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Trust the Force.
―Lyra Erso[src]

Lyra Erso is a character who appears in the Star Wars movie Rogue One. She was the wife of Galen Erso and the mother of Jyn Erso. During the Clone Wars, Lyra and her family were abducted by agents of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and were later rescued by lieutenant-commander Orson Krennic, an old friend of her husband's and a member of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's top secret Death Star project. She is portrayed by Valene Kane.

Role in the film[]

Lyra appears early on, telling a young Jyn Erso to escape as Orson Krennic and the Death Troopers arrive to tell her husband, Galen to return to help with the Death Star project. She is later killed by Death Troopers after shooting Krennic to try to save Galen. After the death of Lyra, her husband would be forced into working on the Death Star project while Jyn would eventually be found, rescued, and raised by Saw Gerrera.


External links[]

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Rogue One logo
Rogue One (video/soundtrack) • The Art of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Jyn ErsoCassian AndorK-2SOBodhi RookChirrut ÎmweBaze MalbusGalen ErsoLyra ErsoSaw GerreraBenthicEdrioWeeteef CyubeeMon MothmaBail OrganaLeia OrganaR2-D2C-3POWilhuff TarkinStormtroopersDeath TroopersTIE PilotsOrson KrennicDarth VaderRebel PilotsAntoc MerrickJan DodonnaAdmiral Raddus
Death StarYavin 4EaduJedhaMustafar
Zeta-Class Cargo ShuttleBlockade RunnerEF76 Nebulon-B escort frigateHammerhead CorvetteImperial Star DestroyerU-WingX-WingY-WingTIE FighterTIE StrikerAT-STAT-ACT
See Also
SoloThe ForceRebel AllianceGalactic EmpireLightsaberKyber crystal