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Wait, what's happening?
Peter's not going to Washington.
No, no, no, no, no.
―Cindy Moon and Sally Avril

Cindy Moon is a Marvel Comics character who appears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Spider-Man: Homecoming and Avengers: Infinity War.

Cindy was created by Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos.


Spider-Man: Homecoming[]

Cindy Moon is a student at Midtown School of Science and Technology who is in Peter Parker's class and is a member of the school's decathlon team. She showed concern when her teammate Peter Parker said that he wouldn't be participating in the academic decathlon in Washington, D.C., but he ended up going with them anyway. However, he ultimately didn't participate for he disappeared before the decathlon started. Their team still won, so Cindy went to celebrate with her team by going to the Washington Monument. A shocking explosion trapped them inside the monument's elevator, but luckily, New York hero Spider-Man was there to save them.

Avengers: Infinity War[]

The following year, Cindy was on a school bus for a field trip when an alien spaceship appeared over the city. After half of all life got disintegrated by Thanos, she graduated Midtown School of Science and Technology by in 2024.



  • In the comics, Cindy Moon was the second person to be bitten by the radioactive spider that gave Peter Parker his powers. Cindy gained powers identical to Peter’s but unlike him, she had the ability to create organic webbing from her fingertips. After spending many years locked in a facility to avoid a supervillain named Morlun, Cindy was freed by Parker and starts a new life as the vigilante Silk.
    • In Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, it features Spider-Man being able to produce organic webbing.
  • It is never explained if Cindy survived the snap, but it is possibly unlikely since the whole of Peter Parker's were victims of the event.
  • Cindy Moon made a cameo appearance at the end of the Sony 2023 video game, Marvel's Spider-Man 2. She appeared with her father who was dating Miles Morales' mother.

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