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Batroc is a supervillain who uses his jumping abilities for crime.

Batroc was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.


Ultimate Spider-Man

One of Batroc's robberies is thwarted by someone who looks like Spider-Man. Batroc accepts his defeat and surrenders to go to jail, but "Spider-Man" viciously beats him and Batroc must be hospitalized.

Sometime later, when Electro caused a general shutdown, Batroc tried to take advantage of it to steal, but he was stopped by Spider-Man and his team.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Batroc, a former member of the French Foreign Legion who racked up over a hundred kills before being discharged, conducted a terrorist occupation on the S.H.I.E.L.D. ship Lemurian Star with a mercenary army.

However, he was thwarted by Captain America (though not without a huge struggle between the two), although because Black Widow chose to delay aiding him in an attempt to back up data on the tanker (implied to be on Nick Fury's orders), he managed to escape into the night, leaving behind an explosive that Rogers and Romanov narrowly managed to evade.

He was eventually captured the day afterwards and interrogated. It was later revealed that he had been anonymously hired by Nick Fury as cover to retrieve data from the ship, as he suspected that S.H.I.E.L.D. may have been compromised

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

Batroc returns and does not get along with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes due to Batroc's history with Steve Rogers and Sam's battles with the villain alongside Steve when Bucky was the Winter Soldier. Batroc tries to fight Sharon Carter who ends up killing him along with lead Flag Smasher Karli Morgenthau.



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Captain America logo
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (video/soundtrack) • Captain America: Civil War (video/soundtrack) • Captain America: Brave New World (soundtrack)
Disney parks
Rogers: The Musical
Steve Rogers/Captain AmericaSam Wilson/Falcon/Captain AmericaBlack WidowTony Stark/Iron ManHawkeyePeggy CarterNick FuryScarlet WitchVisionScott Lang/Ant-ManT'Challa/Black PantherPeter Parker/Spider-ManRed SkullBucky Barnes/The Winter SoldierAlexander PierceCrossbonesBatrocMaria HillSharon CarterJoaquin Torres/FalconIsaiah BradleyThaddeus Ross/Red HulkBetty RossRuth Bat-SeraphBruce Banner/HulkStrikeDoctor ListPresident Matthew EllisDora MilajeHoward StarkMaria StarkSenator Stern
AvengersStark IndustriesS.H.I.E.L.D.HYDRAHowling CommandosWorld Security Council
Captain America's ShieldIron Man (armor)Infinity StonesEXO-7 FalconVibraniumWeb-ShootersPym ParticlesScepterWidow's BiteAdamantium
New York CityAvengers TowerLondonWakandaNew Avengers FacilityTriskelionSokoviaRaft
See Also
Star Spangled ManLeft Hand FreeThe Art of Captain America: Brave New World

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What If logo
What If...? (soundtrack 1/2/3) • Marvel Studios: Assembled
Heroes: Peggy Carter/Captain CarterKahhoriT'Challa/Star-Lord/Black PantherStephen Strange/Doctor Strange/Strange SupremeNick FuryBucky Barnes/Winter SoldierSteve Rogers/HYDRA Stomper/Captain AmericaThor OdinsonClint Barton/HawkeyeNatasha Romanoff/Black WidowBruce Banner/HulkTony Stark/Iron ManVisionSam Wilson/Falcon/Captain AmericaCarol Danvers/Captain MarvelOkoyeNebulaHappy Hogan/FreakGamoraWongT'Chaka/Black PantherHoward the DuckDrax the DestroyerPeter Quill/Star-LordHank Pym/Yellowjacket/Ant-ManScott Lang/Ant-ManPeter Parker/Spider-ManHope van Dyne/WaspWanda Maximoff/Scarlet WitchGrootBill Foster/GoliathWendy Lawson/Mar-VellMonica RambeauAgatha HarknessKingoAlexei Shostakov/Red GuardianMoon KnightRiri Williams/IronheartShang-ChiKate BishopValkyrieYing NanByrdie the DuckOroro Munroe/Storm

Villains: Loki LaufeysonHelaXu WenwuUltronErik KillmongerProxima MidnightEbony MawCorvus GlaiveCull ObsidianArnim ZolaJohann Schmidt/Red SkullSurturThanosCollectorBatrocEgoBatrocGrandmasterUlysses KlaueRonan the AccuserJustin HammerGeneral DreykovZeusKaeciliusMalekithQuentin BeckXu Xialing/The HoodSonny BurchDormammuMelina Vostokoff
Other characters: Uatu/The WatcherJ.A.R.V.I.S.Phil CoulsonThaddeus RossSifVolstaggYondu UdontaBrock RumlowHoward StarkAbraham ErskineDum Dum DuganCarinaKorath the PursuerKraglin ObfonteriTaserfaceChristine PalmerAncient OneJane FosterFriggaHogunFandralHeimdallMaria HillRhodeySharon CarterDarcy LewisQueen RamondaPepper PottsShuriBetty RossCosmo the SpacedogKorgIrani RaelGarthan SaalRavager KPeggy CarterGooseOdin BorsonNakiaEdwin JarvisSarah WilsonMaria StarkJohn Walker

Season One: "What If... Captain Carter Were The First Avenger?" • "What If... T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?" • "What If... The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?" • "What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?" • "What If... Zombies!?" • "What If... Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?" • "What If... Thor Were an Only Child?" • "What If... Ultron Won?" • "What If... The Watcher Broke His Oath?"

Season Two: "What if... Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?" • "What if... Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes?" • "What if... Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?" • "What if... Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster?" • "What if... Captain Carter Fought The Hydra Stomper?" • "What if... Kahhori Reshaped the World?" • "What if... Hela Found The Ten Rings?" • "What if... The Avengers Assembled in 1602?" • "What if... Strange Supreme Intervened?"
Season Three: "What If...The Hulk Fought the Mech Avengers?" • "What If...Agatha Went To Hollywood?" • "What If...The Red Guardian Stopped the Winter Soldier?" • "What If...Howard the Duck Got Hitched?" • "What If...The Emergence Destroyed the Earth?" • "What If...1872?" • "What If...The Watcher Disappeared?" • "What If...What If?"

S.H.I.E.L.D.Stark IndustriesHYDRAAvengersMasters of the Mystic ArtsBlack OrderGuardians of the GalaxyGuardians of the MultiverseHowling CommandosRavagersNova Corps
MjölnirOrbPym ParticlesCaptain America's ShieldCloak of LevitationEye of AgamottoScepterSuper Soldier SerumTen RingsTesseractInfinity GauntletInfinity StonesVibraniumAetherUltron SentriesKamala's Bangle
AsgardNew York CityProject P.E.G.A.S.U.S.Collector's MuseumDark DimensionSakaarSan FranciscoTony Stark's MansionKamar TajKnowhereWakandaXandar
See Also
Frost GiantsSkrullsKreeX-Men Theme

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Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series) logo
Ultimate Spider-Man
Heroes: Peter Parker/Spider-ManLuge Cage/Power ManIron FistSquirrel GirlWhite TigerNick FurySam AlexanderClint Barton/HawkeyeAmadeus ChoHulkSpider-Man (Miles Morales)Spider-GirlGwen Stacy/Spider-GwenNatasha Romonoff/Black WidowTony Stark/Iron ManSteve Rogers/Captain AmericaCloak and DaggerMoon KnightLogan/WolverineDoctor StrangeStar-LordBladeSpider-HamGrootGamoraThor OdinsonWade Wilson/DeadpoolThingMadame WebScarlet SpiderSpider-Man 2099Spider-SlayersSkaarSpider-Man NoirShe-HulkSam Wilson/FalconSpyder-KnightScott LangThaddeus Ross/Red Hulk

Villains: Norman Osborn/Green GoblinMan-WolfSteel SpiderSymbioteCrossbonesBeetleDoctor OctopusVultureScorpionShockerRhinoLizardSandmanHammerheadKravenBlizzardAbsorbing ManArnim ZolaVenomMysterioElectroMolten ManWhirlwindUlysses KlaueLoki LaufeysonMorgan le FayWolf SpiderSabretoothAbominationWrecking CrewFenris Wolf
Other characters: Flash ThompsonAunt MayBen ParkerJ. Jonah JamesonPhil CoulsonMary Jane WatsonHarry OsbornRio MoralesH.E.R.B.I.E.
Guest characters: Jessie PrescottEmma RossLuke RossRavi RossZuri RossMrs. Kipling

Season One: "Great Power" • "Great Responsibility" • "Doomed"

Season Three: "The Next Iron Spider" • "Halloween Night at the Museum"
Season Four: "Hydra Attacks" • "Iron Vulture" • "Lizards" • "Double Agent Venom" • "Beached" • "Return to the Spider-Verse" • "Spider Slayers" • "The Moon Knight Before Christmas" • "Graduation Day"

AvengersStark IndustriesHYDRAS.H.I.E.L.D.Howling CommandosInhumansFantastic FourWeb-WarriorsX-Men
New York CityAvengers Tower
See Also
Web-ShootersIron Man's armorPumpkin BombsCaptain America's ShieldVibraniumMilanoMutantsTriskelion