Chewbacca, also known as Chewie, is a character in the Star Wars universe. He is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk and Han Solo's co-pilot and best friend.
Chewbacca lived throughout the age of the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire. He was enslaved by the Empire until he was rescued by Han Solo and became his co-pilot aboard the Millennium Falcon. Together, they assisted Tobias Beckett and Qi'ra in a run for Crimson Dawn, and later worked in the employ of crime lord Jabba the Hutt until a bounty was placed on their heads.
Soon thereafter, Chewie and Han were hired by the Jedi MasterObi-Wan Kenobi to ferry him, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2 to Alderaan on a mission vital to the survival of the Rebel Alliance. After finding Alderaan destroyed, the group was brought aboard the Death Star, where they helped Leia Organa escape from captivity and fought in the Battle of Yavin 4, which resulted with the Rebellion's victory. Years after the defeat of Emperor Palpatine, Han and Chewie met Rey, Finn and BB-8 on a mission that cost Han's life in the hands of Kylo Ren. Afterwards, Chewbacca continued his adventures with Rey, as her co-pilot and friend.
Chewbacca was born on Kashyyyk 180 years before the advent of the Clone Wars, and during that time, he married a female Wookiee named Malla, whom he had a son with, named Lumpawaroo. During the years of the Clone Wars, he was also captured by Trandoshan hunters, who tried to kill him for sport on their game-hunting plant. This led to him teaming with the Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano to escape their pursuers, with both eventually defeating the reptilian aliens and returning home.
In Chewbacca's youth, he was somewhat reckless. However, during Chewbacca's later years, he becomes responsible, intelligent, calculating, kind, caring, brave, loyal, passionate, moral, honorable, selfless, and trustworthy, as Chewbacca often served as Han Solo's conscience in their smuggling endeavors, which makes individuals trust him more than they did Han. Chewbacca is also known to be stubborn, and dislikes losing, whether at holographic games or at life.
A few individuals know that Chewbacca has a good-heart under his tough warrior exterior, as he is protective of his friends and comrades. Like many Wookiees, Chewbacca is brave, intelligent, and loyal, however, he is capable of being short-tempered, aggressive, and violent. Despite this, he usually has good control over his emotions. However, he has lost control completely a few times. When Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) kills his own father, Han, before Chewbacca's eyes, the Wookiee flies into a terrible rage, grievously injuring Ben with his bowcaster, killing many stormtroopers, and blowing a hole in Starkiller Base's oscillator with charged bombs.
As a Wookiee, Chewbacca knows passion and, thus, the Rebellion. He would have stood with the rebels from the beginning, if not for Han and the Millennium Falcon since he would not abandon them as he is bound to both, as they are to him.
Although Chewbacca is capable of speaking other languages, particularly Basic, he prefers to communicate only with his native language, which is likely due to Chewbacca being proud of his Wookiee heritage.
Powers and Abilities[]
Advanced Strength: Like many Wookiees, Chewbacca is physically stronger then most other sentient beings. He was strong enough that he was able to rip off the limbs of weaker beings with horrifying ease, as he did to Unkar Plutt when he was threatening Rey.
Extended Longevity: Like many Wookiees, Chewbacca can live to be more than four hundred years old.
Expert Marksman: Chewbacca is extremely skilled in utilizing bowcasters and blasters, particularly blaster pistols, blaster rifles, and sniper rifles.
Expert Pilot: Chewbacca is extremely skilled in piloting every type of flying crafts.
Expert Engineer: Chewbacca is extremely skilled in engineering.
Multilingual: Chewbacca is capable of fluently speaking Basic and Shyriiwook. Despite this, like many of his kind, Chewbacca prefers to communicate only with his native language.
Weapons and Equipment[]
Bowcaster: Chewbacca utilizing a Bowcaster as his weapon of choice.
SX-21 pump-action scatter blaster: Before his bowcaster, Chewbacca utilizing a SX-21 pump-action scatter blaster as his weapon of choice.
Film appearances[]
Revenge of the Sith[]
“Goodbye, Tarfful. Goodbye, Chewbacca. Miss you, I will.”
Chewbacca appears as part of the Wookiee army of Kashyyyk, in which he participates as a commander during the battle, alongside fellow Wookiee Tarfful and Yoda. When Order 66 was issued and Yoda was attacked by his clone troopers, Chewbacca and Tarfful aided the Jedi Grandmaster in evading and escaping the clone troopers, providing an escape pod for Yoda to escape Kashyyyk in after a final goodbye between them, with Yoda stating he would miss them. When the Galactic Empire took control of Kashyyyk, Chewbacca was among the Wookiees captured and enslaved.
A New Hope[]
Chewbacca first appears in Mos Eisley's cantina, where Obi-Wan hires him and Han Solo to take him Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2 to Alderaan. When Luke is attacked by Ponda and Dr. Evazan, Chewbacca draws his bowcaster to assist before Obi-Wan easily dispatches them with his lightsaber as the bartender dove for cover to avoid an exchange of blaster fire. Upon preparing to leave, they are attacked by Stormtroopers that have tracked C-3PO and R2-D2 to the cantina. After escaping the Imperial troops in the Millennium Falcon, Chewie and Han head for Alderaan with their crew, only to find Alderaan destroyed and the Death Star in its place. Captured by its tractor beam, Chewie and the rest of the group board the Death Star, evading the troops while Obi-Wan disables the tractor beam. Upon learning Princess Leia Organa is aboard the Death Star, the group proceeds to rescue her, with Chewbacca posing as a Wookiee prisoner and Han and Luke posing as Stormtroopers. Despite having to confront Stormtroopers, Chewbacca and his comrades escape the Death Star, though Obi-Wan is slain by Darth Vader. Upon being paid by the Rebel Alliance for Leia's safe return, Han and Chewie leave, but ultimately return to help Luke destroy the Death Star when it threatens to destroy the Rebellion at Yavin 4. Chewbacca is hailed as a hero by the Rebels alongside Han and Luke.
The Empire Strikes Back[]
By the time of the Battle of Hoth, Chewbacca was now a fully fledged member of the Rebellion and participated in the battle itself alongside Han, Leia, and C-3PO. Helping them to escape, they would evade Darth Vader by weaving through Hoth's asteroid belt and, upon being unable to effect efficient repairs on the hyperdrive for the Falcon (damaged earlier by the battle), they headed for Bespin to obtain the help of Lando Calrissian. However, Lando, being secretly shanghaied into service by Darth Vader under threat of leaving Imperial troops garrisoned in Cloud City, was forced to hand Han, Leia, 3PO, and Chewie to the Sith Lord as part of his plan to lure Luke Skywalker to him. After Han was frozen in carbonate by Vader for transfer to Jabba the Hutt, Lando betrayed Vader and helped Chewbacca, Leia, and 3PO to escape, as well as Luke when he was defeated by Darth Vader. Following their loss, Chewbacca and his friends began a plan to free Han from his imprisonment, with Chewbacca and Lando setting off in the Falcon to find Boba Fett, possibly having taken Han to Jabba the Hutt back on Tatooine.
Return of the Jedi[]
Chewbacca returns to action by playing a part in Luke's plan to rescue Han Solo by pretending to be captured by "Boushh" (in reality, Leia in disguise) and is subsequently imprisoned. When Leia is subsequently captured by Jabba, and Han freed from his carbonate prison to be placed in Jabba's dungeons, Chewbacca updates Han on the events of what has occurred in his absence. After Luke arrives, defeats Jabba's rancor, and is taken prisoner, Jabba sentences Han, Chewie, and Luke to die in the Great Pit of Carkoon, at the jaws of the sarlacc. After they are taken to the sarlacc's pit and are readied for death, Luke, Han, and Chewbacca, with help from a disguise Lando Calrissian, escape the execution. Chewbacca holds Han above the barge so he can give Lando his gun to hold onto when he is about to fall to his death. The Rebels successfully rescue Leia from Jabba's sail barge and destroy it, killing the Hutt and his retinue.
Afterwards, they regroup with the Alliance fleet to destroy the second Death Star. With Han, Luke, Leia, R2-D2, and C-3PO beside him, Chewbacca embarks as part of the mission to destroy the shield generator protecting the second Death Star on the forest moon of Endor. When Leia goes missing during a confrontation with Scout Troopers, Chewbacca along with Han, Luke, and the droids, go looking for her, only to end up in a net when a baited trap appeals to Chewbacca's hunger. Their captors, the Ewoks, are revealed to have rescued Leia, and Luke's use of the Force prevents the group from becoming the Ewoks' dinner when he presents C-3PO as a god. Afterwards, the Ewoks agree to help the Rebel Alliance destroy the second Death Star's shield generator as they believe the Empire's presence on the forest moon is an outrage to their way of life. In the battle to destroy the shield generator, Chewbacca turns the tide in the Alliance's favor when he commandeers an AT-ST with the support of two Ewoks, turning it on the Imperial AT-STs. He then aids the Rebels in destroying the shield generator and capturing the remaining Imperial troops. Thanks to their efforts, the Rebellion is able to destroy the second Death Star and defeat the Empire once and for all. Chewbacca is then shown celebrating with his companion and reuniting with Luke, who redeemed his father, Darth Vader, causing Vader to destroy himself and Emperor Palpatine, ending the threat of the Sith forever.
In the events leading up to thirty years after the Battle of Endor, Chewbacca was witness to the birth of Han and Leia's son, Ben Solo, the rise of the First Order (created by a splinter group of the Galactic Empire) and Supreme Leader Snoke, Ben's fall to the dark side and becoming Kylo Ren, Luke's disappearance, and Han and Leia's splitting out of grief. Chewbacca accompanied Han in his return to smuggling and the two would eventually lose the Millennium Falcon to thieves.
This would change when their freighter would recapture the Millennium Falcon, where they would encounter the scavenger Rey, former stormtrooper Finn, and the droid BB-8. Upon meeting them and learning their mission to find Luke Skywalker, Han and Chewbacca agreed to help them. However, before they can embark, they are attacked by members go the Gauvian Death Gang and Kanjiklub, and manage to escape them by unleashing their shipment of monstrous rathtars. Upon escaping into hyperspace, they set course to the planet of Takodana, where Han and Chewbacca's old friend Maz Kanata lives. However, as she tries to help them, they are attacked by the First Order. Maz's castle is destroyed during the attack, and Kylo Ren kidnaps Rey. Han, Finn, and Chewie are captured, but soon are freed by the Resistance led by Poe Dameron.
Chewbacca and Han are subsequently reunited with Leia, and with Finn, proceed to rescue Rey and destroy Starkiller Base, which has destroyed the New Republic's capital of Hosnian Prime. With Finn's knowledge of the base's inner workings, Han and Chewbacca are able to set charges to destroy the planet-converted superweapon's oscillator. However, when Han confronts his son, Kylo Ren, Chewbacca watches tensely as Han tries to reason with him. When Kylo kills his father, Chewbacca is enraged and severely injures the Knight of Ren as well as damaging the oscillator with his explosives allowing Poe to destroy it. As the base begins to collapse, Chewbacca makes his way back to the Falcon, and rescues Rey and Finn, both of which have fought Kylo and the latter being injured. Evacuating the base, Chewbacca and Rey bring Finn back to the Resistance to be treated, and are present with Leia when R2-D2 completes the map to Luke's location. Accompanying Rey and R2, Chewbacca heads for Ahch-To, where Luke is hiding, to reunite with the Jedi Master and bring him back with them.
Chewbacca first appears greeting Luke who refuses to help in the Resistance's fight against the First Order. When Luke is greeted by Chewbacca, it's when Luke notices Han's absence and learns about his death. While staying in Ahch-To, Chewbacca cooks 2 porgs for dinner. But before he can take a bite, several porgs gather near him and watch him dining their dead friends. Frustrated, Chewbacca tries to scare them off, but relents when one stays behind and gives him a sorrowful expression so he becomes friends with them. Later, Chewie becomes infuriated again as several porgs get inside the Millennium Falcon, damaging and even nesting inside the ship.
When Rey fights Luke and decides to leave Ahch-To to meet Kylo Ren on the Mega-class Star Dreadnought Supremacy, Chewie goes with her and helps her get inside an escape pod. She asks him to give a message to Finn before he launches the pod with her into espace. After Rey escaped the Supremacy, he reunites with her again and they both travel to Crait.
During the Battle of Crait, Chewbacca and Rey help the Resistance engage the First Order to take down the superlaser siege cannon. Chewbacca piloted the Falcon to a cave while trying to lure the First Order TIE fighters away from the battlefield. One of the porgs inside the Falcon became agitated, squawking on the top of the ship controls, and Chewie ended up pushing him away. Despite their efforts, the First Order is able to break down the door of the Resistance base. They search for the base of the Resistance and land the Falcon in the back of the base. Rey notices that they were trapped inside the base so she uses her abilities to remove the boulders to allow the remaining Resistance members to board the Falcon and escape Crait to regroup with their other allies.
Onboard the Millennium Falcon, Finn, Poe and Chewbacca play a game of dejarik. Chewie takes some time considering his next move, and his opponents jokingly suggest that he may be cheating. The implication infuriates Chewbacca, forcing Finn and Poe to calm him. Then, an alarm sounds from the cockpit and Chewie tells them not to turn off the game before leaving to check it, but Finn and Poe agree that the Wookiee is cheating and they turn it off.
After meeting a Resistance informant, Boolio, who tells them about a spy in the First Order and gives them a message to General Leia, the group returns to the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss. The message confirms Emperor Palpatine's return and that the Sith Eternal's fleet of Xyston-class Star Destroyers, the Final Order, is on Exegol. To get there, Chewbacca, along with Rey, Finn, Poe, BB-8, and C-3PO go on a journey to find a Sith wayfinder that can guide them to the planet. They decide to go first to Pasaana, where Luke's search for Exegol ended.
They land at Luke's coordinates on Pasaana and arrive at the Aki-Aki Festival of the Ancestors. The group attempts to blend in among the crowd, but Chewbacca struggles to do it because of the difficulty to hide a Wookiee from prying eyes. While they are at the festival, Kylo establishes a Force connection with Rey through their bond and he manages to discover their location after grabbing her necklace. Rey and the others run to find the wayfinder before the First Order arrives. As they prepare to escape, a stormtrooper finds them but is quickly shot by Lando Calrissian.
After learning from Lando that a Sith loyalist named Ochi holds the information to a key to locating the Sith wayfinders, the group and Lando part ways, but then squadrons of TIE fighters and First Order dropships fly overhead as the crew hurries through the crowds, eventually stealing a pair of skiff speeders. They are quickly spotted by the First Order treadspeeders that pursuit them with jet troopers. The gang swiftly dispatch them, though the damage done by the troopers cause them to crash and sink into quicksand. They fall through it into a web of caves below the surface, where they discover the remains of Ochi and a dagger. A giant and aggressive but injured vexis snake appears, however, the serpent leaves after being healed by Rey. Chewbacca then takes possession of the dagger.
Exiting the cave system, Chewbacca is captured by the Knights of Ren and stormtroopers while the Wookiee is leaving to retrieve Rey. The dagger is taken from him and he boards a First Order prisoner transport. Rey and Kylo both notice Chewbacca being taken captive during their confrontation. As the ship takes off, Rey shifts her attention from Kylo to her captured friend and begins to use the Force to stop the transport and pull it back to the ground. But Kylo attempts to counteract this by pushing the ship away. Kylo and Rey battle for the control over the ship, and Kylo begins to gain the upper hand which angers Rey. In her frustration, lightning shoots from her hand, destroying the the transport ship and killing all its passengers. Devastated by what she just did, Rey collapses but soon leaves with the others aboard Ochi's ship. Inside Ochi's ship, Rey mourns that she has apparently killed Chewbacca. However, following these events, General Hux presents to Pryde a "valuable prisoner" taken during the fighting: Chewbacca, who is believed dead by his allies, but he was on a different transport at the time. Unfazed by the roaring of the Wookiee, Pryde orders his immediate interrogation.
On Kijimi, Rey sees the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast in the sky (as Kylo Ren arrived the planet after having followed the group there) and senses that Chewbacca is alive. The group mounts a rescue mission and infiltrates the Steadfast with the help of Zorii. Aboard the ship, Rey splits off while the others search for Chewie, but their rescue attempt fails and they are all taken captive. General Hux arrives during the execution of Poe, Finn and Chewie, and surprisingly not only allows them to escape, but points them in the direction of the Falcon. Hux reveals to them that he is the mole within the First Order. The trio goes aboard the Falcon and escape after Rey joined them.
The group travels to Kef Bir, and Chewbacca stays behind on the Falcon, as Rey attempts to find the wayfinder aboard the wreckage of the second Death Star. After Rey left Kef Bir, the remainder of the crew returns to the hidden base on the jungle planet. Upon arriving, Chewbacca learns that Leia has passed away (while calling out to Ben) due to her worsened health condition as a result from getting pulled into the vacuum of space a year before. He collapses to his knees, then lets out a mournful roar as Poe and Finn comfort him. Later, when Rey uses the second wayfinder to guide the Resistance to Exegol, Chewbacca and Lando go to the Core Worlds to get reinforcements while Poe, now acting General, leads the assault against the Sith Eternal forces.
Chewbacca and Lando's efforts are very successful. The two of them and the citizens' fleet (including Wedge Antilles, Zorii Bliss, Norra Wexley, Zay Versio, Shriv Suurgav, Kazuda Xiono, Torra Doza, Jerek Yeager and presumably Hera Syndulla and Garazeb Orelious) arrive to aid the Resistance and they begin to attack the Sith Star Destroyers. Shortly after, Palpatine unleashes his Force lightning on the Resistance and the galaxy fleet in an attempt to stop them, but he is stopped by Rey, who finally kills him. After Finn and Jannah destroyed the Steadfast, Chewbacca and Lando rescue them. Then, they and the galaxy fleet return to Ajan Kloss after the destruction of the Sith Eternal. When they land, Maz Kanata awards Chewbacca with the Medal of Bravely that Han had earned during the Battle of Yavin.
Chewbacca appeared in part 2 of the season 3 finale episode: "Wookie Hunt", where he was captured by Transdoshan pirates for the big game hunts. He was later rescue by Ahsoka Tano and two younglings: Jinx and O-Mer and help take down the Transdoshan pirates, he was able sent a signal to his people for help and later came to assist him and the young jedi. After defeating the Transdoshan Pirates, Chewbacca and the wookiee rescue party brought Ahsoka, O-Mer, and Jinx to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
The Muppet Show[]
Chewbecca appears along with R2-D2, Luke Skywalker (and Mark Hamill), and C-3PO in an episode of The Muppet Show, where he was kidnapped by stormtrooper chickens.
Chewbacca appears in Disney Infinity's third installment as a playable character. Like all the other playable Star Wars characters, Chewbacca is playable in all three Star Wars playsets (Twilight of the Republic, Rise Against the Empire, and The Force Awakens Playset).
Chewbacca is the assist character for Han Solo, available as a Unique card.
In Printed Media[]
Chewbacca appears in the Star Wars Novel AfterMath: Empire's End, in which he and Han lead the liberation of Kashyyyk, which led Chewbacca to be reunited with his son.
In Legend of the Three Caballeros episode, "Dope-a Cabana", Donald Duck blew hair on a large woman making her face look like Chewbecca's, she let out an angry roar that sounded like Chewbeccca's roar as well.
In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Chewbacca is killed in the first year of the Yuuzhan Vong war, giving his life to save Han Solo and Leia's youngest son: Anakin Solo.
↑ 1.01.1Rae Carson (March 18, 2020). The Rise of Skywalker Expanded Edition. Del Rey Books.