemlockCad BaneCut Lawquane
Season One: "Aftermath" • "Cut and Run" • "Cornered" • "Rampage" • "Decommissioned" • "Battle Scars" • "Reunion" • "Bounty Lost" • "Common Ground" • "Devil's Deal" • "Rescue on Ryloth" • "Infested" • "War-Mantle" • "Return to Kamino" • "Kamino Lost"

Season Two: "Spoils of War" • "Ruins of War" • "The Solitary Clone" • "Faster" • "Entombed" • "Tribe" • "The Clone Conspiracy" • "Truth and Consequences" • "The Crossing" • "Retrieval" • "Metamorphosis" • "The Outpost" • "Pabu" • "Tipping Point" • "The Summit" • "Plan 99"
Season Three: "Confined" • "Paths Unknown" • "Shadows of Tantiss" • "A Different Approach" • "The Return" • "Infiltration" • "Extraction" • "Bad Territory" • "The Harbinger" • "Identity Crisis" • "Point of No Return" • "Juggernaut" • "Into the Breach" • "Flash Strike" • "The Cavalry Has Arrived"

Galactic EmpireConfederacy of Independent SystemsJediSithGalactic Republic
See Also
Star Wars: The Clone WarsLightsaberBlasterImperial Star DestroyerRancor