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The World Security Council are an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace.


The Avengers

S.H.I.E.L.D. is controlled by the Council. The Council communicates with S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury using several large plasma screens, each one displaying one of their faces. They are seen disagreeing with Fury's decisions during the Battle of New York. The World Security Council had at least one override command that they used during the Battle of New York to override Fury's orders and send two jets to launch a nuclear missile at New York, one as a decoy to distract Fury long enough for the other jet to make it's escape and send the missile off.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

After the battle of New York, Nick Fury convinced the Council to establish a program to help them to keep the peace and prevent another disaster as happened in Manhattan. Alexander Pierce held a meeting with the others members of the Council, who wondered how could Algerian pirates hijack a undercover SHIELD's ship. The Councilman Rockwell also criticized Director Fury for having used to use his disguised thugs dressed and the STRIKE team for this mission. The meeting finished when Fury arrived to talk with his old friend.

Days later, the World Security Council was called to the Triskelion to watch the launch of the Project Insight , when Rogers explained that Pierce was the new leader of HYDRA, one of the Council's members ordered to Jack Rollins to arrest Alexander Pierce but Rollins and all strike team served HYDRA. Pierce unsuccessfully attempts to reason with the other members, as the Project Insight would be beneficial for the world.

As Singh was against Pierce's ideals, he threatened to kill him; but it was disarmed by Black Widow disguised as Councilwoman Hawley. Shortly afterwards, using a special device Pierce killed the others members of the Council and also threatened Romanoff to do the same with her, after see how the Insight Helicarriers were destroyed each other.


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Other Characters: Maria HillErik SelvigPhil CoulsonPepper PottsMorgan StarkPeggy CarterJ.A.R.V.I.S.F.R.I.D.A.Y.The OtherHeimdallHelen ChoTaneleer Tivan/CollectorM'BakuThaddeus RossCindy MoonAyoEdwin JarvisCooper BartonLaura BartonLila BartonNathaniel Barton

AvengersStark IndustriesS.H.I.E.L.D.HYDRAMasters of the Mystic ArtsBlack OrderGuardians of the GalaxyFantastic FourThunderboltsWorld Security CouncilVariants
New York CityAvengers TowerNew Avengers FacilityWakandaKnowhereAsgardCollector's MuseumProject P.E.G.A.S.U.S.SanctuaryNew York SanctumQuantum RealmSokoviaVormirNew Jersey
Captain America's ShieldMjolnirIron Man (armor)Infinity StonesInfinity GauntletAetherCloak of LevitationEye of AgamottoOrbPym ParticlesEXO-7 FalconScepterWidow's Bite
Shoot To ThrillCome and Get Your LoveLive To RiseI've Got No Strings
See Also
S.H.I.E.L.D. HelicarrierQuinjetMilanoFrost GiantsBlip

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See Also
Star Spangled ManLeft Hand FreeThe Art of Captain America: Brave New World