Avengers Tower (previously known as Stark Tower) is a high-rise building complex in both the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Marvel Animation. It is located in Manhattan, New York City, it served as the headquarters of the superhero team, The Avengers until they moved to their new headquarters upstate.
In 2012, Agent Phil Coulson went to Stark Tower for help, but Tony Stark excused himself, saying he was on a date with Pepper Potts. At first, he was reluctant to help SHIELD, but with some insistence of Pepper, he eventually agreed to help. Loki uses the Stark tower as the location to open the portal that allowed the entry of the Chitauri to Earth. While the invasion took place Loki remained in the Tower until Thor appeared, which led to a fight between the two brothers. As Thor surpassed him in power, Loki decided to jump from the tower and fled in a Chitauri vehicle. Loki fell back to the tower after he caught an explosive arrow of Hawkeye. At the Tower, he came across with Hulk, who gave him a beating. While the others Avengers fought against the Chitauri, Black Widow climbed the tower and with the help of Erik Selvig was able to close the portal (after Stark put a nuclear bomb into the Chitauri Space). When Loki was recovering from the beating, he saw that he was surrounded by the Avengers. The tower was almost destroyed during the invasion, the only letter of the word stark was the letter A as reference to the Avengers.
In 2014, having been repaired and renamed to Avengers Tower, Avengers Tower appeared briefly during a targeting sequence. Months later, the Avengers returned from Sokovia after a successful mission as they had recovered Loki's scepter and captured Baron von Strucker. In honor of that victory, Stark decided to organize a party in which they were attacked by the Iron Legion led by Ultron. Days later, Captain America and Iron Man fought because Stark sought to use the android that Ultron had created. Rogers and Maximoff twins efforts twins were in vain as Thor using his Mjolnir gave life to synthetic android. Thor explained to them that Stark was right because "Vision" was the only one able to defeat Ultron. Vision won the confidence of the Avengers lifting Mjolnir before leaving to Sokovia and stop Ultron for the last time. The building was later abandoned and sold after the defeat of Ultron where the Avengers built a new facility in the aftermath of the battle.
In 2023, the Avengers traveled back in time to retrieve the Infinity Stones after Thanos successfully managed wipe out of half of the universe's population. Iron Man, Captain America, Ant-Man, and Hulk traveled to New York in 2012 to retrieve the Space, Mind, and Time Stones. While Hulk went to collect the Time Stone at the New York Sanctum, Iron Man, Captain America, and Ant-Man went to the Avengers Tower to retrieve the Space and Mind Stones. Though Captain America was successful in getting the Mind Stone, Iron Man and Ant-Man failed to get the Space Stone where a past version of Loki managed to steal it and escape custody, prompting Iron Man and Captain America to travel to New Jersey in the 1970s to retrieve the Space Stone and more Pym Particles.
The tower has not been featured properly beyond Avengers: Endgame, but it is known to have been sold after Tony Stark's death in 2023. A new team of heroes, named the Thunderbolts visit the tower in the film with the same name, when they meet up with Valentina Allegra de Fontaine.
- It occupies the same location as the MetLife Building.
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