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My Whitest Christmas Ever
Even without snow.
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There’s been no snow, but this has already been my whitest Christmas ever.

I just attended the annual Christmas party of a group that is doing exactly what racially conscious white people should be doing: building communities.

It’s a group based in a sizable urban area that meets regularly for companionship and support, but it’s more than that. Once a group gets big enough – and this one has – it has subgroups of people with different interests. The young men like to go hiking or camping together, work out, and practice martial arts. Women have interest groups, and families with children get together for homeschooling, museum visits, and fun outdoors.

The group has members who are local elected officials or who work for government at various levels. This has a lot of promise as a way to push public policy our way.

Members who run companies hire members who need jobs. People with special skills hire and help each other. Some members do public-facing white activism. And everyone celebrates marriages and the births of babies. Everyone understands that families and children are what matter most.

Events like the Christmas party get the most attendance. This year, 120 people gathered for a great buffet-style meal and wonderful conversations, serenaded by the happy sounds of children of all ages. Several excellent speakers gave both inspirational and practical messages. It was a great honor to attend and give a talk, and I was unstinting in my praise for what these men and women are doing.

The party started early so families could get children home by bedtime, but my wife and I joined the younger folks for a lively afterparty, where a talented member played a Beethoven piano sonata from memory.

How do they run such a successful group? First, it has no legal entity that could be tracked or traced. It is strictly a group of friends, organized by volunteers. Selection and vetting are a top concern. Members must be racially aware, have something to contribute, and be pleasant to be around – what the British call “clubbable.” As a member involved in selection told me, keeping out eccentrics and spergs is more of a problem than stopping infiltrators.

But an infiltrator couldn’t do much damage. Everyone uses a pseudonym – even people who, themselves, can’t be damaged by doxing. Members make their own decisions about when or whether to invite other members into their homes.

One of the great advantages of this group is that it has no ideology or orientation other than the celebration of our people. Many members are Christians; many are not. Some are activists; others are veterans of former activist organizations. The group – which makes a point of not even having a name or official titles for the volunteers who run it – is a home and refuge for all good people who love our race.

As I said before, I think this is exactly what white people should be doing now, and I think the best thing it does is give white children a community to grow up in that honors them and cherishes them, that tells them that they are the newest generation of a people with a magnificent past and a glowing future.

As I said at the conclusion of my talk:

May you celebrate many, many more Christmases to come. May you prosper; may you grow. And may you be an inspiration to people all across America who love our heritage and are determined to hold their destiny in their own hands. Because we have the right to be us, and only we can be us.

Merry Christmas to all of you.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. I watched the video, and it was a positive story.

    The Whites (mentioned in the video) who created their own informal meetups do not need a windbag organization like Amren. In fact, hoping and waiting for Amren to do anything proactive is utterly foolish and counterproductive. It sounds very much like these Whites did form their own associations free of Amren involvement and Jared merely wanted to be able to say he attended one of their get togethers.

    Whites meeting and getting together by themselves, for themselves is so easy to do if the will is there.

    Despite my own personal disagreement with Taylor’s nearly autistic level unrestricted love of law for it’s own sake, his incredible inability to be able to distinguish the difference between a jew and a White and Amrens’ decades long passive puffery giving Whites hope when it can never deliver, Taylors’ recent video should be watched and referenced by other Whites to know that informal like minded groups meet in-person and that Whites can and should create their own.

  2. Solutions says:

    It sounds very much like you visited the average Russian village.
    No wonder they are constantly vilified.

  3. Anonymous[186] •�Disclaimer says:

    Not too long ago we had a country where cities were livable— and affordable for lower and middle class whites— and in the month of December, stores, banks, and schools had up ‘Merry Christmas’ signs. And we had crèches in store windows and in town squares across America.

    But one group, a group which Jared cannot name, saw to it that cities— especially ethnic Catholic ones in the Northeast and Midwest— were slaughtered by the descendants of sharecroppers and government welfare and “Merry Christmas” can no longer be uttered in public. So in December for three-fourths of the month we see blue, silver, and white and a candelabrum while any display of Christmas has been reduced to Santa Claus and reindeer and any acknowledgement of “Christmas” has been relegated to a 48-hour period when most people are with family and friends and cannot spread the Christmas cheer in public.

    And we used to have Hollywood films like It’s a Wonderful Life

    And now we have Christmas movies where Ukrainian-Russian Jew actors have scenes where during a Christmas Mass and during celebration of the Eucharist (the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ) they throw up in the aisle in front of the alter. But it’s meant as humor… haha.

    Scene from The Night Before during a Christmas Mass at a Catholic church

  4. Mark Hunter says: •�Website

    … keeping out eccentrics and spergs is more of a problem than stopping infiltrators.

    Intelligent people need not apply.

  5. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Wonderful message. Now, name the Jewish Power.

    •�LOL: Anonymous Goy
  6. Just have events with the name “The Morrison Family Reunion” or some other name like it, and have a list at the door of who is enrolled as a member of the Morrison Family. Simple enough.

  7. (Via so-callled “american rennaissance” sic!)

  8. Where a few years ago there was kinda freedom (even diversity) of opinion, there is only one “officially allowed” opinion left: a monoculture. Have you ever wondered why? Does it have something to do with the Jewish ownership of Judentube, Jewgle & Facebook? Does it have something to do with the unlimited power of Blackrock, Vanguard & Co, the Federal Reserve, Lehman & Goldman Sachs, WaPo & NYT? Or the many Jews who regularly occupy the “US government”? Does it have something to do with the devastating influence of Jews in pornography, LGBT, feminism and migration aka “refugee aid”? And with the increasingly obvious “chutzpah” with which they are committing genocide against the Palestinians in full view of the world?

    Certainly not, one of the many Jewish “educational” channels will tell you! Because Jews are not to blame for anything, they are always innocent victims of their hostile fellow world! We need to educate here, because everything that is claimed about the Jews are malicious lies and slander! White genocide and replacement migration are not the real boiling frog, but anti-Semitism is the cause of all evil, it is the most urgent problem of our world, which must finally be solved by censorship and the sovereignty of opinion of the non-existent Jewish-owned & Jewish-run media alone! The Holocaust Museum, which is the closest to your place of residence, must make it clear what inhuman consequences doubting the incessant impudent Jewish lies can cause!

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