Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Jedi Master and one of the main characters from the first two Star Wars trilogies. He also appears in multiple Star Wars-related TV series, including as the protagonist of the Disney+Obi-Wan Kenobi series. Along with R2-D2, Anakin Skywalker, and C-3PO, he is one of the only four characters to appear or at least be mentioned in all nine films in the main Star Wars film series.
In Obi-Wan's youth, he exhibited a dry sense of humor and sarcastic wit, with a rebellious nature and had to deal with much emotional anxiety.
In Obi-Wan's later years, he became brave, humble, modest, soft-spoken, loyal, moral, honorable, calm, level-headed, patient, peaceful, selfless, cautious, kind, caring, serious, responsible, disciplined, and slightly headstrong, though he retained some of his former cynicism. He has a habit of repeating the Jedi Code mentally to himself as this brings him peace and calms his thoughts.
Despite Obi-Wan's honor and good morals, he frequently commits mistakes, due to him blindly following rules and orders. Obi-Wan often criticized those who violated the Jedi Code, especially his then-apprentice Anakin Skywalker. Despite this, he had a romantic relationship with Satine Kryze, something that the Jedi High Council was unaware of. He also held a strong belief that "only a Sith deals in absolutes", but this belief itself is an absolute. Obi-Wan also refused to blame the Jedi council for Ahsoka's departure despite that she only left because the council would not believe in her innocence.
As a Jedi, Obi-Wan is intelligent and wise. Despite this, he did not realize that his mistrust towards Anakin was slowly turning his best friend against the Jedi Order. Obi-Wan never openly defended him in the presence of Jedi High Council, even when Anakin was right and they treated him unfairly. He would only defend Anakin in secret, after he would leave the Jedi High Council chamber. Unfortunately, Obi-Wan failed to realize that this behavior caused his apprentice to believe that he never truly trusted or supported him.
In Obi-Wan's final days, he retained his traits of patience, virtue, and foresight, as well as gaining some of the boldness reminiscent of his youth. However, as an old man, he became more eccentric.
Even as a Force spirit, while Obi-Wan does apologize and acknowledges his mistakes, he does not truly learn from them. This is seen during the conversation between Obi-Wan and Luke Skywalker, when he was explaining to Luke how his father became Darth Vader. Obi-Wan admitted that he was wrong to believe that he could train Anakin just as well as Yoda did, but he still blamed Anakin's fall to the dark side on Sheev Palpatine. However, in truth, Palpatine had merely manipulated the growing distrust that Anakin already had for the Jedi High Council and Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan was therefore one of the reasons why the persona of Vader was created in the first place.
Powers and Abilities[]
The Force: Obi-Wan has an extremely strong connection to the Force. While not having the same potential as his two Skywalker apprentices (Anakin and Luke), Obi-Wan has more experience using the Force than both of them. Initially, as revealed in the novel Master and Apprentice, Obi-Wan was not a particularly talented, and indeed quite weak padawan when he began training as a Jedi. His master, Qui-Gon Jinn, mused to himself that at young Obi-wan's age, he was capable of doing far more using the Force than Obi-Wan showcased. Obi-Wan's abilities and proficiency with the Force as a Jedi Knight and later as a Master came instead from his hard work and commitment to his training rather than inherent talent. As a result, he became one of the strongest Jedi of his time through his great discipline.
Telekinesis: Obi-Wan can telekinetically move objects or other individuals without physically touching them, and he utilizes it for offensive or defensive purposes. While rescuing Leia from the Inquisitor fortress, Obi-Wan managed to hold together a cracked window with innumerous loose shards until the troopers breached the door he had closed, then unleash a flood on them before running away. During Obi-Wan's exile on Tatooine, his skill with this power allowed him to discreetly cause blasters to malfunction, and burst and fling enemy gunmen around from the shadows, all to protect Luke from them.
Force Push: Obi-Wan can telekinetically send his opponents flying through the air, causing serious injury or temporarily incapacitating/knocking them unconscious, depending on how much power is unleashed. His mastery of this technique was exceptional, even capable of matching Vader despite the fact Vader's strength in the Force was greater than his.
Force Pull: Obi-Wan can telekinetically pull his opponents or objects towards him.
Force Crush: Obi-Wan can telekinetically crush objects or droids.
Force Throw: Obi-Wan can telekinetically cause objects and other individuals to be hurled toward a target at an astounding velocity.
Mind Trick: Obi-Wan can control the minds of other sentient beings, except for individuals with indomitable wills. However, he can combine this power with other Force-users to bypass this said indomitable will.
Taming Beasts: Obi-Wan can control the minds of animals.
Force Sense: Obi-Wan can sense another sentient beings' emotions, the future, ripples in the Force caused by momentous or traumatic events, impending danger, and the presence of other light or dark side Force-users. Despite this, Obi-Wan was unable to sense that Palpatine was a Force-user, particularly a dark side Force-user, even though he had been in close proximity to the him on several occasions, due to Palpatine's power to hide his signature in the Force.
Power Boost: Obi-Wan can temporarily push past physical limitations and renew his morale, stamina, accuracy and overall battle prowess through sheer concentration and willpower. His proficiency with this ability allowed him to find a state of calm while dangling over an abyss at the mercy of the Darth Maul, enough to be able to summon his master's lightsaber to him without a line of sight to it and outmaneuver the Sith Lord for a finishing blow. Obi-Wan would use this same focus to simultaneously fight by himself against Maul and his brother Savage, managing to even sever the Savage's arm. This focus also allowed Obi-Wan to nearly overpower the cybernetic General Grievous, slicing off two of his hands in their final battle. During his third match with Vader, Obi-Wan (by summoning his attachment to Luke and Leia) was able to call upon the Force to overcome his guilt and remorse for failing Anakin, allowing him to not only easily break out of the stones Vader buried him under but also go as far as to quickly overpower him and use the Force to make himself much faster and agile to avoid Vader's attacks, despite the fact that he previously was only equally matched with Vader.
Force Jump: Obi-Wan can jump or leap at great distances.
Force Dash: Obi-Wan utilizes Force Dash to move at amazing speeds.
Force Spirit: Due to the ancient knowledge of the Force Priestesses at Obi-Wan's disposal, he was able to transcend physical death and preserve his identity through the Force. This allowed him to become one with the Force when he died upon being struck down by Darth Vader. Obi-Wan learned how to retain his identity through the Force from the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn, who in turn learned it from the Force Priestesses.
Sound Mimicry: Obi-Wan Kenobi used this power to mimic the roar of a krayt dragon, in order to scare a group of Tusken Raiders away from an unconscious Luke Skywalker.
Master Lightsaber Duelist: Obi-Wan is an extremely skilled lightsaber duelist. Although Obi-Wan is more than capable of using offensive and counter techniques, he focuses more on defensive techniques. He is the responsible for the defeat of Sith Lord Maul and later of the infamous Jedi Killer General Grievous. In a massive duel on Mustafar, he was also able to defeat his former apprentice Anakin Skywalker, who became the ruthless Sith Lord Darth Vader, due to the fact that Vader was blinded by his rage at the time. Despite being on the defensive throughout the fight, also due to his inner conflict in dealing with Vader, Obi-Wan was eventually able to gain the high ground over Vader, and dismembered the Sith Lord when he recklessly jumped towards him. 10 years later, Obi-Wan's dueling skills were initially rusty (since he hadn't engaged in duels during his exile and was unable to hone his skills due to doing his best to hide his status as a Jedi) and he was barely able to defend himself against Vader in their second duel just enough to briefly escape. However, Obi-Wan was quickly able to shake off his rust and regain his dueling skills to take down multiple Stormtroopers during the attack on Fortress Inquisitorius and later while defending the Path from the Empire. In his third duel with Vader, Obi-Wan used both his mastery of the Force and lightsaber skills to outmatch him, despite the fact that Vader had became even more skilled than before (both in offense and defense) and after being temporarily boosted by his desire to be there for Luke and Leia, he was ultimately able to decisively defeat and overpower his former apprentice. Approximately 6 years later, when Obi-Wan faced off against Maul for the final time on Tatooine, he was able to defeat the former Sith Lord with three quick blows, severing his new lightsaber, and killing him simultaneously with a final downward slash. Even by the time he was elderly, during Obi-Wan's final duel aboard the Death Star against Vader, he still remained proficient enough in lightsaber combat that he was able to contend with the Sith Lord for a period of time. However, Obi-Wan's age and lack of practice combined with his former apprentice's far more cautious and precise dueling, as well as his relentless assault, ultimately began turning the tides against him and he realized that his death was inevitable and that he would not be able to defeat Vader, but would only be able to hold him at bay. Because of this, Obi-Wan willingly left himself wide open for an attack, sacrificing himself to allow Luke Skywalker to escape while knowing that Vader would not have time to kill him and capture Luke simultaneously.
Form III: Obi-Wan is a master of Soresu. He is so skilled that he was able to best his former apprentice on Mustafar, due to the fact that Vader was blinded by his rage at the time. However, in Obi-Wan's final duel aboard the Death Star against Vader, the Sith Lord had become so skilled in Soresu that he was able to overcome and best his former master, despite Obi-Wan being a master of the style in his own right.
Form IV: Obi-Wan is extremely skilled in Ataru.
Form V: Obi-Wan is highly skilled in Shien/Djem So.
Form VI: Obi-Wan is highly skilled in Niman.
Tràkata: Obi-Wan is highly skilled in Tràkata.
Jar'Kai: Although Obi-Wan usually uses only one lightsaber, he is highly skilled in Jar'Kai. Although not a master of the style, Obi-Wan is skilled at it enough that he was able to hold his own very well against the combined might of Darth Maul and his brother Savage Oppress, slicing off the Savage's arm.
Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant: Obi-Wan is a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant.
Expert Marksman: Obi-Wan is extremely proficient in the use of blasters, from blaster pistols to blaster rifles. He also uses the Force to guide blaster bolts into his targets. Ironically, despite his skill as a marksman, Obi-Wan is fairly disdainful of blasters in general, considering them "clumsy", "random", and "uncivilized".
Skilled Pilot: Obi-Wan is very skilled in piloting most speeders and most types of flying crafts. Ironically, despite his piloting skills, Obi-Wan openly dislikes flying in general, claiming that "flying is for droids".
High-Level Intellect/Master Tactician/Leader: Obi-Wan is highly intelligent and wise. As a Jedi General, Obi-Wan is a highly skilled tactician and a very capable leader. His formidable mind allows him to easily adapt to and exploit an opponent's weaknesses in battle, especially when combined with his masterful dueling abilities. In his final confrontation against Vader, Obi-Wan attempted to exploit the latter's weaknesses. Unfortunately, this completely backfired due to the fact that his former apprentice had learned from his mistakes in their previous duels and used Obi-Wan's own tactics against him.
Weapons and Equipment[]
Obi-Wan's valued weapon and possession is his blue-bladed lightsaber, he has had three lightsabers.
First lightsaber: Obi-Wan had built his first blue-bladed lightsaber which he used throughout most of his Jedi career. In the Master & Apprentice novel, Obi-Wan briefly replaced his blue kyber crystal with a kohlen crystal that turned his lightsaber blade orange. It would remain in Obi-Wan's possession until he lost it in a duel against the Sith Lord Maul who kicks it into the hole in the refinery complex chamber. That made him have to use his mentor's green-bladed lightsaber, although he's not seen again with it.
Second lightsaber: Obi-Wan had built his second blue-bladed lightsaber sometime after he lost his first lightsaber in a duel on Naboo against Maul during the Invasion of Naboo. It would remain in Obi-Wan's possession until he was captured by the Separatists. He was last seen using it while fighting off battle droids and being overwhelmed by them in a holographic message. He was given another spare blue-bladed lightsaber in the battle of Geonosis by a Jedi. He fought Dooku with this weapon and gave it to Anakin, who was given a green-bladed lightsaber when his was destroyed. Anakin used this lightsaber with his spare green-bladed lightsaber, which he then lost. This spare blue lightsaber was dropped and presumably recovered by the Jedi after Anakin himself was defeated by Dooku.
Third lightsaber: By the time of the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan had built a new blue lightsaber, designed differently from his previous one. He uses it to fight Count Dooku, General Grievous, and Anakin, the second time he confronts Anakin as Darth Vader. It is unknown what happened to the weapon after Obi-Wan's death. It's possible that Vader took it with him as a trophy, had it destroyed, or if not then it was destroyed with the Death Star. Luke Skywalker's second, green-bladed lightsaber would greatly resemble this weapon, as he had used its schematics as the base for making his own.
BR-14 blaster pistol: While hiding out on Tatooine, Obi-Wan obtained a BR-14 blaster pistol. According to the Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide, the blaster had a blaster cartridge that is loaded with ionized particles. He used it in "Part II", to threaten Haja Estree on Daiyu and again when defending himself against bounty hunters. He later used it to shoot a Viper Probe Droid at point-blank range in "Part III". In "Part IV", he used the BR-14 to fight his way out of Fortress Inquisitorius.
Qui-Gon Jinn's Padawan[]
Invasion of Naboo[]
As a young adult, Obi-Wan was sent with his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, by Galactic Republic Supreme Chancellor Valorum to negotiate with the Trade Federation, who had caused a blockade around the planet Naboo. However, when the protocol droid TC-14, who had showed them to the conference room on the Lucrehulk-class battleship, told Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray that the ambassadors were Jedi, under orders from Darth Sidious, Gunray had their ship destroyed and the conference room flooded with toxic gas, sending a squad of battle droids to finish them off. The two Jedi fought their way to the bridge, and nearly got in to confront Gunray, but they were attacked by droidekas and forced to abandon their attempt to breach the bridge. Reaching the hangar and seeing the army of battle droids being loaded into transports, they make their way down to Naboo on the Federation landing craft as they invaded the planet.
Obi-Wan piloting a Bongo.
While on the planet, the two Jedi met a Gungan named Jar Jar Binks. Qui-Gon saved Jar Jar from being run over by a Trade Federation troop transport vehicle, and Jar Jar offered to take them to the hidden city of Otoh Gunga. Because he was not welcome, the people of Otoh Gunga treated Jar Jar hostile and he and the Jedi were brought to Boss Rugor Nass. They tried to convince the Gungans to help Queen Amidala fight the Trade Federation, but they refused. Qui-Gon used a mind trick to get Nass to lend them a Bongo and the three set off for Theed. They were able to rescue the queen, Captain Panaka, her handmaidens, and some soldiers. They escaped in the queen's ship while Naboo Governor Sio Bibble stayed behind to continue refusing any agreement for a treaty with Gunray.
The Federation tried to destroy the ship as it approached the blockade, but they escaped with a damaged engine. They were forced to land on Tatooine, and Obi-Wan stayed at the ship whilst Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, a handmaiden named Padme and an astromech droid called R2-D2 went to look for an engine. They came back with a boy named Anakin Skywalker, who Qui-Gon sensed the Force in. On the way back, Qui-Gon and Anakin were attacked by a Sith Lord named Darth Maul and they just made it back on the ship.
Back on Coruscant, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon told the Jedi High Council about the Sith on Tatooine and Qui-Gon asked they train Anakin as a Jedi, much to their refusal. Qui-Gon decided to train Anakin on his own, to which Obi-Wan didn't agree with. As the Senate refused to help Naboo with the Federation, Queen Amidala decided to go back and fight on her own. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon went with her along with Jar Jar, Padme, Anakin, Panaka, R2-D2, and the Naboo people.
While on Naboo, Obi-Wan apologized to Qui-Gon for his actions involving Anakin, and Qui-Gon accepted and told him he thought he was much wiser than himself. They found that the Gungans weren't in Otoh Gunga and Jar Jar told them they must be in the Sacred Place. While there, they tried to get Boss Nass to help them retake Theed, but to no avail. He changed his mind, however, when Padme revealed that she was the true Queen Amidala and the other one was a decoy and she begged for help. Jar Jar was made a general and the Gungans fought outside while Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan led R2, Anakin, Padme, Panaka, and some soldiers into the castle to arrest Viceroy Gunray. While in the hangar, Qui-Gon told Anakin to get to cover and he went into an N-1 starfighter with R2 and took off and destroyed the droidekas shooting at the group. As they approached a door, it opened to reveal Maul.
First Encounter with the Sith[]
Obi-Wan fighting against Darth Maul.
The two Jedi fought Maul as the others went to find Gunray. They got to a high balcony and Maul kicked Obi-Wan down to a lower balcony where he was stuck for a few minutes. He soon caught up with the fight and was left behind a shield in a hall. The shields would open after a while and the three moved on each time it did. Eventually, Obi-Wan was left behind one while Qui-Gon was fighting Maul in a chamber with a giant pit. After a lengthy duel, Maul stunned Jinn by hitting him in the head with his lightsaber's hilt and then thrusting the blade through Jinn's torso, mortally wounding him. In his grief and anger, Obi-Wan attacked Maul, and the two began to battle viciously. Maul used Kenobi's anger to feed his strength, furthering the odds against the young Jedi. Obi-Wan was able to destroy one side of Maul's double bladed lightsaber, but was eventually knocked over the edge of the pit. He managed to grab on to a ledge, but Maul kicked his lightsaber into the pit. As Maul stood overhead, Kenobi used the Force to summon Jinn's lightsaber and shoot himself out of the pit and over Maul's head. He then sliced Maul in half, sending him to his supposed death as he tumbled down the pit. Obi-Wan went over to the dying Qui-Gon, who told him he had to teach Anakin because he was the Chosen One prophesied to bring balance to the Force. Obi-Wan weeped as his master died in his arms. He was later given permission to train Anakin by the Jedi Council, despite Yoda's sensing Anakin's fear and potential in turning to the dark side.
Obi-Wan attended Qui-Gon's funeral along with many others. As he grieved next to Anakin, Mace Windu and Yoda discussed about the return of the Sith, wondering if the Sith that Obi-Wan slayed was the master, or the apprentice. Meanwhile, he promised Anakin that he would be a Jedi. The next day, a celebration was held because of Naboo's victory. Senator Palpatine was elected Chancellor of the Republic due to Valorum getting voted out of office when he convinced Amidala to call a vote of no confidence in Valorum back on Coruscant. Obi-Wan took on Anakin as his Padawan and trained him in the ways of the Force.[1]
Master of the Chosen One[]
Discovering the Clone Army[]
Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi with his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker.
Ten years after Qui-Gon's death, Obi-Wan is still a Jedi Knight. Obi-Wan and his Jedi Padawan Anakin return to Coruscant after a string of assassination attempts on Padme Amidala's life. They have been tasked with guarding her as she is staying on Coruscant. The Jedi are also dealing with a Separatist movement led by former Jedi Count Dooku. They have a reunion and Anakin is pleased to see Padme again. Later that night, an assassin named Zam Wesell sends poisonous kouhuns into Padme's bedroom, but the Jedi are alerted and proceed to kill the kouhuns. The droid that sent the kouhuns begins to leave, but Obi-Wan jumps onto it and they go across the city. Zam is forced to shoot her droid down to avoid being caught before fleeing in her speeder. Obi-Wan falls off, but lands in a speeder Anakin was driving. They chase Wesell in the speeder until she crash-lands and go into a cantina to search for her. As Obi-Wan's at the bar, Wesell attempts to shoot him from behind, but he turns around and cuts off her arm with his lightsaber. They go outside, and he and Anakin interrogate her, but she is shot with a toxic dart by a man in a jetpack and dies.
Obi-Wan vs Jango Fett.
Obi-Wan's tasked with finding the killer whilst Anakin must escort Padme to Naboo. Obi-Wan asks his friend Dexter, owner and cook of a local Coruscant diner, where the dart came from and he identifies it as a Kamino saber-dart. Obi-Wan can not find Kamino on the Jedi Archives, even with help from Jedi Librarian Jocasta Nu, and asks Yoda for help. A Padawan of Yoda's suggests that it was deleted from the archives. Yoda is able to locate the planet Kamino and Obi-Wan leaves for it. He finds it is an ocean world and is surprised to find that he was expected. He finds that a dead Jedi named Sifo-Dyas ordered the creation of a clone army for the Republic and that their genetic template is a man named Jango Fett who lives there with his son Boba. After talking to Jango, he reports to the council and deduces that he is the bounty hunter he's looking for. He finds Jango trying to escape and begins to fight him, but Boba takes control of the Slave I and begins to shoot at Obi-Wan, although he's not wounded. Jango escapes, but Obi-Wan's able to place a tracking device on his ship and follows him. After chasing him through an asteroid field, Obi-Wan lands on the planet Geonosis. There, he finds that Dooku hired Jango Fett and is working on a new battle droid army with Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, who was behind of the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala, and other leaders who are part of the Separatist movement. Before he can report his findings to the council, he is captured by Geonosians.
The Clone Wars[]
The First Battle of Geonosis[]
Obi-Wan vs Dooku.
He is later rescued by Anakin and Padme, who have been on Tatooine and discovered Anakin's mother has died. However, Anakin's lightsaber was crushed while making his way across the factory conveyor belts and they were surrounded by Jango and several Droidekas. The three of them were sentenced to death in the arena, but were able to break free and survive. They were then surrounded, but were rescued by an army of Jedi led by Windu. Fett was decapitated by Windu during the fight that followed after his jet pack was damaged by a Reek released to kill Anakin, leaving him helpless against Windu, and soon there were too many droids for the surviving Jedi to fight. As they were about to be killed on Dooku's command, Yoda led the clone army of Kamino to the arena and they were able to escape.
They chased Dooku in an LAAT/i gunship, but Padme fell out along with a lone clone trooper and Obi-Wan convinced Anakin not to go after her. They went to where Dooku was and began to duel him. Anakin was knocked out because he rushed into the fight head on out of anger regarding Padme, and Obi-Wan was forced to face the masterful Sith Lord alone. Dooku soon defeated Obi-Wan and was about to kill him, but was stopped by Anakin, who then dueled him. However, Anakin eventually got his right arm cut off and was knocked out. Yoda arrived and engaged Dooku, nearly defeating him, but Dooku attempted to make a barrier fall on Obi-Wan and Anakin, forcing Yoda to save them. While Yoda was distracted, Dooku escaped in a ship. Padme and several clones arrived soon after to find the aftermath of the fight after failing to shoot down Dooku's solar sailer as it fled Geonosis.
The clone troopers became soldiers for the Republic and that started the Clone Wars. Anakin and Padme married in secret after Anakin got a prosthetic arm. Obi-Wan was made a general for the clone army.[2]
Rescuing the Chancellor[]
Three years after the start of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan is now a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council.
Obi-Wan and Anakin entered the battle over Coruscant in a rescue mission to save Chancellor Palpatine who was being held prisoner aboard General Grievous' ship. However, the approach was not going to be easy as they had to take on a squadron of vulture droids that launched from Grievous' flagship, Invisible Hand. Obi-Wan's Jedi interceptor was being ripped apart by buzz droids, which also took out his astromech droid R4-P17, but was saved by Anakin, even though he told him to proceed with the mission.
The two Jedi were able to board the ship and find the Chancellor and Count Dooku at the observation platform located at the top spire of the ship. Obi-Wan and Anakin engaged Dooku in a final lightsaber duel, but Obi-Wan was taken out and left unconscious while Anakin took on Dooku alone and finally defeated him. At Palpatine's urging, Anakin executed the defenseless Dooku in cold blood. Obi-Wan regained consciousness a while later and the three of them were soon captured and brought before General Grievous. As R2 caused a distraction, the two Jedi took back their lightsabers and engaged Grievous' MagnaGuards. After they defeated them, Obi-Wan and Anakin surrounded Grievous with no chance of escaping until he smashed the window allowing himself to get sucked into the vacuum of space. When Grievous launched all the escape pods, Obi-Wan, Anakin, R2, and Palpatine tried to land the damaged ship they were on, which had split into two pieces from all the damage it had sustained. However, they managed to land safely with Obi-Wan saying "Another happy landing".
Imperial Era[]
Order 66[]
Obi-Wan Kenobi confronts General Grievous.
When the discovery of General Grievous' whereabouts reaches the Jedi Council, Obi-Wan is sent to Utapau to find him and kill him. Obi-Wan's new droid R4-G9 went to get Cody while he engaged the General in a lightsaber duel as the clone troopers showed up and attacked the enemy droids. When Grievous tried to escape, Obi-Wan chased after him and engaged him in a fist fight. Then using a blaster, he shot Grievous in the chest just before he could kill him. Even though the general was now dead, Obi-Wan's real troubles began after Darth Sidious gave the clones the order to kill their Jedi Generals. Obi-Wan managed to survive and escape to Bail Organa's ship where he met up with Bail and Yoda.
Obi-Wan and Yoda entered the ruins of the Coruscant Jedi Temple to send out a message to any Jedi who survived Order 66 about the fall of the Jedi Order and the Old Republic. Obi-Wan warned all surviving Jedi to not return to the Temple and continue to trust in the Force. Then before bidding the Jedi his farewells he believed that a new hope would someday emerge.[3]
The Fallen Apprentice[]
Checking the security footage, he saw, much to his shock and horror, his former apprentice killing younglings. Yoda then instructed Obi-Wan to find and kill Anakin, now known as Darth Vader. Obi-Wan initially refused to do so, as he did not have the heart to fight the one he considered his "brother", but eventually accepted, and with Padmé's help, he was able to find Vader on Mustafar, where Anakin assumed Padmé had betrayed him and Force-choked her. As it was clear the good man who was his apprentice and friend was gone, he engaged the Sith Lord in a vicious lightsaber duel. The fight led them from the Separatist Outpost to the volcanic lands of Mustafar. On the banks of a molten lava river, Obi-Wan finally defeated Vader, slicing off his legs and left arm. Overcome with disgust and sadness over his former pupil and best friend's fall to the dark side, Obi-Wan expressed all his regrets and disappointment to the crippled Vader, telling him he was the "Chosen One" who was said to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force, not join them and leave it in darkness. He then retrieved Vader's lightsaber, and after tearfully stating he had loved him as a brother, remorsefully left Vader for dead as Vader's clothes ignited and he was immolated by the flames of Mustafar.
“Your new Empire?! ... Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic! To democracy!”
―Obi-Wan to Darth Vader on Mustafar
After leaving Mustafar, Obi-Wan was Padmé's birth partner when she gave birth to Luke and Leia at the Polis Massa medical facility before dying in the process of a broken heart at Anakin having turned to the dark side. After leaving Leia in the care of Bail, Obi-Wan took Luke to live with his uncle on Tatooine, where he would stay and watch over him until the time was right. In the meantime, Yoda instructed Obi-Wan to undergo training from the disembodied spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn, who had learned to retain his identity through the Force after death.[4]
Hiding on Tatooine[]
Ten years after going into exile, Obi-Wan is now going by the name “Ben” and working as a meat packer. Several Inquisitors (namely the Grand Inquisitor, Fifth Brother, and Reva Sevander) come looking for him, but they only find another surviving Jedi, who flees. Reva interrogates Owen Lars who, despite his dislike of Obi-Wan, refuses to turn him in. The other Jedi later finds Obi-Wan and asks him to get back in the fight, but Kenobi insists that the Jedi have already lost.
Reva becomes obsessed with capturing Obi-Wan because she believes bringing him to Vader will earn her the Sith Lord’s favor. She arranges to have young Leia Organa kidnapped in order to draw Obi-Wan out. He initially refuses, believing the other Jedi will help. The next day, the Inquisitors publicly hang the other Jedi, leading Kenobi to realize he must be the one to help Leia. He heads to Daiyu after he is convinced by a visit from Bail Organa, who reasons that Leia is just as important as Luke is.[5]
Encountering Maul[]
Old Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars Rebels.
After the rise of the Empire, Obi-Wan Kenobi sent out messages to any Jedi who survived Order 66 about the fall of the Jedi Order and the Old Republic. He warned all surviving Jedi to not return to the Temple and continue to trust in the Force. Then before bidding the Jedi his farewells he believed that a new hope would someday emerge.
Ezra Bridger and Maul both discover that Obi-Wan is still alive and that he is on "a planet with twin suns". Maul, his grudge against Obi-Wan still present even after seventeen years, sets out to look for his old nemesis and kill him once and for all.[6][7]
Ezra and Chopper traveled to Tatooine to find Obi-Wan Kenobi, only to end up lost in the desert. Obi-Wan found them, and explained to him that Ezra had been tricked by Maul into helping him find Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan also stated that Maul was not Ezra's problem to face, and that the dark-sider was Obi-Wan's responsibility. He would eventually meet up with his old foe, shortly after. In a final battle between the two enemies, Maul pondered why Obi-Wan would hide on Tatooine before correctly deducing that he was guarding someone. Obi-Wan readied himself and fought Maul as his old foe attacked, their duel lasting only a few swift blows before the Jedi Master fatally wounded Maul with one slash of his lightsaber. As Maul lay dying in his arms, the former Sith Lord asked if the person he was guarding was the one who would destroy the Sith. Obi-Wan replied yes, and satisfied that he and Obi-Wan would both be avenged for what the Sith had done, Maul finally died, with Obi-Wan closing his enemy's eyes out of respect. After burying Maul, Obi-Wan watched Luke Skywalker, the very person he had protected from the former Sith, from afar, knowing the events he was destined to become part of.[8]
Galactic Civil War[]
Coming Out of Exile[]
“I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”
―Obi-Wan to Luke upon sensing the destruction of Alderaan
19 years after the rise of the Empire, Obi-Wan had grown old and remained in hiding on Tatooine under the name of "Ben Kenobi" where he watched over Anakin's son, Luke Skywalker, aided by Luke's aunt and uncle as they kept any knowledge of Obi-Wan or Anakin's fall to the dark side a secret from Luke. One day, he saved Luke from a group of Tusken Raiders, and when he was told about R2-D2 looking for Obi-Wan Kenobi, he revealed to Luke that he was Obi-Wan and hadn't gone by that name since after he was born. He brought Luke, Artoo, and Threepio to his house where he told Luke about his father and presented to him his lightsaber. After taking a look at the message from Artoo, he offered Luke to come with him to Alderaan. At first, Luke refused, but after the loss of his family at the hands of Imperial stormtroopers, he decided to join him and learn to become a Jedi. Obi-Wan, Luke, Threepio, and Artoo journeyed to Mos Eisley to find a pilot that would take them to Alderaan. While at the bar, Luke gets into a fight with two men named Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba, but Obi-Wan cuts off one's arm and the two flee. They met Han Solo and Chewbacca, crew of the Millennium Falcon who offered to take them and escaped from Imperials to Alderaan.
Facing Darth Vader for the last time.
However, upon arrival, they discovered Alderaan had been destroyed by the Empire's ultimate weapon, the Death Star. Caught in a tractor beam, they were pulled in, but avoided capture from boarding stormtroopers, hiding in secret hatches. After overlooking the details on the Death Star, Obi-Wan went to put one of the tractor beams out of commission in order to allow the Falcon to leave. He succeeded in shutting down the tractor beam, but Darth Vader, sensing his old master's presence, confronted Obi-Wan and engaged him in a lightsaber duel, this time being more careful to avoid a repeat of what happened on Mustafar. Obi-Wan used the duel to distract Vader as Han, Luke, Leia, and Chewbacca escaped to the Falcon. Kenobi warned Vader that if he killed him, he would become more powerful in death. Although Vader struck Obi-Wan down, his body mysteriously vanished the moment he died; due to Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn's teachings, Obi-Wan was able to become a Force-spirit and retain his identity through the Force. During the Rebel attack on the Death Star, Obi-Wan spoke to Luke through the Force and helped him destroy the Imperial battle station.[9]
As a spirit, Obi-Wan instructed Luke to journey to the planet Dagobah to find the exiled Jedi Master Yoda. Despite Yoda's skepticism, Obi-Wan convinced him to continue Luke's training. Obi-Wan later appeared to convince Luke not to leave Dagobah and try to rescue his friends on Cloud City, although Luke ignored this advice and left, but not without being warned to not give in to hatred, as it leads to the dark side.[10]
After Yoda's death, Obi-Wan appeared before Luke, who acknowledged that Darth Vader was indeed Luke's father and once known as Anakin Skywalker. He tried to convince Luke to face Vader again, but Luke couldn't bring himself to kill his own father. He also revealed that Princess Leia was Luke's twin sister. After the destruction of the second Death Star, Obi-Wan appeared at the celebration in the Ewok village, alongside the spirits of Yoda and the redeemed Anakin Skywalker.[11]
Obi-Wan's Force spirit gives encouragement to Rey in the final battle against Darth Sidious, being the first of the Jedi from the past to speak to her, saying "These are your final steps, Rey. Rise and take them".[12]
Obi-Wan (as depicted in the prequels) is a playable character as a Legendary squad leader card. In addition, Obi-Wan (as Ben Kenobi) is the assist character for Luke Skywalker, available as a Unique card.
Printed media[]
Obi-Wan Kenobi makes a brief appearance in the novel Ahsoka, in which he is shown to be meditating on the Force and training in the technique that will allow him to retain his spirit and identity and become immortal. During one of these sessions, he briefly achieves a state of oneness with the Force, only to lose control and and reawaken, hearing Qui-Gon Jinn briefly say "Obi-Wan, let go". As his meditation ends.
Obi-Wan makes further appearances in several comics, which elaborate on his time on Tatooine. One such story explains that as he has been watching over Luke, Obi-Wan has slowly been losing hope that the Jedi will ever return and peace be restored to the galaxy. However, when Luke tries to steal back water that Jabba the Hutt and his men have taken from the moisture farmers, Obi-Wan follows Luke, and, incognito so as not to reveal his presence, disables and subdues Jabba's thugs. In the fracas, Luke is knocked unconscious and Obi-wan carries him home. As he leaves, Obi-Wan, having seen Luke's courage, realizes his hope has been restored, and becomes evermore certain that Luke will become a great Jedi and that peace will be restored to the galaxy once again.
Ben Solo's first name was chosen by Han Solo as way to pay homage to him.
He is parodied by the Genie in a deleted scene in Aladdin which was restored for the Diamond and Signature Editions.
The Jedi Mind Trick and his famous line "These aren't the droids you're looking for" is parodied in the According to Jim episode "Dress To Kill Me" when Andy refused to give trick-or-treaters dressed as Star Wars characters candy, he waved his hand and said "This isn't the candy you're looking for.
Also in The Sorcerer's Apprentice, after Horvath uses his magic on the operator, Drake says "These aren't the droids you're looking for".
A vintage Obi-Wan Kenobi action figure cutting off the arm of a vintage Ponda Boba action figure makes a cameo in the 2019Disney/Pixar film Toy Story 4.
In the 1988 Touchstone Pictures film Cocktail, Brian Flanagan refers to his mentor Doug Coughlin as Obi-Wan Kenobi.