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Wullf Yularen is a character in the Star Wars saga, who made a minor appearance in A New Hope. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars he is a recurring character, and he appeared as a supporting antagonist in the show's successor, Star Wars Rebels.

During the Clone Wars, Yularen served as an Admiral in the Galactic Republic Navy and later became a Colonel in the Galactic Empire's Imperial Security Bureau. Eventually, Yularen was promoted to Deputy Director of the Naval Intelligence Agency and was one of the officers assigned to the Death Star where during the Battle of Yavin, he was killed when the battle station was destroyed.

Film Appearances[]

Star Wars: A New Hope[]

Yularen's appearance is brief in the first Star Wars movie. He is first seen in the conference room aboard the Death Star. He perished in the destruction of the Death Star.

Television Appearances[]

Star Wars: The Clone Wars[]

In the series, Yularen appeared as a recurring character in the series, voiced by Tom Kane. He serves as an Admiral during the Clone Wars for the Republic, operating under Jedi General Anakin Skywalker frequently. In the series, Yularen is portrayed as a by-the-book operator, who was often frustrated with Anakin's recklessness.

Star Wars Rebels[]

Yularen appears in the Star Wars Rebels episode, "Through Imperial Eyes", where by now he has become a Colonel in the Imperial Security Bureau following the reformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire.


  • In the first Star Wars movie, Wullf Yularen was an unnamed character portrayed by Robert Clarke. Wullf Yularen was given his name by the Star Wars Legends card game Star Wars Customizable Card Game.
  • Tom Kane, who provided the voice of Wullf Yularen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, also served as the series' narrator and voiced Yoda.


External links[]

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See Also
The ForceLightsaber (Darksaber) • BlasterHolocronBo-RifleKyber crystal
