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Knowhere is a mining colony controlled by the Collector, one of its point of interests are the Collector's Museum. It is a decapitated head of a Celestial.


Marvel Cinematic Universe[]

Thor: The Dark World[]

Sif and Volstagg arrive at the museum, they are come to deliver the Aether to keep it safe, Tivan asks why they don't retain the Aether, Volstagg replied that's very dangerous to have two Infinity Stones in one place. The Asgardians leave and the Collector says: "One down five to go" implying that his mission is to take all Infinity Stones.

Guardians of the Galaxy[]

Once already escaped from prison, the Guardians are aimed at Knowhere to selling the Orb to Gamora's contact. Before meeting with the Collector, the Guardians have a discussion after drinking too much.

The majority of the guardians are going to the meeting, but one of them, Drax calls Ronan giving the whereabouts of Gamora. Ronan arrives with his troops destroying everything in its path to find the Orb.

Nebula gets the Orb and calls Ronan, who was fighting with Drax. Meanwhile, Peter calls Yondu and tells his whereabouts to save Gamora.

Avengers: Infinity War[]

Thanos arrived on Knowhere to take Reality Stone from the Collector. The Guardians also arrived on Knowhere to prevent Thanos from taking the stone, only to discover that Thanos had already taken the Stone where he created an illusion to lure the Guardians into a trap so he would kidnap Gamora and interrogate her for the location of the Soul Stone.

The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special[]

The Guardians bought the colony from the Collector and looks to rebuild it from Thanos' attack.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3[]

The Guardians made Knowwhere their headquarters and had finished rebuilding it years after Thanos' attack.

Video games[]

Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition[]

Knowhere is the main setting of the Guardians of the Galaxy playset.


External links[]

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Guardians of the Galaxy logo
Films: Guardians of the Galaxy (video/score/soundtrack) • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (video/score/soundtrack) • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (video/score/soundtrack)

Specials: The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (soundtrack)

Disney Parks
Wonders of Xandar Pavilion (Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind) • Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: BREAKOUT!It's a Small World with Groot
Entertainment: Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Dance Off!
Star-LordGamoraDrax the DestroyerGrootRocket RaccoonKraglin ObfonteriRonan the AccuserYondu UdontaNebulaKorathTaneleer Tivan/The CollectorRhomann DeyIrani RaelCarinaThanosThe OtherGarthan SaalHoward the DuckMeredith QuillCosmo the SpacedogMantisEgo the Living PlanetAyeshaStakar OgordTaserfaceCharlie-27Aleta OgordMainframeGrandmasterAdam WarlockHigh EvolutionaryBlurpKrugarrNova CorpsPhyla
Guardians of the GalaxyRavagers
MilanoDark Aster
Collector's MuseumKnowhereKylnSanctuaryXandar
Hooked on a FeelingSpirit In The SkyCherry BombCome and Get Your LoveI Want You BackEscape (The Piña Colada Song)Ain't No Mountain High EnoughGo All The WayMoonage DaydreamI'm Not In LoveFooled Around and Fell in LoveO-o-h ChildMr. Blue SkyThe ChainBorn to Be Wild
See Also
Guardians of the Galaxy (TV series)I Am GrootKreeAbiliskVylooOrb

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Avengers logo
The Avengers (video/soundtrack) • Avengers: Age of Ultron (video/soundtrack) • Avengers: Infinity War (video/soundtrack) • Avengers: Endgame (video/soundtrack) • Avengers: DoomsdayAvengers: Secret Wars
Disney Parks
The AnnexAvengers Campus (Disney California Adventure/Disney Adventure World/Hong Hong Disneyland) • Avengers Assemble: Flight ForceAvengers: Infinity DefenseIt's a Small World with Groot

Entertainment: Avengers Training InitiativeRogers: The Musical

Heroes: Tony Stark/Iron ManSteve Rogers/Captain AmericaBruce Banner/HulkThor OdinsonNatasha Romanoff/Black WidowClint Barton/HawkeyeJames Rhodes/War MachineSam Wilson/Falcon/Captain AmericaNick FuryWanda Maximoff/Scarlet WitchPietro Maximoff/QuicksilverVisionHope Van Dyne/WaspScott Lang/Ant-ManT'Challa/Black PantherShuri/Black PantherOkoyeNakiaPeter Parker/Spider-ManStephen Strange/Doctor StrangePeter Quill/Star-LordGrootRocket RaccoonHeimdallValkyrieCarol Danvers/Captain MarvelCassie LangBucky Barnes/Winter SoldierWongMantisNebulaDrax the DestroyerGamoraM'BakuShang-ChiReed Richards/Mr. FantasticSusan Storm/Invisible WomanJohnny Storm/Human TorchBen Grimm/ThingYelena BelovaAva Starr/GhostAntonia Dreykov/TaskmasterAlexei Shostakov/Red GuardianJohn Walker/U.S. AgentMatt Murdock/DaredevilWade Wilson/Deadpool

Villains: Loki LaufeysonUltronThanosVictor von Doom/Doctor DoomBaron StruckerAlexander PierceUlysses KlaueJohann Schmidt/Red SkullDoctor ListEbony MawCull ObsidianProxima MidnightCorvus Glaive
Other Characters: Maria HillErik SelvigPhil CoulsonPepper PottsMorgan StarkPeggy CarterJ.A.R.V.I.S.F.R.I.D.A.Y.The OtherHeimdallHelen ChoTaneleer Tivan/CollectorM'BakuThaddeus RossCindy MoonAyoEdwin JarvisCooper BartonLaura BartonLila BartonNathaniel Barton

AvengersStark IndustriesS.H.I.E.L.D.HYDRAMasters of the Mystic ArtsBlack OrderGuardians of the GalaxyFantastic FourThunderboltsWorld Security CouncilVariants
New York CityAvengers TowerNew Avengers FacilityWakandaKnowhereAsgardCollector's MuseumProject P.E.G.A.S.U.S.SanctuaryNew York SanctumQuantum RealmSokoviaVormirNew Jersey
Captain America's ShieldMjolnirIron Man (armor)Infinity StonesInfinity GauntletAetherCloak of LevitationEye of AgamottoOrbPym ParticlesEXO-7 FalconScepterWidow's Bite
Shoot To ThrillCome and Get Your LoveLive To RiseI've Got No Strings
See Also
S.H.I.E.L.D. HelicarrierQuinjetMilanoFrost GiantsBlip

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What If logo
What If...? (soundtrack 1/2/3) • Marvel Studios: Assembled
Heroes: Peggy Carter/Captain CarterKahhoriT'Challa/Star-Lord/Black PantherStephen Strange/Doctor Strange/Strange SupremeNick FuryBucky Barnes/Winter SoldierSteve Rogers/HYDRA Stomper/Captain AmericaThor OdinsonClint Barton/HawkeyeNatasha Romanoff/Black WidowBruce Banner/HulkTony Stark/Iron ManVisionSam Wilson/Falcon/Captain AmericaCarol Danvers/Captain MarvelOkoyeNebulaHappy Hogan/FreakGamoraWongT'Chaka/Black PantherHoward the DuckDrax the DestroyerPeter Quill/Star-LordHank Pym/Yellowjacket/Ant-ManScott Lang/Ant-ManPeter Parker/Spider-ManHope van Dyne/WaspWanda Maximoff/Scarlet WitchGrootBill Foster/GoliathWendy Lawson/Mar-VellMonica RambeauAgatha HarknessKingoAlexei Shostakov/Red GuardianMoon KnightRiri Williams/IronheartShang-ChiKate BishopValkyrieYing NanByrdie the DuckOroro Munroe/Storm

Villains: Loki LaufeysonHelaXu WenwuUltronErik KillmongerProxima MidnightEbony MawCorvus GlaiveCull ObsidianArnim ZolaJohann Schmidt/Red SkullSurturThanosCollectorBatrocEgoBatrocGrandmasterUlysses KlaueRonan the AccuserJustin HammerGeneral DreykovZeusKaeciliusMalekithQuentin BeckXu Xialing/The HoodSonny BurchDormammuMelina Vostokoff
Other characters: Uatu/The WatcherJ.A.R.V.I.S.Phil CoulsonThaddeus RossSifVolstaggYondu UdontaBrock RumlowHoward StarkAbraham ErskineDum Dum DuganCarinaKorath the PursuerKraglin ObfonteriTaserfaceChristine PalmerAncient OneJane FosterFriggaHogunFandralHeimdallMaria HillRhodeySharon CarterDarcy LewisQueen RamondaPepper PottsShuriBetty RossCosmo the SpacedogKorgIrani RaelGarthan SaalRavager KPeggy CarterGooseOdin BorsonNakiaEdwin JarvisSarah WilsonMaria StarkJohn Walker

Season One: "What If... Captain Carter Were The First Avenger?" • "What If... T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?" • "What If... The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?" • "What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?" • "What If... Zombies!?" • "What If... Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?" • "What If... Thor Were an Only Child?" • "What If... Ultron Won?" • "What If... The Watcher Broke His Oath?"

Season Two: "What if... Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?" • "What if... Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes?" • "What if... Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?" • "What if... Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster?" • "What if... Captain Carter Fought The Hydra Stomper?" • "What if... Kahhori Reshaped the World?" • "What if... Hela Found The Ten Rings?" • "What if... The Avengers Assembled in 1602?" • "What if... Strange Supreme Intervened?"
Season Three: "What If...The Hulk Fought the Mech Avengers?" • "What If...Agatha Went To Hollywood?" • "What If...The Red Guardian Stopped the Winter Soldier?" • "What If...Howard the Duck Got Hitched?" • "What If...The Emergence Destroyed the Earth?" • "What If...1872?" • "What If...The Watcher Disappeared?" • "What If...What If?"

S.H.I.E.L.D.Stark IndustriesHYDRAAvengersMasters of the Mystic ArtsBlack OrderGuardians of the GalaxyGuardians of the MultiverseHowling CommandosRavagersNova Corps
MjölnirOrbPym ParticlesCaptain America's ShieldCloak of LevitationEye of AgamottoScepterSuper Soldier SerumTen RingsTesseractInfinity GauntletInfinity StonesVibraniumAetherUltron SentriesKamala's Bangle
AsgardNew York CityProject P.E.G.A.S.U.S.Collector's MuseumDark DimensionSakaarSan FranciscoTony Stark's MansionKamar TajKnowhereWakandaXandar
See Also
Frost GiantsSkrullsKreeX-Men Theme
