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Trump May be Oreshniked on Ukraine Even Before He Gets to China

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With Oreshnik now entering the picture, everywhere the Hegemon will try to harass China they will also have to face Russia.

When it comes to state of the art Russian weaponry, what the inestimable Ray McGovern defines as the MICIMATT – the whole Hegemonic complex – seems to dwell in perpetual stupor.

They had no clue about Kalibr, Sarmat, Khinzal, Zircon or Avangard before they were introduced. They had no clue about Oreshnik (‘Hazel”) before the 30-minute protocolar warning by the Russians, stating a missile test was coming, and it was not nuclear. The Americans assumed that would be just another ballistic missile test, as they happen routinely close to the Arctic.

Even President Putin didn’t know Oreshnik was ready for its close-up until the last minute. And Kremlin spokesman Peskov confirmed that only an ultra-rarefied circle knew Oreshnik even existed.

In a nutshell: the MICIMATT only sees what Russia shows off – and when it happens. Call it a leak-proof vow of secrecy permeating the Russian military complex – which, by the way, is a massive state, nationalized company, with a few private components.

And that offers the Russian government, in practice, better engineering, better physics, better mathematics and better practical, final results than anything across the self-important collective West.

Oreshnik – a kinetic weapons system – is a certified game-changer when it comes to military technology and warfare in more ways than one: actually several. Simple physics tells us that by combining enough kinetic force and mass, utter devastation is guaranteed, comparable to a low-to-medium yield nuclear weapon. With the added benefit of no radiation.

Oreshnik is an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM), under development by Russia (along with other systems) even before Trump 1.0 pulled the U.S. out of the INF treaty in 2019.

A few concise analyses have pointed out how Oreshnik can be fitted into intercontinental (italics mine) non-nuclear missiles. The Russians are being very diplomatic, not stressing that if Oreshnik is launched from the Russian Far East, it can easily reach most latitudes across the USA.

Moreover, applying Oreshnik tech to tactical missiles – Putin late last week said this is already happening – also changes the whole tactical domain.

The new game in town is Russia being capable of unleashing ultra-high-velocity kinetic weapons literally anywhere around the world – after warning civilians to abandon the area around the targets. And there’s absolutely no defense against it, anywhere.

Nowhere to run, baby, nowhere to hide

It’s quite predictable that the woke, arrogant/ignorant MICIMATT, as well as NATO and the whole, brainwashed collective West simply have no idea what just hit them, seemingly out of the blue.

To be concise: a system with the destructive power of a tactical nuclear weapon but carrying the precision of a top sniper’s bullet.

Ergo, sitting duck billion-dollar aircraft carriers; the whole, 800-plus Empire of Bases; assorted underground bunkers; ICBM launch platforms; naval shipyards; not to mention NATO’s HQ in Brussels, the Aegis Ashore base in Redzikowo (Poland), the NATO joint force center in the Netherlands, southern NATO command in Naples – all these immensely expensive assets are fair game for non-nuclear Oreshniks capable of reducing them to dust in a flash after flying for mere minutes at over Mach 10.

By now multitudes around the world are aware that Oreshnik may reach Berlin in 11 minutes and London in 19 minutes. Also that launched from southern Russia, Oreshnik may reach the U.S. air base in Qatar in 13 minutes; launched from Kamchatka in the Far East, it may reach Guam in 22 minutes; and launched from Chukotka, it may reach Minuteman III silos in Montana in 23 minutes.

To quote the epic 1960s Motown hit: “Nowhere to run, baby, nowhere to hide.”

Graphic proof that the MICIMATT and NATO have absolutely no clue what hit them – and will hit them again – is the escalation dementia in effect even after Oreshnik’s warheads reduced a missile factory in Dnipropetrovsk to smithereens. And even after Moscow made it quite clear that they don’t need nuclear weapons to hit anything they want anywhere on Earth.

The MICIMATT plus NATO, in tandem, fired ATACMS twice against Kursk; released a P.R. trial balloon related to the suicidal possibility of sending nuclear weapons to Kiev; NATO warned businesses to enter a “wartime scenario”; NATO’s armchair admiral Rob Bauer, a Dutch non-entity, advocated pre-emptive bombings of Russia; Le Petit Roi in France and the ghastly British PM re-started the gambit of “troop deployments” to Ukraine (Starmer later backed off); and last but not least, the Liver Sausage government in Germany started to draw plans to use metro stations as air raid shelters.

All this escalation paranoia sounds like a bunch of screaming kids playing in their dirty sandbox. Because for all practical purposes it is Russia which is now ruling the escalation game.

Breaking up Russia-China is hard to do

And that brings us to Trump 2.0.

The Deep State has already targeted Trump with a vicious war – a de facto pre-emptive counter-insurgency, even before he attempts to do anything practical regarding NATO’s collapsing Project Ukraine.

His ideal off-ramp might be an Afghanistan-style exit, leaving all the burdens ahead to a basket of NATO chihuahuas. Still, that’s not gonna happen.

Andrey Sushentsov is a program director of the Valdai Club and dean of MGIMO’s school of International Relations. He’s one of Russia’s top analysts. Sushentsov released this pearl to TASS, among other things:

“Trump is considering ending the Ukrainian crisis, not out of any sympathy for Russia, but because he acknowledges that Ukraine has no realistic chance of winning. His goal is to preserve Ukraine as a tool for U.S. interests, focusing on freezing the conflict rather than resolving it. Consequently, under Trump, the long-term strategy of countering Russia will persist. The U.S. continues to benefit from the Ukrainian crisis, regardless of which administration is in power.”

Sushentsov fully recognizes how “the U.S. state system is an inertial structure that resists decisions it deems contrary to American interests, so not all of Trump’s ideas will come to fruition.”


That’s just one graphic illustration, among many, that Moscow harbors no illusions whatsoever about Trump 2.0. Putin’s conditions for an attempt to solve the Ukraine riddle have been known at least since June: total Kiev withdrawal from Donbass and Novorossiya; no Ukraine in NATO; end of all 15,000+ Western sanctions; and a non-aligned, nuclear-free Ukraine.

That’s it. Everything non-negotiable; otherwise the war will continue on the battlefields, the way Russia sees fit, until Ukraine’s total surrender.

Evidently the Five Eyes – actually only 2 (U.S.-UK) – plus minion France, side by side with the most powerful silos inside the Deep State will continue to force Trump to double down on Project Ukraine, which is an essential part of the Forever Wars ethos.

The best he might be able to do is to divert attention from Project Ukraine by accommodating the Old Testament psychopathological genocidals in Tel Aviv, plus the Zio-con armada in D.C., in their obsession of forcing Washington to fight their war on Iran. Talk about a slight change of focus of the Forever Wars.

Tehran not only exports most of its energy to China but is an absolutely essential node of the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) as well as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI); that is, north-south and east-west crisscrossing Eurasia.

That would be the real war of choice – simultaneously against three BRICS (Russia, China, Iran). After all the American ruling class is already invested on a do-or-die Hybrid War against BRICS.

Still, the Trump 2.0/China face-off will be the fulcrum of the Hegemon’s foreign policy starting January 20. Virtually all of Trump’s appointments – as misguided as they may be – believe it is possible to break apart the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership and prevent China from buying energy from Iran.

There will be attempts to disrupt shipping lanes and supply lines – from the Maritime Silk Roads in the Indian Ocean rimland to the Northern Sea Route by the Arctic, including possible false flags along the INSTC.

But with Oreshnik now entering the picture, everywhere the Hegemon will try to harass China they will also have to face Russia. So the temptation to end Project Ukraine and NATO’s encroachment on Russia’s western borders will always be there in the back of Trump’s mind, part of a “seduce Russia to undermine China” syndrome.

The problem for the Hegemon is that the interlocking BRICS/SCO-wide Russia-China-Iran strategic partnerships do have other – kinetic – ideas.

(Republished from Strategic Culture Foundation by permission of author or representative)
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  1. anon[363] •�Disclaimer says:

    If the US was smart (and it isn’t) it would stop looking at China as an enemy and welcome Chinese investment in joint ventures. This type of re-shoring would benefit everyone. The current policy will not work, and will ensure that America’s decline accelerates.

  2. Emslander says:

    (L)aunched from Chukotka, it may reach Minuteman III silos in Montana in 23 minutes.

    That sounds to me like the last move before Checkmate, but it may be checkmate.

    •�Agree: Dr. Rock
    •�Replies: @Trumpeter
    , @Trumpeter
  3. Dr. Rock says:

    Great article!

    I don’t think enough people understand what a huge game changer this latest Russian missile really is!

    Nukes were always too dirty! Sure, you could destroy an area, eliminate a target, but not in a way that allows you to move in and take it over. And “yes” we have different nukes, and different detonation methods to mitigate the radiation, but they still came with a huge, worldwide stigma of “dropping a nuke”.

    The only thing better, would be a neutron bomb dropped by a satellite, I guess.

    And when (not if) the Russians get this onto an ICBM, they can basically put the finger on any target on the globe, and vaporize it, with no nuclear stigma, fall-out, or radiation.

    As far as we know, no other nation on the planet can do that, yet. Perhaps China is taking notes, but the cumbersome US MIC would take at least a decade to “get there”, IF they started tomorrow! (they won’t), and at some staggering cost, and all the while, instead, just trying to sell more F-35’s, or B-21’s, or some other shit. Because the MIC profit is in FRP volume, not so much R&D.

    Plus, look at how inept we’ve been just with hyper-sonics! Or, our shitty attempts to update our ICBM fleet! We’ve stranded Americans on the fucking Space Station, and Russia has this killer missile!

    And the best part!? The West can’t do a goddamned thing to stop these missiles! The Russians get the thrill of “calling their shot”, telling the West to remove the people, and then watch, as the Russians just atomize it! That’s POWER! That’s dominance!

    Plus, with hyper-sonics, they could probably sink all of our old school aircraft carriers in a single strike, then laugh as we promise retribution! They also have better anti-missile systems than we do!

    Let’s face it, we got left behind, dumping trillions into Iraq, Afghanistan, and all over the globe, in the shitty conventional weapons that have barely worked against third world, fourth rate powers, and all that time, the Russians were developing game changers!

    Lastly, we aren’t even certain that our bullshit “stealth” planes can effectively penetrate Russian airspace undetected, and not get shot down! And if we were wrong about that…. well, then we seriously fucked up!

  4. PapayaSF says:

    China is more of a real enemy than Russia. China is still Communist and trying to conquer the world. Once Ukraine is settled I see no good reason to be enemies with Russia.

    •�Agree: VinnyVette
    •�Disagree: One Nobody
    •�LOL: IronForge
    •�Troll: Tom Welsh, gidoutahere
  5. Notsofast says:

    the u.s. mici mouse club, is clueless, because they are completely powerless to respond, they don’t know, because they don’t want to know.🙈🙉🙊🤡

    their entire strategy is to win the “informational war” through propaganda and full spectrum dominance of western mockingbird media. somehow these idiots have convinced themselves, that if they can bamboozle their own populations, they can trick the russians into believing it as well, through their superior animal magnetism and the russians will surrender through mesmerization.

    this may have worked with gorbachev and yeltsin, but this isn’t the nineties and putin is an entirely different animal. they are stuck in the nineties and so are their weapon systems. these rip van winkles have over slept by three decades and all of their chimp like hooting and chest beating, is really just to reassure one another of their own superior nature. do chimps like hazelnuts?

  6. @PapayaSF

    The fact is that China and Russia should be demonized even though these countries do not need to colonize anyone because they are large countries with incalculable wealth in their territories.

    The problem is the bad effect of their development on the Western population, which can demand more social equality from its politicians and not just to distribute national wealth among electoral donors.

    •�Thanks: SkibbidyDiddyParty
    •�Replies: @skrik
  7. no, Pablo and the Putinistas:

    Babyface Tsar’s wunderwaffen has no deterrant value unless/until he has the guts to use it on a US/NATO target in Europe….instead of endlessly blowing up more stuff and killing more people in Ukraine.

    otherwise, the globohomo Jews and their hirelings are perfectly happy to see this white-on-White masacre go on indefinitely. And Trumpstein will see that it does.

    •�Troll: One Nobody, VinnyVette
  8. Patrick Lancaster, war correspondent, interviewed by The Duran guys:

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: Agent76
  9. I don’t see Trump trying to conquer Russia at all. Which is why the Brits hate him. That’s their goal, not America’s. Trump’s MO is to frame Ukraine as a European problem which Europeans should be paying for but aren’t, as admitted to today by Van Der Liar.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  10. Solutions says:

    So how did we get here you may ask.
    By the vigorous exhibition of a particularly vulgar mix of arrogance, ignorance and presumption i.e. exceptionalism.

    Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country.
    John McCain

    I guess it would be a gas station with an Oreshnik now.

    •�Agree: annacat, Arthur MacBride
  11. FTB says:

    The Chinese doesn’t have the ability or desire to conquer the world.

    With one and a half billion people and 56 ethnic groups, Xi already has his hand full. We’re a nation of 370 million with just over a half dozen races and ethnicities and on the verge of civil war split along cultural, political, and ethnic lines.

    China is not still Communist in the Maoist sense. They are a neo-Confucian Monarchist nation.

    •�Agree: Titus7
    •�Thanks: Tom Welsh
    •�Replies: @picture111
  12. @anon

    Racists gotta hate-it’s their one true religion.

  13. Emslander says:
    @Dr. Rock

    Like I said above:


  14. @anon

    China will be smarter than that. China Fully realizes the U.S. has NEVER stopped thinking for one day they want to divide China into multiple pieces, not ever since 19th century, no matter what the U.S. is doing in short term for their convenience.

    Plus, when China sees the West can just freeze, and even try to confiscate, as much as $300 billion Russian’s sovereign foreign reserve, how could China be so naïve to trust the West again? Invest in the U.S.? What if the U.S. just confiscate China’s investment and factory of theirs?

    as we speak, the U.S. is still trying very hard to force China to sell Tiktok. And guess what? China would rather let it close down the U.S. operation, and will NOT be forced into selling it. Because China understands, when there is the first, more will follow.

    MORE than one U.S. NeoCons already said, let China come in, and build the car batteries and EVs with their better technology, and then the U.S. can just steal the technology and confiscate China’s property.

    China fully understand, the U.S. can say it out loud, and can also do it.

    •�Agree: Daniel Rich, MoT
  15. @FTB

    If China wanted to conquer the world, they would have done it back in 14th century.

    No, China and Chinese have NO desire doing that. They just want to peacefully live their own better life, and when possible, will let people in Other countries live a better life too!

    •�Agree: FTB, John Trout
    •�Disagree: RadicalCenter
  16. @Haxo Angmark

    Pepe’s articles are stinking more and more of desperation. At what point will any of the Unz writers admit that they’ve gotten it wrong. The US has domestic issues, but ain’t collapsing anytime soon.

    Russia is nearly three years into it’s three day war and all it has achieved is ensure that Russia will remain a pariah to the countries that matter (China is in it for themselves only and who gives a fuck what Venezuela thinks). Oh, and in it’s aim of stopping NATO being on their border has gotten fucking Sweden to turn it’s back on two centuries of neutrality and Finland on their border.

  17. Wokechoke says:

    Europeans are paying for bad relations with Russia. Especially the Germans who ought to be on the best terms with Russia.
    When the Germans rearm and boot out the Yankees maybe things will settle down.

  18. Wokechoke says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Ukrainians are a uniquely gangster like people. I can’t stop thinking about the Soviet prisoners the Germans took, who then became an SS unit who then murdered those officers so they could surrender to the Brits.

    •�Agree: dimples
  19. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Yep, Erdogan is the biggest snake in the world.

    •�Replies: @RedPill Boomer
  20. EL_Kabong says:

    Maybe they won’t need an Oreshnik, they can just play the assassination game again and next time around, make it real.

    Video Link

    •�Agree: annacat
    •�LOL: Agent76
  21. @Wokechoke

    Booting out the Yankees would be a dream come true for Trump and for all of his supporters. The Krauts will still have Baerbock pushing Russophobia so I see no solution for them.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  22. Titus7 says:

    There was no good reason to be enemies with Russia after the USSR collapsed. They could have been welcomed into the West, instead of pushed into China’s embrace. Everyone could have prospered. Western leaders are evil and stupid.

  23. Wokechoke says:

    Highly unlikely that they would dare to ask the American forces to leave but Europe is at an impasse. The Russians left East Germany without much fuss. The American presence while familiar comes with the price of squeezing the life blood out of legitimate German business interests. They can’t metal bang with these prices on raw materials.

    Imperial Russia was always a safety valve for German businessmen and aristocrats who fancied Eastern Promise. Why not again? They know that can’t come in again as conquerors but as legitimate middlemen and industrialists.

    •�Replies: @Bragadocious
  24. @Priss Factor

    He is, but I wish he’d just leave NATO already, close the US bases, and sign defense treaties with Russia and China. What are the Zio-Americans gonna do, invade Turkey on top of all their other wars of choice?

  25. @Shitposter_in Chief

    Baloney. Russia’s intervention is 100% justified and all the countries that really matter hate the USA. What’s this, the mighty Swedes and Finns decided to whore themselves out to NATO? Putin must be shaking in his boots!

    •�Agree: chris
    •�Replies: @Titus7
  26. @Wokechoke

    The American presence while familiar comes with the price of squeezing the life blood out of legitimate German business interests

    If you’re referring to Nord Stream, I think you’ll find the Russians believe the Brits did it. They’ve now said this twice, including the other day. My hunch is their intel is quite good.

    Why not again?

    Why not again he asks. Ask Britain, whose stated goal in forming NATO was “to keep the Russians out and the Germans down.”

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  27. Wokechoke says:

    Germany isn’t militarily occupied by the British. American troop strength here on the other hand threatens a coup within 24 hours.

    •�LOL: Bragadocious
  28. Megoy says:

    Never forget, the JEWS made it impossible for Trump to have good relations with Russia and unite the white world. The evil
    Jew neo-cohens would rather see Russia and China destroy the west than for white people to have any chance of triumph over their Jew oppressors. Michael Flynn once asked “Why to we have an East/West divide in the world when we could have a North/South (read: a United white gentile alliance that no one would dare mess with). The Jews got rid of him immediately even though he was apparently talking to Russia about the Jews and Israel!! Never trust the Jews!

    •�Agree: nokangaroos, John Trout
    •�Replies: @William Everett
  29. Roberts. says:

    Russia doesn’t want to escalate the war. They would have by now if that was case. Biden has given every chance for a escalation and the bait has been pushed away. What they want is for over time, money to slow down to Ukraine and then they get what they want, which is gobble up the Russian speaking part of Eastern Ukraine.

    The claims that Putin will ride all the way to Berlin are propaganda and nothing more than that. NATO + USA + Canada etc. is more powerful than Russia and Putin is not stupid, he knows that. Nukes are something he leans on as a land invasion of his country like what was done to Iraq means that all Western Capital cities and the large cities will be wiped out in exchange.

  30. Reff says:

    What are you trying to say here exactly? Maybe it’s the wine but seriously can you just say it?

  31. Chaskinss says:

    Paging Plaza Accords. Bad is good for the vile us and its dumber than stale dogsht populace

  32. Anonymous[423] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Dr. Rock

    Here’s an interesting piece from a physicist and engineer (Ph.D. in physics) who spent decades working in tech and R&D including at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.

    Current year US military is hilarious

    NOV 08, 2023

    So, the US lit off a Minuteman-3 recently. This system, with origins in the 1950s, is the land-based part of the US nuclear deterrence triad. The test didn’t go well; it blew up right after launch, probably from rotten capacitors. The google machine tells me this isn’t an isolated incident; the last time we tried lighting one off, the same thing happened. We do have a sea based ballistic missile deterrent in the Trident-2. The US hasn’t had any problems with them yet. The British have, and they draw from a shared pool with the US. The other arm of the triad is the B-2 and B-52; the B-2 can’t fly when it’s raining, and the latter dates from 1952. There are plenty of nuclear tipped cruise missiles; fortunately most of those were designed in the 70s and 80s when America still mostly had its shit together…

    Most of the innovations in weapons systems of the last two decades have been abject failures; from Zumwalt and Littoral Combat Ships, to the F-35. Even more humble projects like the KC-46 tanker (a Boeing 767 to replace the KC-135 which are basically 50s era 707s) have had a hard time. There are no new wunderwaffen in waiting, and the manufacturing capabilities of the US probably aren’t capable of building any if we were to come up with a good idea…

    Dying America is still dangerous, like a lunatic who inherited his father’s arsenal, but it sure ain’t what it used to be.


  33. Odyssey says:

    From Russia With Love

    Hazelnut, hazelnut, we love you so,
    In every bite, you help us grow.
    Hazelnut, hazelnut, fresh and crunchy,
    The star of the table, our favourite munchy!

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @MacOisdealbhtoo
  34. chris says:

    Graphic proof that the MICIMATT and NATO have absolutely no clue what hit them – and will hit them again – is the escalation dementia in effect even after Oreshnik’s warheads reduced a missile factory in Dnipropetrovsk to smithereens.

    Gee, wouldn’t that be a little ironic, if, in view of the seemingly apparent, present “missile gap,” the US itself would now go bankrupt trying to catch up?

    It’s just the type of glancing punch that could knock down the drunken and blood-soaked “neighborhood bully.” (expanding the Nobel laureate, Mr. Dylan’s notorious song title to refer to the entire Western world along with their Israeli masters)

  35. The time has come for Putin to set aside his restraint. To ensure peace, he must show that he can also be ruthless.

    He needs to “hazelise” Zelensky as an example. Incinerate him and his generals in their Kiev bunker.

    After that, if the Ukrainians refuse to negotiate, he should then start hazelising Ukrainian city after city, starting in the east. Identify a city and give the residents a week to vacate. At the end of the week, completely destroy the city with hazelnuts. Continue steadily westwards to the borders of Poland. Drive the remaining Ukrainians as refugees into the EU.

    If Ukrainians have no sense to negotiate, and continue to be imperial pawns, then neither do they deserve their country.

  36. anon[413] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Babyface Tsar’s

    You keep using this same phrase, over and over.
    Unemployed autistic shut-ins like you would have been sent to work camps in Nazi Germany, or thrown off tall buildings in modern Iran, (preferable).

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�LOL: chris
    •�Replies: @chris
  37. SafeNow says:

    The essay says that Hazel has the destructive power of a low-to-medium-yield nuke. A commenter says that for Russia, the virtue of Hazel is that Russia avoids the stigma of dropping a nuke. It would seem that these two cannot, logically, be harmonized.

    •�Replies: @skrik
    , @Anonymous
  38. skrik says:
    @Liborio Guaso

    China and Russia should be demonized

    WTF?! Shows your stance = the ‘Collective Waste’ should kill, kill! Kill to steal!

    Ever heard of MYOB; leben & leben lassen? There’re quite enough idiots in the ‘Collective Waste’ rulers, they need no ‘help’ from you.

  39. The present federal tyrannical government doesn’t seem to be planning on letting Trump get into office by using force to prevent it. The DOD and FEMA have already trained American (or illegal alien) soldiers to crush any protests of dissent that object to this action. 30 thousand soldiers have gone through anti-protest training. How many of those will follow orders to kill Americans? Especially illegals.

    The Real Reason 350 FEMA Trucks Just Showed Up In Michigan Has Everyone Losing It
    Posted on November 28, 2024 by State of the Nation

  40. @Shitposter_in Chief

    Russia will remain a pariah to the countries that matter

    All the West’s moronic sociopathic supremacist delusion in ten words.

    •�Agree: Notsofast
  41. Titus7 says:
    @RedPill Boomer

    Swedes proved to be idiots, as usual. They traded safe neutrality for the opportunity to be completely destroyed in a potential ZOG/NATO imperial aggressor war.

  42. @Titus7

    “They [post-collapse Russians] could have been welcomed into the West, instead of pushed into China’s embrace. Everyone could have prospered. Western leaders are evil and stupid.”

    Well, yes; but actually it is more like, Western leaders are stupid and evil enough to allow themselves to be controlled by the *real* (((evil people))), who dread and hate the idea of global White peace and prosperity, and who would rather nuke both America and Russia than see them in a mutually beneficial alliance. After all, if that happened, whose blood would they suck then?

  43. @Notsofast

    The U.S. has ensnared itself in a trap of its own design with its Sino-Russian policy
    miscalculations going back to 1990.

    Our Neocon-Zionist Wars against Islam provoked a billion Muslims to despise us
    and loaded the donkey with unpayable debt, only to be followed by two genocidal,
    proxy wars in Ukraine and Palestine.

    If the U.S. were a person he would have already been declared hopelessly psychotic
    and legally stupid. But, now the Zio-lunatics and the MIC cashiers are dead set on
    provoking direct conflicts with Russia, China and Iran, although some of our
    geopolitical masterminds have been possessed by a fantasy of creating a divide
    between Russia and China, even as our threats drive them closer together.

    How many times can we bamboozle ourselves? If the worst case scenario continues
    to unfold, we will never find out.

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  44. Sestito says:

    Zelensky will have to settle for ceding all of the four independent provinces (including remaining territory in his hands) to Russia, along, of course, with finally giving up all claims to Crimea for good.
    Putin will have to settle for Ukraine joining NATO.

    •�Replies: @MoT
    , @John Trout
  45. ebear says:

    “….and launched from Chukotka, it may reach Minuteman III silos in Montana in 23 minutes.”

    By which time those missiles will already have been launched.

    Pepe is missing an important point here. These things are tactical only. If used to attack the continental USA the response will be launch on warning, and US missiles are nuclear. So who takes the hardest hit in such an exchange? USA or Russia?

    •�Replies: @Daniel Rich
    , @MoT
  46. Cluster Oreshnik is as good as a small nuke, according to Putin, and will take the radiation out of mass destruction.

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  47. @anon

    This is rational, therefore wishful, thinking. Humans are compelled by instincts, not reason. Cooperation with China is not racially possible. This is an affront to the foundational values of Western civilization.

  48. Daniel Rich says: •�Website

    “do chimps like hazelnuts?”

    As far as I know, only roasted ones…

    •�LOL: Notsofast
  49. Daniel Rich says: •�Website

    “So who takes the hardest hit in such an exchange? USA or Russia?”

    That would be you and me, and all other innocent civilians.

  50. @Dr. Rock

    Let’s face it, we got left behind, dumping trillions into Iraq, Afghanistan, and all over the globe, in the shitty conventional weapons that have barely worked against third world, fourth rate powers, and all that time, the Russians were developing game changers!

    To think that all these thousands of lauded Experts supposedly had it all under control, as they supposedly did with Covid-19. Yet nobody is ever fired, stripped of their pension, imprisoned, or shot for failures so egregious that they are tantamount to treason.

    •�Thanks: Trumpeter
  51. @quasi_verbatim

    Cluster Oreshnik is as good as a small nuke, according to Putin, and will take the radiation out of mass destruction.

    Speaking as a person with an apartment five miles from NATO Headquarters and three miles from EU Headquarters, and a wife who still commutes by plane to Brussels and lives in that apartment two days out of the week, the Oreshnik is good news; without the radiation she’ll easily survive a Russian attack.

    •�Agree: Che Guava
    •�Replies: @Che Guava
  52. eah says:

    Many people see that longstanding norms of all kinds have been abandoned — this is perhaps most noticeable with respect to aberrant sexuality, but there are other obvious examples too, e.g. neutral journalism and respect for the spirit of the First Amendment, to name two.

    The intense hostility toward Trump coming from political and media elites during his first presidency was something I’d never seen before — a great many people are heavily influenced by the media, and the constant vilification of Trump robbed him of the moral authority a president needs to be seen as a leader, be effective, promote acceptance of an agenda, etc.

    Also, it’s more or less traditional that a lame duck president shouldn’t do much during his remaining time in office — certainly nothing to make an existing problem significantly worse, especially a serious problem like the war in Ukraine — abandoning that tradition, Biden says Ukraine can hit Russian territory with American weapons.

    I don’t see an end to this kind of societal and political nihilism — it will likely produce growing disaffection and conflict within the US.

    •�Agree: katesisco
    •�Replies: @rebel yell
  53. So Boris Johnson has just come out and admitted what everybody already knew: the “Ukraine” conflict is a proxy war that the West is waging against Russia (see below). OK, now why would the Jews that rule the West give this order to this mop-head, that is, to admit the obvious? Aren’t they supposed to keep the normies in the dark? Because when he was prime minister, Johnson said exactly the opposite:

    Johnson said in a TV interview “They are trying to frame this as a conflict between Russia and the West, or Russia and NATO. That’s not what is going on.”

    Ukraine: Boris Johnson rejects ‘NATO proxy war’ allegations
    By Euronews with AP, AFP Published on 26/04/2022

    It seems as though the Jews want to go into a new phase: preparing the normies for the open war of the Jew-controlled West against Russia — with Oreshnik or no Oreshnik. To the Jews, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that a bunch of Jewish interests will be met: many more goys will be killed; a lot more of the Ukraine will be cleared for Jew Black Rock exploitation; one of the biggest Jew money-laundering schemes will continue, but exponentially, since now there is talk of a “land lease” of half a trillion to be pumped into the Ukraine.

    What the Jews are doing is pushing the Western sheeple into accepting a never-ending escalation: if the sheep don’t revolt or even complain, the Jews just keep shoving more of this warmongering shit down their throat — right to the brink of WWIII.

  54. MoT says:

    Negative. There will be no NATO membership allowed. That’s the point of this whole exercise. Otherwise all of these dead and wounded were for nothing and his arguments for having launched this operation would exposed as a lie. Not a good look.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  55. MoT says:

    Except they have a working air defense system and fallout shelters. The US? Not a fucking thing!

  56. JR Foley says:
    @Shitposter_in Chief

    USA needs a taste of what they have done to others for the past 248 years—any and all pretexts for war –over there–somewhere over there. Hopefully Putin will provide 100 plus systems for Cuba to checkmate Ukraine.

  57. @Notsofast

    I wish they were chimps. They are baboons.

  58. A few decades ago the masterminds in the MIC came up with the idea of a kinetic energy weapon. An orbiting platform to launch telephone pole sized tungsten rods at targets on the surface of earth. Again the energy of a small to medium nuke without the radiation or stigma. It now appears that Russia has achieved this goal much more simply and vastly cheaper. From the very top leadership to engineers and executives Russian IQ will continue to thwart blowhard American politicians and conniving Straussian hegemonists.

  59. Thanks Pepe for explaining what Hazelnut is, does and means. Maybe for the obtuse DC idiots the Russians should have named it the Nut Cracker.

    One point needs to be made. If the Oreshniked were to be launched as a ICBM warhead, I am sure the other side’s early warning systems and protocols would initiate the end of mankind. This is a bad idea in the “end.”

  60. @Odyssey

    Hazel nuts are actually seeds, I am allergic to hazelnuts, the only thing I can’t eat.
    I become elephant man .

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  61. @Fin of a cobra

    If the whole world had joined the truckers protest this war would be over already.

    Convid aka juflu showed them our professionals can be bought, our medical peeps can be silenced, and the Zkarens will spie on us all , just so they can virtue signal the blm peeps.

    Israel will nuke itself and blame Iran.

    Happy a thanksgiving to the US.🇨🇦☘️🥅🏒🥍

    •�Replies: @N. Joseph Potts
  62. xyzxy says:

    Even President Putin didn’t know Oreshnik was ready for its close-up until the last minute.

    Not trying to be a crank, only curious– how do you know what Putin knows, and when he knows it?

    Perhaps forgotten is Putin’s speech to the Russian Federal Assembly, Feb 2024. At the time it made quite an impression on the West, and fostered speculation as to what he was referencing. Below are excerpts, where he talks about existing hypersonic weapons, and newer weapons under development. My guess now is that he was talking about the Hazelnut.

    Kinzhal, the hypersonic air-launched complex, has not only entered combat duty, but has been effective when carrying out strikes against critical targets during the special military operation. By the same token, Zircon, a ship-based hypersonic missile complex, has already served in combat.

    Avangard hypersonic ICBMs, as well as the Peresvet laser complexes have also entered combat duty. Burevestnik, a cruise missile with an unlimited range, is about to complete its testing stage and so is the Poseidon, an unmanned underwater vehicle.

    Efforts to develop several other new weapons systems continue, and we are expecting to hear even more about the achievements of our researchers and weapons manufacturers.

  63. skrik says:

    It would seem that these two cannot, logically, be harmonized

    Try reading the following slowly [run your finger along underneath the text if it helps]:

    Hazel has the destructive power of a low-to-medium-yield nuke [with no radioactive component/remnant] … the virtue of Hazel is that Russia avoids the stigma of dropping a nuke [which would be due to a radioactive component/remnant, aka fallout].

    IF that doesn’t help THEN perhaps you should seek a different forum.

  64. Bama says:

    A balance of power is the best deterrent to warfare. It’s time someone stuck it to the Anglo troublemakers.

  65. skrik says:


    West plotting to ‘occupy’ Ukraine – Russian intel

  66. Anonymous[139] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Dr. Rock

    For the last 35 years, we have done war with a bunch of shoeless Arab peasants armed with old Enfield rifles, rather than well-armed enemies – Why – the Jews decided who our enemies should be. And the Jews bribed every Washington rat that they needed to get our compliance. So- the real World kept on revolving while we starting calling our weak military – employees” – “Heroes” and “Supermen” and paying them more than any other soldier ever got. Surprise, surprise the Russians developed some missile that even out physics majors don’t yet comprehend.
    Our only choice – decide that we are not the heavy weight champions of the World – get the fuck out of running the World – let the Jews pick another sucker – and try to make an honest dollar in this Chinese World.

  67. Trumpeter says:

    Emslander @2, the Oreshnick shortens reaction time but reduses uncertainty for the target. The bouncing along the top of the atmosphere at high mach creates great heat and is clearly visible to our satellites. So the US satellites can see and distinguish it without that pause ‘Is it really a launch?’

  68. Trumpeter says:

    Emslander @2, the Oreshnick shortens reaction time but reduces uncertainty for the target. The bouncing along the top of the atmosphere at high mach creates great heat and is clearly visible to our satellites. So the US satellites can see and distinguish it without that pause ‘Is it really a launch?’

    •�Replies: @Emslander
  69. @Solutions

    “Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country.” And the USA is a “polygot boardinghouse to the world” (Theodore Roosevelt) masquerading as a nation. Advantage Russia.

  70. Aragorn says:
    @Shitposter_in Chief

    Sweden is a pile of shit, which lives on steal pensions, and create empty houses for Germans.
    If a child to a Swedish “military” get murdered, they instantly join the murderer.
    That’s why they are so found of child killers.
    Its actually very similar to “US” and “Israel”.
    Prime Ministers and such disappear by similar clown jokes as President candidates in “US” lives.
    Oh, and their famous working slave cast mass murder in their hospitals.

  71. xyzxy says:

    China is still Communist and trying to conquer the world.

    For someone who (from your previous posts) likes to mention Sun Tzu, you have a pretty lame understanding of modern Chinese politics/economics. What does ‘still Communist’ even mean? As others have pointed out, Communist China ended with the death of Mao, and the arrest of the Jiang Qing clique. Against reality, the idea of ‘Chicoms’ still remains within the popular imagination. I thought it would rot along with the corpse of Rush Limbaugh, but evidently not.

    Revolutionary Chinese Communism was superseded by Deng’s ‘Socialism with Chinese Characteristics’, really having more in common with the theoretical Italian Fascism of Giovanni Gentile than anything that ever went down in the Soviet Union, or that Marx and Engles wrote about. In fact, the last real old-style Chinese communist who held power was probably Bo Xilai, politburo member and head of Chongqing’s government.

    Bo attempted to bring back the old magic, with his so-called Red Culture movement, a mix of Maoist patriotism plus his ‘cult of personality’– a challenge to the regime headed by then president, Hu Jintao. However Maoism was the last thing the Party (and the people) wanted to bring back. After an uncovering of major corruption, not to mention his wife involved in the murder of a British citizen over some questionable business dealings, Bo was arrested and sentenced to death, which I believe was commuted to life in jail.

    As far as ‘conquering the world’? I know that history is hard, what with learning all those names, and keeping dates in order, but the Comintern is long gone. BRICS is the model, now. Really a ‘live and let live’ sort of thing.

    I suggest that instead of Chinese C0mmunism, you call it Chinese Democracy. There’s even a record of that name (the one with the fantastic electric guitar, by that guy who wears a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken for a hat) that you can listen to while you read up on it. In keeping with the G&R theme, I admit that it’s not as conceptually coherent as the Maoist opera, Red Detachment of Women, however I think most observers agree that present-day China doesn’t have the appetite for destruction that one might have witnessed during Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

    •�Agree: FTB, Joe Levantine
    •�Replies: @Joe Levantine
    , @antibeast
  72. C’mon Pepe, stop spreading this bullshit –

    the Old Testament psychopathological genocidals in Tel Aviv

    – they’re NOT OLD TESTAMENT! The Talmud is NOT OLD TESTAMENT! They’re DaSynagogue of Satan as named by Jesus Himself
    While your essay is excellent, it is no excuse for spreading ignorance – even in seemingly minor matters, which it isn’t. There are literally millions of deceived churchians who believe the same crap – I know – I was one of them – servants of Satan!
    You should read this –

    There are levels to this that are too detailed for more than a mention. Some can make adjustments within a frame of reference but ricochet off when the frame comes into question. If you’ve experienced it, it seems like a weird mental glitch / reset that’s actually noticeable. – https://theunclejohnsband.blogspot.com/2024/10/information-processing-and-functional.html?m=1

    – read it all!
    And BTW – judging by many of the comments here – those commenters might want to read that link as well – not that they would necessarily accept the information. Extremely insightful!

  73. There are two articles this morning on unz.com regarding the Hazel supersonic missiles developed by Russia. One, written by Israel Shamir is a sober piece, informative and entertaining, and then, there is this one by Pepe Escobar, full of bombast and boring and he is so glad that now China will be safe from the US, thanks to the Big Daddy in Moscow that he is doing the mental tango all by himself.

  74. @anon

    If you were smart (you aren’t), you wouldn’t call on white people to ally with another species whose continued survival is dependent upon our genocide. Fuck off.

    •�Disagree: N. Joseph Potts
  75. How seriously should one take a political commentator who refers to an “American ruling class.?”

    There is no American ruling class – America is an occupied country.

    It is 100% controlled by Jews through money, as money is power.

    If it weren’t, neither Trump nor Biden/Harris would have been near power, and neither would Trump’s goyische stooges.

  76. In a nutshell: the MICIMATT only sees what Russia shows off – and when it happens. Call it a leak-proof vow of secrecy permeating the Russian military complex – which, by the way, is a massive state, nationalized company, with a few private components.

    And that offers the Russian government, in practice, better engineering, better physics, better mathematics and better practical, final results than anything across the self-important collective West.

    What? You mean market forces and the power of capital can’t compete with a state industry? What? What?

    It’s funny to think of the F-35, which we learned last week needs yet another 2 trillion spent to fix an overheating issue, has had so many trillions spent on it using the private sector know-how, can-do spirit… imagine what Russians do with a tiny fraction of the cash using state agencies. Americans can only use massive debt to run these eye watering grifts that only cause harm (covid jabs, overpriced military hardware, etc.) while leaving the citizens with crushing debts and a collapsing quality of life.

    If we only had more diversity, we could solve all these problems.

    •�Replies: @old coyote
    , @N. Joseph Potts
  77. There is lots of posturing going on over Britain wanting to give away the US base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean back to Mauritius who is allied with China. Starmer wants to appease the anti-colonialists and get it done before Trump gets in. Is China being neo-colonialist here? Or would they even base anything there if they could?


    •�Thanks: Agent76
  78. Great article Pepe Escobar, but the problem I see is that majority of US voters and US citizens are mind-manipulated into voting for The Democratic Party and for The Republican Party (the 2 parties responsable for zionism, for wars, poverty, and accumulation of wealth in a minority and poverty and hunger in the majority)

    All these institutions like colleges, families, churches, work-places, the military, friendships, social groups exercise a mind-control on all US citizens and US voters so at the end of the day because US voters are mind-controlled it is impossible for a mind-controlled US voters to vote for a third party option like Jill Stein, or the people of the World Socialist Website (Joseph Kishore and Jerry White)

    This is why it is so detrimental for the freedom of people, to belong to crowds, groups, organizations, families, churches, work-places, but most americans cannot live a lonely life away from all those mind-controlling entities, institutions that are responsable for most US citizens to hate Putin and Hezbollah and Hamas and to love Israel, Democrats and Republicans

    Here are 3 sociology theories about how wrong most US voters are, US voters are not individualists, free-thinking independent people, they are psychologically enslaved because groups, institutions have been exercising a mind-manipulation on most US voters so that they would vote all the time for Democrats and Republicans

    NOTE: Oh by the way Michel Foucault said that all education institutions (including schools, universities and colleges) are mind-control, mind-manipulation institutions. And not only that, they literally jails, prisons

    The theory of Argumentum Ad-Populum

    Argumentum ad populum is a type of informal fallacy,specifically a fallacy of relevance, and is similar to an argument from authority (argumentum ad verecundiam). It uses an appeal to the beliefs, tastes, or values of a group of people, stating that because a certain opinion or attitude is held by a majority, or even everyone, it is therefore correct. Appeals to popularity are common in commercial advertising that portrays products as desirable because they are used by many people or associated with popular sentiments instead of communicating the merits of the products themselves. The inverse argument, that something that is unpopular must be flawed, is also a form of this fallacy.

    The fallacy is similar in structure to certain other fallacies that involve a confusion between the “justification” of a belief and its “widespread acceptance” by a given group of people. When an argument uses the appeal to the beliefs of a group of experts, it takes on the form of an appeal to authority; if the appeal relates to the beliefs of a group of respected elders or the members of one’s community over a long time, then it takes on the form of an appeal to tradition.

    The theory of the bandwagon effect

    The bandwagon effect is a psychological phenomenon where people adopt certain behaviors, styles, or attitudes simply because others are doing so. More specifically, it is a cognitive bias by which public opinion or behaviours can alter due to particular actions and beliefs rallying amongst the public. It is a psychological phenomenon whereby the rate of uptake of beliefs, ideas, fads and trends increases with respect to the proportion of others who have already done so. As more people come to believe in something, others also “hop on the bandwagon” regardless of the underlying evidence.

    Following others’ actions or beliefs can occur because of conformism or deriving information from others. Much of the influence of the bandwagon effect comes from the desire to ‘fit in’ with peers; by making similar selections as other people, this is seen as a way to gain access to a particular social group. An example of this is fashion trends wherein the increasing popularity of a certain garment or style encourages more acceptance. When individuals make rational choices based on the information they receive from others, economists have proposed that information cascades can quickly form in which people ignore their personal information signals and follow the behaviour of others. Cascades explain why behaviour is fragile as people understand that their behaviour is based on a very limited amount of information. As a result, fads form easily but are also easily dislodged. The phenomenon is observed in various fields, such as economics, political science, medicine, and psychology. In social psychology, people’s tendency to align their beliefs and behaviors with a group is known as ‘herd mentality’ or ‘groupthink’. The reverse bandwagon effect (also known as the snob effect in certain contexts) is a cognitive bias that causes people to avoid doing something, because they believe that other people are doing it.

    The theory of herd behaviour:

    Herd behavior is the behavior of individuals in a group acting collectively without centralized direction. Herd behavior occurs in animals in herds, packs, bird flocks, fish schools and so on, as well as in humans. Voting, demonstrations, riots, general strikes, sporting events, religious gatherings, everyday decision-making, judgement and opinion-forming, are all forms of human-based herd behavior.

    Raafat, Chater and Frith proposed an integrated approach to herding, describing two key issues, the mechanisms of transmission of thoughts or behavior between individuals and the patterns of connections between them. They suggested that bringing together diverse theoretical approaches of herding behavior illuminates the applicability of the concept to many domains, ranging from cognitive neuroscience to economics.

  79. “I don’t think enough people understand what a huge game changer this latest Russian missile really is!”

    It only changes the game if the global community shrinks. If NATO balks then the game has changed. But Russia has invited introduced a regional/global conflict on her own accord. Not the by the US, NATO or European dealings with Ukraine.

  80. Not to minimize the Oreshnike, but I think there is much hyperbole surrounding this weapon. The amount of energy it can deliver is no greater than the energy contained in the rocket fuel minus the loss due to friction, which would be substantial given the high velocities. Thus, to compare it to a nuclear weapon is silly.

    •�Replies: @Passing by
  81. BrooLidd says:

    90% of American men yelled their heads off 30 years ago in opposition to NAFTA, GATT, and the WTO.

    To no avail.

    Washington said, “We’re seriously debating the pros and cons. Trust us.”

    They were lying and we knew it. It was a done deal from the beginning.

    Thst’s when American men began to loathe their government.

    Here’s my opinion:

    The US will never reindustrialize, will never recover its manufacturing.

    It is an impossibility.

  82. @Megoy

    This genomic research document indicates that 90% of the world Jewish population is indeed predominantly Khazarian in origin:


    Almost all of the “American” “Neocon” Jews complicit in the Ukrainian situation have recent Ukrainian Jewish ancestry. Zelensky has essentially stated that his purpose is to significantly expand Greater Israel. (The declaration of their mythological tribal god is that the entire world is Greater Israel, by rights.)

    Much of the Ukraine is within the boundaries of the historical territory of the Jewish nation of Khazaria. Present Armenia is within this boundary.

    Judaism is a religion which principally celebrates folktales of genocide. Its diety is essentially a god (djinn) of genocide. What is happening in the Ukraine is the genocide of the European male population. Considering the information provided in this comment and other documented Jewish behavior, it seems reasonable to assume that the devastation of the European Ukrainian population is an intentional consequence of the current events.

    There’s no question that Russia was provoked and continues to be sorely provoked. It was not just NATO nations who provided weapons and training to Azov prior to and after the Russian incursion. Israel was the original principal benefactor of Azov. This is also true in hostilities against Christian Armenians.

    “The Saxons” are not the instigators of the Ukraine conflict. That Putin would make such a claim is beyond disingenuous. Evidently, he wants Russians to hate a supposed ethnicity for no sane reason. Putin knows that influential diaspora and Israeli Jews of Ukrainian background have successfully orchestrated an anti-Russian coup in the Ukraine and that they are responsible for ongoing hostilities directed at Russia and Orthodox Christian Ukrainians. Intentionally or not, Putin’s directives have conveniently ethnically cleansed Ukrainian men, providing an invaluable service for Greater Israel and the refoundation of Khazaria.

    •�Agree: Amalek Lives Matter
  83. Che Guava says:

    China is still Communist and trying to conquer the world.

    True to an extent in some places, except that the Chinese concerned don’t care about the polity of China, only how much they can grab, especially land and fixed buildings.

    However, the real place that is intent on generating excess population to try to take over wherever they can is India.

    Also the number one source of plastic pollution in the oceans.

    Also an internally imperialistic state.

  84. Notsofast says:
    @24th Alabama

    the unpayable donkey debt (and elephant debt), they are attempting to hyperinflate away by making the dollar worth less and less until it is completely worthless. this is why bitcoin is at six figures and they now want a “strategic bitcoin reserve”. this allows them to destroy the dollar and all our dollar base assets and replace the dollar with block chains of economic debt slavery, while their unpayable 36 trillion dollars debt disappears along with all of the assets of the middle class.

    they need a war or threats of war, to distract us while they pick our pockets and manacle us with block chains. this will allow them to insure all transactions are taxed to the highest possible burden, to insure their slaves don’t slip the bonds of economic debt slavery. this also allows them to monitor all transactions, prevent us from buying anything they don’t approve of and prevent us from giving money to people they simply don’t like.

    the only real hope i see would be a total russian victory, with accompanying war crimes tribunal. other than that we are on our own and this is why russia is opening her gates to us as a people. they don’t see the american people in the same light as their leadership.

    •�Agree: BrooLidd
    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  85. @Solutions

    >>>I guess it would be a gas station with an Oreshnik now.

    Senator McCain originally was simply saying that Russia lacks the sophistication and high culture that characterizes the USA.

  86. @anon

    If the US was smart (and it isn’t) it would get rid of the parasite isreal and open trade and dialogue with Iran. A huge market, dialogue and prosperity would quietly rid Iran of the rule of the Mullahs.

    •�Replies: @anon
    , @24th Alabama
    , @Passing by
  87. Solutions says:
    @William Williams

    Russia lacks the sophistication and high culture that characterizes the USA

    I think you’ve got that statement the wrong way round.

  88. Agent76 says:

    Nov 21, 2024 Russia Struck Ukraine With The World’s Most Powerful Hypersonic Ballistic Missile ‘ORESHNIK’
    On the night of November 21, Russia launched the most devastating missile attack on Ukraine. And judging by the incoming information, the Ukrainian authorities and the so-called Western leaders will be in a state of shock from this demonstration of the power by Russia for a long time. It is noteworthy that Moscow carried out this missile attack immediately after the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation officially announced the downing of two British ‘Storm Shadow’ cruise missiles in Russian airspace. It seems that the Biden administration’s decision to allow Ukraine to use Western long-range missiles deep into Russian territory has indeed proved to be fatal not only for Kiev but also for western countries.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @cousin lucky
  89. @OliverPeeples

    I would love to know the percentage of ‘diversity’ in the upper echelons of Russian’s scientific/engineering class.

    •�Replies: @OliverPeeples
  90. Agent76 says:
    @Fin of a cobra

    Good share, and know this not in any media.

    DECEMBER 25, 2015 NATO: Seeking Russia’s Destruction Since 1949

    Baker told Gorbachev: “Look, if you remove your [300,000] troops [from east Germany] and allow unification of Germany in NATO, NATO will not expand one inch to the east.”


    Nov 29, 2016 The Map That Shows Why Russia Fears War With US

    •�Replies: @nokangaroos
  91. Sarita says:

    Syrian dictator Bashar Assad suddenly woke up and remembered he had enemies, so he called the Russian midget and they both started bombing, (not Israel 🫤 who has been bombing their ass for ten years now)
    but the resistance in the north…

    45 civilians killed and injured in Russian airstrikes on Al-Atareb and Darat Izza cities in western Aleppo.. (Syria).
    (Including children and women)

    Aleppo province: The number of civilian casualties in the Russian airstrikes, which targeted different positions in the western countryside of Aleppo, has increased to 45; they are distributed as follows:

    Four airstrikes on the surrounding areas of Sarmin town.

    Four airstrikes on the surrounding areas of Majdaliyah town.

    Two airstrikes on Al-Nayrab town.

    Four airstrikes on the surrounding areas of Saraqeb city.

    Two airstrikes on Dadikh village.

    Four airstrikes on Darat Izza ciy.

    An airstrike on Al-Atareb city.

    Three airstrikes on Areha city and its surroundings…


    •�Replies: @littlereddot
  92. Flipper says:

    Thats very Neocon US Globalist comment. You act as if Russia and China are pieces of the game of Risk. Why, would Russia want to be friends with the USA? We just tried to take over their country and kill them.. Are you high? USA is toast and you can ride that turd down the crapper on your own. Less and Less countries like the USA with each passing year. If I were the Russian, I would just send over thousands of AK’s, RPG’s and lots of other stuff. Like, just drop it off in Da Hood! They would have so much fun against Whitey. It’s not like the border is secure. After all, 12 million Illiterate Illegals just WALKED in! HAHA

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  93. @Sestito

    I disagree. NATO should have disbanded when the Warsaw Pact disbanded.
    NATO is basically the US arm of the neocons who’s quest of world domination is crumbling.
    Trump will probably withdraw from NATO and that will be the end of it.
    When the smoke clears half of the former Ukraine will remain Russian as it was, the other half will be a form of Europe as the former Europe will evolve into something else if they can get rid of their neocons.

    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
    , @RadicalCenter
  94. anonymous[129] •�Disclaimer says:

    The GENOCIDAL Biden and Genocidal UK started bombing Yemen, before the faggots are kicked out of the Whore House in January 2025.

    Yemeni media reported a new round of airstrikes by US and UK warplanes that hit the Bajil District in Hodeidah province on 28 November, just minutes after Ansarallah leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi confirmed that Sanaa will continue its military operations in support of Palestine.
    “We cannot allow the fronts to be evacuated and the occupation to isolate Gaza, and we are present in all battlefields … We, in the support front in Yemen, God willing, seek to do our utmost to support the Palestinian people,” Houthi said in a televised speech on Thursday.

    BREAKING | US-UK aggression targets the Bajil District in the Hodeidah Governorate Yemen, with two raids.

    Death to US/UK, terrorist states and complicit in genocide of Gaza and Yemen. Biden must be arrested as a war criminal and along with Netanyahu send to ICC to be executed. Shame on America and Americans. Trump is another Jewish mafia member and an ASSASSIN where should be sent to ICC. Fuck Ahmed Khan, who is impotent to arrest Netanyahu and genocidal Biden. He has done NOTHING to arrest Biden and Netanyahu as war criminals but they go after Africans and Putin.

    Israel has NO right to exist in Palestine.

    Yemen Leader al-Houthi: “The USS Eisenhower fled the Red Sea, followed by the Abraham Lincoln, along with a third aircraft carrier… For the first time in the history of the U.S. Navy, aircraft carriers have lost their deterrence role since their use began…. The British colonial era offers important lessons, as Britain, despite its capabilities, was defeated and expelled.”

    Death to US and UK, the EVIL Empire.

    •�Replies: @HuMungus
  95. @eah

    Many people see that longstanding norms of all kinds have been abandoned — this is perhaps most noticeable with respect to aberrant sexuality, but there are other obvious examples too, e.g. neutral journalism and respect for the spirit of the First Amendment, to name two.

    The intense hostility toward Trump coming from political and media elites during his first presidency was something I’d never seen before — a great many people are heavily influenced by the media, and the constant vilification of Trump robbed him of the moral authority a president needs to be seen as a leader, be effective, promote acceptance of an agenda, etc.

    Good comment eah. From 2012 forward we’ve seen a major change in the unspoken rules of the road in social and political life. It’s obviously been happening for decades before that, but with Obama’s second term the forces of nihilism have taken their place in the upper management of our institutions and are emboldened to act out more openly.
    When Hilary made her comment about the deplorables, she prefaced it by saying, “You know, I may get in trouble for saying this…” But of course, she didn’t really think she was going to get in trouble for saying it. Her campaign was openly dismissive of normal Americans. She believed she could win without them. She went to Dallas after the murder of the policemen there, not to stand against crime or commiserate with the victims, but to scold white people. That’s a lot of hubris. Turns out it wasn’t justified and she lost that battle. But the war against normality is still on and you have aptly identified these people as nihilists.

  96. @OliverPeeples

    I think a lot of what you imagine Russians do with a tiny fraction of the cash is indeed imaginary.

    For (just) one thing: how indeed IS THEIR quality of life doing?

    We (and they) have always been at war with … whatever.

    War is the point. Orwell explained it.

    •�Replies: @OliverPeeples
  97. @Fin of a cobra

    land lease

    WTF are you jabbering about?

  98. @xyzxy

    It is weird that a country that has so many billionaires and respects the discipline of the market far more than America is still labelled a communist country. One has only to look at how the Chinese government resisted bailing out their failing real estate corporations. As Martin Armstrong explains: the Chinese Communist Party is keeping its old name to save face and not have to overtly accept that Mao and communism were a total flop.

    “ I think most observers agree that present-day China doesn’t have the appetite for destruction”

    More like self destruction. That was the legacy of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

    •�Replies: @littlereddot
    , @迪路
  99. chris says:

    Don’t know about Iran actually running parachuting practice without equipment, but funny comment otherwise.

  100. There is also this:

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  101. @John Trout

    Sure, Trump would like to pull the plug on NATO,
    but as before, he’s on a short leash with two
    collars and the little collar has
    a squeeze- me button.

  102. @MacOisdealbhtoo



    WTF are you jabbering about? Oh. Juflu.

    Get a LANGUAGE!

  103. @Agent76

    The Ruskies should have insisted then and there on a unified and neutral
    Germany à la Austria (as they had been periodically proposing since the 1950s);
    of course this was unacceptable to the Jews, Poles, Bèms and the Great Satan.
    – For anything to change, the Great Satan must burn (as Roda Roda put it re:
    the Austro-Hungarian Empire “Good, we can wait the few weeks” 😜).

  104. @Flipper

    More like they would use those weapons on each other or the brown invaders. “Whitey” isn’t a threat, the Latino’s are the threat to the blacks. And unlike “Whitey” Latino’s aren’t about to kiss their asses, wash their black feet, and apologize for being Latino while offering up their women to be fucked by the assholes.

  105. cousin lucky says: •�Website

    The missile that vaporized the plant was a blank – no munitions inside. All of the damage was caused by the speed of the missile, its metallic makeup , and its kinetic energy.

    The hazel missile can wipe out very deep bunkers and command centers just by its impact. It is indeed a ” game-changer “.

    •�Agree: OliverPeeples
    •�Thanks: Agent76
  106. Anynomous says:

    People dont really understand how stupid american and british are because of their psychopathy and narcism. People much higher in intelligence often overestimate mental capabilities of american and british because of this.

    •�Agree: OliverPeeples
  107. Up to 40 Americans killed in Kharkov this week according to the Russian Defense Ministry bulletin as reported in the John Helmer column yesterday:

    The Defense Ministry bulletin on Thursday night identified as targets US-made ATACMS launchers in the Sumy region and anti-ship missiles and their launchers in the Odessa region; Iskander missiles were used in these strikes.

    The Ministry also disclosed that it has targeted US and French military personnel in Kharkov and Odessa . “On 25 November as a result of a missile strike on the Kraken headquarters of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) in the city of Kharkov, up to 40 foreign specialists, mainly from the United States, were killed. In the city of Odessa, an Iskander strike hit the location of a temporary deployment of a unit of the special operations centre responsible for combat direction and control of sea drones, killing 72 personnel including nine French instructors and technicians.”


  108. ariadna says:
    @Peripatetic commenter

    Catchy tune…. I wish my Russian were a lot better.
    I only understood isolated words here and there. The longest parts of the lyrics I understood were “if you decided to play” (in Roman alphabet transliteration: esli vî reshili paigrati) and “From Kremlin fly the …? (iz Kremlia vîletaiut pizdulia). Russian speakers: does that last word men what it sounds like?!

  109. @N. Joseph Potts

    I was in Moscow ten years ago. I would’ve moved there in a heartbeat if a job were available.

    Much of Russia is still rural and poor and desperate, but the state I live in here in America is the same once you leave the city. Like, I seriously doubt anyone thinks the vast majority of the towns and villages in my state are anything but hellish places of despair with absolutely nothing to offer for anyone under 55.

    In Moscow, you could walk anywhere at 3:00 AM and not worry about a thing.

    So for quality of life, I give Russia circa 2014 high marks. Biggest problem they had then was lack of a diversified economy but that has changed quite a bit. Sanctions are a kind of tariff and tariffs are wonderful for diversifying economic activity and creating prosperity. My impression from watching bloggers is that the country is even further along now. Siberia still looks brutal but again, you can find the same thing in AK.

    And yes, Russians do more with less. Sometimes this means cutting corners — the Crocus City Hall went up flames like a cheap toothpick because they cut costs and standards. So it’s a mixed bag but Russia will just get more prosperous if they can raise the birth rates (they can’t). They are already showing a deep fascination with the Magic Negro and given the number of soldiers that are dying, I expect it will become very common to see the Kremlin start breeding the beautiful Slavic women with the niggers. Russian soccer teams will filled with niggers in another 5-10 years. Slavs are even worse at marriage and reproduction than Westoids.

    Moscow is a WEF-based society and it is firmly committed to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. That doesn’t mean they are as stupid, thuggish and wasteful as Americans. A white right-winger would still have a better quality of life over there than in say Chicago or Atlanta.

    St. Petersburg remains the jewel of Russia — I suggest you do some walking tours of that city on YT. Amazing city.

  110. @old coyote

    It was low based on my impressions. I had connections with Russians who worked in the academy (humanities/languages type stuff) but STEM had pride of place.

    Remember that the Russians have been excellent at space and rocketry on their own for many decades, having landed probes successfully (*) on Venus for 3 decades. The Oreshnik is just the latest in a long list of technical achievements. Unlike Americans, who still can’t build a hypersonic and can no longer build decent airplanes, the Russians continue to advance. The U.S. F-35 is a mark of American decline.

    Americans had to use German scientists to get their rocketry program off the ground (so to speak). Americans are incredibly modest at best, but excel at creating neo-pronouns and porn. Americans typically are clueless regarding just how shit tier everything they do really is.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  111. @OliverPeeples

    I hate it when you fuckers start talking about all this interracial crap… It’s annoying as hell.. “Putin is going to start breeding Russian women with the niggers because there aren’t enough slavs.” God I might as well just go watch some bullshit interracial porn and read the cuckoldry comments of retarded white men talking about “BNWO!” or some other gay ass cringe faggotry.

    If Putin does that, then he deserves to get killed. He sounds like a J in disguise, because only they would do some garbage like that. Just not to their own people. It’s beyond me why Russians would even fight for that country if he’s willing to sell them out like that.

  112. @OliverPeeples

    So basically white men die so they can get replaced by blacks in every country. Africans die every day in Africa but I don’t see African leaders trying to wipe out or erase their own population either. Sounds like to me if any of this crap you bring up is true, it’s a white persons problem to get rid of his own kind. Thank GOD I’m not white, I’d hate the fuck out of my own race for this type of shit because no one else does this, if the Japanese is doing it it’s only because they still follow the damn West. They are hopeless anyway.

    At least now I understand why so many white liberals strongly hate their own whiteness. The white leaders definitely don’t give them any good reason to be proud of who they are. But in all honestly I can’t stand this Kalergi plan garbage….And I’m not even white and it still pisses me off hearing about it. Putin deserves to be assassinated if that’s his goal, killing off Ukraine and Russian men just so he can bring in useless as hell negro males to populate his country.

    •�Replies: @OliverPeeples
  113. Anynomous says:

    American, british and israeli terrorists are attacking Syria again. American and british terrorists will not stop until they are stopped with legal violence and exterminated in legal ways. They will never stop until they are stopped with legal force. They just cant help their sick and inbred genes.

  114. SteveK9 says:

    Pépé you are truly an idiot. No, it is not like a nuclear weapon. For God’s sake talk to someone that has at least taken a High School class in Physics.

    •�Agree: awry
  115. ariadna says:

    A huge bronze statue of Trump is being made. It’s OK if when finished it will be transported to Israel.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
    , @Wokechoke
  116. Russia and China need to sign the same kind of mutual defence treaty that was signed between North Korea and Russia. China should also sign such a treaty with North Korea unless it already has. China is in the cross hairs so it should start supplying Russia with weapons like North Korea and Iran are doing. Otherwise, when China comes under attack, Russia may not help them. Unless China stops cooperating with all of those sanctions on Russia like banking, supply of drones, etc. then when it comes under attack, Russia should cut off the flow of fuel and other resources.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  117. Notsofast says:

    agree and now russian intelligence is now saying zato is planning to bring in 100,000 “peacekeepers” in order to force a frozen conflict. that ain’t gonna fly either, i don’t think it’s a coincidence that the russian defense minister is in korea right now. russia won’t back down.

    •�Agree: MoT
  118. HuMungus says:

    The GENOCIDAL Biden and Genocidal UK started bombing Yemen, before the faggots are kicked out of the Whore House in January 2025.

    You call this a bombing?? LOL!!!!

    A PROPER US bombing would have included at least 10,000 dead Yemenis just from these assholes taking down a US drone outside Yemen’s territorial waters over a year ago, before the Yemenis starting their bombing campaign against international shipping.

    Speaking of the campaign against shipping, the proper US campaign would have been to immediately stop any US funded food aid to Yemen, and then proceeding to sink any boat/ship in Yemen’s territorial waters.

    Since they don’t seem to like people shipping stuff outside Yemen’s territorial waters, let us see how much they like no shipping inside Yemen’s territorial waters. LOL!!!!!!

    Toss in a blanket air traffic ban over Yemen just for shits and giggles.

    My guess is that, since they import somewhere around 85% of their food, by now over 50% of them would be dead from starvation.

    The US should keep up this blockade till those assholes chose to remove ‘”God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A curse upon the Jews, Victory to Islam” from their flag and replace it with

    “Allah is the Wimpiest, Long Live America, Long Live Israel, A blessing on the Jews, Death to Islam”.

    It might cost them 99.9% of their population before that happens but that is a price I am more than willing to make. After all “Death to America” alone means a lot more Americans killed than the number of Yemenis that 99.9% of Yemenis killed represents. LOL!!!!!!!!!!

    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @Corrupt
  119. antibeast says:

    Revolutionary Chinese Communism was superseded by Deng’s ‘Socialism with Chinese Characteristics’, really having more in common with the theoretical Italian Fascism of Giovanni Gentile than anything that ever went down in the Soviet Union, or that Marx and Engles wrote about. In fact, the last real old-style Chinese communist who held power was probably Bo Xilai, politburo member and head of Chongqing’s government.

    The Dengist Kleptocracy is more like ‘Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics’ while Maoist Communism is more like ‘Socialism with Chinese Characteristics’. That’s why rampant speculation in the real-estate industry which was ‘privatized’ during the era of the Dengist Kleptocracy promoted all kinds of corrupt practices in both the public and private sectors. The Red Robber Barons led by Bo Xilai, together with Zhou Yongkang, plotted to sieze power from Xi who then led his “Tigers and Flies” campaign to oust them. After the Covid pandemic struck, Xi made his move to destroy the economic base of the Dengist Kleptocracy based in China’s financial capital, Shanghai, by popping the property bubble. That’s when Xi cracked down hard on Jack Ma’s ANT Financial which had financial backing from the Dengist Kleptocracy.

  120. Hey! Australia is a part of 5 Eyes! As far as I can tell, the Australian intelligence service has been closer to the CIA than the Australian government for fifty years at least.

  121. anonymous[200] •�Disclaimer says:

    China and Russia were not friends until they were forced into it–which says something since they are next door to each other. Too different racially. There is much speculation about the kosher influences in China (which seem to be confirmed by the fact that while Putin was shunned, Biden and Blinken and Yellen kissed Xi’s ass).

    I don’t really care if China has trade, but western nations are going to find it to be an unreliable partner long term.
    Trump was right when he pointed out how the Fake News media was touting China as the next superpower–and his election in 2016 denied that coronation. China then was seeking patronage from Germany and now it has Russia.
    That doesn’t sound like superpower behavior.
    If the globalists are seeking a war with China, it is mostly for show–since no doubt the leadership of China has some family roots with western globalists.

    They do have a desire to race-mix China–and seems that the Party is supporting this–given they let race-mixing Hollywood films into China just as Japan is getting it.

    •�LOL: littlereddot
    •�Replies: @HuMungus
  122. anon[281] •�Disclaimer says:
    @John Trout

    A huge market, dialogue and prosperity would quietly rid Iran of the rule of the Mullahs.

    One of the characteristics of a sovereign state is that the people are ruled by a regime that they tolerate. When the regime becomes intolerable, the peasants usually revolt and then it is off with the heads of Le Roi and the Tsar.

    An impartial observer would probably come to the conclusion that the Mullahs are a lot more rational than the loons in charge of the EU and the Iranians are not overly averse to their rulers.

    •�Agree: ariadna
  123. @NoBodyImportant

    At least now I understand why so many white liberals strongly hate their own whiteness. The white leaders definitely don’t give them any good reason to be proud of who they are. But in all honestly I can’t stand this Kalergi plan garbage….And I’m not even white and it still pisses me off hearing about it. Putin deserves to be assassinated if that’s his goal, killing off Ukraine and Russian men just so he can bring in useless as hell negro males to populate his country.

    I used to be a “white nationalist” ideologically whatever that means. I got over it once I took an honest look at how we got where we are. Jews are pernicious on any society, but the causes of white decline and eventual extermination are bigger than “the Jews made me do it.” White nationalism/alt right/etc. are really midwit takes on the current predicament of the West. It’s the white equivalent of the NAACP or ADL.

    Putin isn’t trying to purge the white Russian population, he’s just lost control of his war. Wars are not easy to control.

    When I was in Moscow, I asked Russians about the population situation. Some told me truthfully that they were not certain whether Moscow would still be Russian in 10 or 20 years because they are not able to form families and reproduce. Recall that the divorce rate is significantly higher there and the fertility continues to plummet. The last thing the country needed was a land war with NATO.

    Putin’s short two week special military operation is a meat grinder for them and they, like all white people, believe being Russian is something separate from DNA. They are like E. Michael Jones in that respect (he said something like niggers could become Pollacks, etc.) and are extremely averse to overt nationalism that links blood to soil to kultur.

    The whites in Russia are in a precarious situation and require the cooperation of the “blacks.” When I was there, black was anyone of swarthy skin tone from the various -stans. So to them, importing niggers from Africa is just a continuation of the Russian empire’s reliance on “blacks” to handle the menial jobs needed to run society. The women of course are excited by BBC and all that, although I’ve been told by American blacks that they were not treated well at all in Moscow. Times have changed and there is a noticeable absence of men in parts of the federation. It may be that the white default fascination and worship of niggers will sour, but there won’t be anyway to dislodge them. America cannot return the wetbacks we’ve accumulated over decades.

    The “blacks” used to run open air markets, clean streets, etc. Problem is that the -stans are also suffering declines in birth rates. To tell the truth, the women of Turkmenistan are quite beautiful. I would easily reconsider marriage if I somehow found myself with a passport and residential visa to that country… I suspect most of the West will decline to their current economic level over the next couple of decades assuming AI turns out to be a failure.

    At this point, AGI or better is the only solution to a soft landing for the demographic collapse, wars and plagues, either actual or planned. Even with the decline, there are still too many people chasing too few jobs in the West and the problem is further compounded by the anti-white position of all democratic governments.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  124. @Sarita

    Some accounts say that it was the Idlib rebels who started this round of hostilities. How are we to know which account is true?

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
    , @Sarita
  125. @Joe Levantine

    More like self destruction. That was the legacy of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

    That was a sad tragic event. But let not paint all of China’s recent history with it…that is what Cold War propagandists do.

    No one leader can be everything under the sun. They each have their strengths and weaknesses.

    The one big contribution that Mao gave to China, was to finally kick out the foreign powers make China sovereign again. He was an war time leader.

    The one big contribution that Deng gave to China was to start the economy roaring again, kicking off 200 years of dust and rot.

    The one big contribution that Xi is giving China is to fine tune China’s direction towards a healthier path.

    •�Agree: Joe Levantine
    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  126. Odyssey says:

    Interestingly, I’ve noticed that many people in the West are allergic to nuts and hazelnuts. Schools strictly monitor whether chocolates or other children’s food at school celebrations contain any traces of nuts or hazelnuts. The same vigilance applies in restaurants and at corporate celebrations. Almost every item in supermarkets includes a warning if the product contains nuts.

    This phenomenon seems entirely absent in the East (e.g., Serbia), where cakes and biscuits with nuts, hazelnut chocolate, and similar treats are among the most popular and because of the ingredients – the most nutritious. I have never encountered anyone with such allergies there, nor are the nut contents of products checked or labelled with warnings.

    I’m not sure why this difference exists, but one possibility could lie in historical and genetic factors. Nomads from the Russian steppes, who migrated to Europe around 4,800 years ago, haven’t practiced agriculture, while the indigenous peoples of Europe had been engaged in farming for at least 5,000–6,000 years before the arrival of those nomads.

    Genetic traits related to dietary tolerances evolve slowly, so it’s conceivable that in another 3,000–4,000 years, Westerners will no longer be allergic to hazelnuts unless, of course, they are delivered to them from their ancestral homeland in the meantime.

  127. julio besser says: •�Website

    Looks to me like the Russian SMOs in Syria and Ukraine are starting to show signs of failure.

    Whatever weapons Russia might test or deploy won’t impress anyone until they start to destroy targets with high strategic value.

    Compare Roscosmos to Space X. How superior are the Russians at developing aerospace tech since Putin and Rogozin assumed leadership over the last 25 years? How good are the Russians at building cars compared to the Chinese?

    Now that the elections are over, Biden admin can make the hard power moves in preparation for the incoming Trump admin. Looks to me like Putin and the Russian state face the Kobayashi Maru test.

    •�Disagree: ariadna
    •�Troll: mulga mumblebrain
  128. Wokechoke says:

    Perhaps it ought be placed in the Dome of the Rock.

    •�LOL: ariadna
  129. @Dr. Rock

    I don’t think enough people understand what a huge game changer this latest Russian missile really is!

    Well then explain it for us.

    It has the same load to fuel ratio limitation as any other medium range missile.

    Sure, you could destroy an area, eliminate a target, but not in a way that allows you to move in and take it over.

    The area wasn’t destroyed. That was a claim made by a pro-Putin blogger that wasn’t fact checked.

    This building was hit by one of the submunitions:

    If Putin is winning then why is there so much wonderweapon excitement by his Western defenders?

  130. @OliverPeeples

    Putin isn’t trying to purge the white Russian population, he’s just lost control of his war. Wars are not easy to control.

    I’m not convinced.

    Putin is a globalist and rules over a multi-racial empire.

    He may prefer ruling over the Muslims that he has been importing to replace the Slavs. Central Asian Muslims are much less likely to rebel. They are far less aggressive than Chechens.

    Killing his own Slavs may be part of his plan B. Empty the prisons and reduce the risk of a rebellion by nationalists. He may be using his secret police to draft anyone that has a scent of rebellion or hostility to the state.

    •�Troll: ariadna, FTB
    •�Replies: @OliverPeeples
  131. Wokechoke says:

    I’m thinking it’s got something to do with niggers.

  132. @Odyssey

    Peanut allergies in children have actually increased.

    It’s suspected that they aren’t being exposed to enough foods early enough in Western countries.

  133. @Odyssey

    Peanut allergy became a problem in the West after peanut oil was added to vaccines. Charles Richet received the Nobel for medicine in 1913 for his research on anaphylaxis upon exposure for a subsequent time to an antigen, like those contained in vaccines.

    •�Agree: Passing by
    •�Replies: @Passing by
  134. @littlereddot

    China grew at least as fast before 1978 as after, but from a very low base. Mao’s great achievement, from many, was to repair the effects of 200 years of Western malevolent intervention, civil wars and the Japanese genocide. Xi, one fervently hopes, is moving China back to a more socialist type of ‘socialist market’ economy.

    •�Replies: @Anon
    , @Anonymous
  135. @littlereddot

    The Idlib vermin are jihadist butchers employed by the West, NOT ‘rebels’. Syria must liquidate or expel them for good this time.

    •�Agree: Commentator Mike
  136. @OliverPeeples

    Remember that the Russians have been excellent at space and rocketry on their own for many decades, having landed probes successfully (*) on Venus for 3 decades. The Oreshnik is just the latest in a long list of technical achievements. Unlike Americans, who still can’t build a hypersonic and can no longer build decent airplanes, the Russians continue to advance. The U.S. F-35 is a mark of American decline.

    Oh give me a break. Hypersonics simply haven’t been a priority and you are wrong that they haven’t built one.

    The Russians don’t have an equivalent to HIMARS or the Javelin but that doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of building one.

    It’s funny you mentioned airplanes because Russia relies on Western jumbo jets. They aren’t able to fix them due to sanctions.

    Americans had to use German scientists to get their rocketry program off the ground (so to speak).

    The same is true for the Russians. The first Russian rocket was a clone of the V-2.

    Both the US and USSR grabbed German scientists for their rocket programs.

    Everyone has ripped off the Germans. Even the AK-47 is based on the STG-44. The Soviets started working on their own assault rifle after seeing the STG-44 in action.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @Peripatetic commenter
  137. Odyssey says:

    Kadyrov posted a picture of Russian President Vladimir Putin on his Telegram channel on the imperial throne. He said it was generated by artificial intelligence.

    Russia is power!” Kadyrov wrote.

    He added Putin’s famous words to Westerners:

    Do you want to fight Russia? You won’t even have time to blink.

    Putin made the remarks on February 8, 2022, at a press conference after a six-hour meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron.

    They were a warning to Europe that it could be drawn into the conflict if Ukraine became a member of NATO.

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
    , @John Johnson
  138. RRRic says:
    @Dr. Rock

    This is a tech rollout from Russia who knows what else they may have in development that could use or enhance this platform to create all kinds of other nasty surprises.

  139. Odyssey says:

    Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi called the activation of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Syria part of an American plan to cushion Israel’s defeat in Lebanon.

    On Nov 28, the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that terrorist groups had launched a major offensive in the provinces of Aleppo and Idlib. They even managed to capture more than 20 settlements north and west of the city of Aleppo. The Syrian army has begun to push them back.

    Deputy Head of the Center for Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in Syria, Oleg Ignasyuk, said that the Syrian army, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, had destroyed at least 400 radical Islamists.

    Lebanese TV channel Al-Mayadeen reported that the Syrian army had launched a counteroffensive against the positions of the terrorists and had expelled them from the city of Al-Bakum.

    Hezbollah and Iraqi Shiites are again fighting on the side of the Syrian army, with the participation of Iranian instructors and officers. According to unconfirmed information, on Nov 28, Iranian General Kijunars Pourhashemi was killed near Aleppo.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  140. Sarita says:

    “Some accounts say that it was the Idlib rebels who started this round of hostilities.”

    Oh it was them and they call it a counter offensive.

    “The Syrian rebels said they launched the offensive to “deter aggression” by the government”

    The civil war had been quiet for almost ten years but the kids that were ten years old and grew up in the refugee camps are now twenty so they can pick up an AK 47.
    The rebels are taking advantage of the hizbollah defeat and the so called axis of resistance weakness at this time.
    Trump’s election win made Iran hesitate.
    There is also movement in other parts of the country.

    “Israel has also stepped up its air strikes inside Syria on targets linked to Iran, Hezbollah and other Iran-backed militia groups, while Russian forces are focused on the war in Ukraine.”

  141. Spectral says:

    The Oreshnik has a range of 3,000 kilometers, but in order to be hypersonic in terminal phase it has to go higher than it normally would. Going higher, so it can fall from space and gain energy. That costs it range.

    These missiles have to be very expensive and it’s not obvious Russia will be able to afford to build many of them. They’re just ICBMs without nuclear warheads – expensive and low-yield. (25,000 tons of TNT or .025 kilotons = not a tactical nuke)

    Also – if the damn missile goes way up and then falls to the Earth from space, then it will be moving very slow at apogee. Think of acrobats and how they appear to freeze at the peak of a jump. The missile will be highly vulnerable to interception as it slows just prior to that peak (after peak presumably it starts to seperate)

    This missile is a tactical and strategic innovation by the Russians, but not a game-changer unless you have evidence of hypersonic maneuvering glide vehicles, then please share links – thnx

    •�Replies: @Hang All Text Drivers
  142. @John Johnson

    John Johnson,

    I too saw the report claiming no damage to the weapons plant in Dnipro. You swallowed it (whole hog apparently). I am more skeptical.

    We will know who is lying and who is telling the truth, very soon.

    Mark H. Gaffney

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  143. @John Johnson

    Yup. Russia is reduced to producing propaganda about how they are outproducing NATO and the EU in arms and ammunition:

  144. Common Time says: •�Website

    ..and what does America have..NADA..?

  145. @RedSeaPedestrian

    Kilogram for kilogram, the kinetic energy of a single head is ten thousand times that of a car speeding at 80 mph. On a smaller surface, at 4000°C (or 7000°F), with one of the top three hardest materials known to man, tungsten. Multiply that by 36. But hey, you definitely won’t suffer if it hits you.

  146. @John Trout

    Well, John, before we get rid of the Mullahs, we should encourage the Russians
    to “loan”Iran a few dozen Oreshniks to “finish the job” in Palestine, beating
    Doomsday Don to the punch and smelting the Jews.

    While the US Congress is mourning the loss of our “Greatest Friend and
    Aircraft Carrier,” I’m slipping out the backdoor and heading for the Philippines.
    I plan to Epstein the Islands, because I did it, I cracked the Bitcoin algorithms.
    I still think digital currency is the biggest scam ever, and when it collapses the
    World economy will go down with it, but I’ll have gold by then.

    Also, considering that Iranian ladies are much better behaved than our
    women, maybe we should bring the Mullahs, including the Grand Muthah
    Mullah to the UK and US to help reeducate our women, without touching,
    of course. I hate nasty old men.

  147. @mulga mumblebrain

    If you’re allergic to something, chances are you got it with a vaccine when you were a baby or a toddler.

  148. @John Trout

    If all the women in the world become like the shrieking dolts in Wisconsin, it will be the end of the Mankind. I am for keeping the Mullahs for now.

  149. Anon[760] •�Disclaimer says:

    More wishful thinking from putin’s stooges. Ukrania is crushing the korean mercenaries and killing an average of 1000 fascists per day! President Zelensky has already met with trump and had a positive view of it.

    •�Replies: @Passing by
    , @Odyssey
    , @ariadna
  150. Anon[760] •�Disclaimer says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    And when that happens you will move your ass over there? Please do, we don’t need commie chink lovers over here.

    •�Replies: @littlereddot
  151. @Anon

    Well, you’ve almost the “1000 killed fascists per day” right. Except they’re not fascist, they’re the zionist brand of nazis. But your effort at admitting the truth is commendable.

  152. @Anon

    I have been to China many times. Its pretty sweet.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  153. Odyssey says:

    LOL. President Zelensky?

  154. There may be those who think that the current assault by western ISIS-type proxies, prominently facilitated by NATO Turkey, is a separate issue to Ukraine. Or even the current western Maidan style revolt in Tblisi is separate. But they’re not.
    As Dima explains, it may come to a choice.

    * Western countries have decided to strike Syria in order to stretch Russian reserves and forces and slow down the advance of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine. This move could force Russia to make concessions and freeze the conflict on Ukraine’s terms.
    * Now the Russians have to make a historic choice: either Syria or Ukraine or both, but at a huge cost.


    It may be that Russia’s patience with the Turkish ErDOGan, who continues to supply Israel with vital materials incl oil, is finally wearing out.

    — 🇷🇺/🇸🇾/🇹🇷 The Kremlin: ‘Turkey has violated the Astana and Sochi agreements, and the Syrian Government has the full right to restore security in Aleppo using all types of weaponry and methods, and by any means necessary’

    •�Replies: @Daniel Rich
  155. Anonymous[202] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Unless China stops cooperating with all of those sanctions on Russia like banking, supply of drones, etc.

    From day one, China and Russia started to integrate their banking and financial payment systems. Chinese “civilian” drones are freely “sold” to Russia (not really sold, since they are shipped at below market prices – around 30% less). Those Chinese drones are easily turned into battlefield weapons.

    IMHO, there are two reasons NATO can’t go all in and make war on Russia conventionally. First, there’s the Russian nuclear arsenal. Second, in the background, is China.

    China’s doing it’s part, in a war it doesn’t really want to be happening. War is bad for prosperity, and China’s all about prosperity. BUT, if they need to support Russia to show their commitment to the alliance, China’s already doing it.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  156. @Odyssey

    According to the Duran, this jihadi offensive is unlikely to amount to much once the Hizbollah fighters are unleashed on them after the ceasefire in Southern Lebanon.

  157. ariadna says:


    As for:

    “The Kremlin: ‘Turkey has violated the Astana and Sochi agreements, and the Syrian Government has the full right to restore security in Aleppo using all types of weaponry and methods, and by any means necessary’”

    it would help a lot more if beyond opining that the Syrian Government has the right to restore security in Aleppo, Russia would also extend its opining to Syria’s right to defend itself against Israeli attacks and would also enable Syria to do so, if only in gratitude for Syria’s hospitality to its military bases.

    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  158. HuMungus says:

    China and Russia were not friends until they were forced into it–which says something since they are next door to each other. Too different racially. There is much speculation about the kosher influences in China (which seem to be confirmed by the fact that while Putin was shunned, Biden and Blinken and Yellen kissed Xi’s ass).

    Considering that Russia has yet reduce its Far East forces despite being at war for years, it sez something totally different about Russia/China so called “friendship” … and where is the facts about Biden/Blinken/Yelem kissing XIt stains ass???

    I mean that move by Biden to threaten those US workers being employed by Chinese hardware companies, that they would lose their US citizenship if they continued that employment, was a barbed wire enema up XIt stains ass. ROTFLOMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Meanwhile many Chinese workers can no longer even afford rice. Sniffle! Sniffle! Sob! Sob! LOL!!!!!!!!!

  159. @ariadna

    This is already happening Adriana.
    HTS decided to celebrate their victory * by demolishing a statue of alAssad’s brother in Aleppo and Rus AF paid a visit. Vdo of multiple dead and wounded.
    Similar re Rus MPs intercept of HTS.

    There are many speculations abt Resistance groups from Iraq etc plus Iran forces, Hezbollah joining. Also interesting to see kurdish fighting against Turkey.

    *SAA took four years to retake Aleppo, and ran away abandoning the city in three days. They built not one defensive structure. Nothing.

    PS Doubtful imho the DOG will get away with it again.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @Arthur MacBride
  160. @Anonymous

    Thanks. Maybe they are but they seem to be denying it. At least that’s the impression one gets reading the press; the Western media and politicians accuse China of helping the Russian war effort then China denies it.

  161. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    JJ wrote:

    It [Oreshnik] has the same load to fuel ratio limitation as any other medium range missile.

    This is one of the open questions about Oreshnik. If the third stage uses scramjet propulsion (demonstrated in the Mach 9 Zircon missile) the payload fraction may be higher. Alternatively, if the system uses boost-glide vehicles, this can give more payload for a given range even without scramjet propulsion.

    I think the main message is an Oreshnik loaded up with nuclear weapons (say 6 warheads and 30 dummies) will get warheads past the United States’ GBI, SM-3, THAAD interceptor missiles. Longer range Avangard warheads can probably also make it past these defenses.

    People on all sides have generated a lot of hype over Oreshnik. We need to wait for more facts.

    It is clear with demonstrations of Russian missile systems including defenses (S-400, Buk, Pantsir), older weapons such as Iskander and Kalibr, newer weapons such as Kinzhal and state-of-the-art missiles such as Nudol, Zircon and Oreshnik that Russia is a world leader in development and PRODUCTION of combat missiles. This creates cognitive dissonance in many people. Especially JJ who cannot accept that Russia builds these advanced combat systems while at the time is using some archaic tanks and bolt action rifles in Ukraine.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  162. Emslander says:

    If it’s not nuclear and it can’t be hit, does reaction time mean anything? Just asking.

  163. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    Here are a few historical tidbits on maneuvering hypersonic weapons. Russia and the USA were both working on hypersonic missiles back in the 1980s. Some of this work traces back to the WWII German aerospace pioneers. USA even had a commercial hypersonic “airliner” development called the National Aero-Space Plane (NASP).

    After the controlled demolition of the USSR, funding for hypersonic development in the USA seems to have decreased. The Russian work continued in pilot-light mode. Scientists presented mockups of Russian hypersonic weapons for decades so it was no surprise they were working in this area. Funding was apparently increased as the West made many aggressive moves against Russia after 2000.

    •�Replies: @OliverPeeples
  164. @Odyssey

    He added Putin’s famous words to Westerners:

    Do you want to fight Russia? You won’t even have time to blink.

    Is he aware that Ukraine has been in Kursk for months? Pretty sure they have had plenty of time to blink.

    Putin now has to deal with rebels in Syria. So good luck with all your bullshit defending of a mass murderer and his totalitarian state. It’s not going to get easier from this point.

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  165. ariadna says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Helpful but not decisive. Snarling a bit at Erdouan but not a whisper about Israel… We’ll see..
    In the meantime I would very much like to believe without reservations the colonel’s and Scott Ritter’s assessment of Israel’s current status, while I agree wholeheartedly with the colonel’s view of Trump:

    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
    , @JM
  166. @QCIC

    I think the main message is an Oreshnik loaded up with nuclear weapons (say 6 warheads and 30 dummies) will get warheads past the United States’ GBI, SM-3, THAAD interceptor missiles.

    How many times do we have to go over this?

    There was never a possible path to stopping a first strike with any type of interception system. The AEGIS system is for rogue missiles.

    Especially JJ who cannot accept that Russia builds these advanced combat systems while at the time is using some archaic tanks and bolt action rifles in Ukraine.

    Oh ok go ahead and explain how this would change the MADD standoff when nothing could stop Russia from hitting the East Coast using a submarine in the Atlantic. Both sides can already launch a first strike without any chance of interception.

    I’m fully aware that Russia invests into hypersonic missiles and nuclear torpedos that don’t change MADD when around 20% of rural Russians have to use outdoor toilets. Truly a country of priorities.

    •�Replies: @Peripatetic commenter
  167. @Mark H. Gaffney

    I too saw the report claiming no damage to the weapons plant in Dnipro. You swallowed it (whole hog apparently). I am more skeptical.

    Where did I make any claim about a weapons plant? Please quote me directly. I said nothing about a weapons plant. Another Putin supporter that resorts to misquoting to defend the dwarf.

    I simply showed a picture of a building hit by one of the submunitions.

    There was a pro-Putin blogger who claimed that the attack wiped out the entire area.

    That was obviously not the case.

  168. @Arthur MacBride

    It seems the Syrian govt has appealed to Iran for intervention against the Wahabbists. This is not very opportune appeal while SAA is in apparent full-flight retreat which endangers cities like Hama, Homs and even Latakia.

    — 🇮🇷/🇷🇺/🇸🇾 NEW: Russian and Iranian military officials are urging the Syrian Arab Army to make a stand in Hama, and to not leave the city under any circumstance, at least not without resistance – ‘we need to buy time’, says one Russian advisor


    — 🇸🇾 Syrian Defense Ministry: ‘We have not left and will not leave Hama, this information is falsely being spread. Our units are stationed north and east of Hama, prepared to counter any terrorist assault. Russian and Syrian warplanes continue to bomb terrorist gatherings and positions.’

    Confused/”Fog of War”/conflicting reports.

  169. ariadna says:

    “More wishful thinking from putin’s stooges. Ukrania is crushing the korean mercenaries and killing an average of 1000 fascists per day!”

    Yes, Anon, yes, Ukraine has in fact won, despite appearances to the contrary, which are all just Kremlin propaganda from ‘putin’s stooges.’ At that killing rate Ukraine will soon exterminate all the Korean fascists and Russia will crumble. President Zelensky will then go to Israel to have a big shared celebration with the other winner, Netanyahu.

    •�LOL: Daniel Rich
  170. @John Johnson

    You seem to be excessively in awe of US Wunderwaffen.

    In this report by the US Army (https://www.moore.army.mil/armor/eARMOR/content/issues/2021/Winter/1Brown21.pdf) as pointed out in Brian Berletic’s article Behind the Myth of “Billions in Arms” Flowing into Ukraine we see this (from Berletic based on the US Army report):

    Does this mean that each month, 200 Russian tanks will be damaged or destroyed, adding up to 2,400 a year? No. According to the US Army’s own studies, even trained US soldiers have a 19% hit rate while utilizing Javelin, TOW, and AT-4 systems, all of which the US has sent to Ukraine throughout the SMO.

    However, even a hit does not mean the tank is put out of action. I have seen a video of a Ukrainian soldier firing an ATGM at a T-72 or similar from above. The missile hit the tank and did limited damage.

    So, it would seem even the US Army would need 10 Javelins fired to destroy one tank (assuming 50% of hits take the tank out of action.) Perhaps you have better info.

    Similaly, why would Russia need to copy US weapons like HIMARS? They have their own systems, like Tornado-S and they seem to have been pretty good at defending against the recent ATACMS attack: Russia acknowledges 3 Ukrainian ATACMS strikes and promises retaliation.

    Before you get too cocky about the three that got through, in war, shit happens and each side is going to take losses.

    And then there are persistent problems with increasing production of even 155mm artillery rounds. See, for example Army aims to double 155mm shell production by October. That was October 2024.

    However, buried in the article we see this:

    That planned increase is due in part to a new factory the Army is building in Texas, which will “have an entirely new way of making the shell, using entirely new tech we’ve never used before,” Bush said.

    What is the probability that all will go as planned with that new tech? I would suggest that it will take them more than a year to get it to full production but perhaps I am wrong.

    The reality seems to be that Russia is outproducing NATO and the EU in all equipment and ammunition needs.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  171. Anonymous[365] •�Disclaimer says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Mao perpetuated 200 years of Western malevolent intervention. He acknowledged China is the little brother of Russia. That Stalin is the benevolent father of the Chinese. When Stalin died some people in Beijing were made to knell before his portrait. He conceded Chinese territories to the Soviet Union and South Tibet to India. He makes Chinese people ashamed of their own culture like banning traditional Chinese festivals and cultural practice. Even during Deng’s time people don’t talk about Chinese cultural because it was politically incorrect. He did seize power by colluding with Japan and make China poorer than even some Sub-Saharan (not to mention East and Southeast Asia) countries for the first time in the whole of Chinese history. The piece of shit is a fucking disaster for China.

    •�Disagree: antibeast
  172. @ariadna

    Thanks. While finding American commentary like that vdo to have value, they are largely focused imho on domestic DemRep issues and personalities. Not unnaturally they are produced for an American audience. The news that Bibi has done all this bloodshed to stay out of jail or that there is no difference between all US politicians ref Israel is not news. There is a lot of padding imho that more often than not causes me to tune out/switch off. So I hardly ever anymore watch them.
    Sorry to sound negative.

    I prefer Simplicius or better, just straight news from telegram. Since western msm is now almost degraded to blatant propaganda, I sometimes follow a tg item in Rus, Iranian, Palestinian etc sources or simply wait for further development on tg.
    Like the postscript added to my last post.
    Or this (which may be nothing or may be a coup).

    — ❗️🇸🇾 CONFIRMED: Gunfire in Damascus, the capital of Syria, near the building of the General Staff of the Armed Forces

    There is fighting in Daraa, SW Syria, now also.
    HTS has entered Hama, despite Syrian govt assurances.

    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
    , @ariadna
  173. @John Johnson

    You may be close to the truth. Russia is already implementing the Fourth Industrial Revolution and is arguably much more advanced along the WEF path than many other EU countries.

    Few people know that Putin may very well be the wealthiest man on the planet. His assets and holdings may exceed 500 billion — like all good Russian oligarchs, he’s been stealing for decades same as Zelensky. His hardline stance against nationalists is consistent with the ethos of liberalism more generally and certainly he’s big on stressing the religious and ethnic diversity of the federation. Again, some of this is just practical because he needs to keep the thing glued together. Otherwise, the ethnic conflict results in a further breakup of the various subgroups.

    This breakup up would of course lead to Jewry getting control of the 1 trillion USD in rare resources buried throughout the country. In other words, Putin is embracing the WEF vision in a bid to keep liberalism from putting a finger in the cracks caused by multi-ethnic societies. The Jews understand that Putin’s one big happy Russian family (“diversity is our strength”) is working well and that the only thing that can be done is to provoke a great war.

    For this reason, the bioweapon labs, neo-Nazi coup and the killing of 14,000 civilians over the span of 8 years was conducted to get a reaction and cause a war. Imagine Mexicans lobbing explosives into border towns across the Rio Grande for years on end, leading to the death of thousands of Americans. Americans are fine with the fentanyl deaths caused by Mexican drugs, but the kinetic impact on the bodies of the elderly, women and children that leaves them dead in the street would cause a visceral reaction. If they had wanted, the CIA could’ve just pushed fentanyl over the border into Russia same as they’ve done in the past with other drugs. They didn’t. Too low key. Time is running out for the American empire.

    Russia is not some bastion of tradition or Christianity — the birthrates prove that. Church attendance is pathetic and the inorganic growth of the Church there is just government spending in the hopes of undoing the damage caused by atheistic materialism. (They are increasing the number of chaplains in the military as we learned this week.)

  174. @littlereddot

    You have done a very important and useful service by this elucidating video set. Similar to Russia, the quality of life is the best in the world. I would say that the difference in choosing residence is mostly subjective. These are high trust, competent, advanced, old cultures, with people that have intellectual depth and wisdom.

    In the West, two words you do not hear very often are “logical”, and “wisdom”. The West is a botched lobotomy patient.

    •�Replies: @littlereddot
  175. @Peripatetic commenter

    You seem to be excessively in awe of US Wunderwaffen.

    Based on which quote exactly? I didn’t cite a single US weapon.

    In this report by the US Army (https://www.moore.army.mil/armor/eARMOR/content/issues/2021/Winter/1Brown21.pdf) as pointed out in Brian Berletic

    Berletic is an ex-American who writes pro-Chinese articles for a living. You should take a close look at anything he writes. He is an odd autistic reporter that has a burning hatred of the United States.

    No one would know the hit rate for Javelins in the Ukraine war.

    You didn’t actually read Bereletic’s source which actually describes user error as the main problem. They were firing too close to the target. It’s possible they were given better instruction after the experience described in he report.

    Which means we can’t make assumptions about their use in Ukraine.

    More tanks are destroyed by mines and drones. The Javalin was certainly useful for the Ukrainians in the start of the war and there are multiple videos of them being used to stop Russian columns. But I wouldn’t make assumptions about their current use. The Ukrainians have built their own cheap drones that can take out T-72s and Russia is running out of T-90s. A drone is more versatile and less bulky.

    Similaly, why would Russia need to copy US weapons like HIMARS? They have their own systems, like Tornado-S and they seem to have been pretty good at defending against the recent ATACMS attack

    It’s the guidance system that makes it deadly. The Torado-S is a traditional MLRS that just fires at an angle.

    Putin’s Jewish private warlord hated HIMARS because they don’t get a warning of the attack. The Ukrainians would hit a base and the first hit would be deadly. There wouldn’t be time to get out of the building and take cover. Prigozhin is in fact on record complaining about HIMARS and how his soldiers are terrified of the sound.

    There is a case where Chechen soldiers did selfie videos which showed the location of their base. One HIMARS attack leveled it.

    A traditional grad would have covered the area and probably wouldn’t hit the target directly. Grads are basically trucks with giant bottle rockets. As with any unguided rockets the longer the range the more likely they are to be blown off course. But I don’t want to downplay their usefulness. They can be very effective if a bunch are lined up like artillery. The Nazis hated them.

    •�Replies: @Peripatetic commenter
  176. @QCIC

    After the controlled demolition of the USSR, funding for hypersonic development in the USA seems to have decreased. The Russian work continued in pilot-light mode. Scientists presented mockups of Russian hypersonic weapons for decades so it was no surprise they were working in this area. Funding was apparently increased as the West made many aggressive moves against Russia after 2000.

    Russia made the decision in the late 1970s to develop conventional weapons with the ability to fuck up an opponent but without leaving radioactive residue. I forget the Russian general’s name now… but they were forward looking back then.

    Johnson seems to think that the U.S. can build hypersonics. It can’t. The F-35 is a trillions of dollars over budget and requires another 2 trillion to fix the overheating problem. If you cannot master an aircraft with a pedigree in older successes like the F-16, you will not be building a hypersonic anytime soon.

    In the shakeout tests I read, the F-35 was called a hog in its handling and was repeatedly snuffed out by the older F-16. I know Americans will bristle and say that it’s not meant to be in a dog fight, but that’s how Americans think. I remember the Abrams tank was criticized for not handling mud at all and the Americans said “oh well, it wasn’t designed for that.” Because wars are only fight on dry dusty soil and F-35s are never intercepted by pure fighters.

    I predicted that Israel was going to run into issues with its mass bombing of Iran in October. I knew the Iranians were already more sophisticated than let on and that Russia had supplied it with a custom shop build of anti-air missiles. Israelis and their silly overpriced F-35 did fuck all to Iran. Notice that Israel is much more muted about attacking Iran or anyone else.

    So again you will read Americans here talking about the inferiority of Russian systems that sent 100+ Israeli planes like the F-35 packing. I also remember hearing Americans blather about the much vaunted Iron Dome; what the world saw were weapons fucking up Israeli targets with ease.

    Russia relies on technical skill and concentrates on doing a few things well based on need. This includes rocketry and anti-air and electronic counter warfare. They do not plan on any long land engagements with Ukraine and NATO.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
    , @Poupon Marx
  177. @Arthur MacBride

    One drawback with tg, though, especially in a fast-moving scenario is you get “fake news”. But this is usually corrected fairly promptly in responsible channels.

    1. Confirmed no coup in Damascus.
    2. SAA still occupies/holds Hama.
    3. UAE (of all places) confirms it supports al-Assad/Syrian govt.
    4. Speculation ref “Turkish-Israeli” assault on Syria.

    •�Replies: @Sarita
    , @littlereddot
  178. ariadna says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Simplicius is excellent but most Americans don’t get their info from substack, which is why these guys on youtube are important and what is not news for you is news for them. Every bit helps.
    The situation in Syria is concerning. Israel wants to destroy it as a conduit of Iranian weapons to Hezbollah. It is in Syria now where the game is played with the cards on the table: Turkey has shown itself as an enemy; Russia will have to show its cards.

  179. @Notsofast

    They put counterfeiters in the Pen but the owners of the digital mines
    can refine all the fake money they want. No one knows where this is
    headed or how long it will be to get there, but it smells like tulip bulbs
    to me. The Devil takes last man out. When the digital “insiders”
    start dumping they won’t send you an email.

    It is true that skeptics actually fuel speculation by being wrong so
    many times as the bubble grows in fits and starts, but they need to be
    right only once if they can sense the moment when the greatest fool
    has entered the arena.

    Real estate, water rights, gold and diamonds are looking better with
    each jump in Bitcoin value, but they lack the excitement of an asset
    that fluctuates in value every minute.

    •�Agree: Notsofast
  180. @OliverPeeples

    Johnson seems to think that the U.S. can build hypersonics. It can’t.

    They’ve already built one

    In the shakeout tests I read, the F-35 was called a hog in its handling and was repeatedly snuffed out by the older F-16.

    Well they are backordered in Europe. I guess the Europeans just ordered a bunch of hogs.

    So again you will read Americans here talking about the inferiority of Russian systems that sent 100+ Israeli planes like the F-35 packing.

    What are you even talking about? And to whom?

    No one has claimed the F-35 will somehow be invisible to radar and get past AA systems. It has a smaller radar profile.

    Stop projecting your own fanboyism. I actually think the F-35 was a waste of money and would have voted against funding it. The Ukrainians have in fact proven that you are better off taking out an S400 with drones or HIMARS and then sending in air support. No reason to spend billions trying to sneak by them.

  181. @ariadna

    The situation in Syria is concerning. Israel wants to destroy it as a conduit of Iranian weapons to Hezbollah. It is in Syria now where the game is played with the cards on the table: Turkey has shown itself as an enemy;

    An enemy to whom? The Syrian people don’t want to be ruled by Dr. Death and his royal family.

    Maybe you didn’t see the crowds showing up to cheer the rebels. The dictator only exists because of his Russian rent a cops. Syrians are Muslim and would not vote for a secular monarchy.

    Russia will have to show its cards.

    Yea maybe they can send some North Koreans and Chinese 4�4 buggies.

    Russia’s MO in Ukraine is to send in 2 week conscripts with Chechen retreat guards at their back.

    Not sure how well such tactics would work in Syrian urban fighting.

    Good luck to Russian conscripts. You will die for one of two wars that your country doesn’t need. I guess in Syria you will at least get better weather.

  182. @OliverPeeples

    A very comprehensive take and analysis of monetary factors, political factions and structures from a very rare individual with profound and wide knowledge and Time and Grade. Martin Armstrong.

    •�Thanks: QCIC
    •�Replies: @OliverPeeples
  183. @ariadna

    Agreed. Every bit helps. Simplicius ends his piece, containing coverage of the western “ceasefire” ploy and Boris openly admitting the nature of the conflict, with a touching scene of two kindred souls Piano Player and Micron

    Well… “as long as we’ve got each other,” as the song goes…hand in hand, to the dustbin of history.


    A few updates
    Apparently the Rus Commander of RF Forces in Syria has been replaced.

    — 🇸🇾/🇮🇷 NEW: Iranian advisors are present in Hama, and are jointly planning with Syrian commanders to organize a defense of the city

    🇸🇾 Visual confirmation: The Syrian Arab Army has full control of the town of Qomhane, North of Hama, and fire control over the M5

    Heavy Rus/Syrian AF strikes against HTS HQ in Idlib.
    HTS post vdo of themselves desecrating Shia mosques …

    Imho the DOG is going to very much regret his latest adventure.
    This is just from an Iraqi Brigade Commander, but …

    — 🇸🇾🇮🇶 🇮🇶 Abu Alaa al-Wala’ee, Secretary General of the Iranian-backed Iraqi Shiite ‘Sayyed al-Shuhadaa’ Brigade:

    ‘The Turkish government is determined to drag its economically deteriorating people into losing battles in which it has no interest. Although the collapse of the Turkish currency almost led the Turkish economy into the abyss, had it not been for the rise in the volume of trade with Iraq, which mitigated the impact of that and was a lifeline for this ungrateful neighbor. Erdogan is still gambling with his political future, thinking that he will be part of the ‘new Middle East’ that his secret ally Netanyahu preached about.

    What everyone must understand, especially the Turkish regime and the Zionist entity, is that Syria will not be a dumping ground for your human waste again. Just like we contributed to repelling your plots against it in the past, we are ready again today with even more determination and deeper faith.’

    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
    , @ariadna
  184. @Poupon Marx

    I watch Armstrong from time to time, but you should be super skeptical of anyone who claims to have a computer which accurately forecasts based on politics, etc. They do not exist, at least the way that Armstrong’s decades old Socrates allegedly does.

    Greg Hunter is not very bright and he always gushes over Armstrong’s Socrates. Total load of shit and Armstrong is probably something of a conman.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  185. @picture111

    Plus, when China sees the West can just freeze, and even try to confiscate, as much as $300 billion Russian’s sovereign foreign reserve, how could China be so naïve to trust the West again?

    More like $500 billion. No wonder no one trusts the US dollar or t-bonds anymore. We can’t do stuff like that and they say the dollar is the world’s reserve currency.

  186. Sarita says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    3. UAE (of all places) confirms it supports al-Assad/Syrian govt.

    Of course the UAE, traitors to the Arab street would support anyone who is against the Muslim Caliphate, because they’ll be next!
    Even if it’s archi-enemy Iran.

    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  187. Sarita says:

    Remember Pepe Escobar followers!
    Remember that …
    More than half a million people have been killed in the genocide that erupted after the corrupt “Syrian government” cracked down violently on peaceful pro-democracy protests in 2011.
    They killed the Arab spring but they awoke these Muslim revolution.
    And those who repeat the Iranian regime’s propaganda trolls about these “takfiri groups” as they call them, that they are trained and payed by the US then why would they accept the constant bombing of their positions by the US air force?

    Remember when Trump killed Al Baghdadi along with his three kids who were eaten alive by trained dogs as he screamed in pain?
    “He died like a bitch”
    Trump’s words.
    How can you work for someone who treats you like that?
    Easy answer they don’t.
    They are the children and grandchildren of the 21 jihadi front that fought the US invasion of Iraq.
    They are neighbours and relatives to the northeast part of Syria.
    More than a half a million Sunnis who are the 80% majority in Syria Assad and Putin killed!

    Question: If Israel or the US bomb the shit out of Iran would Putin bomb them like he’s bombing the rebels today?

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  188. @John Johnson

    You are a fucking liar. Or show the satellite photos.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  189. @John Johnson

    Based on which quote exactly? I didn’t cite a single US weapon.

    My mistake. I assumed the following by you meant that you viewed the FGM-148 and the HIMARS as the epitome of modern weapons systems.

    The Russians don’t have an equivalent to HIMARS or the Javelin but that doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of building one.

    Then you say:

    You didn’t actually read Bereletic’s source which actually describes user error as the main problem. They were firing too close to the target. It’s possible they were given better instruction after the experience described in he report.

    You make more unwarranted assumptions than I do. I did, in fact, read the report and knew that the majority of their errors was to fire when the target was closer than the arming distance.

    While it is indeed possible they were given better instruction, in the heat of battle it seems likely to me that many mistakes would be made.

    In any event, the FGM-148 is an expensive, boutique weapon with problems and St Javelin has had little effect on the war in Ukraine.

    Putin’s Jewish private warlord hated HIMARS because they don’t get a warning of the attack. The Ukrainians would hit a base and the first hit would be deadly. There wouldn’t be time to get out of the building and take cover. Prigozhin is in fact on record complaining about HIMARS and how his soldiers are terrified of the sound.

    Wait. So you do think HIMARS is the epitome of modern weapons despite the fact that the Russians have largely neutered it.

    I get it. You really do love the US Wunderwaffen.

    Meanwhile, there is this:

    Are they planning a false flag attack on London?

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
    , @HuMungus
  190. @John Johnson

    I’m fully aware that Russia invests into hypersonic missiles and nuclear torpedos that don’t change MADD when around 20% of rural Russians have to use outdoor toilets. Truly a country of priorities.

    And then there is this: https://grist.org/fix/advocacy/waste-book-americans-sanitation-rural-south/

    I spent some time in a country where they had outhouses in rural areas in the 1960s and yet people born during that time and in the 1930s lived into their 80’s and 90’s.

    Perhaps you are simply finding reasons to claim Russia is really only a gas station with nuclear weapons and equips their soldiers only with spades.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  191. @Spectral

    They’re just ICBMs without nuclear warheads – expensive and low-yield. (25,000 tons of TNT or .025 kilotons = not a tactical nuke)

    25,000 tons of TNT is what hit hiroshima. And that is 25 kilotons not .025. Can anyone here do third grade arithmetic?

    •�Replies: @Spectral
  192. @Poupon Marx

    You are entirely right. I think China and Russia are at the cusp of a big flowering/rejuvenation of their countries. If I were a young man starting my career again, I would move to Xinjiang or one of China’s frontier provinces.

    Those of us who have been brought up in an European culture will no doubt be more comfortable living in Russia. I was brought up in Asia, so if forced to choose, I would naturally choose China instead.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  193. @Arthur MacBride

    My hunch is that this is basically an Israeli inspired attempt to take pressure off the IDF. Hezbollah will be redeploying forces from southern Lebanon to Syria to stabilise the situation. So will Iran be momentarily distracted also.

    It smells like quite a desperate move to me, with no long lasting effect.

    Of course Erdogan had some hand in this. But he is a triple headed snake who has his own agenda for everything. He probably just joined the Israel initiative because it gave him some advantage.

  194. @Olivier1973

    You are a fucking liar. Or show the satellite photos.

    LOL I’m not actually in Ukraine and I did not take the picture.

    I take it you didn’t fact check that pro-Putin blogger and now you’re upset with me?

    Here is the article:

    •�Replies: @Olivier1973
  195. @Peripatetic commenter

    I spent some time in a country where they had outhouses in rural areas in the 1960s and yet people born during that time and in the 1930s lived into their 80’s and 90’s.

    Well the year is 2024 and I have been to some very poor rural areas. I didn’t see any outhouses. Feel free to provide statistics on a state that can rival Russia’s outhouses:

    Perhaps you are simply finding reasons to claim Russia is really only a gas station with nuclear weapons and equips their soldiers only with spades.

    That was a comment from McCain.

    I would describe it as a totalitarian nation with an angry midget dictator in charge that doesn’t care about the rural Slavs he sends to the front.

    Putin is worth around 200 billion and could have provided modern toilets to rural Slavs instead of starting this stupid war.

  196. @Peripatetic commenter

    My mistake. I assumed the following by you meant that you viewed the FGM-148 and the HIMARS as the epitome of modern weapons systems.

    They are indeed modern weapons. Now you are changing your misquote?

    You completely fabricated a quote. I never called them wonderweapons. I have described how they work and how they are used.

    If you want to respond to something I say then please use the quote button.

    In any event, the FGM-148 is an expensive, boutique weapon with problems and St Javelin has had little effect on the war in Ukraine.

    The Javelin is on video stopping a Russian column headed for Kiev. The Ukrainians think they are great and that is why they bought them from Trump. They are on video taking out a T-90 with one shot. I will take their word over a forum poster.

    You clearly want to downplay them as you idealize Russia. Your source does not have enough information to deduce a hit rate from their use in Ukraine.

    I’m not even sure why you are bringing them up as more tanks are destroyed by drones and mines. They were used early in the war as intended which is to allow infantry to stop tanks and armored vehicles. They were captured on CCTV so they obviously work. Putin did not want Trump to sell them to Ukraine which shows der dictator knows their potential.

    Wait. So you do think HIMARS is the epitome of modern weapons despite the fact that the Russians have largely neutered it.

    Where did I say it is the epitome of modern design? Can you not use the quote button correctly? There is a video every 3-4 days on Funker of a HIMARS attack. So no they did not neuter it. There are in fact multiple videos of them taking out S-400s. Sometimes the Russians shoot them down, sometimes they get through.

    If they found a way to consistently disable them then Putin would not be throwing a tantrum over ATACMS.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  197. @littlereddot

    Erdogan jumps at every occasion to get one over at the Kurds when
    Uncle Shmuel is looking elsewhere.

    •�Thanks: littlereddot
  198. @OliverPeeples

    I not sure. I’m driven by facts and specifics, being a retired mechanical engineer and 5 year social and natural science dropout. His predictions and explanations of global political and economic events have been prescient and accurate. His statements regarding the forces aligned globally for the various movements, changes, and mega scams (Covid, Climate Change, etc.) have been in line with factual and actual evidence. These are macro trends.

    On the micro economic side of his computer models, the various financial particulars and parameters, and so on, I am not able to judge or evaluate, as I have not had an interest or any experience in this area. I have an extreme ability to recognize patterns, either repeating, similar, or deviations from parallels and analogues. I am very sensitive to “something out of place” or false notes, like a concert orchestra conductor.

    All in all, it is very, very hard to access a lot of factual data, evidence, that either the Government or mega corporations want to hide or divert attention from.

    He is certainly and bravely correct that the West has been plotting, planning, to destroy Russia, make it a vassal state, plunder it, and impoverish its people for decades-as he stated. However, that is slightly an underestimation. The West has been plotting to loot and destroy Russia for over 2 centuries.

    There is the “rational” drive for material plunder and theft, but also very strangely, an atavistic and primitive, irrational, and gut level HATE for Russian and Russian culture. It’s as stupid and infantile as girls in school projecting and acting out their vituperation and obloquy for a smart, virtuous, and more attractive school mate.

    Thank God that my trip to Russia in 1977, put a check on how “I’m supposed to feel about Russia”, which was pumped into me by my American cultural and various institutions. Reality, Beauty, and Truth are all synonymous.

    Do Russians hate the U. S.?

    •�Replies: @JM
  199. @littlereddot

    I agree completely. Living in Russia, I would be visiting China and exploring everything very frequently. However, living in China would be very agreeable to me, as well, just the couples in the videos.

  200. Common Time says: •�Website

    ..what could bring about the destruction of America, is its economic collapse! Russian peasants can live without electricity, extreme cold, no food for days, no medications! Americans are used to the finer things on life and can’t live long without these!

  201. Odyssey says:
    @John Johnson

    Don’t disappoint those of us who believe in you. You can do much better.

    •�Agree: John Johnson
    •�LOL: James of Africa
  202. JM says:

    If it ‘lasts’, who’s going to pay for the reconstruction of Gaza? Huge costs involved. Should be US Zionists since they made the plan possible: at least 85% 0f US Jews.

  203. JM says:
    @Poupon Marx

    Sharpness and mental and physical health seem common to these people.

    It’s remarkable how generous spirited they are, given the serial provocations from the rulers of America.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @JM
  204. @littlereddot

    Agreed it’s Israeli (what isn’t lol ?) attempt to involve Hezbullah, also divert Russia from the sanhedrin Blackrock operation in the Borderland; pull Iran in.
    If there’s a $5 payoff, the Dog will join.
    The obedient servant of Israel.

    It’s quite a good sign (apart from yet more talmudic slaughter/wreckage) in that it reeks of desperation as you say, lrd.
    I would personally guess that the Dog will find his enemies, including in his own country, multiplying to the extent that his rule may become in doubt.
    That will close a vital pipeline for Israel.

    I saw a report on tg that the Kurds, who seem to be eternal dupes for the ((west)), now have an opportunity to strike the Turks on the battlefield.
    They will take any such opportunity with both hands imho.

    I personally have a fairly high regard for SAA, battle-hardened after many years of conflict defending their country against the ((west)), so sorry to see the recent Aleppo fiasco. There is now a series of good news ref their counter against HTS. They have already retaken several places and continue the drive.

    Fighting is happening, that’s a good sign. In the past 4 days, most areas were taken without resistance. When the SAA fights, HTS will struggle, especially because their forces are spread so thin over such a large area.

    They were probably betting on an imminent collapse of the Syrian government (quite delusional) and decided to just push through to Hama & beyond. Initially this worked, most SAA units were just withdrawing and falling back, one city after another. But that domino effect stopped when they reached Hama city, and now they might be in trouble.

    We’ll see.

  205. @Sarita

    United Arab Emirates has been a client State of London forever. Used to be called the Trucial States. Most of its present population is not native. It hosts (or is occupied by) western military bases, both ports and airfields. Its own military has been active against Houthi Yemen. That it should make a statement in support of al-Assad is remarkable.
    It may just be talk.
    Maybe writing on wall.
    We’ll see.

  206. ariadna says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Erdouan is amazingly similar to Netanyahu in at least one respect: both are megalomaniacs with demented ambitions to make Turkey/Israel great again. Erdouan sees himself as the potential restorer of the Ottoman empire and Netanyahu as a biblical hero who will create Eretz Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates. Both countries are dire situations with Israel depending on US life support and Turkey on stealing Syrian oil and selling it to Israel. Furthermore both countries are riven by internal social turmoil and both criminals need an external “enemy” to stay in power. For Turkey it is the Kurds, for Israel the Palestinians are also “external” enemies along with all their neighbors and especially Iran.

    •�Agree: Arthur MacBride
  207. @Sarita

    Arab Spring = Colour Revolution.

    Caliphate is ZioUS sponsored.

    Who do you think pays for all the weapons of the Jihadis?

    •�Replies: @Sarita
  208. @Daniel Rich

    Well, he wants NATO membership for that, so it would seem to be a non-starter.

    Also, the ability of NATO to attack Russia with ATACMS and Storm Shadow missiles may have been severely curtailed:

    Putin’s Missiles ‘Hit’ NATO Nation’s Train Carrying ATACMS, Storm Shadows In Ukraine | Report

    However, they are quoting Sputnik who are reporting the Russian MoD.

    We have to wait and see if there are any more attacks.

    •�Replies: @Daniel Rich
  209. @JM

    I know!! It is remarkable the virtues displayed which are talked about in the abstract by Western Christian leaders, who have not raised a peep or resisted the evil, Luciferian slaughter of the Ukrainians by the “Christian” West. The Jewish Cabal (Zelensky and his Circle, criminalized the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and destroyed churches. Sound familiar?

    In fact, the Fundamentalist “Christians” of America recite their support for Ukrainian, using theological rationales!

    That’s why I say that all forms of Western Christianity are corrupt, unGodly, and worthless.

  210. JM says:

    Below is another of his videoed interviews I watched out of curiosity: ‘Russians choose: Europe & US or China’.

    Nearly all of those interviewed (it was done a year ago) chose the USA ahead of China for which for many interviewees there appeared to be an aversion. At least then it appeared that history was trumping present needs.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @chris
  211. @John Johnson

    bbc is a fucking liar. This buidling has nothing to do with the industrial targeted site.

    Not only you are reporting the lies of the bbc, which makes you a russophobic liar, but you failed to show us a satellite photo.

    now you’re upset with me?

    Strawman fallacy. You lost. Twice.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @John Johnson
  212. Spectral says:
    @Hang All Text Drivers

    KiloGRAMS not kiloTONS

    The oreshnik impacts with the equivalent of 25,000 kiloGRAMS of TNT which is about equivalent to 10 tons of TNT. It is NOT equivalent to 25 kilotons of TNT. It is equivalent to .025 kilotons of TNT.

  213. HuMungus says:
    @Peripatetic commenter

    My mistake. I assumed the following by you meant that you viewed the FGM-148 and the HIMARS as the epitome of modern weapons systems.

    The HIMARS is certainly an effective weapon …as shows when HIMARS strikes destroyed a key Russian bridge to Crimea… forcing the Russians to cut short one of their offensives in the southeastern Ukraine due to lack of supplies …. which they used to get over that same bridge. LOL!!!!

    Not that this was anything but a stopgap move by Ukraine. Fighting someone that outnumbers you something like 4-5 to 1 and now outnumbers you something like 6 to 1 is a losing strategy. Zelensky thinking that Ukraine could take back the Crimea was a dream that has turned into a nightmare.

    •�Agree: Corrupt
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  214. @JM

    This is caused by familiarity-a Western Civ derived culture. However, I believe that in time the majority would change their minds and go with China.

    Cost of living is half of U. S., cleaner, safer, more planned and organized. And for a young man: Chinese girls! High performance, reliable, and durable. Superior hoss flesh. Better design and materials.

    •�LOL: JM
    •�Replies: @JM
  215. @Olivier1973

    He was last in his class-like John McCain at the Air Force Academy-in Mossad’s Information Disruption Bureau. That’s why they put him here, at the pleading of his mother for some employment, even though he is the default Village Idiot and Laughing Stock.

    •�Agree: Olivier1973
    •�LOL: nokangaroos
  216. @Olivier1973

    bbc is a fucking liar. This buidling has nothing to do with the industrial targeted site.

    Not only you are reporting the lies of the bbc, which makes you a russophobic liar, but you failed to show us a satellite photo.

    Why would you demand a satellite photo instead of getting that on your own? Is it my job to use the internet for you? Private sats take daily pictures of the earth.

    If you are a skeptical of the BBC then seek out other sources. I do it all the time but you seem unable to leave your pro-Putin bubble.

    Satellite photos show that the building they targeted is still standing. You can see the walls.

    I found that in all of 5 minutes.

    Not everything is a “russophobic” attack on your precious worldview. Some of us would actually like honest reporting and not MSM or pro-Putin bias. I don’t want cheerleader reporting, just show us the result of the attack.

    The pro-Putin blogger who said that it leveled the entire area was simply wrong. Maybe expand your sources before dropping F-bombs and flipping out over contradictory information.

    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @Olivier1973
  217. Monnie says:

    What proof do you offer to back up your assertion that China is trying to take over the world?

  218. @Arthur MacBride

    Meanwhile as US policy (lol) in ME/wider world begins to collapse and its debt rises above an unpayable $36T, the brains that brought Americans to that situation as well as the plan to turn “the Rouble into Rubble” are not yet finished.
    No, they’re still certain they will bring Russia to its knees. So the Jews can loot it, which is the only factor of importance in US policy.

    The president-elect’s staff, whose sheer brilliance is the envy of the civilised world, has instructed ZionDon to issue more threats. Those conversant with USA will know that this is the normal method of communication for US “government”.

    Donald Trump has threatened to slap BRICS members with 100% import duties if the bloc tries to create its own monetary unit or backs “any other currency to replace the mighty dollar.” How could this look in practice?

    The analysis is made by an economist, not American of course. Once American “govt” gets past bluster and bombast, like threats to ICC, occupying/looting weaker countries and so on, there remains little to nothing of any real substance. While most of the world has known this for some time, it remains a tragedy that so few US citizens realise it.
    But it will become ever more obvious even to them.

  219. @HuMungus

    HIMARS is more impressive when they use the cluster warhead against a gathering of troops:

    It shoots tungsten balls in all directions like a shotgun.

    The balls can puncture engines so any troops in the area have zero chance.

    It covers about 4 football fields.

  220. JM says:
    @Poupon Marx

    Keep posting like that and you’ll surely be eligible to be entered for the annual Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize!

  221. chris says:

    These ‘man in the street’ type of interviews are a very good measure to determine how well the ministries of propaganda are really working.

    Even though I know it’s unfair to judge a country entirely by such, non-representative samples, it is a little shocking to see the people in these snippets continue to lap up Western propaganda which is ‘literally’ pissing on their heads and telling them it’s raining.

    In point of fact, these people would have every reason to positively hate the US and the West for what they’ve done to them, and to realize that their survival rests on their relationship with China, yet most obviously, their own propaganda machine is probably tooled by Western entities because these kids seem completely unaware of their national (and ultimately personal) interests.

    Ironically, a similar state of affairs as in the West itself. Probably run by the same entities, if I had to guess.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @ariadna
  222. Reply to JM.

    I’m just an observer, not a causal agent. I just calls ’em as I sees them. Western Wimmin are the sludge of the females or the World. In high school we football jocks used the term “4F”, as a MO toward females. I later felt a bit bad about that, but at this point, in general, Western Women are toxic, misaligned, maladjusted, etc.

    In the marine engineering world you have to decide on what to do with certain equipment. Years ago, I was Second Engineer on a powerful STEAM ship, that actually had a Navy carrier engine room. All the burner tips were worn out and had a very bad spray pattern, plus there were no small diameter tips for light port loads. One night the the one burner flamed out. Up to that point, I had complained that we needed the proper tips for a proper combustion. Nothing ever happened, as it had to go through the Navy Procurement System. Well, some company port engineer took over and started ordering people around. Meanwhile the steam pressure was falling, and the turbine generator was slowing down, and the blower fan speed.

    We did not have enough air to purge the furnace of residual fuel, and THEY ordered the boiler to be lit off “one more time”. This caused a boiler explosion. So, instead of a few hundred dollars in new burner internals (including defective by-pass purge valves), the boiler explosion caused 2 million dollars in damages and the ship was out of service for a year.

    A parable for unsuitable wimmin. There is no substitute for quality equipment.

    If anything, the Navy and Armed Forces supply and logistics systems are no better today or worse. As such, no war with a peer is winnable by NATO. Only against smalls and much less advanced nations.

  223. @William Williams

    What sophistication and high culture? Russia has great symphony orchestras, the Bolshoi ballet and opera. America has gangsta rap.

    •�Replies: @antibeast
    , @ariadna
  224. @John Johnson


    Not only are you a fucking liar, but also a fucking moron.

    Congratulations! It is very pleasant to read your comments. I enjoy them.

    Now the Kiev Post and the Dailymail!!! Wow, wow and wow. Yes you are right no damage at all! Photoshop does miracles. Especially when the photos are blurred. Even the GE photos are much, much better quality. And now we are made to believe that the hazelnuts hit a residential area… and only 3 casualties! Wow, wow and wow. You are so stupid and gullible that you believe everything the british msm say.

    Let me explain you something:

    “Dozens of warheads, homing blocks, attack the target at a speed of Mach 10, which is about three kilometers per second. The temperature of the striking elements reaches 4000 degrees. If my memory serves me correctly, the temperature on the surface of the sun is 5.5-6 thousand degrees. Therefore, everything that is in the epicenter of the explosion is divided into fractions, into elementary particles, and turns, in fact, into dust. The missile strikes even highly protected and deep-lying objects.”

    Btw what is your degree in physics?

    How is that the ukronazis and nato were unable to stop it? How is that the ukronazis did not want to go inside the parliament the next days?

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  225. @William Williams

    “sophistication and high culture that characterizes the USA” explained with one picture:

  226. @John Trout

    There is zero reason to think that Trump and Congress will withdraw the US from NATO. Absurd, requiring us to be willfully naive and gullible.

    Love to see a predictit bet on the US withdrawing from nato by january 20, 2029.
    I can make a ton from Trumptard true believers.
    Please bet as much as you can if this appears on a platform like Predictit or Kalshi.

    The possessive word is “whose”, my dear Fatmerican public-school graduate.

    The former europe, scandinavia, and “great britain” (lol) are evolving into something alright. For better and for worse, we can probably expect a Muslim-plurality society and more traditional socially conservative government with a heavily mixed population of people with genetic background from white europeans and from turks, kurds, arabs, or north africans. More North Africans (especially moroccans, Tunisians, algerians) in france and spain and italy, more Indians Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in the “uk”, more turks in germany and austria and bulgaria, and other local variations.

  227. 迪路 says:

    The problem is, the workers are addicted to drugs.
    So we should be less likely to build a factory in the United States.

  228. @Wokechoke

    Kinda hard to meaningfully rearm germany when their industrial base is declining fast — factories closing and businesses moving production to the USA, Russia, and elsewhere — their population is old (high median age), aging further (continually rising median age), and increasingly few younger men in the population. Germany is finished, as are Germans as a people, likely forever.

  229. 迪路 says:

    At least China has a mature supply chain system and sufficient power equipment, the United States deindustrialization is too serious.
    From a cost point of view, investing in the US is also not cost-effective.

  230. @Arthur MacBride

    It’s quite a good sign (apart from yet more talmudic slaughter/wreckage) in that it reeks of desperation as you say, lrd…………….
    I personally have a fairly high regard for SAA, battle-hardened after many years of conflict defending their country against the ((west)), so sorry to see the recent Aleppo fiasco.

    I don’t know if it is just my imagination or wishful thinking, but to me the SAA seems to be deliberately not engaging the Idlib forces. It is certainly not a rout or a panicked retreat. They seem to have just stepped back gracefully. Something seems to be up.

    You may very well be right that the SAA is allowing the Kurds to engage the Idlib guys. Perhaps the deal is “You Kurds can take Idlib and the lands bordering Turkey as your autonomous region/march, and you return the oilfields to the Syrian state, and we will split the revenues” ? Who knows?

    We should get our popcorn ready tho. Something unexpected is going to happen.

  231. Longitude says:

    Trump Picks Kushner’s Criminal Father for Ambassador to France


  232. @Olivier1973

    Now the Kiev Post and the Dailymail!!! Wow, wow and wow. Yes you are right no damage at all!

    I never said there was no damage at all. I said the pro-Putin blogger who said the whole area was reduced to rubble was wrong. So was Putin who said the building turned to dust. You can see the walls in the satellite photo.

    You seem to be getting very emotional over a couple news links.

    Pro-Putin blogger Scott Ritter said they were used to take out an underground facility. So more like a bunker buster which means the above ground pictures and corresponding satellite photos are probably not faked as part of a media conspiracy.

    How is that the ukronazis and nato were unable to stop it?

    Where did anyone say that the Ukrainians would be able to intercept them?

    You might want to consider reading before cheerleading.

  233. Sarita says:
    @Commentator Mike

    “Caliphate is ZioUS sponsored.”

    Meaning: ISIS and Al Qaeda are US sponsored.

    this is the truth:

    The Iraqi civil war was an armed conflict from 2006 to 2008 between various sectarian Shia and Sunni armed groups, such as the Islamic State of Iraq against the Mahdi Army (shia), in addition to the Iraqi government (taken over by the shia after Saddam hanging) alongside American-led coalition forces.

    Meanhile the Syrian Civil War, armed conflict began in 2011 with an uprising against the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

    See? The Islamic State already existed BEFORE the Syrian civil war only it added The letter S to its name;
    It went from the Islamic State in Iraq to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
    It fought the US in Iraq and caused 5000 American casualties and 82.900 injuries.

    Here are the groups that later formed the ISIS coalition:
    Mujahideen Shura Council.

    Al-Qaeda in Iraq.
    Jaish al-Ta’ifa al-Mansurah.
    Jama’at Jaysh Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah.
    Ansar al-Sunna.
    Islamic Army in Iraq.
    Sunni tribes.
    Islamic State of Iraq (from 15 October 2006)
    Jeish (army of) Muhammad.


  234. @chris

    I don’t think you understand. The Russian people do NOT even hate Ukrainians, but the government and the military. Concomitantly, they do not hate the American people, but the political and controlling authorities (oligarchs, plutocrats). That is the way Russians are. The Leadership, Putin, Lavrov have said many times that they have no enmity toward the general population.

    Your mistake is applying the same low standards of Boobus Americanus to the Russian culture and people. America-centric thinking is degraded and degrading.

    “yet most obviously, their own propaganda machine”

    A meaningless phrase with an assignment of null. It has no referent.

    •�Replies: @chris
    , @John Johnson
  235. @Sarita

    Look at the Idlib terrorists on the offensive in Syria. They are armed with sophisticated equipment, even tanks. Who do you think paid for all that?

    As far as the early resistance in Iraq, it may have been genuine but later on intelligence agencies penetrated the Jihadis. Wasn’t the late Mc Cain photographed with them?

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
    , @Sarita
  236. @littlereddot

    There will not be peace until Idlib is taken over and the terrorists there exterminated or exiled to Europe. It looks like Turkey’s control there did nothing to eradicate the terrorists but in fact helped to train and arm them. Iran must press on Idlib even at the risk of a war with Turkey but without causing aggression on Turkish territory because of NATO. Or maybe that is the idea, to have Iran fight Turkey and get NATO involved against Iran.

    •�Thanks: littlereddot
  237. chris says:
    @Poupon Marx

    I don’t think you understand.

    Oh, but I do Poop-on, I really do!

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  238. @Commentator Mike

    Oh, the Judenreich for certain. This whole effort to seize land for ‘Eretz Yisrael’ which began on October 7, has been carefully planned. As Snotrich has often declared ‘Damascus belongs to the Jews’. But what does not?

    •�Thanks: Commentator Mike
  239. @Sarita

    ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (as MI6 is known as the SIS, in Australia it is ASIS, and Canada CSIS) ie the MOSSAD. The phony name stood for Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, an archaic term not used for centuries. Like ‘al-Qaeda’ 100% Made in the West.

    •�Agree: Commentator Mike
  240. Daniel Rich says: •�Website
    @Peripatetic commenter

    “We have to wait and see if there are any more attacks.”

    We ordinary folks always have to wait for the dust to settle, but do we know who’s ready to throw dust in our eyes once more…?

  241. antibeast says:
    @The Osprey

    What sophistication and high culture? Russia has great symphony orchestras, the Bolshoi ballet and opera. America has gangsta rap.

    At least the stupid gringos can take pride in their “white” redneck culture of guns, trucks, porn, sex, drugs and… Bibles.

  242. ariadna says:

    Chris, yours is an honest mistake.
    I happen to be familiar with the “man in the street” interviews conducted by Daniil Orain (odd Russian surname..) not seen in this clip, only his voice is heard asking questions.
    He is funded by an NGO, which enabled him to travel in Russia, scouring for “dissent” and make these videos.
    I annoyed him a few times by asking him if the obvious cuts implied he edited his videos so as to exclude inconvenient answers, as well as by challenging some of his tendentious questions to young Russias like “You never knew another President in your lifetime, do you think it is normal and wouldn’t you like to see some change?”
    He got a bit smarter over time and started allowing a couple of opinions supportive of Putin but he is still a very obvious tool.
    He is a very thin, effeminate-looking guy with a mop of badly peroxydized hair, a caricature a homophobe would love– hey, not that there is anything wrong with it– but it explained his focus in other videos on Putin’s “hard persecution of LGBT.”
    So, no, this is not a representative sample of what the Russian think, not by a long shot.

    •�Agree: annacat
    •�Thanks: Commentator Mike
    •�Replies: @chris
    , @Corrupt
  243. ariadna says:
    @The Osprey

    The sad thing is that Russians love Western culture for all the features that the decaying and propagandized West hates and works to destroy now: everything “pale stale White males” created.

  244. @littlereddot

    Syria is like a Christmas turkey. Israel wants to neutralize it, and grab more of its territory, after the Golan Heights confiscation. Turkey wants the same and has dreams of creating a Caliphate from the Turk related people of the -stans to the Middle East. The U.S. is just the same dumbo clumsy oaf, in for the oil and power over the powerless.

    Syria is a Shia country, in the majority, and an ally of Iran. The discord, hostility between Sunni and Shia is bizarre and a disgrace to Islam. I’m surprised more Muslims don’t condemn it.

    Russia just wants an independent Syria that is of course Russia-friendly, not to dominate it. Just to do business; same with China. Business, not domination, and conflict, murder and kleptomania.

    No army can prevail for long without air superiority. And Russia has and will maintain that. These invaders can temporarily swallow Syria, but they will never digest it. Russia can just keep bombing and killing them systematically by pushing buttons. Great for gamers in the real world.

    •�Replies: @Sarita
    , @littlereddot
  245. @chris

    Good. Go outside and play now, and don’t talk to any strange men.

  246. @Poupon Marx

    The Leadership, Putin, Lavrov have said many times that they have no enmity toward the general population.

    Your mistake is applying the same low standards of Boobus Americanus to the Russian culture and people.

    Oh ok then do explain why Putin launches near daily attacks on Ukrainian cities with Iranian drones that aren’t accurate enough for VIP hits. They’re 2 stroke engine drones that use Western GPS and have crude navigation systems.

    Also explain attempts by Putin to take out power stations during winter. How would that not be an attempt at freezing the population? Is that a love letter to the Ukrainian people? Trying to freeze old people and children to death? That is who dies first when it freezes.

    Go ahead and explain for us. I can provide evidence of both.

    Bonus points if you don’t murmur something about the Jews and then run away. Try and explain like a White man using reason.

    •�Replies: @nokangaroos
  247. Sarita says:

    “They” killed her

  248. Sarita says:
    @Poupon Marx

    “Syria is a Shia country”
    Quit reading after that..

    Several different denominations and sects of Islam are practised within Syria, who collectively constitute approximately 87% of the population and form a majority in most of the districts of the country.
    The Sunni Muslims make up the vast majority in the country, mainly of the Hanafi and Shafi’i madhhabs. The Alawites are the biggest Muslim minority sect (10% of the country’s population, followed by Isma’ili and Twelver Shia Muslims

    Go outside and play soccer with great grand children..
    Go go

  249. Sarita says:
    @Commentator Mike

    “Wasn’t the late Mc Cain photographed with them?”

    Mc Cain was there as part of a group of Americans trying to bring the conflict to an end. It was called The Awakening Council. he met the Sunni tribes and the deals included to assure Sunnis that budget will be provided from the central gov. and that they will have fair membership in the Iraqi government because the Shia had taken over. The Shia grew stronger because they purposely avoided forming part of the resistance against the invader so that Sunni grow weaker at the end of the war then they- read carefully- they joined the Americans and the British and raided Fallujah and killed over 40.000 Sunnis. They also destroyed 50 mosques. It was known as the city of mosques.

    “They are armed with sophisticated equipment, even tanks. Who do you think paid for all that?”

    They have very basic weapons. What? Do you see them on f-16s? What they receive they privately and anonymously receive from very rich religious sheikhs in the Emirates and Saudi Arabia who also hate Iran.
    Syria is Sunni, Iraq is Sunni, Yemen is Sunni.
    Shia Iran is the aggressor.
    Putin is a scumbag.

  250. @Sarita

    The Alawites are the biggest Muslim minority sect (10% of the country’s population, followed by Isma’ili and Twelver Shia Muslims

    That is correct and it should be noted for posters unfamiliar with the region that the Assad monarchy is Alawite and as sect they are distrusted by both Sunni and Shia. It would be like having Mormons in charge of a protestant majority country.

    The Assads have always been concerned with the majority turning against them. They heavily use Alawite soldiers in high risk combat positions as they are concerned with Sunni soldiers switching sides. Alawite villages took heavy losses because so many of their men were used by Assad in the civil war.

    To say it is a precarious situation is a bit of an understatement.

  251. @littlereddot

    Certainly we can expect the unexpected, lrd.
    US will do anything to protect Israel at the expense of everybody else, including its own citizens. Same applies to UK, france/others.
    But they are weakening, making them even more dangerous.
    Israel has and continues to break the “ceasefire” agreement they signed and which saved their bacon. Nobody is surprised by this.

    Excuse, new computer being installed.
    Wish you the best as usual.

    •�Thanks: littlereddot
  252. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    The issue is that Russia has a lot more juicy targets than they have air defense complexes, just like every other country. This is a reason Russia wanted Ukraine to be a neutral buffer country. Ideally the neutral country has no targets, since it is neutral. That forces NATO to threaten Russia from beyond the neutral country using longer range missiles which change the calculation including defensive requirements and reaction time.

    If Russia had a 1000 more short-range Pantsir and Tor missile defense systems the ATACMS and Storm Shadow strikes might just be a nuisance. At this point there are probably enough exposed targets that NATO has to play a game of do we strike this one and make the Kremlin look bad or do we hit this more valuable target and risk provoking a serious Kremlin reaction?

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  253. Sarita says:

    —Message to Commentator Mike and the Iranian Mechanics—-

    —-Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)—-
    HTS is the biggest fighting group in Operation Deterrence of Aggression against the Syrian repressive regime.

    At the start of the Syrian war, Jabhat al-Nusra (later HTS) was formed in 2012 by ISIL (ISIS), from which it split a year later and declared allegiance to al-Qaeda.

    It severed ties with al-Qaeda and joined with other factions to rebrand as HTS in 2017.

    HTS in effect controls Idlib and is estimated to have up to 30,000 fighters.

    It also has economic control over swaths of territory and the resources there, including petroleum, which is a significant source of income for it as is the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkiye



    •�Troll: Arthur MacBride
  254. @Sarita

    Sunnis are the majority in numbers in Syria. Historically and actually, Syria has been dominated by Shia [inclusive sect Alawites] in government, economics, and influence. Looking at the distribution on the map, you see and can read that Sunnis occupy more remote, inland areas.

    Syria’s main ally is Iran, and its Arab enemies and tormentors are Sunni-across the board.


    Sarita, you seem to have some bi-polar issues, probably made worse by use of coca. Gotta watch that.
    And don’t automatically over generalize and then be too brazen about it.

    In Syria, concerning matters of the state, Shias make the decisions, like Jews in Amrericur an the West.

    Best wishes, My Child. And Poup A Doop.

  255. @Sarita

    The Marquis de Sade is the patron saint of Israel. I remember the play Murat/Sade in my college years.

  256. @Sarita

    It’s the fault of the US if the Shiites took over Iran. Bush supposedly went into Iraq to prevent Saddam Hussein genociding the Shiites.

    You believe all the crap you’re told.

    Well, now Shiites are no longer friends of USA nor act as their proxies, while the US supports the Jihadis. Standing now with the Jihadis, like you are, is to support the interests of US, Israel and Turkey.

    If US gets involved in Syria it will be Russians, Syrians and Iranians against the Jihadis, US and Israel against the Syrians and Iranians but not the Russians, and hence Russians will not be fighting the Israelis or Americans. Turkey and Kurds will be fighting each other but who else they will support or fight is hard to say and whatever they do they are likely to switch, and switch again.

    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
    , @Sarita
    , @Sarita
  257. @Sarita

    Key points about Shia rules in Yemen:
    Zaydi dominance:
    The primary Shia sect in Yemen is Zaydi Islam, which differs from other Shia branches in certain aspects of jurisprudence and political theory.

    Imamate tradition:
    Zaydis historically believed in the rule of Imams, descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, which played a significant role in their political structure.
    Houthi movement:
    The Houthi group, a prominent Zaydi Shia faction, is currently involved in a major conflict in Yemen, often citing their interpretation of Zaydi teachings.
    Constitutional Islam:
    Yemen’s constitution states Islam as the official religion and Sharia as the source of law, impacting the legal framework for all religious practices including Shia beliefs.

    Is Yemen Sunni or Shia?
    It was during this period that the mosques in Janad (near Ta’izz) and the Great Mosque of Sana’a were built. Yemenis are divided into two principal Islamic religious groups: 65% Sunni and 35% Shia. Others put the numbers of Shias at 30%.

    Yes, the majority of Iranians are Shia Muslims:

    Percentage: According to the Iranian government, 90–95% of Iran’s population is Shia Muslim, while 5–10% are Sunni.

    Branch: The majority of Iran’s Shia are Ithnā ʿAsharī, or Twelver, Shia.
    Official religion: Shi’i Islam is the official religion of Iran.
    Political and social force: The Shia clergy have been a dominant political and social force in Iran since the 1979 revolution.

    Shi’i Islam is one of the two largest branches of Islam, along with Sunni Islam. The main difference between the two is their views on who should lead society:

    Shi’i: Believe that only descendants of the prophet should lead society.
    Sunni: Believe that members of the community should consult and decide on who the caliph should be.

  258. chris says:

    Thanks Ariadna!

    Not exactly sure where or why I’m wrong with my assessment of the video.

    To be perfectly honest, I didn’t really pay all that much attention to it after realizing that the kids and people on is sounded pretty much like a random sampling of Western people.

    With my comment, I actually just wanted to lament the fact that the people interviewed seem blissfully ignorant of the existential fight their country is actually involved in; with respect to the West and with respect to how China is a very strategic partner for them.

    And that made me wonder if all of Putin’s agitations with respect to the West is likely to have longer-term effects if Western propaganda is going to neutralize all the effects.

    What did Lenin say? ‘They’ll sell us the rope we’re going to hang them with;’ or something like that.

  259. @QCIC

    The issue is that Russia has a lot more juicy targets than they have air defense complexes, just like every other country. This is a reason Russia wanted Ukraine to be a neutral buffer country.

    So Russia was afraid of a much smaller neighbor randomly attacking them with missiles?

    You really believe Ukraine at some point would think let’s just shoot some mid range missiles at Russia …that should work out

    The more likely answer is that the leaked report of Putin believing he could take Ukraine in 2.5 weeks is true. As with Tsars before him he planned on expanding the Russian empire into unprotected parts of Eastern Europe (Ukraine and Moldova with Belarus taken by slow grip). Putin is on record stating that the USSR should not have fallen and that Ukraine is historical Russia. It’s another Tsar trying to expand the empire and he already broke his promise to make LPR and DPR independent countries.

    At this point there are probably enough exposed targets that NATO has to play a game of do we strike this one and make the Kremlin look bad or do we hit this more valuable target and risk provoking a serious Kremlin reaction?

    Well sure and Ukraine was already making those decisions with their long range Cessna drones. Putin believes that Ukraine should follow his arbitrary rules of war or it is escalation. We already went through this with the tanks. He has also said that Ukraine can’t have foreign troops and then he brought in North Koreans to help in Kursk. Putin knows that his double standards don’t make any sense and is hoping to simply scare the West until Trump takes office.

    But there is still an easy way for Putin to avoid all long range attacks and that is to go back to his 1991 borders an admit this was all a really stupid idea.

    •�Replies: @Nicholaus
  260. “Putin’s conditions for an attempt to solve the Ukraine riddle have been known at least since June: total Kiev withdrawal from Donbass and Novorossiya; no Ukraine in NATO; end of all 15,000+ Western sanctions; and a non-aligned, nuclear-free Ukraine.”

    AMEN! Totally reasonable terms and I hope takes a bunch of newspapers with these words, mixes it with glue to make paper mache, and shoves it up the ass of every “Pussy in the Pentagon” we can find…

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  261. @Cyclingscholar

    Putin’s conditions for an attempt to solve the Ukraine riddle have been known at least since June: total Kiev withdrawal from Donbass and Novorossiya

    Do you mean that includes Zaporizhzhia oblast even though they didn’t have a separatist movement and overwhelmingly voted for Zelensky? Are you saying they should be subjected to Russian rule?

    Putin’s demands in the past have also included highly suspicious demands on their artillery.

    It’s something that Putin’s defenders like Pepe never mention. Putin actually wants Ukraine to hand over their long range artillery and also not be in NATO. So do explain what would stop Putin from rebuilding his military and attacking again the following year but without any worry of long range artillery. In fact that would allow Putin to use Ukraine’s artillery against them.

    •�Replies: @Cyclingscholar
  262. @Commentator Mike

    Instead of being a simple narco airhead as perhaps was suspected, it could very well be that she’s John Johnson’s wife. Still an airhead of course.
    But that’s only to be expected.

    That’s my theory and yes, you guessed it …

    •�Thanks: Commentator Mike
    •�Troll: Sarita
  263. JFYI
    Dima’s take on General Cornflakes/Trump’s plan.
    Trump’s plan is to force them to sit down and negotiate.
    He can do this because it’s USA, you understand.


  264. Sarita says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Bush supposedly went into Iraq to prevent Saddam Hussein genociding the Shiites.

    Gosh, Mike wrong again!

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  265. Sarita says:
    @Commentator Mike

    “They are armed with sophisticated equipment, even tanks. Who do you think paid for all that?”

    Yeah lol 😂 😂 😂

  266. Sarita says:

    Israel attacked Syria and did all this yet….
    Absolutely no retaliation !

    There were 159 attacks documented in 2024: 133 airstrikes and 26 rocket attacks by ground forces, during which Israel targeted several positions in Syria, destroying nearly 298 targets, including buildings, weapons and ammunition warehouses, headquarters, centres and vehicles. These strikes killed 415 combatants and injured 285 others. The fatalities are distributed as follows:

    25 Iranian members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.

    59 members of the Lebanese Hezbollah.

    28 Iraqi persons.

    157 Iranian-backed Syrian militiamen, including 11 officers and sub-officers cooperating with the Lebanese Hezbollah.

    34 Iranian-backed non-Syrian militiamen.

    64 regime soldiers.

    Ten unidentified persons.

    Ten members of the “Islamic Jihadist Movement” and proxy formations.

    22 Syrian and non-Syrian combatants, mostly were members of Al-Nujaba’ Iraqi Movement, were killed in Palmyra.

    2 Members of Hezbollah in Al-Qaseer.

    No retaliation whatsoever yet scumbags Assad and Putin had been attacking Sunnis in the north everyday!
    That’s why this counteroffensive is called “Blocking Aggression”..

    It is them who are the Zionist employees!

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  267. @Sarita

    Yeah I know, but a big deal was made of the gassing of Kurds in the north and Shiites in the South. Anyway gas is WMD.

  268. @Sarita

    Syria cannot fight a two front war. It can barely keep the Jihadi terrorists at bay, it even has US occupying it’s territory. It clearly cannot take on Israel and has to leave that to the more powerful Iranians who are responding to these provocations as are the Houthis and Hezbollah.

    Sure you can find photos of Jihadis using old pickups, like the one you showed, but there are many more with brand new equipment. You forgot the convoys of brand new Toyotas ISIS used from the US that were in all the media years ago.

    You seem to have a soft spot for Jihadis. Forgot that they mass slaughtered Christians and Yazidis and sold women captives into sex slavery. I guess this newer Turkish backed version is trying to sell itself as somehow more moderate “people power” edition and you’re falling for it. They’re driving hordes of refugees from Turkey to act as human shields to be used as propaganda props by White Helmets once they’re killed in the crossfire.

    There are videos out there showing White Helmets themselves driving these future human shields, probably kidnapped from refugee camps, back into Syria, with their fate already sealed by the White Helmets as gruesome corpses in future videos already scripted by Hollywood. Absolutely sick.

    Yeah, keep on cheering the Jihadi terrorists onslaught. As if we haven’t seen enough videos of the sicko Hollywood produced Jihadi atrocities, and you want more. Tired of more traditional Hallyweird fare, are you? Get off the Jihadi bandwagon led by TukoZioWest, MSM and Hollywood.

    •�Agree: ariadna
    •�Replies: @Sarita
  269. 迪路 says:
    @Joe Levantine

    I find the observer’s view odd.
    The Western view essentially represented a prejudice that the Soviet Union was more like a communist state.
    But in fact, we are more in line with Marx’s world than the Soviet Union was.
    So it makes sense that we keep the CPC name here. It may be that the concept of communism suits our nation after all. In other words, we are a bunch of rebels by nature, with a considerable spirit of resistance, for example, you kill a guilty rich man is more important than your life.
    mao only needs to fulfill his historical role as a brilliant military commander and national strategist, after all, he is not very good at economic strategy.
    As for the Cultural Revolution… His idea is good, but in practice it is wrong, and in the end it becomes a power struggle. Even today I think this is still doable and should consider killing some of the rich and ignorant self-styled cultural people to reduce social problems.
    In practice, of course, the CPC would never do that.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  270. @Poupon Marx

    The discord, hostility between Sunni and Shia is bizarre

    No doubt some parties that are adept at “divide and rule” are pouring oil on the fire.

    I think that despite the religious factions that exist, the region would see alot less war without the constant stirring of the pot by the “divide and rule” guys.

    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
  271. @John Johnson

    Easy, Jayjay.
    The flying mopeds are neither “Iranian” nor are they “drones”, meaning you
    are either a crétin or a liar.
    We can describe them as El Cheapo cruise missiles – the classic targets are
    transformers (there is not much else you can do with 40kg); the Ruskies even
    designed a special warhead for that purpose (shaped charge-incendiary or what
    the shooters call a “soapbox” charge).
    Newer versions utilizing the Hohol mobile phone network can do a lot more
    (= actual “drones”) but so far seem to be experimental – the main purpose
    of the standard ones appears to be trolling the Hohol air defenses.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
    , @ariadna
  272. @迪路

    Why kill the guilty rich, unless their crimes are heinous deserving a death sentence? Just get them to do some digging. Mao didn’t even kill the Emperor but got him working as a gardner, unlike the Soviets who murdered the Tsar and his family.

    •�Replies: @迪路
  273. Anonymous[354] •�Disclaimer says:

    The essay says that Hazel has the destructive power of a low-to-medium-yield nuke. A commenter says that for Russia, the virtue of Hazel is that Russia avoids the stigma of dropping a nuke. It would seem that these two cannot, logically, be harmonized.

    An important thing to remember when talking about nuclear weapons is that, while they are measured by explosive force, the damage they cause is not simply limited to the explosion.

    In a recent article in The Atlantic, atomic historian Alex Wellerstein said that a kiloton or megaton is simply a unit of energy. Nuclear weapons also result in massive amounts of heat and radiation causing damage to both people and the environment long after the initial explosion.


    I’m assuming that joules of energy = (1/2) *m*(v^2), using the metric system to avoid conversion constants. High School physics.

    A “low yield” nuclear weapons has sub-kiloton to 50 kiloton explosive energy. A kiloton of TNT releases about 4.2*10^12 Joules, and you would have to get 200 metric tons up to Mach 19 or so to make the energy release from stopping the the Mach 19 object equal to what a kiloton of TNT releases upon detonation. 200 metric tons at Mach 19 doesn’t sound worthwhile or even feasible thanks to atmospheric friction. So Hazel’s payload does not have the energy of a low to medium tactical nuke. 200 kg at Mach 19 might be possible, and would release the energy of 1 ton of TNT, since yield scales linearly with mass. That’s about the yield of an old man portable Atomic Demolition Munition (ADM) device.

    Still, Q: how much energy do you need? A: enough to destroy the target. Hitting a target with a 10 Kg tungsten rod at Mach 10, which would have released the energy of a 14.1 kg of TNT equivalent or so, enough to destroy small targets. Apparently the Oreshnik designers made the same decision, because the Oreshnick has 36 fairly small kinetic projectiles, maybe even tungsten rods, that hit the target.
    Apparently thermal effects are also important. Mach 10 through atmosphere heats things up, and apparently the projectiles get up to 4000 Celsius degrees. While I can’t calculate the energy involved, that’s enough to melt most metals, and all targets. Shaped charges damage because they are lined inside with a low melting point metal that is converted into a high velocity projectile of molten metal by the explosive charge. The HEAT round, if I remember correctly, uses shaped charge. So the 36 Oreshnick fairly small kinetic projectiles would each be something like a super HEAT round. The cluster would destroy most hardened sites and damage all of them, or at least their entryways and logistics portals. Same thing with governmental centers such as the White House and major ports. Things have just gotten very personal for world leaders.

    And Hazel does all that without making long term radioisotopes. Or violating written protocols for massive nuclear retaliation. One Oreshnick could, for example, take out the Hudson Tunnel in NYC, or maybe the Statue of Liberty, or NYC City Hall & vicinity, or the San Francisco Bay bridge, without triggering massive nuclear retaliation.

    The US has been working in the same area since the 1950s: https://taskandpurpose.com/news/kinetic-bombardment-kep-weaponry/ and still has nothing deployable. The post 1970 Uniparty and Obama’s bunch might not have stabilized the world, but they certainly stabilized (or stagnated or killed) the US.. The Russian Federation has been taking US projects from the 1960s and making them deployable. They even tried to make Project Pluto deployable: 9M730 Burevestnik. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/air-force%E2%80%99s-project-pluto-nuclear-weapon-would-have-rained-radiation-it-flew-174955 but no success yet.

    Fact is, many nations have the tools to destroy civilized life. That should calm down the next cycle of international relations, except that the US Empire/Suzerainty is breaking up and there is a demographic failure in all the industrial countries, and one of opposite sign in Africa, which destabilizes things.

  274. 迪路 says:
    @Commentator Mike

    In fact, it is a cultural difference. Businessmen are the lowest class in our culture.
    The class order was arranged according to scholars, peasants, workers, and businessmen.
    So you will find that the status of peasants in ancient Chinese society was greater than that of merchants in the mainstream of public opinion.
    A businessman is guilty of original sin as long as he has made money from others.
    It is culturally inadvisable to allow lowly businessmen to prevail over scholars.
    In other words, as long as you are a rich man, you exist to defraud others by profit.
    There is a saying that no businessman is not a wicked man.
    So killing some businessmen in moderation would help society develop. Especially the old, uneducated ones.

  275. @littlereddot

    Years ago, the U. S. Government put my wife and I up for more than a couple of months at the Intercontinental Hotel in Singapore. We had a nice room, but although we did not quite qualify for an upgrade, I asked the Assistant Manager, a young man, anyway. He said, ” No problem. Done. US Government very good customer for us.” I told him that his decision was fast and decisive. He smiled and said, “Chinese people very practical.”

    I’ve never forgotten that. It is not physical resources that make a country prosperous; it is the people.

    •�Thanks: littlereddot
  276. @迪路

    Thanks. I agree that businessmen are basically criminals. I am surprised by the traditional Chinese attitude you describe as my impression was that Chinese are extremely money oriented and materialistic. If the traditional view prevails then there is no chance for Jews in China. Still I think corrupt businessmen should be allowed to live but forced to do useful work.

  277. Che Guava says:

    Earplugs would likely be a good idea.

  278. @nokangaroos

    The flying mopeds are neither “Iranian” nor are they “drones”, meaning you
    are either a crétin or a liar.

    Well here is the model and it is described as an Iranian drone:

    Feel free to get in an edit war with Wikipedia if you think it should be called something else.

    It meets the definition of a drone and the term existed before FPV type drones were used in warfare.

    Are you going to claim that Russia has not been importing them from Iran?

    Instead of playing semantic games how about trying to answer the question about Putin targeting civilian areas with them:
    Oh ok then do explain why Putin launches near daily attacks on Ukrainian cities with Iranian drones that aren’t accurate enough for VIP hits. They’re 2 stroke engine drones that use Western GPS and have crude navigation systems.

    Is Putin targeting civilians with Iranian drones? Does the answer change if I refer to them as flying mopeds?

    •�Replies: @Peripatetic commenter
  279. @Commentator Mike

    Well you and your Chinese friend should brush up on Econ 101.

    The businessman doesn’t simply sell wares out of his briefcase.

    Businessmen are required to expand the value of whatever product or service you find useful and seemingly place above his existence.

    An inventor who creates a useful device can only make so many on his own.

    The businessman is required to turn it into a mass market product where it has value for millions of people.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @迪路
  280. Sarita says:
    @Commentator Mike

    “Tired of more traditional Hallyweird fare, are you?”

    No, I’m tired of Putin, Assad, Netanyahu, Khameney etc etc etc killing children for their sadistic projects.
    I’m tired of Arab rulers poor and rich who sit around playing with their balls and not doing a damned thing to stop the slaughter even if it was cutting oil for a month or two.
    Both groups are cowards and genocidal maniacs.
    And the only solution is for Arab and Muslim masses to create a Caliphate.
    Why not? Examples are: the Soviet Union,the United States, the European Union and BRICS.
    It’s that Time.

  281. Sarita says:

    “Wasn’t the late Mc Cain photographed with them?”

    Yes I remember that photo.
    I always suspected it was altered by the Iranian propaganda machine to stick Al Baghdadi’s head in there when he met mc Cain during efforts to create the Awakening Council to stop the Iraq war and make it look like mc Cain was creating ISIS.
    But after the US killed him I realized that the US was at the time helping the Sunni tribes who had actually complained about ISIS. Why was Al Baghdadi present there, I don’t know.

    But, why would you join or deal with the treacherous Americans who had already killed Bin Laden, who was Al Baghdadi’s boss? (Bin Laden whom Iran propaganda machine had also attacked and called a CIA agent).
    Simple, the answer is that neither one was working with the US. They were sworn enemies of the US whose special forces killed them.

    During the attack Al Baghdadi’s three children were also killed by dogs who ate them alive in that tunnel in front of him!!!
    Here is part of what the next retard in chief said about the attack:

    Remarks by President Trump on the Death of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
    National Security & Defense

    Issued on: October 27, 2019

    THE PRESIDENT: “Last night, the United States brought the world’s number one terrorist leader to justice. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead… Blah blah blah… He was the founder and leader of ISIS, the most ruthless and violent terror organization anywhere in the world…Blah blah blah…

    The United States has been searching for Baghdadi for many years. U.S. Special Operations Forces executed a dangerous and daring nighttime raid in northwestern Syria and accomplished their mission in grand style. The U.S. personnel were incredible. I got to watch much of it.
    He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way. The compound had been cleared by this time, with people either surrendering or being shot and killed. He died like a bitch”


    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  282. Sarita says:

    Stupid announcements:

    Iran FM: US, Israel fueling Takfiri terrorism in Syria; urgent intl. action.needed

    If the so called international community did shit about the Gaza genocide why would anyone do anything about a civil war in some shit hole place like Syria?.
    And what interest does Iran have in that country other than imperialistic?
    I mean even damned Israel gets more affected by the conflict because it’s closer.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  283. @John Johnson

    I know, I know, they even teach “Business Ethics”. But in reality businessmen are cutthroats, economic hit men, swindlers, liars, and cheats. You can find hit men easily down in the pub and who do you think they work for? Mostly for businessmen eliminating the competition and even partners.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  284. @Sarita

    Bin Laden was created by the CIA, and he died a natural death. Those special forces didn’t kill Bin Laden. That was a complete fake, but maybe they killed some innocent Pakistanis for propaganda purposes.

  285. Sarita says:

    George Galloway reposted

  286. ariadna says:

    “meaning you are either a crétin or a liar.”

    I never understood this unnecessarily trenchant ‘either/or’ separation…

  287. ariadna says:

    “If the so called international community did shit about the Gaza genocide why would anyone do anything about a civil war in some shit hole place like Syria?.
    And what interest does Iran have in that country other than imperialistic?
    I mean even damned Israel gets more affected by the conflict because it’s closer.”

    Take a rest. Time out. Clear your head. I mean this in the kindest way.

  288. 迪路 says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Ah, our general view is obviously not to let corrupt businessmen live.
    Not even his family.
    In ancient times, the government would confiscate a businessman’s property by killing off his entire family if it could.
    Kill all the men, send the women to work as prostitutes.
    So you actually see that although the rights of businessmen in our country have improved in modern society, their actual status can never surpass that of officials.
    For example, Ma Yun wants to imitate the Illuminati or Freemasons to form a secret society, and then contact Vanguard Group to jointly develop the world elite society, and then his Ant Financial business will be cleaned up.
    Of course, this is also related to the business leverage ratio is too high.
    As for the concept of Chinese materialism you hear about, it is also realistic, but if the businessman is immoral or even corrupt, we can find some reason to kill him.

  289. 迪路 says:
    @John Johnson

    It doesn’t matter.We don’t care about the definition of a businessman.
    Our naive view is to kill the morally depraved. After all, killing people is the easiest thing to do.
    Kill his whole family and you’ll hear no objection.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  290. @John Johnson

    The flying mopeds are neither “Iranian” nor are they “drones”, meaning you
    are either a crétin or a liar.

    Well here is the model and it is described as an Iranian drone:

    Whoa. While Wikipedo is a bad source in some cases, the OP seems like someone who also thinks viruses don’t exist, let alone viroids.

    Are you going to claim that Russia has not been importing them from Iran?

    They did initially import them from Iran. Later, they manufactured their own.

    Is Putin targeting civilians with Iranian drones? Does the answer change if I refer to them as flying mopeds?

    Did the allies target civilians during WWII? Dresden? Hiroshima? Nagasaki?

    Holier than thou is not a good place to be there.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  291. @Commentator Mike

    We are entering a new era, where new ways of living and conducting commercial activities are coming to the forefront.

    You might want to check out this supermarket. On the price tags, they list the Cost Price of the goods, next to the Retail Price. That way, the shopper knows how much profit the supermarket is making, and decides for himself if it is worth it.

    Funny thing is that this supermarket is in China. Is this Socialism? Is it Capitalism? Or is it something new altogether?

    There are fools here who continue to stuff everything into boxes marked Socialism or Communism or Capitalism. These people will be last to realise that times have moved on.


    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  292. @Commentator Mike

    I know, I know, they even teach “Business Ethics”. But in reality businessmen are cutthroats, economic hit men, swindlers, liars, and cheats. You can find hit men easily down in the pub and who do you think they work for? Mostly for businessmen eliminating the competition and even partners.

    The world is indeed filled scummy businessmen but the solution is to tax the worst of them and invest into more noble pursuits.

    •�Replies: @迪路
  293. @Peripatetic commenter

    Is Putin targeting civilians with Iranian drones? Does the answer change if I refer to them as flying mopeds?

    Did the allies target civilians during WWII? Dresden? Hiroshima? Nagasaki?

    Holier than thou is not a good place to be there.

    I’m on record as being against all those bombings and I would add the firebombing of Tokyo.

    I don’t support the bombing of civilian areas.

    I’ve asked simple questions about Putin’s use of Iranian drones and I never get simple answers. Nokangaroos tried using a semantic fallacy:

    Putin’s defenders repeatedly tell us that he is trying to minimize civilian casualties and contrast him with the US in Iraq. I then ask about the nearly daily attacks on Ukrainian cities with Iranian drones and they go into a froth.

    It’s not a matter of my own beliefs. I ask Putin defenders to explain their position in lieu of Iranian drones and they get upset as they are trying to maintain the delusion that their dictator has a heart of gold and is merely the victim of the West.

    •�Troll: ariadna
  294. Pablo says:

    The Hegemon, the Exceptional Nation must continue with their delusions of grandeur. If the Neocons and the Zionists–the entire Deep State for that matter–will never accept the Inconvenient Truth that the USA is a quickly crumbling, World’s-Greatest-Debtor-Nation-in-History Empire. Because they would have to admit they are Total Failures. Their smug, arrogant, extreme Hubris will not allow Reality to seep in to their self image. And the tightly controlled Western Media will provide The Deep State cover for the “Exceptional Nation’s’ massive failures. Scapegoats will be found.

  295. Sarita says:

    Message to Khameney and his Fartwa

  296. Sarita says:

    I’m gonna do you a favor, this is the first time ever you get 300 comments 😂)

    Yes, it is a genocide and Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and Pakistan (the big Muslim countries) are losers who do nothing about it !

  297. 迪路 says:
    @John Johnson

    The western solution is ridiculous.
    Business depends on contacts. If you don’t kill a businessman, he’ll be back on his feet in a few years.
    Killing is the easiest thing. It would be better to kill his whole family, so as to avoid further trouble.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  298. Nicholaus says:
    @John Johnson

    Well said. The only comment so far on here that I have read that is logical.

    •�Thanks: John Johnson
  299. @迪路

    This corrupt CEO was just killed on a street in Manhattan.


    He was denying people health care and guilty of God knows what other crimes they’re not reporting. Could be a start of something or something else?

    •�Replies: @迪路
  300. 迪路 says:
    @Commentator Mike

    I would suggest killing the shareholders. The CEO is just a proxy. The board gives the CEO more power to look like the owner of the company.
    The vested interests of the company are paid out by the shareholders, and killing a CEO doesn’t change anything. Companies will still be corrupt. It’s actually the environment that needs to change.
    And it is not clear whether his killer was hired by a rival, equally corrupt company.
    Of course, you can see that the largest shareholders in most companies in the United States are three companies that hold each other, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street.
    The existence of such companies makes it harder to identify true shareholders.

  301. Anonymous[354] •�Disclaimer says:

    It doesn’t matter.We don’t care about the definition of a businessman.
    Our naive view is to kill the morally depraved. After all, killing people is the easiest thing to do.

    That’s one way to do things. The US tried something like that under the Uniparty/Jewish Coalition, and now (2024-12) it’s trying the same thing under the Obama coalition, next month (2025-01) it switches over to rule by the Trump coalition. For these three rulers, there is no common definition of “morally depraved”. This inconsistency shows up strongly in the trans-gender disputes. At least a new group gets to dance, but other than that I don’t see any advantage. The results haven’t been that good. They consist of US: stagnation, severe misallocation of capital expenditures, and injured women atheletes, not to mention all the imprisoned or dead people.
    PRC also did something very similar, with Deng’s “to get rich is glorious” era repudiating Mao’s state control of all economic aspects, and then Xi’s repudiation of Deng’s “to get rich is glorious” era and its personnel.
    Hope that PRC makes out better than the US has, but, well, “kill all the businessmen” looks a lot like “make everything a State Enterprise”, which PRC knows from its own experience is a recipe for stagnation, or perhaps mass starvation – again.

    As for “morally depraved”, you can find yourself tarred with that very wide brush and with no warning, as former PRC President Hu Jintao found out. Remember that (a) morality isn’t physics, and (b) even physics, supported by very smart people, experiment, and a mathematics consistent with experiment results, is currently undergoing a revolution in its basic concepts, with some question of the meaning of time[1]. In morality, it is difficult to get any information or draw any conclusion about inter-group conflicts except that they are readily observable. Right now, it sounds like your group is killing the members of another group, probably in a dispute over capital allocation (they have capital, you want it). As I said before, that’s one way to do things.

    However – current PRC policy appears to conform to the old Chinese Imperial policy: Treat the businessmen as one might treat a herd of cattle: let them wax fat, and, when you need money, kill them and take their substance. Since the businessmen are humans, the Empire must suddenly discover that t the slaughtered are “morally depraved” or the equivalent. The West uses “racist” and “homophobic” and “TERF” in much the same way and for much the same reason.

    As far as I know, there is no Chinese religion, or even Confucian doctrine, that praises capital accumulation as a religious duty. That, plus occasionally slaughtering the morally depraved has greatly reduced Chinese capital accumulation over the centuries, as it is destroying capital accumulation now in the West. Only those who want to have a brief life will go into business, and will tend to be more gamblers than capital accumulators. Here’s the same attitude in the West

    Be morally depraved today because tomorrow they’ll say I’m morally depraved.

    •�Replies: @迪路
  302. Anonymous[354] •�Disclaimer says: •�Website

    We are entering a new era, where new ways of living and conducting commercial activities are coming to the forefront.

    We most definitely are. Industrial society is killing its industrious populations. Mean TFR in the US is ~ 1.7 (see: https://www.statista.com/statistics/226292/us-fertility-rates-by-race-and-ethnicity/ ) and it well below replacement in every industrialized country. If industrial society survives at all, something very very basic will have had to to change.

    There are several “cyclical” theories that attempt to predict observed social statistics since the Industrial Revolution started to become important, AD ~1812, or perhaps since it became dominant, AD ~1870. Some are optimistic, others pessimistic, others bogus and were most likely propaganda. All are either convincing or once were. I’m left with only one conclusion — there will be major change of some sort, and that it will be as inconceivable as the switch of Europe from Christendom to a society based on the mortal sins of self interest over duty and separating political control from religion would have been in AD 1200.

    As you say, Marxism as originally formulated is dead — no “withering away” of the State with a remnant population of farmers who discuss literary criticism in the evenings. So has Socialism — government control of capital allocation means stagnation as in the US and EU and UK and USSR and Mao’s PRC (which was saved by the PRC and making Western markets open to PRC by Henry the K and Nixon and PRC Premier Zhou Enlai).

    Something quite different from contemporary (AD 2024) social forms will happen, and I, at least, don’t know what. I do know that, when social forms fail, the result is quite often a fallback to brute force and massive ignorance (BFMI) as things simplify back to the “How do we eat?” level [1], and after that anything can happen. (I’m a bit pessimistic from living in the US, can’t help it.)

    BTW, we just had another Revolution in Military Affairs (ROMA) with Oreshnik strike (2024-11-22). Oreshnik drills a shotgun pattern of 36 holes in the ground that go down maybe 50 meters through just about anything, and does so at ballistic missile ranges. That means no more secure command structure bunkers or bomb proof underground factories, and no more secure port facilities/docks/railways. Also, Oreshnik can be nuclear armed and it’s hypersonic, ~Mach 10 – so it cannot be destroyed in flight. The Russian Federation’s R&D on deploying 1960’s vintage weapons concepts has apparently paid off. Edison’s “inventing the R&D lab” is still paying off, at least for those organizations that are not brain dead.

    As for the social implications — dispersal becomes the only tactical Oreshnik defense, so mass armies are obsolescent, soon to be obsolete, and only dispersed forces and command structures like the ones that won in Afghanistan (“The Americans have the watches, but we have the time”). Primitive warfare tactics become dominant, as has been increasingly the case since the Nurnberg trials. Ask if you want references for this.

    1] Three levels of civilization (Douglas Adams):
    a) How do we eat?
    b) Why do we eat?
    c) Where do we have lunch? (which fails and the society cycles back to (a))

    •�Replies: @littlereddot
  303. @Anonymous

    1] Three levels of civilization (Douglas Adams):
    a) How do we eat?
    b) Why do we eat?
    c) Where do we have lunch? (which fails and the society cycles back to (a))

    Something I remember reading some years ago about the rise and fall of empires: In their later stages, affluence starts to make the populace soft and indulgent. Food take on a different significance from being a source of energy for the body. It is in these stages when Chefs become celebrities. I remember reading the comparison with the late Roman empire when this happened and its collapse was not long after.

    Personally I find the recent phenomenon of celebrity chefs rather distasteful. I long ago decided that “if I know the name of the chef of the restaurant, I don’t want to eat there”.

  304. 迪路 says:

    I think you have a misunderstanding.
    What the Obama administration is doing is obviously different, and they are actually creating another short-term interest group instead of a long-term interest group.
    This interest group (such as the transsexual business) has a seemingly logical concept, but this concept is not suitable from the perspective of long-term strategic planning, and will lead to the death of the human concept.
    Our appeal here is that there is no need for a certain interest group, and a certain interest group should not be created.
    For example, if a person as a businessman joins and promotes an interest group that should not have arisen, then that person should be prepared to be reasonably eliminated, or automatically bankrupt.
    No one will profit in this process, and the state will tell you that this path cannot be profitable. That person’s assets will be completely wasted, and the wasted assets will become some garbage project, abandoned vehicles, or used for new projects.
    So, you can see why some Chinese with high debts always flee to places like the United States.
    They got into businesses they shouldn’t be in, like Ponzi schemes, religious worship, gambling, drugs. Despite the fact that the government only needs to participate in these projects to make a substantial profit, they simply do not participate. Because it’s not in the long run.
    You see, we are absolute pragmatists, and we don’t think the plans of an interest group are long-term. We will destroy it, and I think that makes sense. mao is like that. Deng is like that. When we all feel that interest groups should not be born, we should obey our decisions instead of corrupting society because of short-term interests.
    For example, you even have one of our FDA commissioners being executed for corruption. This is obviously something that is unimaginable in the United States, considering that successive FDA commissioners have actually been in the background of corruption.
    In this process, money from corrupt interest groups will be used to build new projects and various subsidies.
    In general, Western societies lack managers who have a pragmatic view of long-term management, so moral degradation is not simply an excuse, but a real thing.
    In fact, this moral corruption can be reflected in many things in the West, such as food additives, ultra-processed foods, cannabis, pharmaceuticals, transportation. I’m sure you’re familiar with that.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  305. Corrupt says:

    Fight your own wars zionist.

  306. @迪路

    “ The class order was arranged according to scholars, peasants, workers, and businessmen.”

    Yes, this is what I learned about China from watching the Nova documentaries back in 1990.

    But then there are businessmen and businessmen. There are those who created real wealth that benefited others beside themselves by finding ways to increase agricultural and industrial productivity, and there are the Wall Street speculators, the company raiders and the likes of those building financial behemoths like Black Rock who excelled at financial shenanigans and hidden monopolies.

    Henry Ford was a businessman who earned his keep and gave the opportunity to many people to move ahead materially, something that most governments fail to do. The success of the Chinese government at pulling hundreds of millions of Chinese out of poverty was the result of adopting free market principles and putting in charge extremely competitive administrators chosen through a system of meritocracy.

    So what to do with the parasitic businessman who takes without giving anything in return; the Chinese model would clip his wings and make him a social pariah. This is what Jack Ma had to undergo when he was taken by the CCP to the woodshed.

    But in a free market, it is the consumer who decides who sinks, who floats and who soars.

    •�Replies: @迪路
  307. Corrupt says:

    I can’t speak IRT the interviewer, but I suspect Russians are probably a lot like the majority of Americans… I have no hate for the Russian people (who seem to suffer quite a bit), but do take exception to some of the actions of their government (although to be honest, I probably take exception to more US government actions than Russian government actions, since they are being done in my name).

  308. 迪路 says:
    @Joe Levantine

    In general, the treatment of businessmen actually has something to do with popular opinion among businessman.
    What Ma did actually undermined the order of the free market, and even a group of former partners needed to report him to the government.
    After all, the leverage rate created by his Ant Group is too high, and he only needs to take millions of risks to leverage tens of billions of funds, which is obviously unacceptable.
    Crucially, he was going to work with the Vanguard Group, which is part of the deep state. This is clearly an act of treason.
    If it wasn’t for his father, who was a party member, he would probably be in prison right now.
    Even if the public doesn’t know exactly what Ant Financial is doing, complaints from businessmen in the industry could give the government the resolve to crack down on the company.
    So, sometimes you don’t need to wait for consumers to suffer before you decide to clean up a company.
    You see, there are a lot of hardworking businessmen here who see this person breaking the rules in some way, and they will not choose to join his industry, but will choose to report him.
    But the American logic is different.
    Take opioids as an example. When the Sackler family discovered that opioids could make a lot of money through false advertising packaging, a series of companies such as Johnson & Johnson and Teva began to join the race track, which made the United States completely become a drug country.

    •�Thanks: Joe Levantine
    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @antibeast
  309. Anonymous[175] •�Disclaimer says:

    In my opinion, ANYONE and EVERYONE corrupt should be severely punished, up to and including torture and later, death. (Depends on how much you harmed society). Family members should not benefit from the corruption, but have a duty to report it to show they are not part of the corruption.

    The Universe itself demands Balance, and so crime must carry consequence, there is no other way.

    Under these circumstances, very few would see being corrupt as worth it. You help no one, not even your loved ones (provided you are willing to endure torture and execution yourself). Your loved ones will turn against you, and very few people want that.

    In order of danger to the country:

    1) corrupt officials (bad governance)

    2) corrupt military (military cannot fight well, so country is undefended)

    3) corrupt businessmen (profits over ethics – ex. American pharma, U.S. military-industrial corporations)

    4) corrupt artists, propagandists, media, academics, religious leaders etc (indoctrinating people with self-destructive ideology/backward morals)

    5) Of course, outright criminals are on this list, depending on how harmful they are. Organized crime cartels, any interest group other than the country as a whole (like followers of say a religion, loyal to an ethnic group, loyal to a philosophy – anyone who puts their group ahead of the whole country etc), spies, terrorists – the list is long.

    In fact, actual written laws must exist to define precisely what constitutes harm. This makes it clear that these will not be tolerated. For example – “anti-outsider infiltration” laws can make it completely fine and legal to uproot a religious ethnicity whose members come to dominate the levers of power of society, and to arrest and mete out consequences as appropriate, up to the most gruesome. I believe for example, that China already has these laws. Makes China impossible to subvert and infiltrate by alien cultures – this is apart from Chinese’ reflexive non-acceptance of such aliens in powerful positions. Please correct me if wrong?

    (Stating the obvious: when the few take on the many, and the weak fight the strong, subversion and undermining is the way they will fight. The powerful nation must never overlook nor allow the infiltration by the weaker group. Simple.)

  310. Anonymous[354] •�Disclaimer says:

    Thanks for a much more understandable account of goals and methods. I will reply in kind.

    Something like your program has to happen in every industrialized country. Contemporary industry can create real horrors if run for short term gains, or if its managers, say, essentially divert all capital expenditures to management bonuses. Right now this seems to be driving TFR to well below replacement levels in every industrial state.
    The crucial point of the following is that absolute power does not necessarily imply absolute control.
    Please consider that the State of California has absolute power over forestry, yet does not have the understanding to prevent historically large forest fires. They State has power, but no control. Governmental power is in practice used to ensure the historically large forest fires that the State does not want. Please watch this video now.


    The State of California cannot prevent historically large forest fires because the people in power cannot understand that annual small fires are the cost of preventing historically large forest fires.
    The problem is that there are very many situations that “exhibit perverse outcomes in response to control actions” unless the fundamental problem is understood and the understanding is acted upon. The most recent is the election of D. Trump as President. The dominant coalition in the US federal government tried to reproduce the New Deal voting landslide, which was the result of an early 20th Century wave of immigration, by a ~2020-2024 wave of immigration. The effect of this “open border” policy was the exact opposite of that intended by the governing coalition (which is headed bythe Obama coalition since Obama revolted against his Jewish sponsors back in 2014.

    Generally speaking, government can only solve problems that its personnel understand. Generally these are problems that can be described by simple algebra or that are plausible (e.g. scatter charts used to establish linear relationships). Unfortunately, almost all the problems of that sort have been solved, and the remaining problems exhibit perverse outcomes in response to control actions if the actions assume the fidelity of a simple algebraic model. Problems that result from self organizing criticality form one such class of problems. Others come from assuming that money given to sick people will be spent on treatment. If the sick person is an alcoholic, say, and is given, say, $10,000, that person will simply drink himself to death within a month. Same with warfare – neglecting military R&D has left the US unable to cope with or counter with Russian Federation strategic systems. Giving more money to US urban areas for new capital investment has failed to even maintain the urban areas, but has instead simply maintain an urban structure that cannot support itself by production of goods and services, and has consequently deteriorated severely.
    In such an environment, it is not surprising that businessmen have become increasingly “morally depraved”, to use your apt phrase. If effort is futile because understanding is absent, participants may simply give up and become morally depraved.
    Consequently, the problem we have in the United States is finding managers, in both private enterprise and government, who can and will think of something beyond themselves and will have some method of operation other than telling lies and protecting their own careers and bank accounts. The Protestants of the Industrial Revolutions are no more, so are industrialists like Ford. Musk has shown what can be done, even in the current US context, but nobody knows how to copy him. Even I, iconoclast and skeptic to the core, would have had a hard time convincing myself to fire 80% of Facebook employees, although the 80% are in fact people who want nothing but bad for me and my family. I could also not have decided which 20% to keep.

    Heree are some examples:
    1) Without Musk-like ability, we get government organizations like NASA, which has been marching in place at very high cost since the 1960s. Contrast NASA with Space-X. We also get military contractors that have known about Hazelnut type systems, and the other Russian strategic weapons initiatives, since the 1950s, but never tried to develop them them, and can’t seem to produce a workable hypersonic weapons.
    2) Once upon a time there was a Marine (USMC) general who saved a Navy fleet from adopting a fire control system that would have sunk the fleet if used in actual combat against an actual foe. Here’s the story: https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-trending/that-time-a-marine-general-led-a-fictional-iran-against-the-us-military-and-won/
    The USMC general was severely criticized for spoiling the exercise, and the US Navy pretty much gave up on computers and littoral combat.
    3) Once upon a time NASA was going to build what was eventually called the Freedom Space Station, and had an assembly plan. A flight surgeon (!) demonstrated, in a slide presentation, that the assembly plan would take so long that, considering the failure rate of equipment in orbit, the assembled station would not be operational or salvageable. Related work, performed at JSC, showed that the station as designed could not be maintained by the crew or the inventory/supply plan. The flight surgeon found himself working at a Houston emergency room within a month, and the inventory/supply projections were ignored — and proved true by actual failures. As a result, the massive and crippled Space Station never produced anything more than data on human physiology in microgravity. And this neglects the time the NASA Administrator lied like a throw rug in his justification of the Space Shuttle program. That criminal act killed two crews, destroyed two Space Shuttles, and was justified afterwards as “political reality”.
    4) You can see the same sort of goals and objectives that produced a monumental failure in the COVID affair in the West.
    The pattern of intelligent and beneficial government control that you describe is absent in the US. It is not at all clear how the US could get such a pattern. I have my hopes for Trump, but, as the Bible says, brag when you’re taking off your armor after the fight, not when you’re putting armor on before the fight. I’ll wait until Trump prevails, for predicting the past is more reliable (but less advantageous) than predicting the future.
    5)It is said in the West that a philosopher-king has be both a philosopher and a hard core power thug king, and that nobody has that mix of talents, so such people are either too much the philosopher (and overthrown), or too much the thug king (and does not rule wisely). V. Putin appears to be a philosopher king as well as anybody I’ve ever heard of, for what that’s worth. Contrast that with rule of the Obama coalition (2014-2024), which is all thug with an attempted deception of moral philosophy, and no understanding of problems beyond “I have the gun and you don’t”.
    6) The US did try scholars, both in the Wilson Administration and in the FDR Administration, also the JFK administration. In all cases that proved a mistake. The intellectuals could justify anything, and that’s all they could do. The rule of thumb in the US now is “Never give an academic power”, and it’s confirmed by the universities — where the administration is all thugs and the professors all either deadwood or scientists in an active field like astronomy or planetary science that has nothing to do with business. Even in the sciences, you have zombie projects like hot fusion and the algebraic/calculus approach is being gradually abandoned.. ( https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/ )
    You have a plan for PRC, but the US and EU cannot implement it. Maybe you can, but the problem of perverse outcomes to control actions for non-algebraic processes is the same for the PRC as it is for anybody else. If the US tried the system you describe, the US academic elite would immediately neutralize Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson, then reinstate Biden’s immigration policy and grant Boeing subsidies if Boeing simply continue to make defective aircraft. I certainly hope the PRC can be successful, for it would be nice if some industrial society somewhere should succeed. However, that depends on achieving an understanding of non-algebraic process models.
    As for pragmatism (belief in pragma, or methodologies that produce desired outcomes): You might find Plunkitt’s book ( https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2810 ) a useful guide to the sort of Western political organization that has led to the above failures, which are almost unbelievably stupid, treacherous, and self-defeating. Note that Plunkitt thought Tammany Hall was an exemplar of pragmatism. Weber, Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism claimed that the Industrial Revolution was the result of religious fanaticism (he makes a good case). It can be argued that Galileo’s “new science” was one result of Catholic Thomism, deduced by St. Thomas Aquinas out of raw Catholic theology several Centuries before Galileo lived, and combined with Arabic Algebra and Greek systematic geometry. Reality is very very strange.

    If you want to be pragmatic about industry/business, I’d suggest thinking of it as compose of processors with characteristics determined by samples from known probability distributions, These processors are coupled by what amounts to a self-organizing demand-pull system that communicates over noisy channels and has specialized processors (e.g. businesses, machine tools, a specific public) that are fed by a bidding process, with bids from potential suppliers and customers. I’ve had good luck with that concept.
    You’ve probably noticed that this system has nothing that corresponds to your governing group. IMHO, you are correct and the system won’t do anything useful without a governing group that exercises effective control. However, shoehorning a such a group into such a system is difficult, and I don’t know how to do it. In practice, control has been exercised by specifying the mix of jobs put into the system, but that just works for automation, not societies (although the PRC is making a strong attempt in that area).

    see also: https://www.unz.com/pescobar/trump-may-be-oreshniked-on-ukraine-even-before-he-gets-to-china/#comment-6890977 , which concerns the need for an increased understanding of problems actually faced by government. If you are interested, I could post a list of theories concerning cycles in human history.

    •�Replies: @迪路
  311. 迪路 says:

    I also don’t quite understand why the rate of corruption in the United States is so fast. Maybe because American don’t have professional anti-corruption officers in the United States, we have professional and independent anti-corruption teams here in China that go around to make sure there aren’t too many economic crimes, and that’s part of the official system that’s been around for 2,000 years.
    Most of what looks like legitimate lobbying, and Super PACs are actually corrupt in our case.
    My guess is that corruption in the United States may come from a cumulative breach of the bottom line.
    One day, for example, Joe Manchin thought he could write a bill to make people stockpile insulin so his daughter’s company, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, could make a lot of money. Then someone else saw that Joe Manchin was doing this without any legal risk and started making money from stocks by writing bills.
    Over time, the whole society of the United States has formed a tacit understanding that as long as it is legal, then you can do anything you want on this basis.
    Even in the end, the idea of being above the law will be something rich people find exciting, like Epstein’s Girl Island, Little Rock killer Hillary.

    •�Replies: @James of Africa
    , @Anonymous
  312. @迪路

    That last sentence makes me think of some the later books and short stories of JG Ballard, he has this theme running through some of his work of even petty crime becoming another fad of the jaded jet set.

    •�Replies: @迪路
  313. antibeast says:

    What Ma did actually undermined the order of the free market, and even a group of former partners needed to report him to the government. After all, the leverage rate created by his Ant Group is too high, and he only needs to take millions of risks to leverage tens of billions of funds, which is obviously unacceptable.

    Jack Ma was running a pyramid scheme using ANT Financial as a shadow bank. His ploy was disingenuous because he was able to hide ANT Financial’s shadow bank which was supposed to be an online payment system for Alibaba customers by turning it into a debt-based pyramid scheme which went something like this: an Alibaba seller borrows from ANT Financial to fund the merchandise for sale which is bought by an Alibaba buyer who also borrows from ANT Financial to fund the purchase. Leveraging these e-commerce transactions for both buyers and sellers allowed Alibaba to grow massively because ANT Financial was piling up massive debts to fund the merchandise sales on Alibaba’s e-commerce platforms.

    After Ma appeared before a financial industry forum in Shanghai and started attacking China’s State-owned banking sector by comparing it to a ‘pawn shop’, that’s when Xi cracked down hard on Chinese Capitalists like Ma who had harbored ambitions to turn his ANT Financial Group into a Chinese version of the Fed. Jack Ma wanted more than just funding the hundreds of billions of merchandise sales for Alibaba which is just one company amongst thousands of big companies in China. He wanted ANT Financial to take over China’s entire State-owned banking system which is responsible for financing the whole economy of China. In order to realize his financial ambitions, Ma sought political backing from the Shanghai-based Dengist Kleptocracy who were being targeted by Xi in his ‘Tigers and Flies’ anti-corruption campaign. That was a red flag for Xi who had sought to destroy not just the political power of the Shanghai-based Dengist Kleptocracy but also undermine their economic base centered on the wealth-management industry in Shanghai (equivalent to the private-equity industry in Wall Street). And guess where the investment funds being managed by the Shanghai-based wealth-management industry were going into? Real-estate. In other words, the Shanghai-based Dengist Kleptocracy were fueling the property bubble by speculating in real-estate just as Ma was fueling the e-commerce boom in Alibaba’s platforms by leveraging ANT Financial’s off-the-books piles-of-debt. Both are pyramid schemes in disguise as they were dependent on piling up lots of off-the-books debt to either fuel ever-rising property prices or fund ever-growing e-commerce sales.

    •�Thanks: littlereddot
    •�Replies: @littlereddot
  314. 迪路 says:
    @James of Africa

    You might even come to the same conclusion about sexuality.
    Human beings always love the new and hate the old. For example, a rich man first got pleasure from breasts, and then he got tired of breasts and tried new things, and eventually he developed a human feast and became an ogre.

  315. @antibeast

    I was very encouraged when I saw China crack down on Jack Ma. Xi is walking the talk when in regards to guiding China down the path of healthy growth.

    Another encouraging sign was how China cracked down on the private tuition addiction/race. In East Asia, we are plagued by this phenomenon. It occurs not only other similar Confucian cultures like Korea, Taiwan and Singapore. In the end, the system favours the rich who can afford the best tutors. The system skews towards the rich rather than selecting the best minds for leadership. This situation is less than optimal for the country.

    Every culture has peculiar bugs that it suffers from. The Indians suffer from their caste system. The Confucian cultures suffer from the over-competition in education that results in the private tuition rat race.

    I wish that the leaders of my country would have the wisdom and strength to reign in the private tuition phenomenon like China has.

  316. Gray says:

    Mr Escobar, please do not equate the barbarians in Palestine today with Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
    God told the old testament hebrews to kill every man woman child and animal because they were hybrid beings, offspring of fallen angels. God can do what he wants. The ashkenazi butchers will face Him one day.

  317. Anonymous[354] •�Disclaimer says:

    I also don’t quite understand why the rate of corruption in the United States is so fast. Maybe because American don’t have professional anti-corruption officers in the United States, we have professional and independent anti-corruption teams here in China that go around to make sure there aren’t too many economic crimes, and that’s part of the official system that’s been around for 2,000 years.

    The causes of the current corruption in the United States have to do with history.

    The US population as of the Revolutionary War was displaced in US Northern cities by German, Welsh, Irish, Southern European, and Eastern European immigrants. These immigrants came into conflict with each other and with the pre-existing English Protestant groups. German immigration was melded into the “American” political organization. The others were not, and formed political machines, in part molded from the American Democratic-Republican party of the pre-Civil War Era of Good Feelings.

    The ethical systems of the various ethnic groups [1] had only a general overlap (e.g. all condemned murder and theft, but all considered both murder and theft as minor under some circumstances).

    Generally speaking, the urban political machines acted to formalize disputes between ethnic groups and increase ethnic group income from work generally done for “American” companies by blue collar ethnic workers. [2]

    Again, if you are really interested, take a look at Plunkitt’s book ( https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/2810/pg2810-images.html ). In New York, the apparent method was to avoid “the penal code” while using information about government moves for personal advantage. Apparently this is still happening on the Federal level, as Senators get about twice the return on investment as the market average. See: https://www.gothamcenter.org/blog/cant-they-be-separated-italian-immigrants-and-irish-workers-in-gilded-age-new-york for disagreements between ethnic groups.

    If the US had professional and independent anti-corruption teams they would, at best, be sidestepped. I’d guess that they would very soon protect and enforce corruption rather than opposing it. That is, after all, what the FBI has been doing for quite some time, some say since its founding.

    OK, back to my assertion that “absolute power” does not mean “absolute control”. Government cannot implement solutions that it does not understand. There are many solutions to problems that government does not understand. Therefore, government is not omnipotent. In particular, government tends to suppress the new.

  318. @John Johnson

    THanks for those clarifications. I think the claims of both sides include claims that are spurious or negotiable. Clearly keeping Ukraine out of NATO is a reasonable demand; but it’s just not Russia’s decision. I love the European fantasy that Russia will gobble up Europe if we don’t send in US materiel and later, troops. Euro-tards have turned into Domino theorists! Democrats here, too.

    Russia should settle for what they have now. Much as ZelenskyY says they can “deal with it” later…well so can Moscow.

    Our man Trump will have it all wrapped up by Inaugural day. Poopy Pants is already in the shadows. Once Trump gets his cabinet and makes clear that any more assassination attempts (Successful or not) will result in Jan 6th’s across the country, the libtard democrats will be silenced for a generation.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  319. @Cyclingscholar

    Clearly keeping Ukraine out of NATO is a reasonable demand; but it’s just not Russia’s decision.

    I don’t believe that it was the driving force of the invasion.

    That is what Putin claimed but he isn’t the type to be honest about imperial conquest.

    I think this is age old Russian Imperialism with keeping Ukraine out of NATO as a side benefit.

    By taking Ukraine they would have increased the Russian population and created a much larger trading bloc. Russia has a shrinking Slavic population and Ukraine has long been more technically advanced. Denmark actually has a larger software market than Russia.

    If it was about NATO then it would have made more sense to offer an ultimatum on their constitution before invading. Ukraine was not in the process of joining NATO and Zelensky had in fact defeated the pro-NATO candidate in 2019. Ukraine is still not fully welcome into NATO and both France and Germany were opposed before the invasion.

    I believe this is Russia trying to Russify a neighbor and take their resources. Donbas has something like 50 billion in coal and uranium. Russia has invaded a neighbor every 30-50 years for over 500 years. They were invading their neighbors before they had freed themselves from the Mongols.

    •�Agree: EliteCommInc.
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