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VDARE’s Legacy
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On July 26 of this year, Peter Brimelow announced the end of VDARE.com, which was the premier source for American immigration news and analysis. This is a blow both to the immigration control movement and to white advocacy. For 25 years (1999–2024), Mr. Brimelow’s website was a daily source of immigration news, activism, happenings, and research. It was also a home for dissidents who were committed to telling the truth, even if it did not conform to what leftists or Conservative Inc. enforcers permitted.

While dormant only for four months, VDARE’s absence is noticeable. There are now many podcasts and social media channels that discuss America’s immigration and demographic disaster, but none in quite the same way as VDARE. What is its legacy?

It is impossible to survey a quarter of a century’s worth of material from one of the original Dissident Right publications, but I think VDARE’s legacy has several elements.


First is content. Thousands of articles and blogs written by hundreds of contributors are an invaluable source of information on immigration in the first part of the 2000s. Immigration will determine whether the United States remains a First World nation with a European heritage or descends into Third World incompetence and anti-white hatred.

Unfortunately, the online archives are now hard to use. There is no simple way to search articles by author or topic. This is a shame, because some of the best commentary on immigration and its consequences were at VDARE. However, there are plans to make the archive more manageable.

Some of the final articles still accessible are a good representation of VDARE content:

VDARE also published several books that deserve more attention and are still available. These include overlooked titles such as Steve Sailer’s America’s Half Blood Prince, which explained Barack Obama’s obsession with “race and inheritance,” and Larry Auster’s posthumous Our Borders, Ourselves: America in the Age of Multiculturalism, which argued that racial diversity and mass immigration have weakened America to the point of no return. The site also still offers some of the last new copies of The Social Contract Press edition of The Camp of The Saints.

Some of Mr. Brimelow’s most ground-breaking National Review articles are on the site. These include “Time To Rethink Immigration,” the 1992 cover story that pre-dated his book Alien Nation and helped start the modern immigration-control movement.

It was content that attracted thousands of regular readers such as Mark Steyn, Lou Dobbs, Ann Coulter, Stephen Miller and many other politicians, academics, and media personalities.


One of VDARE’s most important legacies is that it was a home for dissidents — particularly those fired for telling the truth. Of course, it is worth remembering that Mr. Brimelow himself was a victim of a purge of immigration critics at National Review in 1997. This spurred him to found VDARE.

Near the end of his life, a doxing attempt against Sam Francis failed because there were no more mainstream newspapers that carried his column. While Sam became a regular writer for American Renaissance, The Citizen’s Informer, Middle American News and Chronicles, VDARE was probably the most read outlet for his columns.

In 2012, National Review fired John Derbyshire for his column on “The Talk,” a term blacks use for warning their children about the racism and discrimination they will supposedly face from whites. Mr. Derbyshire turned “The Talk” around and offered examples of how non-black parents should prepare their kids for interactions with blacks. His advice included the following:

“A small cohort of blacks — in my experience, around five percent — is ferociously hostile to whites and will go to great lengths to inconvenience or harm us. A much larger cohort of blacks — around half — will go along passively if the five percent take leadership in some event. They will do this out of racial solidarity, the natural willingness of most human beings to be led, and a vague feeling that whites have it coming.”

This sort of straight talk was too much for National Review, but Mr. Derbyshire was welcomed at VDARE, where he spent the next 12 years writing and talking freely about taboo subjects.

Steve Sailer is now enjoying well-deserved appreciation in the Dissident Right, but he first came to national attention through articles in National Review in the 1990s. That ended as the editors became frightened by what he said about race. When Mr. Sailer was barred from National Review, he was published at VDARE, which was the main platform (along with Taki Mag) for his columns for more than 20 years.

Many great thinkers banned at one time or another by “respectable” outlets found a home — and much greater freedom — at VDARE. Jared Taylor and Kevin McDonald are still banned on X and most major social media platforms, but they could write for VDARE. Regular columnists also included prominent victims of conservative cancel culture such as Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.

Remembering immigration-control history

Unsung heroes of immigration reform — some of whom were the force behind 1994’s Proposition 187 in California — were memorialized upon their deaths at VDARE. Barbara Coe and Glen Spencer worked tirelessly to prevent the immigration and demographic disasters of the 1980s, 90s and even earlier. Whenever a great academic or scientist who had advanced the cause of immigration control (and usually paid a high price for it) passed away, VDARE was a reliable source for a remembrance of their lives and careers. Garrett Hardin, Otis Graham, and John Tanton were just some of the people whose legacies VDARE kept alive.

These memorials to great men and women help remind us that immigration control has a long history in the US and attracted some of the best people.

Fighting back

One of the first things that attracted me to Dissident Right figures more than 30 years ago was that they seemed to be the only ones fighting back against leftist domination. VDARE took on David and Goliath-type battles. These include suing the New York Times for libel and the city of Colorado Springs for violating VDARE’s First Amendment rights. Both efforts failed in the face of biased judges and the tremendous resources of the defendants, but it showed media and government censors that at least some victims will strike back.

This same fighting spirit was exhibited when VDARE came under a lawfare attack from New York Attorney General Leticia James. Though outgunned in terms of funds and manpower, it held out for as long as possible. Lydia Brimelow, Mr. Brimelow’s wife and president of the VDARE Foundation, even earned a spot on Tucker Carlson’s popular show to explain how leftists are coming for dissidents.

In the end, government lawfare was too powerful. VDARE has spent over a million dollars defending against this attack (their typical annual budget was $800,000), and Attorney General James finally ended VDARE’s 25 year run. Perhaps there could be a change under President Trump:

VDARE’s demise came as it seemed to be enjoying great momentum. In April this year, VDARE hosted a successful conference at its West Virginia headquarters with speakers such as Steve Sailer, Scott Greer, Jared Taylor, John Derbyshire, Keith Woods, and Harrison Smith of InfoWars.

It is notable that VDARE mostly had to take on this battle alone, with little help from other organizations who could well end up in the crosshairs. American Renaissance, Chronicles and Counter-Currents publicized Miss James’ campaign. Auron McIntyre had James Kirkpatrick on his popular podcast to discuss the details of the case and what it means for dissidents. But where were the newer and increasingly influential members of the Dissident Right who might not even be in business without the efforts of men such as Peter Brimelow?

Some bigger names joined in near the end:

I first met Mr. Brimelow in 1999 and he told me that his new publication would be entirely web-based as that was the future of newsletters. He was right; many hard-copy publications have disappeared. Fortunately, VDARE social media accounts (follow them on X and Gab) are still active and there are plans to make a more searchable archive once legal troubles are over.

James Fulford should also be praised as a man who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. He wrote articles and blogs but also added links and fact-checked all articles. Let us hope that Mr. Fulford and the writers, supporters, and contributors to VDARE will find other publications that continue the fight for immigration control and free discussion.

As for Peter Brimelow, his legacy is secure as one of the main forces behind the modern immigration control movement. Once the VDARE archives are updated, the site will stand as an excellent resource for scholars and activists. Mr. Brimelow will continue to make the VDARE headquarters available for dissident meetings and conferences. This is important. Leftists will not stop trying to throttle heterodox views just because Donald Trump is back in office.

Peter and Lydia Brimelow

For a quarter century, VDARE has served as both a source for hard-to-find views on race and immigration and a home for those who paid the price for expressing those views. While its shuttering is a massive loss, its work will inspire and inform future generations of dissidents.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Chris Moore says: •�Website

    In 2012, National Review fired John Derbyshire for his column on “The Talk,” a term blacks use for warning their children about the racism and discrimination they will supposedly face from whites. Mr. Derbyshire turned “The Talk” around and offered examples of how non-black parents should prepare their kids for interactions with blacks. His advice included the following:

    “A small cohort of blacks — in my experience, around five percent — is ferociously hostile to whites and will go to great lengths to inconvenience or harm us. A much larger cohort of blacks — around half — will go along passively if the five percent take leadership in some event. They will do this out of racial solidarity, the natural willingness of most human beings to be led, and a vague feeling that whites have it coming.”

    National Review always was a Neocon and Anglo-Zionist, kosher club-controlled rag. This little incident proves that voodoo Blacks and Conservatism, Inc. are each controlled by golden calf voodoo Zionists — the moneychanger kikes behind the warmongering, fiat Dollar and Petrodollar hegemony scheme, which has plans to eventually move the entire Ponzi to Jerusalem.

    The stupid zoglodytes sleepwalking right into this anti-Christ, anti-civilization, Zionist insanity — including the mindless, gang-banger Judas trash of every race, color and creed who will sell-out for a few trinkets of silver — deserve what is coming their way.

    What is coming their way? The same fate as Sodom and Gomorrah and the Christ-named Synagogue of Satan.


  2. Anonymous[144] •�Disclaimer says:

    Yeah, VDare stayed away from the JQ. Derb never brought it up. Coulter never did. Steve Sailer is an ass-kisser of the Jews and fully supported Jewkraine and condemned Russia. Charles Murray in tweets gushed over Jonah Goldberg’s work.

    Good riddance VDare.

    •�Agree: OilcanFloyd, Mike Tre
    •�Disagree: Hail
    •�Troll: Richard B
  3. @Chris Moore

    I will not comment on zio this zio that, but , man. Take this supposedly different VDARE.

    Do you have any Americans in America there? As in, “mama is american and papa is american”, and the spouse also?

    Start with Peter Brimeloff and his Lidiya . She sounds and looks very american indeed. Not sure which part of Ukraine she is from. His background I am lazy to google up. May be a miracle there? Let ne know.

    Derb is a Brit, married a Chinese lady. Jared T is a Tokyo-Jokyo, Steve Sailer has no parents.

    Who are these anti-immigration american VDARE people, when they seem to be, to a man , rootless cosmopolites. What does it even mean to be anti-immigration, then?

  4. Bernie says:

    “But where were the newer and increasingly influential members of the Dissident Right who might not even be in business without the efforts of men such as Peter Brimelow?”

    My thoughts exactly.

  5. Can we coax the Don to do something about this? His enemies and VDARE’s enemies are the same evil people.

    •�Replies: @Jefferson Temple
  6. Anonymous[366] •�Disclaimer says:

    Start with Peter Brimeloff and his Lidiya .

    So creepy to see an old man wife a younger wife or girlfriend.

    •�Disagree: RadicalCenter
    •�Troll: Renard
    •�Replies: @Che Guava
    , @Anon
  7. xyzxy says:

    Legacy? From what appears to be an obit, you’d think that Vdare was a legend in its own time. Certainly for those involved, along with supporters, it was a legend in their own mind.

    Looking in from outside, Vdare always came across as an aging Boomer (forgive the redundancy) nostalgia site, without a firm editorial grasp as to core reasons for America’s historical change. Always pointing out effects, without much insight into causes.

    You could tell because of their shtick–lamenting the end of what they called the ‘Historic American Nation’, without ever really telling anyone what that phrase meant. Was it post WWII consumerism; pre-integration, before the rise of the so-called counter-culture? Perhaps earlier, maybe going back to antebellum Southern agrarianism, and Northern industrial production? Or maybe it went back to English settlers who, like Brim, chose the expat way of life? What about the role of conscripted Africans in the ‘Historic’ nation? I mean, negroes have at least as much, if not a better ‘historical’ claim for living in America, than recent immigrants like Brim and fellow Vdare author, Derb. Finally, were Jews an integral part of Vdare’s historic nation?

    We call it Boomer too, because their ‘enemies’ were first and foremost, Communists. Vdare’s interpretation of the Red Scare. However, like most people using the ‘C’ word, it was divorced from any historical sense. Simply a name they called people on the left side of the fence, those they didn’t agree with. Just as those on the left call people they don’t agree with, Fascists. Essentially meaningless.

    Finally, as everyone knows, or at least anyone who had eyes to see and a brain to think realized, Brim’s operation avoided the JQ. You’d read a bit here and there, but it was primarily always blacks, Moslems, Indians, Chinese, and the other ‘immigrants’ that were the problem. Never understanding (or at least admitting in print) that it was Jews and their money, behind the curtain, manipulating the controls.

    However if there is a legacy, it should be what it is possible to learn from Vdare’s demise. Below are a few takeaways:

    Never attempt to run a tax angle if you are going against those who control the coffers to begin with. Calling yourself a ‘charity’ isn’t going to help you out once the audit (or threat of audit) starts.

    Never do business in the belly of the beast. Especially if your reason is, ‘Think of the money we are going to save with our discount on legal advice, helping us file the IRS 501 form, here in New York’. [That has to be the biggest irony of the entire affair.]

    If you are an author, or contributor, don’t expect anonymity. You may get it for a while, but always be prepared for the day you are doxed. Waving about the First Amendment isn’t going to save you.

    Don’t expect to ever have a payment processor. Too many examples, long before Vdare was targeted. Here on UR, look at Kevin Barrett now, and before Kevin, Anglin).

    Don’t ever think that going soft of the Jewish Question will help to keep you safe. Of course, as is the case with most Boomers, I’m not even sure the Vdare crew understood the depth of the JQ. Many seemed clueless, or downright hostile to Jewish reality. For his part, with typical Brit smugness, Derb thought it was beneath him to mention. Sailer? LOL. However, giving credit where it is due, we can cite the guy writing under the assumed name, Pat Cleburne. Not sure how he got away with it. But hope he gets away.

    •�Replies: @eah
    , @GringoLoco
    , @Lauren
  8. @Thelma Ringbaum

    That sounded really clever in your head, didn’t it?

  9. @Thelma Ringbaum

    “Brimelow” is an English name.


    Lydia (née) Sullivan is Peter’s second wife after his Canadian wife Maggie died of cancer in 2004.


    Peter was born in the UK and moved first to Canada then the US.


    •�Thanks: Liza, Event Horizon
  10. eah says:

    You could tell because of their shtick–lamenting the end of what they called the ‘Historic American Nation’, without ever really telling anyone what that phrase meant.

    I’ll tell you what it means: a nation of white people — a polity run for the benefit of white people.

    Read the preamble to the Constitution, or the Naturalization Act of 1790 — White Nationalism was basically a founding principle (‘we the people’, ‘our posterity’, ‘free white person’) — the instigators of the American Revolution, as well as those who later formulated the Constitution, then wrote and passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, clearly understood and appreciated the etymology of the word nation.

    You can criticize Vdare if you want (I have) — but don’t do it by picking dumb nits.

    •�Thanks: Mark G., Hail
    •�Replies: @xyzxy
    , @Hail
  11. xyzxy says:

    The Preamble says nothing about ‘white’ people. It talks about ‘a people’ forming a government. European, certainly. Within that context one could almost trivially say that race was broadly presumed. But I doubt those people really thought about themselves as ‘white’, when it came to self-identification. At least in the sense the word denotes among racial thinkers of the 19th C, and today. Rather, their identity turned on family heritage, country of origin, ethnicity and religion. Also, please notice that the Act of 1790 precluded certain ‘white’ people from becoming citizens. Those who were ‘not free’ in the legal/economic sense, and women. One has to understand the limits of argument.

    But that Constitution is dead. For all practical purposes, amended out of existence after 1865. And as far as I know, Brimelow (who I’m guessing came up with the phrase, ‘historic nation’), never explicitly defined what and when in history he was referencing. Maybe he did. Could have missed it. I’ll admit to not reading everything the man wrote.

    If he meant what you claim he meant, then attempting to hearken back to the original colonies, thinking them relevant or practical to contemporary America, perhaps wanting to use their documents as templates now, is absurd. To base a current political doctrine on nostalgia is beyond idiotic.

    In today’s America, we ask, what about ‘white people’? Can Brimelow hold that white folk are somehow univocal in social/political/economic solidarity? Clearly half the white population, if not more, are ‘down with the brown’. Supporting all the liberal causes in all aspects. A world view that essentially precludes their existence as ‘white’. They certainly aren’t going along with Brim’s ‘historic’ nation, whatever he means. For his part, Brim would consider them (using his own terminology) ‘Communists’. So there’s ‘white’ people for you.

    Again, strictly from an historical and de facto standpoint, Africans have as much if not more of a right to be included, than latter day British citizen expats. What about Jews? I know his compadre Taylor thinks they look Hu White, but are they? I guess they owned the ships that brought Africans over, so I think it is appropriate to ask Brimelow about their position in our ‘historic’ nation.

    Ask what is and is not possible. What is and what is not relevant. Anyone using the original words of the Constitution as some kind of template for what might be recovered, at this late stage of the game is lost in the wilderness. Arguing that 1787 could be 2025 is ridiculous, and embarrassing; difficult for serious people to take seriously. Yet this sort of thinking resonates with many Boomers, which is another reason I say that Vdare was mostly their thing. Folks having an unrealistic expectation about what the document was, and what it could become. That it has relevance to the ‘modern audience’. Quaint, but naive.

    I was easy on Vdare in my original comment; in reality the entire operation was incoherent. Coming off as an org whose primary goal was siphoning donations from an aging population–people whose parents fought in the last Big War to make people like themselves impossible. Children vaguely understanding that there’s a problem, but can’t exactly put their finger on the cause. For them, Vdare was more a distraction, than an authentic help.

    •�Agree: bike-anarkist, Pop Warner
    •�Replies: @eah
    , @Rich
    , @Mike Tre
  12. eah says:

    >The Preamble says nothing about ‘white’ people.

    Who were the people who spoke of their ‘posterity’? — it was already clear you didn’t know the meaning and etymology of the word nation, now it’s also clear you don’t know the meaning of posterity.

    Like I suggested: you’re a stupid nitpicking little fuck.

    •�Replies: @xyzxy
  13. Unfortunately, the online archives are now hard to use. There is no simple way to search articles by author or topic. This is a shame, because some of the best commentary on immigration and its consequences were at VDARE. However, there are plans to make the archive more manageable.

    Can @Ron Unz help with this? He is a wiz at that

    •�Agree: Renard
    •�Thanks: 4HONESTY.com
  14. Hail says: •�Website

    You wrote in December 2023:

    Brimelow specifically repudiated the label White Nationalist — what is the point of his immigration activism if not to keep America majority white, which is the essence of White Nationalism? — instead of using the opportunity to make the case that there is nothing wrong, politically or morally, with White Nationalism, with wanting to preserve the demographic heritage of America as a majority white nation, Brimelow sued (and asked for donations to pay for it) — that was the last straw for me with VDare.

    Trump also never mentions Whites. That even though 80% of Trump voters, even “as late as” 2024, were Whites of European-Christian origin:


    The commenter xyzxy is too angry for his own good, but has a point, applicable widely, that in the USA a baseline expectation exists of an eternal, comfortable, confident White supermajority. People like Trump and Brimelow tend to not want to mention Whites because of this cultural belief. A White supermajority, incidentally, along whose institutions (formal and informal) any scheming Based Brown Guy who rolls into town can succeed and laugh his way to the metaphorical bank (cf. Vivek Ramaswamy, “R”-Used Car Salesman; among many, many others).

    In other words, the whole culture assumes an eternal White-supermajority, psychologically. This is able to coexist in the very same mind, with the rational knowledge that it’s not true. It’s not like VDare was unique in this. The entire Trump political movement did the same thing.

    The cynicism of Trump’s presidential runs is this: Donald Trump took advantage of tens of millions of Whites only to promote a kind of silly charismatic political movement that empowers (besides himself) a predictable series of non-Western con-men and varying degrees of slick demagogues who come out of nowhere, like Vivek Ramaswamy, and Dr “Mehmet” Oz, and a long list of others. In addition to all the nepotism. Trumpism viewed in the cold, cruel light of day, tacitly champions a group (Whites) for whom it does nothing directly to help and won’t even speak directly about. VDare at least had the right goals in mind, even if subject to the same cultural constraints.



  15. Mark G. says:

    A 2022 Pew Poll asked Americans if they had a positive view of socialism and got the following results by race: White 31%, Hispanic 41%, Asian 49%, Black 52%.

    A number of White racialists here in America have adopted a version of Hitler’s national socialism but the majority of White Americans they claim to represent are not socialists and believe in limited government. Until it actually starts representing real American Whites, any sort of White racialist movement in this country will be rejected by American Whites.

    A Republican party that represents the interests of Whites as a group does not need to be explicitly White. Just by adopting policy positions a majority of Whites believe in, it will get most of the White vote. This would include being tough on crime, rejecting affirmative action, belief in limited government, moderation on social issues like abortion, and restrictions on immigration. VDARE, with its support of immigration restriction, was on the side of the majority of Whites in this country and I am sad to see it go.

    •�Replies: @xyzxy
  16. xyzxy says:
    @Mark G.

    …the majority of White Americans… are not socialists and believe in limited government.

    I think it is what they claim when asked. But in their daily life, I wonder? Especially among retirees, who are more prone to the ‘limited government’ idea. But take away their state and/or federal pensions, their Social Security, their VA benefits and so forth. Then, see how much anti-socialist ‘limited government’ they support.

    The country as a whole is ideologically split in half. Probably more white men agree with the limited government idea as an abstraction. White women are a mixed bag. A lot is age based.

    •�Replies: @Mark G.
    , @Felpudinho
    , @Anon
  17. xyzxy says:

    Well, one thing I can say for Brimelow. He always came across as a gentleman. To his credit, if he was cornered and unable to reply to an argument, he probably wouldn’t weasel out, resorting to vulgar name calling.

    But thanks for not calling me a Vdare styled ‘Communist’. Coming from an obvious Brim supporter, that would have to be the biggest insult of all. LOL

    •�Replies: @Bernie
    , @eah
  18. Mark G. says:

    “state and/or federal pensions, their social security”

    Government pensions are part of the benefits package government workers receive. They are something that is given in exchange for working. Also, only a minority of Whites work for government. Most are in the private sector. Social Security is also something received after a lifetime of working and paying Social Security taxes. Neither of these is socialism and saying they are is just an attempt at obfuscation. Social Security is a Ponzi scheme, meaning the people who got in early got more back than they put in. Most Whites under sixty would be better off without Social Security, saving for their own retirements.

    The federal government is running two trillion dollar a year deficits now. Our problem is too much government rather than too little government. Non-whites benefit more from big government than Whites. Every big government Democrat politician understands this. This is why they support immigration of non-Whites who will vote Democrat in exchange for various government benefits. Only a majority of Whites as a group support limiting government.

    This is not nineteen thirties Germany. The Nazi philosophy is alien to most White Americans, who are more likely to admire figures like Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton and Franklin rather than Hitler, Goering, Goebbels and Himmler.

  19. Bernie says:

    Peter is one of our better debaters. I really liked his debates in 1995 around Alien Nation – particularly one with a cretin from the ACLU whom he handled impressively and left sputtering.

    •�Replies: @eah
  20. eah says:

    Yeah, but when he had a chance to explicitly take the side of white people, to state openly that the main problem with mass non-white immigration was that it was making Whites a minority (in their own country), that the demographic heritage of America as a majority white nation was worth preserving, and one purpose of Vdare was to preserve it, he demurred — instead he sued the NYT for calling him a White Nationalist, and specifically repudiated White Nationalism in his court filing, claiming he was a civic nationalist — how is civic nationalism working out today for white people in America?

    I was a regular donor to Vdare — they published two of my letters — but what I saw as Brimelow’s cowardice, and betrayal of white interests, was the last straw for me, whether he was a good ‘debater’ or not.

    •�Thanks: Liza
  21. eah says:

    >He always came across as a gentleman.

    Yes, he was a gentlemanly loser, like a good conservatard — no idea if he was a member, but he would be right at home in the GOP — there’s no evidence that Vdare ever accomplished anything tangible politically, but Brimelow was always a gentleman, and that’s what’s important.

    I have no idea what an ‘obvious Brim supporter’ is, but assuming it means a supporter of Brimelow, above I gave a link to an earlier comment where I harshly criticized Brimelow for suing the NYT because they called him a White Nationalist — I also said that if the purpose of Vdare’s activism around the immigration issue wasn’t to preserve a majority white America, then ultimately Vdare was just a grift (albeit I did appreciate most of their ‘patriotic’ coverage of the immigration issue, and felt James Fulford was an underrated and under-appreciated writer).

    So I have legitimate reasons to criticize Brimelow (and Vdare) that amount to a lot more than your dishonest nitpicking pedantry.

    You fucking moron.

    •�Replies: @Eric Novak
  22. Richard B says:

    Yeah, VDare stayed away from the JQ. Derb never brought it up. Coulter never did. Steve Sailer is an ass-kisser of the Jews and fully supported Jewkraine and condemned Russia. Charles Murray in tweets gushed over Jonah Goldberg’s work.

    Good riddance VDare.

    You’ve got to love it when an anonymous commenter tries to shame troll a married couple with children who used their real names and did real work for 25 years in spite of the obvious risks involved. In short, GFY troll.

    Shitposters who shame troll for not Naming The Jew work for The $PLC/ADL/FBI (but I repeat myself). And if not, they might as well be. And even if they’re sincere they still miss the point. And the point is that VDARE did far more than some anonymous commenter to direct attention to the many problems surrounding race and immigration.

    They also linked to other websites that did discuss Jewish power and influence, such as Kevin MacDonald’s TOO. And as the article mentioned KM was a contributor to VDARE. In fact, it was through VDARE that many readers discovered his and other websites.

  23. Gallatin says:

    Letitia James herself is emblematic of the blind hate some blacks have toward whites to their own detriment. Less immigration would help most blacks, but James is simply for anything whites are against, hence the ridiculous lawfare against Vdare. Meanwhile, New York continues to get worse.

    •�Replies: @Richard B
    , @Richard B
  24. If I may, people with means should file well supported civil rights or civil violations of the Constitution in courts all across the country and they should treat the entire constitution as a legal document not just the 1st amendment.

    People with means should aide communities in which illegal immigrants are supplanting them as workers in local and district courts.

    And in those cases use hard data how those violations are damaging the lives of US citizens.

    It’s hard to wage a battle in the enemies house: schools, media, congress . . . but in the courts there are avenues to avoid the liberal onslaught.

    •�Replies: @RadicalCenter
  25. @Chris Moore

    I’m curious to know how you know what is “coming their way “. Any time frame would be helpful as well. Approximately?
    Also, approximately, how is the “Sodom and Gomorrah” thing going to happen ?
    Any specifics you can share ? Who, where?

    •�Thanks: RadicalCenter
    •�Replies: @RadicalCenter
  26. JM says:

    Was the truth behind 9-11 ever explored by VDare?

    There is even cinematographic evidence:


  27. JM says:

    Thanks for the video. Mind blowing over-evidence of the subjective role of the heads of the Jews and the Jewish religion in the ‘open’ conspiracy to destroy the West.

    BTW, I think you overstate your case against VDare. Even though they didn’t raise all issues, they were pretty effective with their more narrow, specialised, approach.

  28. “Immigration will determine whether the United States remains a First World nation with a European heritage or descends into Third World incompetence and anti-white hatred.”

    Can we look in the mirror and rephrase. Do we have the guts to go down deep into our roots and dig and rid ourselves from some slimy shit?

    So let’s see what rephrasing might produce.

    Immigration from scorched earth results of our foreign policies, will determine whether the United States remains the only First World hegemone with a European heritage of deception and exploitation under delusional exceptionalism as a result descends into Third World economic incompetence and anti-Global South hatred and pirating of their resources.

    I had a friend that always said: If I was in charge of destroying America, I couldn’t have done a better job. If you truly need to understand who is destroying America look first and foremost to Europe and start with the Ciry of Dragons where Usury was franchised. Also Brussels, the pedophilia capital of Europe, where illegal immigration and wars are the cover for trafficking in children.

    Sun Tzu said: If you know yourself and know your enemy, you shall win every battle. I say if you don’t know yourself and keep projecting on others, you will be miserable.

    •�Thanks: CelestiaQuesta
    •�Replies: @Kal Zakath
    , @Renard
  29. @Anonymous

    VDARE contributors included Kevin McDonald, who critiqued Jewish influence on immigration policy throughout the 20th Century. You are a brainless douchebag clown with a big mouth.

  30. @Richard B

    Why does this asshole clown-troll get first comment? This utterance in person among those in this audience would earn him a few missing teeth.

  31. @eah

    VDARE is the immigration-restriction movement online, you fucking moron.

    •�Replies: @eah
  32. @xyzxy

    But take away their state and/or federal pensions, their Social Security, their VA benefits and so forth.

    There’s a huge difference between finally receiving money back at the end of your life from a system you’ve paid into your entire working life compared to never paying into the system and living on welfare your entire life (always taking from the system while never adding to it) as is so often the case with blacks, minorities, and the millions of illegals who have crossed the border (free food, hotel, healthcare, phone, etc.) under Biden’s watch.

    A few years back Jim Goad wrote an article explaining how American blacks, on average, take $10,000 more in tax dollars per person per year out of the system than they pay into it, while American whites pay into the system several thousands of dollars more per person per year that they take out of it. With inflation, that $10,000 per year is now higher.

    Jim Goad:

    “To reiterate, all this nonsense is based on the lie that American blacks are STILL being economically exploited. But that’s not what the statistics say. In real dollars and cents, whites—the alleged exploiters—pay nearly $3,000 more per capita every year in taxes than they receive back in government benefits, whereas your average American black receives about $10,000 more per year in government benefits than they contribute in tax revenue. Every year, blacks take about $660 billion more from the public cookie jar than they contribute to it. When you factor THAT into your math, you might conclude that reparations have already been paid—with interest.”


    •�Thanks: Mark G., RadicalCenter, Flo
    •�Replies: @eah
    , @CelestiaQuesta
    , @Truth
  33. Anon[306] •�Disclaimer says:

    I always considered Vdare to be 100% useless. We have websites that directly state the objective truth, like Unz Review, Occidental Observer, and Mankind Quaterly. American Renaissance is just like Vdare – 100% useless.

  34. VDARE’s legacy: convincing white people to vote for false opposition Republicans as the “lesser evil” for decades, resulting in the USA becoming minority white.

  35. Che Guava says:

    You seem to simply be jealous.

    Also, doubt you’d say the same about the many celebrities and gazillionaires with similar, and I would guess, more predatory (generally on both sides) situations.

  36. Anon[946] •�Disclaimer says:

    Women prefering older men: CHOICE!
    Men prefering younger women: HORRORS!

    Knock it off you clown.

    Now sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

  37. Anon[946] •�Disclaimer says:

    VA benefits aren’t given, they are earned at a price which 99% of the population is unwilling to pay — signing a blank check cashable against the signer’s life and well being.

    Take away VA benefits and good luck keeping the military manned with quality individuals who can do very well in the private sector. You’ll NEED a draft with all of the problems which comes with that,

    The only draftees should be of the offspring of defense contractors (to give them a stake in producing usable equipment and weapons that actually perform, unlike say, that dog called the Patriot Air Defense missile), the offspring of federal politicians, and the offspring and greater family of all bankers.

    And no stateside positions or theater headquarters assignments for any of them.

    No more Americans dying for Isn’trael.

    •�Agree: MoT
  38. eah says:
    @Eric Novak

    Really!? — thanks for that, I had no idea.

    What’s the point of restricting immigration then? — why does Brimelow/Vdare want to restrict immigration? — why did Brimelow call it ‘America’s Immigration Disaster’ on the cover of Alien Nation? — after all, compared to other nations with large populations, the US has a relatively low population density, so there seems to be plenty of room, right?

  39. eah says:

    Some years ago, Ryan Faulk et al of The Alternative Hypothesis used available US government data to estimate the fiscal impact of Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics (not a racial category, mestizo is a racial designation, but government data uses Hispanic) — the result was this graphic — their data was also highlighted here.

    >the millions of illegals who have crossed the border

    The vast majority today are asylum seekers — the US is a signatory of the 1967 addendum to the 1951 treaty on refugees, and so is obligated to provide for asylum seekers, and give due consideration to their applications — anyone who applies for asylum is not ‘illegal’, no matter how they entered the country, and cannot be treated as an ‘illegal’ (no court would allow it) — maybe someday people like you will understand the difference.

    •�Troll: Renard
    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  40. Rich says:

    You’re flat out wrong. Of course the Founders thought of themselves as White. They invented the notion because they were dealing with Red men and black slaves and freemen. They were extremely conscious of race. The Naturalization Act, written and approved by the very same founders explicitly states only Whites could become citizens. Blacks are explicitly designated as being only 3/5 a person by the Constitution. Most of the Founders considered themselves English, or at least British by blood and would automatically have accepted an Englishman who swore an oath to the Constitution. Not a single one, none, would have accepted a negro or Chinese as a citizen.

  41. Referring to Letitia James, the New York State AG, as a fatass is not as effective as labeling her a buffalo because that’s what she is… you gotta see her in person to believe it.

    P. S. African wild buffaloes are brute animals without much brains but with enormous misplaced strength but as soon as an alpha male lion gets hold of them they’re done for.

    •�Replies: @Truth
    , @showmethereal
  42. @Thelma Ringbaum

    What does it even mean to be anti-immigration

    You apparently see no difference between legal immigration and illegal.

    Similarly Nazis saw no difference between dead Jews and live ones.

    Are you a Nazi</b…or just someone who can not see the difference between crimes and permitted acts?

    Finally, do the meanings of words matter on your planet?

  43. Keep crying harder BITCH!!!

  44. @Goldgettin

    Chris may be too busy eating the flesh of his dead jewish hero to respond right away. “Symbolically,” of course. Give him some time.

    •�Replies: @Goldgettin
  45. @EliteCommInc.

    I don’t think you’re very familiar with the federal judges, including the Republican-nominated ones.

  46. Truth says:
    @Proteus Procrustes

    P. S. African wild buffaloes are brute animals without much brains but with enormous misplaced strength but as soon as an alpha male lion gets hold of them they’re done for.

    LOL. Lions hunt in packs, Old Sport.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
    , @CelestiaQuesta
  47. @eah

    The vast majority today are asylum seekers –

    No they are not, the “vast majority” of people claiming to be asylum seekers are economic migrants. It’s all about “free” money/benefits and more opportunity, it is not a fear of persecution. These economic migrants know they can live a far better life on welfare in the West than by working 100 hours a week in their home country.

    – maybe someday people like you will understand the difference.

    I understand the difference. I hope that people like YOU eventually admit what you must already know.

    •�Replies: @eah
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  48. Not to upset the course of discussion, but these folks are all white and actually look very pale indeed!

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  49. The immigration battle was lost a long time ago…

    Video Link

  50. Rurik says:

    LOL. Lions hunt in packs, Old Sport.

    “LOL” ?

    lone male lions take down African buffaloes routinely

    If you’re going to ‘LOL’ when pointing out someone is ‘wrong’, you should at least be right, no?

    my favorite cat is the snow leopard

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Truth
    , @showmethereal
  51. VDARE was a kosher waste of bandwidth.

  52. Rurik says:

    VDARE’s advocacy for white self-determination and the right to exist, as such.. was and is noble..


    In April this year, VDARE hosted a successful conference at its West Virginia headquarters with speakers such as Steve Sailer, Scott Greer, Jared Taylor, John Derbyshire, Keith Woods, and Harrison Smith of InfoWars.

    I recall reading a synopsis of this event by Steve Sailer, and, if I recall, someone mentioned the ‘Muslim terrorists’ who had done 9/11, without any push-back by these ‘brave truth-tellers’.

    9/11 was and is the most significant event of our times, and has led to more significant repercussions for the future of Western civilization than any other event in our lifetimes.

    And yet, as this “successful conference” of ‘brave truth-tellers’ of the white race, they’re all too cowardly to discuss who actually perpetrated that seminal crime, that has led to endless wars for Israel, and the complete evisceration of our Constitutional rights.

    If our ‘brave truth-tellers of the white race’, are no more than sniveling cowards when it comes to the actual ((PTB)), who are the ((ones)) orchestrating all the things they lament, (like immigration and double standards vis-a-vis race), then really, what good are they?

    By now, everyone knows that the massive immigration into all white lands is being orchestrated by ZOG, (Jewish supremacists), just as they’re the ones orchestrating all the wars and the cultural and spiritual sewage being force-injected into all of our white societies.

    I have more respect for some teenager on TickTok, telling the truth about these things, than a thousand VDARE Steve Sailer types, who carefully watch out for the Jewish guard rails for anything they say.

    •�Agree: CelestiaQuesta
    •�Replies: @eah
  53. @Felpudinho

    “ Every year, blacks take about $660 billion more from the public cookie jar than they contribute to it. When you factor THAT into your math, you might conclude that reparations have already been paid—with interest.”

    Most of our national debt if you follow the money is wasted on blacks and antiwhite DIE WOKE programs going back to the early sixties Cybil Rites Act.

    Today, blacks are placed in high positions of government and corporations for the sole purpose of gaming the system while playing victims of racism with stacked decks of race cards.

    End this idiotic idolization of magic negros once and for all, they’re a burden on society and will always be.

    •�Agree: Felpudinho
  54. @Truth

    Nigga Pleez….donts be cumfusing lions wif niggaz who hunt in packs. Lions donts burn loot murder and rape, or smash’n grab, carjack in packs like niggaz.

    An dats duh Troof.

    •�Replies: @Truth
    , @Renard
  55. oh no! where will i go for retarded screeds by materialist dumb fucks blagging on about “IQ” and forehead sizes? where will i find cutting analysis from pampered faggots who never met a black person and are oblivious to class and capitalism as factors in every “race” issue they whine about? who will scare me that emmy grints are going to take my jerb and turn my kids gay or whatever?

    first they came for the armchair geneticists and i said nothing. because they’re stupid cunts and good riddance. throw that shitty site in a mass grave with taki’s mag, amren and 80% of the “writers” on this site.

    •�Agree: Kal Zakath
    •�Replies: @Kal Zakath
  56. HT says:

    Our rulers who seek to destroy Whites and White civilization with immigration play by no rules. They will destroy anyone or anything that is a threat to them.

  57. eah says:

    >No they are not, the “vast majority” of people claiming to be asylum seekers

    Look, anyone who shows up at the border and says the magic word ‘asylum’ is an asylum seeker, regardless of their reason for seeking asylum — and regardless of your opinion of their reason — or mine.

    I’ve said many times: the whole asylum system is corrupt — the original idea is being massively abused — very few of them have or can show a ‘well-founded fear of persecution’, meaning political persecution, the original intent (Jews in the Third Reich were the impetus for the refugee convention) — all white countries have to repudiate the treaties on asylum or they will be demographically destroyed in the coming decades.

    The point of me saying they’re not ‘illegals’ is that you cannot solve the problem by treating them like illegals — courts will not allow it — then the government has to ignore the court — only Viktor Orban ignores courts — you have to solve the problem within the current legal framework for asylum — understand? — do you want to solve the fucking problem or not? — or do you want to be just another ignoramus who whines and insists they’re ‘illegals’? — which accomplishes nothing because they’re not ‘illegals.’

    This is how to solve the problem at the southern border — the US needs the same with Mexico:

    Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement

  58. Dr. Rock says:

    Was VDARE perfect? No.

    Was it valuable? Yes.

    Look folks, not every source of info can go full jew-pilled, right out of the gate, on every subject, constantly. Sites like AmRen and VDARE served as good gateways, to get people on the path. There are many discussions to be had. The Great Replacement relative to forcing coloreds into White Nations, there is the high crime, and low value of the various coloreds. There is White Advocacy, and there is the jewish question.

    Whether we like it or not, some of our fellow Whites, need to take baby steps, to reverse the lifetime of propaganda, to get them open to discussing “race” to begin with, to acknowledge the scourge of non-Whites, and ideally, to eventually get them to JQ.

    Sites like VDARE served part of that purpose, so does AmRen, so does the Occidental, and Counter Currents.

    Plus, VDARE’s tracking of, and monthly totaling of, colored murders of Whites, was a very important feature.

    This site is also enormously important too.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  59. eah says:

    Oh fucking hell man.

    How do you know there was no ‘push-back’? — were you there? — what were the subjects of the talks? — was 9/11 the subject of anyone’s talk? — it wasn’t a 9/11 truth conference, so I assume no one gave a ‘who really did it’ talk about 9/11 — given that, why was a kind of ideological purity that fits your conclusion (presumably that the Jews did 9/11) necessary?

    With good governance for the benefit of Whites (obviously lacking), the US could survive even if no one ever believed the Jews did 9/11 — but it won’t survive demographic annihilation.

    So the problem with Sailer and Brimelow (not sure about the others) is that they’re not explicit advocates for white people — they know about the reality of human biological differences, but won’t draw the logical conclusion and reject ‘diversity’ as bad for Whites and white society.

    Despite years of anti-immigration advocacy, when he sued the NYT for calling him a White Nationalist, in his court filing Peter Brimelow explicitly repudiated White Nationalism and claimed he was a civic nationalist — despite decades of writing about human biological differences and all the problems they cause in white society, Sailer is also a civic nationalist, except he doesn’t have the guts to call himself that — instead he calls himself an ‘anti-racist citizenist conservative.’

    That’s the problem.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  60. Immigration is a RACIAL issue and the European Christian ancestral core of the American Empire will win total victory once the immigration debate is framed as a RACIAL issue. Any attempt to restrict or limit the framing of the immigration debate so as to avoid questions of race must be seen as sabotage from enemy forces or sabotage from anti-White globalizer stooges.

    White Identity Politics is the thing that dislodges the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire from power. Immigration is a RACIAL issue and the hirsute guy from England, Peter Brimelow, said this about race and immigration in 2006:

    As immigration policy drives whites into a minority, this type of interest-group “white nationalism” will inexorably increase.

    You read it first on VDARE.COM—and if you don’t like it, let’s have an immigration moratorium now.




    The USA is completely and totally a result of race and ancestry. Germans piling out of the continent 1500 years or so ago and landing on the island combined with Normans about a thousand years ago and then sailing out of England for the continent of America. Anglo-Saxon Expansionism. The problem is now the Jews and the WASP globalizers are Hell bent on expanding everything till it implodes, including American national identity — which is WHITE.

    Everything about the USA is a result of RACE and ANCESTRY, and the coming brawl to dislodge from power the evil and immoral JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire will be RACIAL.

    White Core America is the new political party that will explicitly advance the interests of Whites as Whites. Every aspect of the nation-wrecking effects of mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration will be used to win the battle. There will be some things emphasized more so than others, but none will be avoided, including RACE.

    •�Agree: Achmed E. Newman
  61. Rurik says:

    How do you know there was no ‘push-back’? — were you there?

    no, were you?

    — what were the subjects of the talks? — was 9/11 the subject of anyone’s talk? — it wasn’t a 9/11 truth conference, so I assume no one gave a ‘who really did it’ talk about 9/11 — given that, why was a kind of ideological purity that fits your conclusion (presumably that the Jews did 9/11) necessary?

    in the comment you’re replying to, I wrote “if I recall, someone mentioned the ‘Muslim terrorists’ who had done 9/11,”

    Now, at the Thanksgiving dinner table, I wouldn’t expect uncle Cletus or aunt Maybelle to know who did 9/11, nor would I push the subject, but we’re talking about a conference of white luminaries, held at a secure redoubt, to discuss what ails the white, Western world, and how this dying edifice of former glory, can salvage itself from ultimate and humiliating demise.

    These are not some local Baptist choir ladies, but those great and intrepid minds and souls, who’re supposed to be on the cutting edge of the white vanguard of brave truth-tellers, no?

    If they don’t have the nads to look into the most momentous event in their lifetimes, but instead take on faith the (obvious) lies of our ruling overlords in the media and federal government, then I ask again, what the fuck good are they?

    the US could survive even if no one ever believed the Jews did 9/11 — but it won’t survive demographic annihilation.

    Well *who* is orchestrating that demographic annihilation?!

    Jesus Christ, if you can’t name your enemy, then how the fuck to you ever expect to defeat them, let alone oppose them?

    Only the most puerile idiot could be capable of not seeing who it is that is waging all these wars. That owns and controls the media and our congress in near-absolute terms. Yes, little Becky in the fourth grade doesn’t know these things, but every adult with a functioning brain, can not help but to see the five thousand tonne purple elephant in the Oval Office.

    Who doesn’t know the war on Iraq was for Israel?

    Anyone? Is there any adult, particularly here at TUR, that could possibly be *that* mind-numbingly stupid?

    I just can’t believe it. It’s too glaringly obvious. No, not the seventh grade English teacher at the local Middle School, but if our ‘best and brightest’, who claim to have our white, national and cultural interests at heart and mind, but don’t even know ((who)) has been busy destroying those interests in every way possible, for decade after grueling decade, and not just here in the States, but obviously in Europe too. Then they’re just too fucking stupid for me, thankyouverymuch.

    Only I don’t think they’re that stupid. I think it’s cowardice and venality, that keeps their blinkers adjusted tightly. Mostly venality. Guess how much I get paid for frothing for Western civilization’s health and preservation here for many years, with millions of words, eh?

    Zero. That’s how much money or donations that a true truth-teller needs to speak truth to power. Nada money, and zilch donations. Now if you want to run a website, and print articles and so forth, I also have a website, (I don’t share it here), that I can use in anyway I like, which costs me about $200.00 dollars a year. But if I wanted to get large donations, and live extravagantly on the largess of others, then perhaps I’d have to do things differently. And stay “respectable” in my rhetoric, huh?

    So the problem with Sailer and Brimelow (not sure about the others) is that they’re not explicit advocates for white people — they know about the reality of human biological differences, but won’t draw the logical conclusion and reject ‘diversity’ as bad for Whites and white society.

    I thought that was the only thing they were actually doing. Lamenting the orchestrated racial dissolution of American whites though immigration and cultural warfare.

    Peter Brimelow explicitly repudiated White Nationalism and claimed he was a civic nationalist — despite decades of writing about human biological differences and all the problems they cause in white society

    you see? Cowardice.

    By now, with at least an above average intelligence, to not know who controls the media and universities and courts and so on, and not know who controls the federal government, in near absolute terms, can not be anything other than willful ignorance.

    It is that glaring.

    Not for uncle Cletus, perhaps who still watches Fox news to get informed, but I’m talking about at least average intelligence, we all know.

    And if you purport to be intelligent, (as Sailer and Brimlow do) and a patriot of sorts, (or whatever they call themselves), and you flat out refuse to look into Building 7, out of a sniveling fear that it might just lead you down an inconvenient path, well then you can go teach seventh grade English, and I wouldn’t begrudge you.

    But if you act like, and put on airs like you’re an intrepid trailblazer of truth, who deserves donations, (as Sailer is constantly begging for), because your bold assertions are doing so much good..

    But yet you refuse to mention the purple elephant taking a shit in your living room, (because he’s powerful and has money), as you talk and talk and talk and talk.. endlessly.. about how bad it smells, then that’s the problem.

    •�Replies: @eah
  62. Joe Wong says:
    @Chris Moore

    “The USA” is an alien-occupied land by genocide of the indigenous people. People of VDARE.com is simply wrong and immoral to exclude people from rest of the world moving into a land does not belong to them. Only the native Americans, the “Indians”, have the right to say on the immigration issues.

    If the people of VDARE.com do not like other people moving into “the USA”, they can go back to where they forebears came from, and get out of “the USA”.

    •�Replies: @GringoLoco
  63. @eah

    do you want to solve the fucking problem or not? — or do you want to be just another ignoramus who whines and insists they’re ‘illegals’? — which accomplishes nothing because they’re not ‘illegals.’

    Change the f-ing asylum laws since it’s beyond obvious that the laws are being gamed. This isn’t rocket science.

  64. Fumanchu says:

    I drove past the castle a while back listening to Z-Man’s podcast talking about the end of V-Dare. Had to give a salute as I drove past.

  65. @one nobody

    WOW 👌

    Someone actually gets it.

  66. @MegaHerzls

    That good sir is the smackdown.

    •�Replies: @MegaHerzls
  67. All this ‘Whitey’ crap must have the oligarchs laughing themselves silly. It’s classic ‘Divide and Rule’ stuff, and many of the prominent ‘White Rights’ buffoons are probably on some pay-roll or other. And the people screwing the ‘White’ masses are Whiter than Whiter, save for the Jewintern, of course, and they are ‘ultra-White’, what from being a ‘Light Unto the Nations’.
    What sort of ‘White’ do you prefer? Anglo? Nativist American? Germanic, or Mediterranean? Nordic? How much ‘non-White’ disqualifies you? One quarter, or one sixteenth? What if you’re a ‘reverse coconut’, ‘White on the outside, but ‘Brown’ on the inside? Such creatures exist!

  68. Rurik says:
    @Dr. Rock

    Plus, VDARE’s tracking of, and monthly totaling of, colored murders of Whites, was a very important feature.

    yes, but did they ever bother to connect the dots?

    William Pierce [RIP], was writing why the media always spikes all stories of black on white crime, and all the other shibboleths and paradigms that have been carefully programmed into the sheople going back to the seventies.

    And *why* does the media do that?

    Is it because those darn liberals are just dumb jerks..

    Or is it because the media is owned and controlled by Jews?


    Jewish media control

    The Organizational Nexus, from National Vanguard, Issue No. 65, 1978 [626]
    Two Lessons [627] National Vanguard No.92, January 1983
    By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War [628] [629] February 1992
    With Malice Aforethought: A Review of the Movie “The Crying Game” [630][631] September 18, 1993
    Brainwashing in America [632] [633] April 1995
    Disney and the Jews: Eisner and His Kind Must Stop Harming Our Children [634] [635] September 1995
    The Destructive Media [636] [637] Audio [638] April 13, 1996
    Men of Valor: We Must Have Such Men if the West Is to Survive [639] [640] Audio [641] April 20, 1996
    The Meaning of Democracy: The Controlled Media Have the Most Say in Who Is Elected [642] [643] Audio [644] September 28, 1996
    Skating on Thin Ice, Those Who Would Destroy Us Are Getting Worried [645] [646] Audio [647] January 25, 1997
    Time To Do What’s Right, Why Does it Matter Who Controls the Media? [648] Audio [649] March 22, 1997
    Patriots vs. Jews (text needed) Audio [650] July 19, 1997
    Exposing the Warmongers [651] [652] Audio [653] November 22, 1997
    Media Myths [654] [655] Audio [656] August 15, 1998
    David Geffen, Steven Spielberg, and Bill Clinton [657] [658] Audio [659] August 22, 1998
    Fashion for Genocide [660] Audio [661] September 26, 1998
    Lies, Murder, and Jews [662] [663] Audio [664] comments on the Columbine shootings May 1, 1999
    Fooling the People [665] [666] Audio [667] May 29, 1999
    The Division of America [668] [669] Audio [670] July 17, 1999
    Enemies of Liberty [671] [672] Audio [673] July 24, 1999
    Thoughts on Government [674][675] [676] Audio [677] December 11, 1999
    Lies and the History Channel [678][679] [680] [681] Audio [682] February 5, 2000
    The Hurricane [683][684] [685] [686] Audio [687] February 19, 2000
    Defying the Censors [688] [689] Audio [690] November 4, 2000
    Mike Wallace’s Lesson [691][692] [693] Audio [694] June 30, 2001
    Fast and Furious [695][696] [697] Audio [698] July 7, 2001
    Why We Deserve Their Contempt [699][700] [701] Audio [702] Video [703] July 14, 2001
    The Jews Are Our Misfortune [704][705] Audio [706] July 21, 2001
    Journalists and Canadians [707] [708] [709] Audio [710] January 5, 2002
    Media-Driven Law [711][712] [713] Audio [714] February 2, 2002
    Jewish Hate, the Media, and the ADL [715][716] [717] Audio [718] March 2, 2002
    Senator Feinstein and Police Chief Parks [719][720] [721] Audio [722] March 23, 2002
    The FBI, the ADL, and Christina Long [723] [724] [725] Audio [726] June 8, 2002


    •�Thanks: Dr. Rock
  69. @eah

    The USA needs to stop subverting, sanctioning and exploiting Latin America, destroying societies and breeding refugees. Unfortunately, anthropogenic climate destabilisation is making much of northern Mexico uninhabitable, and Zion Don ain’t gonna do much bout that.

    •�Agree: showmethereal
  70. @Felpudinho

    The true Judaic misanthropy oozes out of this creature, does it not?

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  71. Old stockers in New England think the whole thing started in 1620. They don’t give a shit about Jamestown in 1607, let alone the 1585 lost colony of Roanoke.

    Virginia Dare, the first English child born in America, was born in Roanoke Colony in 1587.

    Because of Peter Brimelow’s book Alien Nation, I react like the characters in the Abbott and Costello bit Susquehanna Hat Company whenever I see the year 1965 written out.

    The 1965 Immigration Act was the law that opened the floodgates to nation-killing mass immigration into the USA. 60 or 80 million foreigners and their spawn are in the USA because of that 1965 immigration bill.

    IMMIGRATION is the issue that will destroy the evil, treasonous JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire. Trump is the first blast of the trumpet against the ongoing JEW/WASP Ruling Class plot to use immigration as a demographic weapon to destroy the European Christian ancestral core of the United States.

    LBJ’s 1965 Immigration Act and Reagan’s 1986 Amnesty for Illegal Alien Invaders and George HW Bush’s 1990 Immigration Act and Joe Biden’s Open Borders Mass Immigration Invasion Treason were and are direct attacks on the European Christian ancestral core of the USA and the Historic American Nation and White Core America.

    Mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION increases housing costs, lowers wages, swamps schools, overwhelms hospitals, destroys habitat for wildlife, causes urban and suburban sprawl, creates multicultural mayhem, destroys cultural cohesion and brings infectious diseases, crime and terrorism to the United States of America.

    Tweet from 2015:

    •�Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
  72. Truth says:

    This is an understanding of things so ignorant, a 5 year old who could properly spell “cat” would question it.

    Economic security programs take up roughly 8% of the budget (majority to white people)


    The majority of “government benefits” are vacuumed up by wealthy whites who pay very little in tax.


    •�Replies: @Renard
  73. Truth says:

    Well maybe if a brilliant and enterprising young man like yourself taught them how to use their claws to operate matchbooks and gasoline cans, driven carry bags full of merchandise, and walk to into convenience stores en masse without causing a stir…

  74. Truth says:


    And may I repeat, LOL.

    When African lions hunt alone they are successful in one out of six attempts. However, when they hunt as a group their success rate goes up to one in three. With larger prey such as buffalo, single lions do not even bother to attack.


    •�Thanks: showmethereal
    •�Replies: @Rurik
  75. @RadicalCenter

    Thanks for thanking me. The ill eagle will not fly with only one wing. I also is a radical center ist. Hope it can hold. Too many genius experts trying to feel superior. It’s from ignorance, inferiority, ego and insecurities. They have not studied the 18,647 other subjects any where near enough, and have reached their “winning” conclusions well before getting to them.
    Happy holy daze. Let’s hope ” this too, shall pass”, before they destroy all the life on this beautiful, full of wonder planet, in the bonfire of the vanities. Not looking good. It’s as if death and destruction is the goal .

  76. I tried to post this comment back when Mr. Bradley’s article first appeared. It kept disappearing, even in the middle of the night for Ron Unz in California. We’ll see if the 5th time’s a charm:

    Though I’d sworn off commenting here end-o-last-bidness-year due simply to time constraints, I just noticed Mr. Bradley’s great homage to VDare here. Let me chime in to add my part.

    I’d been a reader since about 5 or 6 years after VDare started up, as my stalwart-Conservative Dad got me hip to the seriousness of the immigration invasion problem. I would guess I’ve read 95% of the VDare articles since then, the non-read ones just due to my having missed them. I have met most of the people described herein, and they are all good people.

    Mr. Brimelow himself, well, he could have stayed on the ins with the finance analyst and punditry crowd and had a cushy well-remunerated living. Instead he chose to proclaim the TRUTH about the coming (at that time) cultural and even financial destruction of America. That was simply the RIGHT thing to do.

    Immigration* is THE EXISTENTIAL ISSUE. If the now severe damage is not somehow partially reversed, I won’t really care so much about the other problems in America anymore, because it’ll no longer be the America I cared about. (I’m thinking Uruguay or Portugal…)

    I have followed VDare’s legal troubles to the “t”, at least the last legal “t” I could understand. I have to say this again, that I think Mr. Brimelow is just so used to the high-trust rule-of-law America of most of his life, that he could not see fit to fight the NY A/G in a way the ctrl-left would: Stall, obfuscate, “lose” entire servers (in unfortunate boating accidents… in West Virginia? Somehow…), etc.

    I doubt the incoming A/G has the fire in the belly like a Matt Gaetz does, but I hope Trump will find a way to go after Leticia James. The ctrl-left can say it’s political payback, who cares, but the Constitution in fact REQUIRES that treasonous Communists like Merrick Garland, Alex Mayorkas, and highly-corrupt anti-White goons like Leticia James be prosecuted, tried, and punished. Trump, being still Trump, cares about himself foremost and the Banana Republican lawfare that was waged against him. However, VDare (as seen here in the Tucker/Lydia interview) was also targeted. James’ removal would be a greatly welcomed development for the remains of the VDare people and their former readers.

    Instead of at least all the (~60,000 articles/posts in archives) be spread around, how about a full revival of VDare, same format, and URL in this case? I have been hopeful about that. I see no reason they can’t just get back running if the lawfare is ended.

    It’s just a bad time for me to have lost VDare. Though the writers have always been hopeful, now with Trump in office again and duly pissed and Steve Miller and Tom Homan raring to go, this would be long-due time of high excitement. I should be looking forward to lots of great posts on details of the political fight right now. I want my VDare back!!

    2 minor points:

    1) Maybe writer Peter Bradley didn’t know ahead that his article would appear here, but why was there no mention of VDare writers being published on The Unz Review? The immigration issue is not one I agree on much with Mr. Ron Unz – he’s under the impression it’s all good because Hispanics have pushed Black! crime out of Palo Alto, where he lives – but Mr. Unz has been extremely hospitable by publishing Mr. Sailer’s blog, John Derbyshire’s stuff, and many of the other VDare writers (on occasion) over the years. It’s also a place to add comments on an extremely well-working site, while VDare didn’t have them.

    2) Not to be a Grammar Commie or anything, but “fat ass” is two words.

  77. anonymous[337] •�Disclaimer says:

    it’s all so patently ridiculous.

    Until the misfortune the jew has wrought on this Hemisphere is brought to the light…no website or podcast is worth even mentioning.

    Those of you who know what I speak of…understand.

    All others…piss off.

    •�Troll: Richard B
  78. @xyzxy

    They were referring to the Founders and their descendants. Simple as. And I never even read that much of VDare.

  79. anonymous[337] •�Disclaimer says:

    It’s always dismally hilarious when a pretentious comment is longer than the article they’re commenting on.

    Human meat shits.

  80. @Joe Wong

    You ever read a history book? History is pretty much just people trying to make their own families, clans, tribes, or nations stronger–which seems to come at the expense of those with natural resources they are not developing. I doubt that either of us would want to go back to the Bronze Age civilization people romanticize from their air-conditioned homes. Fortunately, my family as recently as the 1920s were shitting in outhouses and wiping their asses with corncobs. They went on to serve in World War II and enjoy the prosperity that followed. Including running water and air-conditioning.

    •�Replies: @Joe Wong
  81. TruDat says:

    The solution to Camp of Saints is for the West to send back the Hindus, and to take all the half breeds and Caucasoid-species camp followers. Then you can yell Jeebus Crusade three times and I guess per this website not Auschwitz them. Even UNZ readers have a purpose, to slaughter all the non-white ricebags and rape created half breeds, you can wear white hoods, Humans won’t care. Same goes for Vietnam Myanmar Africa Oceania to Philippines. The sinister six own all the colonial jetsam. Colonial leftovers are not India’s or the Third Worlds responsibility, their masters should take their trash back with them.

  82. Richard B says:

    Great comment Gallatan.

    And though the antiwhite hatred is certainly there, another point worth making is even more basic, greed. The fact is, blacks will sell out blacks in a nanosecond for money.

    The fact that they’ll do that without hesitating, and certainly without blushing, undermines whatever argument or justification they think they may have had regarding their antiwhite hatred.

    In fact, a few months back I shared a couple of videos here about blacks complaining about illegals, and government support of illegals. Those videos definitely seemed to mark the end of an era of the government even listening to, let alone feeding, Black Grievance Inc. But what was really interesting about the videos were some of the comments that mentioned blacks selling out other blacks.

    As I said often enough at the time, the whole obviously orchestrated Year of Floyd and the Wakanda propaganda that was rolled out, as if on cue, was not a public declaration of some victory for blacks. On the contrary, that victory was as fake as Wakanda itself. No.

    The real point of it all was to distract blacks by concealing the fact that they were being replaced by Latinos both physically and symbolically. This is what the hostile elite really mean by driving change. But blacks are either too doped in hate, or too anxious for the opportunity to sell each other out, to even see, let alone accept, what should be by now an obvious fact.

    In any event, all of the pro-black/antiwhite “celebration” reminds me of the moment Rep. Leo Ryan spoke to the people of Jonestown during a celebration put on to show him and his staff how wonderful things were. When he spoke the place erupted in applause in response to his seeming approval of it all. Of course, everyone knows what happened the next day. @4:59 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBzlRIpw8xI

    Video Link
    Obviously, the analogy is not exact, nor is it intended to be. But it makes its point.

    Now that the point is. Whenever any individual or group can not bear to face the reality of their situation, when the tension that comes with any problem can not be resolved through comprehension, as it should be in any problem-solving process, then people ascribe value to anything that will enable them to discharge that tension in emotional release, enthusiam, tears, etc.

    In this case, both antiwhite hatred, and pro-black celebrations of an imaginary future world, are used to suppress awareness of the fact that they are being, not only replaced literally, but dethroned figurativley, from their place in the Identity Politics hierarchy.

    •�Agree: Gallatin
  83. eah says:

    It wasn’t a conference about 9/11.

    No, I wasn’t there, but I said nothing about the conference — I wouldn’t attend a milquetoast event like that — this kind of activism/event interests me a lot more.

    And now you want to bring Jews and immigration into it (‘*who* is orchestrating that demographic annihilation?!’), when as you’re probably aware, likely no one there normally talks about Jews, and no one there gave a talk mentioning Jews.

    I don’t care that Brimelow/Vdare doesn’t talk about Jews; I do care that Brimelow wouldn’t side with Whites when he had a chance — same for Sailer.

    I don’t care that Jared Taylor doesn’t talk about Jews — he’s worked for decades to spread awareness of racial differences, and is an advocate for white people.

    However if you have a copy of Alien Nation, you can check if Brimelow mentions Jews:

    Murdering Iowa

    Because per WLP, Brimelow quotes anti-white comments by Jew Earl Raab — I read the book many years ago, and no longer have a copy — I don’t remember if Brimelow mentions Raab is a Jew or not.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  84. Richard B says:

    Oops! Gallatin (not Gallatan). Sorry for the misspell.

  85. Mike Tre says:

    “Again, strictly from an historical and de facto standpoint, Africans have as much if not more of a right to be included”

    As much as any other pre-industrial farm animal, yes. Because that is the extent of their contributions. And their “rights” would extend no further north than the Mason Dixon and no further West than the Mississippi. NYC, Newark, Baltimore, Buffalo, Philly, Cleveland, Chicago, Indianapolis, Louisville, Milwaukee, St. Louis, KC, etc, etc, etc are all places that hold no historical rights for negroes, as they were shipped to those places at or near the peaks of their existence. Since their arrival, well, sheeeeeeeeeeiat!

    The simple truth is they should have all been repatriated as soon as slavery was abolished.

  86. Rurik says:

    under the More


    look how easily he takes the buffalo down and kills it

    Video Link

    here a lone female kills an adult buffalo

    Video Link

    “Lion takes down buffalo with surprising ease”

    Video Link

    there are lots of these videos for your edification

    IOW, “lone male lions take down African buffaloes routinely”

    even lone female lions

    •�Replies: @Truth
  87. Rurik says:

    It wasn’t a conference about 9/11.

    I didn’t say it was.

    And I pointed out that had some fool not blubbered the idiocy about the “Muslim terrorists” who did 9/11, I wouldn’t have bothered about it.

    likely no one there normally talks about Jews, and no one there gave a talk mentioning Jews.

    that’s my point. It’s like lamenting the wars in Gaza and Lebanon and Syria, and refusing to mention any Zionist Jews or Israelis.

    Immigration is just as much a Jewish-orchestrated plague, as is the cultural sewage coming out of Hollywood, or the double standard in media treatment of crimes, based on the races involved.

    Pretending like Jews have nothing to do with it, is beyond insultingly stupid.

    I don’t care that Jared Taylor doesn’t talk about Jews — he’s worked for decades to spread awareness of racial differences, and is an advocate for white people.


    I don’t think it’s productive to froth about ‘the Jews’ to a general audience, until people are a little more aware. In that I agree. But if our champions were headed to a remote castle to speak honestly about what ails our world, and 9/11 came up, and our stalwart defenders of white dignity and truth, can’t bring themselves to speak honestly about 9/11, and who actually did it, without bleating some mindless platitudes about the ‘terrorists’ then I don’t see any courage in that.

    Talking about the obvious, that there are racial differences, and that whites are getting fucked over in our society, is pretty obvious, I’d say. The only people who don’t know it, are university grads. University grads getting “educated’ by guess who?

  88. @RedPill Boomer

    The Don isn’t going to lift a finger for any legit dissident righty. He will only attack the NY Marxists because they attacked him. Any help for race realists will be coincidental.

  89. anarchyst says:
    @Abdul Alhazred

    Ukraine is being prepped to become israel 2.0
    It is no secret that most European jews HATE the middle east climate and culture, which despite European jewish incursion still has a distinct middle eastern culture, something that European jews loath.
    The “roots” of judaism are being manifested with the forced closure of Christian churches within jew-occupied Ukraine. This is merely more proof that judaism and communism are one and the same. In fact, communism is a jewish invention.
    The climate and topography of Ukraine is more amenable to jews than present-day israel. Not only that, their criminal base of operations will be much closer to their “markets”. From international prostitution, pedophilia and child abduction to organ harvesting and sales, to reams of criminal financial schemes and scams, Ukraine is ideally located to keep the jewish criminal rackets going.
    Jews are using their European and American lackeys to support the war in Ukraine against Russia.
    The seeds of WW3 have been planted…

  90. JPS says:

    The Scottish Chiefs at the VDARE KKKastle or Sleepy Hollow Redux.

    Have no problem with VDARE, Brimelow has always seemed to be a decent chap.

    After he referenced Laura Ingalls Wilder’s age at courtship during the Roy Moore controversy, they removed her name from the American Library Association (America’s foremost judeo-masonic censorship authority) award for children’s literature!

    I’m not sure I can bother to read the whole article, seeing as it is all rather pointless to discuss!

  91. Truth says:

    Exceptions. Sort of like chaps like Brimelow getting Broads 1/3 of their ages. As they say, a Broken clock…

    Video Link



    Old Sport, I have been telling you guys for years…

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Rurik
    , @showmethereal
  92. I just have on question for Peter Bradley and the other VDare supporters:
    What did VDare actually accomplish? What policy positions did they influence in Washington? Did they influence the Trump administration they constantly prostrated themselves to in any way? Did they support any activists who made a positive, tangible change to their communities? Were they ever successful in a single lawsuit of theirs?
    From what I gathered in this article, they failed all of their legal fights. They had no connection to any Washington politicians, and I know for a fact that Trump administration officials who were linked to VDare were marginalized or removed. The only thing that came out of VDare was a nice house for the Brimelows.
    I could really ask this question to any dissident sites — including the Unz Review — who write endless articles with seemingly no effect or positive gains to show from it. Most of it is just mental masturbation and begging for money while claiming we are somehow on the right path and “things are changing” despite Trump pushing infinite pajeet immigration, Israel destroying Gaza and Hezbollah, Assad fleeing Syria, and Russia making no gains in Ukraine. “Raising awareness” is the typical cope from the ineffective activist, one we hear often from BLM and climate hucksters clearly just trying to make a quick buck, so I don’t want to hear that excuse. To Unz’s credit, he doesn’t beg for money. But VDare (and many other sites) had annual begging campaigns to….what exactly? Write articles and hope that Trump notices? Mass immigration is worse than ever before, and nobody in power is budging on it. NATO and Israel are still in a very strong position despite the regular cope that they are on the verge of collapse.
    Maybe it’s time to realize that writing articles and begging for money don’t actually change anything, they just make money for the writers. And maybe it’s time to stop donating to do-nothing sites like VDare that can only accomplish buying a house for its founder.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  93. Had Virginia Dare never been born in Vinland matters might have progressed differently, to the no great perturbation of mankind.

  94. Anonymous[407] •�Disclaimer says: •�Website
    @Pop Warner

    What you need pal is a couple of thousands brownshirts who don’t have nice houses!!

    •�LOL: Pop Warner, Felpudinho
  95. Renard says:
    @one nobody

    Not to disagree with anything you’ve said, something else occurs to me. Regarding the same passage:


    Immigration will determine whether the United States remains a First World nation with a European heritage or descends into Third World incompetence and anti-white hatred.

    This perfectly valid assertion was much more perfectly valid a few decades ago.

    At this point in time it’s really no longer a prediction.

  96. Renard says:

    majority to white people

    Speaking of five year olds, the concept of proportion (which you clearly never learned in school) has been explained to you many times on this site. Yet you still can’t master it.

    As others have observed, troofie, you’re particularly dim-witted — even for a negro.

    •�Replies: @Truth
  97. Renard says:

    It’s always dismaying when people refer to negroes as animals. There’s no animal that ever lived which is remotely as depraved as negroes are. It’s not even a contest; never was and never will be.

    The only ones which even come to mind are pit bulls which have been raised (read: abused) by negroes. Because negroes bring about as much compassion and intelligence to raising dogs as they do to raising their own offspring.

    •�Agree: Pop Warner
  98. Richard B says:

    Great comment! Thanks!

    Those Presidents of the Ivy League turned it into The Poison Ivy League.

    Naturally, they used lots of propaganda to conceal that fact, while playing up the prestige that those institutions used to have before these creeps got their culture-destroying, money-grubbing little paws on them. Of course, it was a process already well underway long before them. But the point still stands. Even if the Presidents before them weren’t Jewish none of them would have done anything to go against their interests.

  99. @Kal Zakath

    i try my best. and i didn’t even care enough to remember that brimelow is a fucking emmy grint himself. goddamn fogbreathers. after the “pre-9/11” of 1776 all brits are terrorists!

    it’s truly hilarious that someone from the land of pasty chavs could be a “race” fetishist. every “wound” these idiots whine about is self inflicted.

    •�Agree: Kal Zakath
  100. @mulga mumblebrain

    How many third-world, pre-diabetic, waddling, Latina fat asses (pregnant and with two fat kids each) do you have living in your spare bedroom and are feeding?

    Yeah, I thought so.


    •�Agree: Cloud Posternuke
    •�Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
  101. @Charles Pewitt

    Agreed in general, Mr. Pewitt, as always, and I appreciate your work. I have also confronted Congresscritters.

    Small however, here: Virginia Dare, the first English child born, born to White parents, in America. RTFAP! (“About Page)

    Anyway, thanks for commenting here as an antidote to the idiotic 10-cent Chinamen such as MangledBrain and Joe Wrong. They’re like gnats.

    •�Thanks: Charles Pewitt
  102. Joe Wong says:

    The “illegal immigrants” want to follow your family’s not-so-civilized and illegal steps to fulfill their “American Dream”, therefore their means of entering the USA and the right to get equal rights of “the Americans” are legitimate and righteous. “The Americans” have no right to deny their dreams and demands.

  103. Rurik says:


    someone said

    as soon as an alpha male lion gets hold of them [African wild buffaloes] they’re done for.

    which you implied was incorrect


    LOL. Lions hunt in packs, Old Sport.

    and you even did a LOL at how clever you were.

    But as usual, you were wrong, and he was right. But then do you admit that, with grace, or do you double down, like a dumb, arrogant Negro?

    and not just double down, but after this exchange, you’re so convinced of your triumph, that you announce

    Old Sport, I have been telling you guys for years… (anything you can do, I can do better).

    What, Truth, do you blacks do better than anyone, eh?

    Okay, there’s basketball. I’ll grant you that. And violent crime, and breeding children you can’t or won’t take care of, and destroying neighborhoods (and even countries) right and left. And generally bringing the tenor of a society always down to a crotch-grabbing, simian level.

    You can do those things better than others, I’ll admit all day long.

    Why not attempt to evolve, Truth?

    Why not attempt to emulate civilized and pleasant people, and cultivate a bit of humility, so that when you’re wrong, you find the gentility of character, to admit it?

    That would be a great start, in moving towards a social status where every other race doesn’t imperceptibly cringe, (and grab their purses more tightly) when you walk into a room.

    •�Thanks: CelestiaQuesta
    •�Replies: @Truth
    , @Rurik
  104. Truth says:

    which you implied was incorrect

    I implied that it was incorrect, I put up other (probably white) people’s views that it was incorrect, and I posted videos that it was incorrect, and Old Sport, generally, an adult with at least half brain in his head, realizes that lions hunt in packs.

    You have apparently never heard this, which puts into question your education.

    I can’t speak about what any race can or cannot do, not generally anyway, I am only one man…

    …and I made my argument better than you did, here, and on multiple other occasions. Not that that’s anything particularly bragworthy.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  105. Rurik says:

    .. civilized and pleasant people.. .. gentility of character

    well Truth, I can’t say if race had anything to do with this, (they do the same thing to white guys), but regardless..

    I hope the orcs committing these monstrous abuses, all go straight to prison.

    •�Replies: @Truth
  106. Rurik says:

    an adult with at least half brain in his head, realizes that lions hunt in packs.

    good God

    he’s still doubling down

    dummy.. the guy said a lone lion can take down an African buffalo

    you implied that’s not correct, because “lions hunt in packs” – ‘LOL’

    are you too stupid to comprehend, (even after watching videos of it happening), that a lone lion can indeed take down an African buffalo?

    Just do yourself a favor, and admit that you were in error, (it’s okay. It doesn’t make you a bad person). When you’re in a hole, stop digging.

    As to your videos, are you suggesting that blacks are never murderous or genocidal?

    •�Replies: @Truth
  107. Bernie says:

    Shocked at the hate for Peter Brimelow (among some) in the comments. He is one of the greats of our movement.

    •�Agree: Mark G.
    •�Replies: @Kaiser Wilhelm
  108. Truth says:

    No… That doesn’t look good.

  109. seventabs says:

    Here are a few lessons for myself, as I’m a similar dissident and an operator in the space of manufacturing and disseminating memes, doing and spreading relevant stats, etc.

    1. Do everything yourself and operate on a shoestring budget. If it gets shut down you don’t lose much, and the goal is to make it disproportionally more expensive for them.

    2. Opsec, this war benefits from many small anonymous actors that are hard to trace down to particular individuals and cancel them one way or another. Yeah, it’s trivial to subpoena and nothing is really anonymous, but it takes effort for them and burns some judges reputation and a lot of them are elected.

    3. Diversify. Good point about VDARE’s twitter and gab accounts — have presence everywhere you can, keep subverting their censorship systems, use alts. It’s a war for survival and it’s not always as clean.

    4. One of the underutilized channels by the traditional dissidents is computer games. Before you frown upon this, consider that the total revenue of vidya is more than twice that of Hollywood and VDARE cared about the movie industry, it’s just another media. Also consider that most gamers (don’t trust woke ESA reports) are young white males. These people are the future of this country.

  110. Truth says:

    Old Sport, someone earlier mentioned “proportion.”

    Yes, a lone lion can take down an African Buffalo…

    …So can a .22 daisy rifle IF a bullet lands in the right place…


    And yes Old Sport lions hunt alone…


    As a matter of fact, they LIVE in packs, better known as “prides”.

    Why I have to explain this to a man, who just a few posts ago was lauding his intellect, I am not sure.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  111. Lauren says:

    NRA’s headquarters were in the belly of the beast, and they paid the price for that absurd decision. I could not believe they could be so clueless. [Real] Americans are naive, innocent even?

    •�Agree: Achmed E. Newman
  112. @Felpudinho

    How many third-world, pre-diabetic, waddling, Latina fat asses (pregnant and with two fat kids each) do you have living in your spare bedroom and are feeding?

    Yeah, I thought so.

    Give him time. He’s still working on his “game”.

    •�LOL: Felpudinho
  113. Rurik says:

    …So can a .22 daisy rifle IF a bullet lands in the right place…

    As a matter of fact, they LIVE in packs, better known as “prides”.

    Why I have to explain this…

    I can’t believe even you’re this stupid

    you’re just being peevish because I pointed out a lone lion can take down a buffalo, (easily in some cases), and you simply don’t have the quality of character to admit when you’re wrong.

    You’ll double down with idiocies like “lions LIVE in packs”, just to be obnoxious.

    I’ve known people like that. When they’re bested, they resort to puerile idiocies as they’re way of ‘flipping over the game board’.

    in short, you’re really too dumb to be posting here, but I’m still glad you are. It’s good to have the perspective of an American Negro, even if your efforts are.. well, such as they are.

    •�Replies: @Truth
  114. Truth says:

    I can’t believe even you’re this stupid…and you simply don’t have the quality of character to admit when you’re wrong.

    I’ve known people like that.

    Are you sure it’s me? Or maybe it’s everyone else on the planet aside from you?

    To take down a mighty buffalo, lions must hunt in pride—well-coordinated family groups of 10 to 15 adult males and females. Even so, they must approach cautiously and sensibly to avoid heavy casualties.


    Tsaro lions are called swamp cats. They hunt water buffalo by stampeding them into the water where they can attack and kill the young or weak members of the herd.


    I’ve known people like that.

    Yes, I get the feeling you know one quite well, and in fact, talk to him in the bathroom mirror every morning while you shave.

  115. @Proteus Procrustes

    Absolute nonsense. Water buffalo often kill lions one on one. It takes a lion pride to take one down. At least one in its prime

  116. @Rurik

    Male lions usually do not hunt. The females do. And no – most will not try to take down a prime buffalo

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  117. @Truth

    Yeah I realize statistics don’t matter to people by and large. He found videos with little to no context. Those could have been old and diseased buffalo being taken down. Not a prime one. One can just as easily get footage of buffalo killing lions. But for people like that guy – it probably wouldn’t register. He doesn’t even know most hunting is not even done by male lions. They will only attack if it’s an easy meal – like an old or diseased prey. They prefer to scavenge so they can save their energy for fighting. So yeah people like that guy know as little about African wildlife as they do about their own society they live in

    •�Replies: @Rurik
    , @Rurik
  118. Rurik says:

    Male lions usually do not hunt.


    no one was talking about usually !


    the whole question was ‘can they?

    and I provided videos, (FFS) of them doing exactly that!

    If someone tells you that a man can lift five hundred pounds, do you tell him –

    “No, he can’t, because most men don’t usually do that.’

    And then a man lifts five hundred pounds in front of you, and you still insist that it can’t be done, because it’s not usually done.

    It’s like I’m talking to brain damaged lunatics.

    •�Replies: @showmethereal
  119. Rurik says:

    He doesn’t even know most hunting is not even done by male lions.


    the whole issue was over ‘can a lone lion kill an African buffalo?’, and our Unz Negro suggested it can’t, because ‘lions hunt in packs’, He was wrong, and I pointed it out.

    Now you seem to have some odd fixation for me to correct your raging ignorance as well, and you want a public display of that, eh?

    Like some kind of masochist that wants to be publicly ‘put in their place.

    I’m not getting paid for that kind of thing.

    But out of kindness to the ignorant – male lions hunt all the time. They’re often on their own when they’re not in a pride, and to survive, have to hunt.

    You should know just a tiny bit of what (the fuck) you’re talking about, before you make a giant ass of yourself. Just a suggestion..

    •�Replies: @showmethereal
    , @Truth
  120. Rurik says:

    just for you geniuses,

    here’s a compilation video of male lions taking down prey on their own

    to which I expect both of you geniuses to claim that it isn’t possible, because it isn’t usually done.

    I also don’t expect either of you to have the character to admit that you were wrong.

  121. @Thelma Ringbaum

    VDARE was always a tool of WASP imperial secret service. A tool of Anglo-Zionist empire. Full time asset for MI6/CIA/Mossad.

  122. @Bernie

    Brimelow is a hero for secret service to the Anglo-Zionist Empire. Is that what you mean by ‘our movement’?

  123. @Rurik

    Hunting a water buffalo in its prime is not the same as picking off and old and weak one. Only dumb humans would try that. Animal predators like lions do not. You do know buffalo kill lions too right?

  124. Truth says:

    You read what the man wrote,


    I’m not getting paid for that kind of thing.

    No, but I hear you do a bang-up job at the fry cooker.

    HAHA, Just messin’ with ya Rubik. Happy New Year.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  125. Rurik says:

    Yes, I know they’ve been known to kill a lion.

    Happy New Year to you both.

  126. @Rurik

    Male lions mostly scavenge the kills of others. They mostly do NOT hunt. Even on their own. And if they do They will prefer to kill a weak and dying animal. Their main focus is on fighting – not hunting and getting injured. They don’t have a doctor to run to. Animals don’t have dumb egos of humans

  127. Rurik says:

    Animals don’t have dumb egos of humans

    like not being able to admit when they’re wrong?

    They mostly do NOT hunt. Even on their own.

    have you studied male lions when they’re on their own?

    Do you think male lions live for years, (on their own, or with other males) without hunting? They only scavenge?

    I remember in middle school, (almost 50 years ago) when the research on lions was rudimentary, and watching some National Geographic type of video, (probably Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom) on the lion, and the narrator was explaining that ‘it’s the lioness that does the hunting, and then the lazy male just comes in and takes it after lazing under a tree all day long..’

    Blah, blah..

    Because there was very little actual research into the behavior of lions. Today, that’s no longer true.

    Today, they know male lions hunt routinely. And routinely take down buffalo and other large game. And the myth you’re (pathetically and ignorantly) clinging to, has long been debunked.

    How about this? You get on your computer, and go do some actual research (not Wiki) into the subject, before you return and make a bigger ass out of yourself?

    The fifty year old myths are wrong. Male lions hunt, and do so regularly, particularly in the ‘nomad’ stage (when they’re on their own) in order to survive, and then if they can take over a pride, they leave hunting mostly up to the females, because their job is protection, (or the ‘coup de grace’ for very large game)- for which the males are best suited, and designed by nature for.

    Once you learn you were wrong, you can simply come back and say, ‘Hey, I was wrong, thanks for putting me on the right track.’

    And I’ll say, ‘Hey, no problem. If you know more than you did yesterday, that’s why we’re all here’.


    •�Replies: @showmethereal
  128. @Rurik

    Next time reply directly. And any modern scientific observation notes male lions when not in a pride scavenge far more than hunt.
    And any modern observation will tell you they do NOT try to go take down a buffalo in it’s prime.

    Even lions hunting in a full pride have a less than 50% success rate in a hunt (though African wild dogs do). You are living in a dream world.

  129. Rurik says:

    Next time reply directly.


    And any modern scientific observation notes male lions when not in a pride scavenge far more than hunt.

    dumb fuck

    no one ever said they didn’t scavenge. That’s just another of your endless straw-man arguments where you pretend we’re debating whether or not male lions scavenge, or some other horse shit, when we aren’t, and never were.

    The whole debate was whether or not a male lion can kill an African buffalo, and then whether or not they actually hunt. In both cases they can and do, and so in both cases you’re flat out wrong, but you’re too sniveling to admit that you’re wrong, because you have no character. No integrity. You think being obnoxious is an acceptable response to being mistaken about something. You are a steaming pile of male lion dung, with hefty quantities of digested buffalo, as far as your character goes.

    they do NOT try to go take down a buffalo in it’s prime.

    who, dumbass, ever said they did?

    Another of your straw-man idiocies. Which is all you’ve got.

    You’re a pathetic person, showmethereal. A sniveling cretin, unable to accept when you’re dead wrong.

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