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What Is the Psychology of the Murderess?
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There has been yet another devastating school shooting in America; this time at the Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin. They seem to occur with such numbing regularity that in 2018 South Park captured the response with cutting accuracy in the episode “Dead Kids.” Shootings keep taking place at South Park Elementary, nobody cares any more, and when one mother does, it is assumed she has Pre-Menstrual Tension. However, there is a key difference when it comes to the Madison shooting, in which three people, including the shooter, were killed. The perpetrator was a natal female: 15 year-old Natalie “Samantha” Rupnow.

School shooters are overwhelmingly male, as are murderers and suicides. In the US, according to Bureau of Justice, the male-female murderer rate is 9:1, the suicide rate is 3:1 and the mass murderer rate is 20:1. For a female to behave like this is astonishingly unlikely. This begs a crucial question: What makes a murderess? How is a female murderer psychologically different from a male murderer, in particular when it involves killing in an extremely violent fashion?

According to the available research, such as the review “Risk of Homicide and Major Mental Disorders,” male murderers tend to have Psychopathic Personality Disorder. This is characterised, among other traits, by lack of empathy, a Narcissistic sense of entitlement and grandeur, and a high level of aggressiveness and impulsivity. Such killers will feel an overwhelmingly sense of rage against a society or an individual, which they believe has been impertinent enough to fail to recognize their importance. These feelings overwhelm them to such an extent — the negative feelings will be so potent — that they will kill. Further, their self-importance will be such that they’d rather kill themselves than allow others to have power of them. These traits will stay in populations because when they come together with other traits — such as optimal intelligence, social skill or even with forms of depression — they can result in extremely high social status; demonstrated by Felix Post in his British Journal of Psychiatry study “Creativity and Psychopathology.” David Buss explains in The Evolution of Desire that females are evolved to find status highly sexually attractive. This is because if a male has the genes which permit him to survive and flourish then so will the offspring and, also, because such men will have resources which they can invest in the mother and child, aiding survival.

The murderess is psychologically very different, as noted in the Walden University PhD thesis “Examining Psychosocial Characteristics of Female Serial Murderers.” They display evidence of Borderline Personality Disorder, its close relative Post-Traumatic Stress, and what is known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Fascinatingly, Natalie Rupnow appears to make sense, in terms of these conditions, to an extraordinary degree.

As I have explained in my book Woke Eugenics, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is characterised by highly unstable and extreme moods, poor emotional regulation, a fundamental fear of abandonment and of being alone, pronounced feelings of shame, intense and unstable relationships (including sexual risk-taking, perhaps due to a feeling that “love” may not come again) and unstable goals and even sense of identity, due to being plagued by intense negative feelings (such as shame, anxiety, self-loathing and self-doubt), and a weak sense of self. They may swing from overtly loving to psychopathic; from grandiose to victim; from histrionic to schizoid and avoidant.

In that sufferers from BPD cannot regulate their emotions, they cannot regulate their self-esteem; so they may swing between grandiose Narcissism (believing one is perfect, superior and being entitled) and self-loathing in an attempt to suppress their fears and feelings of abject worthlessness. For the same reason, their identity and goals can radically change in accordance with these swings in self-esteem and in mood.

Due to their fear of abandonment, such people will tend to idealise those with whom they have relationships. This is a way of suppressing their anxiety about potential problems in the relationship that may cause it to end. It evidences their relatively immature way of seeing the world and their desire for someone to fill the void of emptiness and meaninglessness which they often feel. In other words, they cannot cope with their extreme negative feelings, so they create a fantasy world which produces positive feelings; this perfect person being their rescuer. However, due to their instability, they can easily de-idealise them, regard them as evil and in consequence become psychopathic and degenerate into paranoid psychosis, similar to paranoid schizophrenia, in which everyone wants to destroy you. Hence, paranoid schizophrenia crosses over with BPD.

In females in particular, BPD correlates with autism (poor social skills, anxiety, imbibing too much information, a need for order), possibly because autistics are more likely to be abused. BPD symptoms also manifest as a result of Post-Traumatic Stress and though BPD is about 50% genetic, the key environmental component appears to be abuse: an unstable childhood in which parents are unpredictable, love is capricious, and the world is impossibly frightening.

Now, in her manifesto, War Against Humanity, what do we discover about Rupnow? She describes her parents as “scum” who “didn’t love her” and made her feel she was the “wrong child.” They have both been divorced multiple times, something which implies high psychopathic traits and high levels of mental instability, both of which cross-over with BPD and both of which have a significant genetic component. They are also substance abusers, further implying anti-social traits. In other words, they have created precisely the kind of unstable childhood which would cause BPD.

Her manifesto also reveals evidence of autistic traits, most obviously that she is obsessed with school serial killers, has researched everything about them, has concluded that they are morally good, and identifies with them, even noting that her birthday is the same as the date of one of their killing sprees. Those with BPD are plagued by self-doubt due to a world where they haven’t found the stability to see who they are in relation to others. They search for a sense of identity and then create a very pronounced (though unstable) one when they seem to find it. This is what Rupnow has done.

There is also a degree to which she sees herself as a victim; a component of “Vulnerable Narcissism,” in which you are the world’s most misunderstood victim but you are brilliant and you look for a man upon whom you can be a parasite. Munchausen Syndrome relates to this: you pretend to be ill so that others will look after you and give you attention. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy involves projecting the “illness” onto your child; something which also provides you with care and attention. Female murderers can kill via this motivation, persuading themselves that it’s morally good that the person must die. Rupnow argues, in essence, most people are vermin so it is “better for evolution” that she kill some of them.

Rupnow, then, clearly conforms to the available studies on female murderers. We should be no more shocked that Rupnow has committed murder than we should be that there has been yet another school shooting in the US. The question now is: How can we identify females like this and keep them away from society? One marker is that 80% of females with BPD have self-harmed, and will have scars from cutting or burning accordingly.

(Republished from The Occidental Observer by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: Psychology, School Shootings, Women
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  1. Steve S6 says:

    Female? Maybe. Second City Cop thinks not.


    •�Thanks: Notsofast
    •�Replies: @AxeGryndr
  2. Have you read this, Dr Dutton?


    According to it, before 1960, there were lots of female serial killers!

    Question I ask you is: Why? (And, why did it change?)

    For instance, in the 1900 decade: 60.9% of all serial killers outside the US were women.

  3. I can’t believe this Dutton idiot didn’t even bother to link to the manifesto he claims to be reviewing. Here it is, for anyone who’d like to read it before commenting.


    There’s another bit of writing that’s being attributed to the shooter floating around the internet that’s written in quite a different style. It’s only about a paragraph long, and radical feminist in perspective. I doubt it’s authentic.

    •�Thanks: Thrallman
    •�Replies: @AxeGryndr
  4. AxeGryndr says:

    First let me state that IMO, the psychiatric industry is the biggest sham and scam ever foisted on society. Its bible, the DSM-5, a rather thin volume in the thirties, is now flirting with 1000 pages. It is inextricably wedded to Big Pharma, which brings me to my question, why is there no mention of the toxicology report in this article? Virtually all school shooters are taking or have just recently stopped taking psychotropic drugs. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to find any relevant information of this nature, and include it in an article on a mentally unstable individual, regardless of sex?

    •�Thanks: Notsofast
    •�Replies: @anonymous
    , @notbe mk 2
  5. AxeGryndr says:
    @Steve S6

    Interesting article, and they mentioned drugs, first thing I want to know: what Big Pharma concoctions are in their bloodstream? Most shooters are doing psychotropics, and if they just got off them, they are doubly dangerous.

  6. AxeGryndr says:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    That poor child. Consumed with hate, consumed by hate. It seems, the father did not try very hard, perhaps was antagonistic, as she seemed to claim. I haven’t walked a mile in her shoes, I cannot judge. We only have the complaint, and the final action; it was deadly serious. This country probably has hundreds of these ticking time bombs, who could go off at any time. Many of these were transitioned by their mothers from a young age into the opposite sex, and will no doubt become rightfully very angry as they age, and realize they had no say in the process. There is a hard cost to child abuse, in all its forms, and we never know when the bill will be presented, and collected.

  7. @Vergissmeinnicht

    For instance, in the 1900 decade: 60.9% of all serial killers outside the US were women.

    Why? (And, why did it change?)

    Speculating: possibly the preferred weapon of early 20th-Century female serial killers was poison; and serial murder by poisoning is no longer viable because toxicology detection has greatly improved.

    •�Replies: @notbe mk 2
  8. Additional data point:

    Not mentioned by anyone anywhere yet, at least to my knowledge, is the fact that the last line of the main text of Samantha Rupnow’s manifesto is a quote from Ted Kaczynski — “Finally, one learns that boredom is a disease of civilization.” Ordinarily, you’d think the media would be going crazy about this Unabomber connection, just as they did with Luigi Mangione’s book review of TK’s Industrial Society and Its Future. Kaczynski utters this line in an interview accessible here, which she evidently pored over:


    This Aryan Shield Maiden really did her homework! LOL Could the line’s inclusion be an Easter egg? What is a fifteen year old girl doing reading up on Kaczynski? And again, I must wonder who in the whole wide world turned her mind in that obscure direction? Either TK is much more popular than I think, or …

  9. An outro for Samantha, courtesy of Betty X:

    Video Link

  10. anonymous[196] •�Disclaimer says:

    It’s well-known that psychology and psychiatry are troubled ‘professions’ attracting persons who have serious mental issues themselves, entering this ‘field of study’ to try to solve problems from their own inner demons. And now in euthanasia countries, we have physically healthy people being recommended for assisted death, because idiot ‘therapists’ can’t solve their problems. Dr Karen Mitchell, an Australian expert on psychopaths using a ‘professional’ cover:

    Many, many psychologists and psychiatrists are narcissists/ psychopaths/ predators. They LOVE the control and power it gives them over people, the way they can engage in manipulation, the ability to apply sadistic behaviours, all without being suspected and with the added delight of being able to use their professional role against the client if ever challenged or exposed. Predators gravitate to vulnerable populations, and those seeking support for mental health issues are truly vulnerable as well as suggestible, which appeals to the predator’s need for control.

    A few of the other female mass shooters recently:

    Brenda Spencer, age 16, January 1979, San Diego, California
    2 dead, 9 wounded, ‘I Don’t Like Mondays’ she reportedly said

    Nasim Aghdam, age 38, April 2018, YouTube headquarters, California
    3 wounded, then suicide

    name not disclosed, age 12 or 13 shooter girl, May 2021, Rigby, Idaho
    3 wounded

    Nicole Jackson, age 14, June 2021, Volusia County, Florida
    along with Travis O’Brien age 12, gunfight with police who wounded the young shooters

    Alina Afanaskina, age 14, December 2023, Bryansk, Russia, 1 dead, 5 wounded, then suicide

  11. @Vergissmeinnicht

    Yeah exactly, female murderers historically are not really rare-I said it before and I’ll say it again, Dutton is an extremely superficial pseudoscientist basically hustling and trying to make money out of linking some behavioral phenomena to some other behavioral phenomena while asserting this explains the human condition.

    He scans the psych lit, pulls out something he generally agrees with, calls that piece of lit. a work of genius, writes a brief article linking that piece of lit. to some phenomena and then, wonder of wonders, links that piece of lit to one of his books that he is peddling

    “if you want more info on this vital topic please buy my book”.

    This time around he discovered that there is such a things as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and in the manner of underpant elves he says “Female murderers can kill via this motivation, persuading themselves that it’s morally good that the person must die” WHOA, hold on you quack-you just made a major linkage that has not been done before! Where is the research for this?

    If what you say is true than this really needs to be researched, it certainly could be a valuable explanatory factor. BUT if you assert it you need to provide evidence for it BUT then you really need to spend years of research and dedication on this-something Dutton does not do because that would take time away from his peddling of books (and frankly I think he knows that his research skills are limited). In the meantime he’ll just move onto something else.

    So basically what just happened here? He linked a phenomena (female murderers) to a existing psych condition (Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy) but this linkage relies on people trusting Dutton saying it true. Dutton does not research his assertion, he just say it’s true. A very unscientific way of doing things. Basically this really sums up almost anything Dutton does but pseudoscientists are like that aren’t they?

    Finally, Dutton links everything to evolutionary psych so he just made what is a basically evolutionary psychology/family background argument why female serial murderers are rare…but as you pointed out historically they are not that quite rare. Dutton, if he wasn’t so superficial, should have accounted for that fact BUT he didn’t did he?

    Anyways, in the next week or two, Dutton will write another article for Unz review pulling the same stunt with some other phenomena. Let me guess: he will (wonder of wonders) have one of his books ready for sale.

  12. @James N. Kennett

    Yes, female serial killers, throughout the centuries, were poisoners while males relied, and still rely on muscle strength to kill. Poison is invaluable if you just don’t make the upper body strength to overcome your victim like females do. Furthermore, herbalism and folk medicine making were traditionally open to women so there was a lot of information about toxic substances passed down between generations of women.

    Yes indeed as toxicology improved it really does seem murder by poison declined due to improved methods of detection making poisoning less and less viable.

  13. @AxeGryndr

    Being continually given psychotropic drugs throughout life, starting at very young age is a better predictor of school shootings than Dutton’s linking school shootings to Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Oh course there is big money to be made in drugging up children so this will never be written up in the psych lit-yes indeed Dutton is a total idiot if he links school shooting to Munchausen bla bla while never once crossing his mind to inquire if the school shooter kids were taking psychotropics. More-or-less, Dutton just issued another useless article but remember….BUY HIS BOOK!

  14. G. Poulin says:

    I’m wondering what this nutcase was doing in a Christian school. We have such a school in my home town, and I have heard complaints from some of the parents about admissions policies. The school will take just about anybody, provided that the parents make the right noises and promise to attend a “bible-believing church”. Parents in screwed-up families will send their troubled kids to these schools thinking that the school will fix their screwed-up kids. Not gonna happen. I would expect more such disasters in Christian schools if they don’t start screening out the psychos.

    •�Replies: @Joe Paluka
  15. Trinity says:

    Every human is capable of murder and suicide

  16. notbe mk 2: “Yes, female serial killers, throughout the centuries, were poisoners while males relied, and still rely on muscle strength to kill. Poison is invaluable if you just don’t make the upper body strength to overcome your victim like females do. Furthermore, herbalism and folk medicine making were traditionally open to women so there was a lot of information about toxic substances passed down between generations of women.”

    This reminds me of Locusta, said to be the poisoner of Emperor Claudius, and later, official Court poisoner for Emperor Nero. She got her start via folk medicine, before being captured and made a slave during the Roman conquest of Gaul. It is said by some, although unknown with what truth, that after Nero’s death she was executed in the Colosseum by being publicly raped to death by a trained giraffe!


    The invention of firearms, however, renders moot the question of upper body strength. Technology is a powerful force that equalizes the sexes. It’s possible we are entering a Golden Age of female mass murderers.

    •�Replies: @Trinity
  17. Trinity says:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    The only serial killers that I can think of that could be overpowering or threatening without a weapon would have been guys like 6’9” 300lb Ed Kemper, the brutal hate filled Carl Panzram who often claimed to have sodomized hundreds of other males, ( the Wilt Chamberlain of booty bandits), probably a few others like Richard Kuklinski. The Zodiac Killer was often described as 5’10”-5’11” with a stocky build so who knows. Sure there have been others but MOST serial killers kill women and most don’t seem threatening unless they would get the jump on you, catch you sleeping or from behind, etc. Even the high IQ Ed Kemper seemed like one of those “big for nothing” characters. I say a prime Carl Panzram beats the hell out of all of them in a mano a mano encounter hands only. Good thing they keep these freaks isolated because most would end up as prey instead of being a predator. Like child molesters MOST serial killers prey on the weak and vulnerable.Even the Giant Ed Kemper preyed on tiny women.

  18. Trinity says:

    Admittedly I believed for much of my 60+ years that women were morally superior to men, now, not so much. I mean I ridicule MGTOW douchebags as freaks, but I, too, have the same ridicule for men hating harpy witches. Women are definitely more passive aggressive but we have seen cases where women have murdered their own children, so much for maternal instincts. Can you cite one case in the animal world where a mother would kill its children? A male feline will kill its kittens, maybe some other MALE animals but NEVER the mother. And these newer generations of women are just as cold, more calculating and sneakier than their male counterparts whose goals in life are to screw over everybody and look out for number one only.

    •�Replies: @Franz
  19. Franz says:

    There are plenty of animals who eat “extras” from their litters. When food is scarce fox vixens eat the runts, it’s thought this is why nature blesses them with such large litters. Among fish, guppies are the chief baby-eaters.

    Animal cannibalism fits the discussion here because it usually is the female that eats and devours their young. This is a famine tactic.

    So my guess is human females kill when times get evil; at minimum it should be seen as a warning sign.

    •�Replies: @Trinity
  20. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    There are certain kinds of killing I just don’t get.

    Some I get, even if we must condemn them. Like Mangione killing the CEO. There’s a lot of anger about the superrich and not only on the Left. Many working class folks hate the superrich who pushed globalism, free trade, and shipped jobs overseas. And Opioid crisis was by the superrich Sackler family. And Covid was the product of Big Pharma collusion.
    So, even if people shouldn’t be gunning CEO’s down, I do get the rage.

    I even understand certain terrorist attacks in Europe, despicable as they are. EU supports Zionist horrors in the Middle East. EU welcomes migrants but then exposes them and their kids to Western degeneracy.

    But school shootings? Okay, if it was about some a**hole teacher, I might get it.
    But randomly shooting children? The hell is that? What’s the point there?

  21. Females do kill, but with our totally mixed-up society and the variability of what passes as a “female” these days, this perp could be a drugged-up male that thinks he’s a female.

  22. @G. Poulin

    The powers-that-be don’t like Christian schools and would like to destroy them by any means. Forcing them to take in every sideshow freak and with the concomitant results that would come out of this, the hope would be that the publics’ opinion of Christian schools would go down. They did this with the Catholic Church now their wanting to do it with all Christian churches and institutions. The aim is to have no public trust in any traditional institutions.

  23. Edward Dutton: “Now, in her manifesto, War Against Humanity, what do we discover about Rupnow? She describes her parents as “scum” who “didn’t love her” and made her feel she was the “wrong child.”

    LOL And then, Dutton goes on to AGREE with Rupnow. Yes, it’s clear he thinks that her parents actually were scum! He agrees they didn’t love her. He continues:

    They have both been divorced multiple times, something which implies high psychopathic traits and high levels of mental instability, both of which cross-over with BPD and both of which have a significant genetic component. They are also substance abusers, further implying anti-social traits. In other words, they have created precisely the kind of unstable childhood which would cause BPD.

    So, in effect, he blames her for her entirely correct assessment of her parents. Her completely normal reaction to their maltreatment is thus used by him as proof of her mental “disorder”! Is a correct assessment of reality now a mental “disorder”?! If so, that’s the first I’ve heard of it. Dutton is the kind of idiot who thinks slapping a label on something explains it. Of course, this labeling of behavior is the stock-in-trade of psychiatry, and in fact all of the “mental health” professions. All of these people are frauds and quacks, or to sum it up in a single word, scum. They say: “Society doesn’t approve of your behavior, therefore you are “sick”. You have a mental “disorder”. Here is your label. Now shut up and take your meds!” And to think, the vast majority of the public, in all its relentless stupidity, falls for this scam!

    Edward Dutton: “Her manifesto also reveals evidence of autistic traits, most obviously that she is obsessed with school serial killers … ”

    At least get the terminology right, Dutton. They were mass murderers, NOT serial killers. A mass murderer kills all his victims in one incident. He doesn’t spread them out over time.

    •�Replies: @Thrallman
  24. Priss Factor: “But school shootings? Okay, if it was about some a**hole teacher, I might get it.
    But randomly shooting children? The hell is that? What’s the point there?”

    How do you know it’s random? Given the hatred for niggers she expresses in her manifesto, I was disappointed to learn that she didn’t shoot two of them. As it turns out, one of them was some kind of mystery-meat-looking kid with a Spanish surname (probably a Mexican), and the other just a standard issue middle-aged white woman teacher. In a way that’s disappointing, but since it was a Christian school, it’s almost guaranteed the teacher was a racial egalitarian, since that is the Christian teaching. That makes her a white nigger, and the very worst niggers are the white ones. Their elimination is “better for evolution”, as Rupnow wrote.

  25. Trinity says:

    As a kid I had an aquarium full of guppies and I do recall them eating the newborn but I thought it was the males who attacked the baby guppies. Never heard that about foxes, will definitely do a search on that one for sure, interesting. I know that male lions or bears will kill the cubs of other males, not sure if they will kill their own. But I have heard of tomcats (domestic cat) killing its own kittens that he fathered. Having to eat your own kids is hard times indeed. Damn.

    Females of the human species can be just as violent as men and just as vicious, anyone can pull a trigger.Remember the girl in Texas who killed a couple in bed with a pick ax? Karla Faye Tucker. The Manson girls.

  26. Ansocpol says:

    I thank you notbe mk 2 at comment 11. You have opened so many eyes in me. Please forgive as I dont know how to express in adequate manner in the english language. This is the closest I got. And not only about dutton, many writers authors are deceptive, many embellish their writing, many present their views as an unbiased view, many have ulterior motive, many are on payroll of others who have nefarious intent. Shaping of public narrative by governments/polity/regime and/or powerful lobbies by using payrolled writerscome to mind.

    •�Thanks: notbe mk 2
  27. Duggle says:

    What is the psychology of the murderess? I don’t know, but I know what the psychology of the media is. Had the shooter been a white male, we’d never hear the end of it; because the shooter was not a white male, the media are soft-peddling the story. Some school shootings merit histrionics and sloganeering and protracted haranguing lectures while others don’t, it seems.

    America despises its boys and men. Despises them.

  28. Duggle: “Had the shooter been a white male, we’d never hear the end of it; because the shooter was not a white male, the media are soft-peddling the story.”

    My own theory is that the media blackout is due to the fact that Samantha’s manifesto had some very unkind words about niggers in it. This goes hard against Christian American culture, and directly rebels against the media’s propaganda efforts to entice young white girls have sex with them. She wrote:

    Niggers though, WORSE, once you sleep with one you are one, I don’t care who you think you are or what you’ve done ‘good’ for this world of yours, you will always have no thought and brain to continue with.

    White America doesn’t like to think about how it forces its daughters to go to school and sit next to these monkeys all day, subjecting themselves to being groped and raped. We also have to take into account that, as it was a Christian school, she without doubt was being subjected to constant anti-racist propaganda. I can’t prove it, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all to learn that the white teacher she killed was a Christian anti-racist fanatic. Most Christians are.

  29. Thrallman says:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Is a correct assessment of reality now a mental “disorder”?!

    Well, the Public Service Announcements say that suicide is a disease that a person is “at risk” of. A libertarian, in contrast, would believe that the individual is the best judge if his life is worth living.

    SNR believed that she was from a bad family, surrounded by filth and scum. Was she wrong? The main cause of depression is accurate self-perception.

  30. Thrallman: “SNR believed that she was from a bad family, surrounded by filth and scum. Was she wrong? The main cause of depression is accurate self-perception.”

    If you read her manifesto, she didn’t think the scum was confined to her family and immediate environs. She titled it “War Against Humanity”. She thought everyone in the world is scum! Maybe this thought would depress most people, but I don’t think it should necessarily. I find a dark beauty in the world even though I agree with her. My motto, which I’ve stated repeatedly here on Unz: “People are scum, and life is war.” This parallel terminology, together with her Easter egg reference to Ted Kaczynski, can almost persuade me to think that she was reading my posts.

    My theory of depression is that it often stems from society’s treatment of a non-conforming individual. Such individuals — and Samantha is a paradigm case here — face a constant attack from the people they must interact with in daily life. This attack is instinctive on their part, and for the most part occurs below the level of consciousness. “Normal” people can sense something is “wrong” about a girl like her, and they don’t like it, so they react with hatred. Thus, when she complains she’s being picked on, she’s not exaggerating or imagining it. She was! She probably didn’t understand why. I believe there are lots of such people, and many of them become depressed by this and are eventually driven to suicide. The world isn’t a kind place for little Nazi girls in this day and age, and even though she was propaganda-resistant, she was all alone. She was strong, but not strong enough.

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