Red Guards (also known as Glitch Guards) are the security programs loyal to Commander Sark and the MCP in the computer world.
Personality and Traits[]
They use long Light Staffs to stun programs and also to block attacks. They haven't demonstrated the use of their identity discs as weapons. Their primary function is acting as security for the MCP and the Grid. They are used to escort conscripts to the games from their cells. They also search for and round up any rogue programs.
Role in the Series[]
The Red Guards are Programs who Sark and the MCP, they round up rogue programs for the games. They first appeared escorting Crom to his cell and then shove him in it and they learn he believes in the users. They then captured Clu, a program working for Kevin Flynn to find evidence that Ed Dillinger stole his work. The Red Guards brought Clu to the MCP and reported him as pirate program who came into the system with a stolen password. The Red Guard then captured Kevin Flynn who was beamed into the grid by the MCP, they mistake as a program and brought him to the games.
- The Guard is called "Warrior" in the 1982 Tron toyline.
- It is assumed that Sentries are the updated versions of guards.
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