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Morad Sumar is a character in the Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels. He was a farmer who had a resident outside of Kothal on the planet Lothal until he was forced off his land by the Empire. He was an old friend of Ezra Bridger's parents.

Role in the Series[]

In his debut episode, "Fighter Flight", Sumar was selling his fruits at the Kothal market where he saw Ezra Bridger, whose parents he had known. He greeted the boy who was looking for a Meiloorun fruit. Sumar explained that the Meilooruns were not grown on Lothal and therefore only rarely and at an appropriate price as export goods. Shortly after Ezra had said good-bye, Imperial Provost Master Yogar Lyste visited his booth to ask him about his farm again. Sumar dismissed him, whereupon Lyste went farther.

Shortly after, Sumar had returned to his farm when three imperial troop carriers reached the ground and Lyste appeared, explaining that the empire would take over the farm, even without his consent. As a demonstration, he ordered one of the vans to destroy the farmhouse with his guns. Sumar and his wife were detained and loaded onto a troop carrier, whereupon the convoy broke up. However, a passing TIE Fighter, under the control of Ezra and Zeb, flew in and dropped off Ezra who set the farmer and his wife free. But when he was told to jump, Sumar hesitated as he thought the transporter was going too fast. However, he overcame his anxiety and, together with his wife and another Aqualishan prisoner, jumped off the transports, whereupon Lyste drew attention to the fugitives and opened fire on them. Therefore, Zeb attacked the transporters with the stolen TIE Fighter drawing them away so that Sumar could escape. Sumar is last seen with his wife, looking on as Ezra and Zeb fly away.

Sumar returns in "An Inside Man" where he was now part of a small resistance led by Ryder Azadi. He assisted Ezra and Kanan in their mission to uncover more Intel from the Imperial factory, as the Rebellion was planning an attack. They went as one of the workers, and once inside received an unexpected visit from Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Sumar had in fact been affiliated with a group within the factory affiliated with Azadi. He and his fellow cohorts had been secretly sabotaging Imperial speeder bikes upon construction, causing them to overheat and explode. This led to the deaths of countless Imperial troops. During Thrawn's inspection, he was quickly able to deduce who the saboteurs were. Angered by the murder of his men, Thrawn sought to put a stop to the traitors. Since he still required the construction of additional speeder bikes, Thrawn opted not to apprehend and execute those responsible, believing that to be an inefficient waste.

Instead, he decided that he would instead encourage them to stop doing what it was they were doing. The best way to do this, in his opinion, and contrary to what most Imperials would have done, would be to select a single traitor and execute him to set an example. Unfortunately for Sumar, he was selected from among many of the confirmed traitors. In an act of poetic justice, Thrawn made Sumar test out one of the rigged speeders. After it began to overheat, Sumar attempted to shut it down, but Thrawn forcibly increased the power until the speeder ultimately exploded, killing the farmer.

Thrawn then used the incident to lay a new ground rule that every worker would henceforth have to personally test everything they built. Sumar’s death served as a grave example for the other workers, and the malfunction rate of Imperial vehicles subsequently fell drastically.



  • Sumar was originally supposed to appear in "Fire Across the Galaxy" where he would have been surprised to see Ezra as a wanted rebel. However, his scene was never made and the idea was scrapped.
  • Sumar is the only character in Rebels to be personally killed by Thrawn himself (rather than his subordinates).

External links[]

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Star Wars Rebels (videography) • Angry Birds Star Wars IIDisney Infinity 3.0Star Wars: Force Arena
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Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
Jedi: Ezra BridgerKanan JarrusLuminara UnduliAhsoka TanoYodaObi-Wan Kenobi

Sith/Dark Jedi: Darth VaderPalpatineThe Grand InquisitorFifth BrotherSeventh SisterEighth BrotherMaul
Rebels: Garazeb OrreliosHera SyndullaJacen SyndullaAgent KallusRexWolffeGregorLeia OrganaLando CalrissianMon MothmaWedge AntillesEdrioCham SyndullaNumaSaw GerreraJai KellTseeboQuarrieRyder AzadiJun SatoMart MattinGooti TerezJonner JinMorad Sumar
Imperials: ThrawnArihnda PryceWilhuff TarkinMaketh TuaValen Rudor Cumberlayne AreskoMyles GrintGall TrayvisKassius KonstantineBrom TitusYogar LysteVult SkerrisRukh
Mandalorians: Sabine WrenBo-Katan KryzeFenn RauKetsu OnyoGar SaxonUrsa WrenTristan Wren
Troopers/Pilots: StormtroopersScout TroopersDeath TroopersTIE PilotsAT-AT driversImperial Combat DriversRebel Pilots
Droids: C1-10PR2-D2C-3PORX-24ID9 Seeker DroidAP-5Battle DroidsDroidekasR3-A3Imperial Sentry DroidEG-86
Miscellaneous: Hondo OhnakaCikatro VizagoAzmoriganEphraim and Mira BridgerChavaGronThe Bendu

Shorts: "The Machine in the Ghost" • "Art Attack" • "Entanglement" • "Property of Ezra Bridger"

Season One: "Spark of Rebellion" • "Droids in Distress" • "Fighter Flight" • "Rise of the Old Masters" • "Breaking Ranks" • "Out of Darkness" • "Empire Day" • "Gathering Forces" • "Path of the Jedi" • "Idiot's Array" • "Vision of Hope" • "Call to Action" • "Rebel Resolve" • "Fire Across the Galaxy"
Season Two: "The Siege of Lothal" • "The Lost Commanders" • "Relics of the Old Republic" • "Always Two There Are" • "Brothers of the Broken Horn" • "Wings of the Master" • "Blood Sisters" • "Stealth Strike" • "The Future of the Force" • "Legacy" • "A Princess on Lothal" • "The Protector of Concord Dawn" • "Legends of the Lasat" • "The Call" • "Homecoming" • "The Honorable Ones" • "Shroud of Darkness" • "The Forgotten Droid" • "The Mystery of Chopper Base" • "Twilight of the Apprentice"
Season Three: "Steps Into Shadow" • "The Holocrons of Fate" • "The Antilles Extraction" • "Hera's Heroes" • "The Last Battle" • "Imperial Super Commandos" • "Iron Squadron" • "The Wynkahthu Job" • "An Inside Man" • "Visions and Voices" • "Ghosts of Geonosis" • "Warhead" • "Trials of the Darksaber" • "Legacy of Mandalore" • "Through Imperial Eyes" • "Secret Cargo" • "Double Agent Droid" • "Twin Suns" • "Zero Hour"
Season Four: "Heroes of Mandalore" • "In the Name of the Rebellion" • "The Occupation" • "Flight of the Defender" • "Kindred" • "Crawler Commanders" • "Rebel Assault" • "Jedi Night" • "DUME" • "Wolves and a Door" • "A World Between Worlds" • "A Fool's Hope" • "Family Reunion - and Farewell"

WookieesTwi'leksTogrutaTusken RaidersYoda's SpeciesLoth-catFyrnockPurrgilConvorKryknaLasatGeonosianZabraksLoth-Wolf
Rebel AllianceGalactic EmpireJediSithMandalorianInquisitorius
Ghost (Phantom I/II) • Sato's HammerImperial ShuttleImperial Landing CraftBlockade RunnerEF76 Nebulon-B escort frigateHammerhead CorvetteImperial Star DestroyerImperial InterdictorX-WingY-WingA-WingB-WingU-WingTIE FighterTIE Advanced x1TIE BomberTIE InterceptorTIE Advanced v1TIE Defender74-Z speeder bike614-AvA Speeder BikeAT-ATAT-DP
Lothal (Jedi Temple) • TatooineYavin 4RylothGeonosisMustafarMandaloreAtollonMalachor (Sith Temple) • DathomirDantooine
See Also
The ForceLightsaber (Darksaber) • BlasterHolocronBo-RifleKyber crystal