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Israel Gives Biden His Marching Orders
Syrian land will be annexed into “Greater” Israel
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My former CIA colleague Larry Johnson has a real ability to clarify the significance of the constantly growing deep dark hole that Joe “Mumbles” Biden, he of failing mental capacity, has hurled the American people into. Larry wrote on December 12th that “There is still plenty of time before Donald Trump is inaugurated for Joe Biden’s team of cretins to start World War III. I think the biggest risk is that Israel may be emboldened to attack Iran and try to destroy sites, and may be encouraged to do so by the Biden lackeys. In short, American interference, at the behest of Netanyahu’s Israel, has left the Middle East in ruins, with over a million dead and open wars raging in Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine, and with Iran on the brink of a nuclear arsenal, being pushed against its own inclinations to this eventuality. The collapse of the Assad regime has prompted a punishing military response from Israel, which has launched airstrikes at military targets across Syria and deployed ground troops both into and beyond a demilitarized buffer zone for the first time in 50 years.”

Given the destruction and partitioning of Syria, it has become impossible to consider United States foreign policy without some acceptance that it is driven and, in a sense, directed by Israel and Israel’s formidable domestic lobby in the US. “The Lobby,” as it is commonly referred to, controls both Congress and the White House on key issues and manages the media narrative in such a fashion as to make Israel the permanent victim, never the aggressor. Even though Israel is now marching in triumph across what remains of Syria and has indicated that it will be sticking around as an occupier, the move is being described as “temporary” and “defensive” by White House spokesmen. The Lobby’s success rests on the corruption that lots of money can buy, obvious to nearly everyone in politics, but a forbidden topic, sometimes referred to as an antisemitic “trope,” i.e. “Jews and money.” Israel’s role in managing the Joe Bidens and Donald Trumps is largely exercised in the broader Middle East but it also includes passionately supporting Volodymyr Zelensky’s Ukraine, a process derived in part from Jewish mythologizing and obtaining revenge for the alleged “pogroms” carried out in imperial Russia. Subsequent Jewish dominance of the Soviet intelligence and security services, which saw the killing of millions of Christians in Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe, are carefully excluded from the narrative.

In the latest bit of “mowing the grass” by the Israeli military, the country’s new Defense Minister Israel Katz told the press that the Israel Air Force (IAF) had carried out more than 480 strikes across Syria during the two days after the initial invasion, deliberately destroying most of Syria’s strategic weapon stockpiles. Meanwhile, the Israeli navy totally destroyed the Syrian fleet based at Latakia overnight. Katz hailed the operation as “a great success.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on the day before, had called the rapid defeat of the Bashar al-Assad’s regime as “a new and dramatic chapter… The collapse of the Syrian regime is a direct result of the severe blows with which we have struck Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran… we are changing the face of the Middle East.”

When informed of the initial invasion of al-Assad’s Syria by Israeli, Turkish, insurgent and US forces, Donald Trump said that the conflict was none of our business and it would be best to keep out of it. Hopefully that will be the policy after January 20th’s inauguration, but one recalls that Trump’s record of pandering to Israel is almost as bad as Biden’s, and he was the one who decided (admittedly under pressure from the Pentagon) to continue in 2017 the military occupation of a third of Syria that included its oil resources and its best agricultural land. Add in the crippling US and European sanctions on Damascus and one might argue that since that time Syrians have been poor and starving, causing refugee flows and hostility towards al-Assad government that contributed to the success of the recent uprising.

To be sure, many Syrians are celebrating the fall of an admittedly repressive, authoritarian, and corrupt Bashar al-Assad government. But other Syrians, particularly from hitherto protected minority groups like Christians, Alawites and Shiites, are now living in fear of or fleeing from the violent sectarian insurgents that have taken the place of President al-Assad. Christian Churches have already been looted and desecrated and warned not to hold Christmas services, not to sponsor Christmas parades, and not to display the image of St. Nicholas.

To be sure, fearing what is to come is legitimate as the “rebel” leader of the al-Qaeda derived Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) Terror group, Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, who now goes by his given name Ahmed al-Shara, is a founder of al-Qaeda in Syria, al-Nusra, and a former deputy to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The US State Department has listed him as a terrorist as well as HTS as a terrorist group, and has placed a $10 million bounty on al-Jolani’s head, which presumably will soon be removed by Joe Biden. There is plenty of blood on al-Jolani’s hands and little in the way of evidence that he will not opt to slaughter those who he sees as his enemies, much of the killing being guided by the extreme religious groups that make up his followers. Indeed, there are already reports of group killings, including numerous soldiers in the Syrian Arab Army who surrendered rather that fight the insurgents.

Al-Jolani now claims that his extremism was just a “phase” and he has several times confirmed that he wants good relations with Israel, clearly a condition imposed by the US to allow him to remain in power. He has even suggested that Israeli air support enabled his warriors to move quickly from their bases in the north to Damascus. But al-Jolani has never actually apologized for or disowned the atrocities committed on his watch in 2011-3 when he was actively killing fellow Syrians. This includes August 2013 massacres in some of the Alawite areas of Latakia, which included “the systematic killing of entire families,” an international investigation later determined. One observer also reported that the insurgents were devoted to “sectarian mass murder” This is the legacy of the new “inclusive” government in Syria. According to one other ominous report, it appears that Sharia law has already been announced by the newly installed justice minister, Shadi Alwaisi.

So, what is in it for the United States? Nothing but a curt thank you from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who clearly connived with Joe Biden’s Special Envoy Amos Hochstein, an Israeli by birth, to set the ball rolling towards Syria through adroit use of an attack on southern Lebanon to disarm Hezbollah followed by a phony ceasefire in Lebanon that gave Netanyahu a free hand and empowered Israel to invade and overthrow its neighbor Syria, parts of which will undoubtedly be annexed to help create Eretz or “Greater” Israel. It was and is all part of a plan by the US and Israel to reshape the Middle East to benefit the Jewish state and you can bet that Iran is the next target. And a delusional Joe Biden took credit for it all in his usual haphazard way, claiming after the regime change that Assad’s “main allies” — Iran, Hezbollah, and Russia — “are far weaker today than they were when I took office.” Their inability to save Assad was “a direct result of the blows that Ukraine, Israel have delivered upon their own self-defense, with unflagging support of the United States.”

Sure Joe, what bullshit. At the end of the day, to bring down Syria the US spent billions of dollars arming an insurgency that they knew was dominated by al-Qaeda in a government replacement scheme that benefited only Israel and Turkey and which targeted a country that in no way threatened the United States. It sure makes sense to me and I hope you will be comforted by it when you are hauled off to prison after you leave office and are prosecuted for exceeding your constitutional authority by involving the United States in two unnecessary wars. Some might call it treason!

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email�protected].

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  1. Megoy says:

    Typical shameless pussy vulture Jews, massively attacking Syria like shooting fish in a barrel-just like they do in Palestine! Not a peep from the UN or anyone else about the over decade long ILLEGAL bombing Of Syria by Israel. The Jews attack the US on 9/11 then claim they are having a “war on TERROR” which turned out to be a “war OF Terror” as the very people they CLAIMED attacked us on 9/11 (yes we all know JEWS did it) are the very same people we SUPPORTED in killings all across the Middle East in the Jews “7 countries in 5 years” plan.

    Until the WORLD decides to unite and blast these evil kikes to pieces they will just continue to fuck over and double cross everyone they deal with. Everyone should take a page from the Jews LAWLESS terrorism and give them a dose of their own medicine!

  2. It’s now-or-never time for the lab-rat “Chosen People” and their idiotic “full-spectrum world domination” ambitions. Stringing-along the target dominatees for awhile longer is of-course essential to the operation. The systems are not yet in-place for controlling any wide awakening among the milling muddled masses.

    So the beggared Brits and the broken-dreamed Yanks, as golems-of-choice, will just have to keep on keepin’ on being deployed to quell the restless and resistant. Damn the torpid pedos….warp-speed ahead!

    •�Thanks: Event Horizon
    •�Replies: @John Dael
    , @Event Horizon
  3. Notsofast says:

    It sure makes sense to me and I hope you will be comforted by it when you are hauled off to prison after you leave office and are prosecuted for exceeding your constitutional authority by involving the United States in two unnecessary wars. Some might call it treason!

    he won’t have to worry about that, he’ll just issue himself a presidential pardon with blanket immunity, like he gave hunter. he’ll give all the war criminals in his and previous administrations the same. forget what superman told you, there is no truth or justice in the american way.

  4. deejay says:

    …has placed a $10 million bounty on al-Jolani’s head, which presumably will soon be removed by Joe Biden.

    Sounds like Biden also plans to remove Jolani’s head and collect the bounty. From Ukraine, to China and Syria, this guy’s grift knows no limits.

    •�LOL: Notsofast, BB753
  5. Anon[370] •�Disclaimer says:

    Not a peep from the UN or anyone else about the over decade long ILLEGAL bombing Of Syria by Israel.
    Iran is the only country in the region that has send his condemnation about Israel destruction of Syria:
    Iranian official said:

    We condemn the US and Zionists’ exploitation of the current instability in Syria
    This statement strongly condemns the US and Zionist regime’s abuse of the current instability in Syria and the attack on the country’s territorial integrity, which has been accompanied by intense and intensive aggression and bombing of residential and military areas, the destruction of infrastructure and vital centers, and the occupation of areas of Syrian territory. It also denounces and emphasizes the astonishing silence of international organizations in the face of this blatant aggression and aggression: As stated in the fundamental policies of Islamic Iran, preserving the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and providing the conditions for determining the fate and future political system of this country by the will and choice of its people is an indisputable, legitimate and legal right and must be obeyed and supported internationally.

    All faggot Arab ‘head of states’ and the genocidal Turkey have stayed silent and are cooperating with the SCUM of humanity and their master Israel/US in destruction and assassination of Syrian Scientists like what have US/Israel done in Iraq and elsewhere.
    It has been reported:

    Dr. Hamdi Ismail Nadi, an organic chemist, was assassinated by unknown individuals in his home in Damascus. Arab media sources reported that Hamdi Ismail was a prominent chemist in the field of organic drug production in the Syrian pharmaceutical industry.
    These sources also pointed to the possibility of Mossad and the United States being involved in the assassination. Social media activists also warned of a repeat of the scenario assassination of nuclear scientists in Iraq by US/Israel, this time in Syria. US assassinated more than 1800 Iraqi scientists and skilled workers in Iraq in 2003.
    Death to US, Death to Israel

    •�Thanks: AlmaMater, megoy
  6. Anon 284 says:


    You should know that the fall of syria started in january 2020.

    Remember what happened? Trump murdered soleimani on netanyahus demand

    Why? Soleimani had convinced BOTH assad and putin of the need to reform syrias armed forces under HIS supervision. He succeeded in convincing them both because he knew syrias military better than anyone including assad. Soleimani warned them of what just happened; that syria would not be able to withstand long term conflict unless the irgc was allowed to take over… putin, after months of pleading, finally agreed, then soleimani was murdered and the deal fell apart!

    Since then, putin has been trying to micromanage the situation to prevent a full scale regional war. Israel is doing everything possible to start one. What i wonder is if putin now understands his strategic blunder. In trying to prevent a regional war by keeping irans presence in syria minimal, he has not only destroyed syria, but he has jeopardized russias own long term strategic interests and probably increased the chances of regional (followed by global) war

    I seriously question putins intelligence. The mullahs as well. Do they not understand netanyahus mentality? This will not end until it ends badly for all. The jews simply dont care because the insane idiots believe their prophetic chosenite malarky and think they are untouchable thanks to US financed impunity to date….

    Hold on to your butts

  7. Z-man says:
    @Anon 284

    Good points even if you’re guessing some.

    •�Agree: mark green, chris
  8. Anon[228] •�Disclaimer says:

    Johnson cracks me up. The Biden lackeys. The CIA line used to be, “CIA works for the President!” Now it’s “CIA works for the senile lame duck!”

    Marlowe’s focal points in DoS could pinch off Bibi’s genocide logistics like 🤏 that. If he doesn’t stop it then he doesn’t want to.

  9. @Anon 284

    Let’s not be fools, Iran’s invasion of Syria was the pretext that Israel and the USA were waiting for to use nuclear weapons against all the small countries in the Middle East and seize their oil. And everyone knew that.

    Since the creation of Israel, that has been the plan, they just needed to justify it to the world and now that they are desperate because of the decline of the West, they are using everyone they can pay to kill without having to share what they have stolen.

    •�Agree: MoT, AlmaMater, Event Horizon
    •�Replies: @Etruscan Film Star
  10. Iran still has c. 38 days to launch on Izrahell….while they still have anything to launch.

    but then, the Tehran mullahs have already had 400+ days since 10/7 to launch on Izrahell and done nothing of substance.

    so basically, it’s now a rat vs. a python….

    ….and such confrontations generally end badly for the rat:

    •�Replies: @2stateshmoostate
    , @ariadna
  11. Sami says:

    The mullahs as well. Do they not understand netanyahus mentality?

    First: Please stop using the insulting term, ‘mullahs’ against Iranian people. Khamenie is using the dress he likes to wear, like your assassin trump who always wears the Israeli FLAG, the blue, around his neck. More than 95% of the Iranian officials wear the ugly ‘western suit’ with NO CHAIN around their necks.
    Second: Iranians knew better than you, that Syria should be defended. Thus, Ali Larijani, an advisor to Leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, left for Syria to meet Bashar al-Assad in Damascus to convey the Islamic Republic’s support for the Syrian government amid an offensive by militant forces. the meeting took place in the Syrian capital on Friday, but Assad did give permission to Iran to fight along with his Army. I don’t know if you knew that Putin had pressured Assad to limit the Iranian officials presence in Syria, where Russian made a lot of obsticles against the Iranian officials in Syria. There were limited number of Iranian forces left in Syria.
    Assad’s father was a TRUE friend of Iran and during the Saddam invasion of Iran where US, the West, the Arab reactionary states and RUSSIA supporting and sending Arms to Saddam and the war was funded by Arab money, Hafiz Assad sided with Iran, and did something important for Iran against Saddam, while everyone else, including Russia supporting and funding the Saddam’s war against Iran with GREEN lights from the US.
    Bashar Assad was different. He was an Arab Nationalist and a ‘secular’ who was more comfortable with Russia. He was trained as an Ophthalmologist, but he was forced to enter politics after his brother was killed. Although the majority of the reactionary Zionist Arab states, Saudis, UAE, Qatar were against him, he tried very hard to win them back. He was deceived by the reactionary Arabs and did not ask Iran for help two weeks ago, I think he was fed up with the situation and the obstacles build against his country by the EVIL US and his terrorists including Turkey create in Syria, due to sanctions. US strangulate nations with sanctions runs by the genocidal Jews.
    So, Iran was not allowed to fight against the terrorists, when the president and his Army gave up. I think a deal was made with the compromised army not to fight, if they want ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE, but now the same Arab terrorist states are killing the Army generals and the scientists, like what US/Israel did in Iraq. Thus, Iranians had to go home. So, Iran is not stupid not to understand the value of Syria, but when the president and the Army did not want to fight, then there is nothing Iran can do. The Arab States did not help Syrian economy, only made demands, including cut ties with Iran where Assad promised for economic assistance, yet they deceived him and betrayed the Syrian people.
    Syrian people are civilized people and have no resemblance to US terrorists like Al Jolani, they will not accept these traitor zionists servants of Israel, and soon, will fight back these US/Israel/Turkey’s TERRORISTS in Syria. Due to Arab zionist states like UAE, pressure on Assad, he was not helping Hizbollah either, hoping to gain Arabs’ trust for financial assistance to build Syria where US/Israel destroyed it.

    Ali Larijani, an advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus to convey the Islamic Republic’s support for the Syrian government amid an offensive by militant forces.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  12. Anon[152] •�Disclaimer says:

    In the News;
    The media/thinktanks & token Arab states-funded think tanks—proves yet again that their only criterion is Israel and its interests. Those would cheer Zarqawi or Ben Laden as leaders if they reassure Israel. The following tells you the reason behind Assad’s refusal to accept Iran’s help:

    The reason behind Bashar Al-Assad’s refusal to accept help from Iran, two weeks before the invasion of the TERRORISTS, was that the ISRAELI terrorists threaten the president that if Assad asked for Iranian help and allowed Iranians in, then Israel WILL DESTROY Syria beyond recognition. Bombing defense system, infrastructures, the president, in addition to notable military personnel. The Jewish mass murderers blackmailed the president in order to force him to escape the country, then bombed all the Syrian defense system, roads, Jets, airplanes, and the military equipment. Today, Syria is DEFENSELESS and cannot defend herself. These scum of humanity threatened to kill the president if accepted Iranian help. And Bashar Assad refused the Iranian help to protect the Iranians then the Jewish mass murderers destroyed Syrian infrastructures by intense bombing.
    This is circulated in the NEWS:
    General Asadi said: “Bashar Assad did not allow Iranians to go to help Syria, although he asked for Iranian help in 2011, but this time not only he did not ask, but he was worried about us to come to help him, saying that if you come, Israel will hit you.Assad did NOT want more Iranians be killed in Syria. Iran lost about 6000 people to defend Syria since 2011.

    According to Khabar Online news agency, General Mohammad Jaafar Asadisaid about Syria: “Bashar al-Assad himself said that my soldiers have really become either smugglers, thieves, or guards, meaning guards who take bribes due to economic sanctions. They were unable to defend me, and when I tried to protect Damascus, I saw that they were not even capable of protecting Damascus.”

  13. @Anon

    Anon370, you quote

    Death to US, Death to Israel

    and that looks accurate. As long as the USA continues to exist the Satanic Israel will be alive and genociding. Death to the US!

    •�Agree: John Trout
  14. The destruction of Syria was a goal for three decades, and it’s no secret. Syria’s Assad was really the peacekeeping force in the region. Now that he’s gone big powers are moving toward a clash. The Turks and their proxies are pushing south to collide with the Israelis and to the east to clash with American backed Kurd proxies. The Israelis are pushing north to grow a Greater Israel and are sure to face opposition among Arabs at some point.

    Some claim the Russians, Assad, and the Iranians are the losers in all this. No, they are just spectators ready to enjoy the show.

    American interference, at the behest of Netanyahu’s Israel, has left the Middle East in ruins, with over a million dead and open wars raging in Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine, and with Iran on the brink of a nuclear arsenal, being pushed against its own inclinations to this eventuality.

    Biden has been a key player for decades in the insane “Greater Israel” project.

    Video Link

    •�Agree: Notsofast
    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @RobinDC
  15. Odyssey says:

    Soleimani was a moron who, together with the Mujahedeen, came to Bosnia to fight against the Christian Serbs. Moreover, it was not only with the knowledge of the US but also with their logistics (they were transported by American planes) and weapons.

    Hypocrisy is the main characteristic of Muslims (which is logical when taqiyya is their main ethical direction) and ignoring everything that is being done to the Palestinians in Gaza. Related to this is the collective cowardice that only ends with big and bombastic words without any action.

    Thirdly, which is the cause of what happened in Syria, is their tribal organization, civilizational immaturity to understand the importance of the state, which they failed to learn from the case of the Palestinians, so now they will learn it the hard way.

    •�Replies: @Curmudgeon
  16. JWalters says:

    The Israeli “war of terror” is exactly right. Israel’s reign of terror covers not only the Middle East, but also the politicians of the Collective West.

    US spokesman Matthew Miller said recently that “every state” has the right to take action against “terrorist organizations”.

    Israel has been thoroughly documented to be the most destructive, longstanding terrorist organization on the planet. For example,
    Terrorism: How the Israeli state was won by Tom Suarez

    Therefore, according to Matthew Miller, every state has the right to take action against Israel. That would of course include the actions Israel itself has deemed appropriate against terrorists, such as Netanyahu’s declaration to “take out” Iraq. Thus, the nations of the world have the right to band together and “take out” the terrorist organization of Israel.

    Following Israel’s example, that could include assassinating Israeli government officials (and other key personnel) and mass bombing of Israeli civilians.

    This would not be picking on Israel or anti-Semitism. It would simply be following Israel’s own stated principles to their logical conclusion.

    •�Agree: megoy
    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
    , @Rpate
  17. @Megoy

    Amazing how Israel has unlimited funds and war material

    Do you think they collect funds in synagogues to fund their war machine or do Americans pay taxes to Tel Aviv ?

    •�Replies: @John Trout
    , @megoy
  18. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    How Israel Got The U.S. To Start Iraq -Libya & Syrian Wars! – Jeffrey Sachs

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: Felpudinho
  19. Phibbs says:

    Why does the Jew-owned government in Washington D.C. hate Christians in the Middle east so much? Well, the answer is in the question. Why does the Jew-owned/mainstream media ignore the plight of Christians under Jewish occupation and under Israeli-sponsored Muslim terrorists? The answer is in the question. Why do Fake Christians (Born-Again Christians) cheer on Jewish genocide against the Palestinians? Once again, the answer is in the question,

  20. This concise summery deserves repeating:

    United States foreign policy [is] directed by Israel and Israel’s formidable domestic lobby in the US. “The Lobby,” as it is commonly referred to, controls both Congress and the White House on key issues and manages the media narrative in such a fashion as to make Israel the permanent victim, never the aggressor.

    That sums it up quite well.

    We are an occupied ‘superpower’. So watch what you say. They are watching. They are plotting. Among other things, ‘antisemitic tropes’ might soon be criminalized.

    •�Agree: John Trout
  21. maskazer says:

    What’s happening is the slow progression of globalist war for total global dominance which would be completed by Iran’s defeat. What’s worrying is the double role Russia and China are playing in all of this confusion.

    On the political level both are in bed with the globalists. On the national level they appear to be anti hegemon pursuing at least publicly dedollarization, BRICS, BRI, multipolar order etc. Russia hopes it can cash in rewards following the official declaration of victory in Ukraine and finally when the situation in west asia has subsided. After all, the west will never dare attack Russia directly because they now have Oreshnik. Likewise for China the fact is it’s already too big a manufacturing hub to be ignored by the globalists so they’re assured of living well in the next order of things.

    The only remaining part of the equation is how to deal with Iran and particularly trying to take away the possibility of it ever becoming a country in possession of nuclear deterrence. There’s a lot of news about Israeli or joint US and Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear sites. The only problem is that Iran has already long crossed the point of no return threshold thus at the end of the day will definitely have the bomb no matter how much US or Israel try bombing the sites they only know about.

  22. Sarita says:

    The leash is getting shorter

  23. MoT says:

    Good luck on Israel keeping anything it wishes to occupy. Seems they’ve forgotten those that already live there once again.

  24. Anynomous says:

    Satans army american and british have been gaining especially in last hundreds of years until now. Satan and God, evil and good are fighting now.

    We, the free world of God, will destroy the american and british enemy forever and will leave nothing left. We will not surrender, we will not submit!

    American and british will not kill all of us and steal our lands, lands of our ancestors and our childrens lands!

  25. To be sure, many Syrians are celebrating the fall of an admittedly repressive, authoritarian, and corrupt Bashar al-Assad government.

    How has this been proven? This statement sounds just like Hasbara lies. What actual research has Giraldi devoted to proving this description of al-Assad? The Syrians who have been against al-Assad have been those wanting his wise leadership overthrown so US/Israel could have Syria for their own agendas and oil.

    Who are the rebels battering Syria’s regime, and do they pose a risk to Israel?

    Roughly 900 US Troops Still in Syria as Rebels Close in on Damascus
    “Whether the Pentagon wants to admit it or not,” U.S. troops “are likely involved in the broader conflict unfolding there right now,” warned one analyst.
    Dec 07, 2024
    “President-elect Donald Trump, who during his first term opted to keep U.S. troops in Syria for the openly stated purpose of exploiting the country’s oil fields, wrote in a social media post on Saturday that “the United States should have nothing to do with” the current conflict.
    “This is not our fight,” he wrote in all caps. “Let it play out. Do not get involved!””

    •�Thanks: John Trout
  26. Jo Bidet says:

    The only legacy that will be remembered is that of a wandering latrin called Joe Biden, the same one that approved the genocide of Palestinians by israel, the mendacious father who pardoned his criminal son having promised he would not do that

  27. Jo Bidet says:

    Will the mobile latrin Joe Biden give clemency to the head chopper Mohammed al Joulani, who has metamorphosed now as one Ahmed al-Shara, the new leader of Syria?

  28. chris says:

    Israel’s role in managing the Joe Bidens … includes passionately supporting Volodymyr Zelensky’s Ukraine, a process derived in part from Jewish … obtaining revenge for the alleged “pogroms” carried out in imperial Russia.

    It’s the hatred that keeps on giving, isn’t it?

    I guess imposing 70 years of Communism on them, including the Holomodor was not enough.

    Makes you wonder what they still have in store for Germany!

  29. With Christmas approaching, I am saddened to read this :


    1_ Israel’s role in managing the Joe Bidens and Donald Trumps is largely exercised in the broader Middle East but it also includes passionately supporting Volodymyr Zelensky’s Ukraine, a process derived in part from Jewish mythologizing and obtaining revenge for the alleged “pogroms” carried out in imperial Russia. Subsequent Jewish dominance of the Soviet intelligence and security services, which saw the killing of millions of Christians in Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe, are carefully excluded from the narrative.

    2_To be sure, many Syrians are celebrating the fall of an admittedly repressive, authoritarian, and corrupt Bashar al-Assad government.

    But other Syrians, particularly from hitherto protected minority groups like Christians, Alawites and Shiites, are now living in fear of or fleeing from the violent sectarian insurgents that have taken the place of President al-Assad.

    Christian Churches have already been looted and desecrated
    and warned not to hold Christmas services,
    not to sponsor Christmas parades,
    and not to display the image of St. Nicholas.

    3_To be sure, fearing what is to come is legitimate as the “rebel” leader of the al-Qaeda derived Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) Terror group, Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, who now goes by his given name Ahmed al-Shara, is a founder of al-Qaeda in Syria, al-Nusra, and a former deputy to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

    The US State Department has listed him as a terrorist as well as HTS as a terrorist group, and has placed a $10 million bounty on al-Jolani’s head, which presumably will soon be removed by Joe Biden.

    There is plenty of blood on al-Jolani’s hands and little in the way of evidence that he will not opt to slaughter those who he sees as his enemies, much of the killing being guided by the extreme religious groups that make up his followers.

    Indeed, there are already reports of group killings, including numerous soldiers in the Syrian Arab Army who surrendered rather that fight the insurgents.

    4_Al-Jolani now claims that his extremism was just a “phase” and he has several times confirmed that he wants good relations with Israel, clearly a condition imposed by the US to allow him to remain in power.

    He has even suggested that Israeli air support enabled his warriors to move quickly from their bases in the north to Damascus. But al-Jolani has never actually apologized for or disowned the atrocities committed on his watch in 2011-3 when he was actively killing fellow Syrians.

    This includes August 2013 massacres in some of the Alawite areas of Latakia, which included “the systematic killing of entire families,” an international investigation later determined.

    One observer also reported that the insurgents were devoted to “sectarian mass murder” This is the legacy of the new “inclusive” government in Syria.

    According to one other ominous report, it appears that Sharia law has already been announced by the newly installed justice minister, Shadi Alwaisi.


    Philip Giraldi :

    Donald Trump said that the conflict was none of our business and it would be best to keep out of it. Hopefully that will be the policy after January 20th’s inauguration,

    ( Hopefully what ? We know that Donald Trump would never come to the aid of African-Americans if they and their churches were to be attacked by his white supremacist supporters, but for Philip Giraldi to consider similar position (namely, none of our business ) by Trump on Syria as positive is difficult to understand. )

    •�Troll: Sarita
  30. @Sami

    Russia wanted to placate Turkey and Israel for its own reasons. Not turning Israel and Turkey into open enemies seemed to be in its interest, more important than propping up the unpopular Assad regime.

    •�Replies: @JPS
  31. Wokechoke says:

    These so called Christians are Jewish or Jewish supplicants.

  32. I am waiting for Israel and the Israeli harem aka the US Congress to attack weak Iran.

    I predict if you attack weak Iran, you might just feel for the first time, the stifness of Iran’s hard-on for you. Iran has vowed to take out your Demona complex. The whole world will cheer for no one loves a bully.

    Look at Syria this way. Erdogan, the Muslim Brotherhood man, has in all practicality reached Damascus under the banner of his proxy, in other words who would stop the Turkish army from rolling into Damascus. What if Erdogan helped the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood overthrow a most vile and most hated US puppet, alSisi? The Egyptian people have gone blind from their hatred for alSisi and we think Bashar was hated?

    In such an event, the lower ranks of the Egyptian army would be more than happy to take on the IOF in Gaza and relieve the Palestinians. Meanwhile, the Turks push the IOF out of the Gollan heights and KhizbAllah push the IOF out of Lebanon. Israel would be fighting on four fronts. Wouldn’t be nice if Turkey undertook the duty to shove Israel back to pre-1967 borders, then called for a two state solution, while Russia and China send peace keeping forces.

    Israel, would be caught between two armies or a hammer and anvil. Should hostilities begin, Iraq’s Shia and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard would pile on for sure. The IAF would have to contend with fighting the Egyptian and Turkish airforces of which the Turks are formidable. I look forward to seeing Israeli pilots facing dogfights against peers. They shall cut and run or eject in mid combat.

    When you think about this scenario, you realize the Arab leaders are gutless puppets and Turkey is the only player who can pull such a move as a Muslim nation, and it has positioned itself for just that kind of move. Was this all coordinated with Russia and China before Assad’s immigration to Russia? Was this recent big oil deal signed with India a guarantee to keep India friendly towards Russia and a counter to EU sanctions against Russian transports.

    Should Israel find itself facing such a mega rape, the Israeli Harem will for sure come to the aid of its madter with American boots on the ground.

    The “Romans” entering Syria is an escathological milestone on the road to Armageddon, for those in the know.

    Keeping an eye on Egypt, might be the thing to do.

    •�Replies: @Z-man
  33. chris says:
    @Anon 284

    I seriously question putins intelligence. The mullahs as well. Do they not understand netanyahus mentality?

    The best case argument may be that they want to minimize their exposure if the Iran war starts in earnest, similarly to how the US scuttled Afghanistan before instigating the start of the Ukraine war.

    If that would have been the explanation, then why didn’t they just switched Assad out like the US does; lastly in Egypt and Pakistan.

    The worst possible explanation is that the Russians coordinated with their enemies to let them get the upper hand and disintegrate Syria.

    Pepe Escobar argued against this the other day by saying that Putin and the Iranians, repeatedly told Assad about the imminent attack and that he did nothing about it; an explanation which sounds absolutely ridiculous, just like the Israeli one did about October 7th.

    The one argument which speaks against it is the fact that Putin fired the military commander in Syria. And however bad this commander might have been, ultimately it’s Putin’s own plan or lack there of which he would have been in the process of implementing.

    None of the things we know really add up to a complete explanation. It was the same after the US exit from Afghanistan. Only in view of the subsequent events which came to pass did a clearer picture emerge.

    Maybe it’s the same way now, otherwise, Russia ceding the field without firing a shot either looks like it was complicit in the plan or worse, was duped.

  34. @John Dael

    I hate it when people keep re-posting the same articles on every new article. This is old news….2014 really? Post something more recent about them “going down” for crying out loud. They just took Syria, now they want Iran and all the others.

  35. Harry Law says:

    Paul Craig Roberts has been proven right. Russia, Iran and China don’t have the stomach to respond to the Anglo/Zionist empire.
    I have long supported the ‘arc of resistance’ but this has been found wanting, first with the ceasefire which Hezbollah went along with and which included the implementation of UN resolution 1701 plus the latest agreement. Maybe Hezbollah do not agree with those agreements in full, but the US/Israel do, and the Lebanese government also, wait till the sanctions are ramped up and the Lebanese army is in southern Lebanon led by General Joseph Aoun who the US wish to have as the next President with only peashooters to stop the Israeli incursions.
    When Hezbollah backed Hamas after 7-10-2023. they promised not to stop assaults against Israel unless Israel stopped its assault on Gaza. Hezbollah agreed to the Ceasefire and Israel did not stop the Genocide – in fact they increased it. Was the ceasefire a result of Israeli destruction of Lebanese towns and villages (after all Israel threatened Lebanon with the Gaza treatment)? If that was the case, then those threats worked. No one has the right to say what Hezbollah should or should not do since they are not in the firing line.
    Israel/US have proven to be utterly ruthless and are prepared to use Genocidal aggression against its enemies. The ‘arc of resistance’ is not prepared to use all-out warfare against its enemies. Iran and Hezbollah have stockpiles of ballistic missiles (hundreds of thousands) but they have not used them much. No attacks on Haifa port (within eyesight of southern Lebanon). No attacks on power stations or other vital infrastructure; even the occasional strike on Tel Aviv was targeted at the Intelligence base only. Israel’s port in the south was shut down because of Houthi missiles, but they are 2000 Kilometers away. Qasem Soleimani had the policy of attrition against Israel, which is fine, but attrition means constant warfare even if only low level. The Israelis have taken advantage of the ceasefire and delivered a devastating blow to the resistance. George Galloway – no greater devotee of the Arab cause – has almost given up on Arab resistance; who could blame him. I agree the resistance must continue, unfortunately the US/Israel have the satrapies Egypt, Jordan and most of the Gulf counties in their pocket, Lebanon and Palestinian territories hanging by a thread and Iraq beholden to the US federal reserve whose own oil receipts are doled out to them on a monthly basis (if they are good boys).
    The US/Israel and the West in general who are presiding over an ongoing Genocide and now with approval, a take-over of Syria by head-chopping Jihadis is a proven fact and that they mean business, as if there was any doubt. Paul Craig Roberts thinks Iran and Russia have been pusillanimous and that both had seen the loaded gun of thousands of head-choppers arming up in Idlib for years but failed to do anything about them. A major defeat for the ‘axis of resistance’. I have just watched Professor Mirandi say that Iran was willing to send help to Syria but the US/Israel threatened to attack any Iranian troops or aircraft heading to Syria, so no help was forthcoming, that is pathetic, it means Iran is afraid of the Israel/US big stick Will the US/Israel go on to greater things, now they have the momentum? The Neocons will demand it.

    •�Agree: hobnob, ariadna, A_Hand_Hidden
    •�Replies: @hobnob
    , @Felpudinho
  36. @JWalters

    And which States are going to risk the Samson option trying to take the fiends out? To do any of this, they will need to first disarm them from a nuclear standpoint, because if the fiends get too scared they can just trigger the suicide method and then it won’t even matter anymore. Secondly you’ll need to bitch slap the living shit out all the ignorant cock sucking white people who won’t stop serving and worshiping them. Not just the politicians, but the dumb as hell religious imbeciles as well.

    •�Replies: @rgl
    , @Event Horizon
  37. @mark green

    Then I guess they better start with the negro Candice Owens, or are they afraid of her overrated ass talking shit about them and only intend to go after white people who say anything about them? If their pets can get away criticizing them, then I don’t see why everyone else should be afraid of criticizing them.

  38. Boll says:

    Syria ceased to exist. The national admin has been out of order for quite a while which was the reason that its army didn‘t fight. Now that the army is gone, it‘s over. Blame Assad.

    •�Agree: 2stateshmoostate
    •�Replies: @John Trout
  39. Looks like Philip Giraldi is ok with greater Turkey or whoever greater at this time 🙂 It only microscopic entity in the Middle east is worrying this bleeding heart. I read that Syrian population knowing in real life where it is better to be asked Israel to annex that buffer zone where they reside. Erdogan claimed that he is ready to absorb 5 Syrian large cities. Israel cannot do same as it doe snot need more kafirs to their population. All in all for local racists, rights and nazies Israel must be Shining city on the Hill.

    •�Troll: ariadna
  40. Tom Welsh says:

    “Donald Trump said that the conflict was none of our business and it would be best to keep out of it”.

    Sure, sure. If Israel attacks anyone, we had best “keep out of it”. None of our business, eh?

    But if anyone attacks Israel…

    •�Agree: Jonah Gathers, chris
  41. Anonymous[390] •�Disclaimer says:

    {{The worst possible explanation is that the Russians coordinated with their enemies to let them get the upper hand and disintegrate Syria.}}

    They did. Putin is a Zionist and No one should trust Russia. Have you seen the following video, to show how RUSSIANS are arrogant, brutal, zionist and racist, like the Ashkenazis scum of humanity.
    Dmitry Orlov believes that Israel should continue his genocide that is GOOD at, because they are not good on the ground fighting and have lost a lot of people. This racist, zionist and arrogant Russian believes that Israel is doing a favor for us to grab lands from Syria including Golan Height because that part provides DRINKING water for Israel. To racist and arrogant Russians, you must watch the following video. Death to Russia.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Robjil
    , @chris
    , @chris
  42. BuelahMan says:

    Biden will never do jail time. Trump will ensure that.

    Video Link

  43. Ziobuster says:

    Klaus Swab’s mother (Marianne), was a Rothschild:

    Now it all makes sense. The WEF monstrosity has now been 100% explained.
    Please download, save and spread the video evidence.

    The anti-Zionist Jewish history book by Jewish author Sim Kern that’s currently OUTSELLING THE BIBLE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxwqjLTPSY8

    Video Link
    Genocide Bad | Book by Sim Kern – Simon & Schuster
    Part Jewish-activist memoir, part Jewish crash course in Jewish and Palestinian history, “Genocide Bad: Notes on Palestine, Jewish History, and Collective Liberation” dismantles Zionist propaganda and maps a course towards collective liberation in ten unapologetic essays.

    Elizabeth Glass:
    The goal of World War I and World War II  was to destroy strong, sovereign nations like Germany, Italy, and Japan, and create Israel as the capital of a Zionist one-world government and religion.

    Video Link
    This video contains extemely important information pertaining to what’s left of the FUTURE

    •�Replies: @Z-man
  44. Anon[360] •�Disclaimer says:

    To be sure, many Syrians are celebrating the fall of an admittedly repressive, authoritarian, and corrupt Bashar al-Assad government.

    The world celebrated when Adolph fell and then there was Stalin.

    Israel is all over the place, indulging in outdated “multi tasking” which even in house cleaning turned out to be management Guru bullshit.

    With blowing everything up in Syria, what is being created is a country of desperadoes. Israel is now surrounded on all sides by enemies. In addition, as slime bag Erdogon shafted Russia so will he screw over Israel. And while everyone is crowing about Russia’s humiliation, my opinion is that Vlad is as crafty as any fox.

    The West along with the Turkeys and Jews now have a complete mess on their hands. Turkey is an economic disaster, America is a disaster and Israel depends on the US for its adventures here and there.

    Its going to be a spectacular collapse when the Turkeys come home to roost. Attacking Iran will be the cherry on top. Israel and the US face a spectacular drubbing there. That will be the final nail in the US coffin and Israel, in losing the Sugar Daddy will go down as well. Jews, in 3000 years of their miserable history never know when enough is enough and are always the engineers of their own misery.

    Far from being a humiliation for Vlad and Xi, these two may have set up the West and NATO for self destruction.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Zumbuddi
  45. hobnob says:
    @Harry Law

    There are reports of Russia removing S-400 air defense units from Syria, and reports of Israel bombing strategic weapons throughout Syria, including surface-to-air missiles. If these defensive weapons were really there, it’s a damn shame no one had the balls to use them. If they weren’t there, it’s a damn shame no one had the balls to provide them. Israel is allowed to fly around the Middle East bombing whoever and whatever they want. Everyone else just looks on like a deer in the headlights.

  46. Che Guava says:

    My impression is that they (U.S. prexidents) aren’t allowed to pardon themselves, but I am not an expert.

    The last case, from my reading, was Ford pardoning Nixon.

    Biden’s pardon of his crack-and-whores son is really equivalent to a partial self-pardon.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  47. @hobnob

    Imagine if a Blood member walked into the Crips neck of the wood and started shooting anyone they wanted and the Crips just stood there like dumbfucks doing nothing. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! No Street gang could go into another gangs territory attacking without retaliation. Somehow when it comes down to the military and that one country in the Middle East, everyone is behaving like a scared rodent running away from a Cobra, too afraid to do anything no matter who they attack on their territory. Even the Native Americans at least went out swinging until they had no choice but to accept defeat. The Whites and Arabs won’t even fucking fight back at all. With whites, they think their lying politicians like “Trump” owned ass is going to help and do something.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  48. ariadna says:

    “he won’t have to worry about that, he’ll just issue himself a presidential pardon with blanket immunity, like he gave hunter. he’ll give all the war criminals in his and previous administrations the same. “

    If not, Trump may do it once in the WH because they are after all “good people.”
    Or it will not be necessary at all because any (improbable) attempts to sue them would be swatted away like mosquitoes for “lack of standing”

    •�Agree: Notsofast
    •�Replies: @Event Horizon
  49. Bama says:

    More land for Israel is a two-edged sword. Their boots on the ground military are cowards and the Arab Druze who guard their northern border are not enough to protect much more real estate.

    This would lead to needing the U.S. or other European countries to do the dirty work. What the U.S. and Israel do best is drop bombs, not fight to hold land. Somewhere, along the way the occupiers will face rebellion.

    •�Agree: Jim H
    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  50. Che Guava says:

    The Israelis, until their very recent bombarama and land grab, were always using stand-off weapons fired from Lebanese airspace or northern Israel in their constant attacks on Syria.

    So, little chance of shooting down the aircraft for Syria, even if they had the most advanced systems. At times, many of the projectiles were shot down.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  51. @Anon

    You need to know that assassinating the best and brightest of other peoples is how our fake Jewish friends operate

    They’ve been doing that here in the US for a hundred years

    But, because of the 10/7 slave revolt the world now sees their true colors

    I suggest that 10/7/2023 was the apex of their power and that fr0m now on it’s all downhill for them

  52. ariadna says:

    “There are reports of Russia removing S-400 air defense units from Syria, and reports of Israel bombing strategic weapons throughout Syria, including surface-to-air missiles.”

    Prudent move. It would be a shame for Israel to accidentally destroy those good-as-new, never used toys.

    •�LOL: chris
  53. Dr. Asip says:

    “but one recalls that Trump’s record of pandering to Israel is almost as bad as Biden’s”

    “Almost.” Can’t take you seriously.

  54. @Haxo Angmark

    What planet are you on?

    The squatters have been in a life and death struggle for over a year now

    Iran, on the other hand has just been sitting back and watching

    It is Israel that is depleted


    It doesn’t matter because the Mullahs and Israel are and have been colluding to maintain the ME criminal status quo.

    BTW were you one of those folks who declared your love for Assad and his heroic resistance against the squatters before he so rudely skedaddled off to the fake Jew owned refuge of Russia?

    And abandoned Syria to fake Jew owned murderers?

    Do you folks still feel that Assad was the real deal?

    And not a place-holder shill installed by the West preside over the destruction of Syria?

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  55. @Bama

    I hope they do because I’ve grown sick of them myself.

  56. Z-man says:

    Wow, that picture of the army couple on X looks like a picture of my half brother and sister in law, when they were honeymooners in Italy back in the ’50’s, when he was stationed in Germany. Smart guy, my brother.

  57. The squatters have opened “Pandora’s Box” with their removal of Assad to be replaced with a gang of murderers.

    This is a very unstable situation

    Right now the Israeli directed Takfiri are hunting down and killing anyone in Syria that could be a threat to a pro Israel Syrian regime

    Sort of like what Pol Pot did.

    I suggest that this will inevitably fail mainly because of the Arab Tribal system

    It is the Arab tribal leaders and elders that rule the ME

    They went along with Assad because it was easy

    Now they have a responsibility to their people to stand up to outright murderous anarchy by these US paid for Takfiri murderers or they will be replace by those will


    Remember the more undefended territory the squatters overrun, the more territory the squatters have to defend

    Can someone explain to me how the Israelis are going to permanently going to control/defend this “greater Israel” without being a permanent state of war????

    And all the while fighting a war of attrition in Gaza???

    It’s not possible

    10/7 was the death knell for the squatter colony

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  58. ariadna says:
    @John Dael

    If Biblicism Institute says Israel is going down I can take it to the bank, beacuse they know their bible.
    I will not take it to a bank owned by “jews of today” because they are not the “israelites of the Bible” (the authentic article, the real McCohen, I will accept no ersatz).
    Have I got that right?

  59. Wokechoke says:

    The Sioux were real aristocrats.

  60. Z-man says:
    @One Nobody

    Interesting allegory about the ‘Romans’. Please expound.
    The Aras are cucks right now. The only Arabs that have balls are Hezbolah, Hamas and the Houthis.
    God save Iran. If Putin has any sense he’ll send defensive and offensive missiles to Iran. He’s got to get over his understandable aversion to Muslims and protect Persia.

    •�Replies: @One Nobody
  61. There is no God yet the Muzzies are on the march to kill each other and here is Giraldi excoriating Biden, Trump and Israel. If they want to destroy each other then let be.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  62. Robjil says:

    Orlov has Jewish ancestry on both sides of his family. That is probably the biggest reason he thinks this way, not because of his Russian ancestry.

    •�Replies: @chris
  63. chris says:

    I just want to know one thing, when Dimitry Olov takes his glasses off, does that nose come off with them?

    •�LOL: Automatic Slim, werpor
  64. Has the IDF reached Deir ez Zor? That is the Northern border of the land of promise. Golani, kind of sounds like Golan to me. So somebody is trying to tell us that hatred for Israel no longer burns in his heart. It does and rightly so. Golani is not inexperienced, he has suffered,he is educated, and by what we can see, an accomplished leader. Golani is playing the long game. Of course he is saying everything we want to hear. Golani knows Islam and he knows Muslims. He will humble himself for now.

  65. Wokechoke says:

    The Egyptians must have some opinion on this stuff by now.

    •�Replies: @Christoph88
  66. @2stateshmoostate

    I hope you are right, most people here and sometimes myself included can often have a defeatist mentality…I hate it, but it’s just the way I feel because somehow I can’t help but see the U.S. continuing to fight these shit wars for them no matter what. They’ve already knocked off a bunch of Middle Eastern countries and got this far. I don’t understand why America doesn’t just kick them to the curb, whats the goddamn point in remaining “Allies” with these shitbags until we are broke, and have no use for them anymore. It’s beyond me why this country want to be exploited, used, manipulated like that. Shit makes no sense to me.

    •�Replies: @2stateshmoostate
  67. @Z-man

    The term “Romans” indicating Western Christians, the Catholic Church.

    Putin has no aversion to Muslims, you may have but not Putin. He understands that ISIS al Qaeda are all Western psyops. 911 was a psyop against Islam to eventuly ignite a Christian-Muslim war.

    I just got informed that alSisi has called for an urgent meeting with Israeli defense minister and most Arab puppets, Abd alAllah, bin Zayed and bin Salman asking Israel to take precautions to protect them from organic Arab Springs. AlSisi is extremely worried, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, which he dealt with in a criminal manner, might rise against him and his grifter generals only to be joined by the whole Egyptian population. The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has very strong ties with Erdigan and Qatar.

    If the US and Israel loose their puppet alSisi, the whole of ME power structure would change even more drastically than Assad’s departure.

    •�Replies: @Z-man
  68. I hereby challenge every churchian pulpit dispenser and/or pew sitter:

    When was the last time – if ever – you heard this sermon at your church?


    “As a Christian minister, I look at all of these geopolitical events in terms of how they impact the lives and wellbeing of my Christian brothers and sisters in these regions, knowing that satanic forces constantly seek to persecute, punish, pummel and ultimately to see the New Covenant Church-Bride of Christ perish from off the earth.

    Zionist Israel—with the enthusiastic support of Christian Zionists in America—has tortured and murdered tens of thousands of Christians throughout the Middle East: in Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza. Now, Israel and its allies in the West are facilitating and actively assisting the torture and murders of tens of thousands of Christians in Syria.

    Say what you will about Bashar al-Assad, his personal faith system is that of the Alawite Muslims. As such, he was rejected as a heretic by both the Sunni and Shia Muslims. Therefore, as Syria’s leader, he was the most tolerant to people of all faiths of any leader in the Middle East. He allowed people of all religions to freely practice their faith, whether they were Shia Muslims, Sunni Muslims, Jews or Christians. And there are tens of thousands of practicing Christians in Syria.

    Now, our brothers and sisters in Christ in Syria face a horrific future of persecution, torture and death at the hands of the radical jihadist Sunni terror group that just took over Damascus, HTS.

    Thank you, Zionist President Joe Biden. Thank you, Zionist President Donald Trump. Thank you, Christian Zionist pastors John Hagee, Robert Jeffress, John MacArthur, et al.

    Sooner or later, a Just God will put a stop to these Zionist warmongers and avenge the blood of His martyred saints, as He did when He destroyed the Pharisees and their seat of power in Jerusalem and the Jewish temple in 70 AD.

    It can’t come soon enough.”

    •�Replies: @RobinDC
    , @rgl
  69. @Harry Law

    First you say:

    Hezbollah agreed to the Ceasefire and Israel did not stop the Genocide – in fact they increased it. Was the ceasefire a result of Israeli destruction of Lebanese towns and villages (after all Israel threatened Lebanon with the Gaza treatment)? If that was the case, then those threats worked. No one has the right to say what Hezbollah should or should not do since they are not in the firing line.

    Then you say:

    I have just watched Professor Mirandi say that Iran was willing to send help to Syria but the US/Israel threatened to attack any Iranian troops or aircraft heading to Syria, so no help was forthcoming, that is pathetic, it means Iran is afraid of the Israel/US big stick…

    You’re sympathetic to the Lebanese not wanting to die in vain – “No one has the right to say what Hezbollah should and should not do since they are not in the firing line” – but find it “pathetic” that Iranians also don’t want to die in vain. Your comment sounds like something Victoria Nuland would say, only substituting IDF Jews for the Lebanese and non-Jewish American soldiers for the Iranians.

    The bottomline is that the Syrian Army folded, they cut and ran. Syrian soldiers were unwilling to fight and die for Syria, why would any non-Syrian, in their right mind, be willing to do the fighting and dying for them?

    •�Agree: Sarita
    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
    , @Harry Law
  70. We have to remember that the Empire, where Israeli power, seems to be central to it, has almost unlimited funds to cause problems for enemies. Not mainly from military power (the US military is in a sloppy state) but through where it really counts covert operations including bribery, assassinations and so on. Imperial Washington inflicts violence without hesitation. Certain commentators many of us listen to don’t uncerstand that the main source of power is in covert ops, not the in missiles and tanks.

    I remember reading an article in the New Yorker (when it was still readable) about how successful and convivial Syrian society was before the US proxy-war was launched. If societies like Iran, China, and Russia want to survive they have to become police states or succumb to the Empire.

  71. @Felpudinho

    If only the U.S. military would do that, throw down their weapons and say ” enough of this bullshit, we quit.”

  72. @Carlton Meyer

    Some claim the Russians, Assad, and the Iranians are the losers in all this. No, they are just spectators ready to enjoy the show.

    Thanks for that rational, down-to-earth assessment. Quicksand is what it is. ME politics have not changed for a thousand years. Israel will swallow chunk of land, but digesting it is highly questionable.

    The Arab masses, which even the authoritarian Sunni States cannot ignore, will demand action for Israel “stealing our lands”. Land is concrete and palpable. Not an abstraction or “principle”. The ME will be on fire for decades to come.

    Iran will now become the focal point for overstretch Israel. American power and the projection of meaningful force and enforcement is very low and getting lower and less lethal by the day.

    What Russia and China will do: Russia will let the forces in the ME wear themselves down, exhaust their assests-personnel and materiel-and take an active role at the most advantageous time for itself. This will be when Israel is exhausted, the Sunni are desperate and their population rioting in the streets. Iran will be supported and defended by Russia in absolute terms. Iran and China and India cannot afford the defeat of Iran; BRICS cannot let Iran be conquered; the majority of the World cannot allow Iran to be conquered.

    America has fallen into a trap. It’s influence and power will now decline more rapidly, and it will be blamed for generations for the mass murders of the Jewish State.

    The Big Three think long term, and see their interests prevailing.

  73. @chris

    The worst possible explanation is that the Russians coordinated with their enemies to let them get the upper hand and disintegrate Syria.

    Pepe Escobar argued against this the other day by saying that Putin and the Iranians, repeatedly told Assad about the imminent attack and that he did nothing about it; an explanation which sounds absolutely ridiculous, just like the Israeli one did about October 7th.

    The Russians launched some bombing runs against the rebels when they got to Aleppo. Well why didn’t they attack the column as it entered from Turkey? It was a lightly armored column that lacked AA guns. A ragtag group of rebels with Ukrainian drones to use against tanks. Erdogen gave them some Turkish kit but their vehicles were mostly trucks and transport vehicles. The soldiers were somewhat trained but still reverted to Arab style mob attacks. There is a video of a Kurd sniper taking out a dozen of them.

    A couple Migs would have cut the column in half and possibly motivated the Syrian military.

    Instead the Russians either let them get to Aleppo or were napping on the job. The Syrian military obviously didn’t fight and there is a video where 5000 or so surrender without a single man limping.

    •�Replies: @chris
    , @Wokechoke
    , @cousin lucky
  74. @NoBodyImportant

    The answer to your question is the Jewish Press

    Like most Americans I too was in the thrall of the Jewish Press for half my life

    But something led me to question the mainstream media and holy shit did I get my mind blown

    It took a bit to realize the the entire mainstream media was acting with a unity of purpose

    That purpose was to hide the fact that the US was ruled by deception by internationalist fake Jews.

    So, it is the Jewish Press that is responsible for Americans being bamboozled into thinking that Palestinians are sub human and deserving of slaughter.

    Therefore the way to fight them is to expose them

    Always call the mainstream media the Jewish Press

    Regarding defeatism

    If you are a Palestinian defeat means a fate worse than death

    Most Americans don’t realize it but the same applies to them too.

    I suspect we’re going to see an attempt by our fake Jew friends to come out from behind the curtain when Vance takes over after the Trumpster exits stage left and rule openly

    This will end badly for them.

    •�Agree: Song For the Deaf
    •�Replies: @Katrinka
  75. Harry Law says:

    You’re sympathetic to the Lebanese not wanting to die in vain – “No one has the right to say what Hezbollah should and should not do since they are not in the firing line”
    No I was not saying I was sympathetic to Hezbollah dying in vain, I was pointing out the contradiction of them willing to try and stop the Genocide, and failing to stop it, agreeing to a cease fire.
    It is not up to me to insist that any of the ‘arc of resistance’ die in supporting Syria, Hezbollah promised Hamas they would support them until a cease fire in Gaza was reached. They did not.
    The late Hezbollah leader Nasrallah warned over 10 years ago that if Syria falls, Palestine will be lost.
    “My brothers and sisters, if Syria falls into the hands of the U.S., Israel, the people who accuse others of heresy, and all of America’s pawns, which purport to be leading countries in the region, the resistance will find itself under siege, and Israel will invade Lebanon, in order to impose its terms on the Lebanese people, and in order to revive its aspirations and schemes. Then, Lebanon will embark upon another Israeli era. If Syria falls, Palestine will be lost. The resistance in Palestine will be lost. Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem”

    •�Replies: @Harry Law
  76. @Philip Giraldi

    It is possible that Syria and Russia allowed Israel/US into Syria to create an “Empires’ Graveyard” type scenario much like Afghanistan has proven to be. If something is achieved too easily or appears too good to be true, then…

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  77. @Wokechoke

    Egypt is run by a Zio-Stooge just like Jordan is and Syria will be soon.

  78. Harry Law says:
    @Harry Law

    Just to add to my comment above.. The HTS head choppers said they took account of the cease fire and did not want to be confronted with 10’s of thousands of Hezbollah volunteers, hence the decision to advance from Idlib. Nasrallah said in that statement, I do not need to declare Jihad. I just need to say the word, and tens of thousands of mujahideen will go to those fronts. I think the loss of Nasrallah was a disaster, he would not have agreed to a cease fire with Israels pawn Hochstein.

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  79. Rangewolf says:

    Oh no, Mr. Giraldi frets, Al-Jolani worked for (drum roll), ISIS, al-Qaeda, and al-Nusra. But the awkward part is, who started those groups?

    And this Al-Jolani, the new name for the now Big Sultan, someone in Langley must have come up with that, an Al Jolson fan no doubt.

    •�LOL: Jim H
  80. @USA invades Israel

    It is possible that Syria and Russia allowed Israel/US into Syria to create an “Empires’ Graveyard” type scenario much like Afghanistan has proven to be. If something is achieved too easily or appears too good to be true, then…

    Oh just stop already. This was not a 5d chess move by Putin.

    Israel took land and went on a rampage against Syrian military infrastructure. They expanded their borders and without a single casualty. Was that all a plan by Putin?

    Even if radicals took over Syria they would be poorly armed against the IDF. The HTS is currently in talks to end sanctions in exchange for protecting Syrian minorities. Erdogen made it clear that they are not to go after Christians and Alawites. This is not an attempt at building ISIL.

    Putin is in over his head. He is not playing some master game by breaking the security agreement he had with Assad.

    There were Russian units left behind in Syria. If the plan was to leave then Putin did it poorly.

    This is all the result of age old Russian Imperialism. If Putin wasn’t bogged down in Ukraine then he would have plenty of units to back Assad.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @rgl
  81. Zumbuddi says:

    what is in it for the United States? Nothing but a curt thank you from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,

    a thank you?

    that would be a first.

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
    •�Replies: @Jim H
  82. Israel is the head of the snake, and this Python has America in a death grip and is closing off the final seconds of Americas life and the coming Israeli and ZUS attack on Iran will be the final straw, as this will bring Russia in on the side of Iran and the war will go nuclear.

    The messianic zionists want the war to go nuclear as they believe it will bring their god satan to earth and they believe that they can sit out the nuclear exchange in their deep underground military bases that they have throughout the ZUS and Israel and ZEU and emerge to a world free of gentiles and muslims, this is their demonic, draconian goal.

    Zionists are destroyers of nations and humanity and the proof is on display again in their genocide of the people of Palestine and Lebanon and Syria and their genocide is enabled by their control of the ZUS , which is complicit in every death and destruction for their zionist masters.

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  83. Notsofast says:
    @Che Guava

    in this case it wouldn’t matter, all he has to do is pardon all criminal underlings and then they can announce that he has alzheimers making him unfit to stand trial. he has already pardoned more people than any previous president, he will save the very worst (such as fauci), for last, as he heads out the door.

    •�Replies: @Che Guava
  84. Notsofast says:
    @Che Guava

    agree and simplicius discusses this directly, in his most recent post.


    •�Thanks: Che Guava
  85. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    What is it to Russia though? What battles in Syria have ever been key for Russia? The Jihadists of the Sunni variety are in clear cahoots with Jews this time.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @John Johnson
  86. RobinDC says:
    @Carlton Meyer

    More like over 5 decades against Syria, but your prediction of more and greater hardship for the average Syrian seems a safe bet. This twelve minute summary by Richard Medhurst should be shared with the clueless (which seems to include some Palestinians and their supporters).

    The Syrian Revolution Was a Lie

  87. Zumbuddi says:

    Alex Krainer is sticking to his argument: Israel & US walked into a trap.

    Marc Sloboda declared categorically that Krainer was operating on “copium.”

    But Krainer, whose career of reading the direction of trends has secured for him a home in Monaco, persists. He’s laid out the reasoning and the historical precedents of major powers keeping their powder dry while letting the adversary destroy itself.

    Today, Krainer posted on TrendCompass, his substack,
    Syria: Will It Prove the Empire’s Final Quagmire?

    A day or two ago Krainer explained his argument to Nima Alkhorshid
    Russia’s Secret Trap in Syria?

    “I could be wrong,” Krainer concedes.

    But he makes more sense than ideologically-driven Winken, Blinken & Sullivan, don’t you agree?

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  88. @Desert Fox

    If a nuclear war does happen, it will be because the dumbfucks are too stupid to see whats happening, don’t care, or I’m going to start believing in demon possessions. Because clearly any sensible or smart person would avoid this or know what was going on and wouldn’t fall into this trap. The mere fact that a small group of shit for brains can manipulate and even trick nations into having a nuke war with each other means there are a lot of low IQ tools in positions of power that never should have gotten any power at all. Times like this makes me wish I lived in a time period where people still fought with swords, shields, and spears.

    At least then they couldn’t massively kill an entire planet with such weapons. Unlike the uneducated idiots that thought nuclear weapons were ever a good fucking idea. So they build these moronic weapons just to fulfill the prophecy of a bunch of assholes.

    •�Agree: rgl, John Trout
  89. Harry Law says:

    Israel better get moving it seems Turkey is going to compete with Israel for a bigger share of the pie.

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, at a rally in Sakarya on the evening of December 13, 2024, announced his intention to include a number of Syrian cities, such as Aleppo, Idlib, Damascus and Raqqa, into Turkey.

    “Aleppo, Idlib, Damascus and Raqqa will become our provinces, like Antep, Hatay and Urfa,” – Erdogan said, drawing thunderous applause from the crowd.

    This statement immediately caused a wide international resonance. The words of the Turkish leader were called a gross violation of Syria’s sovereignty and a contradiction to international law.
    Подробнее на: https://avia-pro.net/news/prezident-turcii-redzhep-erdogan-zayavil-o-namereniyah-okkupirovat-siriyu

    •�Replies: @cousin lucky
  90. @Notsofast

    there is no truth or justice in the american way.

    Certainly no truth and it seems justice only comes when the prostitutes in the Congress age out.

    •�Replies: @Z-man
  91. Wokechoke says:

    Syria can’t be taken seriously as a country anymore. So essentially the Turks and Jews are going to end up fighting each other there. The regular army of Syria was massacred over a bloody decade by lavishly furnished insurgents. Kurds are not going to give back their oil revenue to Damascus to rebuild a national army.

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  92. Jim H says:

    ‘a thank you [from Netanyahu]? that would be a first.’ — Zumbuddi

    Indeed. Wait till Mr N addresses his lackeys in the 119th Clowngress next year.

    ‘You sent us $30 billion last year. NOT ENOUGH! $50 billion this year, or I shoot these Palestinian babies!!’

  93. @Harry Law

    I think the loss of Nasrallah was a disaster, he would not have agreed to a cease fire with Israels pawn Hochstein.

    I agree with your opinion: assassinations have consequences. I often wonder where America would be today if JFK wasn’t assassinated (a disaster) in Dallas, if he had lived to fulfill his presidential mission.

    On your previous comment: If Nasrallah’s claim about Palestine being lost if Syria falls, then the dream of a new Muslim-ruled Palestine is dead. I just don’t want any of the refugees. The “Palestinians” are Muslims, let the Muslim world, who clearly can’t stand them, take care of them anyways. I don’t want to see any of them living off of welfare and causing trouble in the West.

  94. @Paul Greenwood

    It is not only the USA that funds this barbarism; Germany, France, Britain, the EU, Russia, Canada and Australia all pay tribute. The zionists use the holohoax, the club as the tool of extortion.

  95. RobinDC says:
    @Crush Limbraw

    Thanks for the link! Here’s another brief summary, from a different perspective (than Medhurst) but basically same conclusion.

    A Brief Analysis Of What’s Really Going On In Syria – By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

  96. Z-man says:
    @One Nobody

    Putin has disappointed me quite often in the last few years. So, I think he’s going to get caught flat footed in Iran. I hope not but, we shall see.
    As bad as Sisi is I don’t think he’d be begging the Jooz to help him. He’s got some intelligence. If he begs, it’ll be to the CIA
    I’d like to see some young aggressive colonels take Sisi out and then go into Gaza.

    •�Replies: @One Nobody
  97. Yababa says:

    Now that Golani has cut off Iran’s protective hand from Syria, we the Devil’s chosen people along with our Khazarian brothers the grey wolves are going to cut down the Syrian sheep into pieces.

    Erdoğan just gave a apeech in which he announced that Hama, Homs, Raqqa, Aleppo will soon become incorporated into Syria like Hatay.

    Now is the time to split the spoils. If Turkeys chews up a huge chunk of Syria, so should Israel.

    Bashan, Harad, Damascus, Lebanon, Palmyra, etc, should be quickly seized by Israel now that the 🇸🇾 sand niggers army is wiped out and their Iranian protectors evicted.

    Let the Kurds keep everything East of Euphrates. Israel must have borders with newly established Kurdistan.

    A sand nigger buffer zone between Greater Israel and the Turkey Wolves needs to be established for now.

  98. chris says:

    OMG, what a friggin creep this guy Orlov is!

    ‘These are not countries,’ ‘they all hate each other,’ ‘they’re all inbred.’ He’s unashamedly reading directly from the Hasbra handbook. “Lots of psychotics running around, I don’t see a bright future for the Arab world.” He barely suppresses a beaming mug when he says it. But the most ridiculous part, of course, is the audacity to spew this type of blatant bullshit and dare anyone to actually believe it.

    He’s repeating at nausea that Syria doesn’t exist, in order to justify all Israeli land grabs into its territories, as well as their constant instigation of in-fighting there.

    Amazing how he practices real-Politik with respect to Iran, in order to gain credibility with the audience, and then goes on to try to discredit the existence of all of Israel’s neighbors; leaving out the fakest of all countries in the region, to which his own arguments actually apply in spades.

    As far as your comment about Putin is concerned, I do recall Israel Shamir writing here at the UR that he had learned to write in Hebrew from supposedly his neighbor, which to me seems like a code for membership in the tribe. Not only his name not being typical Russian but which up-and-coming Russian family would have gotten involved with a religious sect in a time of militant atheism. Moreover, which members of religious sects would risk exposure as conducting proselytizing activities in those times? Not that proselytizing was in the nature of their religion in the first place.

    No, if the story is true, then it could very well mean that Putin is a member of the tribe, which goes a long way to explain some of his actions, especially now that we’re approaching the crunch time.

    Nonetheless, your last comment “Death to Russia” is completely absurd, reflecting exactly the tribal feelings for them. To pretend to take Dimitry Orlov for a Russian is the biggest giveaway of your own dishonesty.

  99. chris says:

    Not just his creepy and ridiculous arguments would be a dead giveaway but his face is, to paraphrase the old Irish saying, ‘the map of Israel.”

  100. ariadna says:

    Syrian jihadist group refuses to condemn Israeli strikes

    (Wow, you could have dropped me with a feather! Just like from “our” p.o.v. there are bad terrorists and moderate terrorists, it appears that from these jihadis p.o.v. there are infidels to kill and good infidels — the Israeli Jews…

    per RT:
    “A spokesman for the militant group Hayat Tahrir-al-Sham (HTS) stopped short of denouncing devastating Israeli airstrikes and the Jewish state’s ground invasion of Syria, when asked a direct question by a British journalist.

    When asked to comment on Israel’s strikes and incursion during an interview with the UK’s Channel 4 on Wednesday, HTS spokesman Obeida Arnaout replied: “Our priority is to restore security and services, to revive civilian life and institutions, and care for newly liberated cities.”

    “There are many urgent parts of day-to-day life to restore: bakeries, electricity, water, communications, so our priority is to provide those services to the people,”he said.

    However, the journalist kept pressing the spokesman on the issue, saying: “I understand it is not your priority, but are you honestly telling me that you have nothing to say about Israel striking… sites in this country?”

    “Have no doubt we want everyone to respect the sovereignty of the new Syria. This point is very important to us,”Arnaout replied without mentioning Israel directly.

    Some media reports claimed earlier that HTS leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani had said that the group was not planning to engage Israel on the battlefield, as Syria is currently not ready for another conflict.:

    •�Replies: @chris
  101. chris says:
    @John Johnson

    Yeah, something definitely doesn’t jive with all these loose ends that lead to nowhere.

  102. @Boll

    Blame Assad.

    Really? The destruction of Syria and Lebanon has been in the works since the eighties when the PNAC put out the paper, A Clean Break, a Plan To Secure The Realm

    Blame Assad? Blame the prostitutes in the US Congress who do isreals dirty work for money.

    •�Agree: ariadna
  103. ariadna says:
    @Proteus Procrustes

    “here is Giraldi excoriating Biden, Trump and Israel.”

    Why, oh, why would anyone excoriate them, Troll? The only explanation I can think of is that he is an anti-semite and an anti-Shabbos Goy-ist.

  104. ariadna says:

    What is it to Russia though?

    Should’t that have been a consideration before and against getting in, spending resources, shedding some blood and beating its chest boastfully?

    Not getting involved at all, as it didn’t before in previous Jewish wars, land theft, genocide waged by USrael (in Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Lebanon) would have avoided looking as Russia does now, like cheap slut, screwed but unpaid, and told to go to the back service door (HTS) to ask for permission to linger on about the premises.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Felpudinho
  105. Sarita says:

    Countries/ entities/tyrants/despots/rulers/Autocrats/monarchies
    The Caliphate will be fighting as it grows and grows:
    Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, England, the US, Russia, India, Morocco, Iran.
    Once these are done with the caliphate will be complete and the smile on those losers faces will be wiped off.
    Sadly, people who are over 75 won’t live to see it..

  106. What explains the fact that the Jews who control the US designated HTS a terrorist organization and, at the same time, financed and trained HTS to bring down Assad? Seems a bit contradictory, doesn’t it? Soon, the Jew-controlled US will drop this designation at the State Department and will make HTS a legal entity again, recognizing HTS as legitimate. The US has now admitted to “making contact” with HTS:

    U.S. officials in direct contact with Syria’s new Islamist leaders – Michael Birnbaum

    AQABA, Jordan — The Biden administration has been in direct contact with the new, Islamist rulers of Syria, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Saturday after a day of meetings with regional counterparts in Jordan, as Washington races to handle the fallout from the sudden ouster less than a week ago of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    It was the first acknowledgment of direct contact with a group that remains on a State Department terrorism list… That group, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), once was affiliated with al-Qaeda but broke from the group and says it has moderated. But concerns remain about how HTS will treat minorities, women and others as it seeks to solidify control.


    The fact is Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is what its name says it is: a total sham. It’s not there to run the country: it’s there to continue until the total destruction of Syria is complete. That’s what they’re being paid to do. Here is Alexander Mercouris of the Duran:

    On HTS’s inability to act independently or fight effectively: “HTS isn’t going to fight the Israelis or the Americans or Turks… the reason they are not going to fight anybody is that putting aside the fact that they are controlled by these people, they’re funded by these people.”​

    On HTS’s lack of military organization: “It’s become pretty obvious to me over the last couple of days that HTS is a shadow… there are some fighters, but this is not an army that is in any condition to fight anybody.”​

    On HTS’s role in the partitioning of Syria: “HTS has no real organization, no real military force to back it… It’s basically a fiction.”​

    On the destruction of Damascus, architecture, and cultural heritage: “Damascus, the oldest inhabited city in the world, the city that has been a capital longer than any other city in human history… its fate is going to be dark. It’s probably going to become a no man’s land eventually, perhaps with some kind of shadow government set up there, but it’s going to go the way of Libya, Benghazi, all of these sorts of places run by warlords. It’s an utterly tragic situation. The museums there are going to be looted, the architecture is going to be destroyed, and the archaeological sites nearby, like Palmyra, are going to be ransacked.”​

    “This whole thing is… I mean, if one spends time dwelling on it, it does make you want to cry.”​

    •�Agree: ariadna, John Trout
    •�Replies: @Sarita
    , @Wokechoke
  107. cousin lucky says: •�Website

    Now that is a true headline- Thanks Mr. Giraldi.

    “Israel Gives Biden His Marching Orders”

    Imho – it is disgraceful that all United States citizens must kiss Israel’s ass!

  108. cousin lucky says: •�Website
    @Harry Law

    Aha the new Pandora’s Box begins to open up.

    Both Turkey and Israel intend to carve Syria up between them. Russia will hold onto its bases but everything and everyone else will become expendable.

    Another genocide is on the way.

  109. Sarita says:
    @Fin of a cobra

    What explains the fact that the Jews who control the US designated HTS a terrorist organization and, at the same time, financed and trained HTS to bring down Assad? Seems a bit contradictory

    You gotta pick one of the two and the obvious one is that they are independent from any outside control.
    I mean the HTS are not stupid, they don’t get drunk or smoke crack, they would’ve reneged or pulled out when the Jews and the US designated them as a terrorist organization.
    It’s obvious thankyou.

  110. Wokechoke says:
    @Fin of a cobra

    Damascus might as well be a Jewish protectorate now.

  111. Wokechoke says:

    They didn’t put in much. Don’t exaggerate. They are pouring in their best effort in Ukraine though.

  112. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    It raises the question…

    In certain war games a territory has to be conceded for the overall strategy to work.

    One good example in the simple board game axis & allies is that the USSR concedes Karelia but keeps Caucasus. This gives the Germans a victory city and a factory. These can create game victory conditions. But it also over commits the Germans outside of Germany if their timing is off. The British can suddenly go at France or Norway or Northwestern Europe and the US player can land 6 or 7 fighter plane pieces where the British have “can-opened” a territory next to Germany.

    Having the Turks and Jews duke it out in Damascus surrounded by Arab populations sounds like such a plan of conceding ground.

  113. Anynomous says:

    American and british should admit that elite jews have very strong influence in specific parts of their societies, but they are completely lying by claiming that jews control absolutely EVERYTHING and that they themselves dont mostly run their empires. Just fucking disgusting liars who cant never admit anything and who always blame somebody else for everything. American and british are really most immoral, most irresponsible, most untrustworthy and most dishonest people that you could ever meet.

    Even Scott Ritter and other american commentators admit that jews do not control the US war machine, but american themself.

  114. chris says:

    Wow! These “ex-“ head choppers (or is it just the homonym for “ax”) are beginning to channel Mathew Miller perfectly.

    Funny that they should be as scared of “the Lobby” as our own politicians!

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  115. @John Trout

    When has Assad ever defended Syria against the squatters?

    We are hearing now about Israel destroying vast amounts of Syrian military equipment right now

    Why didn’t great hero Assad ever use it against the squatters

    Because he was always a double agent in the service of the fake Jews.

    Just like the Mullahs

    •�Replies: @John Trout
  116. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    How many are Jews?

    Presidents, and the number of individuals that they have of pardoned, commuted, or rescinded:

    – John F Kennedy: 575

    – Lyndon B Johnson: 1,187

    – Richard Nixon: 926

    – Gerald Ford: 409

    – Jimmy Carter: 566 people + 200K Vietnam War draft evaders

    – Ronald Reagan: 406

    – George H. W. Bush: 77

    – Bill Clinton: 459

    – George W Bush: 200

    – Barack Obama: 1,927

    – Donald Trump: 237

    – Joe Biden: 8,062

    ……and he still has 36 days left!

  117. Anynomous says:

    Fight against the american and british enemy! Do not surrender, do not submit!

  118. ariadna says:

    They know which side their falafel is smeared with kosher humus

    •�LOL: chris
  119. @2stateshmoostate

    “iran watching…Israel is depleted”

    when hope’ium fails…..

    go to cope’ium.

    sorry, Unz’sucker…..that won’t work either.

    shortly after 20 January….Izramerica will pulverize Iran.

    unless, of course, Tehran (like Hezbollah) flat-out surrenders first.

    •�Replies: @2stateshmoostate
  120. @Wokechoke

    “Syria can’t be taken seriously as a country anymore”

    neither can any of the remnant White former nations, now borderless provinces in a Zionist Globohomo Imperium.

    get in line, Syria.

    and next up: Iran

    after which: Russia.

  121. @2stateshmoostate

    Assad had to walk a fine line with two zionist states and Turkey ready to pounce. Syria was to weak militarily to take one of them on.

    •�Replies: @2stateshmoostate
  122. @Wokechoke

    What is it to Russia though? What battles in Syria have ever been key for Russia?

    Russia gets prioritized contracts. That is part of their security deal.

    There are Russian businesses with massive projects in the works.

    The rebels will most likely take them and without any compensation.

    This will amount to billions of lost revenue for Russia.

    Putin isn’t there out of goodwill. It’s a business deal.

    The Jihadists of the Sunni variety are in clear cahoots with Jews this time.

    HTS is both Sunni and Syrian. They are not outsiders.

    It’s in the best interest of Syrians to remove Assad. That motivation is separate from the Jews.

    Not everything is a Jewish conspiracy. Israel certainly benefits from this turn of events and you can thank your dwarf hero and his 2.5 week special operation. 200k Slavs in the ground and Israel gets more land. Now get back to your delusion that he is somehow fightin’ them Jews.

  123. ariadna says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    When you overstimulate yourself like this, Hax, with ghoulish glee, and unleash your judaic porn imagination, your tzit tzit get turgid and peek out. Not a pretty sight.

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
    , @John Trout
  124. @Odyssey

    Soleimani was a moron who, together with the Mujahedeen, came to Bosnia to fight against the Christian Serbs.

    If Soleimani were an idiot, the chosenites wouldn’t have wanted him dead.
    What evidence do you have he was in Bosnia?

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  125. Z-man says:
    @John Trout

    Hey our gal Nan (Pelosi) was just hospitalized after a fall while on a junket in Luxembourg. May she never get back to DC.
    Just desserts. 🍨
    May Jesus forgive 🙏 me. 😇

  126. DanFromCT says:

    You raise not just an important point, but the most important question regarding these faux Christians—these “Christian” Zionists. I’m down in Florida now, and when I tune into any of the Southern “bible” stations on the car radio, they’re defining their faith by the Old Testament and not the New—in other words, by some (literally) pagan conjuring of distant words from some distant past that are just so much eye wash excusing their sexual infidelities.

    Let me ask you a question. What better defines these “Christian” Zionists than sexual infidelity? They love bantering about so-and-so begat so-and-so while they’re doing somebody else’s wife—just like the head CUFI, John Hagee. He’s got a ranch of something like 10,000 acres and two posh mansion in Texas, plus a private jet, all provided by Israel. If Israel didn’t pay for it all, Congress surely would.

    These people, these so-called Christian Zionists are the antithesis of what it means to be a Christian. Their god is mammon, material wealth—and in case you doubt this, go look at the SUV’s and martial pickups in the parking lot of one of their Sunday entertainment centers they have the freakin’ gall to call churches.

    Israel’s Jews incinerate and burn the skin off defenseless women and little children for the fun of it, with yesterday’s family pets left to survive in the corpses of children, and yet these morally filthy, disgusting “Christian” Zionists give thanks to this deity they worship and call gawd, who is Moloch by another name—the absolute enemy of Jesus Christ, the Lord of Peace and fellowship among men. May they burn in hell, because without their support, this butchery would have ended in the first week.

    •�Thanks: John Trout, Event Horizon
    •�Replies: @Phibbs
  127. @Z-man

    Z-man alSosi is an crypto Joo.

    •�Replies: @Z-man
  128. Z-man says:
    @One Nobody

    Well then, he should be definitely taken out by the aforementioned colonels, with extreme prejudice.

  129. @ariadna

    What is it to Russia though?

    Should’t that have been a consideration before and against getting in, spending resources, shedding some blood and beating its chest boastfully?

    It was considered you ignoramus.

    So now Russia/Putin is, according to you, “like (a) cheap slut, screwed but unpaid, and told to go to the back service door (HTS) to ask for permission to linger on about the premises.”?

    Have you been drinking?

    Stick to your French phrases and Greek Mythology. Let Putin, Lavrov, and the Russian Generals handle Russian foreign policy, war, and turn of events. I am positive that they have a far better handle on what needs to be done, or undone, than you ever will.

    •�Troll: ariadna
  130. Phibbs says:

    Dan, I used to be a Born-Again Christian/evangelical. I know that all Born-Again Christians are in a vicious cult. This cult appeals to the worst in human nature because it makes its adherents feel like the “Chosen Ones.” In other words, these evangelicals believe they have a one-way ticket to heaven. If anyone does not sign on to their narrow & heretical theology, then, in the minds of Born-Again Christians, they are “lost”/destined to go to Hell. One Born-Again Christian told me that if I am opposed to Israel then I am opposed to [their] god. Jews are the children of Satan, as Jesus makes clear in John chapter 8. However, it seems that Born-Again Christians are the adopted children of Satan. Tragically, evangelicals comprise 23% of the U.S. population. As for John Hagee, Israel may be giving him millions to spread his hateful Zionism, but Israel’s wealth is siphoned off from the American taxpayer.

    Born-Again Christians are both political and spiritual traitors. They have placed their allegiance to a foreign state that is guilty of genocide and constant treachery against the American people. Born-Again Christians have betrayed Jesus Christ and His church.

    •�Thanks: FreQuenSee
    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
    , @chris
  131. Z-man says:

    With respect to the X post, the Iranians have never been smart with regards to public relations. But then again they don’t have any rabbis in Jewlywood.
    First the Ayatollah Kohmeini was a dour old man, a character right out of Star Trek. Then they had a president for a long time ⌛️ who was a small, beady eyed man who looked worse than he was. He actually was fairly reasonable. But the Juden-press twisted everything he said. And now, the Ayatollah they have, who seems like a gentler God fearing old man, has a similar name to the old Ayatollah and the Juden-press makes sure to mix them up.
    They need a makeover and a new PR team.

  132. @John Trout

    To what effect?

    Did he prepare Syria for a future battle with Israel?


    What he did do is allow the squatters to continually murder important Syrian military commanders

    Assad was and is a vile traitor

    A true Arab leader would not have groveled at the boot of the fake Jew

    BTW the notion that Israel is invincible went out the window after they got the shit kicked out of them on 10/7 by barefoot Palestinian freedom fighters.

    The Arab world sees this, this has been written about in the Arab press, it’s no secret.

    It is the fake Jewish Hasbara that is desperately trying to cover for this ignominious defeat by promoting the absurd idea that Israel did 10/7 to themselves.

  133. DanFromCT says:

    Thanks for your especially thoughtful insight about these people, and I hope you’ll continue to enlighten us with your experience and thoughts. In my case, after typing that first sentence, it’s been minutes and I can’t find the words to describe the evil of “Christian Zionism,” —my thoughts going as flat as a flat tire. There aren’t the words, at least not from me, to describe the evil of these Americans who are equally responsible for the horrors in Gaza as any Israeli, and yet they dare call themselves Christians. And, like Mike Huckabee and Pam Bondi, they’re so damned proud of it, too.

    So, where are Donald Trump, Pam Bondi, Mike Huckabee and the rest of the moral scum he’s appointed while children are dying from starvation and disease intentionally inflicted on them by the Jews? Why, of course, they’re all choked up and gaga over themselves with mawkish Christmas music, partying in fancy dress, and looking forward to feasting themselves on Christmas Day in abject mockery of Christ’s death and crucifixion.

    I can think of things to say about these people and look up quotes about abject evil, but there may be nothing in human history quite like the Jews’ bought-and-paid-for scum in Congress that’s promoted nonstop by the Jews’ talking heads on TV. Imagine the partying at the White House or at Sean Hannity’s house, celebrating Satan by abusing the name of God as He who blesses burning the skin off women and little children. May God tear this evil down like Sampson destroying the temple of evil some years ago, but like it was yesterday.

  134. Agent76 says:

    April 17, 2018 Syrian Regime Change: A 70-Year Project

    You may assume that the idea of kicking out Syrian dictator Assad is a recent idea stemming from his brutal crackdowns on protestors starting in March 2011. But the truth is that it is a 70-year old project …The CIA backed a right-wing coup in Syria in 1949. A CIA officer involved in the coup has written several books about it.


    Sep 26, 2003 57 Years Ago: U.S. and Britain Approved Use of Islamic Extremists to Topple Syrian Government

    BBC reports that – in 1957 – the British and American leaders approved the use of Islamic extremists and false flag attacks to topple the Syrian government.


    •�Thanks: FreQuenSee
    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  135. Katrinka says:

    Trump will fail to keep promises that he made to the people who voted for him.
    Americans are sick and tired of illegal and legal immigration.
    When Trump rolls over, and doesn’t deport millions of illegal invaders, it will be “game over”.
    The American voter will realize that there are no political solutions from the two parties.
    Maybe Tom Homan could run as a third party candidate.
    At some point it will go kinetic.
    The Jews will not be able to control the situation they created.
    Historically, they always go too far.

    •�Replies: @2stateshmoostate
  136. Odyssey says:

    In an interview with a Croatian journalist of Libyan origins, Hassan Haidar Diab, in 2017, Soleimani said he had fought on the side of the Muslim Bosniaks in the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1993 and 1994. “Wherever Muslims need help, I am there”, he told Haidar Diab.



    Hassan Haidar Diab photo:


    •�Thanks: Event Horizon
    •�Replies: @Event Horizon
    , @Curmudgeon
  137. @Liborio Guaso

    Let’s not be fools, Iran’s invasion of Syria was the pretext that Israel and the USA were waiting for to use nuclear weapons against all the small countries in the Middle East and seize their oil.

    For a fraction of the cost, and without adding to its reputation as an international bully, the US could aggressively extract its own oil resources. But that would be bad for the environment … here. Whereas trashing countries in the Middle East is just a cost of doing business, and if war isn’t good for the environment over there, who cares? Not our rulers in Washington.

  138. Mission Accomplished.

    JokeB is lucky hes so brain fried he doesn’t realize his legacy in the history books is shite, worse than Harding.

  139. @Phibbs

    Why do Fake Christians (Born-Again Christians) cheer on Jewish genocide against the Palestinians?

    Some born-again Christians should not have been born once.

  140. @Z-man

    Shes fecked, theres no coming back from a broken hip at 85, shes retired. good riddance.

    •�Replies: @Katrinka
  141. Amos Hochstein, an Israeli by birth

    The cucking continues, even by Israel’s strongest opponents, even after the Jews have embarked on yet another genocide, this time through their proxy the Muslim Brotherhood lead by the Cypto-Jew al-Jolani.

    Birds of a feather.

    •�Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
  142. anonymous[158] •�Disclaimer says:

    I wonder what the remaining standing Arab countries are planning to do to prevent ZIONISTS take over?….In spite of their wealth the neighboring Ara oil/gas rich counbtries are NOT in the legitimate sense NATIONS with strong central govt PUBLIC institutions (parliament/congress) working in partnership with Private sector and Middle Class Intelectuals and LABOR working classes. Syria has proven Napoleon corrcet…Armies can NOT function on empty stomachs..STRONG High Tech professional dicipline LAW and order MILITARY focus on Borders/territorial integrity and internal security…in other words ARAB Muslim countries MUST build political/Economic/SOCIAL/CULTURAL RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONAL NATIONAL/IST PROJECT…to give its peoples a sense of colletive fiber cohesion..UNITY/ary Historical/futurePURPOSE…Destiny..A National creature with a unique cultural ID of their own….oherwise they will become swept out by ZIONIST policies such as gay/homo/pedo/porno/woke/Abortions/trans/lgbtq/transhumanists global agenda…

  143. Katrinka says:
    @Beyond the pale and fedup

    Her lower jaw is literally falling apart.

  144. @Agent76

    Assad was no ‘dictator’, and he did not stage a ‘..brutal crackdown’. Otherwise interesting, if old news.

    •�Agree: Commentator Mike
  145. @DanFromCT

    The elite Sabbat Goyim in the West are not followers of Jesus. Their Master, like their Judaic overlords, is Satan. Murdering and torturing children is what they do.

  146. rgl says:
    @Crush Limbraw

    Sooner or later, a Just God will put a stop to these Zionist warmongers and avenge the blood of His martyred saints

    I wouldn’t be holding my breath were I you.

    •�Replies: @Crush Limbraw
  147. rgl says:
    @John Johnson

    If Putin wasn’t bogged down in Ukraine

    You are just too funny. The Russian military is taking town after town after town. This constitutes being “bogged down”?

    You write comedic gold JJ.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  148. Sarita says:

    Netanyahu is looking better for the Jews as days go by.
    The more times passes the more surprises this monster got.
    While hizbollah spent 6, 7, 8 months throwing five or six missiles here and there, the Jews were quiet. Palestinians and the people who defended them, we all thought the Jews were scared of the stories hizbollah had fed us about having 200.000 missiles but they weren’t scared, they were planning.
    They moved their settlers away and begun their intelligence work.
    Even when they declared they were going into Lebanon (8 months later) we still didn’t know it was part of a step by step game.
    They entered Lebanon provoking movement on the other side and then almost immediately came the beepers event.
    That was so upsetting. Instead of chilling Hizbollah started moving here and there not caring they were being watched from above.
    The British, the Americans and the Jews air force were all in it with it.
    I’m sure there were snitches (maybe Arab Druze or Christians) who had given the Jews the exact locations of every building, office and storage facility and then the bombing begun.
    Sadly it all spiraled from there and Nasrallah was so upset that he went to the heart of the Al Dahya almost looking for martyrdom.
    It was so quick.
    Yet Hamas has managed to get more casualties amongst the Jews.

    This is a list of how many IDF were killed by the axis:
    The Iraqi paramilitaries: 3 US soldiers in Jordan.
    Maybe a couple of Jews in Eilat.
    The Houthis: very few that we know of.
    Iran: very few.
    Hizbollah: Israel has reported 56 soldiers killed by hizbollah.

    Hamas: Hamas really kicked their ass in many aspects specially one that is very important; worldwide eternal condemnation and never ending hate and the erasing of the holocaust vibe because of their genocide.
    the IDF has had 10,000 Israeli soldiers killed, wounded, or mentally affected by Hamas attacks.

    Regarding Netanyahu who is currently on a roll, just remember: During its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times.

  149. cousin lucky says: •�Website
    @John Johnson

    Imho – Mr. Assad caused everyone close to him find reasons to abandon him. He was no longer worth fighting for so his country now no longer exists.

    Syria will never exist again. The hell that now exists in Libya will soon exist in Syria and Lebanon too.

    The people living there are going to catch hell.

  150. @chris

    Nothing Putin does is net-positive for Russia, and under his watch the Russian Federation continues snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

    It makes no sense at all …

    … unless you view it through the lens of globalism and a One World government, and consider that Putin is a WEF man on excellent terms with Schwab & Co., and is himself “part of the program.”

    There is no way Russia can do anything but go through retreat, defeat and being broken up into smaller countries (which will be plundered,) unless Putin, Lavrov, Peskov, Shoigu, Gerasimov and the entire rotten, treasonous United Russia Party leadership clique is overthrown.

    •�Replies: @chris
  151. @Haxo Angmark

    Doughnut to a dollar says the US will not pulverize Iran ever.

    Mainly because the Mullahs run Iran for the squatters as controlled opposition

    Same with Nasrallah and Assad.

    Who have already traitorously surrendered their country’s to the Israelis.

    The main event is Gaza

    And they aren’t surrendering.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  152. “He should know that Israel rules the world and that there is no point in not recognizing it or joining the front of its enemies.

    Source : ahewar.org

    نضال نعيسة – هذا الجيش يجب أن يهزم: لماذا انهار الجيش يا بشار؟

    Nidal Naissa – This army must be defeated: Why did the army collapse, Bashar?

    An interesting comment from a reader to the great Nidal Naissa :

    Mr. writer did not touch upon or overlooked the most important reason that made this valiant army collapse, be defeated and fall.

    It is this unjust economic siege imposed on Syria by the gang that rules the West and that receives orders from Israel.

    Bashar al-Assad was supposed to learn a lesson and take a lesson from the fall of Saddam and Gaddafi and the fate of the rest of what is called the steadfastness and confrontation front.

    He should know that Israel rules the world and that there is no point in not recognizing it or joining the front of its enemies.

    His mistake was to believe that Russia would protect him and that he would be able to rule Syria despite the poor economic situation in Syria.

    He did not know that a hungry soldier wants bread and is not satisfied with national slogans hostile to Israel.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  153. chris says:
    @Event Horizon

    There is no way Russia can do anything but go through retreat, defeat and being broken up into smaller countries (which will be plundered,) unless … the entire rotten, treasonous United Russia Party leadership clique is overthrown.

    Yeah, but overthrown by whom? It certainly seems that Putin has not built the institutions to carry on after him, so it may well be that the break-up is what is in store for Russia, Europe, and China.

    The question which your statement brings up is, that if the Russian leadership is so globalistic, then why did they put up the fight they’re fighting with one arm in the first place? Why not have just capitulated at the start? Like they just did in Syria?

    We, in the West keep rooting for Russia, China, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, etc. to fight the fight we ourselves won’t fight against the Zionist empire.

    •�Thanks: Event Horizon
    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @Event Horizon
  154. @ariadna

    When you overstimulate yourself like this, Hax, with ghoulish glee, and unleash your judaic porn imagination, your tzit tzit get turgid and peek out. Not a pretty sight.

    You’re just a jealous hypocrite Nellie. You’d be gleefully posting a similar python-rat video if the Arabs had the upper hand and it was Israel being squeezed like a rart by a python – you’d be gloating ecstatically.

    And speaking of “overstimulating yourself,” for an old biddy who gets her tingles by pushing the “Troll” button and penning Cossack-Jewish rape “humor” you don’t have a leg to stand on.

    As for your comment comparing Russia to a cheap whore for not following Nellie’s plan,, for not being sucked into a second war defending a country that will not fight, read this Dec. 13th post by Dr. Rock, who clearly understands the situation in Syria better than you ever will:

    “I’m rather fascinated by the broad spectrum of analysis this event in Syria has generated, and specifically, the stark contrast of opinions-

    Ranging from “this is the worst strategic defeat in Russian history” to the more benign “this is literally a giant nothing-burger, and it doesn’t mean anything at all”.

    Here again, I don’t have any inside information, but it does seem like it would have been pointless for Russia to defend Syria, when the entire Syrian army was either bribed, or unilaterally committed to a complete surrender.

    Helping a country defend itself, is quite a bit different from defending them, despite their will, motivation, and desire, to even defend themselves.

    I guess it’s easy to armchair quarterback this event, and say that “Russia should have done more”, but truthfully, why? So they could get sucked into some pointless quagmire, while the entire Syrian Army, Leadership, and President, are all folding behind/beneath, and beside you?

    What does that look like? Because that sounds like… every stupid, failed NeoCon war in recent US history, i.e. something to avoid at all costs!

    Also, get sucked into a second war? Because that sounds like playing into the hands of your enemy to me. Is this current outcomes “ideal”? Certainly not, but when considering the alternative, it seems like a no-brainer.

    And while The West, with their increasingly flippant goals, and highly dubious outcomes, I suspect that Russia can easily make peace with, and/or friends with, the current occupants, and probably come out of this just fine.

    And, if that isn’t possible, at least they didn’t get sucked into a SECOND proxy war, designed to weaken them, especially all the way down in Syria! Because I suspect that one of the goals of the West, was exactly that- Get Russia sucked into another engagement, one that isn’t on their border, and one where they don’t have a clear advantage.

    Again, that sounds like stupid US/NATO policy.

    So, am I going to blame the Russians, and Putin, for NOT doing something that dumb? No, not right now I’m not. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe they are wrong, and maybe in the future, the type of analysis offered in this article, the “this is the worst strategic defeat in Russian history” variant, will prove correct, but for now, it appears to me that the Russians have played this perfectly so far.

    Only time will tell.”

  155. @Charles Martel France

    Basically you’re saying that mankind should submit and be a slave rather than resist or fight all because these fiends have managed to enslave the United States and Russia both. What kind of dogshit belief is that? If man wanted to remain a slave, he never would have bothered to fight to free himself from being one in the first place. According to you, we should all just roll over, lets let the fiends have the world, let them treat us like garbage, let them kill who ever they want, take from who ever they want, hell let’s even let them rape and sell us off. Let’s do nothing because the cocksuckers own the world already. They own the world because of the weakness of man refusing to take the power away from them. There are men who can do this, but their willingness to serve and lick the piss from the wall won’t let them.

  156. ariadna says:

    “We, in the West keep rooting for Russia, China, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, etc. to fight the fight we ourselves won’t fight against the Zionist empire.”


    •�Thanks: chris
  157. Che Guava says:

    Yes, I’d worked the Alzheimer’s angle out.

    Speaking of Fauci, one of the best pieces of black humour I saw in western media this year was the brief (two months or so) flurry of calls for a ‘covid amnesty’. Would guess that you also noticed it.

    Took that long for the moronic and herd-minded vax/coronamaniacs to work out that requesting an amnesty is an admission of crimes. Suppose that the idea is now in the memory hole, It was truly a classic example of what Orwell called ‘blackwhite’ in Newspeak.

  158. chris says:

    Yeah, thanks from my side also, Phibbs.

    You take supposed born again Christians like Pompeo, or Johnson, or McCarthy, and look at their words or actions and there is absolutely nothing that in any way resembles the faintest caricature of Christian ethics.

    They’re split into clinical morons like Rubio and Pence, and into pathological scoundrels like Pompeo or Lindsey Graham, who are only pro-forma Christians in order to mask and excuse their abject subservience to Israel.

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
  159. @Commentator Mike

    Well of course the traitors have got to run down their Israeli handlers for public consumption.

    This is what’s called “window dressing”

    If words could kill

    The Iranians and Nasrallah and Assad would have exterminated all the fake Jews of Israel with them by now

    But empty threats can’t kill

    The proof is in the pudding

    The only Arabs killing fake Jews are the Palestinian resistance in Gaza and the West Bank.

  160. @rgl

    If Putin wasn’t bogged down in Ukraine

    You are just too funny. The Russian military is taking town after town after town. This constitutes being “bogged down”?

    Ukraine is still in Kursk.

    Kharkiv is 30 minutes from the Russian border and is still in Ukrainian hands.

    The war is on day 1,024 and Russia is using North Korean troops to try to dislodge Ukraine from Russian territory. Yes I would describe that as bogged down. Taking some small villages in the past few months does not change the bigger picture.

    You write comedic gold JJ.

    Yet I was right about Kursk not being some random adventure while the often cited CIA expert Larry C Johnson said it would be over in a week. Martyanov said they were being annihilated and would be hunted down in the woods within days. That was 3 months ago.

  161. @Katrinka

    My gut feeling tells me that for some reason yet to announced the Trumpster will be replaced fairly early in his term by fake Jew owned robot Vance

    People voted for Trump because he implied he’d put American First.

    That’s a load of horseshit because putting America first means ditching Israel, NATO, and the UN

    That’s the last thing our fake Jewish friends want.

    Honestly I don’t think immigration is the number one problem most Americans face or worry about

    I think it is fear of becoming impoverished and then being forced to live on the streets.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  162. DRN2001 says:

    What’s happening in Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine is a preview of what the Zionists intend to do to the entire world. How long before Israeli soldiers – or their minions – are slaughtering Americans in America?

  163. The Crusades are starting to look good again.

  164. DanFromCT says:

    Right. If we judge them by their blood-splattered fruits their Christianity is immediately exposed as Machiavellian posturing.

    •�Replies: @chris
  165. @rgl

    Perhaps God is expecting you and me to do something – and more than just hold our breath – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2024/12/christmas-and-new-covenant-vox-popoli.html?m=0 – every citizen – secular or churchian – has not only a stake in our nation, we have a responsibility and eventual accountability for its survival. That begins by our own action of looking first in DaMirror – http://www.crushlimbraw.com – as I did years ago and found the image more than wanting. That’s why I’m here – to remind others and myself – “3Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” 5But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. 6By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 7By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.
    8But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. – 2 Peter 3

    The Apostle wrote that before 70 AD – the end of the nation Israel, which Pastor Baldwin was referring to. What we’re dealing with now is a remnant I call DaSynagogue of Satan – which pretends to be ancient Israel – it ain’t! You can research that subject thoroughly in DaLimbraw Library.

    Good hunting and cheers!

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
  166. @Pepé Le Pew

    Make it stop, please, someone, make it stop

    •�Replies: @Philip Giraldi
  167. @Pepé Le Pew

    And also note what the last exercise in “defending Israel” has wrought!


    •�Replies: @Philip Giraldi
  168. @Philip Giraldi

    One thing about all this that irks me is how so many people in the “alternative media” still cling to the narrative that Oct 7 was a “break out” of the Palestinians from their “concentration camp”.

    The same narrative keeps happening over and over like a broken record. The “mutiny” in Kiel in 1918 was because the German sailors were “starving”. The uprising and strikes in Petrograd in 1917 were because Russian factory workers were “starving”. The Oct 7 “break out” was because the Gazans were “starving”. The collapse of the Syrian army in December 2024 was because the Syrian army was “starving”.

    In my view these are all just repeats of the same old drivel we have heard constantly over the last couple of centuries. The reality is that Judeo-Masonic agents keep playing the same music score over and over and getting away with it. That same music score revolves around the Serpent of Jewish Power strangling and oppressing the people and causing war, misery and chaos over years and then using Masonic agents to foment and instigate civil war.

    They attempted it in Germany and Hungary in 1919 but failed. But more often than not, it works.

    But every one of these “revolutions” have one common denominator. It is not “Israelis”. It is Jews. Or more specifically, Jews following the orders of their Rabbis, who are the head of the serpent.

  169. chris says:

    Yeah, exactly, Dan; but even their behavior, their pronouncements, everything.

    Mercy, justice, for Palestinians, for anybody – nothing.

    They’re complete charlatans. Thoroughly compromised whores pretending to be nuns.

  170. @chris

    “… overthrown by whom?”

    Russian nationalists, but most of them are either locked up in RF prisons or were killed.

    “… if the Russian leadership is so globalistic, then why did they put up the fight they’re fighting with one arm in the first place?”

    Population reduction and slow erosion of Russian society’s moral strength and morale, just as has been done in the West for decades.

    “We, in the West keep rooting for Russia, China, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, etc. to fight the fight we ourselves won’t fight against the Zionist empire.”

    Very true. Thanks for the reply btw.

    •�Replies: @chris
  171. Colin Wright says: •�Website
    @mark green

    ‘…We are an occupied ‘superpower’. So watch what you say. They are watching. They are plotting. Among other things, ‘antisemitic tropes’ might soon be criminalized…’


    I take comfort in the hope that there are so many of us that it would be counter-productive to persecute us.

    As it is, by knocking out or muzzling prominent adherents and throttling commercial outlets, they attempt to promote the illusion that each of us is isolated, part of a lunatic fringe, etc.

    Come right for us, arrest every semi-geriatric Colin posting from Ruritania and the half-literate mechanic next door, and we’ll just realize our true numbers.

    They wouldn’t want that.

  172. @John Johnson

    There is something fishy going on. Russians give detailed daily GIS maps with drone videos of all the actions in all sectors of the front, with things like “a Russian soldier threw a hand grenade into this bunker”, “a Ukrainian vehicle hit a mine there”, “these four soldiers ran away from here”, etc. They report and show even the finest details, and also report in a similar fashion actions of the Ukrainians where the odd Russian is killed, yet in the summaries for all sectors of the front each day this becomes like 2,000 Ukrainians killed and loads of tanks, vehicles, etc. destroyed, like those given by Martyanov in his videos. It just doesn’t add up. If you added what was given in those detailed daily maps you wouldn’t get more than tens of Ukrainians killed each day, with perhaps hundreds dead on occasional days. Maybe those thousands of Ukrainians are getting killed by bombings behind the front lines. Russians also give the number of captured Ukrainians in those daily maps and it is not many, usually you can count them on the fingers of a hand, then others report Ukrainians surrendering in droves.

    Ukraine is still in Kursk because it’s pouring in replacements for those killed so far.

  173. @ariadna

    When you overstimulate yourself like this, Hax, with ghoulish glee, and unleash your judaic porn imagination, your tzit tzit get turgid and peek out. Not a pretty sight.

    Ha, very good.

  174. chris says:
    @Event Horizon

    Thanks also for your reply, EH.

    To your point here:

    Population reduction and slow erosion of Russian society’s moral strength and morale, just as has been done in the West for decades.

    they need not have bothered, as Russia lost something like a decade in life expectancy in the 1990s.

    I really think that the story is indeed more complicated. If the point was simply population reduction, they were already well on their way in the status quo ante.

    So I do think there is something more to the story, but maybe from the present perspective we may not be able to see above the “event horizon” (if you will :-))

    For me, one of the more disappointing things was the video someone posted here recently asking ordinary Russians about their aspirations and views on their relations to China. And they, as all ‘man-in-the-street’ interviews do, perfectly reflected the propaganda which they are subjected to. The shocking thing was that it wasn’t the Russian national interest that they were reflecting back but pretty much the Western one which is trying to destroy them.

    Hopefully this wasn’t very representative of the general opinions there but it certainly was not reassuring.

    •�Thanks: Event Horizon
    •�Replies: @Event Horizon
  175. @chris

    Excellent points, all.

    Best wishes for a good week, wherever you are.



    •�Thanks: chris
  176. @John Johnson

    About Kursk. Maybe it’s easier for Russians to kill Ukrainians in Kursk than elsewhere, although I don’t know why. Soon after Ukrainians invaded Kursk, many analysts said that Russia had sealed the border and trapped the Ukrainians inside. As Ukrainians keep pouring in reinforcements, we have to assume that Russians open up those sealed borders to let the Ukrainian reinforcements and supplies through so they can easily kill and destroy them.

    Now there is a newer dimension. It appears that the Ukrainians were allowed into Kursk to give the opportunity for North Koreans to train at real warfare without being accused of actually helping the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. So Kursk is just one big training ground offered to North Korean military to act under Russian instructors. We were never told about this when those Russian border guards allowed the Ukrainians through and some still deny this saying no North Koreans are involved in the fighting in Kursk. Or this is just copium on my part for Russian incompetence and inability to stop the Ukrainian invasion of Kursk and their need for those North Koreans to help them out.

  177. @2stateshmoostate

    Most Americans already live on the streets, a vast majority. Ever been to California? It’s homeless central up there. But it’s not the only state with a massive tent city. The influx of people moving into the U.S. is causing the rise in homelessness, so I believe you are wrong when you said it’s the least of people’s concern. It’s one of the major concerns. Truth is, Hell and it’s parasite Fiends will always be in control of the United States.

    No one have what it takes to ditch them. More defeatism? Maybe, but I’m speaking the truth. If anything they’ll ditch us when there’s nothing left to take, then they’ll run off to join Brics, that is if Brics even become a reality anymore. If they don’t ditch us first, they’ll get the U.S. bombed to shit, one or the other. America behaves like the bitch that refuses to leave the abusive lover that beats the hell out of them just because they can. I’ll never understand all this non-stop support for a country that just takes and takes, never gives anything in return. So it must be blackmail that’s got all these leaders groveling at the feet of these forces.

    •�Replies: @2stateshmoostate
  178. @Commentator Mike

    Some more observations.

    Russians report daily that there are large swathes of the front where nothing happens and several urban zones with “intense fighting” yet don’t report any or many casualties of such intense battles. Modern soldiers are so well protected that it is unlikely they can be killed or seriously injured with small arms fire, and most of the killings and woundings come from shrapnel of artillery and missiles which can’t quite be used when the enemy is close by in an urban setting.

    Russians are progressing slowly, carefully and methodically in the Donbass using small groups of soldiers, presumably because drones are the greatest threat. They have adopted a tactic akin to a blooming flower where small groups of soldiers break up from the main body and can move foreward any which way, left, right or forward, confusing the enemy about where they may end up, and thus creating larger and smaller cauldrons which they later clear out. Sometimes there are one or few Ukrainian soldiers left who don’t know what is going on and these are killed if they resist or taken prisoner. Russians are taking over extremely well built and fortified trenches and bunkers without a single soldier in sight, and even one or few Russian soldiers can take over large stretches of these fortifications which would be formidable if they were manned. So the Ukrainians had either escaped or weren’t even sent to man these fortifications when they were built behind the main front lines.

    Russian seem to be targeting foreign mercenaries more than the Ukrainians themselves, and do Ukrainians even include these in their casualty numbers, although what they release is suspect anyway?

    The fight now involves small groups of infantrymen, some very small indeed, and the use of missiles and big bombs is pointless at the front. There are now few FAB bombings because there’s no point to use these to wipe out just a few men who are spread out over a large area. Larger congregations are well behind the front lines where there are training centres and these are targeted by missiles, especially if foreigners are congregating there.

    So I don’t know where Martyanov and others get the information that thousands of Ukrainians are killed each day. Maybe there was a time when that was possible on some days but that was quite a while back. There just aren’t that many Ukrainians left in large groups on the front for the Russians to be able to kill that many daily. The complete front is covered by observational drones so any such mass killings would be obvious, and the deaths that are reported just don’t add up to those huge numbers.

    •�Replies: @littlereddot
  179. @Commentator Mike

    The fight now involves small groups of infantrymen, some very small indeed,

    I have gotten the same impression.
    Apparently the Russians have noticed that Ukrainian doctrine dictates that groups less than 3 men are not attacked by drones. So they have been sending in pairs of men at a time.

    1. The wider implication is that the nature of warfare is changing so fast that armies who have not adapted to them will be in a severe disadvantage. Just as can be seen from the Armenians at the hands of the Azeris who were helped by Turkey or at least used Turkish drone tactics.

    And also with the HTS assault on Syrian SAA forces using drone tactics fresh from the Ukraine war.

    So the North Koreans are being very prudent by battle inoculating their troops at Kursk.

    2. To me there is also another wider implication. The fact that the Ukrainians do not use drone attack Russian groups less than 3, is highly probably because in their Cost-Benefit analysis, it is not worth it. They have limited drones, so they do not wish to waste it on low value 2 man teams.

    But what would happen if Ukraine had the industrial might of say China? Then drones can be produced in abundance and then even single men is worth attacking? This would drastically change the nature of the game.

    It means that industrial might has become even more important than ever. I am sure China has appreciated the significance of this, and is probably explains why they produce in such quantities that they are able to put on those drone swarm light shows. It is an industrial capability that can easily be adapted for military production.

    I wonder if the Americans have recognised the same significance of this? We will know if they start to make commercial drone production a national priority.

    3. Further we will start seeing specialised drones designed and used to hunt drone operators.

    In WW2, there were sniper duels. When troublesome snipers were taking out too many soldiers, the other side would send in their own crack snipers to hunt down enemy snipers. We will start seeing a drone version of this soon.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  180. @littlereddot

    You are probably right in general, although I’ve seen drones chasing a single soldier. Ukrainians have even used their drones to kill their own soldiers moving in ones towards the Russian line to surrender.

    There are many wheeled remotely controlled vehicle drones made both by Ukrainians and Russians. I watched recently an inspection of the front lines by the Russian Minister of Defence and he was in a warehouse full of these quite small vehicle drones, about the size of go karts.

    Yes, warfare is rapidly changing and who knows what will become obsolete and what will come next in terms of weaponry and tactics. You are right about Russians moving in threes, and spread out too, never bunched up. There are many recordings of this from observational drones and these small groups are just eating up the terrain. Russian progress is slow even where there are apparently no Ukrainians left as they need to check for mines and booby traps. Obviously NATO is studying all this and wondering how to counteract, as are China and many others.

    Also modern soldiers need to have high skills in electronics, IT, engineering and have quite a high IQ. In past wars soldiers didn’t need to be very smart but that has changed.

    •�Agree: littlereddot
  181. megoy says:
    @Paul Greenwood

    There is a long history since the day before 9/11 of our ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) not being able to account for $TRILLIONS of dollars at the Pentagon:


    This Jewish author BRAGGED and gave plenty of details on how the Jews took over and created the military industrial complex to bleed American taxpayers and make them Israel/Jews killing machine!


    Americans should be demanding the deportation of all Jews to Israel then the nuking of Israel.

  182. @NoBodyImportant

    Most Americans do not live in the streets

    If they did there’d be a revolution

    How to defeat them?

    Expose them

    Get them to watch this video and they will no longer slurp at the fake Jewish schlong

    •�Replies: @RobinDC
  183. @John Dael

    No possibility of any of us here in Indian Country forgetting any of it. As the primary “target population” of the entire wasting disease operation, we will be the principal and principled witnesses to what’s all coming out in The Wash.

  184. @Event Horizon

    Good company might be hard to find these Days, and it’s damned near impossible to beat. Walk on, Kola!

    •�Thanks: Event Horizon
  185. To be sure, fearing what is to come is legitimate as the “rebel” leader of the al-Qaeda derived Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) Terror group, Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, who now goes by his given name Ahmed al-Shara, is a founder of al-Qaeda in Syria, al-Nusra, and a former deputy to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The US State Department has listed him as a terrorist as well as HTS as a terrorist group

    Back in the day, I would see these bearded, ak 47 wielding guys and I would think “boy, these guys look formidable and serious.”

    Now that I read more and understand more, I see these turban headed, bearded, ak 47 wielding rats as a literal joke.

    What a bunch of worthless faggots. These wannabe tough guys go around doing the bidding of ISRAEL-usa, and pretend like they are “rebels”.

    They aren’t rebels, they are fighting FOR the JEWS-usa. They fight FOR the powerful, against the oppressed. They only seem to murder other Muslims and Arabs.

    I never see these sunni homos killing genocidal jews. I never see these sunni homos ever attacking israel or jews for mass murdering Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

    No, these bearded, turban headed fags are a joke. Not scary at all. They are bitches for ISRAEL-usa.

    The turks, jordanians, saudis and others are all included in this. The only REAL heroes and rebels are the Shia. Sunnis will HELP ISRAEL-usa destroy the Arab and Islamic world.

    The sunni…the turks, jordanians, saudis, al qaeda, al nusra, isis, and hts are ALL traitors, the lot of them. All scum.

    •�Troll: Sarita, Corrupt
  186. @Anon 284

    The jews simply dont care because the insane idiots believe their prophetic chosenite malarky

    Unfortunately, the all the jewish “abrahamic” death cults believe in the jewish bs chosenite malarky.

    The only true way to be free of the mental illness and jewish supremacism created by the lying jewish priests is to abandon judaism, cuckianity, and islam.

    jews were never chosen by anyone….the lying huckster priests made it all up.

  187. @Commentator Mike

    About Kursk. Maybe it’s easier for Russians to kill Ukrainians in Kursk than elsewhere, although I don’t know why.

    It’s most likely the reverse.

    The Ukrainians are not going to expose themselves unless it is to their benefit.

    They’ve been fighting defensively for over a year. The defense is favored in modern war.

    The defender gets to choose his ground and when to attack. A well hidden machine gun nest can easily take out a dozen men.

    Ukraine has been choosing to cede ground in order to maintain the defensive. I think that is the right move and in fact opposed their grand counter-offensive.

    As Ukrainians keep pouring in reinforcements, we have to assume that Russians open up those sealed borders to let the Ukrainian reinforcements and supplies through so they can easily kill and destroy them.

    No we cannot assume that. From what I have read it is a limited force that is under orders to hold territory until Trump is president. There is no reason to assume they will be able to hold out that long. Putin is clearly embarrassed by the incursion and has been sending “meat wave” attacks as described by Russians in telegram videos that are fighting in the area. I’m not convinced they should try and stay but I don’t know the size of the force.

    We were never told about this when those Russian border guards allowed the Ukrainians through and some still deny this saying no North Koreans are involved in the fighting in Kursk.

    It was a surprise incursion. The Russians were not expecting an offensive which is why they had 18 year old guards on duty.

    •�Replies: @Odyssey
  188. @Commentator Mike

    Also modern soldiers need to have high skills in electronics, IT, engineering and have quite a high IQ. In past wars soldiers didn’t need to be very smart but that has changed.

    It depends on how you use them.

    A platoon of grunts with machine guns and grenades can still do a lot of damage.

    Muslim suicide attackers aren’t engineers and were the most lethal tactic against US soldiers in Kabul.

    Russian conscripts are barely trained but Putin doesn’t plan on taking them back.

    A hundred village drunks with AK-47s in enemy territory can kill a lot of highly trained soldiers.

    You don’t need special forces in every situation. As Stalin said quantity can have its own quality.

  189. @Commentator Mike

    Thanks for the interesting link.

    From the way you write, am I correct to detect that you have some military experience?

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  190. @littlereddot

    Actually not. But I’ve been following things since the Vietnam war and the Six Day war in my youth, and then through Gulf War I and others since then. I’d prefer if there was peace in the world. I’m actually quite anti-militaristic and my ideal is Costa Rica that abolished its military a long time ago. But it’s the way it is, if you’re threatened you need to be able to defend yourself.

    Yeah, Russia looks like it’s going Terminator wars and others will be following.

    •�Thanks: littlereddot
  191. JPS says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Because it’s better to have them as “covert” enemies?

    It’s the Jews behind the war on Russia, can you effectively resist enemies without resisting those directing them? The Western European and American politicians say Israel is the reason for the existence of their countries. Is Russia the same way? Because Putin was an abject fool to ever go into Syria if he wasn’t serious about doing what was necessary to preserve the regime here, which would invariably lead to conflict with the Zionist Jews (who are already his “covert” enemies).

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  192. Odyssey says:
    @John Johnson

    You’re repeating that story about Bakhmut again, when Russian recruits without training allegedly stormed for months and died in waves. Are you really so stupid that you think others are at least as stupid? I think even you can see that the invasion of Kursk was pointless.

    Why would the Russians rush headlong into it at all when they could finish 95% of the work with artillery, 3000 kg bombs and aviation, and the rest could be done by infantry. Maybe it’s more likely that the Russians are using Kursk as a training ground?

    Maybe there are even Koreans there who are training for their battle? Maybe it’s more beneficial for the Russians to have those Ukrainians, among whom there are many mercenaries, located there than to defend Kiev. Half of the 60K attackers have already been destroyed. The only question is how many more need to die before the rest remember that it’s better for them to surrender.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  193. @JPS

    Although they’re equally bad, there’s some difference between Western Jews and Israelis, in the sense that Israelis are entirely obsessed with Arabs and are not as hostile to Russia and China as Western Jews.

    Of course I would have preferred had Russia supported Assad to the end but obviously conditions did not allow that any more.

    You’ve probably heard Putin’s excuse that Russia’s job was done preventing the setting up of a terrorist caliphate, and that the new Jihadi regime is reformed and will not present the same threat. I’m not convinced.

  194. RobinDC says:

    Nixon asked Billy Graham


  195. @Odyssey

    You’re repeating that story about Bakhmut again, when Russian recruits without training allegedly stormed for months and died in waves. Are you really so stupid that you think others are at least as stupid?

    There are Russian POWs that describe being given less than a week of training:

    So you think they are lying?

    There are in fact videos of Russian POWs describing how they were sent on meat wave attacks with barely any training. There are also drone videos where wounded Russian conscripts are dumped in the field.

    Feel free to claim it is all a conspiracy and that Russia actually values its conscripts even though we have smuggled video where they are being told to find tampons to use for bullet wounds. What a country.

    I think even you can see that the invasion of Kursk was pointless.

    It’s hard for me to have a full opinion on the subject when I don’t know the casualties of either side. Whether it was worth the effort is currently an unknown. Unlike MacGregor/Ritter I don’t pretend to have “inside information” that in their case just always happens to favor Russia 100% of the time.

    But the intent is a trap and not a whim or random expedition as the pro-Russian bloggers mistakenly assumed. They’re trying to kill Russians in a situation that favors them. It was most likely wargamed on Western computers. If it was a hit and run then they would have returned before winter.

    Why would the Russians rush headlong into it at all when they could finish 95% of the work with artillery, 3000 kg bombs and aviation, and the rest could be done by infantry. Maybe it’s more likely that the Russians are using Kursk as a training ground?

    Sounds like pure copium.

    It’s national embarrassment to Russia that Ukraine is in Kursk and contradicts the state media narrative of Ukraine being close to collapse. It does not make sense to intentionally allow them to be there when the locals want them out.

    Maybe there are even Koreans there who are training for their battle?

    Militaries don’t train in live combat. You don’t learn anything when you are dead. Casualty rates are high for the attacker in modern warfare. You don’t improve a military by sending back a bunch of limping recruits.

    Half of the 60K attackers have already been destroyed.

    And how would you know that? You can’t trust the numbers from either side.

  196. @Odyssey

    Thanks. I was aware of the al Qaeda infiltration in Bosnia. Two couples (he Serb, she Orthodox Croat) and a Bosnian couple (he, Amir, a non practising Muslim, RC wife) told me that whatever “news” was reported was bull. Amir: “One language, three religions. It’s stupid”.
    I find it odd that Iran had tense relations with the al Qaeda/Taliban crowd in Afghanistan, yet cooperated in Bosnia. It’s also ironic that “the Great Satan” was responsible for the entire Yugoslavian breakup project and al Qaeda. Oh what a tangled web we weave.

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