Xandar is a planet appearing in Marvel Comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Itis the home planet of the Nova Corps, the ancestral homeworld of the Xandarian species, and the capital of the Nova Empire.
Xandar is the home of Xandarians, but also of many other immigrant species. It is a large exoplanet in the Andromeda galaxy, with a population of about 12 billion inhabitants. The planet orbits around three suns, with two of them being yellow dwarf stars like Earth with an additional red dwarf star as well. The Kree accuser, Ronan wants to destroy Xandar due to an ancient war between Xandar and the Kree Empire. Wielding the Power Stone, Ronan almost manages to destroy Xandar but due to the intervention of the Guardians this did not happen. Star-Lord, along with the other Guardians, defeated Ronan, causing the peace in Xandar.
Xandar is mentioned by Thor in this film. Unfortunately, Thanos destroys half of the planet in order to obtain the aforementioned stone as a part of his quest to bring the universe into balance.