Korath, a powerful ally of the villainous Ronan, is a feared intergalactic hunter. Korath is a pursuer who is dedicated to the kill and focuses only on one thing—his target.
In Morag, Korath leads an army of Sakaarans on that planet that find Star-Lord, who had already found the Orb. Korath attempts to capture Star-Lord but Star-Lord escapes. When his master decides to betray Thanos, he worries because Thanos is too powerful but Ronan tells him not to worry with the Orb at his disposal, the Mad Titan is not a threat.
During the Battle of Xandar, Korath is killed by Drax from having his cranial implants removed.
Korath appears in "What If... T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?". Similar to the original timeline, Korath led an army of Sakaaran to find Star-Lord, T’Challa. However, unlike there his encounter with Star-Lord, he instantly recognizes him as he is a huge fan of his work where Star-Lord helps out the galaxy. He also express interest in joining the Ravangers.