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“Miscegenation.” The word itself is so taboo and so old-fashioned that it feels strange to even write it in 2024. But that’s the problem if you’re genuinely interested in science; you have to rise above “feelings” and “fashion” and dispassionately look at the truth. An intriguing new evolutionary psychology study, “No Signals of Outbreeding Depression on General Factors of Self-Efficacy, Phobia, and Infant Growth: Debunking “Disharmonious Combination” Theory,” has done precisely that. If they are correct, then any problems caused by “miscegenation” are not due to the process itself, but, rather, due to the kind of people who tend to practice it.

The word “miscegenation” first became widely known as part of an elaborate hoax. The pamphlet Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of Races, Applied to the White Man and Negro appeared in 1863, as part of an anti-Lincoln campaign in the run up to the following year’s presidential election. The pamphlet espoused miscegenation in glowing terms and the anti-War Democrat authors even attempted to trick Lincoln into endorsing it. By 1924, there were anti-Miscegenation laws in 29 states and mixed-race marriage only became legal in California in 1948.

In 1958, a Black-White couple were arrested in Virginia for the crime of being married while in 1963, when former president Harry Truman was asked about his thoughts of the possibility of inter-racial marriage becoming widespread, he replied: “I hope not; I don’t believe in it. Would you want your daughter to marry a Negro? She won’t love someone who isn’t her color.” These ideas were backed up by various scientists. Charles Davenport, of the Eugenics Records Office, averred that there was a hierarchy of races and race-mixing would inevitably lead to degeneration of the higher races. He further averred that it would lead to “outbreeding depression.” We’ve all heard of “inbreeding depression:” when closely related organisms breed, the offspring are more likely to inherit double doses of harmful genes, leading to problems. “Outbreeding depression” occurs because some traits, especially psychological ones, are very complex and involve thousands of genes working together, all adapted to a very specific ecology. If you introduce some gene that’s not expected to be there, you interfere with the delicate gene complexes, disrupting “harmonious” gene complexes.

There is certainly some evidence of negative psychological outcomes among mixed-race offspring but this does not prove Davenport’s theory about genetic harmony to be correct. I have summarised all the various studies — such as from Brazil, the US and Canada — in my book The Naked Classroom: The Evolutionary Psychology of Your Time at School. In essence, the products of mixed-race unions are high in mental illness (especially depression and anxiety) and violent behaviour. Indeed, a study from Canada found that though Black-White children were intermediate between Blacks and Whites on physical health, they had far worse mental health than either parent race.

There are two possible reasons for this, and they are not mutually exclusive. The first is Davenport’s model of disharmony, which has been tested in the new study in the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science. The researchers looked at the effect of ancestral genetic diversity (in other words racial mixing) on the levels of three variables: self-efficacy and phobias (both of which capture mental health) and general growth. Drawing on a large sample, they found no evidence — when controlling for age, income, parental education, and sex — of outbreeding depression among mixed-race people. That said, caution is required in putting the “disharmony” hypothesis to rest because, as the authors admit, their result don’t take into account that genetic distances between the races involved. Davenport’s whole point was that a large genetic distance — such as between Black and White — would cause pronounced disharmony in a way that a smaller one, such as between White and Native American, might not.

However, if the authors are correct, then the solution to differences in mixed-race psychology appears to found in alternative model, comprehensively set out last year in “Predictors of Engaging in Interracial Dating” in the journal Mankind Quarterly. In summary, as I discussed in The Naked Classroom, we all sit on a spectrum from a fast to a slow Life History. Fast Life History Strategists are evolved to an easy yet unstable ecology. They could be wiped out at any minute and need to be fit and aggressive. Accordingly, they must invest their energy in copulation and, to the extent that they are selective, they must select for those who are physically fit. Cooperation does not pay off in such an ecology — a favour may never be repaid because the person could die — so such people are, relatively, mentally unstable and psychopathic. A person who is genetically very different could carry some useful adaptation and it would make sense to trade genetic similarity for fitness, because you’re calibrated to not invest much in each child, of which you’ll have many. Risk — something unusual — will also be attractive to you.

As the ecology becomes harsh yet stable, and the species members compete with each other, you must look after the offspring and be strongly adapted to a specific ecology. Thus, you invest less energy in copulation and more in nurture, you have fewer offspring and invest more in them, and you maximise your genetic legacy by selecting for genetic similarity. This also means that your offspring are strongly adapted to the specific ecology, something heightened by a longer childhood in which they can learn how to navigate that ecology. You can only survive as part of groups, so you become pro-social, mentally stable and risk-averse, as you are only just surviving.

All of this implies that pro-social, mentally stable people would be less likely to pursue mixed-race relationships, as the Mankind Quarterly study finds. That study found that assortative mating occurs between races: when people date people of a different race, they tend to date people who are psychologically similar to themselves. And when it comes to miscegenation, the people doing it are not very psychologically healthy. Their relationships are more conflictful and they are more prone to risk-taking. Their mixed-race adolescent children are more likely than monoracial adolescents to use drugs or engage in violent behavior.

So, it appears that Davenport’s theory was wrong. Miscegenation results, according to these studies, in offspring with worse mental health because it is people with worse mental health who are more likely to be attracted to potential partners of a different race.

(Republished from The Occidental Observer by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Race/Ethnicity, Science •�Tags: Miscegenation, Mixed-Race, Outbreeding
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  1. Hinz says:


    William Bradford Shockley had something to say about the topic.

  2. Miscegenation also results in the near impossibility to be a recipient of an organ transplant that would be successful. As I have noted for years, there are 11 different species of Zebras. Of those, 5 or 6 are virtually indistinguishable to most, yet they don’t breed with each other. Even Muhammed Ali understood miscegenation wasn’t desirable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjlwXAv-YJE
    Video Link

    •�Thanks: 4HONESTY.com
    •�Replies: @Liza
  3. Most White women who breed with negroes hate White men. If hating your own ancestors isn’t a mental illness, it doesn’t exist. Also, most of the black males who impregnate white women find black women disgusting. I think that Edward is on to something.

    •�LOL: son of a jedi
  4. Sadly for white racism, life, history and social sciences assure that miscegenation as an irreversible social process over time (in the long term) must end with the existence of pure races.

  5. What’s more important is the facilitation of IQ declination engendered by miscegenation, which, for the most part involves violent horny thugs exploiting impressionable white girls. On top of the dysgenics inherent in the weakened selection pressures of our plentiful ecology, white genes being diluted in the foul swill of darkest Africa will only serve to pour salt into this genetic wound.

    •�Agree: Titus7
    •�LOL: son of a jedi
  6. Rainer says:

    Oh Edward, how could you do that? Don’t you know that eugenics is practiced in elitist, hidden circles since the dawn of money? You should reach out to Dr. Pattberg. his piece on the Human Farm is a riot.

  7. j2 says:

    The paper you link has only the abstract freely available. Could you check how they controlled for income (this seems not to mean parental income but income of the mixed race person) and parental education. With additional mental issues the realized property might be lower than expected, but it is of course difficult to say what should be expected.

    About this text in the abstract:
    “Our results are consistent with the finding that the genetic architecture of most complex human traits is additive.”
    If such a complex human trait as IQ would be directly additive, should not IQ genes be easier to find and inheritance of IQ be easier to predict? Yet, there seems to be a rather high variance around the predicted mean.

  8. Physical evolution is immensely slow. Humans have developed atypical environments in which nature’s usual effects on populations are greatly altered, for the short time these conditions can be sustained. The emphasis on competition among individuals is the foundational error of social Darwinism, which was invented to justify social and economic inequality in one of many human cultures. The primary driving factor in evolution is climate change. The male dominance hierarchies that characterize the social order of a number of carnivorous mammalian species are a separate issue. As climate alters and diminishes the food supply, species migrate and differentiate. Some have also made the argument that hybridization strengthens the root stock even as it transforms it into something entirely different than the original parenting stock. The artificial limits we have placed on evolution by ensuring the survival of unfit individuals have to end as resources diminish then vanish. Natural processes are beyond human control and will do what they do, and again on a timescale that is so immense that the only changes humans can notice are merely trivial, such as skin pigment or hair color. That controversial attribute that we are so vain about, intelligence, is temporarily measurable in terms of adaptability to the present, highly unnatural world of automobiles and skyscrapers, and means little. We also perceive all of this through the blinders of a culture whose fundamental world view is still based on obsolete dogma. The ancestral understanding of the natural world and the human place in it is slowly and reluctantly disappearing as science replaces it with more accurate information, even as each one of us is, however imperceptibly, just slightly different from our parents. It might be a useful counter to our species chauvinism to consider that the foolish conceit of our being “more highly” evolved than say a cat or an elephant, is simply not true, as we all had a common ancestor a very long time ago.

  9. Liza says:

    Miscegenation also results in the near impossibility to be a recipient of an organ transplant that would be successful.

    Good. Organ transplants are one of the greatest medical crimes. A crime against creation, nature, and normalcy in every way imaginable.

    We need to learn how to die when our time has obviously arrived. And I don’t mean assisted suicide, which I hear is being promoted by government in Kanada and soon enough will likely become mandated for certain groups. Apparently it’s called “medical assistance in dying”.

    And all this time I thought it was considered a criminal act to encourage someone to jump over a bridge, etc. What happened?

  10. I)
    1,100-word article. This is “weak” given how interesting (!) and important (!) the issue at hand is.
    Thank you, nevertheless, Dr Dutton.

    “We” made progress, inroads; now, it’s OK to discuss things previously taboo.
    However, this topic in specific will NOT be given coverage by even the right-wingers who’ve deviated from, say, “Ben Shapiro orthodoxy”, let alone by Conservatism, Inc. itself.

    If I’m correct, if the sub-optimality of Miscegenation is true, then that is the BEST argument for Ethnic Nationalism ever devised – after all, if the very people who engage at it are in harm’s way, then indeed so-called “Diversity” is ridiculously NEGATIVE. Why? Because people who engage in mixed-race relationships are waaay divergent from what’s common, that is, simply put, if “Diversity” is bad for miscegenists, it’s bad for everybody.

    I’ve read A LOT about Miscegenation; sadly, I cannot locate anymore the studies I read what I’ll write anon. If anyone know ’em, feel encouraged to post ’em!

    Mixed-race relationships/marriages are more to end in divorce, along other so-called “bad” outcomes, such as domestic abuse etc.
    Is this Miscegenation’s fault per se? Not necessarily so. Possibly, that happens due to the involved people just being r-selected strategists.

    Likewise, bi-racial children are more likely to be born dead, or at least, prematurely.
    Again: could just be due to the involved ones being r-selected strategists.

    Asian women who’ve given birth to bi-racial are at higher chance of having their vaginas/vulvas damaged. Why? Asian women are small, they are NOT “meant” to birth White/Black babies, who’re bigger.

    Dr Dutton et al. writes about “the brain”, waaay too much. That Miscegenation’s children are more likely to fall under the Dark Triad (when not, “Tetrad”) traits, and what-not.
    What about the body? Organs, bones, tissues…
    I’ve read studies, that (again) I cannot locate (sadly), indicating there’s a “mismatch” regarding organs, bones, tissues etc. in bi-racial/multi-racial people. Not an “insane” hypothesis: given that bone marrow transplants necessitate same-race individuals.

  11. @Liza

    And all this time I thought it was considered a criminal act to encourage someone to jump over a bridge,

    There was a SCOTUS case, when President Reagan was almost assassinated; someone said something to the effect, “He should have died.” and was fired. Sued back, won at SCOTUS.

    Basically, s/he said this: “The World would be better if President Reagan was dead.”
    That is just an opinion, could be right certainly.

    If you can say: “The World would be better if Dictator X, in Africa, was dead.”
    Then, you can say so regarding one’s own Gov’t.

    (…At least, in the USA, the only country in the World that has Free Speech. And understands Free Speech.)

    And, indeed!
    The World would be better if LOADS of certain people would, y’know, JUMP OFF A BRIDGE!

    That is just ‘inflammatory speech’, which the US Gov’t cannot outlaw. After all, inflammatory speech is basically just saying, for instance, the following:

    “The World would be better if President Reagan would retire.”
    (But, in a not nice and sweet manner.)

    •�Thanks: Liza
  12. @Vergissmeinnicht


    It seems, Miscegenation’s children are sicker – whether it’s just allergies (and the like), or mental disorders/illnesses.
    I found it difficult to “blame” being r-selected strategist for that. After all, don’t Fast Life-History individuals search for HEALTH from the get-go‽

  13. Hinz says:

    A Mischling is a poor chap with two step parents if we go by genetic distance.
    Sure that fucks them over mentally.

  14. Wokechoke says:

    A lot of mixed race types are mules. Infertile.

    •�LOL: Liza
    •�Replies: @Titus7
    , @Thelma Ringbaum
  15. @Observator

    Physical evolution is immensely slow.

    Yes but natural selection and eugenic/dysgenic trends can be dramatic and major changes can occur within 3-4 generations.

    The emphasis on competition among individuals is the foundational error of social Darwinism, which was invented to justify social and economic inequality in one of many human cultures. The primary driving factor in evolution is climate change.

    So if we equalize caloric intake then equality between nations will exist?

  16. @Vergissmeinnicht

    Likewise, bi-racial children are more likely to be born dead, or at least, prematurely.
    Again: could just be due to the involved ones being r-selected strategists.

    They are actually more likely to have mutations in utero.

    I’ve read studies, that (again) I cannot locate (sadly), indicating there’s a “mismatch” regarding organs, bones, tissues etc. in bi-racial/multi-racial people. Not an “insane” hypothesis: given that bone marrow transplants necessitate same-race individuals.

    That’s correct for bone marrow and it is a major problem if they are rare mix (eg half Asian half Black) due to the lack of available donors.

    A very politically incorrect subject that the establishment doesn’t like discussing for obvious reasons.

    But’s it is 100% true.

    •�Agree: Cauchemar du Singe
  17. Truth says:

    All of this implies that pro-social, mentally stable people would be less likely to pursue mixed-race relationships, as the Mankind Quarterly study finds. That study found that assortative mating occurs between races: when people date people of a different race, they tend to date people who are psychologically similar to themselves. And when it comes to miscegenation, the people doing it are not very psychologically healthy.



    •�Replies: @Dave Bowman
  18. One of the many FALLACIES of “There is only one race: The Human Race” crowd:

    They argue,
    “If ‘human races’ existed, then bi-racial individuals, if born at all, would be infertile.”

    Funnily, in truth, we get something of that:

    Mixed-race relationships/marriages are less prone to end in births, and, when they do, they have less children – compared to same-race ones.
    (In fact, interestingly, cousin marriages are the arrangements that end in more births. Plus: Very small divorce rate.)

  19. Stealth says:

    We need to learn how to die when our time has obviously arrived.

    I guess you feel that way about chemotherapy and antibiotics, as well.

    •�Replies: @Liza
  20. Wokechoke says:

    Why do you think the Mulatto President and his Sheboon needed invitro?

  21. Liza says:

    Antibiotics are OK if used mindfully and where no other options exist for adults who have some kind of halfassed future, or children who are otherwise healthy and have a future. Not kids who are called “vegetables” and have endless health issues. I am not defending the term “vegetable” for people, it is cruel, but you know what I mean: very, very mentally and physically disabled.

    Chemo is always bad. It is pure poison. Persons with cancer need a boost, something to improve overall health. I knew a man who was “cured” of his cancer (not any particularly bad kind) with chemo. It ruined his immunity completely, so his body could not deal with infections and as a result they cut his legs off above the knee to “stop infections”. He died of whatever, anyway. What kind of stinking cure is disabling a person for life? Oh, we “got” the cancer, but now you’ll need daily home care and life in a wheelchair.

    I knew another man, only 60-something years of age who got stomach cancer. It was “cured” w/o chemotherapy, or at least removed and he felt good. A few months later his fukcing doctor said, “John, your cancer could always come back. How about we give you “preventive” chemotherapy?”

    Poor silly John, I loved him but you know, he was an adult. It was his life. He had a strong constitution but it was no match for endless further unnecessary chemical bombardment. The result? His body came apart at the seams, he was barely recognizable as human. So of course he died.

    Only two examples. There are a million more – people who die from treatment. Most of modern medicine us useless at providing fundamental, deep down cures for chronic illness. Fuck these bastards backwards, these MDs, all of them.

    •�Replies: @Stealth
  22. @Liza

    Miscegenation also results in the near impossibility to be a recipient of an organ transplant that would be successful.

    Good. Organ transplants are one of the greatest medical crimes. A crime against creation, nature, and normalcy in every way imaginable.

    Do you actually resent organ transplants because they make a mockery of “race as a social construct”?

    •�Replies: @Liza
  23. There must be organ transplants, blood transfusions etc.
    Go further: cloning, de-extinction!

    However, irony of ironies…
    …you may become somewhat like the person whose liver or whatever has been transplanted into you!
    “God works in mysterious ways.”¹


    “Personality changes following heart transplantation: The role of cellular memory”

    “Memories Are Not Only in the Brain”

    1. I am an atheist.

  24. Short Version:
    Whites, mostly female, that seek to mate with Blacks are crazy…really Nuts

  25. btw, Negros are another species.
    Darwin was right about that.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  26. @Observator

    Lay off the LSD.
    Do not wear the propeller beanie when out in public.

  27. Liza says:
    @John Johnson

    Not quite. My initial reaction on learning of transplants was a revulsion at the fact of carving up one person to obtain his organs so as to “benefit” another. It just looked wrong to me. I didn’t have to be talked into objecting to any other aspects.

    Obviously this is something that should not be done. If transplants were a reasonable treatment why would the recipient have to take immuno-suppressant drugs, never mind the initial hunt for a good match. What – it’s a good thing to suppress your immunity? What kind of “benefit” is that? Why live without immunity to all and sundry, which we now take for granted?

    All because persons begging for organs are unfulfilled in this life, believing if they were given just a bit more time, they will magically obtain some deep contentment and readiness for death. I’ve read up, though, on what happens when the transplants no longer function – after the initial period of relief. Hell on wheels.

    It is not at all surprising that the organ transplant business is evil and corrupt. Persons in the hospital near death have a whole battalion of vampires hovering over them, just waiting to slice them up.

    That’s enough from me. Go sign up for donating or receiving, it’s not my business anymore except for the government wanting to presume my consent to removal of my body parts.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  28. @Liza

    Not quite. My initial reaction on learning of transplants was a revulsion at the fact of carving up one person to obtain his organs so as to “benefit” another. It just looked wrong to me. I didn’t have to be talked into objecting to any other aspects.

    What difference does it make if the other person is dead?

    If transplants were a reasonable treatment why would the recipient have to take immuno-suppressant drugs, never mind the initial hunt for a good match. What – it’s a good thing to suppress your immunity

    Because the organ can be initially attacked by the immune system as foreign.

    I’ve read up, though, on what happens when the transplants no longer function – after the initial period of relief.

    Organ donation saves lives. That’s backed by plenty of data.

    You just seem skittish about the whole thing.

    •�Replies: @Thelma Ringbaum
  29. @Truth

    A picture of a mixed-race couple, who look on the surface as if they are reasonably high-IQ mature, happy, settled, well-adjusted and “psychologically healthy” (for now). There’s another one at the top of the article. So what ?

    We live in an unstable and unpredictable world – there are always individual exceptions to even the hardest fixed rule. You sound as if you know nothing about the actual factual long-term statistics for greatly-elevated mixed-race tendencies toward mental illness, family and social instability, low educational achievement, depression, drug-addiction, crime and suicide. (Clue: they’re covered up as much as possible).

    •�Replies: @Truth
  30. @Wokechoke

    Dutton is a racist moron and a coward.

    There is no “races” , there are about four or five species of sapiens out there. That freely hybridize with each other. Just like most other closely related species, like say, marine and jungle iguanas, dogs and wolves and coyotes, you name it.

    The article covers only the case of “white” americans (trash mix from all over the Europe) and their “blacks”. And makes it to be that mixing these is bad. Sure thing. Garbage in- Garbage out.

    How about mixing lower species with higher species?

    Europeans or Middle Eastern types plus East Asians or Pacific denisoveans, make for all out improvemnt. Take Bruce Lee, he is a dutch-chinese superhuman, had offspring too. Mixing East Asians to about any other race is beneficial to the later. Even negro-japanese hapas are better than american mulattos.

    And of course. Certani german-arab metis are ruling USA with all the duttons cucking up to them.

    So there are nuances, Dutton. There are nuances.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
    , @Angharad
  31. @John Johnson

    Lol you are right. Who otherwise would deliver Soros his organs, Mahmoud Abbas may be?

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  32. Truth says:
    @Dave Bowman

    The man said that mixed race couples lead to inferior offspring, that that stupid people tend to do it.

    If you’re going to shoot the messenger, start with the clerk who wrote the message.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  33. @Truth

    It’s probably a boost for the Black population.

    Of course we aren’t supposed to notice how the Democrats depend on Mulattoes for political leaders.

    And in all fairness there aren’t enough decent White men to go around.

    I live in an area where there is an excess supply of MAGA hat wearing White men with jacked up trucks.

    The women ain’t buying what they are selling. But they’re not shacking up with Blacks. They’re buying cats and checking out.

    •�Replies: @Truth
    , @Black Maggot
  34. @Thelma Ringbaum

    Lol you are right. Who otherwise would deliver Soros his organs, Mahmoud Abbas may be?

    Your organs wouldn’t go to Soros unless you are Jewish or maybe Slavic.

    An Anglo wouldn’t be a match.

  35. Truth says:
    @John Johnson

    The women ain’t buying what they are selling. But they’re not shacking up with Blacks. They’re buying cats and checking out.

    Well, I love cat breeders, but we don’t want them reaping all of the benefit do we?

    Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.


    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  36. @Truth

    Cat breeders become liberal activists.

    I’m not going to deny that Black men take a few angry activists off the shelf.

    I am not a White nationalist but I also do not believe that all these clown town breeding patterns will lead to an Age of Aquarius. Intelligence distribution matters and you can even find that buried in psych textbooks which is considered a liberal department.

    The fact that liberals get so giddy over mulatto leaders shows that they don’t subscribe to their own beliefs. If race doesn’t exist then there should proportionate amount of leaders in each group. That should be an unsurprising scientific fact if liberals is indeed “on the side of science”.

    White liberals are mostly guilt ridden White women that can’t keep track of all their own bullshit. More mulattoes may in fact help relieve them of their angst over unfortunate aspects of nature. Thus we may be better off with more mulattoes than cat breeders. The White nationalists don’t seem to have any ideas other than their “back to Africa” fantasies.

  37. @Thelma Ringbaum

    There is no “races” , there are about four or five species of sapiens out there. That freely hybridize with each other. Just like most other closely related species, like say, marine and jungle iguanas, dogs and wolves and coyotes, you name it.

    Do humans have subspecies?

    The problem with race is not the definition. It’s not as if it is all some subjective debate on what line should exist where and then we can all go home.

    The problem is that racial inequalities continue to persist and the liberal/Con inc explanations that are centered around the environment don’t add up. Liberals in fact support suppressing the debate entirely while our Con inc leaders want to blame socialism or a lack of a free market.

    It’s not a purely subjective matter when around half a trillion has been spent on environmental theories and Detroit looks like it has been bombed. If race is tied to economic development then we need to be honest about this and move forward. Both liberals and conservatives are afraid of what could be true and prefer lying to the public even though their theories haven’t worked.

    If race is tied to economic development then miscegenation matters. Haiti in fact could be permanently harmed by dysgenics due to killing off their Whites and mulattoes during the revolution. They may not have enough of a genetic base to work with. If that is true then all Christian and liberal aid could be futile.

  38. Stealth says:

    Chemo is always bad.

    I think you know that’s not true.

    •�Replies: @Liza
  39. Reading this article one has to admit Dutton is not always wrong. Wonder of wonders, I generally agree with his summation here.

  40. Dr. Rock says:

    Miscegenation is simply disgusting! What kind of animal, doesn’t want their progeny to be a pure representation of their own race, to resemble them, in every way possible?

    People rarely talk about it, but to procreate, without considering the breeding stock involved, is just about the most sickening act imaginable! It’s the same reason that you don’t breed with your sister or cousin, or some animal with sickness and disease, genetic abnormalities, physical deformities, etc.

    Procreating is hands down, the most important thing you will ever do as a human being, and not taking the maximum care to ensure that your offspring will be as good (healthy, smart, physically fit) as possible, is the most un-Godly act conceivable.

    Also, and most people refuse to say this, but breeding with a lessor race, is essentially bestiality, creating some disgusting mutt of a human, probably a soulless demon, more than a human being.

    Think of it anyway that you must, but this is basically animal husbandry 101.

    •�Thanks: anonymouseperson
    •�Replies: @Truth
    , @Titus7
  41. Truth says:
    @Dr. Rock

    Miscegenation is simply disgusting! What kind of animal, doesn’t want their progeny to be a pure representation of their own race, to resemble them, in every way possible?


  42. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘…That controversial attribute that we are so vain about, intelligence, is temporarily measurable in terms of adaptability to the present, highly unnatural world of automobiles and skyscrapers, and means little…’

    I differ. Dump me and an IQ-80 ghetto black in environments unfamiliar to both of us. I’ll fare better, on average.

    •�Replies: @Truth
    , @Wielgus
  43. Truth says:
    @Colin Wright

    Collie, put your money where your mouth is (and that would take a lot of money).

    One year, relocation to the ghetto of your choice, the both of you, I can guarantee a book deal afterward!

    •�Replies: @notbe mk 2
  44. @Liza

    As someone who had a family member choose assisted suicide under the original legislation, which was mandated by a Supreme Court decision, I can tell you it was not promoted. It was a complicated process of medical review, including complete cognitive assessment, and many check points by 3rd parties unknown to the patient to confirm, right up to the point of the drug administration, that the patient wanted to proceed. What exists today started with lunatic “woke” lobbyists getting lots of media/press. Had the media/press called it lunacy, as they should have, the amendments to the legislation would never have passed.

  45. Titus7 says:
    @Dr. Rock

    Humans know this when it comes to breeding livestock. Men seem to know this most of the time when it comes to women. Blue eyed men prefer blue eyed women. Women do not seem to care what their offspring look like. They go for status, wealth, or slick talkers.

  46. Truth says:

    Men seem to know this most of the time when it comes to women. Blue eyed men prefer blue eyed women.

    You must be new here.

    •�Replies: @Thomm
  47. Anonymous[969] •�Disclaimer says:

    I’d love to miscegenate with all the East Asian women in the world!

    Ok beautiful yellow ladies, raise your hand if you like white men and you’ll help me reach my goal.

  48. Truth says:

    Truth says:Next New Comment
    December 4, 2024 at 9:17 pm GMT • 3.9 hours ago ↑

    Men seem to know this most of the time when it comes to women. Blue eyed men prefer blue eyed women.

    You must be new here.

    Anonymous[969] • Disclaimer says:
    December 4, 2024 at 10:15 pm GMT • 3.0 hours ago • 100 Words ↑

    I’d love to miscegenate with all the East Asian women in the world!

    Point Proven.

  49. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    Well, Idiocracy ends on a similar note. At the end of the film, the main female character’s Black pimp UPPGRAYED wakes up in the time machine and goes looking for his hoe. Will he come unstuck in this low-IQ world or will he thrive?

    Video Link

  50. Liza says:

    Here is how it works: chemo “kills” (appears to remove) the cancer (usually only temporary, based on thousands of patients having their cancer come back) but if you have a strong constitution you survive the treatment, so you think chemo and the burning approaches are just great and you are cured. By the way, I know a woman who had skin cancer on her leg but they burnt it so badly with radiation that, yes, they then proceeded to amputate her leg. Oh, well, at least the cancer was gone! And then she died not too long thereafter.

    My definition of a successful treatment is the kind that improves overall health to the point where the cancer just goes away without anything drastic endured by the patient. But that’s just me! Go for whatever you want.

  51. @Truth

    I think Colin Wright is thinking of a situation like being the sole survivor of a plane crash in the Amazon or the Andes. In such a situation the owner of a high IQ has a better chance, better able to plan ahead and evaluating what needs to be done. With that goes the fact that American blacks are lazy given everything on a silver platter and are used to freebies-in an extreme crisis, after all looting is done their chance of surviving are quite low; just witness Hurricane Katrina.

    It’s more difficult to say what would happen if the low IQ guy was an African. African blacks are used to poor conditions so if dumped into an unfamiliar environment their chances of surviving are much higher than an American black despite the low IQ.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  52. Truth says:

    I think Colin Wright is thinking of a situation like being the sole survivor of a plane crash in the Amazon or the Andes. In such a situation the owner of a high IQ has a better chance, better able to plan ahead and evaluating what needs to be done.

    In the case of a plane crash over the Andes, I would take Ecuadorian, rural migrant to New York City, one of those guys who plays the flute, and has a 90-IQ, over a 52 year old Yale Physics professor.

    and are used to freebies-in an extreme crisis, after all looting is done their chance of surviving are quite low; just witness Hurricane Katrina.

    But is it that simple?



    •�Replies: @notbe mk 2
  53. @Truth

    We really need to plant a bomb on a plane doing the weekly Sao Paolo-Manaus or the Rio-La Paz run and then invite an Ecuadorean flute player, a Yale physics prof, a Crip, and a guy from Togo onboard. Hell let’s even add a 300lb transexual transvestite to the mix (but unfortunately that slot would already be covered by the Yale physics prof). The scientific data would be invaluable, perhaps (dare I say it?) even worthy of Nobel committee consideration.

    •�Replies: @Truth
  54. Thomm says:

    Dear Truth,

    Remember how these people answer THAT question.

    •�Replies: @Truth
  55. Truth says:
    @notbe mk 2

    It would definitely make good reading.

  56. Truth says:

    You KNOW It.

    •�Replies: @Thomm
  57. Thomm says:

    Unfortunately, these WNs have made some headway.

    Whites are 62% of the US population, but are 98% of all LGBTQ+ people. ‘White Nationalists’ are responsible for this in large part, since the central premise of ‘White Nationalism’ is homosexuality.

    •�Replies: @Truth
  58. Truth says:

    I used to doubt you when you first started writing this stuff…

    USED to.

    •�Replies: @Thomm
  59. anarchyst says:

    Young White women need to have the “talk” with their parents before they are “sentenced” to a life of degradation and misery.
    This is the topic the “talk” should entail:
    When you consort with blacks, THIS is the result in 99.99% of cases.
    –You will get pregnant as black males will not use birth control. Impregnating a White woman is seen as a “prize”–getting one over on the White man.
    –Your “baby daddy” will only come around to collect the welfare check or EBT card from you, the “baby momma”.
    –Most black males keep a “harem” of sorts, impregnating as many “baby mommas” as they can. This results in quite a lucrative income for the black male as he “collects” his due from the many “baby mommas” that he has impregnated.
    –You will not be the only one. Fidelity is unknown in the black community. It is normal for black men to “sleep around”. They have no guilt about doing so. It’s a part of their culture.
    –Failure to come up with the money or EBT card will result in a beating or even death for you, the “baby momma”. If a jail or prison term is the result, parenting duties are taken over by others. When this happens, the black man’s grandmother or the state usually takes over parenting duties.
    –This situation is considered normal behavior and is a common occurrence in the “vibrant black community”… In fact, a prison sentence is looked upon as a “rite of passage” by virtually every black man. A prison sentence establishes “street cred”.
    –If you consort with blacks, look forward to being disowned and shunned by your white family. This is important. It is vital that you avoid blacks. Be aware that blacks will attempt to “guilt trip” you by stating that “you won’t date me because I’m black”. Your proper response is “that’s right, I don’t date outside my race”. This will immediately defuse the situation and render useless the black man’s attempt to “get a date”.
    Don’t fall for the false guilt trip. It’s not worth it.
    If, by chance you break away from the “black culture”, your half-black offspring will make it nearly impossible to find a decent White man. You will be considered “damaged goods” for consorting with blacks.
    If you insist on consorting with blacks, you WILL be disowned, shunned and disinherited by your family. YOU will have to live with the results.
    I have had this talk with both my children and grandchildren. All of them are happily married to good White men.

    •�Replies: @Truth
  60. Truth says:

    You’re making this sound a hell of a lot more fun than it actually is.

  61. Jake11 says:

    This article forgets to mention how ugly mixed-race children are as well.

  62. @notbe mk 2

    I’m with troof on this one.

    Average Black lost in White area: Can find a White woman or church to take care of him.

    Colin lost in a Black area: Assumes his intelligence will help him and makes an offer to the local gentry involving an exchange of money for assistance that works to their favor. He is then robbed of his of money and shoes which perplexes him as none of the attackers had anything that would match his loafers.

  63. Truth says:

    Collie strikes me as the type who wears very cheap, white orthopedic shoes.

  64. @John Johnson

    The first half is true. Around here, though, the white MAGA hat guys with the jacked up trucks all have women because they all have jobs that keep those ridiculous trucks running and they all have a nice place to park them.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  65. N30rebel says:

    A hard dick avoids no species.

  66. Bro43rd says:

    Miscegenation may be the only hope for white dna. If there’s any truth to the great replacement and it’s inevitability, whites should do all they can to infiltrate others dna. Like Ghenghis style.

  67. @Black Maggot

    The first half is true. Around here, though, the white MAGA hat guys with the jacked up trucks all have women because they all have jobs that keep those ridiculous trucks running and they all have a nice place to park them.

    I don’t see the guys with jacked up trucks doing any better than guys with a beat up 99 F150. Women around here like a man with a job and don’t care that much about what he drives.

    We have guys that lease these $70k trucks and keep them at an apartment. Our largest apartment complex probably has a dozen of them. That’s just throwing money at landlords and car dealers.

    But I don’t begrudge them. The modern White man is confused and lacks an identity. He is taught to hate himself while other groups can be part of a race. MAGA culture provides them with some sense of belonging, even if it is mostly a hat and bumper sticker movement.

    These are my neighbors and I’d like to see them with families and not in jacked up 2500 diesels that they use to drive 2 miles to work and then maybe stop at McDonalds.

    It’s clown town that is the underlying problem. Jacked up truck culture is a side effect.

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