Perry initially disliked Lyla for disrupting one of his missions two months prior, allowing criminals to escape. As a result, he was apprehensive about working with her. Though during their mission together, she shows him that the two of them work better cooperatively, and they become friends. Perry later learns that her disrupting his mission earlier was actually done purposely, and was part of her plan to help lead them to Professor Bannister.
Lyla later returns in the episode Just Our Luck, waiting in line with other O.W.C.A. agents at Agent-con.
Despite being blatantly loquacious and somewhat ditzy, Lyla has been shown to be a clever, strategic, and formidable agent. She possesses well-developed combat skills and has a very mannerly yet bold and fun-loving personality. She is also fairly wise and teaches Perry that cooperation is very important, and can be especially useful on dangerous missions.
Physical appearance[]
Lyla appears to be in her mid- or early twenties. She has long brown hair tied up in a ponytail, and dark blue eyes. Her clothing consists of a thin black jacket with a collar over a gray sleeveless t-shirt, skinny dark blue jeans under a thick waist belt, long black knee-high boots, and black fingerless gloves. She also wears a belt around her right thigh that holds a communicator.
Despite being a member of the Canadian division of the O.W.C.A., which normally hires animal agents exclusively, Lyla is a human and does not wear a fedora (though this may be because she is female). It is unknown if the Canadian division is simply run differently, or if they possess any animal agents at all. Or it could be that Lyla, like Heinz Doofenshmirtz was adopted by animals, therefore, allowing her to be an agent since the rules of the agency allow humans to be agents, as long as they were raised by them.
Lyla has a habit of saying "Eh" occasionally in sentences, which is a spoken interjection commonly associated with Canadians.
It was assumed that she would return for a future episode because Swampy tweeted a photo of the voice recording session of July 16, 2013, showing Samantha Bee at the top of the list. This was confirmed with the episode "Just Our Luck", which premiered 6 months later, this also being her only line in the episode.
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