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[参照用 記事]



米田の補題の米田信夫さん(肖像のお写真はコチラ)は、エンド/コエンド〈end/coend〉とグロタンディーク構成〈Grothendieck construction〉の創始者でもあるんですよね。


The original definition of a co/end for a functor T : Cop×C → D, as a universal object ∫T(c, c) ∈ D satisfying a certain property was apparently given by N. Yoneda (who used an integral sign –see §1.2– to denote them for the first time, even if his notation for coends was reversed: today, ∫cT is an end for T, and ∫cT a coend, whereas Yoneda writes ∫cT for the coend, and ∫*cT for the end), and then refined by Mac Lane in his [ML70] with applications to the "tensor product" of two functors, that generalizes the well-known description of M\otimesRN as a coequalizer for MR and RN right and left R-modules.


According to [MM, §I.5], this construction was first used for diagrams of sets by Yoneda. It was later developed in full generality by Grothendieck in [Gro] and became a key tool in studying categories which "vary in families".


  • [MM] S. MacLane, I. Moerdijk, Sheaves in geometry and logic: A first introduction to topos theory, Springer (1992).
  • [Gro] A. Grothendieck, Reve^tements e'tales et groupe fondamental, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (1964).
