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The Wrecking Crew are a group of supervillains, armed with Asgardian weapons.


  • Wrecker: Leader of the team. He uses an Asgardian crowbar as a weapon.
  • Thunderball: Second in command of the team, and only member of the crew with some brains. His weapon is an Asgardian wrecking ball.
  • Piledriver: Owner of Asgardians gloves that increase his strength.
  • Bulldozer: He uses his Asgardian armored helmet to charge against enemies.


She-Hulk: Attorney at Law[]

The Wrecking Crew attack She-Hulk in an alley. Even though they put up a fight, She-Hulk manages to defeat them. They were apparently hired by Intelligencia to steal She-Hulk's blood, though they end up failing at this. It is unknown if they stayed together as Wrecker shows up at Abomination's retreat and apologizes to Jennifer for attacking her and has seemingly changed for the better. He is later seen having reunited with the Wrecking Crew in the chaotic ending, but due to Jennifer's fourth wall breaking powers, it is possible that they still are separated.

The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes[]

The Wrecking Crew was hired by Loki, disguised as the Leader, to steal a Gamma Energy Emitter from Stark Industries. The Crew attacked a dock and fought with the New York Police Department and Thor. They were defeated but they served their purpose. They were meant as a distraction for Thor while Loki attacked Asgard with the Frost Giants.

They were sent to the Cube, and after the breakdown they worked for the actual Leader, who took the Cube and created a Gamma dome around it. They guarded the Gamma core and used the Leader's Gamma devices to become monstrous versions of themselves, but Black Panther deactivated the Gamma core and they were recaptured. 

Ultimate Spider-Man[]

The Wrecking Crew faced Spider-Man and his team and left a lot of colateral damage before escaping. Their plan was to return disguised as members of Damage Control and use the reparations as a cover to rob the nearby bank. They were found and defeated.

Other appearances[]

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man[]

While the Wrecking Crew do not appear, Bulldozer (voiced by Ettore "Big E" Ewen) is present as a member of the One Hundred and Tenth Street Gang. He works under Big Donovan and, despite the gang's ruthlessness, displays an upbeat personality. He asks Lonnie Lincoln to bring him back some spice packets as he keeps a large collection at home, implying that he likes to cook on the side.


  • For their appearance in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, the Wrecking Crew are changed from having been imbued powers by an enchanted crowbar to having stolen Asgardian construction equipment. Additionally, for some odd reason, only Nick Gomez and Justin Eaton are credited for the roles of Wrecker and Thunderball, respectively, while Tennison Barry III and Kyle Murillo remained uncredited for their roles as Bulldozer and Piledriver, respectively. They made their identities known via their Instagram accounts.[1][2]



External Links[]

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She-Hulk - Attorney at Law logo
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (soundtrack) • Marvel Studios: Assembled
Jennifer Walters/She-HulkMary MacPherran/TitaniaEmil Blonsky/AbominationBruce Banner/HulkWongMatt Murdock/DaredevilMadisynn KingSkaarWrecking Crew
"A Normal Amount of Rage" • "Superhuman Law" • "The People vs. Emil Blonsky" • "Is This Not Real Magic?" • "Mean, Green, and Straight Poured Into These Jeans" • "Just Jen" • "The Retreat" • "Ribbit and Rip It" • "Whose Show is This?"
See Also
Roxxon Corporation

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man logo
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (soundtrack) • Comic Prequel
Heroes: Peter Parker/Spider-ManStephen Strange/Doctor StrangeMatt Murdock/DaredevilTony Stark/Iron ManGwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen

Villains: Mac Gargan/ScorpionOtto OctaviusTombstoneCarmilla BlackMila Masaryk/UnicornDmitri Smerdyakov/ChameleonJames Sanders/Speed DemonMaria Vasquez/TarantulaButane
Other characters: Norman OsbornAunt MayNico MinoruHarry OsbornPearl PanganAmadeus ChoCarla ConnorsThaddeus RossCoach Phil GrayfieldKlevRichard Parker

"Amazing Fantasy" • "The Parker Luck" • "Secret Identity Crisis" • "Hitting the Big Time" • "The Unicorn Unleashed" • "Duel with the Devil" • "Scorpion Rising" • "Tangled Web" • "Hero or Menace" • "If This Be My Destiny"
See Also
New York CityWeb-Shooters • "Neighbor Like Me"

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Avengers Assemble Logo
Avengers Assemble
Disney Parks
Avengers Assemble: Flight ForceIt's a Small World with Groot
Earth-12041 Characters
Heroes: Tony Stark/Iron ManSteve Rogers/Captain AmericaBruce Banner/HulkNatasha Romonoff/Black WidowClint Barton/HawkeyeThor OdinsonCarol Danvers/Captain MarvelPeter Parker/Spider-ManSam Wilson/FalconThaddeus Ross/Red HulkLogan/WolverineIron FistReed Richards/Mr. FantasticBen Grimm/ThingPunisherStar-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonDrax the DestroyerGrootScott Lang/Ant-ManHope Van Dyne/WaspVisionT'Challa/Black PantherBucky BarnesDoctor StrangeCrystal AmaquelinBlack BoltMoon KnightInfernoBeetleSongbirdTechnoAtlasMeteoriteRed GuardianDarkstarRadioactive ManUrsa MajorKamala Khan/Ms. MarvelDevil DinosaurJane Foster/Thunderstrike

Villains: Red HulkRed SkullM.O.D.O.K.AbominationLoki LaufeysonUltronWhiplashLeaderDoctor DoomNighthawkDoctor SpectrumPower PrincessSpeed DemonSuper-AdaptoidDestroyerGrim ReaperCrimson DynamoTaskmasterKraven the HunterBaron StruckerGalactusThanosEnchantressBaron ZemoSurturMorgan le FayYelena Belova/Black Widow/Crimson WidowVultureGhostDormammuDraculaSupergiantThe BeyonderTitaniaWrecking CrewFenris Wolf
Other Characters: Nick FuryMaria HillPeggy CarterJ.A.R.V.I.S.Odin BorsonJ. Jonah JamesonHunter the White WolfDevil Dinosaur

Earth-17628 Characters
Natasha Romonoff/Black WidowPeter Parker/Spider-Man
Season One: "The Avengers Protocol" • "Ghost of a Chance" • "Guardians and Space Knights"

Season Two: "Thanos Rising" • "Crack in the System"
Season Three: "The Ultimates" • "Into the Future" • "Seeing Double"
Season Four: "Why I Hate Halloween" • "The Once and Future Kang" • "New Year's Resolution"
Season Five: "The Panther and the Wolf" • "The Night Has Wings" • "The Good Son" • "The Vibranium Curtain" • "Yemandi" • "Bashenga" • "King Breaker"

AvengersS.H.I.E.L.D.HYDRAA.I.M.Roxxon CorporationGuardians of the GalaxyMasters of EvilSquadron Supreme
Avengers TowerNew Avengers FacilityNew York CityWakandaHong Kong
Captain America's ShieldEye of AgamottoEXO-7 FalconWidow's BiteInfinity StonesInfinity GauntletIron Man armorPym ParticlesMjölnirKamala's Bangle
See Also
S.H.I.E.L.D. HelicarrierKree

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Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series) logo
Ultimate Spider-Man
Heroes: Peter Parker/Spider-ManLuge Cage/Power ManIron FistSquirrel GirlWhite TigerNick FurySam AlexanderClint Barton/HawkeyeAmadeus ChoHulkSpider-Man (Miles Morales)Spider-GirlGwen Stacy/Spider-GwenNatasha Romonoff/Black WidowTony Stark/Iron ManSteve Rogers/Captain AmericaCloak and DaggerMoon KnightLogan/WolverineDoctor StrangeStar-LordBladeSpider-HamGrootGamoraThor OdinsonWade Wilson/DeadpoolThingMadame WebScarlet SpiderSpider-Man 2099Spider-SlayersSkaarSpider-Man NoirShe-HulkSam Wilson/FalconSpyder-KnightScott LangThaddeus Ross/Red Hulk

Villains: Norman Osborn/Green GoblinMan-WolfSteel SpiderSymbioteCrossbonesBeetleDoctor OctopusVultureScorpionShockerRhinoLizardSandmanHammerheadKravenBlizzardAbsorbing ManArnim ZolaVenomMysterioElectroMolten ManWhirlwindUlysses KlaueLoki LaufeysonMorgan le FayWolf SpiderSabretoothAbominationWrecking CrewFenris Wolf
Other characters: Flash ThompsonAunt MayBen ParkerJ. Jonah JamesonPhil CoulsonMary Jane WatsonHarry OsbornRio MoralesH.E.R.B.I.E.
Guest characters: Jessie PrescottEmma RossLuke RossRavi RossZuri RossMrs. Kipling

Season One: "Great Power" • "Great Responsibility" • "Doomed"

Season Three: "The Next Iron Spider" • "Halloween Night at the Museum"
Season Four: "Hydra Attacks" • "Iron Vulture" • "Lizards" • "Double Agent Venom" • "Beached" • "Return to the Spider-Verse" • "Spider Slayers" • "The Moon Knight Before Christmas" • "Graduation Day"

AvengersStark IndustriesHYDRAS.H.I.E.L.D.Howling CommandosInhumansFantastic FourWeb-WarriorsX-Men
New York CityAvengers Tower
See Also
Web-ShootersIron Man's armorPumpkin BombsCaptain America's ShieldVibraniumMilanoMutantsTriskelion