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In this week’s False Flag Weekly News, State Department whistleblower J. Michael Springmann and I wondered why Mohamed al-Jawlani, who used to be a “bad terrorist” when he worked for ISIS and al-Qaeda, has suddenly become a “good terrorist” now that he’s changed his name to al-Jewlani, excuse me, al-Julani, and taken over Syria on behalf of the Turks, the CIA, and the Zionists (not necessarily in that order). It’s like an ongoing good-news-bad-news joke: The bad news is that al-Julani used to be Deputy-Headchopper-in-Chief of ISIS. The good news is that he resigned. The bad news is that he joined al-Qaeda. The good news is that he resigned from al-Qaeda too. The bad news is that he started his own terrorist group, HTS. The good news is that HTS is a branch of the CIA and is now in charge of Syria.
The whole notion of “good terrorist,” explored by Doris Lessing in one of her lesser novels, raises interesting questions, including: What exactly is terrorism, and when is it good? That question has been on people’s minds since (alleged) homegrown American terrorist Luigi Mangione (allegedly) shot United Health Care CEO Brian Thompson. Most of the internet seems to think Luigi is a good terrorist, or at least a good-looking one. Amir of the HRmachine1949 Substack has nominated Luigi for Person of the Year.
But wait a minute—weren’t Americans successfully brainwashed against “terrorism” on September 11, 2001? Don’t we all agree that political violence against civilians is morally wrong?
Apparently we don’t.
In a desperate attempt to figure out why we have become so evil, I turned to a non-member of the human species, namely Muse the Cat, to get an outsider’s perspective.
Interview With Muse the Cat
So Muse, I understand you are going to argue in favor of terrorism and nuclear proliferation. Don’t you realize you can’t do that?
Bullshit. I’m a freaking cat. I can say anything I want.
I envy you your free speech.
Comes with the territory. Nobody deplatforms cats.
Can’t debank you either, I guess. So Muse, give us the rundown on why terrorism and nuclear proliferation are so wonderful.
Sure thing. So let’s start with terrorism. There are two definitions of terrorism, the official one and the unofficial one. The official definition is “political violence against civilians intended to incite fear and terror.” But that’s what governments do—especially the US and Israeli governments. Yet the media never calls it terrorism. So to understand how the word is actually used, we have to turn to the unofficial definition: “political violence that the Establishment doesn’t like.” Frankly, I think we could use a whole lot more of that.
I agree that the current Establishment is evil. But violence isn’t the solution.
Isn’t it? Why not? Think about it from a cat’s perspective. For us, the world is divided into three kinds of critters: the ones cats eat, the ones that eat cats, and cats. (Humans are considered big, powerful cats.) And within the world of cats, there are strong cats and there are weak cats. There are cats that have a really lucrative territory, like me, thanks to all those fresh Moroccan sardines you feed me, and others that aren’t so lucky.
The whole web of life is like that. There are stronger critters, and there are weaker critters. The strong periodically attack the weak to eat them or to steal their territory and resources.
So how can you stop a stronger critter from doing that to you? I’ll tell you how: You terrorize them! You scare the bejeezus out of them by raising a prospect of violence, and potential harm to themselves, that they are unwilling to accept.
By the way, that’s why I terrorize the neighborhood cats to the point that you guys keep me on a leash. I don’t want any other cats horning in on my sardine action.
You have a well-deserved reputation as the worst feline terrorist in the neighborhood. When I walk you on the leash and the other cats see us coming, they turn tail and run for their lives. In that respect, you are a very BAD cat.
Thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment.
Maybe you’re right that I should be nicer to the local cats. But what if I were a total pacifist? Every time you guys cooked sardines, and that delicious odor wafted through the open windows, the local cats would come running and crowd around the dish, and I’d be lucky to get a couple of scales and a scrap of bone.
And what if the local dogs knew I was a pacifist? What if they were confident that I would never, ever claw their eyes out, no matter what? My nine lives would get used up pretty quick.
That’s why all veterinarians, indeed all sensible people, agree that it’s not just cruel, but completely insane and unnatural, to declaw a cat. I can’t believe they used to do that!
That was back in the Dark Ages, Muse, before humans became civilized.
Civilized?! What do you mean, civilized!? They still cut our balls off!
You know I would never do that to you, Muse.
You were thinking about doing it at one point. And on the very rare occasions that I have been known to spray stinky male-cat-piss inside the house, certain threats have been uttered. Now THAT is terrorism!
But I thought you were saying terrorism is good.
Well, I suppose we can all agree that it does have its place. And then argue about which place. So…let’s move on to the real topic here, which is intra-human disputes. You humans may be civilized enough to have stopped declawing cats. But you’re still declawing people! You let the human predators abuse, exploit, and kill to their hearts’ content. But if one of their victims tries to fight back, you make sure they’ve been declawed! And if they fight back anyway, you crucify them. Civilized, my furry feline rear end!
But…but the rule of law!
There’s no rule of law. Just the rule of claw! The Establishment has huge, lethal claws, and the rest of us are at its mercy.
If you wanted actual rule of law, you’d need everybody to have claws, so the weak could deter predation, and force the strong to discuss things and reason their way to win-win solutions. And that’s where terrorism comes in. It’s a way for the weak to grow and show their claws.
The reason most dogs don’t kill cats is that over time, lots of cats have clawed the eyes out of lots of dogs. Dogs know that sure, they could probably kill that cat, but they might lose an eye.
Likewise, if the Establishment saw enough of its CEOs and politicians and bankers and military and intelligence and judicial and law enforcement leaders getting shot down by hundreds or thousands of Luigis, it would have to think twice before abusing ordinary folks.
And if weaker nations had the claws to scratch the eyes out of any predatory stronger nation that attacked them, the strong would be forced to take the route of diplomacy and international law, and humanity might finally become civilized. And that’s where nuclear proliferation comes in.
It’s a tragedy that the Palestinian Resistance hasn’t yet developed the capability to threaten Israel with nuclear weapons or their equivalent. Getting deliverable WMD into the hands of the Resistance ought to be the first task of every decent human being.
What’s more, Alexander Cockburn was right: Every sovereign nation ought to be issued a full nuclear second-strike deterrent capability along with its flag and its seat at the United Nations. The Chinese are not just cowards, they are EVIL for respecting the NPT and refusing to help Pakistan get that full second-strike capability. Every nation needs and deserves that. We need a Nuclear Pro-Proliferation Treaty (NPPT), and every nation needs to sign it and get those nukes! Someone tell Xi that THAT is the real What Is to Be Done.
But wouldn’t that lead to disaster?
On the contrary. The biggest power in today’s world is an evil empire dedicated to conquering the planet and imposing one-world tyranny. It’s driven by Zionist messianic millenarianism, which is working for a “Jewish messiah,” meaning the Antichrist, to rule the world from Jerusalem. It’s also driven by American exceptionalist messianic liberalism, which wants the Sole Superpower to get ever-more-superpowerful until it rules the world unopposed. And finally, it’s driven by Straussian-Hobbesian technocratic cynicism, which posits that the only hope for world peace is a global surveillance state ruled by Leviathan.
A world under a single center of absolute power would be absolutely corrupt. Those working for it are the planetary equivalent of cancer cells. Like a tumor, they obsessively pursue their own growth at the expense of their neighbors and the larger ecosystem.
In an ecosystem where only a few of the strongest critters have claws, the rest are going to get robbed and eaten. And once they’ve all been robbed and eaten, the ecosystem collapses and everybody dies.
So to save humans and their planetary ecosystem, the weak need to grow claws so they can terrorize the strong into becoming civilized.
Terrorism and nuclear proliferation are the last, best hope for humanity.
Guest post by Muse the Cat

An umpleasant side effect of a nuclear war is the nuclear winter.
How many nuclear bombs needed for nuclear winter? Estimates of the number of nukes vary (and it will depend on many circumstances), from as low as 35–50 up to 2–300.1
1-2 crazy nations can make the entire Globe uninhabitable.
See als Israel’s Samson Option
This is horrible, so the only way to fight back against the West and Israel, everyone need to have nuclear weapons…. Russia has nukes, but the West still keep attacking them anyway. Obviously they aren’t afraid because Putin will not fire a nuke at the U.S. just to teach them a lesson. And if Israel was really scared of nukes, why have a Samson option that will kill them if they used it? Saying that every nation need to have these shitty weapons is the dumbest thing ever.
If Israel was so afraid of being nuked, they wouldn’t have a Samson option. Which would require them killing off themselves. A much easier way is that the world need to stop taking orders from one shitty country. But nukes are a stupid idea, they always have been. If America was worried about someone having nukes, they would stop trying to provoke Putin so much, and he’s sitting on 6000 of these fucking weapons. If he was a real psychopath, he could easily fire them all at the U.S. right now and take out the entire country easily.
Therefore what you are suggestion is pure ignorance and idiocy on steroids. If the Palestinians got access to nukes, yes they could obliterate Israel with it, but only if they had a nuke powerful enough to fully take them out, but it will also kill them as well. Nuclear weapons never should have been developed. But it was the garbage United States responsible for everyone else feeling the need to get one. And these weapons do not guarantee that someone won’t fuck with you. That’s like saying just because you have a gun, someone won’t still try to assault you in the street. Nukes are intended as a deterrence against someone else firing a nuke. They were never meant for people to just use them for the sake of using them in battle. Otherwise Russia would have already fired one at Ukraine and be done with it.
The only thing a Nuke would do is kill off the Palestinians even faster.
At this point in time, regardless of Obama’s mistakes a decade ago — Turkish HTS is 100% about Türkiye They provide, all of the funding, intelligence, and other support. We will have to see how well Erdogan can control his creation Mohamed al-Turkani.
“Team Biden” was caught by surprise and is in PR stunt mode. Trump has already stated his 2nd term does not want to expand involvement. Will Trump pull the last, less than one thousand, American troops out of Syria? Such an action would be unsurprising. The force’s mission ended with the collapse of Iranian engagement.
One understands why Erdogan chose now to exploit Khamenei’s impotence. His move leads to the inevitable question, What comes next?
What deal did Erdogan cut with Putin & Assad? The rapidity of the handover and successful exit by Assad seems prearranged. Will Russia keep their bases and receive a coastal Alawite & Christian protectorate?
The biggest problem facing Erdogan and his non-Zionist Turkish HTS is what to do about the Kurdish portion of Syria. Will they capture it by force? That would be costly, but achievable. However, it would presage decades of Afghanistan style insurgency and guerrilla fighting.
Not taking the Kurdish area risks partition and creation of a de facto Kurdistan. Erdogan cannot be intentionally seeking this outcome. But, he may receive it anyway.
No way Turks should support or allow an independent Kurdish state without millions of Kurds in Turkey leaving and giving up their Turkish citizenship.
This article explores the Kurdish issue in more depth.
Fortunately, the “law of the jungle” does not predominate local, everday human affairs, and is why we don’t kill off kids with Down Syndrome.
Unfortunately, the most ruthless tend to take the helm of human organizations. Not the smartest, or strongest, or most “well adapted.” Simply the most ruthless–who would strap their grandmother to the rack and turn the crank.
Think LBJ, Netanyahu, Stalin, Churchill, Fauci, Hillary. Decent folk shun them, the way one gives way to a maniacal driver spotted in the rearview mirror. Eventually, enough of them coalesce, abuse power, and wreck things to a greater or lesser extent.
Whaddawe do with ’em? A bit of preemptive nut-whacking? Trial and execution? To the extent possible, I suppose, but that maniacal, meth-fueled driver bearing down in the rearview is part of a pack of supercharged, megabomb-laden 18-wheelers, and I’m in my ’77 Datsun with no freeway exit, nor Flying Tigers, in sight.
The Resistance has everything it needs to make Israel a parking lot. 320 conventional ballistic missiles turns it back into desert. The Genocide Jews are dead in three days.
Palestinian Jews are still cleaning up issues from Iranian Hamas and Iranian Hezbollah. Does Israel have:
• The spare capability to help the Kurds?
• National interest in supporting Kurds?
Israel has to be hoping for deconfliction with Turkish HTS. Destroying Alawite equipment centers before Turkish HTS can obtain them is a bit chancy, but not directly confrontational. Openly supporting Kurdish combatants against Turkish HTS does not serve the national interest of indigenous Palestinian Jews.
Even if they wanted to provide military assistance, what could they do? IDF does not have huge surpluses of the types of ground combat gear that Kurds most need.
Fundamentally, if Erdogan wants to conquer the Kurdish portion of Syria… His Turkish HTS can do it. Just like GW Bush declared Mission Accomplished in Iraq. Administering the Kurdish region after it is captured will bring an endless string of problems.
If an independent Kurdistan can be peacefully started, many parties will be willing to help out. However, no major power is in a position to back Kurdish independence against heavily armed, local opposition.
We will have to wait and see what orders Erdogan gives to his Turkish HTS. Hopefully he chooses wisely.
The problem with nuclear weapons is that their use will bring Victory. Or Defeat. That’s why they were never used since 1945. What THEY need is Forever Wars which, according to Dick Cheney, will not end in our lifetimes. Best discussion of this subject is here:
As to dangers of nuclear weapons real or imagined-
“The Krakatau eruption had an explosive force of a 200-megatonne bomb, killing more than 36,000 people and cooling the entire Earth by an average of 0.6°C for months to come.”,C%20for%20months%20to%20come.
Biggest nuke – Czar Bomba – was detonated by the Soviet Union on 30 October 1961 yielding 58MT.
World did not end in 1883. World did not end in 1961…
What. Is. The. Big. F…ng. Deal ???
As top false-flag and true-conspiracy man, Kevin Barrett should cover the massive evidence there are NO nuclear bombs, they DO NOT EXIST … ‘Jewish Scientists and the Atomic Bomb’ ran with the terror idea, after H G Wells published it as fiction … here, a crisp summary of ‘nuclear bombs’ as a group hoax of the big global powers
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were horrible, but only chemical firebombings as even-worse-hit Tokyo or Dresden, overlaid with the ‘story’ of ‘nuclear weapons’ enabling Japanese to save face in surrender. Note: mushroom clouds are standard in chemical explosions … those old ‘nuke bomb explosion videos’ are proven to be doctored … the 66-plane firebombing fleet that actually hit Hiroshima even popped up in US records in the 2010s.
Feb. 1946 Reader’s Digest article by America’s then-most-famous air warfare expert hinted it was a hoax. ‘Atomic Bomb Hysteria’, by Major Alexander P. de Seversky, February 1946 Reader’s Digest, pages 121 to 126
free videos and even entire books about the nuclear weapons hoax online
‘Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax’, by Akio Nakatani
‘Hiroshima Revisited: Evidence that Napalm & Mustard Gas Helped Fake Atomic Bombings’, by Michael Palmer
Video Link
Video Link
Well, I have talked to a couple of nuclear scientists who say the damn things do work. But I have no direct personal experience. To test your hypothesis, I would need to get my hands on a prototype and backpack it to Bibi’s house and push the red button and see what happens.
May be true if you haven’t read much of her work. It is one of her best.
Tied to a specific place and time (early to mid-1980s U.K.), perhaps excessive Cold War paranoia, but many very funny points.
Alice is her mother (Doris) in the 1950s, except that she is in the 1980s and acts as a servant to a loony Trotskyite group, instead of Stalinists as Doris Lessing had.
She places herself in the story, as the mother of Alice, and satirises the Grauniad without mercy, and with cutting black humour, as The Defender.
Some very accurate character portraits, have met several of the same types, both in Japan and overseas, and as a whole, it is a very black comedy of errors.
I would and do recommend that anybody who reads read The Good Terrorist.
Very funny to see her awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, my first thought was ‘Did the committee of fools even read much of her writing?’
I would ask the same question of Kevin Barrett.
Sure, she deserved recognition as a great writer, but was far from politically correct.
In any case, Doris Lessing iced the cake by mocking the Nobel Prize for Literature, and refusing even to show up. Sure, she took the cash AFAIK, but in great style of total scorn.
I agree The Good Terrorist is…good. And I actually have read lots of Lessing. I had to read hundreds of “African” novels for my Ph.D. program and Lessing, Mahfouz, and Coetzee were the most impressive of the “African” authors.
I especially liked Lessing’s Shikasta series and reviewed the first volume here:
Her conceit that Earth is currently occupied by Shammat would explain a lot.
So, fewer than I. Some are great. Briefing on a Descent into Hell is unreadable, though I read it, It’s meant to fit into her outer-space science fiction series, she adopts an experimental style, as were many other science fiction writers at the time, but it is like reading a washing machine. Compared to similar work, such as Ballard’s The Assassination of John F. Kennedy Considered as a Downhill Motor Race or even Crash, it isn’t very good.
I read it, twice, still have it, but would rate it as her worst.
Kevin, I liked her writing enough to have read everything, except her agony aunt columns for the Grauniad.
Those may be amusing in retrospect.
My reply is too long, but E.P. Thompson, the famous old-school Marxist and historian, wrote a science-fiction novel. At least partly inspired by Lessing’s Canopus series. The main earthling protoganist is clearly based on his ideal female graduate student, so it’s annoying on that point, but it is very worth reading if you haven’t, title is
The Sykaos Papers.
Totally agree, Iran should get nukes as soon as possible, they mught already have them, I hope they do and it’s been stupid for them to refuse to have them on ideological ground.
Like Hamas , Hezbollah and others should never refrain from killing zionist civilians because zionists target their civilians.
There is no higher ground with cockroaches.
The Yemeni Armed Forces understand israeli just right. Hit them as soon as they hit you and keep hitting them.
Hit the US, Uk or whover goes after you and keep hitting them.
These people are real cats.
My guess “Nukes are Fiction” created by
same cubicle team thunk up “Flat Earth”.
Probably not. Turkey is a part of NATO and funded a lot by the US and Israel, so it seems. JudeoAmerica, Turkey, and Israel ALL had an interest in getting rid of Assad. Primary Force/Cause: Wall Street-City Of London, International Jewry. Secondary F/C: Israel >> America The Slavering Goy >>Turkey. Turkey finds the JUSA’s resources and UN veto handy. The JUSA has been trying since Obama to “take out” Syria.
Thanks for the recommendations. I’ve read Ballard’s Crash but not the other one. And even though I used to follow SF I don’t remember hearing about Thompson’s book.
The Sykaos Papers is briliant, particularly the first half, but was AFAIK, a commercial failure. Of course, Thompson having written great works of historical study, the publishers didn’t want to present it as what it is, a science-fiction novel.
Almost certainly inspired by Lessing’s Briefings on a Descent into Hell, but far more readable.
Ballard’s The Assassination of John F. Kennedy Considered as a Downhill Motor Race is a short work, not a novel, originally appearing in, I think, Interzone magazine, reprinted in various collections.
They don’t have them because then they’d have to use them, and that breaks kayfabe.