With our privileged FCC broadcasters, legacy newspaper barons and other anointed members of “mainstream” culture spitting mad about their failure to defeat Donald Trump on Nov. 5, they are now coalescing around a new message. Without the slightest hint of irony or shame, our elite media and their pals in Hollywood and subsidized schools are trying to shock us with the News Flash… Trump is a Fascist!
And their hysterical messaging seems to be gaining in both volume and traction, at least among their disgruntled urban shock troops. With Democrats now desperate to hold onto the power they’ve usurped over the last 90 years, I don’t think they’ll abandon this manufactured crisis anytime soon. At least not without better push-back from their opponents.
And the partisan attacks are working. FCC guardians at ABC News say that polls show “half of Americans see Donald Trump as a fascist.” And Trump 2.0 hasn’t even taken office yet. (According to this narrative, decentralizing power from Federal control to State oversight is simultaneously extreme National Socialism and also pure anarchy of deleting “Entire Government Agencies.” The anti-Trump propaganda is already that unhinged.)
For today, I’ll put aside the claims of “anarchy” and “threat to democracy,” as both charges are specious on multiple levels. Instead, I will focus on the allegations of the Trump administration being a revival of widespread National Socialism, which was once understood to be the root of fascism.
The three big problems with the “fascist” narrative begin with what should be obvious, but has been obscured by so much public disinformation. Namely, our ruling elites—particularly top Democrats, most corporate leaders, and also many Republicans—support National (or Global) Socialism on literally everything from Agriculture to Energy and Healthcare to Wage Controls—and over a dozen other areas affecting daily American life. For today, I’ve selected 20 major areas, which I’ll be analyzing in a moment.
And our ruling elites have done so since at least the 1960s in most cases, or the 1930s for New Deal Democrats. For the most part, we’re dealing with doctrinaire 20-for-20 Super Nazis projecting their extremism onto other people (Trump and his supporters) that are much less fascistic than any presidential leadership team since at least the 1980s or arguably the 1920s. That alone is incredible.
Actually, it is Trump’s pro-community/anti-fascist approach on free speech, education, racial revenge, gun ownership, abortion, climate crisis (and unfortunately not much else) that has imperial Washington so enraged. In particular, it’s the censors, indoctrinators, race-baiters, gun-grabbers, abortionists and eco-puritans who despise Trump the most.
Regrettably, some unstable victims of government schooling, possibly bad parenting and other poor influences buy into that TDS garbage. There are now millions of people languishing in this angry and confused category. And America’s insane media establishment is once again fanning the flames of “protest”—trying to overturn the election (as they accomplished against Nixon in 1974) or possibly incite violent uprisings as they successfully did in both the 1930s with nationalized unions and the 1960s with hundreds of race riots (both uprisings are discussed here in comparison to the minor disturbance of January 6).
Worse yet, in most cases people triggered by (bogus) claims that Trump is a Fascist are useful dupes for advancing (real) totalitarianism. It’s precisely these ignorant types—and their media megaphones—that make any sensible reforms so difficult. And that is tragic for everyone.
If American education was not so thoroughly corrupted and its legions of subsidized religious professionals weren’t so conflicted by political favoritism, most of this hypocrisy would be readily apparent by now. Since that is dramatically not the case, I’ll elaborate a bit.
Just How Much Federal Involvement Do We Need on a Daily Basis?
After FDR’s attacks on independent journalism in the 1930s (IRS and NRA harassment of publishers Will Hearst and Robert McCormick, open censorship of radio sensation Charles Coughlin and many others) the American media landscape was left almost entirely to New Deal supporters like NBC, CBS and some establishment magazines and newspapers they favored. And their “reporting” has consistently advocated for more centralization of power in Washington, relentless marginalization of small-government attitudes, hostile treatment of private institutions, and endless excuses when central planning fails to deliver as promised.
Since the 1930s, the concentration of power in Washington has steadily marched forward, never retreating, and only rarely resting for a pause in growth—as we arguably witnessed in the early 1980s and Trump’s first term. As noted in a previous essay from September (see prior link):
With independent voices either cancelled entirely or heavily marginalized from 1942 until the rise of internet publishing in the 1990s, American culture now stands highly influenced by authoritarian attitudes on all meaningful aspects of daily life.
The federal interference—always substantial, usually without a fig leaf of Constitutional cover—is now so great that it encompasses practically every meaningful decision of our every waking moment. (Unless, I suppose, you’re an oblivious sports fanatic or someone who still watches network TV—which sadly includes about half of America.) For the other half of our fellow countrymen who are a bit more in touch with reality, I’ll list some major examples of modern federal reach:
Of course, politicians are masters of escape and will deny being for Big Government or any type of “socialism”—state, national or international. To avoid squabbling over what threshold must be crossed before state and federal involvement officially becomes “totalitarian,” I’ll settle for the basic question: Is there any aspect of life where humans can function without (usually major) interference from politicians and bureaucrats?
If most elected Democrats and Republicans are being honest, the simple answer to the above question would be: “No.” That is to say, the overwhelming majority of government officials support at least 18 of the 20 major elements of social and economic fascism. That would be at least 90% coverage, by this broad list of categories. And that’s not what any honest person should call “liberal” or “conservative.”
Unfortunately, after decades of lies and misinformation being fed to the U.S. body politic, millions of regular Americans—based on voting patterns and other data—are also comfortable with this high level of government interference. By now, tens of millions of Americans are addicted to state and federal programs for education, healthcare, food, housing, retirement and much more. Many people seem to think there literally is no alternative.
But there are alternatives in all of those areas, often easy ones, even if we have to look before the 1930s in many cases. In a few cases, we must venture back to the 1780s, before our Revolutionary Radicals tore up the Articles of Confederation and imposed their bold new experiment in “strong” central government.
In other words, European immigrants to early America thrived for nearly two centuries with almost none of that smothering national “safety blanket.” Such levels of personal freedom and community cooperation are hard to imagine now, with state and federal demagogues pandering to their pet factions at every opportunity. But Americans did enjoy growth, freedom and prosperity from the early 1600s to the 1770s without federal authorities micro-managing their daily activities. Today is very different.
Major Party Support for National (or Global) Socialism as of 2024: Items 1 to 10
“+” denotes significantly greater support for centralized power in a given area
# | Topic | Federal Control? | Details of Federal Control | |
Team Trump | Team Harris | |||
1 | Agriculture | Yes+ | Yes | From the $200+ billion USDA budget to tax-favored hording of land, massive wasting of water and mindboggling ecological assaults, “small government” types lose credibility for selectively attacking urban welfare while pandering to white “family farmers.” Ex-farmer and policy guru David Stockman correctly calls subsidized farming “the political axis on which much of the modern welfare state was built.” Libertarian icon James Bovard is more devasting in his book Farm Fiasco. Both parties in Washington are too gutless to curb these mammoth abuses. Although lazy white farmers owned over 99% of slaves in America, even black supremacists are reluctant to say “farming” and “slavery” in the same sentence. Why is that? |
2 | Banking | Yes | Yes | Charter privileges for fiat money creators encourage endless cycles of inflation, boom, and bust… then feasting on the carnage—as bankers have done for centuries, with now over $100 trillion in total U.S. debt. Federal rules give customers a false sense of security and limit entry into this corrupt party (1934 FDIC, 1977 CRA, 2010 Dodd-Frank, etc.). Our left/right uniparty loves Debt Dealers for funding their social engineering and global warfare. Federal interference actually thwarts reasonable state regulation of basic “weights and measures” of banks’ gold and silver holdings (much like states effectively do at every gas station in the country). No need for anarchy here; or D.C. bungling. |
3 | Broadcasting | Yes | Yes+ | Federal Radio Act of 1927 and FCC birth in 1934 created a corporate cartel that excludes over 99.99% of Americans from broadcasting. Yet the freedom of Big Media to slander opposing politicians is almost unlimited as we’re witnessing again with organized smear campaigns against Trump’s cabinet nominees. Since the 1930s, Democrats in particular have been using FCC powers to purge their press enemies. By 1942, with war fever gripping the nation, independent journalists were either silenced entirely or bullied into submission. Truman’s FCC Speech Police tightened their grip in 1949, imposing the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ that mandated “both sides” (big gov’t and huge gov’t) of “controversial” topics be trotted out for virtuous signaling. Reagan’s termination of that contrivance in 1987 breathed (minimal) life into Talk Radio, something Democrats are still furious about. Even with the internet now challenging total cartel dominance, U.S. media is still corrupted by powerful legacy influences. |
4 | Corporate Welfare | Yes | Yes | Monopoly “patents” and eternal “copyright” privileges allow corporations, Hollywood and mass media to consolidate power. Those policies also encourage absentee ownership by far-away elites. As nearly all innovation comes from individuals and small companies, the lawfare scheme of “owning an idea” usually benefits giant companies with huge legal departments to help them *steal* those ideas and surround their fiefdoms with “monopoly moats.” See the “Sidebar” on Monopoly Patents for a short analysis of this important topic that bribe-based media pundits and corporate-funded university scholars won’t touch. |
5 | Drug Prohibition | Yes | Yes | Both parties support federal powers to harass (certain) drug users; neither side bothers to obtain a Constitutional amendment as the 1920s Prohibitionists did. The “War on Drugs” has devastated urban America, with non-violent drug offenses often ending a person’s hope for future employment. Wikipedia says “In 2021, over five million people were under supervision by the criminal justice system, with nearly two million people incarcerated in state or federal prisons and local jails. … Drug offenses account for the incarceration of about 1 in 5 people in U.S. prisons.” Meanwhile, deaths from legal drugs continue to soar. Historically, both parties have been equally terrible here. |
6 | Education | No? | Yes+ | For over two centuries, American education was entirely funded by parents, communities and businesses (mentoring). In 2022, total government spending to indoctrinate children stood at $1.9 trillion, including $692 billion from the feds. Federal intrusion into college started during the Civil War and increased during both World Wars. Federal involvement in K-12 education took off in 1965 and never looked back. None of that complies with our Constitution. Trump now says he’ll get the feds out of the classroom. We’ll see if he’s serious. |
7 | Energy | Yes | Yes+ | The U.S. Dept of Energy (started in 1977) now boasts 14,000 federal staffers, 93,000 contractors (as of 2008) and a dazzling org chart. Politicizing this major industry has yielded empty promises that fusion power is “just around the corner,” pushed unreliable wind/solar, and halted the construction of new coal or nuclear plants. From 2011 to 2023, the number of U.S. coal power plants has plummeted from 589 to 227. New nuclear power plants have been anemic since the 1990s. The Democrats’ scorched earth crusade against “man-made global warming” give them the “+” here. |
8 | Environment | Maybe | Yes+ | Since 1970, Washington has nationalized its control of all local air, land and water pollution, demonizing productive industry along the way. Thousands of arbitrary rules and self-incrimination are imposed on the private sector. Global “climate” hysteria is seeking trillions in tribute. Yet broad exemptions are given to subsidized farmers and gov’t sewage dumpers who create enormous messes (fish kills, beach closures, aquatic dead zones, etc.). Modern Greens are more anti-industry than anti-pollution… and it’s not even close. |
9 | Gun Ownership | No? | Yes+ | Democrats openly support greater restrictions on private gun ownership. Federal ATF agents aggressively work to deny Americans access to self-defense. Remember Waco? Trump is now claiming he will dismantle this abusive federal agency. Gun grabbers have turned cities into violent cesspools. Will they ever learn? Single-issue gun zealots who passively support most National Socialism are also part of the problem. |
10 | Highways | Yes | Yes | Congress in 1956 used the military excuse of a ‘National Interstate and Defense Highways Act’ to invent a role in building the Interstate Highway system. They explicitly copied another fascist nation praised for its “superlative system of German autobahn.” This $600 billion gift of “free roads” to the automotive industry, trucking firms and their union workers would soon allow big box conglomerates (Kmart, Walmart, now Amazon) to decimate thousands of local companies and kill millions of U.S. manufacturing jobs—an enormous price to pay for faster interstate travel. It’s rarely mentioned that all of that could have been done privately (e.g., the Peace Bridge over Niagara River, the Ambassador Bridge at Detroit, the Great Northern Railway, thousands of miles of U.S. tollways, etc.). People often make the wrong choice here. When faced with the reality of corrupt state governments botching their highway systems, do we push for more freedom (privately run roads) or more centralization? Pro-gov’t types reflectively choose the latter. Liberals at Vox make some good points on why that was a mistake. |
Intermission: A few takeaways so far
After only 10 examples of extensive (and usually illegal) federal involvement on local or private affairs, a few trends are already starting to come into focus. First of all, the rise of totalitarian ideology is not exclusive to either major party, even if modern Democrats are more flamboyant in their collectivist fervor.
Before Trump arrived at Washington in January 2017, establishment Republicans were every bit as fascistic as their Democrat sparring partners on nearly all the topics of this list. Until very recently, the GOP was dominated by pro-war fanatics like Dick Cheney, John Bolton, Lindsey Graham, Nikki Haley, the war criminals of the Bush clan and the incorrigibles of AM talk radio.
Let’s not forgot that Congressional Republicans unanimously supported the Military Enabling Act of September 2001, signed by George W. Bush, that led to 20 years of war in Afghanistan and other regional chaos. Only Barbara Lee, D-Calif., voted against that blank check for endless war. (Even though war is usually the greatest assault on personal liberties and the quickest path to financial ruin, I’ve left the Military off of my Top 20 chart to minimize pointless academic bickering. Both parties want a huge National Military. Nothing is new about that.)
Moving on to more substantial observations…
The Myth of ‘Free-Market’ Capitalism
At the midpoint of this list, it should be clear that the misnomer of “free-market capitalism” bears no resemblance to the last century of American politics. Not by a country mile.
That obsolete term is primarily a red herring that right-wing apologists (like Fox News, AM talk radio, dumb Republicans) bandy about to distract people from their own corporate fealty. Meanwhile, left-wing ideologues toss out the shibboleth of “raw-tooth capitalism” to invoke images of anarchy and distract people from their own authoritarian desires. Both sides are either woefully ignorant or just lying here.
The immense corporate welfare system of federal patent monopolies has enriched giant companies by trillions, often inflicting direct harm on smaller and more innovative companies, and always at the expense of consumers. In turn, these ravenous thugs act as unofficial tax-collectors for Washington, with corporate taxes all coming untraceably from the public.
Also troubling, the only possible chance of a patent system working is to implement it on a GLOBAL scale. That is, the “globalism” that phony left/right alarmists howl aimlessly about but fail to connect to its source. China’s wise avoidance of the international patent syndicate has undoubtedly contributed immensely to their recent growth… and also has many neocons fuming about alleged “theft” of Western “intellectual property.”
Furthermore, there is no better example of government picking winners and losers—a big conservative “No, No”—than our U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Every work day, that bureaucracy of 13,100 staff gleans through stacks of gussied up applications for signs of a “flash of genius” that deserves ostensible legal protection in federal courts. Even if a “little guy” is granted patent protection, the Big Guys can just swoop in and steal the idea anyway. And there is almost nothing small business owners can do to defend themselves.
The left/right “sponsor me” crowd is so enslaved to federal patent monopolies (and the corporate “hush money” showered on Universities and Big Media) that I’ll bet you can’t name ONE prominent influencer who has ever said something so mild as: I think the patent system does more harm than good. Since economic liberalism died long ago—and Democrats now love “regulated” monopolies—I can’t name any MSM figure that “bold” either.
Likewise, the immense corporate racket of government-granted banking charters bears no resemblance to “free market” anything. Shielded from open competition—and given a green light for fiat money creation—the ten largest banks in the U.S. have accumulated a staggering $12.6 trillion in assets, all from the “hard labor” of pushing papers around in an air-conditioned office. The rationale for exclusive bank charters goes back to the British East India Company (1600-1858). This prosperous and often repressive corporation used government charter privileges to establish a virtual monopoly of trade routes from India to China over the course of 250 years, seizing political control of India and Hong Kong along the way. Yes, systematic credit abuse has been going on for quite a while. And both parties love it.
Similarly, the grotesque racket of fiat banking showers additional favor on large corporations—from the Rockefellers to General Motors and from AT&T to Xerox—to grab market share from their smaller competitors. Then their fat and happy managers sit back and wallow in pools of illicit wealth, protected by deep trenches of “monopoly moats.” While leftists vaguely cite this outrageous cabal of corporate interests as an excuse for ever more market manipulation, servile conservatives maintain the myth of free-market competition that makes freedom look oppressive.
On top of that corporate graft, we have the immense federal “copyright” privileges of our lying, slanderous mass media and entertainment industries. For all the ceaseless right-wing whining over the “liberal” media and Hollywood’s contempt for “family values,” the tax-favored 501(c)(3) ninnies of Corporate Conservatism manage to overlook the obvious, yet again. On government “copyright” privileges that “academic” hucksters hold dear, and almost everything else.
Major Party Support for National (or Global) Socialism as of 2024: Items 11 to 20
“+” denotes significantly greater support for centralized power in a given area
# | Topic | Federal Control? | Details of Federal Control | |
Team Trump | Team Harris | |||
11 | Healthcare | Yes | Yes+ | The massive federal role via Medicaid and Medicare (since 1965) now costs taxpayers nearly $2 trillion per year just for those two programs and has caused medical expenses to skyrocket for everyone. Additional federal bungling crafted the HMO Act of 1973 which lured more people into tax-favored corporate health plans and further exploded healthcare costs, which now stand at a staggering $5 trillion per year. Never mind that real health benefits from cheaper food and better water and sanitation began over a century ago and had nothing to do with socialized medicine. Instead, socialized medicine has had horrible effects on U.S. healthcare (obesity crisis, opioid epidemic, drugs pushed on kids, lockdowns and vax mandates, entitlement attitudes, etc.). The federal Healthcare Politburo now swells to over 83,000 staffers, with its blizzard of codes/tables/review panels/hidden pricing and inhumane treatment of patients. We can’t blame “private” insurance for all of that. |
12 | Housing | Yes | Yes+ | Colonials and early Americans prospered for over 300 years with renting, saving and home ownership being a personal choice, benefitting from comparatively stable prices throughout that period. Everything changed when Hoover and FDR used the Depression as an excuse for federal intervention in housing, first creating the 15-year mortgage and later the 30-year mortgage, to the delight of debt dealers and the general public. Permanent HUD welfare slums soon followed, as did trillions of tax dollars wasted on federal lending agencies. Trump’s 2017 SALT reform was a good step forward in curbing this entitlement for wealthy people (a regressive tax break of $134 billion as of 2015). Renters now get hurt badly by this federal incompetence. |
13 | Immigration | Yes | Yes | Both parties are so entrenched on this core issue that few publicly acknowledge the alternative of States or communities having any voice whatsoever on the basic questions: Who decides on what people get allowed into American neighborhoods in the first place? Does being accepted into one State automatically make you a citizen of all other 49 States? With immigration coming to a head in the 1856 Presidential election (which resolved nothing in the process) the opponents of open-door admission would henceforth be denigrated as “Know Nothings” and “nativists.” Since then, ruling elites have become only more intolerant and more certain that D.C. knows best when it comes to immigration policy. |
14 | Male/Female Relations | Yes | Yes+ | Pandering to female voters and anti-business radicals, Democrats created the EEOC in 1965 to punish companies for the Thought Crime of not hiring and promoting enough women and preferred minorities. As of Obama’s last year in 2016, EEOC terrorized U.S. businesses with 91,500 new charges of “discrimination” filed plus an additional 97,400 charges “resolved” by federal pressure. As of 2020 under Trump, those numbers tapered a bit to 67,400 charges filed and 70,800 resolved. The number of businesses that take preemptive action to avoid lawsuits and public humiliation can only be guessed. Considering that owners have a vested interest for maximum efficiency and long-term employee satisfaction (whereas gov’t staffers profit from division and strife) this is an excellent case where the market can (and previously did) self-regulate for the interest of everyone. |
15 | Marriage | Yes | Yes | Federal interference on defining what’s a legitimate “marriage” (thanks to the GOP-backed Revenue Act of 1948) spawned right-wing demagoguery on “family values” and the LGBTQ push for a gov’t stamp of approval for their sexual partnerships. This obscure bit of social engineering would explode as a wedge issue a few generations later, shredding traditional marriage in the process. If President Trump can stand up to the Religious Right, he could benefit everyone by returning marriage to a private decision. If returning abortion to the States is any indication, doing something similar for gay/sad special vs. universal rights would be a messy transition, though. |
16 | Race Relations | Yes | Yes+ | Giving modern Democrats a generous free pass on slavery and Jim Crow, since the 1960s “progressives,” including JFK, have been obsessed with perpetually dividing Americans by race to whip up the black vote. The last three generations of USA’s arbitrary racial revenge have included neutralizing the significant pre-“Civil Rights” era black progress of the 1940s and 50s, hounding millions of whites from their urban homelands and spawning the scourge of black welfare dependency. In just the period of 1964 to 1971, federal race-mongering provoked a staggering 750 race riots. Today, millions of blacks are trapped in urban slums with terrible schools and few job opportunities, all for moralistic grandstanding of the Religious Left. That’s almost as bad as the lazy white farmers who started this mess to begin with. |
17 | Religion | Yes+ | Yes | Special tax privileges for officially approved churches go back to the megalomaniac Emperor Constantine, who sought to be leader of Heaven and Earth. Rulers of the British Empire mimicked that approach in the 1600s, a concept that “nine of the 13 original colonies” also copied by the 1770s. Additional strings were attached by the 1954 Johnson amendment, something Trump opposes for poor reasons. Both sides still support blanket exemptions from labor laws and local property tax breaks for corporate religion. All that contributes to a blinding arrogance among professional clergy: I’m special… I deserve special treatment! Extremely few Christians, Jews or atheists speak out against this universal abuse and the evils of political favoritism. Faux “conservatives” particularly love subsidized religion. |
18 | Retirement | Yes | Yes | Abandoning thousands of years of tradition, old folks now buy into the New Deal advice to permanently quit working, then trust that deceitful politicians and bankers will protect their dwindling wealth (and keep looting young workers) for the final two or three decades of their lives. What could possibly go wrong with that plan? Let’s see… While few have dared to question this sacred totem, personal savings, self-reliance and family cohesion have all tanked since the sham right of “retirement” was conjured in 1935. With high inflation, ticking pension bombs and declining worker-to-beneficiary ratios, people who put their faith in “social security” or any type of permanent “retirement” account will not fare well when that house of cards collapses. |
19 | Unions (nationalized) | Yes | Yes+ | The Wagner Act of 1935 (which created the NLRB) tipped the scales in favor of organized labor, encouraging union thuggery (including blockades, plant sabotage and mass squatting) that eventually crippled the U.S. manufacturing base. Thanks to New Deal union interference, “the number of ‘strike days’ doubled in one year, from 14 million in 1936 to 28 million in 1937,” per Robert Murphy’s P.I. Guide, page 108. Ohio Univ. economists estimate $50 trillion of reduced GDP over the period of 1947 to 2000 from union price fixing, collusion and other abuses. Democrats still pander heavily for union votes, while Republicans (pre-Trump) struggled to accept basic freedom of association rights of laborers. Although pro-union attitudes permeated both the early National Socialist German Workers’ Party (supposedly “far-right”) and the entire reign of the Soviet Union (supposedly “far-left”) longstanding union violence, intolerance and extremism have been normally coddled in Europe and America. |
20 | Wage Controls | Yes | Yes+ | One of the more egregious areas of hyper-legalism in modern America (which is saying a lot) as well as a boost for homelessness stems from the canard of “the minimum wage,” the trite euphemism for complex and convoluted wage controls. Big Brother’s little helpers in this category—unleashed by FDR’s “fair labor” act of 1938 and subsequent legislation—now live under the auspices of “Human Resources.” As celebrated by this cottage industry, the HR Alphabet Soup (free video and slides) consists of over 180 federal labor laws including ADA, ADEA, COBRA, Equal Pay Act of 1963, EEOC Title VII, ERISA, FLSA, FMLA, GINA, HIPAA, OFCCP, OWBPA, USERRA, and Workers’ Comp that private employers must sort through to stay out of trouble. If you don’t know what any of those acronyms stands for… better hire a bigger HR staff! Because one mistake can mean stiff fines, public humiliation or possible business closure. |
Well, that’s a lot of federal interference! And a lot of man-made suffering that most pundits casually deny. The fact that “liberals” now support such overt authoritarian is just the tip of this hypocritical iceberg. So do most “conservatives,” but we already knew that.
If we’re keeping score, modern Democrats are generally more fascistic on broadcast communications, education, energy, environment, gun ownership, healthcare, housing, male/female relations, racial affairs, unions and wage controls. Trump Republicans are more fascistic on agriculture and religion—and about equally inclined to central planning on banking, corporate welfare, drug prohibition, highways, marriage and retirement. Before Trump, it was more of a toss-up.
Immigration is something of a wild card, with both parties going “full retard” in different ways. Democrats crassly seek to import as many poor, unadjusted welfare voters as possible, even if it bankrupts the country. Trump’s gratuitous scapegoating of immigrants for most of the nation’s problems prompts valid criticism of him as a childish bully—or even an ignorant bigot—something TDS victims often mistake for “fascism.” To be sure, many modern immigrants come to America to mooch off its generous welfare state. But immigrants didn’t create any of those corrosive entitlements; farmers, “Bonus Army” veterans, and seniors did. And Trump panders heavily to all three groups.
Closet-Commies and Crypto-Fascists
With so much totalitarianism going around and so much confusion on what to call it, little wonder that the sociopaths who desire global domination have come so close to achieving their goal. A large part of the confusion comes from the bias of state-run education, where central planning is invariably taught as the answer to every problem.
Some of the confusion also comes from the usual suspects in Hollywood and mass media now in their nineth straight decade of churning out World War 2 revenge porn. These deceptive—and overtly fascistic—clansmen don’t just make a mockery of honest scholarship. Their ethno-centric antics distract people from the real authoritarian threat growing in North America and Europe.
Jewish militants, Christian Zionists and millions of pliant accomplices have been demonizing “Nazis” and “fascists” for so long that I suspect a majority of Americans, particularly those under 30, don’t even know that “Nazi” once stood for National Socialist. As a result, the epithets “Nazi” and “fascist” are now usually hurled—most often by totalitarian leftists—to denote the embodiment of supreme evil, although liberals typically deny the concept of Good & Evil.
Strangely, the same cultural influencers who routinely shorten National Socialist to Nazi almost never shorten Communist to “commie” or Hebrews to “Hebes” or Homosexuals to “homos.” That would be too disrespectful to the latter three groups, whose feelings are of the utmost importance to our ruling class. Evidently, some slurs are much more equal than others.
Also important, the enormous political capital invested demonizing Germans, Italians and Japanese in the 1930s and 40s built a war chest of American exceptionalism and Jewish victimhood that totalitarians have been cashing in ever since.
This isn’t to take sides on who was more barbaric during World War 2 or ignore the fact that millions of innocent lives were shattered on both sides of that conflict. (However, I will note that establishment historians are losing their minds over a recent outsider, Darryl Cooper, making valid points about American, British and German activities during that war. I view Mr. Cooper’s and this website’s contributions to public education surrounding WW2 as more balanced and informative than the combined efforts of thousands of government schoolteachers and legacy media shills.)
My point is that totalitarianism has been growing in America for far too long, regardless if it has a “national” or “international” flavor. (Bickering over whether German socialists were more on the Left or Right, or whether America’s ruling elites are really fascists or communists is largely pointless. The conventional nomenclature that “fascists” support socialism on a national level is good enough for me. Democrat support for censorship, street violence, partisan lawfare, religious bigotry and racial spoils further supports that classification.)
Whatever terminology we settle on, the Trump administration may only have two years to roll back generations of federal abuses, or perhaps four if the economy holds out and Republicans maintain control of Congress. During that short period, tremendous effort will be required to repair just a portion of that damage.
For the next four years, obstructionist Democrats, RINOs and their powerful media allies will be using their immense government privileges and corporate sponsorships to advance their relentless agenda of more centralized control of America. Inevitably, our legacy media will use every dishonest trick in their playbook to destroy President Trump and any reformers in his cabinet throughout that time.
To thwart their efforts in gaslighting Americans to maximize power in Washington, I think it helps to frequently expose the D.C. ruling class and its entrenched institutions for what they really are. Since most of them habitually deny adherence to any form of “socialism,” I’ll return to my original question: Is there any aspect of life where humans can function without (usually major) interference from politicians and bureaucrats?
If most university scholars, professional pundits, Swamp creatures and elected officials are being honest, the answer to that question would be a resounding: “No.” There is a common F-word for people like that. And it ain’t “friend.”
Email: [email�protected]
The program of the NSDAP
The program is the political foundation of the NSDAP and accordingly the primary political law of the State. It has been made brief and clear intentionally.
All legal precepts must be applied in the spirit of the party program.
Since the taking over of control, the Fuehrer has succeeded in the realization of essential portions of the Party program from the fundamentals to the detail. The Party Program of the NSDAP was proclaimed on the 24 February 1920 by Adolf Hitler at the first large Party gathering in Munich and since that day has remained unaltered. Within the national socialist philosophy is summarized in 25 points:
We demand the unification of all Germans in the Greater Germany on the basis of the right of self-determination of peoples.
We demand equality of rights for the German people in respect to the other nations; abrogation of the peace treaties of Versailles and St. Germain.
We demand land and territory (colonies) for the sustenance of our people, and colonization for our surplus population.
Only a member of the race can be a citizen. A member of the race can only be one who is of German blood, without consideration of creed. Consequently no Jew can be a member of the race.
Whoever has no citizenship is to be able to live in Germany only as a guest, and must be under the authority of legislation for foreigners.
The right to determine matters concerning administration and law belongs only to the citizen. Therefore we demand that every public office, of any sort whatsoever, whether in the Reich, the county or municipality, be filled only by citizens. We combat the corrupting parliamentary economy, officeholding only according to party inclinations without consideration of character or abilities.
We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens. If it is impossible to sustain the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) are to be expelled from the Reich.
Any further immigration of non-citizens is to be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans, who have immigrated to Germany since the 2 August 1914, be forced immediately to leave the Reich.
All citizens must have equal rights and obligations.
The first obligation of every citizen must be to work both spiritually and physically. The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests of the universality, but must have its result within the framework of the whole for the benefit of all Consequently we demand:
Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of rent-slavery.
In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
We demand the nationalization of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).
We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.
We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.
We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality.
We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land.
We demand struggle without consideration against those whose activity is injurious to the general interest. Common national criminals, usurers, Schieber1 and so forth are to be punished with death, without consideration of confession or race.
We demand substitution of a German common law in place of the Roman Law serving a materialistic world-order.
The state is to be responsible for a fundamental reconstruction of our whole national education program, to enable every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education and subsequently introduction into leading positions. The plans of instruction of all educational institutions are to conform with the experiences of practical life. The comprehension of the concept of the State must be striven for by the school [Staatsbuergerkunde] as early as the beginning of understanding. We demand the education at the expense of the State of outstanding intellectually gifted children of poor parents without consideration of position or profession.
The State is to care for the elevating national health by protecting the mother and child, by outlawing child-labor, by the encouragement of physical fitness, by means of the legal establishment of a gymnastic and sport obligation, by the utmost support of all organizations concerned with the physical instruction of the young.
We demand abolition of the mercenary troops and formation of a national army.
We demand legal opposition to known lies and their promulgation through the press. In order to enable the provision of a German press, we demand, that a: All writers and employees of the newspapers appearing in the German language be members of the race b: Non-German newspapers be required to have the express permission of the State to be published. They may not be printed in the German language c: Non-Germans are forbidden by law any financial interest in German publications or any influence on them and as punishment for violations the closing of such a publication as well as the immediate expulsion from the Reich of the non-German concerned. Publications which are counter to the general good are to be forbidden. We demand legal prosecution of artistic and literary forms which exert a destructive influence on our national life, and the closure of organizations opposing the above made demands.
We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations within the state so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of the Germanic race. The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity without binding itself confessionally to any one denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and around us, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our nation can only succeed from within on the framework: common utility precedes individual utility.
For the execution of all of this we demand the formation of a strong central power in the Reich. Unlimited authority of the central parliament over the whole Reich and its organizations in general. The forming of state and profession chambers for the execution of the laws made by the Reich within the various states of the confederation. The leaders of the Party promise, if necessary by sacrificing their own lives, to support by the execution of the points set forth above without consideration.
Adolf Hitler proclaimed the following explanation for this program on the 13 April 1928: Explanation Regarding the false interpretations of Point 17 of the program of the NSDAP on the part of our opponents, the following definition is necessary: “Since the NSDAP stands on the platform of private ownership it happens that the passage “gratuitous expropriation concerns only the creation of legal opportunities to expropriate if necessary, land which has been illegally acquired or is not administered from the viewpoint of the national welfare. This is directed primarily against the Jewish land-speculation companies.”
They are obviously neither.
They are not advocating for dictatorship of the proletariat or abolition of private property of the means of production, or for a violent revolution and extermination of the capitalist class, so obviously they are not communists.
They are not nationalists (quite the opposite, they are globalists who want to destroy national identities, national history and want open borders for non-White races), they want anarcho-tyranny as opposed to order, disunity as opposed to unity, and they don’t advocate for balance of interests of all interest groups for the common good, so they are not fascists.
They are crony capitalists and want totalitarian control of the nation, but that’s neither communism nor fascism. That’s totalitarian anarcho-tyrannical crony capitalism with Judaic characteristics.
The best one-volume account of what National Socialism was actually about and what it accomplished is Richard Tedor’s study “Hitler’s Revolution,” online at https://archive.org/details/HitlersRevolutionByRichardTedor_383 (the paperback is possibly still for sale on Amazon). You can judge for yourself to what extent Germany was leftist or socialist, but the thing to remember is its radical new economic system restored a dismembered, disarmed, and impoverished nation to world power status in less than a decade –without going into debt to international finance.
FDR’s version of Germany’s policies created the CCC and other alphabet agencies designed to put the unemployed back to work. Germany achieved full employment in four years, while the U.S. unemployment rate was still a staggering 14% after nine years of FDR’s policies, and the American people were saddled with a massive deficit to the bankers.
the ten largest banks in the U.S. have accumulated a staggering $12.6 trillion in assets, all from the “hard labor” of pushing papers around in an air-conditioned office.
If Trump was a fascist, then he would be fighting these banks. The term fascism comes from ancient Rome, where the people’s representative carried the fasces as the symbol of his authority. Known as the tribune, this person would attempt to restrain the money powers for the benefit of the people. Such as the Gracchi brothers. The money powers would simply say, “He is attempting to make himself king!”, and then the people would rise up against the person who was supporting theirown interests.
A monarch, whether a dictator or king, is the only person capable of standing up to the money powers. Any form of democracy or oligarchy is going to be dominated by the wealthy to the detriment of the people. 2008, anyone?
An Austrian-born German man once stood up the money powers. Debt-cancellation is fascism. A fascist is the champion of the people, but the term has been redefined to obsfuscate its true meaning. In the current year, the term fascism is defined as a knee-jerk reaction to hate whatever the term is applied to. As the saying goes–give a man a shovel, and he will…
Trump is an oligarch whose only job is to serve the other oligarchs and protect their interests from the people. A fascist dictatorship would be the best thing that ever happened for the typical wage-earner. Instead, we get a playground for every sexual degeneracy, because we love our slavery.
“Americans did enjoy growth, freedom and prosperity from the early 1600s to the 1770s without federal authorities micro-managing their daily activities. Today is very different.”
Fact: around 95% ( or more,) of everything the federal government sticks it’s nose into is entirely unconstitutional.
That needs to change, pronto, overnight.
No pussy-footing around Ron Paul/ Ramaswamy/Musk style, “lipstick on a pig” gradualism b.s., which will go nowhere .
What is needed is:
1)A president who is 100% committed to that drastic goal.
2) Enough voters ( say 10% of the population), who recognize the problem and who understand the need for such drastic, overnight change.
The only US presidential candidate to ever run such a radical program, to the best of my knowledge, was Harry Browne, who ran on the libertarian party ticket twice (’96 and ’00):
“This governments grown too big for its boots,
We’ve got to cut it back down, right back down to the roots,
Its taken most of all of our freedoms away,
There ain’t much freedom left in the US today”:
Song: “New Revolution”:
Video Link
Regards, onebornfree
They want THEIR Talmud to be YOUR LAW. I say F them.
[National Socialism’s] radical new economic system restored a dismembered, disarmed, and impoverished nation to world power status in less than a decade –without going into debt to international finance…
…Germany achieved full employment in four years, while the U.S. unemployment rate was still a staggering 14% after nine years of FDR’s policies, and the American people were saddled with a massive deficit to the bankers.
It was basic monetary theory, tested and proven since the beginning of record-keeping on clay tablets in Mesopotamia. Increase the money supply, increase employment; shrink the money supply and you get poverty, debt defaults, and unemployment.
Yes, the Germans successfully increased the money supply, and they did so in a novel way, without going into debt to the bankers.
On the other hand, America deliberately and intentionally decreased the money supply, thereby extending the depression by many years (making depressions great again), as planned. This led to massive transfers of collateral to the banks, because people could not pay their debts.
In the current year, bankers have increased the money supply by orders of magnitude beyond world GDP. The fun will soon begin–a currency crash followed by all collateral being transferred to the bankers.
At least we know that fascists are the bad guys!
National Socialism or Nazism has nothing to do with socialism and is simply a way of hiding racism.
This is why he allowed Israel to relocate their capital to Jerusalem.
Because he hates Jews?
National Socialists had no desire to conquer the Universe, or even the World, unlike real “socialists” like you. All they wanted was Germany for Germans, a perfectly reasonable desire.
To avoid lots of unnecessary academic squabbling on Left/Right, fascist/commie nomenclature, I like to focus on the core question:
Is there any aspect of life where humans can function without (usually major) interference from politicians and bureaucrats?
It’s too bad that politicians and mainstream pundits aren’t publicly asked this question. I think most would squirm and be evasive, because they can’t name a single area where they think people can manage on their own—as was the norm on most things until the 1930s.
People who support massive (usually illegal) federal interference in ALL 20 of the major areas detailed in the essay are not “liberal” or “progressive.” That level of national control is extremely authoritarian. Throw in the Dems’ obsession with censorship, lawfare, street violence, religious bigotry and racial spoils… and that seems rather “fascistic” to me.
I could care less that Trump is more “patriotic” and likes hugging the US flag. At this point in time, most Democrats are 20-for-20 totalitarians. So are many Republicans. Literally “everything” is now under federal control, and it’s all failing badly.
Trump is trying to move away from the nationalized approach on some things. I hope he succeeds.
The author of this piece either doesn’t understand or doesn’t know what German National Socialism was all about. It was primarily a strategy to ensure Aryan racial preservation, and ultimately, Aryan world supremacy. Although its system of government is, in the common mind, synonymous with fascism, it has features which make it unique and specific to Germany, so it’s actually wrong to conflate the two. Fascism isn’t necessarily a racial strategy, and it’s certainly absurd to imagine that Trump is any kind of racial supremacist. It’s also becoming clear that, owing to population transfers enabled through modern transportation techniques, both race and nation are rapidly becoming obsolete concepts. This move towards a global governance has been underway for some time.
– Professor Arnold Toynbee, in a June 1931 speech before the Institute for the Study of
International Affairs in Copenhagen.
All modern governments are socialistic and are moving in the direction of totalitarianism. This follows from the nature of technology, which dominates and shapes culture in the modern world. In a technological society, humans are just another resource which must be controlled completely in order to guarantee the desired results. Freedom is therefore constantly diminishing and will necessarily continue to diminish as technology increases its control over our lives. The kind of totalitarianism brought on by technology has very little in common with the professed ideals of German National Socialism.
“To be sure, many modern immigrants come to America to mooch off its generous welfare state.”
They also come for the same reason that JP Morgan made sure every ship in his massive International Mercantile Marine fleets carried immigrants at incredibly low rates: to increase the labor pool and drive down wages.
In this case it depresses wages even further because illegal immigrants don’t pay income taxes, 15% of their wages to social security or have all the bonding and insurance that American employees / employers are required to hold, So they can undercut any American living wage by 30% or more without adding in all of the social services that subsidize their cost of living.
It’s not just a welfare war being waged against American citizens, using American tax dollars, it’s also a labor war to onshore sweatshops for those few industries that couldn’t move them offshore.
Expect to see more of the “wolfpack workforce” practices we saw in Pennsylvania and Ohio this year. The first in Charleroi, the second in Springfield.
Haitians are essentially given substandard housing, cheap food and shipped back and forth to low-tier food processing joints that serve dollar stores.
The business model started in the meat packing business during the Reagan years. It’ll spread almost everywhere until American conservatives grow a brain and grasp the fact that the battle for this nation is one workplace at a time.
We’ve been losing for fifty years. Time to start going in reverse.
USA is deeply fascist state. Starting from foundation and never changes.
The idea of “choosen nation/state” is actually center of fascist/nacist idea. Even if you don’t strictly define nation as ‘nationality’.
If you define “you” nation/country/land as “choosen one” – it automatically define all other nations/contiries/lands as inferior, “not-choosen”.
And inferior nations can be robbed and killed – or just plainly exploited.
And yes, Trum is also American fascist: exactly same slogans.
Remember, that USA politics plainly declare for decades that USA will not tolerate any competition or even near competition – military or economical – on this planet.
So, USA is clearly fascist state hell bent on world domination.
The essay is weakened by the conflation of terms. You say:
[People who support massive federal interference in all 20 areas are] …extremely authoritarian. Throw in the Dems’ obsession with censorship, lawfare, street violence, religious bigotry and racial spoils… and that seems rather “fascistic” to me.
So, to you, fascism is extremely extreme authoritarianism. Elsewhere, you write:
I will focus on the allegations of the Trump administration being a revival of widespread National Socialism, which was once understood to be the root of fascism.
I do believe that fascism came first, and was once understood to be the root of National Socialism, which you have in reverse.
You, then, introduce another term:
To avoid squabbling over what threshold must be crossed before state and federal involvement officially becomes “totalitarian,”
Now, we have four terms: authoritarian, fascist, National Socialist, and totalitarian. Are these terms interchangeable? The comments soon veered off into the past, while your question refers specifically to the following 20 aspects of governance.
In the original American republic, the president had three cabinet members–vice president, secretary of state, and attorney general. Only 3 of the twenty areas seem to fall under their purview. These are banking, broadly understood as Congress’s right to mint currency and charter banks; immigration, such as the Naturalization Act of 1790, which allowed for “free white persons…of good character”; and race relations, as it pertains to blacks and Indians.
The other 17 areas, therefore, were not part of the founder’s vision of a Republican form of government. This refers to article IV, section 4, of the Constitution, which guarantees a Republican Form of Government to the States, and has no connection to the modern political party.
It appears, then, that most of these areas are unnecessary government overreach. Life was fine with limited government. Government grew and claimed additional power, at the cost of the rights of the citizens, who received few benefits in return.
“What Part of National Socialism Do YOU Disagree with . . .”
Answer: The continuous struggle for power, which was not a problem in Germany before the NSDAP arose in the wake of the American ultimatum in 1918 forcing William II to abdicate, and which was not an issue in America until slave-owners Jefferson & Co. rebelled against King and Country and then hanged without trial 3,000 British aristocrats simply on suspicion of disloyalty against the Rebels.
There is no salvation for any people that worships the Ballot Box, as the great Thos. Carlyle demonstrated in his masterful ‘History of the French Revolution’ (1837), the main reason being the inherently lawless Struggle for Power. Even Homer the Blind Bard of antiquity knew better, saying, “It Is Not Good That Many Rule.”
Who gave us this fateful idea, anyway? Who else: The Hebrews, who worshipped and still worship kingliness for themselves (see their current Sanhedrin in Jerusalem) but constantly push a shipload of trouble onto the rest of us, which is and has been their strategy against us since the days of satanic Moses the Sorcerer:
Note that to view the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.
This plays well in the US where socialism = Marxism/communism. In the rest of the world, socialism is nothing more than a belief that everyone should share in the nation’s wealth. It doesn’t oppose private ownership, but does oppose monopoly and oligopoly of private ownership. Anarchism is a form of socialism,
as are co-operatives and credit unions.
There is no evidence of this. Any statements made by NS leaders along this like were more akin to a pre-game prep talk. Ghandi thought Hitler was on the right track to restoring his country. Do you think Ghandi, opposing British rule, would have signed on for another group of Whities taking over India?
This is a contemporary view of National Socialism published shortly before the war.
What is likely to happen is for this expanding government to eventually face declining tax revenues as the shrinking productive segment of society is unable to carry the burden placed on it. You already see this with our two trillion dollar yearly federal deficits. Trump has talked about reducing spending but has already said he will not touch Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the Defense budget. Add to that interest payments, which are unlikely to go down, and that is seventy percent of all federal spending. No government commission is likely to find big enough cuts in the other thirty percent to seriously decrease the large yearly deficits.
A hundred years before the recent election, the 1924 election had two believers in limited government facing each other, Calvin Coolidge and John Davis. Davis was the last of the Jeffersonion Democrats. That year saw a new Progressive party headed by Robert La Follette. This new party went on later to take over the Democrat party in the thirties. From FDR to LBJ to Obama up to the present this new Democrat party has worked assiduously to expand and centralize government.
Curmudgeon: “There is no evidence of this. … Do you think Ghandi, opposing British rule, would have signed on for another group of Whities taking over India?”
Hitler was no adherent of Christian morality, and in MK frankly states his belief that the Aryan is the pinnacle of humanity. This would certainly seem to imply that the other, inferior races must submit to Aryan wishes. Although he was not a complete adherent of Darwin’s ideas, there is no question that Hitler did see the world as a realm of constant struggle, particularly struggle between races. Generalplan Ost is evidence of this. He saw the East as the foundation of a planned empire. As to India, in Table Talk he says this:
If opposed by him, I suspect Hitler would have had no qualms about executing Ghandi. In such a situation, he envisioned treating the Indians brutally.
Also, in the more distant future, it seems he was contemplating a more general conquest of the entire world:
It also bears remembering that NS Germany picked up some of Benito Mussolini’s bad habits.
One was rhetorical overkill that became a sort of reinforcement hypnosis that the faithful seemed to like and learned to expect.
I’ve wondered what 20th century Germany might have been had there been NO fascist Italy. Historian Dennis Mack Smith says Mussolini influenced Hitler in the early days of NSDAP. That’s a pretty depressing thought.
Another excellent article by Steve Penfield. The government has expanded its power with an ever-growing body of statutes and regulations. The author could look into the topic of civil liability as another means of strangling freedom of the individual.
For example, anybody convicted of a violent crime is unemployable because he would be a liability to the employer. This is a major cause of homelessness.
Any act that deviates from “best practice” is a liability. Civil law is written by the courts and reaches into every corner of private life.
Nothing politico-intellectual, here. My public schooling 60 years ago skipped any “structured” civics or world history education. [at least I realize that and am aware that my “boomer” generation is mostly oblivious to that fact] Retirement days with nothing else to do, and internet articles (like in Unz) have further clarified my realization of this.
What now bugs me (because I know better) is this terminology abuse which has taken words (once, I presume, had specific meanings) and turned them into feeling-inciting monikers with such broad “definitions” (if “definition is even an appropriate term) and, consequently always used explicitly in the context of one event or one situation, but never thereby explained as such. The word is put there strictly to provoke an opinion (or needed feeling) toward whatever else appears in the sentence or paragraph, or article (that, btw, works well especially with girls and gays, but I digress). A classic example is “democracy.” Did you know that North Korea is a Democracy? And, a “republic?” “Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea” Bet you didn’t. But it is.
I read this article because for 50 years I’ve had developed this concept that anything the feds (and state (and local) governments, too) get their nose into gets botched. [“Botched” is a good word for this. It’s a somewhat vague term but we get what it infers.] I don’t even recall what specific event got me thinking this way, but now, I am more than mildly aware and incensed by D.C. (and Lansing) jackasses, fumbling around, spending most of their time ginning up totally idiotic “excuses” for “candy-coated” government programs that obviously benefit nothing, but maybe, the politician out for the morons’ vote. It’s nothing new that government-run enterprises are inferior to private ones – heck, anything to stay out of the VA hospital or for that matter, public schooling (vs Catholic or other private school) which today, is way more damaging than it was 70 years ago, even though, then, seemingly “ordinary” parents in my factory worker neighborhood would like, cut their ears off before sending their little darlings to the fairly typical public schools in my big city – some had less finances than average, but they still paid the tuition! That was in the 1950’s.
So what set me off, today? This “DOCTOR Jill” shit. Why always “DOCTOR” Jill? Yet when I went to the orthopedic surgeon a few months ago, he was referred to as my “healthcare provider” by the fucking receptionist, Godammit! But Jill is always “Doctor?” !!! She’s a fucking teacher. Who knows what scribble she put together to get a PhD in ED? Ever know a PhD Ed? I have. same as a BA ED (or whatever a 4 yr is). Ed school in my day was for draft-dodgers with limited cerebrums. Even the moron next door (who couldn’t do long division in the 10th grade – until I spent many gruesome hours bringing him up to speed), repeated 2 classes in the 12A just to get that HS diploma) …got hisself an Ed degree (gym teacher, community college). But, dammit, the lucky bastard didn’t get shipped to Nam! They weren’t gonna see their stupid, “held back” boy become a marching dildo!
But that orthopedic surgeon dude with an MD who did a 5 maybe 6 year residency which first required well-above average performance in the first 3 years of a general surgery residency (which btw, purge about 1/3 of the residents as those are pyramid – style promotions yrs 2 – 3) is called a “healthcare provider” same title as his PA I saw two weeks earlier, and, same title for the nurses aide who may have taken an 8 week course in wiping asses and repeatedly getting warned to never touch a bandage! that’s for the RN to do. [yeah, and just to edify, that RN who, remember? was forbidden to wear that nurses hat that she earned, an early step in egalitarianism in the 1980’s, and the anemic excuse that it was an infection-spreading hazard – yes! I was there; saw it happen] I’m not new to this shit. Didn’t Doogie Houser “MD” run around in a tee shirt? or only in scrubs like an orderlie? [I only watched 50 seconds of it, because vomit is a risk for aspiration pneumonia which is very difficult to treat and even treated leaves massive pulmonary scarring – for life, so prevention was important.]
So now everything means the same and everybody is the same. Betcha you’re looking through your memory bank to come up with a political “term” that means exactly that. Skip it.
I do take your point.
I did use the term Socialist in inverted commas in regard to this commenter ( who is obviously not any form of traditional Socialist )
Once upon a time, in many English-speaking and other countries, Socialism referred to C0operative Socialism – based on voluntary societies. There was to be no coercion.
WWI changed all that. We got the promotion of State Socialism as a result ( In UK, the Labour Party’s Clause 4 demanded the nationalisation of the basic utilities and other large industrial sectors )
Obviously all this is of historical interest now. In the West, virtually all mainstream parties are parties in name only. This includes ” Socialist ” parties. They are signed up to Globalist, “Free Trade”, Open Borders, Zionist Corporatocracy ( add more epithets as you think fit ). But I’m not telling you anything more than you don’t know already.
PS In the Canadian Prairies, which is your patch, are the Ukies reconciled to Russian victory? Or are they still deluded ? Just asking – for a relative ( who used to live in Alberta ).
deejay: “It appears, then, that most of these areas are unnecessary government overreach.”
Whether they are necessary or not is a matter of opinion, but it’s pretty easy to show that these governmental intrusions are all the result of technological “progress”. Broadcasting? The Framers had no clue about it. Also, most glaringly, gun control was made “necessary” by the development and ready availability of fully automatic weapons. It would be quite a society if everyone were armed with them! This advance in weapons technology wasn’t contemplated by the Framers. Also, the nature of environmental degradation, coming as a result of vast numbers of people all doing some slight damage to the environment over time (aka the tragedy of the commons), means that the only effective countermeasures are mandatory, imposed by a central gov’t. Take smog controls on cars. If they were optional, few would use them, and the problem would remain unsolved. The Framers, unsurprisingly, didn’t foresee the development of the horseless carriage. Male/female relations? That too is a casualty of technological “progress”, as the mass entry of women into the workforce on terms of equality with men could never have taken place without the development of safe and readily available birth control techniques. EEOC lawfare is an indirect result of trying to normalize this abnormal social condition, something again not foreseen by the Framers.
deejay: “Life was fine with limited government. Government grew and claimed additional power, at the cost of the rights of the citizens, who received few benefits in return. ”
Life was fine with limited government, but few would want to pay the price: No TV, radio, or internet, horse-drawn transportation, muskets, and women who are constantly pregnant.
it’s pretty easy to show that these governmental intrusions are all the result of technological “progress”.
Technology–whether it be made of wood, stone, metal, or silicone transistors–can solve a problem. So, the human mind being as it is, there has always been technological “progress”. You may put this term in quotes, because not all so-called progress is good, and some can feel very much like regress.
The march of human development, then, brings both good and bad. The only question is how society will adapt and respond to these challenges. Whether intentional or not, you seem to be advocating for a governmental response. This is clearly the modern approach, as people reflexively say that “they” (the government) must do something about something.
Yet, since humanity did not emerge from its primitive state with a fully-formed sense of government, we may assume that it is not the only response. Moreover, increased governmental control is not be the only logical outcome of technological progress.
Depending on one’s definition of government, any attempt to respond to problems by groups within a society may be deemed governmental, so we could risk merely arguing over degrees of government. Nevertheless, local control and responses, which reflect the needs and desires of a specific community, are preferential to uniform policies that are imposed by large, central governments. This is evidenced by failures in Washington and Brussels to adequately address change or the desires of the people. In fact, some of these failures seem to be quite deliberate and antagonistic to the interests of the people whom these governments purport to represent.
Are limited, local responses possible to problems such as environmental degradation and gun violence? Does it necessarily follow that, as you write, “Life was fine with limited government, but few would want to pay the price: No TV, radio, or internet, horse-drawn transportation, muskets, and women who are constantly pregnant.”?
Limited central government, such as envisioned by America’s founders and practiced until the 1810s, authorized the federal government to concern itself primarily with trade, national defense, and foreign relations. Everything else was reserved as the domain of the States. Can the people in the States not respond to things like TV, radio, and constantly pregnant women? How is unrestricted government the only way to address this “progress”?
As a side note, the monetary question must be addressed. Fascism, as such, has always been a response by the debtors against the creditors. See my comment #7.
America borrows its money into existence from private bankers, who extract a profit from this money creation. As a result, the economy cannot hold water, because there is a leak. This leak is referred to as compound interest. To pay this interest, everyone within the economy must work harder, because money creation erodes the value of currency.
This leads to extreme worker exploitation and environmental degradation. Greed will always exist and, historically, cultures have found ways to keep it in check. What we are experiencing today, however, is something new, because of the power of private central banks. The economy, or rather the people who make up the economy, are dustorted by the deleterious effect of these bankers, who care everything for personal gain and nothing for public good.
deejay: “Can the people in the States not respond to things like TV, radio, and constantly pregnant women? How is unrestricted government the only way to address this “progress”?”
All of these problems are national problems generated as an unintended consequence of “Progress”, and national problems require a national solution. To have the fifty individual states try to each independently re-invent the wheel is just an exercise in inefficiency. They’d have to agree unanimously — which amounts to the same thing as an all-powerful central gov’t — or there’d be chaos. Besides, the nature of technical solutions means that there is usually only one “best” solution to a given problem anyway. It’s for this reason that there aren’t fifty different versions of the wheel. There’s only one, and they’re all round. No square wheels, no hexagonal ones, etc. Choosing not to use the “best” solution is just choosing to fail.
As an anarchist, I have a great deal of sympathy for your position, but short of dispensing with the technology, I don’t see a solution that’s compatible with 18th century ideas of freedom and “human rights”.
There is an interesting tie to this and the Canadian prairies. Governments of all stripes were pragmatic. If the private sector was providing crap or gouging for services, They got into the business themselves and competed. There were several impressive accomplishments started over 100 years ago, in my province, by a government that had opposed allowing women to vote, but saw that they, and the public at large were being screwed by the private sector. Pragmatism was paramount. Not so today where ideology rules over .
As for the Ukies, they would never admit that openly. The visceral hatred of Russians (to a certain extent Jews as well) due to the Sovietization of Ukraine post WWI and the Holomodor are always front and centre. The letters to the editors, from the nutjobs, have continued to appear as if the USSR still existed but only changed the name to Russia. The emancipation in the early 90s, produced a steady stream of the whacko element traveling to Ukraine to egg them along.
Thanks for the reply.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out in Canada when the inevitable happens.
It’s the socialism part of Nazional Sozialismus I don’t like…
Although it worked well for Germany until the jews and their british bitches got after the Germans.
Sir, what’s your basis for the bolded info? No doubt, the Revolutionaries were caught up in their orgy of violence in the 1770s. But I’ve never heard that one.
The factoid at issue was stated ca. 1983 by one of the CPUSA’s chief historians from the 1980s, a grave and grey-haired personage, I believe a college professor. He spoke gravely about the American Revolution in a lecture (I believe it was on film) that I attended to very carefully at a party meeting.
However, I cannot now recall the historian’s name, though I tried to find it just now online in order to reply. The party’s thoughtful bimonthly (‘Political Affairs,’ ISSN 0032-3128) no doubt features the name in many articles and could be consulted by readers.
Incidentally, it is often stated without objection that the 18th c. French Revolutionaries, who later invented the word “communism” in the 19th c., guillotined more than 50,000 people simply on the allegation of being “enemies of the State.” As is well known, Stalin’s purges in the 1930s were of similar gravity.
Most of Central and South America still believes that the only thing wrong with Marxism is that Lenin got ahold of it!
Marxism-Leninism is quintessentially a Hebrew idea for subjugating the goyim, whom Hebrews believe to be merely animals. The continuous struggle for power was their imposition on the world for its long-term subjugation, later supplemented by their idea to seize private property by force or plebiscite.
The only effective control of the capital-labor relation is through Royal Ministry, as demonstrated by G.F.H. Hegel in his ‘Philosophy of Right’ (1821). Otherwise, unchained and lawless, capitalism so-called is a “grab-game alley” (Carlyle’s phrase)–a Culture of Death–and moreover cannot wholesomely develop the means of production.
In considering private property as the machine-like relation of capital and labor, Hegel holds that it is (1) necessary to the free and full development of the human personality, (2) necessary to the security of the State, and (3) demands dispassionate regulation socially detached from the actors being regulated–i.e., the Royal Ministry.
After further research, it appears that the CPUSA historian being discussed between us is almost certainly Herbert Aptheker, who abandoned the CPUSA in 1991 after a career of association going back to 1939. See this interesting biography with photo portrait:
Mr. Aptheker was an effective speaker and writer. It is not clear whether he possessed a doctorate.
Herbert Aptheker did possess a doctorate (Columbia Univ., 1943) and wrote a history, ‘The American Revolution 1763–1783’ (International Publishers: New York, 1960), in which the factoid at issue about mass murder of British aristocrats perpetrated by the American Revolutionaries may be found.
The US is fascist but in way that leaves it nothing like NS Germany for example. The economic security, the repudiation of the bankers, the rolling back of crime etc. So not fascist in fact.
BRICS is about to kill the petrodollars. Once the debt gets unmanageable, the EBT runs out. That will be the end of the bankster gangster. The kosher mafia will be overrun by the brown hordes. White Men need to help destroy the bankster gangster. They need to barter goods and services. The taxes can’t get to barter economy people. The system is doomed. The whole ZOG edifice is beginning to stink like old fish. Fascism is the cure for ZOG and the cancerous parasitism. Strong racial ties and removal of aliens will stop the bleeding. ZOG is finished. All that cling to it are doomed.
Thanks for another great essay. Nice to see a writer here address actual substance instead of blaming the same old people for every problem in the world.
Trump is a monkey and the organ grinder is in the Atlantic Council.
The primary “engine” fueling all this War on White Peoples Nations are “Gew–eesh. Yes, there are non “Juday-ic” types involved in all this Warmaking on Whites, but if the “Juda–ic” influence were removed, it would severely weaken the strength of the attacks on Whites. This influence of the “Juwz” needs to be attacked. Their deep Hatred of Whites needs to be neutered.
Why would you say he wasn’t a complete adherent of Darwin? I have read his table talks and he is the only politician who thought like a scientist. He was an out and out darwinist. Survival of the fittest- all life is a competition, the weak should be overpowered by the powerful, to hell with morality and goodwill. Hitler exemplified nature.
National Socialism is for the people of the country and against Jews; the US regime is for Jews and against the people of the country. That makes National Socialism and the US regime polar opposites.
This article is an attempt to muddle reality, but it’s a retardation-level attempt.
Sure, the uncontacted peoples of the Amazon and primitive tribes in sub-Saharan Afruca function in all aspects of their life without any interference from politicians and bureaucrats.
Is that possible in Amerimuttland with its hyper-aggressive genocidal globe-spanning empire? LOL, obviously not.
‘FCC guardians at ABC News say that polls show “half of Americans see Donald Trump as a fascist.”’
That must be the half who didn’t vote for him just now.
RJ Macready(Antarctica): “Why would you say he wasn’t a complete adherent of Darwin?”
He got the “life-as-struggle” part right and that agrees with Darwin, but I have my doubts he would have agreed that Aryans evolved from apes. He also appeared to believe that evolution is directional, always moving to “higher” from “lower” forms, although this is denied by Darwin in his notebooks, and it isn’t actually a requirement of the theory. If, someday, human beings should exterminate themselves and make the planet uninhabitable except for microbes (through nuclear war, for example), then microbes would be proved the fittest, as they were the ones that survived, not Aryans. Hitler also believed in “Providence”, and a strict Darwinism should be atheistic, at least in a modern understanding of it.
Of course, even Darwin wasn’t always a consistent Darwinist! Sometimes he writes as if evolution is directional, and this has confused many. He’s also equivocal about the existence of God.
Yes, but in 1600’s to 1770s North America had many fewer people. No giant cities and no real technology/infrastructure to worry about. It was the rural life without the suffocating European aristocratic/Church landowner oppression.
The real challenge seems to be life improvement in a sophisticated modern technological societies. There has to be an elite (there always is) employing many specialists so the question seems to be down to – Do the elite design and operate this complex system for the benefit of the whole nation (National Socialists)? Or just for the benefit of themselves and their friends (Neo-Liberal New World Order)?
One could take China as an (imperfect) example of National Socialism* and the USA as a near perfect example the Neo-Liberal New World Order.
* National Socialism was a success in Germany pre-WW2 same as it’s a success in China today. It was the Austrian’s ideas of ethnic superiority and lebensraum that messed it up. He should have kept his frontiers limited to (ethnic) German land.
“Only the people can save the people” -Che Guevara
This article is wrong about Trump as a solution for the poor class and the working class. Under Trump 2. the rich will get richer and poor poorer. Because as long as working people in America, do not exercise power over economic decisions and their working lives, democracy and liberty will be severely curtailed. The fight to extend democracy into the economy needs finding ways and means for working people themselves to make the fundamental decisions that affect their lives. It means establishing a coordinated network of democratically elected committees through which workers and their allies can work out and impose their own solutions to economic and social problems, both in the workplace and in society as a whole.
It is likely that even the first steps along this road will meet stiff resistance from the capitalists and Trump is a capitalist, part of the business-owners class, and violent repression from the US state machine. The struggle to extend democracy into the economy cannot be separated from the struggle to break the political power of the capitalist class represented by The Democratic Party and The Republican Party. Repeated experience has shown that the despotic power of the capitalists over workers at the enterprise level cannot be overcome while the capitalists’ state power remains intact.
Similarly, the subordination of the needs of working people to the anarchic drive for private profit at the level of the capitalist economy as a whole cannot be surmounted without the conquest of state power by american working class, their families the and allies.
The defence and extension of the democratic rights of working people and of all the oppressed thus inevitably poses the need for a struggle to replace capitalist domination in all its forms with socialist democracy.
I agree with you, it is a painful but sad truth. That USA is just like Israel. USA was founded by killing, by murdering millions of American Natives. Just like Israel has been founded by killing Palestinians. No wonder both USA and Israel are allies. They both share the same thing. Stealing lands and killing people !!
Thanks for that link i am leftist, but i am also eclectic. Meaning that I support the positive traits of all ideologies (leftist, center-leftist, center-rightists, right-wingers and ultra-right-wingers)
I am also very scientifically-based and very philosophical in the spirit of Nietzsche who said that there are no truths in this world. In other words, who knows if Caligula and Hitler were good and not evil like most mainstream history books claim.
I don’t believe in any thing written out there, i don’t believe in most books in most history books and in the mainstream version of history. From my own point of view, i even think that most history books are really a lie and label evil what is good and good what is evil
Thanks for that link, even though i am anarchist-leftist, i am also a fan of the positive policies of Hitler, Franco and other nationalist revolutionary leaders
By the way you know how people have this idea that dictatorships are “evil” and liberal democratic republics are “good”. But this is not really the case.
Some dictatorships offer their poor classes free medical care, while most liberal electoral democracies medical care is very expensive and many people die of hunger and poverty in liberal electoral democracies
Who knows if dictatorships are better than democracies
A little closer look at the design of a dollar bill and US passport will explain to you what is USA.
Focus on ‘Fascist’ is a side track.
All of this was oddly familiar from the start.The more one studies sociology,political discourse and events,the more one realizes the fellow citizens just do not know much.Those that do are considered ‘snobs’. That’s what Heretics are for.
The lowest and worse in a nation can become it’s leaders.
Yea USA!…….where Anybody can become the President!!…..(Yikes!!…)
Not cool at all. If Walmart was run democratically (one worker one vote) with decision making by workers representatives it would fail in no time at all. High prices, bad service, poor organization etc.etc.
Walmart only succeeded because Sam Walton understood and controlled (dictated) how every part would function. Same with Henry Ford’s dictatorship in designing, building and selling automobiles.
Woodrow Wilson has a lot to answer for.
During 1913 he signed the bills that privatised the federal reserve, introduced personal income tax and centralised the senate in Washington.
Who were the beneficiaries? The joos.
It’ll be interesting to see how the central planners/socialists/statists react when they have to grapple with the effects of below-replacement birth rates. All big government programs depend on tax dollars. What to do when there are fewer people, hence fewer tax dollars available to support the numerous tentacles of big government? Hike tax rates to even more confiscatory levels? Run the printing presses 24/7 churning out more and more paper money? Or maybe creating digital currency with a few keystrokes? Even so, with fewer people, how does big guv man the military or the federal bureaucracy that polices the public in the 20 categories the author lists above? Immigration is certainly not the answer, since it creates more problems than it (supposedly) solves.
There is — for now — a small group of people on the dissident right who believe that the solution to a lot of our troubles would be to take women’s rights away. While no politician would dare say that today, in the years to come, it is entirely possible that when the needs of big government are threatened women’s rights will vanish. No more birth control, no more abortion, no more affirmative action. Maybe the 19th Amendment will be as demonized as the 1st and 2nd are today. The state…er, the nation…is under threat and we’re all in this together, so breeding-age women must do their fair share! Perhaps a draft of nubile women forcibly paired up with horny young bucks in a national lottery? Perhaps a two-tier status for women? Give birth to,say, three kids and we’ll restore your rights.
Then again, maybe artificial wombs will save the day. Or robots will serve in lieu of workers. As the immortal Yogi Berra once said, “The future ain’t what it used to be.”
Name the Jew or it ain’t true. If we drew a Venn diagramm of all the freedoms that have been frittered away in the US, it would all fit within the circle of the Protocols defined by the Learned Elders of Zion.
Like many others, I would love to live in an Ancap (Anarcho-Capitalist) society. The problem is the various parasitical social groups that have no intention of contributing to the society that they chose to migrate to, and instead are trying to extract everything from wealth and property to sex and genetics. In short, Jews use blacks as bullets against whites.
We simply cannot roll back the talmudic tyranny that Jews, Freemasons and their pet invaders have imposed on us. In fact, we cannot get to any kind of freedom from the tyrannical Noahide death camp where we are currently inmates is.
In short, the only way out of this mess is National Socialism, segregation, and re-migration. Since Jews are the ones who created this mess, they necessarily must be the first ones to go.
Thanks and yes Republican form of government is the guarantee.
Relative to the list offered by the author, Agriculture, is still under the emergency of 1933, the AAA and encoded as 7 U.S.C. 601 to which declared Parity for Agriculture, relative to the Federal Government taking away the marketing rights from farmers and under the Fifth Amendment required a fair exchange for this confiscation, which thus was established parity.
FDR though supported policy to increase price by destroying production such that the law of supply and demand could play its part (a plan that starved people) and was overturned in part by the Supreme Court which said the government could not tell farmers how much to produce. With World War II full production was a necessity and the government finally stepped in and set market to operate between 90-110% of Parity, where Parity was devised relative to the ratio established between 1910-1914 when agricultural dollar was able to purchase at a 1 to 1 rate with manufacturing and service sectors to which it was affirmed in the data that for ever dollar earned on the farm would support a commensurate dollar to support manufacturing jobs as the agricultural dollars were spent into the economy as earned income.
The present system, came into play in 1952 upon internationalist “cheap food” programs and the post was megopolis suburban utopias of credit enfused wonderment
The only viable solution is to break it up. Secede.
“Nilsson would develop this argument further in his 2020 book which further demonstrated the source-critical problems of Hitler’s Table Talk and revealed that The Testament of Adolf Hitler was a forgery.[33]” (Wiki)
Just very suspicious.
Sure, then Pearl Harbour happened and America had 0% unemployment a few months later.
Marvellous what an armaments program can do!
the last two paragraphs of your post.
robots at first, then cyborgs.
Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it!
Those who don’t, have a great or a horrible Wednesday, depending on what you deserve as a human being.
Thanks for simple information, Marcali.
The idea of reading the “25 Points”, well-known as the basic text on what was German National Socialism, has obviously been beyond the ability of some posting here with their various pre-judged wildly inaccurate opinions.
Possibly such people cannot read anything beyond Mickey Mouse comics, or are unwilling to read something that might perhaps (faint hope) cause them to think.
In either case, ignorance (often loquacious ignorance) is the outcome.
Here’s an addition to your valuable input.
PDF of Cajus Fabricius ref Point 25.
The Talmud Yerushalmi (opposed to the Talmud Bavli, which is exclusively for Jews) is the law of the land now or haven’t you noticed? Shalom!
They were not hiding their racism at all. Read comment #1
“Only a member of the race can be a citizen. A member of the race can only be one who is of German blood, without consideration of creed. Consequently no Jew can be a member of the race.”
(They did not even mention your race.)
Racism was very fashionable during that time.
The West desperately needs a Hitler and Russia desperately needs to side with him.
What to I disagree with on NS? Government! Way to much government. Also it has corporations. Grandpop always said corporations were no good, and a threat to limited government. He was right.
I don’t usually brag about this, but I am a Super Duper Dr.
That trumps your mere Dr.ness, and so I am qualified to label you a pseudo-Dr. who spouts nonsense for lack of evidence and understanding. You are apparently a brainwashed simpleton, having credulously parroted the nonsense about “Aryan world supremacy.”
If you only knew how stupid that sounds to people who have done due diligence to learn about reality.
Bolsheviks identified as ‘internationalists’. Today they are ‘globalists’. Apart from the brand change they still have the same goals with the added benefit of the public being more retarded than ever and the enormous advancements in technologies they control and are utilizing. Scratching the surface, take a look at the bio of Alex Karp, CEO of Palantir.
Three Argentinean intellectuals pose an interesting idea that the resistance of the people in the Western world against the global as well as the national swamp elites in their countries needs to abandon the 19th and 20th century HORIZONTAL paradigm of “left” vs “right” and similarly horizontal graduations in between, and understand that the 21th century paradigm is VERTICAL: a pyramid with its small top, where the judaic-infused global elite controlling everything resides, and the undifferentiated mass at the base where all the billions are, trying to survive.
Video Link
This is what all of Europe desperately needs, just not for POC invaders whose reproduction should be discouraged or even made impossible.
You morons seem to think the societal dynamics in the US are anywhere close to what they were in pre-WWII Germany.
Unlike 1930’s Germany, modern America is armed to the teeth, and the Jews are no exception. I have Jewish colleagues with literal armories worth of firearms.
Additionally, there’s no ambiguity left in any attempt to ’round up the Jews’. They’ve seen that movie before, and I don’t think they’d be likely to just peacefully que up at the local police station in order to be ‘relocated’.
Any attempt to round up American Jews will result in a bloodbath.
Thanks for this excellent, encyclopedic article, Mr. Penfield. You’ve thrown any number of hanks of raw meat into the arena for the lions of TUR to chew on, and waved enough red cloth before its bulls to send them into an ecstasy of rage. It’s going to be like feeding time at the zoo here today!
A few TUR commenters are pro-fascist (the German variety usually), many are anti. The majority seem to be somewhere in between. I’m pro.
The question at hand is form of government. Is that right?
The vocabulary available to us for discussing this question is exhausted. Democracy, authoritarianism, communism, capitalism… We groan at the thought of tossing them around again.
Here are my two cents worth.
First this: no modern form of government is adequate for governing a land mass as great as the US. (Southern states tried to get out and were compelled by force of arms to remain. They still want to get out!)
Secondly this: ‘democracy’ is rendered impossible by the (increasingly) low IQ of Americans. The average American is not intelligent enough to participate in decisions of governance.
Thirdly (and this is a universal truth): the average American does not want to participate in decisions of governance. He has been badgered into ‘participating.’ He has been guilt-tripped into ‘participating.’ But he would really prefer not to be bothered.
Fourthly this: all forms of government devolve into strong man rule. Why? Because that is the only natural form of rule. Insofar as fascism means der Führerprinzip I am pro-fascist.
Finally this: the above arguments are irrelevant. What the goy desires above all else, and what he will get is this:
Everyone I don’t like doesn’t like Hitler.
Dollar stores and their ilk are shutting down by the thousands. I wish them luck.
As a coin collecting kid in 50s, I had a collection in the 50s of “Notgeld”, the monopoly money of Germany in the Weimar days of the 1920s when the Jews ran Germany into inflation – they had bills of millions and billions of marks. I also had a silver 5 marks coin from 1935 with Hitlers’ face on it – about the size of a US half-dollar — in about 10 years he turned a bankrupt Germany into a World leader with sound money. Needless to say, he removed the Jews from running Germany’s money supply. Rather than importing Germany’s rocket scientists, after the War, we should have gotten Hitler’s bankers.
a condensed version of the article:
National socialism would be a clear rejection of our founding principles which many apparently would not have a big problem with. Personally I prefer the ideas that were the foundations of America including the ideas of individual rights and limited government. Where we went wrong and destroyed what was good was when we allowed non-Whites, including Jews, to become citizens and when we allowed females to participate in politics and leadership. Those two things have led to all kinds of problems that now have no real solution.
It’s too late to fix this country because of it now being multi-race and multi-cultural. Civic nationalism has destroyed us and it was never intended but most Americans are brainwashed and lack understanding of what the Founders intended. Having said that, I have also said it would take a Hitler to be strong and ruthless enough to even have a chance to fix us because of the massive changes that would be necessary including removal of a large portion of the population.
At least with National Socialism people were able to speak freely about the most important thing having to do with their society and civilization: Jews.
Julius Streicher was murdered (aka Jew Execution) for speaking freely and telling the truth about the Jews. Rightfully, Jews should expect the even treatment whenever they are caught lying about Christians. Perhaps if the NSDAP could have seen what Jews are doing to Palestinians today, they would have dealt with Jews in the proper fashion.
This is a fascinating interview by an employee of Julius Streicher about that period:
Erich – Der Stürmer

His description of Kristallnacht is interesting:
A few points are interesting here:
1. Germans were upset because Jews had been assassinating Germans, and vom Rath was just another one of these murders in a long string. Today, we have proof of hundreds if not thousands of political assassinations by Jews across the middle east. If the shoe fits…
2. I was not aware that Kristallnacht occured on a “sacred day” for the NSDAP. This would be more strong evidence (as if there was not enough already) that the Jews had planned this event the same way they planned their attacks on the Al Aqsa Mosque in order to incite Oct 7. Jews never change, its in their DNA.
3. Jews had been spreading graffiti in the lead up to Kristallnacht in order to incite a reaction, and this is more strong evidence that the event was planned, just like Oct 7.
4. Germans were angry at Jews for their support for Marxism. In 1937 the Spanish Civil war raging, and Jews were murdering Preists, Nuns and any devout Catholic they could lay their hands on.
Today we are witnessing first hand the depravity and genocide that Jews are doing to the Palestinians. Everything that “Erich” says above applies verbatim, all we we have to do is replace the “Germans” with “Palestinians”, and it becomes clear that Jews are a race of swine.
Darwin never said that. Darwin indicated that humans and apes and monkeys and orangutans all evolved from an earlier form of life.
Survival, in any particular environment, whether radioactive or not, is only important if it contributes to the creation of the next generation. For any individual to survive, and indeed thrive, is of little consequence if he or she or it does not contribute to the creation of the next generation. That is the primary function of all life forms.
Darwin’s environment was one of religious certainty. All true believers are absolutely certain that they are right. Darwin was forced by the reality of the day to be careful in the way he stated his beliefs. Much like today.
Religion doesn’t necessarily have to be one of belief in a God, sitting on a Throne. It can be a belief in a governmental philosophy. For example, Democracy.
I think it’s good that these guys are acknowledging that. It’s about time. I don’t think that “paradigm” was ever a useful perspective for understanding anything about politics and its sway over governance. It’s just been an arbitrary narrative with some small amount of plausibility. It has been useful to distract and occupy the virtual politicians who like to think and write and talk about the game, leaving the real politicians unencumbered to do their power/money stuff, and that’s what reveals the real ideology.
The Right versus Left narrative has exhibited as much accuracy regarding political motive as Rule By The Proletariat has existed in any Socialist Republic (Communism). Who would have guessed that The Liars would lie?
It’s that relativity thingy again.
Even if there were only two people in the whole world, one of them would have more than the other. Not a darn thing we can do about it either. It’s so unfair. It tends to stimulate our feelings of jealousy, envy, hatred.
Grab the torches. There are rich people to be burned at the stake.
That’s a bogus claim. Aptheker mentions (on page 126) the mass arrest of Tories without a trial, and (on page 134) the execution of two Tories without a trial. I found no mention of a mass execution, and even if there is such a mention, I wouldn’t believe it, because it’s plainly absurd.
The German National Socialism idea was the monetization of productive physical labor. Germany did not have any appreciable amount of precious metals or reserve currency, and few natural resources other than water and abundant coal reserves.
Physical labor is the primary source of all economic value, not what some talmudic gnome sitting on his pile of gold and silver claims it to be.
A true national economy must exist to serve the people, not the other way around. No truly sovereign nation would let its citizens starve or suffer degradation and debt slavery simply to appease the lurking market worshiping demons.
The German people were under no imperative whatsoever to starve or turn back to those supposedly idyllic days when Berlin was the cheap sex capital of Europe and women were often forced to prostitute themselves for a cup of sugar or a piece of bread.
Hitler’s great crime (other than having lost the war) was that the National Socialist economic policies worked so well. This no doubt horrified the usurious overlords of Wall St. and the City of London, and enraged FDR , whose so called “New Deal” had been totally ineffective at dealing with the depression in the US.
Only when approved by the people who run things. All possible candidates for whatever position in government must pass the right tests.
Now what tests might that be? Hmmmm.
a non login version, so can be accessed via VPN or similar or public web..
“First this: no modern form of government is adequate for governing a land mass as great as the US.”
“Secondly this: ‘democracy’ is rendered impossible by the (increasingly) low IQ of Americans. The average American is not intelligent enough to participate in decisions of governance.”
And, check.
This of course will never happen, but you might be able to get somewhere if…
You dissolved the so-called “United States of America” back into simply “the several States of North America” without the “united” part except for highways, air and sea ports and railroads, and national defense against a common foreign enemy. Each once-again sovereign State then starts using the original US Constitution just for itself (the doc was intended for a national population about the size of any individual state at present anyway). This restart would mean getting rid of, completely tossing, all of the jurisprudence and accumulated case law surrounding the US Constitution from 1789 to present, and beginning all over with a different understanding of what courts can or should do, and putting new and aggressive short-leash controls on the various Supreme Courts. And of course, absolutely no negroes, and absolutely no Jews; no non-whites period, but No Negroes, No Jews has to be enshrined in every constitution explicitly.
After a few decades’ practice, some version of a commonly-understood “Union” would probably re-emerge in informal practice or understanding: but only as a matter of shared sentiment, never as a matter of law.
According to this map:
…Support for secession in the South isn’t much higher than in the rest of the country. In fact, Californians (29%) and New Yorkers (28%) want to secede more than any Southern state except Texas (31%). But in every state the secessionists are a minority.
Secession succeeded in the 1860s South because of the slave-owning aristocracy, which was heavily propped up by Jewish finance (the Confederacy had a Jewish vice-President after all). Today, secession is just a goofball fantasy.
Since the 1930s, the concentration of power in Washington has steadily marched forward, never retreating, and only rarely resting for a pause in growth—
99% of what the feds do is unconstitutional according to the tenth amdt. Conservatives need to make that point but the morons never do.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to
the people.
If a couple happen to both be sterile, should they just commit suicide, as facing a life not worth living? A life of “little consequence”?
Is it not possible to live, love and seek higher transcendence..

..for the simple pleasures of doing so?
Did any of Charles Darwin’s offspring, have anywhere near the impact on human advancement, as he himself – as one individual life – contributed to?
While I don’t believe Hitler himself ever endorsed such views publicly, some of his more occult-minded underlings (such as Heinrich Himmler) were apparently big partisans of the theory that the Aryan race was originally divine and of ‘Atlantean,’ rather than human, origin, but that they had lost their longevity through interbreeding with with earthlings. Even in the Third Reich, such ideas were rather fringy, but they definitely owed more to Evola and Blavatsky — the latter especially having been a powerful influence on the early German nationalists of the 19th century (such Guido von List) — than to Darwin’s Descent of Man (1871). But I personally suspect that Hitler took such theories with a grain of salt, though he tolerated them along as their adherents were loyal and useful(as Himmler always was).
National socialism is communism rebranded, and the zionist shape shifter demons are behind all of this upending of the social order in every western country, as chaos and wars and debt and deaths and zionist terrorist are the trademarks of messianic zionists and they wont stop until they have destroyed all gentiles and muslims via their terrorism and wars and genocide, these are the hall marks of messianic zionism.
Zionism is a death cult, zionists kill for the lust of killing, these zionists are shape shifting reptilian demons from the depths of hell and are bring hell on earth. Zionist front man Trump is going to plunge the world into war with Iran at Netanyahus orders and this will bring in Russia on the side of Iran and the war will go nuclear and this is exactly what the messianic zionists want, this the armageddon that they believe will bring their messiah satan to earth, zionists are satanists.
Physical labor is the primary source of all economic value, not what some talmudic gnome sitting on his pile of gold and silver claims it to be.
Nonsense. Scientific brains is the primary source of wealth. Newton, maxwell, tesla, edison, ford . Great physicists and engineers .
Grab the torches. There are rich people to be burned at the stake.
Trouble with rich people is so many are useless. Athletes, entertainers like taylor swift, bankers, politicians, corporate execs, lawyers, market speculators like warren buffett.
Productive rich people like jeff bezos or steven jobs or the late sam walton and henry ford are rare.
Very good comment, but the final sentence is ambiguous.
…FDR , whose so called “New Deal” had been totally ineffective at dealing with the depression in the US.
The depression was caused by the Federal Reserve, which knowingly and willfully constricted the money supply for more than a decade. The New Deal was never intended to deal with the depression. That could have been accomplished at any time by the Fed, if it so desired. The purpose of the New Deal was to fundamentally change the character of America and enlarge the federal government by introducing many aspects of communism. In this regard, it was entirely successful and today we continue to suffer its consequences.
As mentioned, we heard the CPUSA’s claim (almost certainly by Aptheker) in a documentary film and we assumed that it was from his scholarly knowledge of the American Revolution, on which he wrote TWO books. We have them on ILL order and will be reviewing them for clues:
H. Aptheker (b. 1915):
American Revolution 1763-1783 (New York, 1960). 304 pp.
Early Years of the Republic, 1783-1793 (New York, 1976). 167 pp.
Taught history of Negrids in America at Bryn Mawr 1969-1973.
Aptheker was a Hebrew and communist beginning in 1939 but abandoned the CPUSA in 1991, a key date, of course. We also mentioned the CPUSA’s bi-monthly (‘Political Affairs’) (1945-2005) which may have somewhere the assertion of mass murder by Jefferson & Co. Here is a list of articles:
G. Procknow, 2022, “Treasonous Executions in Rev Amer” reviewing a book by C, Larson, admits “many undocumented killings” of Loyalists by the revolutionists in addition to admitted cases, of which there were about half a dozen.
G. Procknow, 2022, “Treasonous Executions in Revolutionary America” reviewing a book by C. Larson, admits “many undocumented killings” of Loyalists in addition to the admitted cases.
Aptheker wrote TWO books on the American Revolution. When we obtain them by ILL loan, we will see whether the book you have not mentioned will shed more light on his allegations, which I heard in a FILM, as mentioned.
Sound like a bunch of commies to me.
Chapter 2 of “basic monetary policy” says that if you increase the money supply you increase inflation. Inflation reduces buying power and causes poverty, debt defaults and unemployment. A stable currency, based on a rare metal, brings about a stable society. The Nazis created a wartime economy during peacetime that would eventually have led to economic collapse, if they didn’t get to use the military hardware they were building. A large segment of the American economy is built on this same premise which is why wars in Ukraine and the Middle East benefit, short term, the US economy. Until this Ponzi scheme collapses.
Why are we still talking about Hitler’s theories in the 21st century? His henchmen put writers and poets in KZs where they died of typhus, for God’s sake, and that fact alone nullifies all their “theories”.
Yes. Sign me up.
And as you say, that is not going to happen.
Scientific brains and thought DOES get the ball rolling.
Physical labor is wealth itself.
Where would these scientists go with their ideas if not utilizing labor to create the products?
Labor has always been considered a liability and not an asset and is always placed on the liability side of the ledger sheet.
Hitler’s Germany was successful in changing that–giving labor true value.
Previous to the “War of Northern Aggression”, the federal government of the united States of America was an umbrella organization holed up in Washington DC and had very few enumerated powers. Coining money, establishing and running a post office and providing for the common defense were the federal government’s enumerated powers–nothing more.
A person residing within a particular state considered himself to be a citizen of that state, NOT an American citizen. Example: A person residing within the state of Virginia considered himself to be a “citizen of Virginia”, NOT a “citizen of the united States”. That all changed after the “War of Northern Aggression” was concluded.
The federal government obtained powers not granted to it by the Constitution. It was all downhill from there.
We would be better off if “the several states” told the federal government to “take a hike” and restore the power that the states have always had, the federal government being subordinate to the states.
Of course, that idea is pretty much lost ever since the “War of Northern Aggression” was concluded and in today’s society as well.
Repeal of the 16th and 17th amendments would be a good start…
Those percentages seem about right. I plead guilty to yielding to wishful thinking.
Still, I’d like to see the results of an annual poll conducted from 1924 to today and limited to native born white male southerners… if there had been such a poll LOL.
It seems to me that Northeasterners, Southerners, Midwesterners, and Westerners still, after all this time, display amazingly divergent characters, so I see nothing bizarre in the notion of secession.
Has the world been better off because of the existence of an American behemoth of 3.8 million square miles? Or would the world have been better off if there had been, say, four American national entities of about a million square miles each?
How would Palestinians and Serbs respond to that question? I suspect I would agree with them.
I appreciate the exception that you cite here, but it is to me like considering the pursuit of a professional sports career. That point being that it is not at all advisable for the great majority to waste one second’s effort on it. The good advice to the vast majority is not what makes a sports career happen. The popular “America’s Got Talent” and “Voice” advice to pursue your dream is a weapon of the warfare destroying The United States, and elsewhere. That shoe does not fit many people, so the youth are ill served by such advice. That was Darwin’s achievement, posthumously anyway (he did NOT originate ideas of evolution nor of natural selection, contrary to popular opinion). He is a rock star of scientism.
And if life hands you lemons, then by all means, make lemonade. But it is a fool who seeks lemons and is a diabetic who doesn’t want to drink lemonade. So yeah. If you can’t or don’t have kids… okay we all think you’re worth a lot, and you should get a participation trophy. But let’s not teach people that participation trophies are the goal.
The goal of a people is: to remain a people. This is not rocket surgery. Not everybody can be great at making that happen. But nobody who is a grown up and serious thinker should fail to recognize the deadly importance of it. That’s the point. And it’s a way bigger, sharper, and better point than “I’m important because I lived my life”.
A fine, rightly damning article, Mr. Penfield. “Imagine my shock” when an army of small minds ignore your main thesis and take up space quibbling about terminology. At times like this people (virtually all with an axe to grind) forget that words can have multiple complementary, contrasting, even contradictory dictionary definitions.
The title of this article, “What Part of National Socialism Do YOU Disagree with”, is dishonest clickbait. Based on that title, I expected a description of the policies of the German National Socialist Party, followed by reasons why most Americans might or might not support such policies today. Instead, the article has nothing to do with National Socialism, except to use that term as a pejorative to criticize Big Government in America.
An article answering the question “What part of National Socialism do you agree with?” could have been interesting. I don’t know much about what the Nazis actually did economically. A brief description of their economic policies seems to be “the government spent a lot of money to hire unemployed workers.” Yet that is pretty much identical to a description of FDR’s New Deal policies. So, the question is, why were Hitler’s programs fantastically successful at getting Germany out of the Great Depression, while FDR’s programs kept America mired in Depression? If they were both simply spending lots of money to hire unemployed workers, why was one a success and the other a failure? Answering that question would have made an interesting article. But instead we just get a laundry list of Big Government programs that the author doesn’t like, and the only connection they have to Fascism is that he labels them “Fascist” to express his dislike, since we all know that “Fascist” is a general-purpose insult word which simply means “bad” to the average American.
I agree with your comment. But, did National Socialist Germany borrow their money into existence, with compound interest accruing in the process?
The American economy is based on this principle, where the balance due on outstanding loans always exceeds the amount of money in circulation. This leads to constant wars, or any excuse to borrow and print more money. In the end it will be futile, but they seek to extend the ponzi scheme for as long as possible until it inevitably collapses.
Would the German economy have collapsed on its own without the war, or if they had won? Perhaps it would have gone the way of all fiat currencies, because the temptation is always too great to artificially inflate the money supply. The alternative is to grow the economy over time, through blood, sweat, tears, and ingenuity.
By severing their currency’s tie to gold, Germany was able to pull its economy out of the worldwide, manufactured depression–the plandemic of its day. The bankers sucked as much of the gold out of the system as possible, and refused to print enough paper money to offset the absence of gold. No money, no economy.
Japan was able to survive because its currency was backed by silver. The American government simply wanted the people to suffer.
Inflation is possible even if you follow a strict gold standard, without fractional reserve lending (ie Jewish tricks). If an economy suddenly came across a substantial supply of gold, the money could not be productively invested and would simply raise prices, because the gold would become less valuable. A healthy economy, in theory, would grow at approximately the same rate as gold could be mined from the earth.
I agree with you and Mr. Penfield on this. Interestingly it has been argued that the Constitution is invalid because the Convention was authorized to modify/update/amend the Articles of Confederation, not to ‘start from scratch’ and create a new document.
What actually transpired has been shown to have been a tragic mistake, not just for Americans but for the whole world.
As I pointed out the other day,
The jews are the wild card.
. . . the incorrigibles of AM talk radio . . .
The purpose was always instilling learned helplessness—or these fake conservative shows’ chances of getting on the air would have been zero—, which the GOP’s record of 100% failure makes clear. I used to tune into comedian Lou Costello’s doppelgänger Sean Hannity and his AM 770 radio show in the NY area, but quickly realized there were less than 10 minutes of new material during any given hour when I was listening. The rest was self-promotion, rehash, and of course 20 minutes (or whatever it was) of commercials. So, “Yeah, dammit, we’ll do something about it now!” Sure we will, by tuning into the radio in the car. Works every time.
This fake, bullshit, and mind-f**k talk radio isn’t unlike the NFL, where the Wall Street Journal and others have established there are less than 12 minutes of live action play during the entire 3 hour and 15 minute telecast! You can’t make this level of mind control up. People thinking they’re doing something by sitting on the couch when they should be out with the kids, watching utter bullshit and doing nothing . . . just like the listeners of conservative talk radio, just as intended.
I don’t think people should seek or need other’s approval to think their lives are worth a lot. I would hope it is self-evident. Kids or no kids.
I agree, and I think that is the prime directive that is written in our DNA. We are, IMHO, little more than gene machines, whose purpose is to produce more of the same. Which is the purpose of all life.
I wonder if some of the greatest people in history, would have been so had they had children. Having children I suspect can deflect a person’s destiny from greatness, to an equally important role, raising the next generation.
More like “I’m important because I’m alive. I exist, and that in and of itself, is pretty miraculous and marvelous. Whomever one is.
All in all, perhaps the most noble thing one can do, is yes, to raise children, to propagate one’s people.
But in our times, things are getting more complicated. Some people are hesitant to raise children in a world where those children might be persecuted in unholy ways.
Imagine the Kulaks, and the young ones that somehow survived. Would you condemn then for being hesitant to birth children that could very well be starved to death by their own government before they reached their teenage years?
Anyways, yes, have children, and raise them in love, but also remember our lives, in and of themselves, are a precious thing, and not a waste, if for whatever reason, one does, or fails to propagate.
Shut up, imbecile.
Do a little reading on Labour Capitalism (NS Germany) and Fiance Capitalism (USA and western countries).
In the former, money creation is based on the amount of labour performed; in the latter case money creation is based on the premise as long as the big bankers can make a buck off it.
Note that the former, run by honest people, is quite inflation proof. The latter not so much because it invites abuse of the system by the ability to create money without limit.
HallParvey: “Darwin never said that. Darwin indicated that humans and apes and monkeys and orangutans all evolved from an earlier form of life.”
Technically true, if you want to be priggish about it. But “descended from apes” is the common, shorthand way of describing Darwin’s idea about mankind’s origin, and anent the question of whether Hitler was a true Darwinist, that was the way that Hitler himself thought about it.
He says, for example:
So Hitler apparently didn’t believe that part of Darwin’s theory, or at least was very skeptical of it. To think that “man has always been what he is now”, which appears to be more to his liking, runs directly contrary to Darwin’s ideas. Later that same night he says he believes in the catastrophism of Hörbiger, and Welteislehre (World Ice Theory). That theory seems to have captured his imagination much more than Darwin’s.
HallParvey: “Religion doesn’t necessarily have to be one of belief in a God, sitting on a Throne. It can be a belief in a governmental philosophy. For example, Democracy. ”
That has always seemed to me to be an extremely stupid way to define religion. It leads to all sorts of things that are not religions being called a religion — even atheism! LOL
Complex agrees, and opines: One’s primary view of the world becomes their religion. Sex, cars, money, kindness, sports, politics…
“….because we love our slavery.”
I saw a speech Obama made that essentially said “Americans are too stupid to run their government”. At the time I objected (OK, I still do), but I have to admit he was right. We have become accustomed to living on a free range tax farm, and for the majority of us, as long as we have some autonomy, decent living conditions, store selections, and the continued illusion of freedom, we lurch endlessly toward the carrot on the stick. Unfortunately, it is a lot more complicated than that, because I only covered the middle class there. We are too diverse, too corrupt, and too ignorant to solve the issues that plague us. Everybody can’t have everything they want, and there is no reset button. The vast majority do not understand we are run by a foreign government, aided and abetted by “elected”, and mostly unelected officials, so revolution is a non starter. And of course, that power exists to hold and expand its power.
We are left to watch this entity either implode, or be decisively defeated in wartime.
Following that, a benevolent monarchy/fascist dictatorship is the best we can hope for at this point, very sad to say, but I have to deal in real.
Complex Pseudonymic Handle: “One’s primary view of the world becomes their religion. Sex, cars, money, kindness, sports, politics… ”
So if something is like a religion, it IS a religion? LOL
Always good to hear from the left half of the bell curve.
The Left claims America was founded by Racists. They’re right. Conservatives deny this. They’re wrong. That wasn’t so hard, was it?
The initial expansion of fiat currency, employing large segments of the population and the major infrastructure projects contributed to the economic recovery in Germany. Like all these Keynesian type moves, it would have eventually crashed. Some historians believe Hitler knew the crash was coming and that’s why he was too quick to go to war.
A lot less likely for there to be an increase in gold, or silver, that would cause the insane inflation we’ve undergone since the US went off the gold standard. Using smoke and mirrors the owners of America have been able to hide the inflation, until the day comes when they can’t.
The occupation of DC has such a tight hold on power that, imho, has to go through to its logical conclusion. That being one of two scenarios, implode, or defeated soundly in wartime. Maybe both simultaneously. That’s on the downside. On the upside, much, much less likely, but possible, becoming the USI, and going on to world domination. Way too many speed bumps for that to happen as things are now.
After defeat in wartime, the victor claims the spoils. That means we may not be governing ourselves any longer. Why would a coalition of perhaps Russia China NK Iran want the 17 intelligence agencies to regroup to stalk the world another day? All pure conjecture, I know, but the USI doesn’t seem to know when to quit, while the above named adversaries will undoubtedly be pushed into a corner to either come out fighting, or bow down, and I don’t think it will be the latter.
“First this: no modern form of government is adequate for governing a land mass as great as the US.”
Agree, and I’ll add to that, “or governing such a diverse population that is growing into so many separate cultures, tribes and creeds.”
Are you talking to a mirror? Do you stare at the imbecile in it and keep telling him to “shut up”? Or is it just a memory you wanted to share from you school days when your teachers and classmates would constantly say “shut up imbecile” whenever you opened your piehole? The difference between National Socialism and International communism was only the length of the mustache, at least from where I sit.
Everything that comes from the west is sacred (although the sun sets in the west).
Truly, the Right versus LEFT paradigm is Jewish. The Christian paradigm is Right versus WRONG!
I agree with your points.
I also think that the active undermining of, as you say, “…I think that is the prime directive that is written in our DNA. We are, IMHO, little more than gene machines, whose purpose is to produce more of the same. Which is the purpose of all life…”,, by those who seek to control the engineering of society (and are doing a bang up job of it), needs to be made common knowledge and the parasite usurpers driven out of town.
It is THE existential threat, in addition to being diabolically humiliating and unjust.
That prime directive is being overridden by myriad means. I mean, if one is not keenly aware of the movements gay, transgender, overpopulation, global warming, Agenda 21, and on and on — then it is questionable whether there is hope for that person to ever be able to see straight.
Libertarian arguments sound good in theory, in practice much less so…neoliberalism.
What does it take to define what religion is? Defining a specific religion is another thing, of course. Defining the idea of religion itself requires distilling the attributes all religions share. What are those?
I’ll start. 1. Religion provides the belief of where one came from (the origin of people or a people)
2) Religion provides one with guidance of how one (and one’s culture) should live his life.
What else? Your turn.
Obviously you are a Jew. So why don’t you just come out and admit you are one, instead of hiding behind an “Anon” avatar? Why don’t you just call yourself by your first name, Shlomo, or Heimi or even Benyamin33 or David666? Why is it Jews have to lurk around hiding behind a wall of deception even when they have the almighty power of the fake “Holocaust” behind them to banish, impoverish, ruin lives and even commit murder?
I wrote:
You replied:
The first problem with your statement is that you assume Jews will be “rounded up”. There are any number of possible scenarios here. Jews could simply decide to self-segregate. They could all decide to go hunker down into their arsenal filled bunkers, or even sail away on the massive yachts that they love so much.
Don’t forget that during the holofraud, the vast majority of rich Jews fled with their loot and left their “untermensch” compadre Jews to face the consequences of their greed and depravity. Why do you assume that it wouldn’t happen again?
In any case, the point I was making was that it would it be virtually impossible to “round up” all the other parasites without first “rounding up” the Jews.
Instead, we are all being driven into a Jewish form of Talmudic hell. Tel Aviv and Israel are the faggotry, pedophilia and sadism vortex of the entire planet. You lesser, untermensch Jews are not going to escape the depravity 0f your aristocratic boy buggering Rabbis either. You seem to think that you can turn the entire planet into a massive Jewish cess pool and avoid the wretched stench. You are sadly mistaken.
The vast majority of Jews will try to escape the Talmudic perdition the same way the millions of Jews escaped the “death camps”: by fleeing from the Judeo-Soviet rapist hordes along with the “Nazi” camp guards they far preferred over the Kapos of their own race.
Apparently you believe that next time the goyim you so despise will allow you to once again tag along because you have “armories worth of firearms”. LOL.
“An Austrian-born German man once stood up the money powers…”
After the League of Nations designated Palestine as a British mandate in 1922, the Rothschilds began to facilitate the immigration of Jews from various countries to the mandated territory. But the effectiveness of these efforts was extremely low. Between 1924 and 1929, 82,000 Jews came to Palestine, mainly as a result of the surge in anti-Jewish sentiment in Poland and Hungary. However, approximately 23,000 of this wave of emigrants subsequently left the country.
By the end of the 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s, it became clear that it would not be possible to gather a critical mass of Jews in the “promised land” through appeals and some kind of financial support. Then the Zionists bet on preparing and conducting another world war. In order to force the Jews not to go, but to flee to the “promised land”. And here the Rothschilds also made their significant contribution to such preparations. In addition to the Rothschilds, Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP were financially supported by such influential Jewish industrialists as Reinhold Gesner and Fritz Mandel. The Fuhrer received significant support from the Berlin bankers Oskar Wasserman (one of the heads of Deutsche Bank) and Hans Privin, as well as the famous Warburg banking group and personally Max Warburg (director of the Hamburg bank “M.M. Warburg & Co.”)
There are a few books in which the authors directly conclude: Jews financed the creation of the Third Reich, Hitler personally, were in the leadership of Germany, participated in the “solution” of the Jewish question, the extermination of their fellow tribesmen, fought in the German armed forces. Many were in the top leadership of the Wehrmacht: Erhard Milch (air marshal); Reinhard Heydrich (in 1939-1942 he headed the RSHA – the Main Office of Imperial Security, became the youngest SS-Obergruppenführer in history – the equivalent of an army general); Admiral Wilhelm Canaris; Colonel Walter Hollander; Abwehr Lieutenant Colonel Ernst Bloch, etc.
Bryan Mark Rigg, an American historian and former US Marine Corps officer and volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces, wrote and published a book called Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers in 2002. Rigg says that 150,000 Jews served in the Wehrmacht. This contingent is divided into the following groups: 60,000 soldiers with a Jewish father or mother, and 90,000 with Jewish grandparents. In January 1944, the German Army Personnel Service prepared the famous “List of 77.” It included “high-ranking officials of mixed Jewish race” who served in the Wehrmacht. These 77 people received Hitler’s approval and he awarded them the title of “people of German blood.”
Hitler’s connections with the Rothschilds and other Jewish bankers and sponsors can be read in the following books: ” Before Hitler” by Dietrich Bronder (he was the general secretary of the association of non-religious communities in Germany), “Himmler” by Willi Frischauer, “The Bormann Brotherhood” by William Stevenson, “Eichmann” by John Donovan, “Canaris” by Charles Whiting, etc.
Despite the attempts of the Zionists, together with the Nazis of Germany, to use the war as a powerful means of squeezing the Jews into Palestine, they failed. Of the Jews persecuted by the Nazis and who found refuge abroad between 1935 and 1943, 75% (almost two million) found refuge in the “totalitarian” USSR. The United States accounted for less than 7% (approximately 182,000 people), and England for about 2% (67,000 people). About 8.5% of refugees found refuge in Palestine.
There are many versions of who is the main founder of Israel. For example, Henek Kardelj (during the war he was a lieutenant colonel in the Wehrmacht and a Knight of the Iron Cross) proves with reference to many documents that the founder was the Fuhrer of the Third Reich. Kardelj’s book is called: “Adolf Hitler – the founder of Israel” (1974).
The Rothschilds, however, have recently begun to jealously claim that they are the ones who deserve the most credit for the creation of this state. In the video ”My Family Created Israel,” Jacob Rothschild (1936-2024) reveals the decisive role his ancestors played in promoting the Balfour Declaration and the creation of Israel.
It turns out that the Rothschilds made a significant contribution to the creation of the Third Reich.
So, it can be seen the close connection that has developed over the last century between Jewish banking capital, German National Socialism and the Zionism of “Greater Israel”.
Slavery should be reestablished. Actually it has never been abolished : a grand and most important exception has been left for retribution for continuous unruly behaviour and felonies. In principle the slaves that North America had captured were all undergoing punishment for crimes or felonies in their country of origin, as an alternative to the most regular sanction that was death penalty. America by buying slaves from Ireland (that was the first territory whence America benefitted from slave raids) and African West Coast. African kingdoms really abused of death penalty for near imaginary misdeeds. So did the late great kingdom of England with its “bloody code” : mere vagrancy or parasitical lifestyle could deserve the noose, with shipment to the colonies as an alternative granted to some. If slavery is reestablished, if free labour in all domains is granted at will to all corporations having the precincts or machinery to exploit it, there is no need for further migration except of people from countries like North Korea who punish minor offences with life-long slavery.
Out of the mouth of that kind of Jews no truth ever flies, their divinely ordered commandments forbids them to squander one single true word before a goy majority audience. As a consequence, Rothschild actually deserve but very little credit for the creation of the state of Israel, apart from financing two or three middle sized terror groups that brought about only problems to Jew and non-Jew alike. The land they bought from the Ottoman effendis was minimal. In particular they didn’t buy any land for the kibbutzim, a kind of utopia they were all against. The only real estate of quite high value the Rothschild bought was in the most urbanized districts of Tel Aviv, a zone that was already peopled by Jews, for the construction of prestige office space to be let at astronomical profit, that was done in a typical art Deco or Bauhaus style that can still be remarked today : not so ugly but not world-class neither. The Rothschild’s pretence to have created Israel is even so much a lie that by that precise time they did not envision Israel to be the Jewish capital of the world : they still hesitated between Paris (which they held most tightly) Manhattan and Moscow (or Odessa). Israel was something the British and other Anglo-Saxons were dead intent on pushing forth to be sure Paris or the US or USSR would not surpass them.
What kind of a paid troll are you? You make not one, but two posts, totalling seven hundred words, but never once address the point you pretend to be refuting.
Let me restate the point:
“An Austrian-born German man once stood up the money powers…”
Did said Austrian man not repudiate the Versailles debt?
Did said Austrian man not release the German currency from the shackles of international finance, allowing his economy to recover whilst the rest of the world wallowed in depression?
These are yes/no questions. Please keep your answers short and concise. I shall not have you earning credits per word in response to my inquiry, hasbara.
What exactly would a dictatorship of the proletariat entail, if not a group of “representatives”/managers/central planners who controls resources/distribution etc for the common good/on behalf of the people?
Limited/curbed/constrained private property?
Weren’t/aren’t Mensheviks also socialists?
I.e. people who promote a stateless utopia?
So they’re straight out socialists, without limits, all-inclusive global common good? They definitely want to be in control! Or they want global unity as opposed to global disunity?
You’re saying They are crony
capitalistssocialists and want totalitarian control of thenationworld?But it is socialism?
You mean That’s totalitarian
anarcho-tyrannical cronycapitalismsocialism?I.e. the (national) socialist central bankers?
What is socialism in reality, what is real socialism as opposed to utopian socialism/wishful thinking?
I.e. the (national) socialist central bankers?
Who are these people behind the scenes? They already orchestrated a massive transfer of wealth to themselves in 2008, just as they did in the 1930s. Their front men are public faces who obscure the identities of the people who wield the true financial power. To them, you and I are just more collateral to which they claim ownership.
Are you suggesting that “the (national) socialist central bankers” are behind it all?
Man, that’s DEEP philosophy, impressive. LOL!
You’re Charles Darwin too! Dude, you’re on a roll!
Stop it! Stop it! Your mind exercises are too profound, give us time to digest your mind-blowing speculations.
One thing’s for sure, the Gazan baby makers haven’t been “hesitant” in overpopulating Gaza: they’ve lived in an “open-air concentration camp” for generations, suffered “genocide” for over 60 years, have been in a full-on famine for a solid year, yet their population is more than doubled what it was in 2001.
Rurik, is a full-of-himself “profound”clown. He thinks his emotionally-charged, childish, rants are making a difference in Gaza when, if he was honest with himself would realize they change nothing on the ground. Rurik might as well be jerking-off to Jew-made Gay Porn for all the good his rants are doing. Doing either affects Gaza’s children to the same degree.
Man, that’s DEEP philosophy, impressive. We’ve got ourselves the next Plato on our hands.
You’re Charles Darwin too! Dude, you’re on a roll!
Stop it! Stop it! Your mind exercises are too profound, give us time to digest your mind-blowing speculations.
Tell that to the “Palestinians.” One thing’s for sure, the Gazan baby makers haven’t been “hesitant” in overpopulating Gaza; Gazans have lived in an “open-air concentration camp” for nearly two decades, suffered “genocide” for over 60 years, have been in a full-on “famine” for the last solid year, yet their population is more than doubled what it was in 2001 making them one of the most, if not the most, quickly growing populations on earth.
Rurik is such a full-of-himself “profound clown” that he is actually funny. He thinks his emotionally-charged childish internet rants are truly making a difference in Gaza, when, if he had a clue, he would realize they change nothing on the ground. Rurik might as well be jerking off to Jew-made gay porn for all the good his comments are doing to help the Gazans; his doing either one, or even both at the same time is only self stimulation and affects Gaza’s children’s lives to an equally zero degree.
Do yourself a favor Rurik and stop making a fool out of yourself; you’re no Plato, no Darwin, and, most definitely, no Jesus Christ.
That comment finale is the icing on the cake. Thanks for sharing! LOL!
Kinda like the fantasy of benevolent government. Who’s the goofball?
This conversation had nothing whatsoever to do with Gaza or as you call them; the “Palestinians”, (in quotes, because your “clever”, sub-conscious control of our goyim minds, is to use quotes, as a trick, to make us all think the Palestinians don’t even exist! huh?) Gosh, you Jew-boy Zionists are just too smart for us!
You’re a greasy little Zionist troll, doing all you can to come off as a ‘typical white guy’ who’s annoyed with the progressive liberal effrontery that all normal, healthy males are annoyed at.
But you’re just another tedious “John Johnson” type, only instead of shilling for Zelinsky, you shill for the IDF. (but not directly, of course!) You’re also dumber than most of the Hasbera trolls they send us.
But you do swallow well!
I have to confess, that I’ve rarely seen a Jew-boy who can swallow, eagerly- and such quantities! as you can. Impressive!
Gulp, gulp, gulp…
they’re very scientific about it. They’ve been at it for a long, long time. Going back to before Edward Bernays, and Skinner’s Behaviorism and Pavlov, and so forth.
Christianity is based on faith, and while that’s fine, it can’t compete with pro-active, top-down corruption, once they control the pillar institutions (media, academia, courts, governments) of our societies.
Just looking at how they’ve managed to get so many people to believe a boy can become a girl, by wishing it, and everyone is supposed to double-think that it’s true. Or that Billy Bob’s truck and his cow’s farts are destroying the earth’s climate. It’s like they can make people believe anything.
Which is why I advocate for a more skeptical philosophy. Doubt what our leaders (religious and otherwise) are telling us.
Perhaps the most Orwellian mantra they bludgeon us all with today, is the draconian idiocy that “the science is settled”. Which is the most anti-science statement possible.
But it isn’t that they’re pompous enough to tell people that, but what’s concerning, is that there’s so many people who take it to heart, and believe it. Which is the very thing that gives the “parasite usurpers” their successes.
People are starting to figure that out. But much too slowly. It’s true our vulnerabilities are written in our DNA, (gullibility, compassion to a fault, kindness, faith, do-gooderism, etc..)
Those things have always been our undoing, especially when exploited by a parasite that isn’t troubled by such genteel sentimentality.
most working class folks aren’t troubled with such nonsense. Generally, it’s the ones who’ve been to ((university)), that are easily convinced that men can be women, by wishing it, and that Bubba’s 4�4 with the Confederate flag, is burning the planet to a crisp. ‘If he would just take off that flag, the polar bears would live another year or two, at least!’
And I’m not joking. Climate change is really all about Climate “justice”, and all the things you mention, trans idiocies, and so forth, are all basically just a part of ‘woke’, ((anti-white hatred)), but the churches are the places that find the most willing adherents to all of that.
I’m gloomy on our salvation coming from the churches.
Of course, that’s what socialism is, i.e. the central planners/”representatives”/manahers etc take control/ownership etc for the commom good!
The national socialists take control for the commom good of the nation state, the socialists take control for the commom good of the world/the global community.
What? Your fag days are now open to discussion.
Dude, you don’t know when to shut up.
At this rate even Nellie (aka ariadna) is going to have nothing to do with you.
Keep on digging that hole – clown.
Keep gulping, and I’ll keep giving you something to swallow
I’m quite impressed by your appetite!
A couple of Jung (re)quotes from a recent PM reader comment:
Apologists for Hitler and National Socialism undergo virtual lobotomies in rapture of Adolph and his steerage of the Mass Formation Psychosis of Germania.
Jung is trying to get to the core of the Germany psyche and summarizes this condition:
“All these pathological features — complete lack of insight into one’s own character, auto-erotic self-admiration, denigration and terrorization of one’s fellow man (how contemptuously Hitler spoke of his own people!), projection of the shadow, lying, falsification of reality, determination to impress by fair means or foul, bluffing and double-crossing — all these were united in the man who was diagnosed clinically as an hysteric, and whom a strange fate chose to be the political, moral, and religious spokesman of Germany for twelve years. Is this pure chance?”
But the German people would never have been taken in and carried away so completely if this figure had not been a reflected image of the collective German hysteria.
A sorry lack of education, conceit that bordered on madness, a very mediocre intelligence combined with the hysteric’s cunning and the power fantasies of an adolescent, were written all over this demagogue’s face.
Germans allowed themselves to be deluded by their disastrous fantasies.
His gesticulations were all put on, devised by a hysterical mind intent on only making an impression.
He behaved in public like a man living in his own biography, in this case as the sombre, demonic ‘man of iron’ of popular fiction, the ideal of an infantile public whose knowledge of the world is derived from the deified heroes of trashy films.
This author Rache and his middle school drooling and slavering over the NS “miracle” (measured over a very small timeline), their abdication of personhood, individuation, and uniqueness as individuals, is omitted, as children do for whom the mysteries of the World are unknown and unknowable to them.
Jung considered the Hitler era a period of epidemic insanity, an eruption of the unconscious into a well-ordered world.
Jung concludes this thread with this sombre assessment:
‘Eighty million people crowded into the circus to witness its own destruction at the hands of a narcissist.’
Jung considered the Hitler era a period of epidemic insanity, an eruption of the unconscious into a well-ordered world.
Jung’s ideas comported well with the NSDAP view, such as each Volk being unique. There was a meeting of the minds. It was only at the end of the war that Jung became terrified his life’s work would be ruined due to association with Hitler’s Germany. It was self-preservation, not disagreement, that caused him to speak out against it.
We are swimming in government regulation and control so that most people don’t even realize it! They can’t conceive of anything else.
Medical leave, vacation, full employment, labor capitalism, interest free national currency, censoring of pornography, attempts to right past wrongs, offerings of a cessation of hostilities, etc. Ok, tell me again about the lampshades. Really?
USA / Israel is a distinction without a difference. US policy is basically run by Israel loyalists, so saying the US does this or that without acknowledging the Israeli jockey controlling the movements of the American horse.
Yes, but how many see fascism as bad?
Is he talking about Hitler, or your average American politician? This just shows how Jung was full of BS – you could accurately diagnose just about every politician of any era with the same features.
Very thoroughly well said. I agree completely with everything you point out here — you are stating exactly what I perceive.
libertarians fail to realise that all governments act pragmatically for their intrests.
liberalisms intrests are the advancement of zionist world power
national socialism are for the advancement of german people
yeah they had similar policies..
the american system favors bringing in cheap labour to drive down wages
german system wants to drive wages up
right wing people only say they want a small government, because the big american government is anti white.
if its pro white…. people dont mind…
libertarianism is over.
Because we still still get called ‘Nazis’ any time we disagree with the official narrative, so it behooves us to discover what this man was really about (or not about, as the case may be).
During the 2024 political campaign, I came up with an entertaining, though probably loosely accurate, idea relating to the accusation that Donald Trump was “Hitler”.
What I said was, if Trump was Hitler, then Kamala Harris was Mussolini, making the election then a choice between Hitler and Mussolini.
Well, let’s take a look at it. What was the salient feature of German National Socialism? In a few words, the development of the volk, of the German people. Trump’s agenda? The development of the American people, particularly of the legacy population composed of the peoples who were present in America as end of the world War II and its progeny. The legacy population is composed essentially of the descendants of the early settlers, of the Continental European immigrants and of the former black African chattel slaves. Native Americans and legacy Hispanics are also elements.
In the Trump concept, the non-European immigrants who have arrived largely since 1970 and their progeny are supposed to be subsumed into the Americanist culture of the legacy population.
To what degree Trump, really stands for the ideas he used to gin up his base is under debate and in question. The counter idea to the legacy population concept is the idea of a replacement population composed of non-European immigrants and their progeny.
What evidence is there that Trump has any interest in counteracting the replacement of the white element of the European-descended population within occupations reqiring advanced education? That mean, most notably, within the health field and on academic faculties. I don’t think there is any evidence that he sees this as an issue.
Now, let’s move on to Harris, who came much closer than people are aware of being elected president. If 150,000 people in three large states, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, who actually had voted, cast their votes for Harris instead of Trump, she w0uld be the president-elect as of this moment.
Remember that Harris, much more than Trump, was a representative of a party and its agenda. In any case, consider that the concept of the corporate state is what it always represented as being at the core of Italian fascism.
What does the corporate state mean? In my conceptual spin on the idea, it means, to the individual person, that the individual has an identity and rights only as a member of some corporate entity, and may have no latitude in what corporate entity they are identified with either. These corporate entities may be of various types. They could be non-governmental organizations. They could be affinity-based subcultures. Whatever they may be, there is an ominous implication to this idea.
The rights, duties and stations of any of these entities might be quite different. However, if an individual is receiving the rights and privileges of the entity they are deemed to belong to, then are deemed to be receiving equal rights on account of this fact even if the rights they are receiving are in no way or manner equal.
Tell me this ain’t Harris and the political party she represented in a nutshell. Put in these terms, Harris was the brownest America major party presidential candidate of the modern age. Not Trump. Harris, and I ain’t talking human skin pigmentation either.
For each assertion in the grey box I’d like to see six examples with verifiable evidence.
Opinions of a disillusioned shrink don’t cut it without hard evidence.
You’re objectively wrong and a humiliation to your cubicle farm. Fuck off, yid.
The two most salient and desirable aspects of National Socialism were:
#1…getting rid of the Rothschild banking system and recognizing the enemy within (internationalist bankers and jews) who were responsible for the Wiemar Republic excesses.
#2…the monetization of labor, defining labor as a valuable asset moving it from the liability side of the ledger sheet to that of an asset.
I never understood the rationale of labour / workers being a liability.
Without skilled labour other assets accomplish nothing.
The empty field, the pile of steel, the pot of gold, will achieve nothing without the plans by engineers and the work of skilled workers taking those raw resources and turning them into useful factories and products.
To this day, labor is seen as a liability and not an asset. The Third Reich attempted to change that…
We lost…
People (and their skills) are assets, labor is a liability (expense) in accounting terms. If you could have the people (or a machine) do the work for free, it would not be a liability (although to be fair, the machine would be considered a depreciating asset).